MCQ - Control System-2020
MCQ - Control System-2020
MCQ - Control System-2020
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Control Systems page-1
1.Transient response in the system is basically due to
a) Forces
b) Friction
c) Stored energy
d) Coupling
Ans: (c)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (d)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (d)
Ans: (b)
9. Steady state error is always zero in response to the displacement input for
a) Type 0 system
b) Type 1 system
c) Type 2 system
d) Type (N > 1) system for N= 0, 1, 2….N
Ans: (d)
Ans: (c)
a) Zero
b) Lowest
c) Highest
d) None of these
Ans: (c)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (a)
14. Settling time is inversely proportional to product of the damping ratio and
a) Time constant
b) Maximum overshoot
c) Peak time
d) Undamped natural frequency of the roots
Ans: (b)
15. If gain of the critically damped system is increased, the system will behave as
a) Under damped
b) Over damped
c) Critically damped
d) Oscillatory
Ans: (a)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
20. For a desirable transient response of a second order system damping ratio must
be between
a) 0.4 and 0.8
b) 0.8 and 1.0
c) 1.0 and 1.2
d) 1.2 and 1.4
Ans: (a)
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Control Systems page-3
21. For second order linear system, setting time is
Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
a) Under damped
b) Critically damped
c) Over damped
d) Oscillatory
Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (d)
26. If for second order system damping factor is less than one, then system
response will be
a) Under damped
b) Over damped
c) Critically damped
d) None of these
Ans: (a)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
a) Backlash
b) Dead space
c) Coulomb friction
d) saturation
Ans: (a)
32. Time sharing of an expansive control system can be achieved by using a/an
a) a.c. control system
b) analog control system
c) Sampled date control system
d) None of these
Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (d)
36. Value of i(0+) for the system whose transfer function is given by the equation
I(s) = (2s+3)/((s+1)(s+3)) is
a) 0
b) 2
c) 1
d) 3
Ans: (b)
Ans: (a)
38. If transfer function of the system is 1/(TS+1), then steady state error to the
unity step input is
a) 1
b) T
c) Zero
d) Infinite
Ans: (c)
39. Which of the following is not a desirable feature of a modern control system?
a) No oscillation
b) Accuracy
c) Quick response
d) Correct power level
Ans: (a)
Ans: (d)
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Control Systems page-5
41. Device used for conversion of coordinates is
a) Syschros
b) Microsyn
c) Synchro resolver
d) Synchro transformer
Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (d)
Ans: (a)
45. If steady state error for type 1 system for unit ramp input is kept constant,
then constant output is
a) Distance
b) Velocity
c) Acceleration
d) Power
Ans: (b)
46. Servomechanism is called a proportional error device when output of the system
is function of
a) Error
b) Error and its first derivative
c) First derivative of error
d) None of these
Ans: (a)
47. For type 2 system, position error arises at steady state when input is
a) Ramp
b) Step displacement
c) Constant acceleration
d) None of these
Ans: (c)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (b)
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Control Systems page-6
51. If feedback is introduced in the system the transient response
Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
53. The frequency range over which response of the system is within acceptable
units is called the system
a) Band width
b) Modulation frequency
c) Demodulation frequency
d) Carrier frequency
Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (c)
57. Lead lag compensation improve
a) Transient response of the system
b) Steady state response of the system
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these
Ans: (c)
58. If poles of the system are lying on the imaginary axis in s-plane, then system
will be
a) Stable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable
Ans: (b)
59. If open loop transfer function of a system is G(s) H(s) = K/(S(1+T1 S)(1+T2 S))
then system will be
a) Unstable
b) Conditionally stable
c) Stable
d) Marginally stable
Ans: (c)
60. According to Hurwitz criterion the characteristic equation s2+ 8 s3+18 s2+16 s
+ 5 = 0 is
a) Unstable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable
Ans: (a)
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Control Systems page-7
61. A system is called absolutely stable is any oscillations set up in the system
a) Damped out
b) Self-sustaining and tend to last indefinitely
c) Negative peaked only
d) None of these
Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
63. Best method to determine stability and transient response of the system is
a) Bode plot
b) Signal flow graph
c) Nyquist plot
d) Root locus
Ans: (c)
64. For type 3 system, lowest frequency asymptote will have the slop of
a) 15 db/octave
b) -16 db/octave
c) 17 db/octave
d) -18 db/octave
Ans: (d)
65. If poles of system are lying on the imaginary axis in s-plane, the system will
a) Unstable
b) Marginally stable
c) Conditionally stable
d) Unstable
Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
67. The number of pure integrations in the system transfer function determine
a) Degree of stability
b) Stability of the system
c) Transient performance of the system
d) Steady state performance
Ans: (d)
Ans: (c)
69. Which system conveniently see the impact of poles and zeros on phase and gain
a) Root locus
b) Nyquist plot
c) Routh-Hurwitz criterion
d) Bode plot
Ans: (d)
70. Which gives the information between number of poles and zero of the closed loop
transfer function?
a) Routh Hurwitz criterion
b) Bode diagram
c) Root locus method
d) Nyquist plot
Ans: (d)
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Control Systems page-8
71. Factor which cannot be can cancelled from numerator and denominator of G(s)
E(s) in
a) Bode plot
b) Nyquist plot
c) Higher frequencies
d) None of these
Ans: (c)
72. To study time delay of the system which of the following is used?
a) Nyquist plot
b) Bode plot
c) Routh Hurwitz method
d) Nicholas chart
Ans: (a)
73. Intersection of root locus branches with the imaginary axis can be determined
by the use of
a) Polar plot
b) Routh’s criterion
c) Nyquist criterion
d) None of these
Ans: (b)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (b)
77. If value of gain is increased, then roots of the system will move to
a) Origin
b) Lower frequencies
c) Higher frequencies
d) None of these
Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (b)
82. If poles are more than zeros in G(S) F(S), then number of root locus segment is
equal to
a) Number of poles
b) Number of zeros
c) Sum of poles and zeros
d) Difference of poles and zeros
Ans: (a)
Ans: (c)
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Control Systems page-9
84. For G(S) F(S) = (k(S+z))/(S+p), (z < p) the plot is
Ans: (c)
Ans: (b)
86. Number of root-locus segment which do not terminate on the zeros is equal to
a) Number of poles
b) Number of zeros
c) Sum of poles and zeros
d) Difference of poles and zeros
Ans: (d)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (c)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (c)
97. Cut off frequency is the frequency at which magnitude of closed loop frequency
response is
Ans: (c)
99. For all frequencies, a unit circle in the Nyquist plot transformer into
Ans: (c)
100. Transfer founction, when the bode diagram is plotted should be of the form
a) (1+T)
b) (1+S)
c) (Ts)
d) (1+Ts)
Ans: (d)
101. For relative stability of the system which of the following is sufficient?
a) Gain margin
b) Phase margin
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these
Ans: (c)
Ans: (b)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (d)
105. Frequency range over which response of the system is within acceptable limits
is called system
a) Modulation frequency
b) Demodulation frequency
c) Carrier frequency
d) Band width
Ans: (d)
Ans: (a)
Ans: (a)