K12 Icademy Lower Middle Upper Course Catalog May2012 PDF

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2012 - 2013

English & Language Arts................ 6
Math................................................. 8
Science............................................ 11

Courses History & Social Sciences............... 13

Art.................................................. 15
Music.............................................. 16

page 5 World Languages.......................... 18

Orientation.................................... 21

Middle English & Language Arts............... 24

Math............................................... 25

School Science........................................... 26
History & Social Sciences.............. 28
Art.................................................. 29
Courses Music.............................................. 30
World Languages...........................30
Orientation.................................... 33
page 23

High English .......................................... 38

Mathematics.................................. 46
Science........................................... 53
History & Social Sciences.............. 59

Courses World Languages.......................... 70

E lectives ........................................ 76
Technology & Computer Science... 83

page 37 Orientation.................................... 88

5 5
LANGUAGE ARTS Language Arts K (Blue)
In this course, students receive structured lessons on readiness skills through emphasis
on phonics, language skills, literature, and handwriting to help develop comprehension,
build vocabulary, and promote a lifelong interest in reading.
• P
 honics: PhonicsWorks prepares students to become independent readers through
systematic, multisensory instruction in phonemic awareness and decoding skills,
using a kit of magnetized letter tiles and a variety of games and activities.

• L
 iterature and Comprehension: Plenty of read-aloud literature kindles the
imagination while building comprehension and vocabulary. The emphasis is on
classic literature—fairy tales, fables, and folktales—including many works that

embody exemplary virtues.

• Language Skills: Traditional poems, nursery rhymes, and riddles help students
develop comprehension, vocabulary, and a love of language. Offline vocabulary
instruction is accompanied by online review and practice. “All About Me” lays the
foundations of the writing process as students brainstorm, discuss, illustrate,
write, and share ideas with others.

• Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears provides gentle instruction

to help students print letters correctly.

Curriculum Items: K12 Language Arts Blue Lesson Guide and Activity Book, K12
PhonicsWorks Basic Kit, K12 PhonicsWorks Lesson Guide, Activity Book, and Assessment
Book, K12 Read Aloud Treasury, The Rooster Crows—A Book of American Rhymes and
Jingles by Maud and Miska Petersham, Rhyme Time by Tomie dePaola, Additional
works of literature, K12 World Magazines, Handwriting Without Tears: Get Set for School
Teacher’s Guide and Activity Book, Handwriting Without Tears: Letters and Numbers
for Me Teacher’s Guide and Student Workbook, Slate chalkboard, Printed alphabet desk
strips, Wide double line paper, Items easily found in a typical home

Language Arts 1
In Language Arts 1, students get structured lessons on reading skills, language skills,
and literature to help develop comprehension, build vocabulary, and promote a lifelong
interest in reading. The advanced K12 PhonicsWorks program helps students become
confident, independent readers. Handwriting without Tears focuses on careful practice
at a pace that matches each student’s development of fine motor skills. Literature
lessons focus on classic folktales, fairy tales, fables, and poetry. Read-aloud and guided
reading lessons help students apply and extend the skills introduced in PhonicsWorks.

Curriculum Items: K12 Language Arts Green Lesson Guide, Activity Book, Spelling
Handbook, and Assessment Book, K12 PhonicsWorks Basic and Advanced Tile Kits,
K12 PhonicsWorks Advanced Lesson Guide, Activity Book, and Assessment Book,
Handwriting Without Tears: My Printing Book Teacher’s Guide and Student Workbook,
K12 Classics for Young Readers, Vol. A, Listen, My Children: Poems for First Graders,
from Core Knowledge, Ready … Set … Read! The Beginning Reader’s Treasury, compiled
by Joanna Cole and Stephanie Calmenson, Additional works of literature, K12 World
Magazines, K12 Book Report Kit, K12 My Journal, K12 Grab Bag, Accomplishments chart,
Story cards, Slate chalkboard, Printed alphabet desk strips, Wide double line paper,
Items easily found in a typical home

Language Arts 2 (Orange) LANGUAGE ARTS
This course provides a comprehensive and interrelated sequence of lessons for
students to continue building their proficiency in literature and comprehension, writing
skills, vocabulary, spelling, and handwriting.
• L
 iterature and Comprehension: A guided reading approach builds comprehension
strategies and gradually transitions students to independent reading assignments.
Leveled reading selections progressively expose students to new challenges
including greater length, more complex content, and new vocabulary. The emphasis
is on classic literature from many cultures, poetry, and nonfiction articles. Students
also make their own reading choices to help foster a lifelong love of reading.

• Writing Skills: Students learn about parts of speech, usage, capitalization, and
punctuation, then apply this knowledge as they write sentences and paragraphs.
Students are introduced to the process of writing, as they pre-write, draft, revise,
and proofread their work before they share it with others. Written products include
letters, poems, literature reviews, research reports, and presentations.

• V
 ocabulary: Students increase their vocabulary through word study, comprehension,
and word analysis, then apply their knowledge in a variety of authentic contexts.

• S
 pelling: Students continue their exploration of spelling conventions with lessons
in sound-symbol relationships and patterns.

• H
 andwriting: Handwriting Without Tears helps students develop printing skills
and, if appropriate, begin cursive handwriting.

Curriculum Items: K12 Language Arts Orange Lesson Guide, Activity Book, and
Assessment Book, Listen, My Children: Poems for Second Graders, from Core
Knowledge, K12 Classics for Young Readers, Vol. B, Surprises, a book of poems
selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins, Additional works of literature, K12 World Magazines,
Handwriting Without Tears: Printing Power Teacher’s Guide and Student Workbook,
White dry-erase board, Printed alphabet desk strips, Regular double line paper, Items
easily found in a typical home

Language Arts 3
In Language Arts 3, reading lessons are designed to develop comprehension, build
vocabulary, and help students become more independent readers. Students practice
writing as a process as they write a narrative, a report, letters, and poetry. Students learn
about sentence structure, parts of speech, and research skills. Through weekly word
lists, students learn relationships between sounds and spellings. Students read works
of nonfiction, as well as four novels. Students learn and use techniques for effective oral
presentations, and develop test-taking and critical thinking skills.

Curriculum Items: Classics for Young Readers, Vols. 3A and 3B, Civilizations Past to
Present: Greece by Kevin Supples, George Washington: Soldier, Hero, President by
Justine and Ron Fontes, The Declaration of Independence by Elaine Landau, Additional
works of literature, Handwriting Without Tears: Cursive Handwriting Teacher’s Guide
and Student Workbook, Handwriting Without Tears: Cursive Success Teacher’s Guide
and Student Workbook, Exercises in English: Student Edition, Primary Analogies,
Book 3, Wordly Wise 3000, Book B, Writing in Action, Vols. A and B, Test Ready Plus:
Reading, Test Ready: Reading Longer Passages, Test Ready Plus: Language Arts, White
dry-erase board, Items easily found in a typical home

LANGUAGE ARTS Language Arts 4
This is a comprehensive course covering composition, vocabulary, grammar, usage,
and mechanics, including sentence analysis and diagramming. Structured lessons on
spelling enable students to recognize base words and roots in related words. Lessons
are designed to develop comprehension, build vocabulary, and help students become
more independent readers. The emphasis is on classic literature. Students read works of
nonfiction, as well as four novels selected from a long list of classics.
A test preparation program prepares students for standardized tests.

Curriculum Items: Classics for Young Readers, Vol. 4A, Classics for Young Readers, Vol.
4B, Writing in Action, Vol. C, Writing in Action, Vol. D, Exercises in English, Millennium
ed. (Level D), New Vocabulary Workshop Workbook (Orange), Test Ready Plus:

Language Arts, Book 4, Test Ready Plus: Reading, Book 4, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel
Defoe (K12 edition, retold for young readers), Feathers, Flippers and Fur, If You Lived in
the Days of the Knights by Ann McGovern, Nature’s Way, Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter
(K12 edition, abridged for young readers), Keyboarding CD, Word processing book, White
dry-erase board

Language Arts 5
This course provides structured lessons on composition, vocabulary, grammar,
usage, and mechanics. Through emphasis on spelling, students learn relationships
between sounds and spellings in words and affixes. Lessons are designed to develop
comprehension, build vocabulary, and help students become more independent and
thoughtful readers. Students practice writing as they write a memoir, an editorial,
a research paper, a business letter, and more. Students learn about parts of speech,
punctuation, and research skills. Students read works of nonfiction, as well as four
novels selected from a long list of classics.

Curriculum Items: Classics for Young Readers, Vol. 5A, Classics for Young Readers, Vol.
5B, American Lives & Legends, Exercises in English, Millennium ed. (Level E), Vocabulary
Workshop (Blue), Test Ready: Language Arts, Book 5, Test Ready: Reading Longer
Passages, Book 5, Paddle-to-the-Sea by Holling Clancy Holling, American Tall Tales by
Adrien Stoutenburg, Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare by Diane Stanley
and Peter Vennema, Curious Creatures, Writing in Action, Vol. 5E, Writing in Action,
Vol. 5F, I Didn’t Know That!, Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (K¹² edition, retold for
young readers), Keyboarding CD, Word processing book, White dry-erase board

MARK12 Reading I (Adaptive Remediation)

Mastery. Acceleration. Remediation. K12. MARK12 courses are for students in the third
to fifth grades who are struggling readers. MARK12 Reading I gives students who are
reading several grades below grade level the opportunity to master missed concepts
in a way that accelerates them through the remediation process by incorporating
ENGLISH & adaptivity and online assessments. Students work independently and with a Learning
MATH Coach to develop oral reading, comprehension, phonics, spelling, and fluency skills.
They also practice grammar, usage, mechanics, and composition. The engaging
course features new graphics, learning tools, and games; adaptive activities that help
struggling students master concepts and skills before moving on; and more support for
Learning Coaches to guide their students to success.

Curriculum Items: MARK12 Reading Lesson Guide, Vol. 1, MARK12 Reading Activity Book, MATH
Vol. 1, MARK12 Classics for Young Readers, Vol. 1, Just Write! Levels 1 and 2, Online tile kit,
Pencils, Index cards, Markers

MARK12 Reading II (Adaptive Remediation)

Mastery. Acceleration. Remediation. K12. MARK12 courses are for students in the
third to fifth grades who are struggling readers. MARK12 Reading II gives students
who are reading two or more grades below grade level the opportunity to master
missed concepts in a way that accelerates them through the remediation process by
incorporating adaptivity and online assessments. Students work independently and with
a Learning Coach to develop oral reading, comprehension, phonics, spelling, and fluency
skills. They also practice grammar, usage, mechanics, and composition. The engaging

course features new graphics, learning tools, and games; adaptive activities that help
struggling students master concepts and skills before moving on; and more support for
Learning Coaches to guide their students to success.

Curriculum Items: MARK12 Reading Lesson Guide, Vol. 2, MARK12 Reading Activity Book,
Vol. 2, MARK12 Classics for Young Readers, Vol. 2, Writing in Action, Level A, Online tile
kit, Pencils, Index cards, Markers

MARK12 Reading III (Adaptive Remediation)

Mastery. Acceleration. Remediation. K12. MARK12 courses are for students in the third
to fifth grades who are struggling readers. MARK12 Reading III gives students who are
reading approximately two grades below grade level the opportunity to master missed
concepts in a way that accelerates them through the remediation process by incorporating
adaptivity and online assessments. Students work independently and with a Learning
Coach to develop oral reading, comprehension, phonics, spelling, and fluency skills. They
also practice grammar, usage, mechanics, and composition. The engaging course features
new graphics, learning tools, and games; adaptive activities that help struggling students
master concepts and skills before moving on; and more support for Learning Coaches to
guide their students to success.

Curriculum Items: MARK12 Reading Lesson Guide, Vol. 3, MARK12 Reading Activity Book,
Vol. 3, MARK12 Classics for Young Readers, Vol. 3, Writing in Action, Level B, Online tile
kit, Pencils, Index cards, Markers

Math+ K (Blue)
This research-based course focuses on computational fluency, conceptual understanding,
and problem solving. The engaging course features new graphics, learning tools, and
games; adaptive activities that help struggling students master concepts and skills before
moving on; and more support for Learning Coaches to guide their students to success.
This course introduces kindergarten students to numbers through 30. Students learn
through reading, writing, counting, comparing, ordering, adding, and subtracting. They
experience problem solving and encounter early concepts in place value, time, length,
weight, and capacity. They learn to gather and display simple data. Students also study
two- and three-dimensional figures—they identify, sort, study patterns, and relate
mathematical figures to objects within their environment.

Curriculum Items: Activity book, Custom K12 block set, Lesson guide book, Items easily
found in a typical home

LANGUAGE ARTS Math+ 1 (Green)
This research-based course focuses on computational fluency, conceptual understanding,
and problem solving. The engaging course features new graphics, learning tools, and
games; adaptive activities that help struggling students master concepts and skills
before moving on; and more support for Learning Coaches to guide their students
to success. This course for students in grade 1 extends their work with place value to
numbers through 100, emphasizing fluency of addition and subtraction facts, and
focusing on number sentences and problem solving with addition and subtraction.
Students begin work with money, telling time, ordering events, and measuring length,
weight, and capacity with non-standard units. Students identify attributes of geometric
figures and also extend their work with patterns and data, including representing and
comparing data.

Curriculum Items: Activity book, Custom K12 block set, Lesson guide book, Base-10
blocks set, Place-value mat, Items easily found in a typical home

Math+ 2 (Orange)
This research-based course focuses on computational fluency, conceptual understanding,
and problem solving. The engaging course features new graphics, learning tools, and
games; adaptive activities that help struggling students master concepts and skills before
moving on; and more support for Learning Coaches to guide their students to success.
This course for students in grade 2 focuses primarily on number concepts, place value,
and addition and subtraction of numbers through 1,000. Special emphasis is given to
problem solving, inverse operations, properties of operations, decomposition of numbers,
and mental math. Students study money, time, and measurement; geometric figures;
analyzing and displaying data with new representations; and determining the range and
mode of data. Early concepts about multiplication, division, and fractions are introduced.

Curriculum Items: Activity book, Custom K12 block set, Lesson guide book, Base-10
blocks set, Place-value mat, Items easily found in a typical home

Math+ 3 (Purple)
This research-based course focuses on computational fluency, conceptual understanding,
and problem solving. The engaging course features new graphics, learning tools, and
games; adaptive activities that help struggling students master concepts and skills before
moving on; and more support for Learning Coaches to guide their students to success.
This course for students in grade 3 provides a quick overview of whole number addition
and subtraction, but has a greater focus on whole number multiplication and division,
encompassing early algebraic thinking. Decimals are studied in relationship to place value
and money, and fractions are addressed through multiple representations and probability.
Students are introduced to specific methods and strategies to help them become more
effective problem solvers. Geometry and measurement are addressed through the study
of two- and three-dimensional shapes, early work with perimeter, area, and volume, and
applying measuring techniques to time, length, capacity, and weight.

Curriculum Items: Textbook, Custom K12 block set, Lesson guide book, Base-10 blocks
set, Place-value mat, Items easily found in a typical home

Math+ 4 (Red)
This research-based course focuses on computational fluency, conceptual understanding,

10 and problem solving. The engaging course features new graphics, learning tools, and
games; adaptive activities that help struggling students master concepts and skills MATH
before moving on; and more support for Learning Coaches to guide their students to
success. This course for students in grade 4 moves into applications and properties
of operations. Students work with simple fraction and decimal operations, which are
applied in the study of measurement, probability, and data, and mathematical reasoning
techniques. Students begin the study of equivalencies between fractions and decimals
on the number line and early work with integers. Algebraic thinking is developed as
students work with variables, coordinate graphing, and formulas in problems involving
perimeter, area, and rate. Geometry is extended into greater classification of shapes and
work with lines, angles, and rotations.

Curriculum Items: Textbook, Color tiles set, Lesson guide book, Protractor, Items easily
found in a typical home

Math+ 5 (Yellow)
This research-based course focuses on computational fluency, conceptual understanding,
and problem solving. The engaging course features new graphics, learning tools, and
games; adaptive activities that help struggling students master concepts and skills
before moving on; and more support for Learning Coaches to guide their students
to success. This course for students in grade 5 investigates whole numbers through
practical situations in rounding, exponents and powers, and elementary number theory.
Students begin addition and subtraction of integers and apply all of their work with
rational numbers to problem solving experiences. The study of algebra includes work
with variables, solving equations and inequalities, using formulas within geometry
and measurement, and work within the coordinate system. The study of geometry
encompasses properties of lines, angles, two- and three-dimensional figures, and
formal constructions and transformations.

Curriculum Items: Textbook, Lesson guide book, Protractor, Items easily found in a
typical home

Science K
Kindergarten students begin to develop observation skills as they learn about the five
senses, the Earth’s composition, and the basic needs of plants and animals. Students
will also explore topics such as measurement (size, height, length, weight, capacity, and
temperature), matter (solid, liquid, and gas), the seasonal cycle, our Earth (geography,
taking care of the Earth), motion (pushes and pulls, magnets), and astronomy (the
Earth, Sun, Moon, and stars; exploring space; astronauts Neil Armstrong and Sally Ride).

Curriculum Items: Plastic pipette, Safety glasses, Basic thermometer, Bar magnets
(pair), Magnifying glass, Mirror, Inflatable globe, Animals in Winter by Henrietta
Bancroft and Richard G. Van Gelder, My Five Senses by Aliki, The Big Dipper by Franklyn
Branley, What’s Alive? by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

Science 1
Students learn to perform experiments, record observations, and understand how
scientists see the natural world. They germinate seeds to observe plant growth, and
make a weather vane. Students will also explore topics such as matter (states of matter,
mixtures, and solutions), weather (cloud formation, the water cycle), animal classification

SCIENCE and adaptation (insects, amphibians, birds, and mammals), habitats (forests, deserts,
rain forests), the oceans (waves and currents, coasts, coral reefs), light (how it travels,
reflections, and inventor Thomas Edison), plants (germination, functions of roots, stems),
and the human body.

Curriculum Items: Bean seeds, Grass seeds, Directional compass, Graduated cylinder,
100 mL, Basic thermometer, Plastic pipette, Safety goggles, Magnifying glass, Bar
magnets (pair), Mirror, Feathers, Centimeter gram cubes, Primary balance, Iron
fillings, Styrofoam ball (2” diameter), Mylar paper, silver, Inflatable globe, An Octopus
Is Amazing by Patricia Lauber, Down Comes the Rain by Franklyn Branley, Flash, Crash,
Rumble, and Roll by Franklyn Branley, What Color Is Camouflage? by Carolyn Otto,
What Is the World Made Of? by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

Science 2
Students perform experiments to develop skills of observation and analysis and learn
how scientists understand our world. They demonstrate how pulleys lift heavy objects,
make a temporary magnet and test its strength, and analyze the parts of a flower.
Students will explore topics such as the metric system (liters and kilograms), force
(motion and simple machines, physicist Isaac Newton), magnetism (magnetic poles
and fields, how a compass works), sound (how sounds are made, inventor Alexander
Graham Bell), the human body (cells, the digestive system), and geology (layers of the
earth, kinds of rocks, weathering).

Curriculum Items: Bean seeds, Grass seeds, Directional compass, Graduated cylinder,
100 mL, Primary rock and mineral kit, Basic thermometer, Plastic pipette, Safety
goggles, Magnifying glass, Centimeter gram cubes, Primary balance, Iron filings,
Bar magnets, Latch magnet, Ring magnet, Horseshoe magnet, 10 Newton spring
scale, Pulley, Unmarked thermometer, Fossils Tell of Long Ago by Aliki, Let’s Go Rock
Collecting by Roma Gans, What Happens to a Hamburger? by Paul Showers, What
Makes a Magnet? by Franklyn Branley, Why Frogs Are Wet by Judy Hawes

Science 3
Students learn to observe and analyze through hands-on experiments and gain further
insight into how scientists understand our world. They observe and chart the phases of
the moon, determine the properties of insulators and conductors, and make a three-
dimensional model of a bone. Students will explore topics such as weather (air pressure,
precipitation, clouds, humidity, fronts, and forecasting), vertebrates (features of fish,
amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals), ecosystems (climate zones, tundra, forests,
desert, grasslands, freshwater, and marine ecosystems), matter (phase changes,
volume, mass, atoms), the human body, energy, light, and astronomy.

Curriculum Items: A Walk in the Boreal Forest: Biomes of North America Series, A
Walk in the Desert: Biomes of North America Series, A Walk in the Rainforest: Biomes
of North America Series, A Walk in the Tundra: Biomes of North America Series, A
Walk in the Deciduous Forest: Biomes of North America Series, A Walk in the Prairie:
Biomes of North America Series, Sunshine Makes the Seasons by Franklyn Branley, The
Moon Seems to Change by Franklyn Branley, Graduated cylinder, 100 mL, Directional
compass, Safety goggles, Magnifying glass, Advanced thermometer, Clay (four colors),
Modeling clay, Directional compass

Science 4 SCIENCE

Students develop scientific reasoning and perform hands-on experiments in Earth, life,
and physical sciences. They construct an electromagnet, identify minerals according
to their properties, use chromatography to separate liquids, and assemble food webs.
Students will explore topics such as the interdependence of life; plant and animal
interactions; chemistry; forces and fluids; the human body; the nervous system;
invertebrates; electricity and magnetism; rocks and minerals; weathering, erosion, and
deposition; the fossil record and the history of life; and the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and
Cenozoic eras.

Curriculum Items: Bar magnets (pair), Safety goggles, Graduated cylinder, 100 mL,
Lamp bulb receptacles, Lamp bulbs, Magnifying glass, Intermediate rock and mineral

kit, Advanced thermometer, Invertebrates, The History of Life Through Fossils (Lickle
Publishing, Clay (four colors), Bare copper wire, Gravel, Adding machine paper, Pipe
cleaners, Sand, Seashell, White tile, Plastic aquarium tubing

Science 5
Students perform experiments, develop scientific reasoning, and recognize science in
the world around them. They build a model of a watershed, test how cell membranes
function, track a hurricane, and analyze the effects of gravity. Students will explore
topics such as water resources (aquifers, watersheds, and wetlands), the oceans
(currents, waves, tides, the ocean floor), Earth’s atmosphere (weather patterns, maps,
forecasts, fronts), motion and forces (pushes or pulls, position and speed, gravity),
chemistry (structure of atoms, elements and compounds), cells and cell processes,
taxonomy of plants and animals, and animal physiology.

Curriculum Items: Alum, Test tube, Safety goggles, Graduated cylinder, 100 mL , Litmus
paper, 30 Newton spring scale, Advanced thermometer, How Bodies Work, Classifying
Life, Marble in bag, Clay (four colors), Potting soil, Coarse gravel, Pea gravel, Coarse
sand, Fine sand, Plastic box, Tagboard

History K
This beginning course teaches the basics of world geography through a storybook
tour of the seven continents, and provides an introduction to American history and
civics through a series of biographies of famous Americans. Supplementary lessons
introduce students to symbols that represent American freedom; the laws, rights, and
responsibilities of citizens; the cultures and traditions of the United States; and basic
economic concepts.

Curriculum Items: U.S./world map (K–2), Inflatable globe (K–2), Let’s Journey: Around
the World CD, Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain by Verna Aardema, Follow the Drinking
Gourd by Jeannette Winter, Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans, Possum Magic by Mem
Fox, Rechenka’s Eggs by Patricia Polacco, The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry, The HISTORY &
Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson, The Story About Ping by Marjorie
Flack and Kurt Wiese, When Clay Sings by Byrd Baylor

History 1
History 1 kicks off a program that, spanning the elementary grades, provides an overview
of world geography and history from the Stone Age to the Space Age. This course takes
students through the age of classical civilizations. Supplementary lessons focus on
concepts in economics and citizenship.

Curriculum Items: U.S./world map (K–2), Inflatable globe (K–2), CD: Tales from the Old
Testament by Jim Weiss, CD: Greek Myths by Jim Weiss, Mummies by Joyce Milton, The
Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo, Tut’s Mummy: Lost and Found by Judy Donnelly,
The Trojan Horse by Emily Little

History 2
History 2 continues a program that spans the elementary grades, exploring world
geography and history from the Stone Age to the Space Age. This course focuses on
the time from ancient Rome to the later Middle Ages. Supplementary lessons focus on

concepts in economics and citizenship.

Curriculum Items: U.S./world map (K–2), Inflatable globe (K–2), Knights in Shining
Armor by Gail Gibbons, Pompeii …Buried Alive by Edith Kunhardt, Saint Valentine by
Robert Sabuda, The Hundredth Name by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim, Saint George
and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges, Sundiata: Lion King of Mali by David Wisniewski

History 3
History 3 continues a program that spans the elementary grades, exploring world
geography and history from the Stone Age to the Space Age. This course focuses on
the period from the Renaissance through the American Revolution. Supplementary
lessons focus on concepts in economics and citizenship.

Curriculum Items: Michelangelo by Mike Venezia, America 1492 (“Kids Discover”

Magazine), The Revolutionary War by Brendan January (Children’s Press, 2000),
Understanding Geography Level 3— Map Skills and Our World (maps.com, 2006),
Inflatable globe (3–6), U.S./world map (3–5)

History 4
History 4 concludes a program that spans the elementary grades, exploring world
geography and history from the Stone Age to the Space Age. This course focuses on the
period from the Scientific Revolution to modern times. Supplementary lessons focus on
concepts in economics and citizenship.

Curriculum Items: Understanding Geography Level 4—Map Skills and Our World (maps.
com, 2006), Inflatable globe (3–6), U.S./world map (3–5), Charles Dickens: The Man
Who Had Great Expectations by Diane Stanley and Peter Vennema, Inventors: A Library
of Congress Book by Martin Sandler, The U.S. Constitution and You by Syl Sobel

American History A
The first half of a detailed two-year survey of the history of the United States, this course
takes students from the arrival of the first people in North America through the Civil
War and Reconstruction. Lessons integrate topics in geography, civics, and economics.
Building on the award-winning series A History of US, the course guides students
through critical episodes in the story of America. Students investigate Native American
civilizations; follow the path of European exploration and colonization; assess the causes
and consequences of the American Revolution; examine the Constitution and the growth
of the new nation; and analyze what led to the Civil War and its aftermath.

Curriculum Items: U.S./world map (3–5), Map Skills and Our World, Level 5, A History of
US: The Concise School Edition by Joy Hakim (Vol. A: Prehistory to 1800, and Vol. B: 1790
to 1877)

Art K
Students are introduced to the elements of art—line, shape, color, and more.
They learn about portraits and landscapes, and realistic and abstract art. Students
will learn about important paintings, sculpture, and architecture; study the works and
lives of artists such as Matisse, Miró, Rembrandt, Hiroshige, Cézanne, Picasso, and Faith
Ringgold; and create artworks similar to works they learn about, using many materials

and techniques. For example, students will create brightly colored paintings inspired
by Matisse and make mobiles inspired by Alexander Calder.

Curriculum Items: Come Look with Me: Enjoying Art with Children by Gladys S. Blizzard,
Come Look with Me: Animals in Art by Gladys S. Blizzard, Art Print Kit, Kindergarten,
Paintbrush, tempera, flat bristle #1, Paintbrush, tempera, medium #4, Paintbrush,
tempera, large #8, Modeling clay, assorted colors, Tempera paint set, Oil pastels

Art 1
Following the timeline of K¹² History, Art 1 lessons include an introduction to the art and
architecture of different cultures, such as Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, Greece, and
China. Students will identify landscapes, still lifes, and portraits; study elements of art,
such as line, shape, and texture; and create art similar to the works they learn about,
using many materials and techniques. For example, inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s
The Starry Night, students paint their own starry landscape using bold brushstrokes,
and make clay sculptures inspired by a bust of Queen Nefertiti and the Great Sphinx.

Curriculum Items: Come Look with Me: Exploring Landscape Art with Children by Gladys
S. Blizzard, Come Look with Me: World of Play by Gladys S. Blizzard, Art Print Kit, Grade
1, Paintbrush, tempera, flat bristle #1, Paintbrush, tempera, medium #4, Paintbrush,
tempera, large #8, Modeling clay, assorted colors, Tempera paint set, Oil pastels

Art 2
Art 2 lessons include an introduction to the art and architecture of ancient Rome,
medieval Europe, Islam, Mexico, Africa, China, and Japan. Students will examine elements
of art and principles of design, such as line, shape, pattern, and more; study and create
self-portraits, landscapes, sculptures, and more; and create artworks similar to works
they learn about, using many materials and techniques. For example, after studying
Winslow Homer’s Snap the Whip, students paint their own narrative landscape, and
design stained glass windows inspired by the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Curriculum Items: How Artists See Play by Colleen Carroll, How Artists See Animals by
Colleen Carroll, Art Print Kit, Grade 2, Paintbrush, tempera, flat bristle #1, Paintbrush,
tempera, medium #4, Paintbrush, tempera, large #8, Modeling clay, assorted colors,
Tempera paint set, Oil pastels

Art 3
Following the timeline of K¹² History, Art 3 lessons include an introduction to the
art and architecture of the Renaissance throughout Europe, including Italy, Russia,
ART and northern Europe. Students also investigate artworks from Asia, Africa, and the
Americas created during the same time period. Students will extend their knowledge
of elements of art and principles of design, such as form, texture, and symmetry, and
draw, paint, and sculpt a variety of works, including self-portraits, landscapes, and
still life paintings. For example, after studying da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, students will use
shading in their own drawings and make prints showing the features and symmetry
of the Taj Mahal.

Curriculum Items: How Artists See Families by Colleen Carroll, How Artists See Work
by Colleen Carroll, Art Print Kit, Grade 3, Paintbrush, tempera, flat bristle #1, Paintbrush,
tempera, small #1, Paintbrush, tempera, medium #4, Paintbrush, tempera, large #8,
Modeling clay, assorted colors, Tempera paint set, Oil pastels

Art 4
Lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of art and
architecture from the French and American revolutions through modern times.
Students will study and create artworks in various media, including portraits, quilts,
sculpture, collages, and more; investigate the art of the United States, Europe, Japan,
Mexico, and Africa; learn about Impressionism, Cubism, Art Nouveau, and Regionalism;
and create artworks inspired by works they learn about, using many materials and
techniques. For example, after studying sculptures and paintings of ballerinas by Edgar
Degas, students create their own clay sculptures of a figure in motion.

Curriculum Items: Come Look at Me: The Artist at Work by R. Sarah Richardson, Come
Look at Me: Exploring Modern Art by Jessica Noelani Wright, Art Print Kit, Grade 4,
Paintbrush, tempera, flat bristle #1, Paintbrush, tempera, small #1, Paintbrush, tempera,
medium #4, Paintbrush, tempera, large #8, Tempera paint set, Burlap

Intermediate Art: American A

Intermediate Art: American A includes an introduction to the artists, cultures, and
great works of art and architecture of North America, from pre-Columbian times
through 1877. Students will study and create various works, both realistic and abstract,
including sketches, masks, architectural models, prints, and paintings; investigate the
art of the American Indians, and Colonial and Federal America; and create artworks
inspired by works they learn about, using many materials and techniques. For example,
after studying John James Audubon’s extraordinary paintings of birds, students make
bird paintings with realistic color and texture.

Curriculum Items: Come Look With Me: Art in Early America by Randy Osofsky, Come
Look With Me: Exploring American Indian Art by Stephanie Salomon, Art Print Kit,
Intermediate Art: American A, Paintbrush, tempera, small #1, Paintbrush, tempera,
medium #4, Paintbrush, tempera, large #8, White self-hardening clay, Tempera paint
set, Acrylic paint set, Burlap, Oil pastels

Preparatory Music
Kindergarten students learn about music through lively activities, including listening,
singing, and moving. Through games and folk songs from diverse cultures, students learn
musical concepts such as high and low, or loud and soft. Creative movement activities
help students enjoy the music of composers such as Grieg and Haydn. Students will sing

along with folk songs, practice moving to music, and listen actively to different kinds of MUSIC
music. They will also understand concepts such as high and low, fast and slow, long and
short, loud and soft, as well as identify and contrast beat and rhythm.

Curriculum Items: Let’s Learn Music—Vol. K (DVD), Let’s Listen—Vol. K (CD), Let’s
Sing—Vol. K (CD), Let’s Sing—Vol. K (songbook), Tambourine, Slide whistle

Beginning 1 Music
This course is for students in grade 1, or students in grade 2 who are new to the K12 Music
program. In this course, traditional games and folk songs from many cultures help students
begin to read and write simple melodic and rhythmic patterns. Students are introduced
to the instruments of the orchestra through Prokofiev’s classic Peter and the Wolf. They

explore how music tells stories in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and are introduced to opera
through a lively unit on Mozart’s Magic Flute. Students sing along with folk songs, practice
moving to music, and listen actively to different kinds of music.

Curriculum Items: Let’s Learn Music—Vol. 1 (DVD), Let’s Listen—Vol. 1 (CD), Let’s
Sing—Vol. 1 (CD), Let’s Sing—Vol. 1 (songbook), Let’s Learn Rhythm (CD), Tambourine,
Slide whistle

Beginning 2 Music
This course is for students in grade 2 or 3 who have completed Beginning 1 Music.
Through traditional folk songs and games, students learn to read more complicated
melodic patterns and rhythms. As students listen to works by great composers, such
as Vivaldi and Saint-Saëns, they learn to recognize these patterns in the music. Students
will sing along with folk songs; read and write music; learn to recognize melody in three-
and four-note patterns; identify rhythms in music using half notes; become familiar with
string and percussion instruments of the orchestra; recognize duple and triple meter;
and begin to understand standard musical notation.

Curriculum Items: Let’s Learn Music—Vol. 2 (DVD), Let’s Listen—Vol. 2 (CD), Let’s Sing—
Vol. 2 (CD), Let’s Sing—Vol. 2 (songbook)

Introduction to Music
Introduction to Music is for students in grade 3 or 4 who are new to K12 and just
beginning their study of music. Students learn to recognize and write melodic and
rhythmic patterns with four elements, and they practice recognizing these patterns
in the music of great composers, such as Beethoven and Brahms. Students become
familiar with instruments of the orchestra as they listen to music composed by Vivaldi,
Saint-Saëns, Holst, and others. Students will read and write music; learn to recognize
melody in two-, three-, and four-note patterns; and identify rhythms in music using
eighth, quarter, half notes, and rests.

Curriculum Items: Let’s Learn Music—Vol. 2 (DVD), Let’s Listen—Vol. 2 (CD), Let’s Sing—
Vol. 2 (CD), Let’s Sing—Vol. 2 (songbook), Tambourine, Slide whistle

Intermediate 1 Music
This course is for students in grade 3 or 4 who have completed Beginning 1 and 2 Music,
or students in grade 4 or 5 who have completed Introduction to Music. Through traditional
folk songs, games, and the consistent use of solfege, students learn to read and write a

MUSIC variety of musical patterns and recognize the pentatonic scale. They learn to play simple
melodies and rhythms on the recorder, and also learn fundamental concepts in breathing
and singing. They become more familiar with the orchestra, especially the woodwind
and brass families, and learn about the lives and works of Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart,
and Beethoven. Students will learn to recognize melody in four- and five-note patterns;
identify rhythms in music using sixteenths, dotted half notes, and whole notes; and
recognize AB and ABA form.

Curriculum Items: Let’s Learn the Recorder (DVD), Let’s Sing—Vol. 3 (CD), Let’s Listen—
Vol. 3 (CD), Let’s Sing—Vol. 3 (songbook), Recorder

Intermediate 2 Music

This course is for students in grade 4 or 5 who have completed Intermediate 1 Music.
The course begins by introducing notes that are lower or higher than the familiar lines
and spaces of the staff. Students expand their knowledge of rhythm and learn about
the Romantic period in music. Students also study harmony and practice recognizing
pentatonic patterns. Finally, they take a musical trip through Europe, Africa, the Middle
East, the Caribbean, Japan, and China.

Curriculum Items: Let’s Sing—Vol. 4 (CD), Let’s Listen—Vol. 4 (CD), Let’s Sing—
Vol. 4 (songbook)

Intermediate 3 Music
This course is for students in grade 5 who have completed Intermediate 2 Music.
The course introduces students to all the notes of the major scale, from low Sol all
the way up to high Do. Students also learn to recognize and sing the natural minor
scale. They expand their knowledge of rhythm with simple syncopated patterns.
This semester introduces the Modern period in music, with listening activities to help
students recognize Modern music and identify pieces by individual composers. Near
the end of the year, students explore American folk music as they follow the expansion
of the country westward. Finally, they learn to recognize the major forms of classical
music: three-part song form, theme and variations, rondo, sonata allegro, and fugue.

Curriculum Item: Let’s Listen—Vol. 5 (CD)

Exploring Music
This course is for students in grade 5 who are new to the K12 Music program. This course
presents the basics of traditional music appreciation through singing and the study of
music in history and culture. Students begin by studying some of the most important
classical composers, and then study traditional music from around the country and around
the world. Finally, they learn how to follow the form of a piece of music.

Curriculum Items: Let’s Listen and Learn—A and B (CDs), Let’s Sing for Fun (CD), Let’s
Sing for Fun (songbook)

Elementary Spanish 1
This course for beginners with little exposure to world languages is geared for younger
minds, still especially receptive to language learning through contextual interpretation
18 and imitation. Highly visual and amusing stories and activities are geared for these
developing students, encouraging them to begin telling stories themselves. This course
is not just a set of language lessons, but an appealing adventure for young minds. An
integrated, game-based reward system keeps learners motivated and eager to progress.

Communication expressions include greetings, introductions, songs, por favor

and gracias, and other expressions of daily courtesy, simple storytelling, and free-
response questions. Vocabulary starts with numbers 1–10, animals, and shapes, and
moves into days of the week, seasons, colors, fruits and vegetables, simple directions,
and useful “around town” expressions. Grammar moves from simple sentence
construction, first- and third-person verbs, and indefinite articles to demonstrative
pronouns, simple conjunctions, simple possession, and ser and estar. Students also
begin to encounter the third-person past tense, imperative verbs, and second-person
present-tense verbs.

Cultural topics introduce the geography and customs of Spanish-speaking countries.

Elementary Spanish 2
The adventure story continues to build upon the base of vocabulary and linguistic
structures introduced in Elementary Spanish 1. Interactive activities and increasingly
challenging games continue to drive students toward a strong set of intermediate
language skills. An integrated, game-based reward system keeps learners motivated and
eager to progress.

Communication expressions include social exchanges, more complex storytelling, songs,

recipes, word puzzles, and interrogative words. Vocabulary includes advanced family-
and animal-related words and a review of numbers. Poems, stories, and songs are used
throughout. Grammar moves from negative and reflexive verbs and third-person plural
present verbs to noun-adjective agreement, first-person past-tense verbs, and the plural
imperative. Cultural topics include cuisine, climate, geography, and history.

Prerequisites: Elementary Spanish 1, or equivalent

Elementary French 1
This course for beginners with little exposure to world languages is geared for younger
minds, still especially receptive to language learning through contextual interpretation
and imitation. Highly visual and amusing stories and activities are geared for these
developing students, encouraging them to begin telling stories themselves. This course
is not just a set of language lessons but an appealing adventure for young minds. An
integrated, game-based reward system keeps learners motivated and eager to progress.

Communication expressions include greetings, introductions, oui and non, s’il vous plaît
and merci, and other familiar phrases, songs, simple storytelling, and description activities.
Vocabulary starts with animals, shapes, and colors and moves to fruits, farm-related words,
body parts, family words, and numbers. Grammar topics include simple nouns, first-,
second-, and third-person present-tense verbs for simple questions, basic third-person
past-tense verbs, interrogative words, simple conjunctions, articles, prepositions, and
introductory imperative and infinitive verb forms. Cultural topics introduce the geographies
and customs of French-speaking countries.

Elementary French 2
The adventure story continues to build upon the base of vocabulary and linguistic

structures introduced in Elementary French 1. Interactive activities and increasingly
challenging games continue to drive students toward a strong set of intermediate
language skills. An integrated, game-based reward system keeps learners motivated and
eager to progress.

Communication expressions include a wider array of social greetings and more complex
storytelling and songs. Vocabulary expands with more terms related to animals, body
parts, colors, familial relationships, and numbers. Grammar moves from second- and
third-person plural present-tense forms, prepositional phrases, and more first- and third-
person present-tense forms to additional conjunctions, reflexive verbs, imperatives, and
past-tense forms.

Cultural topics include cuisine, climate, geography, and history.


Prerequisites: Elementary French 1, or equivalent

Elementary German 1
This course for beginners with little exposure to world languages is geared for younger
minds still especially receptive to language learning through contextual interpretation
and imitation. Highly visual and amusing stories and activities are geared for these
developing students, encouraging them to begin telling stories themselves. This course
is not just a set of language lessons, but an appealing adventure for young minds, rich
with graphics, games, and engaging interactive activities. An integrated, game-based
reward system keeps learners motivated and eager to progress.

Communication expressions include greetings, introductions, ja and nein, danke and

bitte and other familiar phrases, songs, simple storytelling, and description activities.
Vocabulary starts with animals, body parts, numbers, shapes, small objects, and colors,
before moving on to food, farm-related words, useful “around town” expressions,
and household terminology. Grammar starts with simple nouns, first-, second-, and
third-person present-tense verbs, direct and indirect articles, the conjunction und, the
pluralization of nouns, third-person plural present-tense verbs, third-person past-tense
verbs, simple prepositions, and expressions conveying “there is,” “there are,” “isn’t,”
and “will be.”

Cultural topics introduce the geographies and customs of German-speaking countries,

with a special focus on German-speaking Switzerland.

Elementary German 2
The adventure story continues to build upon the base of vocabulary and linguistic
structures introduced in Elementary German 1. Interactive activities and increasingly
challenging games continue to drive students toward a strong set of intermediate
language skills. An integrated, game-based reward system keeps learners motivated
and eager to progress.

Communication expressions include a wider array of social greetings, introductions,

simple commands, suggestions, questions, German folk songs, and enhanced
storytelling. Vocabulary expands in the domains of animals, body parts, numbers,
shapes, small objects, familial relationships, food, cooking, and new words useful for
telling stories such as “The Three Little Pigs” and “Chicken Little” in German.

Grammar adds more third-person present-tense verbs, direct and indirect articles, and
the conjunction aber, and progresses toward new third-person plural present-tense

forms, third-person past-tense verbs, additional prepositions, and expressions conveying
“very.” Students are also exposed to the simple future tense in the third person.

Cultural topics include cuisine, climate, geography, and history.

Prerequisites: Elementary German 1, or equivalent

Elementary Latin 1
Latin remains a vital tool in improving students’ fundamental understanding of English
and other languages. While it’s considered, in the strictest sense, to be a “dead”
language, Latin comes alive in this course through the use of gaming and multimedia
techniques, creating the foundation for a deep understanding of cultural, political, and

literary history. An integrated, game-based reward system keeps learners motivated and
eager to progress.

Communication expressions include greetings, introductions, familiar phrases,

relationships, cause and effect, likes and dislikes, and questions. Vocabulary progresses
from animals, body parts, family relationships, colors, food, plants, and numbers to
small objects, shapes, and household words. Grammar begins with simple sentence
construction, first- and third-person verbs, demonstrative pronouns, conjunctions, and
simple possession, before moving on to basic third-person past-tense and imperative
forms, as well as certain second-person present-tense forms.

Cultural topics introduce the history of the Latin language, and daily practices as well as
military, political, and artistic aspects of the Roman Empire.

Introduction to Online Learning

Families begin the school year with one of two Introduction to Online Learning courses
targeted to grades K–2 or 3–5. The courses provide an overview of each curriculum
area so students and Learning Coaches can familiarize themselves with the philosophy
behind the curriculum methodology and overall course organization. The lessons are
interactive and include actual animations or graphics that are used in the courses
themselves. By the end of the course, students will be fully prepared to begin their K12
lessons in the online school.



23 23
LANGUAGE ARTS Intermediate English A
This course is designed to give students the essential building blocks for expressing their
own ideas in standard (or formal) English. After an opening focus on paragraph writing,
students write a variety of compositions in genres they will encounter throughout their
academic careers. The Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics program offers practice in
sentence analysis, sentence structure, and proper punctuation. Intermediate English A
sharpens reading comprehension skills, engages readers in literary analysis, and offers
a variety of literature to suit diverse tastes.

Curriculum Items: Myths of Ancient Greece and Rome (an anthology from K¹²),
The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by
Mark Twain, Animal Adventures (nonfiction collection), Believing Our Eyes and Ears
(nonfiction collection), Classics for Young Readers, Vol. 6 CD, Classics for Young Readers,
Vol. 6: An Audio Companion, Twelfth Night (Shakespeare for Young Readers adaptation),
Keyboarding CD, Word processing book, BK English Language Handbook, Grade 6
Barrett Kendall Publishing, Vocabulary

Novels: Students read any three novels of their choice from a selection of award-
winning works by renowned authors, from a variety of genres: fantasy, science fiction,
historical fiction, realistic fiction, and mystery. (Novels are not part of the standard
materials, but are readily available at the library or for purchase in bookstores or online.)

Intermediate English B
This course continues the development of written and oral communication skills, designed
to give students the essential building blocks for expressing their own ideas in standard
(or formal) English. Students continue to practice writing essays in various genres. They
analyze the conventional five-paragraph essay structure, and then move on to learn the
form and structure of a variety of essays they will encounter in their academic careers.
The Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics program addresses many grammatical topics.
Intermediate English B sharpens reading comprehension skills, engages readers in literary
analysis, and offers a variety of literature to suit diverse tastes.

Curriculum Items: Classics for Young Readers, Vol. 7, Classics for Young Readers,
Vol. 7: An Audio Companion, BK English Language Handbook, Grade 7 Barrett Kendall
Publishing, Vocabulary from Classical Roots, Book B Educator’s Publishing Service, The
Iliad and The Odyssey: Stories from Homer’s Epics (an anthology from K¹²), The Hobbit
by J.R.R. Tolkien, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, City by David Macaulay,
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare for Young Readers adaptation), Keyboarding CD, Word
processing book

Novels: This program allows students to read any three novels of their choice from
a selection of award-winning works by renowned authors, from a variety of genres:
fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, realistic fiction, and mystery. (Novels are not
part of the standard materials, but are readily available at the library or for purchase in
bookstores or online.)

Literary Analysis and Composition

Throughout this course, students will engage in literary analysis of short stories, poetry,
drama, novels, and nonfiction. The course focuses on the interpretation of literary works
and the development of oral and written communication skills in standard (formal)
English. The program is organized in four strands: Literature; Composition; Grammar,

Usage, and Mechanics; and Vocabulary. In the writing program, students continue
to sharpen their composition skills through writing essays in various genres. In the
literature program, students read “what’s between the lines” to interpret literature, and
they go beyond the book to discover how the culture in which a work of literature was
created contributes to the themes and ideas it conveys.

Readings include:
Novels: Students choose four out of seven offered titles, including: Jane Eyre by
Charlotte Brontë, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Animal Farm by George
Orwell, and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee,

Drama: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Antigone by Sophocles,

Short stories by Langston Hughes, Shirley Jackson, Jack London, Guy de Maupassant,
Edgar Allan Poe, James Thurber, and more ,

Poetry by W. H. Auden, Gwendolyn Brooks, e. e. cummings, Emily Dickinson, Robert

Frost, Gerard Manley Hopkins, James Weldon Johnson, John Keats, Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz, William Shakespeare, Dylan Thomas, William

Butler Yeats, and more

Autobiography: Selections by Mark Twain, Ernesto Galarza, and Maya Angelou;

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass or Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl

Curriculum Items: Classics for Young Readers, Vol. 8, Classics for Young Readers,
Vol. 8: An Audio Companion, BK English Language Handbook, Level 1 Barrett Kendall
Publishing, Vocabulary from Classical Roots, Book C Educators’ Publishing Service,
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, Anne Frank: Diary
of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, Romeo and Juliet (new version)

Fundamentals of Geometry and Algebra

Students enhance computational and problem-solving skills while learning topics in
algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. They solve expressions and equations
in the context of perimeter, area, and volume problems while further developing
computational skills with fractions and decimals. The study of plane and solid figures
includes construction and transformations of figures. Also in the context of problem
solving, students add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and negative integers
and solve problems involving ratios, proportions, and percents, including simple
and compound interest, rates, discount, tax, and tip problems. They learn multiple
representations for communicating information, such as graphs on the coordinate
plane, statistical data and displays, as well as the results of probability and sampling
experiments. They investigate patterns involving addition, multiplication, and
exponents, and apply number theory and computation to mathematical puzzles.

Curriculum Items: Fundamentals of Geometry and Algebra: A Reference Guide and

Problem Sets
In this course, students take a broader look at computational and problem-solving skills
while learning the language of algebra. Students translate word phrases and sentences
into mathematical expressions; analyze geometric figures; solve problems involving
percentages, ratios, and proportions; graph different kinds of equations and inequalities;
calculate statistical measures and probabilities; apply the Pythagorean theorem; and 25
MATH explain strategies for solving real-world problems. Students who take this course are
expected to have mastered the skills and concepts of the K12 Fundamentals of Geometry
and Algebra course (or equivalent).

Curriculum Items: Pre-Algebra: Reference Guide and Problem Sets

Students develop algebraic fluency by learning the skills needed to solve equations and
perform manipulations with numbers, variables, equations, and inequalities.

They also learn concepts central to the abstraction and generalization that algebra
makes possible. Students learn to use number properties to simplify expressions or
justify statements; describe sets with set notation and find the union and intersection
of sets; simplify and evaluate expressions involving variables, fractions, exponents, and
radicals; work with integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers; and graph and
solve equations, inequalities, and systems of equations. They learn to determine whether
a relation is a function and how to describe its domain and range; use factoring, formulas,

and other techniques to solve quadratic and other polynomial equations; formulate and
evaluate valid mathematical arguments using various types of reasoning; and translate
word problems into mathematical equations and then use the equations to solve the
original problems. Students who take Algebra are expected to have mastered the skills
and concepts presented in the K¹² Pre-Algebra course (or equivalent).

Curriculum Items:, Algebra I: Reference Guide and Problem Sets

Earth Science
The Earth Science curriculum builds on the natural curiosity of students. By connecting
them to the beauty of geological history, the amazing landforms around the globe,
the nature of the sea and air, and the newest discoveries about our universe, the
curriculum gives students an opportunity to relate to their everyday world. Students will
explore topics such as the fundamentals of geology, oceanography, meteorology, and
astronomy; Earth’s minerals and rocks; Earth’s interior; plate tectonics, earthquakes,
volcanoes, and the movements of continents; geology and the fossil record; the oceans
and the atmosphere; and the solar system and the universe.

Curriculum Items: Wall map set (science/history), Graduated cylinder, 100 mL,
Graduated cylinder, 500 mL, Pipe cleaners, Advanced rock and mineral kit, Diffraction
grating film, Stopwatch, Grape seeds, Latch magnet, Safety glasses, Magnifying
glass, Centimeter gram cubes, Clay (four colors), Fine sand, White tile, Advanced

Advanced Earth Science

ENGLISH & Advanced Earth Science is a rigorous middle school course. It was conceived for the
SCIENCE student who loves geology or meteorology and is ready for an extra challenge. Students
tackle such topics as rocks and minerals, plate tectonics and the drifting of continents,
volcanoes, earthquakes, oceanography, weather, and astronomy. Practical, hands-on
lesson activities help students discover how scientists investigate the living world.
Students perform laboratory activities and a full unit investigation to learn about the
application of scientific methods.

Curriculum Items: Wall map set (science/history), Graduated cylinder, 250 mL, Pipe SCIENCE
cleaners, Advanced rock and mineral kit, Diffraction grating film, Stopwatch, Latch
magnet, Safety glasses, Magnifying glass, Centimeter gram cubes, Clay (four colors),
Fine sand, White tile, Advanced thermometer

Life Science
The K¹² Life Science program invites students to investigate the world of living things—
at levels both large and small—by reading, observing, and experimenting with aspects
of life on Earth. Students explore an amazing variety of organisms, the complex
workings of the cell, the relationship between living things and their environments,
and discoveries in the world of modern genetics. Practical, hands-on lesson activities
help students discover how scientists investigate the living world. Students perform
laboratory activities and a full unit investigation to learn about the application of
scientific methods.

Curriculum Items: Graduated cylinder, 100 mL, Compound microscope, Radish seeds,

Microscope slides (set of 12), Slide cover slips (set of 12), Transparencies (set of 12), Petri
dishes, Agar vials, Rhizobium bacteria, Green bean bush seeds, Blue fescue grass seeds,
Safety glasses, Magnifying glass, Advanced thermometer

Advanced Life Science

Advanced Life Science is a rigorous middle school course, conceived for the student
who loves biology and is ready for an extra challenge. Students tackle such topics as
ecology, microorganisms, animals, plants, cells, and genetics. They are also introduced
to gene expression and other aspects of cell biology. Practical, hands-on lesson
activities help students discover how scientists investigate the living world. Students
perform laboratory activities and a full unit investigation to learn about the application
of scientific methods.

Curriculum Items: Graduated cylinder, 100 mL, Compound microscope, Radish seeds,
Microscope slides (set of 12), Slide cover slips (set of 12), Transparencies (set of 12), Petri
dishes, Agar vials, Rhizobium bacteria, Green bean bush seeds, Blue fescue grass seeds,
Safety glasses, Magnifying glass, Advanced thermometer

NOTE: List is subject to change.

Physical Science
The K¹² Physical Science program introduces students to many aspects of the physical
world, focusing first on chemistry and then on physics. The course provides an overview
of the physical world and gives students tools and concepts to think clearly about atoms,
molecules, chemical reactions, motion, electricity, light, and other aspects of chemistry
and physics. Among other subjects, students study the structure of atoms; the elements
and the Periodic Table; chemical reactions; forces, including gravitational, motion,
acceleration, and mass; and energy, including light, thermal, electricity, and magnetism.

Curriculum Items: Graduated cylinder, 250 mL, Stopwatch, 10 Newton spring

scale, Digital scale, Double pulley, Lye, Metallic rod, Metallic spring, Muriatic acid,
Phenolphthalein, Protective gloves (two pairs), D cell battery holder, Cork stoppers,
Lead weight (500 g), Enamel-coated, heavy-gauge copper wire, Non-insulated copper
wire, Insulated copper wire strips (set of five)

LANGUAGE ARTS Advanced Physical Science
Advanced Physical Science is a rigorous middle school course conceived for the
enthusiastic science student who is ready for an extra challenge. Students learn
about the physical world and tackle topics such as matter, energy, atoms, motion,
thermodynamics, and other aspects of chemistry and physics. Practical, hands-on
lesson activities help students discover how scientists investigate the living world.
Students perform laboratory activities and a full unit investigation to learn about the
application of scientific methods.

Curriculum Items: Graduated cylinder, 250 mL, Stopwatch, 10 Newton spring

scale, Digital scale, Double pulley, Lye, Metallic rod, Metallic spring, Muriatic acid,
Phenolphthalein, Protective gloves (two pairs), D cell battery holder, Cork stoppers,
Lead weight (500 g), Enamel coated heavy gauge copper wire, Non-insulated copper
wire, Insulated copper wire strips (set of five), Directional compass, Bar magnet (set of
two), Plastic pipette, Safety glasses, Iron filings, Safety glasses, Iron filings, Lamp bulbs
(set of four), Lamp bulb receptacle (set of two), Advanced thermometer

NOTE: List is subject to change.

American History B
The second half of a detailed two-year survey of the history of the United States,
this course takes students from the westward movement of the late 1800s to the
present. Lessons integrate topics in geography, civics, and economics. Building on
the award-winning series A History of US, the course guides students through critical
episodes in the story of America. Students examine the impact of the settlement of the
American West; investigate the social, political, and economic changes that resulted from
industrialization; explore the changing role of the U.S. in international affairs from the late
19th century through the end of the Cold War; and trace major events and trends in the
United States from the Cold War through the first decade of the twenty-first century.

Curriculum Items: Wall map set (science/history), A History of US: The Concise School
Edition by Joy Hakim Vol. C: 1865 to 1932, Vol. D: 1929 to Present

Intermediate World History A:

From Prehistory through the Middle Ages
In this first part of a survey of world history from prehistoric to modern times, K12 online
lessons and assessments complement The Human Odyssey, a textbook series developed
and published by K12. This course focuses on the development of civilization across a
12,000-year span: from the Ice Age to the Middle Ages, from cave paintings to stained
glass windows, from crude huts to Gothic cathedrals. The course introduces geography
concepts and skills as they appear in the context of the historical narrative.

ENGLISH & Curriculum Item: The Human Odyssey, Volume 1: Prehistory Through the Middle Ages

Intermediate World History B:
Our Modern World, 1400 to 1914
Continuing a survey of world history from prehistoric to modern times, K¹² online lessons
and assessments complement the second volume of The Human Odyssey, a textbook

series developed and published by K¹². This course focuses on the story of the past,
from the 15th century to 1914 and the beginning of World War I. The course is organized
chronologically and, within broad eras, regionally. Lessons explore developments
in religion, philosophy, the arts, and science and technology. The course introduces
geography concepts and skills as they appear in the context of the historical narrative.

Curriculum Item: The Human Odyssey, Volume 2: Our Modern World, 1400 to 1914

Intermediate Art: American B

Intermediate Art: American B is designed to complement K¹² American History B.
Following the same historical timeline, lessons include an introduction to the artists,
cultures, and great works of American art and architecture from the end of the Civil
War through modern times. Students will investigate paintings done in various styles,
from Impressionist to Pop; learn about modern sculpture and folk art; discover how
photographers and painters have inspired one another; examine examples of modern

architecture, from skyscrapers to art museums; and create artworks inspired by works
they learn about.

Curriculum Items: Art Print Kit, Intermediate Art: American B, Paintbrush, acrylic, small
#1, Paintbrush, acrylic, medium #4, Paintbrush, acrylic, large #8, Paintbrush, acrylic, flat
bristle #1/2, Pastalina clay (10 colors), Acrylic paint set, Oil pastels

Intermediate Art: World A

Intermediate Art: World A is designed to complement Intermediate World History A:
From Prehistory Through the Middle Ages. Following the same historical timeline,
lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of world art and
architecture from ancient through medieval times. Students will investigate how artists
from different civilizations used various techniques, from painting to mosaic; examine
elements of design and styles of decoration, from the spiral to the solar disk; and
explore some of the best-preserved works from ancient tombs, including the treasures
of Egypt’s King Tut.

Curriculum Items: Art Print Kit, Intermediate Art: World A, Paintbrush, acrylic, small #1,
Paintbrush, acrylic, medium #4, Paintbrush, acrylic, large #8, White self-hardening clay,
Acrylic paint set

Intermediate Art: World B

K¹² Intermediate Art: World B is designed to complement World History: Our Modern
World, 1400 to 1917. Following the same historical timeline, lessons include an
introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of world art and architecture from
the Renaissance through modern times. Students will study various works of art from
the Renaissance and beyond; discover great works of art and see how they influenced
later artists; compare and contrast works from many civilizations, from paintings to
sculpture, architecture, book covers, prints, and more; and create artworks inspired by
works they learn about.

Curriculum Item: Art Print Kit, Intermediate Art: World B

LANGUAGE ARTS Music Concepts A
This course is for students in grade 6, or students in grade 7 who are new to the K12 Music
program. Students learn the fundamentals of music, as they relate to the piano key, and
study a select group of composers and their music. The course covers the staff and the
keyboard; extending the staff; and flats, sharps, and scales. Course content is offline.
Students complete lessons using the Music Ace CD, student guides, and listening CDs.

Curriculum Items: Music Ace—Grade 6 (CD), Beethoven (CD), Mendelssohn (CD),

Mozart (CD), Vivaldi and Corelli (CD)

Note: The student guides are not available in a pre-printed format and will need to be
printed from the K12 Online School (OLS). Teacher guides are not available in any format.
Parents may use the student guide to view student lesson information.

Music Concepts B
This course is for students in grade 7 who have already completed Music Concepts A.

Students learn the fundamentals of music, as they relate to the piano key, and study a
select group of composers and their music. The course covers the elements of rhythm and
melody; rhythms, rests, and keys; and minor scales, syncopation, and harmony. Course
content is offline. Students complete lessons using the Music Ace CD, student guides, and
listening CDs.

Curriculum Items: Music Ace—Grade 7 (CD), Sousa (CD), Chopin (CD), Schumann and
Grieg (CD), Verdi (CD)

Note: The student guides are not available in a pre-printed format and will need to be printed from
the K12 Online School (OLS). Teacher guides are not available in any format. Parents may use the
student guide to view student lesson information.

Music Appreciation
This course is for students in grade 8. Music Appreciation covers the fundamentals of
music (such as rhythm, beat, melody, harmony, form, and expression), and a survey of
music history beginning with the early music of the Greeks and the Middle Ages. The
course concludes with Modern music by composers such as Copland and Prokofiev. Topics
include the elements of music; music and emotion; musical style; musical instruments of
the world; and music through history. Course content is offline. Students complete lessons
using the Music Appreciation CD set and student guides.

Curriculum Item: Music Appreciation (six-CD set)

Note: The teacher and student guides are not available in a pre-printed format and will need to be
printed from the K12 Online School (OLS).

Middle School Spanish 1
This course for early- to mid-teen beginners in Spanish* turns adventures and activities
into rigorous lessons in grammar and vocabulary, with instruction equivalent to that found
in the first semester of high school Spanish I. Listening comprehension, oral production,
reading, writing, and cultural awareness are all emphasized in accordance with standards
formulated by ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).
Communication topics include greetings, introductions, relationships, cause and effect,
likes and dislikes, and questions. Vocabulary includes common daily adjectives, animals,
body parts, family and household words, colors, food, and numbers 1 to 900.

Grammar progresses from simple original sentence construction, verb infinitives, and
base forms to irregular verbs, Latin-derived cognates, concrete objects and associated
verbs, adjectival agreement, and demonstrative pronouns. Cultural topics include the
economies, traditions, histories, and political structures of Spanish-speaking nations.

*Also suitable for students of other ages, depending upon background and experience.

Middle School Spanish 2

The solid basis acquired in Middle School Spanish 1 is expanded through appealing
practice and instruction in the form of games and stories, with instruction equivalent
to that found in the second semester of high school Spanish I. These activities guide
students to express more complex thoughts and understand native language from
a variety of culturally authentic sources. Students increase skills in reading, listening
comprehension, and vocabulary as they learn sentence patterns and advanced phrases.

They learn to identify objects from descriptions, translate to and from Spanish, create
stories, and understand and give directions. Vocabulary emphasizes geography, math,
plants, animals, and directions, conveyed through increasingly complex poems, stories,
and ditties. Grammar topics include object pronouns with finite and infinite verbs,
past- and present-tense verbs, action verbs, imperfect tense, participle verb endings,
indicative and subjunctive verb forms, and dependent verb clauses. Cultural topics
expand to include higher-level content, with special emphasis on the literary and social
treasures of Spanish-speaking countries.

Prerequisites: Middle School Spanish 1, or equivalent

Middle School French 1

This multimedia, game-based course for early- to mid-teen beginners in French*
turns adventures and activities into rigorous lessons in grammar and vocabulary,
with instruction equivalent to that found in the first semester of high school French
I. Listening comprehension, oral production, reading, writing, and cultural awareness
are all emphasized in accordance with standards formulated by ACTFL (American
Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). Communication topics include
greetings, introductions, relationships, cause and effect, likes and dislikes, and
questions. Vocabulary includes common daily adjectives, animals, body parts, family
and household words, colors, food, and numbers 1 to 900. Grammar progresses from
simple original sentence construction, verb infinitives, and base forms to irregular
verbs, Latin-derived cognates, concrete objects and associated verbs, adjectival
agreement, and demonstrative pronouns. Cultural topics include the economies,
traditions, histories, and political structures of French-speaking nations.

*Also suitable for students of other ages, depending upon background and experience.

Middle School French 2

The solid basis acquired in Middle School French 1 is expanded in this course with
instruction equivalent to that found in the second semester of high school French I.
Students continue their introduction to French with fundamental building blocks in four
key areas of world language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and
writing. Students are initially trained to recognize key sounds and basic vocabulary, not

only in written form but also through ear training that leads quickly to oral production.
An ongoing adventure story introduces vocabulary and grammar topics, and prompts
students to use skills from the four language-learning areas. Students learn fundamental
grammar as embedded in authentic spoken language.

Prerequisites: Middle School French 1, or equivalent

Middle School German 1

This course for early- to mid-teen beginners in German* turns adventures and
activities into rigorous lessons in grammar and vocabulary, with instruction equivalent
to that found in the first semester of high school German I. Students are introduced to
the fundamental building blocks in four key areas of world language study: listening
comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Students are initially trained to recognize
key sounds and basic vocabulary, not only in written form but also through ear training
that leads quickly to oral production. An ongoing adventure story introduces vocabulary
and grammar topics, and prompts students to use skills from the four language-learning

areas. Students learn fundamental grammar as embedded in authentic spoken language.

*Also suitable for students of other ages, depending upon background and experience.

Middle School German 2

The solid basis acquired in Middle School German 1 is expanded in this course with
instruction equivalent to that found in the second semester of high school German I.
In this continuing introduction to German, students deepen their focus on four key
skills in world language acquisition: listening comprehension, speaking, reading,
and writing. A continuing storyline introduces and reinforces new vocabulary, while
activities prompt students to analyze meaning from context, and then to reproduce
new vocabulary items in functional real-life oral expression. Additional verb tenses and
idiomatic expressions are also introduced. As in German 1, students learn grammar
through supplemental texts that supply traditional charts, tables, and explanations.

Prerequisites: Middle School German 1, or equivalent

Middle School Latin 1

This course for early- to mid-teen beginners in Latin* transforms a “dead” language
into a living one, with instruction equivalent to that found in the first semester of high
school Latin I. Students learn the fundamental building blocks of world language study:
listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Each unit consists of a new
vocabulary theme and grammar concept, numerous interactive games reinforcing
vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening comprehension activities, speaking
and writing activities, and cultural presentations covering significant aspects of Roman
culture, and assessments. The course has been carefully aligned to national standards
as set forth by ACTFL (the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).

*Also suitable for students of other ages, depending upon background and experience.

Middle School Latin 2 LANGUAGES
This course for early- to mid-teen beginners in Latin* expands on skills learned in the
first-year course, with instruction equivalent to that found in the second semester of high
school Latin I. Students continue building the fundamentals: listening comprehension,
speaking, reading, and writing. Each unit consists of a new vocabulary theme and
grammar concept; numerous interactive games reinforcing vocabulary and grammar;
reading and listening comprehension activities; speaking and writing activities; cultural
presentations covering significant aspects of Roman culture; and assessments. The
course has been carefully aligned to national standards as set forth by ACTFL (the
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).

*Also suitable for students of other ages, depending upon background and experience.

Prerequisites: Middle School Latin 1, or equivalent

Middle School Chinese 1

Students use compelling stories, games, videos, and multimedia experiences in this
introduction to Mandarin Chinese, with instruction equivalent to that found in the first
semester of high school Chinese I. They learn the elegant simplicity of Chinese grammar
and the subtleties of Chinese pronunciation through entertaining lessons that give a
base of conversational ability and listening comprehension. Students build a foundation
for reading and writing in the Chinese language through an adaptive technology that
lets them choose an approach that works best for them. Engaging graphics, videos, and
games keep students interested, and make learning a new language exciting.

Middle School Chinese 2

Students use compelling stories, games, videos, and multimedia experiences in this
continuing introduction to Mandarin Chinese, with instruction equivalent to that found
in the second semester of high school Chinese I. They learn the elegant simplicity of
Chinese grammar and the subtleties of Chinese pronunciation through entertaining
lessons that give a base of conversational ability and listening comprehension. Students
build a foundation for reading and writing in the Chinese language through an adaptive
technology that lets them choose an approach that works best for them. Engaging
graphics, videos, and games keep students interested, and make learning a new
language exciting.

Prerequisites: Middle School Chinese 1, or equivalent

Introduction to Online Learning

Families begin the school year with an Introduction to Online Learning course targeted
to grades 6–8. The courses provide an overview of each curriculum area so students and
Learning Coaches can familiarize themselves with the philosophy behind the curriculum
methodology and overall course organization. The lessons are interactive and include
actual animations or graphics that are used in the courses themselves. By the end of the
course, students will be fully prepared to begin their K12 lessons in the online school.

K–8 Course List
Complete list available through K12. Course offerings may vary at K12-powered schools.
Language Arts K (Blue) Elementary Spanish 1
Language Arts 1 Elementary Spanish 2
Language Arts 2 (Orange) Elementary French 1
Language Arts 3 Elementary French 2
Language Arts 4 Elementary German 1
Language Arts 5 Elementary German 2
Intermediate English A Elementary Latin 1
Intermediate English B Middle School Spanish 1
Literary Analysis and Composition Middle School Spanish 2
MARK12 Reading I (Remediation) Middle School French 1
MARK12 Reading II (Remediation) Middle School French 2
MARK12 Reading III (Remediation) Middle School German 1
Middle School German 2
MATH Middle School Latin 1
Math+ K (Blue) Middle School Latin 2
Math+ 1 (Green) Middle School Chinese 1
Math+ 2 (Orange) Middle School Chinese 2
Math+ 3 (Purple)
Math+ 4 (Red) ART
Math+ 5 (Yellow) Art K
Fundamentals of Geometry and Algebra Art 1
Pre-Algebra Art 2
Algebra Art 3
Art 4
SCIENCE Intermediate Art/American A
Science K Intermediate Art/American B
Science 1 Intermediate Art/World A
Science 2 Intermediate Art/World B
Science 3
Science 4 MUSIC
Science 5 Preparatory Music
Earth Science Beginning 1 Music
Life Science Beginning 2 Music
Physical Science Introduction to Music
Advanced Earth Science Intermediate 1 Music
Advanced Life Science Intermediate 2 Music
Advanced Physical Science Intermediate 3 Music
Exploring Music
History K Music Concepts B
History 1 Music Appreciation
History 2
History 4 Introduction to Online Learning Grades K–2
American History A Introduction to Online Learning Grades 3–5
American History B Introduction to Online Learning Grades 6–8
Intermediate World History A
Intermediate World History B = adaptive learning technology
= eBook(s) included
= new course

37 37
In K12 Core courses, topics are broken into discrete modules that are taught in tandem with
the framework students need to develop strong study skills. Rich, engaging content with
interactive demonstrations and activities help students absorb and retain information.

In K12 Comprehensive courses, students do more extensive writing and research projects,
and tackle problems that require more analytical thinking. Course projects and activities
also demand more independent thinking and self-discipline than projects in Core courses.

K12 Honors courses hold students to a greater degree of accountability, and demand even
greater independence and self-discipline. Students synthesize and evaluate information and
concepts from multiple sources and read texts typically assigned in college-level courses.
Students also demonstrate college-level writing in essays that require analysis of primary
and secondary sources, responsible use of evidence, and comprehensive citation of sources.

K12 AP® courses are college-level courses that follow curriculum specified by the College
Board. These courses are designed to prepare students for success on AP exams, providing
students the opportunity to earn credit at most of the nation’s colleges and universities.
Our AP courses include a companion AP Exam Review course, that provides practice for
multiple choice exams and essay writing, as well as provides students an individualized
study plan based on their results.

ENG001-APL: English Foundations I (Remediation)

Students build and reinforce foundational reading, writing, and basic academic skills
needed for success in high school. Through carefully paced, guided instruction, and
graduated reading levels, students improve reading comprehension and strategies,
focusing on literacy development at the critical stage between decoding and making
meaning from text. Instruction and practice in writing skills help students develop
their composition skills in a variety of formats. Formative assessments identify
areas of weakness, lessons are prescribed to improve performance, and summative
assessments track progress and skill development. If needed, students can continue
their remediation of reading and writing skills with English Foundations II.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: Teacher/school counselor recommendation

ENG011-APL: English Foundations II (Remediation)

Students build and reinforce foundational reading, writing, and basic academic skills
needed for success in high school. Struggling readers develop mastery in reading
comprehension, vocabulary building, study skills, and media literacy. Students build
confidence in writing fundamentals by focusing on composition in a variety of formats,
grammar, style, and media literacy. Formative assessments identify areas of weakness,
lessons are prescribed to improve performance, and summative assessments track
progress and skill development.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: Teacher/school counselor recommendation; ENG001-APL: English
Foundations I is not required

ENG102: Literary Analysis and Composition I (Core)

In this course, students work on their written and oral communication skills, while
strengthening their ability to understand and analyze works of literature, both classic
38 and modern.
Literature: Students read short stories, poetry, drama, novels, essays, and informative
articles. The course sharpens reading comprehension skills and engages readers in literary
analysis as they consider important human issues and challenging ideas. Students also
learn to read for information in nonfiction texts.

Language Skills: Students learn to express their ideas effectively. They sharpen their
composition skills through focus on writing good paragraphs and essays in a variety
of genres, such as persuasive and research essays. Students plan, organize, and revise
written works in response to feedback on drafts. In grammar, usage, and mechanics
lessons, students expand their understanding of parts of speech, phrases and clauses,
sentence analysis and structure, agreement, punctuation, and other conventions.
Vocabulary lessons build knowledge of Greek and Latin words that form the roots
of many English words. Students use word origins and derivations to determine the
meaning of new words as they increase their vocabularies.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Explorations: An Anthology of Literature, Volume A; English Language
Handbook; Vocabulary from Classical Roots, Book B; Julius Caesar for Young People
Prerequisites: Middle school English/language arts

Note: This course is only for students who are new to the K12 curriculum. Students who have taken
K12 Intermediate English A or B, or K12 middle school Literary Analysis and Composition courses,
should not enroll in this course.

ENG103: Literary Analysis and Composition I

This course challenges students to improve their written and oral communication skills,
while strengthening their ability to understand and analyze literature in a variety of genres.

Literature: Students read a broad array of short stories, poetry, drama, novels,
autobiographies, essays, and famous speeches. The course guides students in the close
reading and critical analysis of classic works of literature, and helps them appreciate
the texts and the contexts in which the works were written. Literary selections range
from classic works such as Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to contemporary pieces by
authors such as Maya Angelou.

Language Skills: Students broaden their composition skills by examining model essays in
various genres by student and published writers. Through in-depth planning, organizing,
drafting, revising, proofreading, and feedback, they hone their writing skills. Students
build on their grammar, usage, and mechanics skills with in-depth study of sentence
analysis and structure, agreement, and punctuation, reinforced by online activities (Skills
Updates). Student vocabularies are enhanced through the study of Greek and Latin root
words, improving students’ ability to decipher the meanings of new words.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Classics for Young Readers, Volume 8; Classics for Young Readers, Volume 8:
An Audio Companion; BK English Language Handbook, Level 1; Vocabulary from Classical
Roots, Book C; The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave by
Frederick Douglass; Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank; Romeo and Juliet
by William Shakespeare
Prerequisites: K12 Intermediate English A and B (or equivalent)

Note: Students who have already succeeded in K12 middle school Literary Analysis and Composition
should not enroll in this course.

LANGUAGE ARTS ENG104: Honors Literary Analysis and Composition I
This course challenges students to improve their written and oral communication skills,
while strengthening their ability to understand and analyze literature in a variety of
genres. Students enrolled in this course work on independent projects that enhance
their skills and challenge them to consider complex ideas and apply
the knowledge they have learned.

Literature: Students read a broad array of short stories, poetry, drama, novels,
autobiographies, essays, and famous speeches. The course guides students in the close
reading and critical analysis of classic works of literature, and helps them appreciate the
texts and the contexts in which the works were written. Literary selections range from
the Greek tragedy Antigone to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to contemporary pieces
by authors such as Annie Dillard and Maya Angelou.

Language Skills: Students broaden their composition skills by examining model essays in
various genres by student and published writers. Through in-depth planning, organizing,
drafting, revising, proofreading, and feedback, they hone their writing skills. Students
build on their grammar, usage, and mechanics skills with in-depth study of sentence
analysis and structure, agreement, and punctuation, reinforced by online activities.

Student vocabularies are enhanced through the study of Greek and Latin root words,
improving students’ ability to decipher the meanings of new words.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Classics for Young Readers, Volume 8; Classics for Young Readers, Volume
8: An Audio Companion; BK English Language Handbook, Level 1; Vocabulary from
Classical Roots, Book C; The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American
Slave by Frederick Douglass; Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank; Romeo
and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Prerequisites: Success in K12 Intermediate English A and B (or equivalent) and teacher/
school counselor recommendation

Note: Students who have already succeeded in K12 middle school Literary Analysis and Composition
should not enroll in this course.

ENG106: Literary Analysis and Composition I (Credit

In the course, students read a variety of literary works to sharpen reading comprehension
and literary analysis skills. They review composition skills and expand their understanding
of parts of speech, phrases and clauses, sentence analysis and structure, agreement,
punctuation, and other conventions. Vocabulary lessons build knowledge of Greek
and Latin words that form the roots of many English words. Diagnostic tests assess
students’ current knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so students can
focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Explorations: An Anthology of Literature, Volume A; English Language
Handbook; Vocabulary from Classical Roots, Book B; Julius Caesar for Young People
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit and teacher/school counselor recommendation

ENG202: Literary Analysis and Composition II (Core)

In this course, students build on their language skills while reading classic and modern

40 works of literature and improving their writing skills.

Literature: Students read short stories, poetry, drama, and novels, sharpening their
reading comprehension skills and analyzing important human issues.

Language Skills: Students continue to work on their oral and written expression skills,
writing a variety of essays, including persuasive and research essays. Students plan,
organize, and revise their essays in response to feedback. They build on their skills in
grammar, usage, and mechanics by studying parts of speech, phrases and clauses,
sentence analysis and structure, agreement, punctuation, and other conventions.
Thematic units focus on word roots, suffixes and prefixes, context clues, and other
strategies to help students strengthen their vocabularies.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Explorations: An Anthology of Literature, Volume B; The Miracle Worker
by William Gibson
Prerequisites: ENG102: Literary Analysis and Composition I (or equivalent)

Note: Students who have taken K12 Intermediate English A or B or K12 middle school Literary
Analysis and Composition courses should not enroll in this course.

ENG203: Literary Analysis and Composition II
In this course, students build on existing literature and composition skills and move to
higher levels of sophistication.

Literature: Students hone their skills of literary analysis by reading short stories,
poetry, drama, novels, and works of nonfiction, both classic and modern. Authors
include W. B. Yeats, Sara Teasdale, Langston Hughes, Robert Frost, Edgar Allan Poe,
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Kate Chopin, Amy Tan, and Richard Rodriguez. Students read
Shakespeare’s Macbeth. They are offered a choice of novels and longer works to study,
including works by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Elie Wiesel, and many others.

Language Skills: In this course, students become more proficient writers and readers.
In composition lessons, students analyze model essays from readers’ and writers’
perspectives, focusing on ideas and content, structure and organization, style, word
choice, and tone. Students receive feedback during the writing process to help them
work toward a polished final draft. In addition to writing formal essays, résumés, and
business letters, students write and deliver a persuasive speech. Students expand their
knowledge of grammar, usage, and mechanics through sentence analysis and structure,
syntax, agreement, and conventions. Unit pretests identify skills to address more fully.
Students strengthen their vocabularies through thematic units focused on word roots,
suffixes and prefixes, context clues, and other important vocabulary-building strategies.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Journeys in Literature: Classic and Modern, Volume B; Journeys in Literature:
Classic and Modern, Volume B: An Audio Companion; Vocabulary for Achievement,
Fourth Course; Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Prerequisites: ENG103: Literary Analysis and Composition I (or equivalent)

ENG204: Honors Literary Analysis and Composition II

In this course, students build on existing literature and composition skills and move on
to higher levels of sophistication. Students work on independent projects that enhance
their skills and challenge them to consider complex ideas and apply the knowledge they
have learned. 41
Literature: Students hone their skills of literary analysis by reading short stories, poetry,
drama, novels, and works of nonfiction, both classic and modern. Authors include W.
B. Yeats, Sara Teasdale, Langston Hughes, Robert Frost, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel
Hawthorne, Kate Chopin, Amy Tan, Richard Rodriguez, and William Shakespeare.
Students have a choice of novels and longer works to study, including works by Jane
Austen, Charles Dickens, and Elie Wiesel.

Language Skills: In this course, students become more proficient writers and readers.
In composition lessons, students analyze model essays from readers’ and writers’
perspectives, focusing on ideas and content, structure and organization, style, word
choice, and tone. Students receive feedback during the writing process to help them
work toward a polished final draft. In addition to writing formal essays, résumés, and
business letters, students write and deliver a persuasive speech. Students expand their
knowledge of grammar, usage, and mechanics through sentence analysis and structure,
syntax, agreement, and conventions. Unit pretests identify skills to address more fully.
Students strengthen their vocabularies through thematic units focused on word roots,
suffixes and prefixes, context clues, and other important vocabulary-building strategies.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Journeys in Literature: Classic and Modern, Volume B; Journeys in Literature:

Classic and Modern, Volume B: An Audio Companion; Vocabulary for Achievement,

Fourth Course; Macbeth by William ShakespearePrerequisites
Prerequisites: Success in ENG104: Honors Literary Analysis and Composition I (or
equivalent) and teacher/school counselor recommendation

ENG206: Literary Analysis and Composition II (Credit

In this course, students read classic and modern works of literature, sharpening their
reading comprehension skills and analyzing important human issues. They review
effective strategies for oral and written expression, grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Thematic units focus on word roots, suffixes and prefixes, context clues, and other
strategies that help students strengthen their vocabularies. Diagnostic tests assess
students’ current knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so students can
focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Explorations: An Anthology of Literature, Volume B; The Miracle Worker
by William Gibson
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent,
but did not receive credit and teacher/school counselor recommendation

ENG302: American Literature (Core)

In this genre-based course, students sharpen their reading comprehension skills and
analyze important themes in classic and modern works of American literature, including
short stories, poetry, drama, and novels. Students refine their skills of written expression
by writing memoirs, persuasive essays, research essays, workplace documentation, and
more. They develop vocabulary skills and refresh their knowledge of grammar, usage, and
mechanics in preparation for standardized tests.

Literature: Students read short stories, poetry, drama, and novels, sharpening their
reading comprehension skills and analyzing important themes in American literature.

42 Language Skills: Students continue to work on their oral and written expression skills,
writing a variety of essays including memoirs, persuasive and research essays, and
workplace documentation. Students plan, organize, and revise their essays in response
to feedback.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Explorations: An Anthology of American Literature, Volume C; Our Town by
Thornton Wilder; To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Prerequisites: ENG202: Literary Analysis and Composition II (or equivalent)

ENG303: American Literature (Comprehensive)

In this course, students read and analyze works of American literature from colonial
to contemporary times, including poetry, short stories, novels, drama, and nonfiction.
The literary works provide opportunities for critical writing, creative projects, and
online discussions. Students develop vocabulary skills and refresh their knowledge of
grammar, usage, and mechanics in preparation for standardized tests.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Journeys in Literature: American Traditions, Volume C; The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald; The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. Students will also

read one selection of their choice from the following: The Old Man and the Sea by
Ernest Hemingway; The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros; A Lesson Before
Dying by Ernest Gaines; The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane
Prerequisites: ENG203: Literary Analysis and Composition II (or equivalent)

ENG304: Honors American Literature

In this course, students read and analyze works of American literature from colonial
to contemporary times, including poetry, short stories, novels, drama, and nonfiction.
The literary works provide opportunities for critical writing, creative projects, and
online discussions. Students develop vocabulary skills and refresh their knowledge of
grammar, usage, and mechanics in preparation for standardized tests. Students enrolled
in this challenging course will also complete independent projects that deepen their
understanding of the themes and ideas presented in the curriculum.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Journeys in Literature: American Traditions, Volume C; The Great Gatsby by
F. Scott Fitzgerald; The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. Students will also read
one selection of their choice from the following: The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest
Hemingway; The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros; A Lesson Before Dying by
Ernest Gaines; The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane; and two selections of their
choice from the following: Billy Budd by Herman Melville; A Connecticut Yankee in King
Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain; Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger; Song of Solomon by
Toni Morrison
Prerequisites: Success in ENG204: Honors Literary Analysis and Composition II
(or equivalent) and teacher/school counselor recommendation

ENG306: American Literature (Credit Recovery)

Students sharpen their reading comprehension skills and analyze important themes
in classic and modern works of American literature. They review effective strategies
for written expression. They develop vocabulary skills and refresh their knowledge
of grammar, usage, and mechanics in preparation for standardized tests. Diagnostic
tests assess students’ current knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so
students can focus on topics that need review. 43
Course Length: Two semesters
Materials: Explorations: An Anthology of American Literature, Volume C; Our Town by
Thornton Wilder; To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit and teacher/school counselor recommendation

ENG402: British and World Literature (Core)

This course engages students in selections from British and world literature from
the ancient world through modern times. They practice analytical writing and have
opportunities for creative expression. Students also practice test-taking skills for
standardized assessments in critical reading and writing.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Explorations: An Anthology of British and World Literature
Prerequisites: ENG302: American Literature (or equivalent)

ENG403: British and World Literature (Comprehensive)


Students read selections from British and world literature in a loosely organized
chronological framework. They analyze the themes, styles, and structures of these texts
and make thematic connections among diverse authors, periods, and settings. Students
complete guided and independent writing assignments that refine their analytical skills.
They have opportunities for creative expression in projects of their choice. Students also
practice test-taking skills for standardized assessments in critical reading and writing.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Journeys in Literature: British and World Classics; Hamlet by William
Prerequisites: ENG303: American Literature (or equivalent)

ENG404: Honors British and World Literature

Students read selections from British and world literature in a loosely organized
chronological framework. They analyze the themes, styles, and structures of these
texts and make thematic connections among diverse authors, periods, and settings.
Students work independently on many of their analyses and engage in creative
collaboration with their peers. Students also practice test-taking skills for standardized
assessments in critical reading and writing.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Journeys in Literature: British and World Classics; Hamlet by William
Prerequisites: ENG304: American Literature (or equivalent) and teacher/school
counselor recommendation

ENG406: British and World Literature

(Credit Recovery)
This course engages students in selections from British and world literature from
the ancient world through modern times. They practice analytical writing and have
opportunities for creative expression. Students also practice test-taking skills for
standardized assessments in critical reading and writing. Diagnostic tests assess
students’ current knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so students can
44 focus on topics that need review.
Course Length: Two semesters
Materials: Explorations: An Anthology of British and World Literature
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent,
but did not receive credit and teacher/school counselor recommendation

ENG500: AP English Language and Composition

Students learn to understand and analyze complex works by a variety of authors.
They explore the richness of language, including syntax, imitation, word choice, and
tone. They also learn composition style and process, starting with exploration, planning,
and writing. This continues with editing, peer review, rewriting, polishing, and applying
what they learn to academic, personal, and professional contexts. In this equivalent of an
introductory college-level survey class, students prepare for the AP exam and for further
study in communications, creative writing, journalism, literature, and composition.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction, 12th ed.; Writing: A College
Handbook, 5th ed.
Prerequisites: Success in ENG304: Honors American Literature (or equivalent) and

teacher/school counselor recommendation

ENG510: AP English Literature and Composition

In this course, the equivalent of an introductory college-level survey class, students are
immersed in novels, plays, poems, and short stories from various periods. Students
read and write daily, using a variety of multimedia and interactive activities, interpretive
writing assignments, and discussions. The course places special emphasis on reading
comprehension, structural and critical analyses of written works, literary vocabulary, and
recognizing and understanding literary devices. Students prepare for the AP Exam and for
further study in creative writing, communications, journalism, literature, and composition.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Required (both semesters): The Norton Anthology of Poetry, 5th ed.; The Story
and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction, compact 7th ed.Required (first semester):
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston; Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen; A
Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams; Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
Required (second semester): The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Annie John by
Jamaica Kincaid; Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Prerequisites: Success in ENG304: Honors American Literature (or equivalent) and
teacher/school counselor recommendation

ENG010: Journalism (Elective)

Students are introduced to the historical importance of journalism in America.
They study the basic principles of print and online journalism as they examine the role of
printed news media in our society. They learn investigative skills, responsible reporting,
and journalistic writing techniques as they read, respond to, and write their own news
and feature articles. Students conduct interviews, research, write, and design their own

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

LANGUAGE ARTS ENG020: Public Speaking (Elective)
Students are introduced to public speaking as an important component of their
academic, work, and social lives. They develop skills as public speakers by planning,
organizing, writing, and delivering speeches on topics of their choosing. They learn to
be fair and critical listeners, give and respond to feedback, and incorporate visual and
multimedia aids. They also learn about the ethics of public speaking and techniques for
managing communication anxiety.

Course Length: One semester

Materials: Student must provide a webcam and recording software
Prerequisites: None

ENG030-AVT: Creative Writing (Elective)

In this course, students explore a range of creative writing genres, including fiction,
poetry, creative nonfiction, drama, and multimedia writing. They study examples of
classic and contemporary selections, apply what they learn to their own writing, and
develop proficiency in the writing process. They learn to evaluate the writings of others
and apply evaluation criteria to their own work. By the end of the course, students will

have created a well-developed portfolio of finished written works.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: None

MTH001-APL: Math Foundations I (Remediation)

Students build and reinforce foundational math skills typically found in third through
fifth grade for which they have not achieved mastery. They progress through carefully
paced, guided instruction and engaging interactive practice. Formative assessments
identify areas of weakness and prescribe lessons to improve performance. Summative
assessments track progress and skill development. If needed, students can move on
to Math Foundations II (addressing skills typically found in sixth through eighth grade)
to further develop the computational skills and conceptual understanding needed to
undertake high school math courses with confidence.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: Teacher/school counselor recommendation

MTH011-APL: Math Foundations II (Remediation)

Students build and reinforce foundational math skills typically found in sixth through
eighth grade, achieving the computational skills and conceptual understanding needed to
undertake high school math courses with confidence. Carefully paced, guided instruction
is accompanied by interactive practice that is engaging and accessible. Formative
ENGLISH & assessments identify areas of weakness and prescribe lessons to improve performance.
MATHEMATICS Summative assessments track progress and skill development. This course is appropriate
for use as remediation at the high school level or as a bridge to high school.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: Teacher/school counselor recommendation; MTH001-APL: Math
Foundations I is not required

MTH322-AVT: Consumer Math (Core)
Students can apply this comprehensive review and study of arithmetic skills to both
personal and vocational business opportunities. Topics include whole numbers,
fractions, percentages, basic statistics, and graphs. Students are shown practical
applications for what they have learned in their personal lives, including home and car
ownership, wages and taxes, budgeting, banking, and credit.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: None

MTH112: Pre-Algebra (Core)

In this course, students learn computational and problem-solving skills and the
language of algebra. Students translate word phrases and sentences into mathematical
expressions; analyze geometric figures; solve problems involving percentages,
ratios, and proportions; graph different kinds of equations and inequalities; calculate
statistical measures and probabilities; apply the Pythagorean theorem; and explain
strategies for solving real-world problems. The textbook provides students with a ready
reference and explanations that supplement the online material. Online lessons provide

demonstrations of concepts, as well as interactive problems with contextual feedback.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Pre-Algebra: Reference Guide and Problem Sets
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Fundamentals of Geometry and Algebra, or MTH011-
APL: Math Foundations II (or equivalents)

Note: Students who have already succeeded in K12 middle school Pre-Algebra should not enroll in
this course.

MTH113: Pre-Algebra (Comprehensive)

In this course, students take a broader look at computational and problem-solving
skills while learning the language of algebra. Students translate word phrases and
sentences into mathematical expressions; analyze geometric figures; solve problems
involving percentages, ratios, and proportions; graph different kinds of equations and
inequalities; calculate statistical measures and probabilities; apply the Pythagorean
theorem; and explain strategies for solving real-world problems. Online lessons provide
demonstrations of key concepts, as well as interactive problems with contextual
feedback. A textbook supplements the online material.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Pre-Algebra: Reference Guide and Problem Sets
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Fundamentals of Geometry and Algebra (or equivalent)

Note: Students who have already succeeded in K12 middle school Pre-Algebra should not enroll in
this course.

MTH116: Pre-Algebra (Credit Recovery)

In this course, students review computational and problem-solving skills and the language
of algebra. Topics include mathematical expressions; geometric figures; percentages,
ratios, and proportions; graphs for equations and inequalities; statistical measures and
probabilities; the Pythagorean theorem; and strategies for solving world problems.
Diagnostic tests assess students’ current knowledge and generate individualized study
plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.
MATHEMATICS Course Length: Two semesters
Materials: Pre-Algebra: Reference Guide and Problem Sets
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

MTH122: Algebra I (Core)

In this course, students explore the tools of algebra. Students learn to identify the
structure and properties of the real number system; complete operations with integers
and other rational numbers; work with square roots and irrational numbers; graph
linear equations; solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable; solve systems
of linear equations; use ratios, proportions, and percentages to solve problems; use
algebraic applications in geometry including the Pythagorean theorem and formulas for
measuring area and volume; complete an introduction to polynomials; and understand
logic and reasoning.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Algebra I: Reference Guide and Problem Sets
Prerequisites: MTH112: Pre-Algebra (or equivalent)

Note: Students who have already succeeded in K12 middle school Algebra I should not enroll in
this course.

MTH123: Algebra I (Comprehensive)

Students develop algebraic fluency by learning the skills needed to solve equations and
perform manipulations with numbers, variables, equations, and inequalities. They also
learn concepts central to the abstraction and generalization that algebra makes possible.
Topics include simplifying expressions involving variables, fractions, exponents, and
radicals; working with integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers; graphing
and solving equations and inequalities; using factoring, formulas, and other techniques
to solve quadratic and other polynomial equations; formulating valid mathematical
arguments using various types of reasoning; and translating word problems into
mathematical equations and then using the equations to solve the original problems.
Compared to MTH122, this course has a more rigorous pace and more challenging
assignments and assessments. It covers additional topics including translating functions,
higher degree roots, and more complex factoring techniques.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Algebra I: Reference Guide and Problem Sets
Prerequisites: K12 Pre-Algebra, MTH113: Pre-Algebra (or equivalents)

Note: Students who have already succeeded in K12 middle school Algebra I should
not enroll in this course.

MTH124: Honors Algebra I

This course prepares students for more advanced courses while they develop algebraic
fluency, learn the skills needed to solve equations, and perform manipulations with
numbers, variables, equations, and inequalities. They also learn concepts central to the
abstraction and generalization that algebra makes possible. Topics include simplifying
expressions involving variables, fractions, exponents, and radicals; working with integers,
rational numbers, and irrational numbers; graphing and solving equations and inequalities;
using factoring, formulas, and other techniques to solve quadratic and other polynomial

equations; formulating valid mathematical arguments using various types of reasoning;
and translating word problems into mathematical equations and then using the equations
to solve the original problems. This course includes all the topics in MTH123, but includes MATHEMATICS
more challenging assignments and optional challenge activities. Each semester also
includes an independent honors project.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Algebra I: Reference Guide and Problem Sets
Prerequisites: Success in previous math course and teacher/school counselor

Note: Students who have already succeeded in K12 middle school Algebra I should
not enroll in this course.

MTH126: Algebra I (Credit Recovery)

In this course, students review the tools of algebra. Topics include the structure and
properties of real numbers; operations with integers and other rational numbers; square
roots and irrational numbers; linear equations; ratios, proportions, and percentages; the
Pythagorean theorem; polynomials; and logic and reasoning. Diagnostic tests assess
students’ current knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so students can
focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters
Materials: Algebra I: Reference Guide and Problem Sets
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

MTH202: Geometry (Core)

Students learn to recognize and work with core geometric concepts in various contexts.
They develop sound ideas of inductive and deductive reasoning, logic, concepts, and
techniques of Euclidean plane and solid geometry, as well as a solid, basic understanding
of mathematical structure, method, and applications of Euclidean plane and solid
geometry. Students use visualizations, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling
to solve problems. Topics of study include points, lines, and angles; triangles; right
triangles; quadrilaterals and other polygons; circles; coordinate geometry; three-
dimensional solids; geometric constructions; symmetry; and the use of transformations.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Geometry: A Reference Guide; a drawing compass, protractor, and ruler
Prerequisites: MTH122: Algebra I (or equivalent)

MTH203: Geometry (Comprehensive)

In this comprehensive course, students are challenged to recognize and work with
geometric concepts in various contexts. They build on ideas of inductive and deductive
reasoning, logic, concepts, and techniques of Euclidean plane and solid geometry. They
develop deeper understandings of mathematical structure, method, and applications
of Euclidean plane and solid geometry. Students use visualizations, spatial reasoning, and
geometric modeling to solve problems. Topics of study include points, lines, and angles;
triangles; right triangles; quadrilaterals and other polygons; circles; coordinate geometry;
three-dimensional solids; geometric constructions; symmetry; the use of transformations;
and non-Euclidean geometries.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Geometry: A Reference Guide; a drawing compass, protractor, and ruler
Prerequisites: MTH123: Algebra I (or equivalent) 49
LANGUAGE ARTS MTH204: Honors Geometry
Students work with advanced geometric concepts in various contexts. They build in-
depth ideas of inductive and deductive reasoning, logic, concepts, and techniques of
Euclidean plane and solid geometry. They also develop a sophisticated understanding of
mathematical structure, method, and applications of Euclidean plane and solid geometry.
Students use visualizations, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems.
Topics of study include points, lines, and angles; triangles; right triangles; quadrilaterals
and other polygons; circles; coordinate geometry; three-dimensional solids; geometric
constructions; symmetry; the use of transformations; and non-Euclidean geometries.
Students work on additional challenging assignments, assessments, and research projects.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Geometry: A Reference Guide; a drawing compass, protractor, and ruler
Prerequisites: MTH123: Algebra I or MTH124: Honors Algebra I (or equivalent) and
teacher/school counselor recommendation

MTH206: Geometry (Credit Recovery)

Students review core geometric concepts as they develop sound ideas of inductive and

deductive reasoning, logic, concepts, and techniques and applications of Euclidean

plane and solid geometry. Students use visualizations, spatial reasoning, and geometric
modeling to solve problems. Topics include points, lines, and angles; triangles, polygons,
and circles; coordinate geometry; three-dimensional solids; geometric constructions;
symmetry; and the use of transformations. Diagnostic tests assess students’ current
knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that
need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Geometry: A Reference Guide; a drawing compass, protractor, and ruler
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

MTH302: Algebra II (Core)

This course builds upon algebraic concepts covered in Algebra I. Students solve open-
ended problems and learn to think critically. Topics include conic sections; functions
and their graphs; quadratic functions; inverse functions; and advanced polynomial
functions. Students are introduced to rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic
functions; sequences and series; and data analysis.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Algebra II: A Reference Guide and Problem Sets; Texas Instruments T1-84
Plus graphing calculator
Prerequisites: MTH122: Algebra I (or equivalent)

MTH303: Algebra II (Comprehensive)

This course builds upon algebraic concepts covered in Algebra I and prepares students for
advanced-level courses. Students extend their knowledge and understanding by solving
open-ended problems and thinking critically. Topics include conic sections; functions and
their graphs; quadratic functions; inverse functions; and advanced polynomial functions.
Students are introduced to rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions;
sequences and series; and data analysis.

Course Length: Two semesters MATHEMATICS
Materials: Algebra II: A Reference Guide and Problem Sets; Texas Instruments T1-84
Plus graphing calculator
Prerequisites: MTH123: Algebra I and MTH203: Geometry (or equivalents)

MTH304: Honors Algebra II

This course builds upon advanced algebraic concepts covered in Algebra I and prepares
students for advanced-level courses. Students extend their knowledge and understanding
by solving open-ended problems and thinking critically. Topics include functions and their
graphs; quadratic functions; complex numbers, and advanced polynomial functions.
Students are introduced to rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions;
sequences and series; probability; statistics; and conic sections. Students work on
additional challenging assignments, assessments, and research projects.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Algebra II: A Reference Guide and Problem Sets; Texas Instruments T1-84
Plus graphing calculator
Prerequisites: MTH123 or MTH124 (Honors): Algebra I and MTH203 or MTH204

(Honors): Geometry (or equivalents) and teacher/school counselor recommendation

MTH306: Algebra II (Credit Recovery)

This course builds upon algebraic concepts covered in Algebra I. Students solve open-
ended problems and learn to think critically. Topics include conic sections; functions and
their graphs; quadratic functions; inverse functions; and advanced polynomial functions.
Students review rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions; sequences
and series; and data analysis. Diagnostic tests assess students’ current knowledge and
generate individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Algebra II: A Reference Guide and Problem Sets; Texas Instruments T1-84
Plus graphing calculator
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

MTH403: Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry (Comprehensive)

Pre-calculus weaves together previous study of algebra, geometry, and functions into a
preparatory course for calculus. The course focuses on the mastery of critical skills and
exposure to new skills necessary for success in subsequent math courses. Topics include
linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, radical, polynomial, and rational functions;
systems of equations; and conic sections in the first semester. The second semester
covers trigonometric ratios and functions; inverse trigonometric functions; applications of
trigonometry, including vectors and laws of cosine and sine; polar functions and notation;
and arithmetic of complex numbers.

Cross-curricular connections are made throughout the course to calculus,

art, history, and a variety of other fields related to mathematics.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Texas Instruments T1-84 Plus graphing calculator
Prerequisites: MTH203: Geometry and MTH303: Algebra II (or equivalents)

LANGUAGE ARTS MTH413: Probability and Statistics (Comprehensive)
Students learn counting methods, probability, descriptive statistics, graphs of data, the
normal curve, statistical inference, and linear regression. Proficiency is measured through
frequent online and offline assessments, as well as asynchronous discussions. Problem-
solving activities provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills in real-
world situations.

Course Length: One semester

Materials: Probability and Statistics: Reference Guide and Problem Sets
Prerequisites: MTH 303: Algebra II (or equivalent)

MTH433-AVT: Calculus (Comprehensive)

This course is a comprehensive look at the study of differential and integral calculus
concepts including limits, derivative and integral computation, linearization, Riemann
sums, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and differential equations. Applications
include graph analysis, linear motion, average value, area, volume, and growth and decay

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Java is needed for the embedded graphing calculator applet (GCalc)
Prerequisites: MTH403: Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry (or equivalent)

MTH500: AP Calculus AB
This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level calculus course. Calculus
helps scientists, engineers, and financial analysts understand the complex relationships
behind real-world phenomena. Students learn to evaluate the soundness of proposed
solutions and apply mathematical reasoning to real-world models. Students also learn to
understand change geometrically and visually (by studying graphs of curves), analytically
(by studying and working with mathematical formulas), numerically (by seeing patterns
in sets of numbers), and verbally. Students prepare for the AP exam and further studies in
science, engineering, and mathematics.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Texas Instruments T1-84 Plus graphing calculator
Prerequisites: Success in MTH204: Honors Geometry, MTH304: Honors Algebra II,
MTH403: Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry (or equivalents), and teacher/ school counselor

MTH510: AP Statistics
This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level course. Statistics—
the art of drawing conclusions from imperfect data and the science of real-world
uncertainties—plays an important role in many fields. Students collect, analyze, graph,
and interpret real-world data. They learn to design and analyze research studies by
reviewing and evaluating examples from real research. Students prepare for the AP
exam and for further study in science, sociology, medicine, engineering, political
science, geography, and business.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Texas Instruments T1-84 Plus graphing calculator
Prerequisites: Success in MTH304: Honors Algebra II (or equivalent) and teacher/school
counselor recommendation
BUS030: Personal Finance (Elective)
In this introductory finance course, students learn basic principles of economics and
best practices for managing their own finances. Students learn core skills in creating
budgets, developing long-term financial plans to meet their goals, and making
responsible choices about income and expenses. They gain a deeper understanding of
capitalism and other systems so they can better understand their role in the economy
of society. Students are inspired by experiences of finance professionals and stories of
everyday people and the choices they make to manage their money.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

MTH332-AVT: Integrated Math (Elective)

Students build the mathematical skills needed to solve problems and reason logically.
They learn to communicate their understanding by organizing and clarifying mathematical
information, becoming proficient in appropriate mathematical language to clearly
represent complex ideas and information. Through online instruction, practice, audio
tutorials, Web quests, and interactive games, students reinforce their knowledge and

strategies in number sense, geometry, algebra, measurement, probability and statistics,
and data interpretation.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: None

SCI102: Physical Science (Core)

Students explore the relationship between matter and energy by investigating
force and motion, the structure of atoms, the structure and properties of matter,
chemical reactions, and the interactions of energy and matter. Students develop
skills in measuring, solving problems, using laboratory apparatuses, following safety
procedures, and adhering to experimental procedures. Students focus on inquiry-
based learning, with both hands-on laboratory investigations and virtual laboratory

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: K12 middle school Physical Science (or equivalent)

SCI106: Physical Science (Credit Recovery)

Students explore the relationship between matter and energy by investigating force
and motion, the structure of atoms, the structure and properties of matter, chemical
reactions, and the interactions of energy and matter. They review strategies for describing
and measuring scientific concepts. Diagnostic tests assess students’ current knowledge
and generate individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.
Course Length: Two semesters
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

SCI112: Earth Science (Core)
This course provides students with a solid earth science curriculum, focusing on geology,
oceanography, astronomy, weather, and climate. The program consists of online
lessons, an associated reference book, collaborative activities, virtual laboratories,
and hands-on laboratories students can conduct at home. The course provides a base
for further studies in geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy, and gives
practical experience in implementing scientific methods.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Earth Science: A Reference Guide
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Earth Science (or equivalent)

SCI113: Earth Science (Comprehensive)

This course provides students with a comprehensive earth science curriculum,
focusing on geology, oceanography, astronomy, weather, and climate. The program
consists of in-depth online lessons, an associated reference book, collaborative
activities, virtual laboratories, and hands-on laboratories students can conduct at
home. The course prepares students for further studies in geology, meteorology,

oceanography, and astronomy courses, and gives them practical experience in

implementing scientific methods.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Earth Science: A Reference Guide
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Life Science (or equivalent)

SCI114: Honors Earth Science

This challenging course provides students with an honors-level earth science curriculum,
focusing on geology, oceanography, astronomy, weather, and climate. The program
consists of online lessons, an associated reference book, collaborative activities, and
hands-on laboratories students can conduct at home. The course prepares students
for advanced studies in geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy
courses, and gives them more sophisticated experience in implementing scientific
methods. Additional honors assignments include debates, research papers, extended
collaborative laboratories, and virtual laboratories.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Earth Science: A Reference Guide
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Life Science (or equivalent), success in previous science
course, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

SCI116: Earth Science (Credit Recovery)

This course provides students with a solid earth science curriculum. Students learn how
the earth works, how it changes, and its place in the universe. They become familiar with
the terminology, concepts, and practical applications of earth science and explore topics
in geology, meteorology, oceanography, astronomy, and scientific methods. Diagnostic
tests assess students’ current knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so
students can focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Earth Science: A Reference Guide

Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive SCIENCE
credit and teacher/school counselor recommendation

SCI202: Biology (Core)

In this course, students focus on the chemistry of living things: the cell, genetics,
evolution, the structure and function of living things, and ecology. The program
consists of online lessons including extensive animations, an associated reference book,
collaborative activities, virtual laboratories, and hands-on laboratory experiments
students can conduct at home.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Biology: A Reference Guide
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Life Science (or equivalent)

SCI203: Biology (Comprehensive)

In this comprehensive course, students investigate the chemistry of living things:
the cell, genetics, evolution, the structure and function of living things, and ecology.

The program consists of in-depth online lessons including extensive animations, an
associated reference book, collaborative explorations, virtual laboratories, and hands-on
laboratory experiments students can conduct at home.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Biology: A Reference Guide
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Life Science (or equivalent)

SCI204: Honors Biology

This course provides students with a challenging honors-level biology curriculum,
focusing on the chemistry of living things: the cell, genetics, evolution, the structure
and function of living things, and ecology. The program consists of advanced online
lessons including extensive animations, an associated reference book, collaborative
explorations, and hands-on laboratory experiments students can conduct at home.
Honors activities include debates, research papers, extended collaborative laboratories,
and virtual laboratories.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Biology: A Reference Guide
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Life Science (or equivalent), success in previous science
course, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

SCI206: Biology (Credit Recovery)

Topics include the scientific method, characteristics of living things, energy, organic
compounds, and water. Students review the structure and function of living things, the
cell, genetics, DNA, RNA, and proteins. They review evolution and natural selection;
digestive, respiratory, nervous, reproductive, and muscular systems; and ecology and
the environment. Diagnostic tests assess students’ current knowledge and generate
individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Biology: A Reference Guide
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit and teacher/school counselor recommendation
LANGUAGE ARTS SCI302: Chemistry (Core)
This course surveys all key areas of chemistry, including atomic structure, chemical
bonding and reactions, solutions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, organic chemistry,
and nuclear chemistry. The course includes direct online instruction, virtual laboratories,
and related assessments, used with a problem-solving book.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Chemistry: Problems and Solutions;
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Physical Science or SCI102: Physical Science and
satisfactory grasp of algebra basics, evidenced by success in MTH122: Algebra I
(or equivalent)

SCI303: Chemistry (Comprehensive)

This comprehensive course gives students a solid basis to move on to future studies.
The course provides an in-depth survey of all key areas, including atomic structure,
chemical bonding and reactions, solutions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, organic
chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. The course includes direct online instruction, virtual
laboratories, and related assessments, used with a problem-solving book.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Chemistry: Problems and Solutions
Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of either K12 middle school Physical Science
or SCI102: Physical Science and solid grasp of algebra basics, evidenced by success in
MTH122: Algebra I (or equivalents)

SCI304: Honors Chemistry

This advanced course gives students a solid basis to move on to more advanced
courses. The challenging course surveys all key areas, including atomic structure,
chemical bonding and reactions, solutions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, organic
chemistry, and nuclear chemistry, enhanced with challenging model problems and
assessments. Students complete community-based written research projects, treat
aspects of chemistry that require individual research and reporting, and participate in
online threaded discussions.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Chemistry: Problems and Solutions; Chemistry: A Laboratory Guide
Prerequisites: Success in previous science course, MTH123 or MTH124 (Honors):
Algebra I (or equivalents), and teacher/school counselor recommendation

SCI306: Chemistry (Credit Recovery)

Students review concepts of matter, energy, the metric system, and the scientific
method. Other topics include the atom; the periodic table; ionic and covalent bonds;
chemical reactions; stoichiometry; gases, liquids, and solids; solutions; and acids and
bases. Students review chemical thermodynamics; reaction rates and system equilibria;
electrochemical processes; organic chemistry and biochemistry; and nuclear chemistry.
Diagnostic tests assess students’ current knowledge and generate individualized study
plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Chemistry: Problems and Solutions

Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive SCIENCE
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

SCI403: Physics (Comprehensive)

This course provides a comprehensive survey of all key areas: physical systems,
measurement, kinematics, dynamics, momentum, energy, thermodynamics, waves,
electricity, and magnetism, and introduces students to modern physics topics such as
quantum theory and the atomic nucleus. The course gives students a solid basis to move
on to more advanced courses later in their academic careers. The program consists of
online instruction, virtual laboratories, and related assessments, plus an associated
problem-solving book.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Physics: Problems and Solutions
Prerequisites: MTH303: Algebra II and MTH403: Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry
(or equivalents)

SCI404: Honors Physics

This advanced course surveys all key areas: physical systems, measurement, kinematics,
dynamics, momentum, energy, thermodynamics, waves, electricity, and magnetism,
and introduces students to modern physics topics such as quantum theory and the
atomic nucleus. Additional honors assignments include debates, research papers,
extended collaborative laboratories, and virtual laboratories. The course gives a solid
basis for moving on to more advanced college physics courses. The program consists
of online instruction, virtual laboratories, and related assessments, plus an associated
problem-solving book.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Physics: Problems and Solutions
Prerequisites: MTH303 or MTH304 (Honors): Algebra II and MTH403: Pre-Calculus/
Trigonometry (or equivalents) and teacher/school counselor recommendation

SCI500: AP Biology
This course guides students to a deeper understanding of biological concepts including
the diversity and unity of life, energy and the processes of life, homeostasis, and genetics.
Students learn about regulation, communication, and signaling in living organisms, as well
as interactions of biological systems. Students carry out a number of learning activities,
including readings, interactive exercises, extension activities, hands-on laboratory
experiments, and practice assessments. These activities are designed to help students
gain an understanding of the science process and critical-thinking skills necessary to
answer questions on the AP Biology Exam. The content aligns to the sequence of topics
recommended by the College Board.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Common household materials for labs
Prerequisites: Success in SCI204: Honors Biology, SCI304: Honors Chemistry, SCI124:
Honors Algebra I (or equivalents), and teacher/school counselor recommendation
required; success in SCI304: Honors Algebra II highly recommended

Students solve chemical problems by using mathematical formulation principles and
chemical calculations in addition to laboratory experiments. They build on their general
understanding of chemical principles and engage in a more in-depth study of the nature
and reactivity of matter. Students first focus on the structure of atoms, molecules,
and ions, and then go on to analyze the relationship between molecular structure and
chemical and physical properties. To investigate this relationship, students examine the
molecular composition of common substances and learn to transform them through
chemical reactions with increasingly predictable outcomes. Students prepare for the AP
exam. The course content aligns to the sequence of topics recommended by the College
Board and to widely used textbooks.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Inquiries into Chemistry by Abraham and Pavelich, 3rd ed.; Texas Instruments
T1-84 Plus graphing calculator or one of similar capabilities and—if hands-on labs are
required—materials for lab experiments must be acquired by students
Prerequisites: Success in SCI304: Honors Chemistry and MTH304: Honors Algebra II (or
equivalents), and teacher/school counselor recommendation

SCI520: AP Physics B
This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level survey course, but does
not require proficiency in calculus. Students focus on five general areas: Newtonian
mechanics, thermal physics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, and atomic
and nuclear physics. Students gain an understanding of the core principles of physics
and then apply them to problem-solving exercises. They learn how to measure the mass
of a planet without weighing it, find out how electricity makes a motor turn, and learn
how opticians know how to shape lenses for glasses. Students prepare for the AP exam
and for further study in science and engineering.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Schaum’s Outline of College Physics by Bueche and Hecht, 10th ed.; Texas
Instruments T1-84 Plus graphing calculator or one of similar capabilities and—if hands-
on labs are required—materials for lab experiments must be acquired by students
Prerequisites: Success in MTH304: Honors Algebra II, MTH403: Pre-Calculus/
Trigonometry (or equivalents), and teacher/school counselor recommendation

SCI530-AVT: AP Environmental Science

This course—the equivalent of an introductory college-level course—examines the
interrelationships of the natural world. Students identify and analyze environmental
problems and their effects, and evaluate the effectiveness of proposed solutions. They
learn to think like environmental scientists: making predictions based on observations,
writing hypothesis, designing and completing field studies and experiments, and reaching
conclusions based on the analysis of data derived from these experiments. Students apply
the concepts of environmental science to their everyday experiences and current issues
in science, politics, and society. Students participate in guided inquiry, student-centered
learning, and critical thinking, and leave the course prepared for the AP exam and further
study in environmental science.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions, 16th ed

Prerequisites: Success in two years of laboratory sciences in the following (or SCIENCE
equivalents): usually SCI204 or SCI500 (AP): Biology, or Life Science, and either SCI304
or SCI510 (AP): Chemistry or SCI404 or SCI520 (AP): Physics; and MTH124: Honors
Algebra I; SCI114: Honors Earth Science is recommended, and teacher/school counselor

SCI010: Environmental Science (Elective)

This course surveys key topic areas including the application of scientific process to
environmental analysis; ecology; energy flow; ecological structures; earth systems;
and atmospheric, land, and water science. Topics also include the management
of natural resources and analysis of private and governmental decisions involving
the environment. Students explore actual case studies and conduct five hands-on,
unit-long research activities, learning that political and private decisions about
the environment and the use of resources require accurate application of scientific
processes, including proper data collection and responsible conclusions.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: Success in previous high school science course and teacher/school

counselor recommendation

SCI030: Forensic Science (Elective)

This course surveys key topics in forensic science, including the
application of the scientific process to forensic analysis, procedures and principles of
crime scene investigation, physical and trace evidence, and the law and courtroom
procedures from the perspective of the forensic scientist. Through online lessons,
virtual and hands-on labs, and analysis of fictional crime scenarios, students learn
about forensic tools, technical resources, forming and testing hypotheses, proper
data collection, and responsible conclusions.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: Successful completion of at least two years of high school science
including SCI203: Biology (or equivalent); SCI303: Chemistry is highly recommended

HST102: World History (Core)

In this survey of world history from prehistoric to modern times, students focus on
the key developments and events that have shaped civilization across time. The
course is organized chronologically and, within broad eras, regionally. Lessons address
developments in religion, philosophy, the arts, science and technology, and political
history. The course also introduces geography concepts and skills within the context
of the historical narrative. Online lessons and assessments complement World History:
Our Human Story, a textbook written and published by K¹². Students analyze primary
sources and maps, create timelines, and complete other projects—practicing historical
thinking and writing skills as they explore the broad themes and big ideas of human HISTORY &
Course Length: Two semesters
Materials: World History: Our Human Story
Prerequisites: K12 middle school American History A, World History A or World History B
(or equivalents)

ARTS HST103: World History (Comprehensive)
In this comprehensive survey of world history from prehistoric to modern times,
students focus in depth on the developments and events that have shaped civilization
across time. The course is organized chronologically and, within broad eras, regionally.
Lessons address developments in religion, philosophy, the arts, science and technology,
and political history. The course also introduces geography concepts and skills within
the context of the historical narrative. Online lessons and assessments complement
World History: Our Human Story, a textbook written and published by K¹². Students are
challenged to consider topics in depth as they analyze primary sources and maps, create
timelines, and complete other projects—practicing historical thinking and writing skills
as they explore the broad themes and big ideas of human history.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: World History: Our Human Story
Prerequisites: K12 middle school American History A, World History A or World History B
(or equivalents)

HST104: Honors World History


In this challenging survey of world history from prehistoric to modern times, students
focus in-depth on the developments and events that have shaped civilization across
time. The course is organized chronologically and, within broad eras, regionally.
Lessons address developments in religion, philosophy, the arts, science and technology,
and political history. The course also introduces geography concepts and skills within
the context of the historical narrative. Online lessons and assessments complement
World History: Our Human Story, a textbook written and published by K¹². Students are
challenged to consider topics in depth as they analyze primary sources and maps, create
timelines, and complete other projects—practicing advanced historical thinking and
writing skills as they explore the broad themes and big ideas of human history. Students
complete an independent honors project each semester.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: World History: Our Human Story
Prerequisites: K12 middle school American History A, World History A or World History B
(or equivalents)

HST106: World History (Credit Recovery)

This course traces the development of civilizations around the world from prehistory to
the present, with a special emphasis on key periods and primary sources. The course
covers major events in world history, including the development and influence of
human-geographic relationships, political and social structures, economics, science and
technology, and the arts. Students investigate the major religions and belief systems
throughout history and learn about the importance of trade and cultural exchange.
Other topics include the development of agriculture, the spread of democracy, the rise of
nation-states, the industrial era, the spread of imperialism, and the issues and conflicts of
the twentieth century. Diagnostic tests assess students’ current knowledge and generate
individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

HST202: Modern World Studies (Core) SOCIAL STUDIES
Students trace the history of the world from approximately 1870 to the present. They
begin with a look back at events leading up to 1914, including the Second Industrial
Revolution and the imperialism that accompanied it. Their focus then shifts to the
contemporary era, including two world wars, the Great Depression, and global Cold
War tensions. Students examine both the staggering problems and astounding
accomplishments of the twentieth century, with a focus on political and social history.
Students also explore topics in physical and human geography, and investigate issues
of concern in the contemporary world. Online lessons help students organize study,
explore topics, review in preparation for assessments, and practice skills of historical
thinking and analysis. Activities include analyzing primary sources and maps, creating
timelines, completing projects and written assignments, and conducting independent

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The Human Odyssey, Volume 3
Prerequisites: HST102: World History, K12 middle school Intermediate World History A
and B (or equivalents)

HST203: Modern World Studies (Comprehensive)
In this comprehensive course, students follow the history of the world from
approximately 1870 to the present. They begin with a study of events leading
up to 1914, including the Second Industrial Revolution and the imperialism that
accompanied it. Their focus then shifts to the contemporary era, including two world
wars, the Great Depression, and global Cold War tensions. Students examine both
the staggering problems and astounding accomplishments of the twentieth century,
with a focus on political and social history. Students also explore topics in physical
and human geography, and investigate issues of concern in the contemporary world.
Online lessons help students organize study, explore topics, review in preparation
for assessments, and practice sophisticated skills of historical thinking and analysis.
Activities include analyzing primary sources and maps, creating timelines, completing
projects and written assignments, and conducting independent research.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The Human Odyssey, Volume 3
Prerequisites: HST103: World History, K12 middle school Intermediate World History A
and B (or equivalents)

HST204: Honors Modern World Studies

In this advanced course, students investigate the history of the world from
approximately 1870 to the present. They begin with an analysis of events leading up to
1914, including the Second Industrial Revolution and the imperialism that accompanied
it. Their focus then shifts to the contemporary era, including two world wars, the
Great Depression, and global Cold War tensions. Students undertake an in-depth
examination of both the staggering problems and astounding accomplishments of the
twentieth century, with a focus on political and social history. Students also explore
advanced topics in physical and human geography, and investigate issues of concern
in the contemporary world. Activities include analyzing primary sources and maps,
creating timelines, completing projects and written assignments, and conducting
research. Students complete independent projects each semester.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The Human Odyssey, Volume 3
Prerequisites: HST103: World History, K12 middle school Intermediate World History
A and B (or equivalents), success in previous social studies course, and teacher/school
counselor recommendation

HST206: Modern World Studies (Credit Recovery)

Students review the history of the world from approximately 1870 to the present.
The course begins with a look back at events leading up to 1914, including the Second
Industrial Revolution and imperialism. Their focus then shifts to the contemporary era,
including the World Wars, the Great Depression, and global Cold War tensions. Students
also explore topics in physical and human geography, and investigate issues of concern
in the contemporary world. Diagnostic tests assess students’ current knowledge and
generate individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The Human Odyssey, Volume 3
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit; teacher/school counselor recommendation required

HST212: Geography and World Cultures (Core)

This one-semester course introduces students to the countless ways in which
geography influences human relationships, politics, society, economics, science,
technology, and the arts. Special emphasis is placed on the way geographically
derived information is expressed in maps, charts, and graphs in order to teach
students how to analyze and create such documents.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: HST102: World History (or equivalent) is recommended, but not required

HST213: Geography and World Cultures (Comprehensive)

This one-semester course uses geographic features to explore how human
relationships, political and social structures, economics, science, technology, and the
arts have developed and influenced life in countries around the world. Throughout the
course, students learn how to read maps, charts, and graphs rigorously and critically—
and how to create them. Examining the intersection of culture and geography, students
discover how a mountain in the distance can inspire national policymakers, civil
engineers, or poets; how a river triggers the activity of bridge builders, shipbuilders, and
merchants alike; and how the sound of a busy Cairo street can inspire sociologists and
musicians. Students come to understand how the drama of human history and cultural
encounters—affecting land, natural resources, religious dominance, and more—is
played out on the geographical stage

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: HST103: World History (or equivalent) is recommended, but not required

HST216-AVT: Geography (Credit Recovery)

This course examines a broad range of geographical perspectives covering all of the
major regions of the world. Students clearly see the similarities and differences among
the regions as they explore the locations and physical characteristics, including absolute
and relative location, climate, and significant geographical features. They look at each
region from cultural, economic, and political perspectives, and closely examine the
human impact on each region. Students take diagnostic tests that assess their current
knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that
need review. Audio readings and vocabulary lists in English and Spanish support reading

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit; teacher/school counselor recommendation required

HST302: U.S. History (Core)

This course is a full-year survey that provides students with a view of American history
from the first migrations of nomadic people to North America to recent events. Readings
are drawn from K12’s The American Odyssey: A History of the United States. Online lessons
help students organize their study, explore topics, review in preparation for assessments,
and practice skills of historical thinking and analysis. Activities include analyzing primary
sources and maps, creating timelines, completing projects and written assignments, and
conducting independent research.

Course Length: Two semesters
Materials: The American Odyssey: A History of the United States
Prerequisites: K12 middle school Intermediate World History B or HST102: World History
(or equivalents)

HST303: U.S. History (Comprehensive)

This course is a full-year survey that provides students with a comprehensive view of
American history from the first migrations of nomadic people to North America to recent
events. Readings are drawn from K12’s The American Odyssey: A History of the United
States. Online lessons help students organize their study, explore topics in depth, review in
preparation for assessments, and practice skills of historical thinking and analysis. Activities
include analyzing primary sources and maps, creating time lines, completing projects and
written assignments, and conducting independent research.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The American Odyssey: A History of the United States
Prerequisites: HST103: World History or HST203: Modern World Studies (or equivalents)

HST304: Honors U.S. History

This course is a challenging full-year survey that provides students with a
comprehensive view of American history from the first migrations of nomadic people to
North America to recent events. Readings are drawn from K12’s The American Odyssey:
A History of the United States. Online lessons help students organize their study, explore
topics in depth, review in preparation for assessments, and practice advanced skills of
historical thinking and analysis. Activities include analyzing primary sources and maps,
creating timelines, completing projects and written assignments, and conducting
independent research. Students complete independent projects each semester.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The American Odyssey: A History of the United States
Prerequisites: HST103 or HST104 (Honors): World History, or HST203 or HST204
(Honors): Modern World Studies (or equivalents), and teacher/school counselor
recommendation 63
ARTS HST306: U.S. History (Credit Recovery)
Students review the rise of European nations and the Age of Exploration; the
founding of the American colonies; the American Revolution; and the Declaration of
Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. Other topics include
the Civil War, migration across the Great Plains, immigration to American shores, and
the rise of new ways of manufacturing. Students review the early years of the modern
age and the rise of modern cities and our modern political system; the World Wars;
the Depression and the New Deal; the Cold War; Vietnam; the opposing ideologies
of conservatives and liberals; September 11; and the resultant changes in American
foreign and domestic policies. Diagnostic tests assess students’ current knowledge and
generate individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The American Odyssey: A History of the United States
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

HST312: Modern U.S. History (Core)


This course is a full-year survey that provides students with a view of American
history from the industrial revolution of the late nineteenth century to recent events.
Readings are drawn from K12’s The American Odyssey: A History of the United States.
Online lessons help students organize study, explore topics, review in preparation for
assessments, and practice skills of historical thinking and analysis. Activities include
analyzing primary sources and maps, creating timelines, completing projects and
written assignments, and conducting independent research.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The American Odyssey: A History of the United States
Prerequisites: K12 middle school American History A and American History B
(or equivalents)

HST313: Modern U.S. History (Comprehensive)

This course is a full-year survey that provides students with a comprehensive view
of American history from the industrial revolution of the late nineteenth century to
recent events. Readings are drawn from K12’s The American Odyssey: A History of the
United States. Online lessons help students organize study, explore topics in-depth,
review in preparation for assessments, and practice skills of historical thinking and
analysis. Activities include analyzing primary sources and maps, creating timelines,
completing projects and written assignments, and conducting independent research.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The American Odyssey: A History of the United States
Prerequisites: K12 middle school American History A and American History B
(or equivalents)

HST314: Honors Modern U.S. History

This course is a challenging full-year survey that provides students with a
comprehensive view of American history from the industrial revolution of the late
nineteenth century to recent events. Readings are drawn from K12’s The American
Odyssey: A History of the United States. Online lessons help students organize study,

explore topics in depth, review in preparation for assessments, and practice advanced
skills of historical thinking and analysis. Activities include analyzing primary sources and
maps, creating timelines, completing projects and written assignments, and conducting
independent research. Students complete independent projects each semester.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The American Odyssey: A History of the United States
Prerequisites: K12 middle school American History A and American History B
(or equivalents) and teacher/school counselor recommendation

HST316: Modern U.S. History (Credit Recovery)

Students review American history from the industrial revolution of the late nineteenth
century to recent events. They review how the American system of government works
under the United States Constitution; federalism; settlement of the Great American
West; issues of immigration and urban life; and the hopes, demands, and challenges
African-Americans and women faced as they sought equality. Other topics include the
World Wars; the American Dream; the Civil Rights movement; Vietnam; Watergate;
Reaganomics; the collapse of the Soviet Union; immigration trends; the Clinton years;

and the new millennium. Diagnostic tests assess students’ current knowledge and
generate individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: The American Odyssey: A History of the United States
Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

HST402: U.S. Government and Politics (Core)

This course uses the perspective of political institutions to explore government history,
organization, and functions. Students encounter the political culture of our country from
the Declaration of Independence to the present day, gaining insight into the challenges
faced by presidents, members of Congress, and other political participants. The course
also covers the roles of political parties, interest groups, the media, and the Supreme
Court. Students learn to use primary historical documents as evidence in evaluating past
events and government functions.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: HST302: U.S. History (or equivalent) is recommended,
but not required

HST403: U.S. Government and Politics (Comprehensive)

This course studies the history, organization, and functions of the United States
government. Beginning with the Declaration of Independence and continuing through to
the present day, students explore the relationship between individual Americans and our
governing bodies. Students take a close look at the political culture of our country and
gain insight into the challenges faced by citizens, elected government officials, political
activists, and others. Students also learn about the roles of political parties, interest
groups, the media, and the Supreme Court, and discuss their own views on current
political issues.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: HST303: U.S. History (or equivalent) is recommended, but not required

ARTS HST406-AVT: American Government
(Credit Recovery)
This course is the study of the historical backgrounds, governing principles, and
institutions of the government of the United States. The focus is on the principles and
beliefs upon which the United States was founded and on the structure, functions,
and powers of government at the national level. The principles of popular sovereignty,
separation of powers, checks and balances, republicanism, federalism, and individual
rights are examined as well as the roles of individuals and groups in the American
political system. Students compare the American system of government with
other modern systems and assess the strengths and problems associated with the
American system. Students take diagnostic tests that assess their current knowledge
and generate individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that need
review. Audio readings and vocabulary lists in English and Spanish support reading

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

HST412: U.S. and Global Economics (Core)

This course in economic principles uses real-world simulations to teach the issues
faced by producers, consumers, investors, and taxpayers in the U.S. and around the
world. Topics include markets; supply and demand; theories of early economic thinkers;
theories of value; money; the role of banks, investment houses, and the Federal
Reserve; and other fundamental features of capitalism. A survey of current issues in
American and global markets rounds out the course.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: HST402: U.S. Government and Politics (or equivalent) is recommended, but
not required

HST413: U.S. and Global Economics (Comprehensive)

In this course on economic principles, students explore choices they face as producers,
consumers, investors, and taxpayers. Students apply what they learn to real-world
simulation problems. Topics of study include markets from historic and contemporary
perspectives; supply and demand; theories of early economic philosophers such as
Adam Smith and David Ricardo; theories of value; money (what it is, how it evolved, the
role of banks, investment houses, and the Federal Reserve); Keynesian economics; how
capitalism functions, focusing on productivity, wages, investment, and growth; issues
of capitalism, such as unemployment, inflation, and the national debt; and a survey of
markets in such areas as China, Europe, and the Middle East.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: HST403: U.S. Government and Politics (or equivalent) is recommended,
but not required

HST416-AVT: Economics (Credit Recovery)

Students are introduced to the basics of economic principles, and learn how to think like
an economist. They explore different economic systems, including the American free
enterprise system, analyze and interpret data, and consider economic applications in

today’s world. From economics in the world of business, money, banking, and finance,
students see how economics is applied both domestically and globally. Students take
diagnostic tests that assess their current knowledge and generate individualized study
plans, so students can focus on topics that need review. Audio readings and vocabulary
lists in English and Spanish support reading comprehension.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

HST500: AP U.S. History

Students explore and analyze the economic, political, and social transformation
of the United States since the time of the first European encounters. Students are
asked to master not only the wide array of factual information necessary to do well
on the AP exam, but also to practice skills of critical analysis of historical information
and documents. Students read primary and secondary source materials and analyze
problems presented by historians to gain insight into challenges of interpretation and the
ways in which historical events have shaped American society and culture. The content

aligns to the sequence of topics recommended by the College Board and to widely used
textbooks. Students prepare for the AP exam.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: America: A Narrative History by Tindall et al., 7th ed.
Prerequisites: Success in previous history course and teacher/school counselor

HST510: AP U.S. Government and Politics

This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level course. Students explore
the operations and structure of the U.S. government and the behavior of the electorate
and politicians. Students gain the analytical perspective necessary to evaluate
political data, hypotheses, concepts, opinions, and processes and learn how to gather
data about political behavior and develop their own theoretical analysis of American
politics. Students also build the skills they need to examine general propositions about
government and politics, and to analyze specific relationships between political, social,
and economic institutions. Students prepare for the AP exam and for further study in
political science, law, education, business, and history.

Course Length: One semester

Materials: The Lanahan Readings in the American Polity, 4th ed.; American Government
by Lowi et al., 10th ed.
Prerequisites: Success in HST304: Honors U.S. History (or equivalent) and teacher/
school counselor recommendation

HST520: AP Macroeconomics
This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level course. Students learn why
and how the world economy can change from month to month, how to identify trends
in our economy, and how to use those trends to develop performance measures and
predictors of economic growth or decline. Students also examine how individuals and
institutions are influenced by employment rates, government spending, inflation, taxes,
and production. Students prepare for the AP exam and for further study in business,
political science, and history.
Course Length: One semester
Materials: Macroeconomics for Today, 4th Ed., ISBN: 0-324-30197-9
Prerequisites: Success in MTH304: Honors Algebra II (or equivalent)
and teacher/school counselor recommendation

HST530: AP Microeconomics
This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level course. Students explore
the behavior of individuals and businesses as they exchange goods and services in
the marketplace. Students learn why the same product can cost different amounts at
different stores, in different cities, and at different times. Students also learn to spot
patterns in economic behavior and learn how to use those patterns to explain buyer
and seller behavior under various conditions. Lessons promote an understanding of the
nature and function of markets, the role of scarcity and competition, the influence of
factors such as interest rates on business decisions, and the role of government in the
economy. Students prepare for the AP exam and for further study in business, history,
and political science.

Course Length: One semester


Materials: Microeconomics for Today, 4th Ed., ISBN: 0-324-30192-8

Prerequisites: Success in MTH304: Honors Algebra II (or equivalent)
and teacher/school counselor recommendation

HST540: AP Psychology
This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level course. Students receive
an overview of current psychological research methods and theories. They explore the
therapies used by professional counselors and clinical psychologists, and examine the
reasons for normal human reactions: how people learn and think, the process of human
development and human aggression, altruism, intimacy, and self-reflection. They study
core psychological concepts, such as the brain and sensory functions, and learn to
gauge human reactions, gather information, and form meaningful syntheses. Students
prepare for the AP Exam and for further studies in psychology and life sciences.

Course Length: One semester

Materials: Psychology by David G. Myers, 9th ed.
Prerequisites: Success in SCI204: Honors Biology (or equivalent)
and teacher/school counselor recommendation

HST550: AP European History

This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level course. It explores political,
diplomatic, social, economic, cultural, and intellectual themes in European history from
1450 to the present. Students cultivate higher-order thinking and writing skills that are
assessed through essays, various writing activities, quizzes, and tests. They apply their
historical analysis during threaded discussions, mock trials, and an Enlightenment Salon.
The course scope and rigor helps prepare students for the AP European History Exam
along with further study in the humanities.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: Success in previous history course and teacher/school counselor

This course spans the Neolithic age to the present in a rigorous academic format
organized by chronological periods and viewed through fundamental concepts and
course themes. Students analyze the causes and processes of continuity and change
across historical periods. Themes include human-environment interaction, cultures,
expansion and conflict, political and social structures, and economic systems. In
addition to mastering historical content, students cultivate historical thinking skills
that involve crafting arguments based on evidence, identifying causation, comparing
and supplying context for events and phenomenon, and developing historical

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror,
and Heroism in Colonial Africa by Adam Hochschild
Prerequisites: Success in previous history course and teacher/school counselor

HST010-APL: Anthropology (Elective)

Anthropologists research the characteristics and origins of the cultural, social, and
physical development of humans and consider why some cultures change and others
come to an end. In this course, students are introduced to the five main branches of
anthropology: physical, cultural, linguistic, social, and archeological. Through instruction
and their own investigation and analysis, students explore these topics, considering their
relationship to other social sciences such as history, geography, sociology, economics,
political science, and psychology. Emulating professional anthropologists, students apply
their knowledge and observational skills to the real-life study of cultures in the United
States and around the world. The content in this course meets or exceeds the standards of
the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS).

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: HST103: World History (or equivalent) recommended as a prerequisite or
co-requisite, but not required

HST020-AVT: Psychology (Elective)

In this introductory course, students explore why people think and act the way they do.
Topics include key terms, the major concepts and theories of psychology, and ethical
standards that govern psychological research. Students develop critical thinking skills to
evaluate theories and current research, learn how psychological principles apply to their
own lives, and build on reading, writing, and discussion skills.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

HST030-AVT: Economics (Elective)

Economics is the study of how societies use limited resources to satisfy
their unlimited wants and needs. It is the foundation of this course as students learn
how fundamental decisions about the four factors of production—land, labor, capital,
and entrepreneurship—are made. Key topics covered include: law of supply and
demand, saving, borrowing, and spending, the Federal Reserve System and the money
supply, and the role of government in an open market economy.

Course Length: One semester
Prerequisites: None

HST040-AVT: Civics (Elective)

This course provides the learner with a basic understanding of civic life, politics, and
government. It covers a short history of the foundation and development of government,
the rights that the American government guarantees its citizens, and a survey of the
duties and responsibilities American citizens must exercise in order to maintain their
government. It introduces the workings of our political systems; the relationship of city,
state, and national governments; and the history and advantages of America’s two
political parties.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

HST050-AVT: Sociology (Elective)

This course offers a study of human relationships in society. Students explore concepts of

society, culture, and social structure. They examine social institutions, including families,
religion, and education; and investigate the influence of government and economic
systems. They study development over childhood, adolescence, and the adult years. They
also examine social problems, including discrimination, poverty, and crime.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: None

HST222-AVT: Contemporary World Issues (Elective)

In this course, students address modern global issues. They begin with the perspective
of the United States, then compare it with views from the international community,
including Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East. Students
apply reasoning and research skills to analysis of global economies, politics, cultures,
religions, the environment, technology and industry, and human and civil rights. Through
this course, they come to understand both the challenges and the hope for progress in the
modern world.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: None

WLG100: Spanish I
Students begin their introduction to Spanish with fundamental building blocks in four
key areas of world language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and
writing. Students are initially trained to recognize key sounds and basic vocabulary,
not only in written form but also through ear training that leads quickly to oral
production. Vocabulary and grammar topics are introduced in an ongoing adventure
ARTS story that prompts students to use skills from all four language-learning areas.
Students learn fundamental grammar as embedded in authentic spoken language.
Cultural information covers major Spanish-speaking areas in Europe and the Americas.
Engaging graphics, videos, and games keep students interested, and make learning
languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters
Materials: Vox Everyday Spanish and English Dictionary

Note: Students who have already succeeded in middle school Spanish 2 should
enroll in Spanish II rather than in Spanish I.

WLG106-AVT: Spanish I (Credit Recovery)

This course provides students with instruction in the basics of learning the language of
Spanish. The course also introduces basic and stem-changing verbs and their formation
and use in the present tense. Students learn about interrogatives, question formation,
adjectives, possessives, prepositions, and other grammatical structures. Students also
become acquainted with the Spanish-speaking countries of the world and their cultures.
Students take diagnostic tests that assess their current knowledge and generate
individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics that need review.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent,
but did not receive credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

WLG200: Spanish II
In this continuing introduction to Spanish, students deepen their focus on four key skills
in world language acquisition: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.
A continuing storyline introduces and reinforces new vocabulary, while activities prompt
students to analyze meaning from context, and then to reproduce new vocabulary
in real-life oral expression. Additional verb tenses and idiomatic expressions are also
introduced. As in Spanish I, students learn grammar through supplemental texts that
supply traditional charts, tables, and explanations. Cultural information addresses
Spanish as it is used around the globe. Engaging graphics, videos, and games keep
students interested, and make learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Vox Everyday Spanish and English Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG100: Spanish I, middle school Spanish 1 and 2 (or equivalents)

WLG300: Spanish III

Intermediate Spanish students who have a strong base of vocabulary, speaking, and
listening skills reach a new level of mastery and fluency in this course. Through games
and compelling stories, students learn advanced grammar and vocabulary, with an
emphasis on correct accents and comprehension of real-world native speech. Error-
recognition technology helps students eliminate common mistakes from their speaking
and writing. Engaging graphics, videos, and games keep students interested, and make
learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Vox Everyday Spanish and English Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG200: Spanish II (or equivalent)

WLG400-AVT: Spanish IV
Students continue to sharpen listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. They learn
to express themselves using an ever-increasing vocabulary, present- and past-tense
verbs, articles, and adjectives. Grammar is introduced and practiced with a variety of
learning styles in mind. Throughout the course, students experience the culture, people,
geographical locations, and histories of the Spanish-speaking world.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Computer speakers; microphone; Vox Everyday Spanish and English Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG300: Spanish III (or equivalent)

WLG500: AP Spanish Language

In AP Spanish Language, students perfect their Spanish speaking, listening, reading, and
writing skills. They study vocabulary, grammar, and cultural aspects of the language, and
apply what they’ve learned in extensive written and spoken exercises. By the end of the
course, students will have an expansive vocabulary and a solid working knowledge of all
Spanish verb forms and tenses. The equivalent of a college-level language course, AP
Spanish Language prepares students for the AP exam and for further study of Spanish
language, culture, and literature.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Computer speakers; microphone; Vox Everyday Spanish and English Dictionary
Prerequisites: Strong success in WLG300: Spanish III, or success in WLG400-AVT:

Spanish IV (or equivalents), and teacher/school counselor recommendation

WLG110: French I
Students begin their introduction to French with fundamental building blocks in four
key areas of world language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and
writing. Students are initially trained to recognize key sounds and basic vocabulary, not
only in written form but also through ear training that leads quickly to oral production.
An ongoing adventure story introduces vocabulary and grammar topics, and prompts
students to use skills from the four language-learning areas. Students learn fundamental
grammar as embedded in authentic spoken language. Engaging graphics, videos, and
games keep students interested, and make learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Larousse Student French-English/English-French Dictionary
Prerequisites: None

Note: Students who have already succeeded in middle school French 2 should enroll in French II
rather than in French I.

WLG210: French II
In this continuing introduction to French, students deepen their focus on four key skills
in world language acquisition: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.
A continuing storyline introduces and reinforces new vocabulary, while activities prompt
students to analyze meaning from context, and then to reproduce new vocabulary items
in functional real-life oral expression. Additional verb tenses and idiomatic expressions
are also introduced. As in French I, students learn grammar through supplemental texts
that supply traditional charts, tables, and explanations. Engaging graphics, videos, and
games keep students interested, and make learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Larousse Student French-English/English-French Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG110: French I, middle school French 1 and 2 (or equivalents)

Intermediate French students who have a strong base of vocabulary, speaking, and
listening skills reach a new level of mastery and fluency in this course. Through games
and compelling stories, students learn advanced grammar and vocabulary, with an
emphasis on correct accents and comprehension of real-world native speech. Error-
recognition technology helps students eliminate common mistakes from their speaking
and writing. Engaging graphics, videos, and games keep students interested, and make
learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Larousse Student French-English/English-French Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG210: French II (or equivalent)

WLG410-AVT: French IV
Students continue to sharpen listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. They
learn to express themselves using an expanding vocabulary; present, past, future and
conditional verbs; articles; adjectives; and increasingly complex grammatical structures.
Grammar is introduced and practiced with a variety of learning styles in mind.

Throughout the course, students experience the culture, people, geographical locations,
and histories of the French-speaking world.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Computer speakers; microphone; Larousse Student French-English/English-
French Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG310: French III (or equivalent)

WLG510: AP French Language

In AP French Language, students apply their French grammar and vocabulary
knowledge and their listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills to a wide variety of
real-world contexts. Students learn to speak fluently and accurately, write sophisticated
compositions, and comprehend native speakers. The equivalent of a college-level
language course, AP French Language prepares students for the AP exam and for further
study of French language, culture, and literature.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Larousse Student French-English/English-French Dictionary
Prerequisites: Strong success in WLG310: French III, or success in WLG410-AVT: French IV
(or equivalents), and teacher/school counselor recommendation

WLG120: German I
Students begin their introduction to German with fundamental building blocks in four
key areas of world language study: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and
writing. Students are initially trained to recognize key sounds and basic vocabulary, not
only in written form but also through ear training that leads quickly to oral production.
An ongoing adventure story introduces vocabulary and grammar topics, and
prompts students to use skills from the four language-learning areas. Students learn
fundamental grammar as embedded in authentic spoken language. Engaging graphics,
videos, and games keep students interested, and make learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Larousse German Dictionary
Prerequisites: None

Note: Students who have already succeeded in middle school German 2 should enroll in German II
rather than in German I.

WLG220: German II
In this continuing introduction to German, students deepen their focus on four key skills
in world language acquisition: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.
A continuing storyline introduces and reinforces new vocabulary, while activities prompt
students to analyze meaning from context, and then to reproduce new vocabulary items
in functional real-life oral expression. Additional verb tenses and idiomatic expressions
are also introduced. As in German I, students learn grammar through supplemental texts
supplying traditional charts, tables, and explanations. Engaging graphics, videos, and
games keep students interested, and make learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Larousse German Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG120: German I, middle school German 1 and 2 (or equivalents)

WLG320-AVT: German III

Students build on their German-language skills, learning vocabulary and grammatical
concepts to participate in meaningful conversations. They learn cultural information
about numerous aspects of life (present and past) in German-speaking countries.
Course strategies include warm-up activities, vocabulary study, reading, threaded
discussions, multi-media presentations, self-checks, practice activities and games, oral
and written assignments, projects, quizzes, and exams.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Computer speakers; microphone; Larousse German Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG220: German II (or equivalent)

WLG420-AVT: German IV
Students continue to sharpen their reading, writing, and listening skills. They practice
critical thinking and express themselves on topics relevant to German culture. They learn
vocabulary, grammar skills, and cultural competency to express themselves on a variety of
topics in German. The course includes authentic texts, current culture, and literature from
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Throughout the course, students learn about German
history and multiculturalism as well as German scientists, artists, writers, and inventors.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Computer speakers; microphone; Larousse German Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG320-AVT: German III (or equivalent)

WLG130: Latin I
This introduction to Latin clarifies the traditionally difficult aspects of the language
through vocabulary that follows all standard Latin rules but allows students to tell
modern stories connected to a contemporary adventure. Students study familiar
vocabulary so they can bring into focus the special characteristics of Latin, notably noun
cases and declensions. They receive ongoing practice in vocabulary and grammar, which

leads to the study of post-Classical Latin, both ecclesiastical and secular, as embodied in
the Vulgate Bible and medieval Latin texts. Engaging graphics, videos, and games keep
students interested, and make learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Bantam New College Latin & English Dictionary
Prerequisites: None

WLG230: Latin II
Students with a foundation in Latin refine their skills through compelling language
lessons, as well as historical and cultural studies. They go from the basics of Latin
to a higher level of sophistication through a learning methodology that uses games
and stories. Students concentrate on fostering their ability to read and understand
(without using a dictionary) classical Latin from a variety of authentic sources. Engaging
graphics, videos, and games keep students interested, and make learning languages

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Bantam New College Latin & English Dictionary

Prerequisites: WLG130: Latin I (or equivalent)

WLG140: Chinese I
Students use compelling stories, games, videos, and multimedia experiences in this
introduction to Mandarin Chinese. They learn the elegant simplicity of Chinese grammar
and the subtleties of Chinese pronunciation through entertaining lessons that give a
base of conversational ability and listening comprehension. Students build a foundation
for reading and writing in the Chinese language through an adaptive technology that
lets them choose an approach that works best for them. Engaging graphics, videos, and
games keep students interested, and make learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Oxford Beginner’s Chinese Dictionary
Prerequisites: None

Note: Students who have already succeeded in middle school Chinese 2 should enroll in
Chinese II rather than in Chinese I.

WLG240: Chinese II
Students continue with engaging stories, games, videos, and multimedia experiences in
this second level of Mandarin Chinese. Students further their understanding of Chinese
grammar and pronunciation through lessons refining previous practice of conversational
ability and listening comprehension. Innovative cultural videos and lessons build
awareness of the rich legacy of Chinese culture. Students expand their foundation for
reading and writing in Chinese through adaptive technology, providing opportunities
to generate fun narratives, a range of well-formed sentences reflecting a solid grasp of
grammar structures, and a wide vocabulary. Engaging graphics, videos, and games keep
students interested, and make learning languages exciting.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Oxford Beginner’s Chinese Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG140: Chinese I, middle school Chinese 1 and 2 (or equivalents)

ARTS WLG150-AVT: Japanese I
This beginning-level course introduces students to listening, speaking, reading, and
writing skills through activities that are based on pedagogically proven methods of
foreign language instruction. Students learn to express themselves using an ever-
increasing vocabulary, present-form verbs, particles, and adjectives. Grammar is
introduced and practiced with a variety of learning styles in mind. Cultural information
in the course teaches students about Japanese culture, people, society, and history.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Computer speakers; microphone; Oxfords Japanese Dictionary
Prerequisites: None

WLG250-AVT: Japanese II
This course focuses on successful communication through speaking, writing, reading,
and listening, as well as a thorough grounding in aspects of culture. Unit activities blend
different forms of communication and culture. Course strategies include warm-up
activities, vocabulary study, reading, threaded discussions, multi-media presentations,
self-checks, practice activities and games, oral and written assignments, projects,

quizzes, and exams.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Computer speakers; microphone; Oxfords Japanese Dictionary
Prerequisites: WLG150-AVT: Japanese I (or equivalent)

ART010: Fine Art (Elective)

This course combines art history, appreciation, and analysis, while engaging students
in hands-on creative projects. Lessons introduce major periods and movements in art
history while focusing on masterworks and the intellectual, technical, and creative
processes behind those works. Studio lessons provide opportunities for drawing, painting,
sculpting, and other creative endeavors.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: One package of white clay; one set of acrylic paint; one set of round
paintbrushes. It is recommended, but not required, that students have some means of
capturing an image of their studio art projects with a digital camera, webcam, or other
imaging device.
Prerequisites: HST103: World History (or equivalent) is recommended
as a prerequisite or co-requisite, but not required

ART020: Music Appreciation (Elective)

This course introduces students to the history, theory, and genres of music. The course
ENGLISH & explores the history of music, from the surviving examples of rudimentary musical forms
ELECTIVES through to contemporary pieces from around the world. The first semester covers early
musical forms, classical music, and American jazz. The second semester presents modern
traditions, including gospel, folk, soul, blues, Latin rhythms, rock and roll, and hip hop.
The course explores the relationship between music and social movements and reveals
how the emergent global society and the prominence of the Internet are making musical
forms more accessible worldwide.

To comply with certain state standards for the arts, a student “performance practicum” ELECTIVES
is required for full credit each semester. The performance practicum requirement can
be met through participation in supervised instrumental or vocal lessons, church or
community choirs, community musical performances, or any other structured program
that meets at regular intervals and provides opportunities for students to build vocal and/
or instrumental skills. Parents or guardians will be required to present their proposed
practicum to the students’ teachers for approval, and validate their children’s regular
participation in the chosen performance practicum.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Finale Notepad music notation software
Prerequisites: None

ART500-AVT: AP Art History (Elective)

This course—the equivalent of an introductory college-level course—fosters in students
an understanding and knowledge of architecture, sculpture, painting, and other art
forms within diverse historical and cultural contexts. They examine and critically analyze
major forms of artistic expression, past and present, from a variety of cultures. They also

learn to understand works in context, considering such issues as patronage, gender, and
the functions and effects of works of art. Students leave this course prepared for the AP
exam and for further study in art history.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: Teacher/school counselor recommendation; prior art training is not required

BUS030: Personal Finance (Elective)

In this introductory finance course, students learn basic principles of economics and
best practices for managing their own finances. Students learn core skills in creating
budgets, developing long-term financial plans to meet their goals, and making
responsible choices about income and expenses. They gain a deeper understanding of
capitalism and other systems so they can better understand their role in the economy
of society. Students are inspired by experiences of finance professionals and stories of
everyday people and the choices they make to manage their money.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

MTH342 -AVT: Accounting (Elective)

In this course, students with no prior training learn fundamental accounting skills,
building an appreciation for the role of accounting in managing a profitable business. They
are given an overview of financial, cost, and management accounting; learn the basic
concepts, conventions and rules of the double entry system; and practice techniques to
analyze ratios from the balance sheet. The concepts of ethics, integrity, and confidentiality
are woven in throughout the course. Student complete this course with the skills needed
for college accounting courses—essential for Business majors—office work, or managing
their own small businesses.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: None

LANGUAGE ARTS BUS040: Introduction to Entrepreneurship I (Elective)
In this introductory business course, students learn the basics of planning and launching
their own successful business. Whether they want to start their own money-making
business or create a non-profit to help others, this course helps students develop the
core skills they need to be successful. They learn how to come up with new business
ideas, attract investors, market their business, and manage expenses. Students hear
inspirational stories of teen entrepreneurs who have turned their ideas into reality, and
then they plan and execute their own business.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

BUS050: Introduction to Entrepreneurship II (Elective)

Students build on the business concepts they learned in Introduction to
Entrepreneurship I. They learn about sales methods, financing and credit, accounting,
pricing, and government regulations. They refine their technology and communication
skills in speaking, writing, networking, negotiating, and listening. They enhance their
employability skills by preparing job-related documents, developing interviewing

skills, and learning about hiring, firing, and managing employees. Students develop a
complete business plan and a presentation for potential investors.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: BUS040: Introduction to Entrepreneurship I (or equivalent)

BUS060: Introduction to Marketing I (Elective)

Students find out what it takes to market a product or service in today’s fast-paced
business environment. They learn the fundamentals of marketing using real-world
business examples. They learn about buyer behavior, marketing research principles,
demand analysis, distribution, financing, pricing, and product management.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

BUS070: Introduction to Marketing II (Elective)

Students build on the skills and concepts learned in Introduction to Marketing I to develop
a basic understanding of marketing principles and techniques. By the end of the course,
they will have developed their own comprehensive marketing plan for a new business.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: BUS060: Introduction to Marketing I (or equivalent)

ENG010: Journalism (Elective)

Students are introduced to the historical importance of journalism in America.
They study the basic principles of print and online journalism as they examine the
role of printed news media in our society. They learn investigative skills, responsible
reporting, and journalistic writing techniques as they read, respond to, and write their
own news and feature articles. Students conduct interviews, research, write, and
design their own publications.

Course Length: One semester

78 Prerequisites: None
ENG020: Public Speaking (Elective)
Students are introduced to public speaking as an important component of their academic,
work, and social lives. They study public speaking occasions and develop skills as fair
and critical listeners, or consumers, of spoken information and persuasion. Students
study types of speeches (informative, persuasive, dramatic, and special occasion),
read and listen to models of speeches, and prepare and present their own speeches to
diverse audiences. Students learn to choose speaking topics and adapt them for specific
audiences, to research and support their ideas, and to benefit from listener feedback.
They study how to incorporate well-designed visual and multimedia aids in presentations
and how to maintain a credible presence in the digital world. Students also learn about the
ethics of public speaking and about techniques for managing communication anxiety.

Course Length: One semester

Materials: Student must provide a webcam and recording software
Prerequisites: None

HST010-APL: Anthropology (Elective)

Anthropologists research the characteristics and origins of the cultural, social, and physical

development of humans and consider why some cultures change and others come to an
end. In this course, students are introduced to the five main branches of anthropology:
physical, cultural, linguistic, social, and archeological. Through instruction and their own
investigation and analysis, students explore these topics, considering their relationship to
other social sciences such as history, geography, sociology, economics, political science,
and psychology. Emulating professional anthropologists, students apply their knowledge
and observational skills to the real-life study of cultures in the United States and around the
world. The content in this course meets or exceeds the standards of the National Council
for the Social Studies (NCSS).

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: HST103: World History (or equivalent) recommended as a prerequisite or
co-requisite, but not required

HST020-AVT: Psychology (Elective)

In this introductory course, students explore why people think and act the way they do.
Topics include key terms, the major concepts and theories of psychology, and ethical
standards that govern psychological research. Students develop critical thinking skills to
evaluate theories and current research, learn how psychological principles apply to their
own lives, and build on reading, writing, and discussion skills.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

HST030-AVT: Economics (Elective)

Economics is the study of how societies use limited resources to satisfy their unlimited
wants and needs. It is the foundation of this course as students learn how fundamental
decisions about the four factors of production; land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
are made. Key topics covered include: law of supply and demand, saving, borrowing, and
spending, the Federal Reserve System and the money supply, and the role of government
in an open market economy.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None 79
LANGUAGE ARTS HST040-AVT: Civics (Elective)
This course provides the learner with a basic understanding of civic life, politics, and
government. It covers a short history of the foundation and development of government,
the rights that the American government guarantees its citizens, and a survey of the
duties and responsibilities American citizens must exercise in order to maintain their
government. It introduces the workings of our political systems; the relationship of city,
state, and national governments; and the history and advantages of America’s two
political parties.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

HST050-AVT: Sociology (Elective)

This course offers a study of human relationships in society. Students explore concepts
of society, culture, and social structure. They examine social institutions, including
families, religion, and education; and investigate the influence of government and
economic systems. They study development over childhood, adolescence, and the adult
years. They also examine social problems, including discrimination, poverty, and crime.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: None

HST222-AVT: Contemporary World Issues (Elective)

In this course, students address modern global issues. They begin with the perspective
of the United States, then compare it with views from the international community,
including Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East. Students
apply reasoning and research skills to analysis of global economies, politics, cultures,
religions, the environment, technology and industry, and human and civil rights. Through
this course, they come to understand both the challenges and the hope for progress in the
modern world.

Course Length: Two semesters

Prerequisites: None

PRJ010: Service Learning (Elective)

This project may be used in a variety of ways—as a stand-alone project, in conjunction
with another course, or as a foundation around which to base a one-semester course.
An introductory unit presents instruction on the nature of service learning. Students
are taught how to identify community needs, select projects that are meaningful to
themselves, apply practical skills, reflect on their learning experience, and behave
responsibly in a service setting. Students then move on to design and conduct service
learning experiences of their own, according to the requirements of their projects.
Documents to support teachers in guiding students through the project are included.

Project Length: Varies

Prerequisites: None

SCI010: Environmental Science (Elective)

This course surveys key topic areas including the application of scientific process to
environmental analysis; ecology; energy flow; ecological structures; earth systems; and
atmospheric, land, and water science. Topics also include the management of natural ELECTIVES
resources and analysis of private and governmental decisions involving the environment.
Students explore actual case studies and conduct five hands-on, unit-long research
activities, learning that political and private decisions about the environment and the use
of resources require accurate application of scientific processes, including proper data
collection and responsible conclusions.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: Success in previous high school science course and teacher/school
counselor recommendation

OTH010: Skills for Health (Elective)

This course focuses on important skills and knowledge in nutrition; physical activity;
the dangers of substance use and abuse; injury prevention and safety; growth and
development; and personal health, environmental conservation, and community health
resources. The curriculum is designed around topics and situations that engage student
discussion and motivate students to analyze internal and external influences on their
health-related decisions. The course helps students build the skills they need to protect,

enhance, and promote their own health and the health of others.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

OTH016-AVT: Health (Credit Recovery)

Students learn to make healthy personal decisions, studying physical and mental health.
Topics include nutrition, safety, technological advances in physical health, common
mental health disorders and treatments, the dangers of substance abuse, and common
infectious and non-infectious diseases. Students leave the course with the knowledge
needed for life-long health. Students take diagnostic tests that assess their current
knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so students can focus on topics
that need review. Audio readings and vocabulary lists in English and Spanish support
reading comprehension.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

OTH080-AVT: Nutrition and Wellness (Elective)

This course introduces students to good nutrition principles needed for physical and
mental wellness. Topics include good nutrition; food safety; digestion, absorption,
and metabolism; how major nutrients are processed in the body; basic components of
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; the roles of vitamins, minerals, and fluids; physical
fitness and athletic performance; stress; and wellness and nutrition principles throughout
the human life cycle. Application to today’s food and eating trends plus learning to assess
for reliable nutrition information are emphasized.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

LANGUAGE ARTS OTH020: Physical Education (Elective)
This pass/fail course combines online instructional guidance with student participation in
weekly cardiovascular, aerobic, muscle-toning, and other activities. Students fulfill course
requirements by keeping weekly logs of their physical activity. The course promotes the
value of lifetime physical activity and includes instruction in injury prevention, nutrition
and diet, and stress management. Students may enroll in the course for either one or two
semesters, and repeat for further semesters as needed to fulfill state requirements.

Course Length: One semester (or more)

Prerequisites: None

OTH026-AVT: Physical Education (Credit Recovery)

In this course, students explore diverse activities and learn a variety of fitness concepts
that they can use in their everyday life. They learn about physical fitness and how their
body works by studying static and dynamic balance, linear and rotary motion, anatomy
and biomechanics. Lifelong sport and activity skills and stress management concepts are
also taught. Students conduct cardiorespiratory activities and routines, set and work on
personal fitness goals, and learn to care for their health. Students complete this course

with the knowledge to stay fit and active for a lifetime. Students take diagnostic tests
that assess their current knowledge and generate individualized study plans, so students
can focus on topics that need review. Audio readings and vocabulary lists in English and
Spanish support reading comprehension.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: Student previously took the course or its equivalent, but did not receive
credit, and teacher/school counselor recommendation

OTH070-AVT: Driver Education (Elective)

This course is a foundation of theory for responsible driving. Emphasis is placed upon
mechanics of driving, execution of driving operations and rules of safe driving. Topics
include signs, signals, and markings; rules of the road; basic driving skills; driving
environments; responding to an emergency; car systems and maintenance; and safety.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

OTH090-AVT: Life Skills (Elective)

Students learn essential skills for everyday living. The course emphasizes defining
personal values, goal-setting and planning, making decisions and solving problems,
evaluating information, dealing with media and peer pressure, communication and
relationships, wellness and personal safety, and contributing to the community.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

OTH040: Reaching Your Academic Potential (Elective)

Students learn essential academic skills within the context of their learning style,
individual learning environment, and long-term goals. This course helps students develop
habits for more successful reading, writing, studying, communication, collaboration, time
management, and concentration. It also provides insights into how the brain works when
82 they are learning, and ways to maximize its potential.
Course Length: One semester ELECTIVES
Prerequisites: None

OTH050: Achieving Your Career and College Goals (Elective)

Students explore their options for life after high school and implement plans to achieve
their goals. They identify their aptitudes, skills, and preferences, and explore a wide range
of potential careers. They investigate the training and education required for the career of
their choice, and create a plan to be sure that their work in high school is preparing them
for the next step. They also receive practical experience in essential skills such as searching
and applying for college, securing financial aid, writing a resume and cover letter, and
interviewing for a job. This course is geared toward 11th and 12th graders.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

OTH060-AVT: Family and Consumer Science (Elective)

In this course, students develop skills and knowledge to help them transition into adult

roles within the family. They learn to make wise consumer choices, prepare nutritious
meals, contribute effectively as part of a team, manage a household budget, and
balance roles of work and family. They gain an appreciation for the responsibilities of
family members throughout the lifespan and the contributions to the well-being of the
family and the community.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

TCH010: Computer Literacy (Elective)

Today’s students must be able to effectively use technology to research, organize, create,
and evaluate information. This course provides a foundation in the skills and concepts that
define computer literacy in the twenty-first century. From the basics of keyboarding to
Internet research techniques, document creation, and digital citizenship, students practice
essential skills through hands-on projects.

Course Length: One semester

Software: OpenOffice.org (free download provided in course); Mozilla Firefox
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Mac OS
X 10.4 or higher operating system; for Windows, 256 MB of memory (RAM), 650 MB
available hard drive space, and a 1024 x 768 or higher monitor resolution; for Mac OS X,
an Intel processor, 512 MB of memory (RAM), 400 MB available disk space, and a 1024 x
768 or higher monitor resolution
Prerequisites: None

TCH030: Image Design and Editing (Elective)
This is the perfect course for anyone who wants to create compelling, professional looking
graphic designs and photos. Students learn the basics of composition, color, and layout
before moving on to technical topics like working with layers and masks, adding special
effects, and effectively using typefaces to create visual impact. At the end of this course,
students will have a variety of original projects for their graphic design portfolio.

Course Length: One semester
Software: GIMP (free download)
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Mac OS X operating
system; 400 MHz or faster processor; 512 MB of memory (RAM); at least 2 GB of
available hard drive space
Prerequisites: None

TCH040: Web Design (Elective)

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the essentials of Web design,
from planning page layouts to publishing a complete site to the Web. Through real-
world design scenarios and hands-on projects, students create compelling, usable
websites using the latest suite of free tools from Microsoft.

Course Length: One semester

Software: KompoZer (free download) and GIMP (free download)
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Mac OS X operating
system; 400 MHz or faster processor (must have a PowerPC processor, not Intel, for
Mac OS X); 512 MB of memory (RAM); at least 2 GB of available hard drive space

Prerequisites: None

TCH060: C++ Programming (Elective)

In this introductory course, students learn basic programming concepts through a series
of hands-on projects. They also learn about software development careers, the software
development process, and industry best practices. Using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008,
students master the building blocks of programming: functions, variables, loops, arrays,
and classes.

Course Length: One semester

Software: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express (free download provided in course)
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3;
Windows Vista or Windows Vista SP1, or Windows 7 operating system; 1 GHz or faster
processor (1.6 GHz for Vista or Windows 7); 192 MB of memory (RAM) (748 MB for Vista
or Windows 7); at least 1 GB of available hard drive space
Prerequisites: None

TCH061-AVT: Programming I—VB.NET (Elective)

Students learn basic programming and the fundamentals of the VisualBasic.net (VB.
NET) programming language. They are introduced to its basic uses, its similarities to
the English language (and others), and its flexibility. Students also learn the processes
involved in software development and object-oriented programming. This introductory
course serves as a solid foundation for further study, which could lead to careers such as
software engineer, developer, or game designer. Students complete a series of hands-on
projects covering built-in data types, operators, control structures, classes, and objects.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: Knowledge of computer fundamentals

TCH062-AVT: Programming II—Java (Elective)

This course introduces Java—its features, techniques, and applications. Students learn
the robustness of the program, how it can be used in cross-platform programming, and
84 how to build a stand-alone application, such as a countdown clock or leap year indicator.
At the end of the course, students will be able to write basic programs using Java and
could pursue further instruction in any programming language.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: Basic computer fundamentals; VB.NET Programming I or a solid
understanding of version control and general software development

TCH070: Game Design (Elective)

This course is for anyone who loves gaming and wants to design and build original
games from scratch. Students learn how to use popular game-development software
to create engaging, interactive games in a variety of styles. After learning about game
genres, students learn about all aspects of the game-design process. From there, it’s on
to a series of increasingly challenging hands-on projects that teach all the elements of
successful game development.

Course Length: One semester

Software: Multimedia Fusion 2 (Standard)
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista operating system; 1 GHz
or faster processor; 256 MB of memory (RAM); at least 2 GB of available hard drive space

Prerequisites: None

TCH017: 3D Art l—Modeling (Elective)

This course introduces students to 3D modeling tools and concepts. Using Blender, the
popular open-source 3D modeling package, students will learn the basics of creating
shapes, adding textures and lighting, and rendering. By the end of the course, students
will have produced a series of increasingly sophisticated projects for their 3D portfolios.
This course is suitable for students with no prior experience with 3D game design or digital
media authoring tools.

Course Length: One semester

Software: Blender (free download provided in course)
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Mac OS X 10.2 or
higher operating system; 300 MHz or faster processor; 512 MB of memory (RAM); 64
MB of video RAM; OpenGL graphics card with 16 MB RAM; 3-button mouse; 1024 X 768
monitor resolution with 16 bit color; at least 2 GB of available hard drive space
Prerequisites: None

TCH018: 3D Art II—Animation (Elective)

In this advanced course, students build on the skills they developed in 3D Art I to learn 3D
animation techniques. Using Blender, a powerful open-source modeling tool, they master
the basics of animation—rigging, bones, and movement—while learning how to apply
traditional animation techniques to their 3D models. They also learn about jobs in the

Course Length: One semester

Software: 3D Art I—Modeling
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Mac OS X 10.2 or
higher operating system; 300 MHz or faster processor; 512 MB of memory (RAM); 64
MB of video RAM; OpenGL graphics card with 16 MB RAM; 3-button mouse; 1024 X 768
monitor resolution with 16 bit color; at least 2 GB of available hard drive space
Prerequisites: TCH017: 3D Art I—Modeling (or equivalent)

ARTS TCH026: Audio Engineering (Elective)
In this introductory course, students learn about the physics of sound and the history of
recording technologies. They learn about the four stages of professional music recording
projects: recording, editing, mixing, and mastering. Using Audacity, an open-source
recording and mixing program, they practice the techniques used by sound engineers to
produce multi-track recordings. Through a series of engaging hands-on projects, they
learn the fundamental concepts of audio engineering.

Course Length: One semester

Software: Audacity (free download provided in course)
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Mac OS X
10.4 or higher operating system; for Windows XP and Vista Home Basic, a 1 GHz or faster
processor; for Windows Vista Home Premium/Business/Ultimate and Windows 7, a 2
GHz or faster processor; for Mac OS X, a 300 MHz or faster processor; for XP, 512 MB of
memory (RAM); for Vista Home Basic, 2 GB; for Vista Home Premium/Business/Ultimate
and for Windows 7, 4 GB; for Mac OS X, 64 MB; at least 4 GB of available hard drive space
Prerequisites: None

TCH027: Green Design and Technology (Elective)


This course examines the impact of human activities on sustainability while exploring the
basic principles and technologies that support sustainable design. Students learn about
the potential for emerging energy technologies such as water, wind, and solar power. They
find out how today’s businesses are adapting to the increased demand for sustainable
products and services. In this course, students develop a comprehensive understanding of
this fast-growing field.

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisites: None

TCH028: Digital Arts I (Elective)

In this exploratory course, students learn the elements and principles of design, as well as
foundational concepts of visual communication. While surveying a variety of media and
art, students use image editing, animation, and digital drawing to put into practice the art
principles they’ve learned. They explore career opportunities in the design, production,
display, and presentation of digital artwork. They respond to the artwork of others,
and learn how to combine artistic elements to create finished pieces that effectively
communicate their ideas.

Course Length: One semester

Software: Inkscape (free download provided in course)
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Mac OS X 10.3 or
higher operating system, 1 GHz or faster processor; at least 512 MB of memory (RAM);
at least 1 GB of available hard drive space
Prerequisites: None

TCH029: Digital Arts II (Elective)

Students build on the skills and concepts they learned in Digital Arts I as they develop
their vocabulary of digital design elements. By the end of the course, they will have
created a collection of digital art projects for their digital design portfolio.

Course Length: One semester

86 Software: Inkscape (free download provided in course)
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Mac OS X 10.3 or
higher operating system, 1 GHz or faster processor; at least 512 MB of memory (RAM);
at least 1 GB of available hard drive space
Prerequisites: TCH028: Digital Arts I (or equivalent)

TCH036: Computer Science (Elective)

This course introduces students to computer science concepts such as computer
architecture, networks, and the Internet. Students use object-oriented programming,
event-driven processes, modular computer programming, and data manipulation
algorithms to produce finished software programs. They use the design process to create
many programs by determining specifications, designing the software, and testing and
improving the product until it meets the specifications. By the end of this course, students
will have a solid foundation for further study in this subject.

Course Length: One semester

Software: Free download provided in course
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X operating systems Windows XP,
Windows Vista, or Windows 7 recommended; at least 100 MB of available hard drive space

Prerequisites: None

TCH038: Engineering Design /CAD (Elective)

Computer-aided design systems are used by designers and manufacturers in virtually
every industry to create engineering design solutions. In this course, students are
introduced to engineering, learning the basics of CAD software: creating points, lines,
other geometric forms, isometric drawings, and 3D models. They learn how to translate
initial concepts into functional designs and 3D walkthroughs and explore career options in
this hands-on introductory-level course.

Course Length: One semester

Software: Free download provided in course
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista operating system; 600
MHz or faster processor (1 GHz for Vista); 512 MB of memory (RAM) (1 GB for Vista); at least
2 GB of available hard drive space; 3D class video card with 128 MB of memory or higher
(256 MB for Vista)—the video card driver must support OpenGL version 1.5 or higher
Prerequisites: None

TCH500-AVT: AP Computer Science A (Elective)

This course—the equivalent of an introductory college-level course—emphasizes
object-oriented programming methodology with a concentration on problem solving
and algorithm development. It also includes the study of data structures, design, and
abstraction. Students should be prepared to move quickly, and be already comfortable
with problem solving, functions, and the uses of functional notation. They are expected
to know responsible use of computer systems, including system reliability, privacy, legal
issues, intellectual property, and social and ethical ramifications of computer use. Students
leave this course prepared for the AP exam and for further study in computer science.

Course Length: Two semesters

Materials: Java; at least 128 MB of memory
Prerequisites: Success in MTH304: Honors Algebra II (or equivalent); previous
programming experience, such as an introductory course in C++, Pascal, Visual Basic, or
Java; basic understanding of networks; and teacher/school counselor recommendation
LANGUAGE ARTS ORN010: Online Learning
The Online Learning course explains to students how the K12 high school program
works, and provides tips on successful online learning. Students are introduced
to the online tools they will use during their high school experience, including the
Learning Management System that delivers course assignments. Students take part
in online discussions and practice submitting computer-scored assessments and other
assignments to teachers. Lifelong learning skills such as time management and study
habits are also covered. By the end of the course, students will be fully prepared to
begin their K12 high school courses.

Course Length: 6–8 hours

Prerequisites: None

ORN100: Finding Your Path I

ORN200: Finding Your Path II
ORN300: Finding Your Path III
ORN400: Finding Your Path IV

Students begin each school year with a course specifically targeted to the unique
concerns of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. This 10-hour orientation
course is unique for each student, as school counselors, advisors, and other staff guide
students through an in-depth exploration of their interests, abilities, and skills. Students
explore their education and career interests, define goals, and create a path through
high school that will get them there. In addition, this course serves as a “home base”
where students and school counselors can address topics that are critical to ensuring
success in high school and beyond.

Course Length: 10 hours

Prerequisites: None


High School Course List

or s

Re c

c tiv
Co r

p re


d it
Re m

El e
Co m

Cr e
English Foundations I ⬤
English Foundations II ⬤
Literary Analysis and Composition I ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Literary Analysis and Composition II ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

American Literature ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

British and World Literature ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

AP English Language and Composition ◆

AP English Literature and Composition ◆
Journalism* ◆
Public Speaking* ⬤

Creative Writing ⬤

Math Foundations I ⬤
Math Foundations II ⬤
Consumer Math ⬤

Pre-Algebra ⬤ ⬤ ⬤

Algebra I ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Geometry ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Algebra II ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry ◆
Probability and Statistics* ◆
Calculus ⬤

AP Calculus AB ◆
AP Statistics ◆
Personal Finance* ⬤

Integrated Math ⬤

Physical Science ◆ ⬤

Earth Science ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Biology ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Chemistry ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Physics ◆ ◆
AP Biology ◆
AP Chemistry ◆
AP Physics B ◆
AP Environmental Science ⬤
Environmental Science* ◆
Forensic Science* Ω ⬤


World History ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Modern World Studies ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Geography and World Cultures* ⬤ ◆ ⬤

U.S. History ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

Modern U.S. History ⬤ ◆ ◆ ⬤

U.S. Government and Politics* ⬤ ◆ ⬤

U.S. and Global Economics* ⬤ ◆

AP U.S. History ◆
AP U.S. Government and Politics* ◆
AP Macroeconomics* ◆
AP Microeconomics* ◆
AP Psychology* ◆
AP European History ◆
AP World History ◆
Anthropology* Ω ◆
Psychology* ◆
Economics* ⬤ ⬤

Civics* ⬤

Family and Consumer Science

Contemporary World Issues


= new course = eBook(s) included Ω = available winter 2013 ◆ = NCAA eligible

All courses, unless otherwise
= includes vLabs (virtual labs) = course available * = one-semester course noted, are two semesters


or s

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Co r

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d it
Re m

El e
Co m

Cr e
Spanish I ◆ ⬤
Spanish II ◆
Spanish III ◆
Spanish IV ⬤
AP Spanish Language ◆
French I ◆
French II ◆
French III ◆
French IV ⬤
AP French Language ◆
German I ◆
German II ◆
German III ⬤
German IV ⬤
Latin I ◆
Latin II ◆
Chinese I ◆
Chinese II ◆
Japanese I ⬤
Japanese II ⬤
Fine Art ⬤

Music Appreciation ⬤

AP Art History ⬤

Introduction to Entrepreneurship I* ⬤

Introduction to Entrepreneurship II* ⬤

Introduction to Marketing I* ⬤

Introduction to Marketing II* ⬤

Accounting ⬤

Service Learning* ⬤

Skills for Health* ⬤ ⬤

Nutrition and Wellness* ⬤

Life Skills* ⬤

Physical Education ⬤ ⬤

Reaching Your Academic Potential* ⬤

Achieving Your Career and College Goals* ⬤

Driver Education* ⬤

Technology & Computer Science

Computer Literacy* ⬤

Image Design and Editing* ⬤

Web Design* ⬤

C++ Programming* ⬤

Programming I - VB.NET* ⬤

Programming II - Java* ⬤

Game Design* ⬤

3D Art I - Modeling* ⬤

3D Art II - Animation* ⬤

Audio Engineering* ⬤

Green Design and Technology* ⬤

Digital Arts I* ⬤

Digital Arts II* ⬤

Computer Science * ⬤

Engineering Design / CAD* ⬤

AP Computer Science A ⬤
Online Learning
Finding Your Path Series I–IV

Complete list available through K12. Course offerings may vary at K–8: K12 offers online courses for grades K–8 across seven
K12-powered schools. K12 is approved by the University of California disciplines: language arts/English, math, science, history, world
as a provider of “a-g” courses. Nearly 30 of our individual courses languages, art, and music—plus adaptive courses in reading
have already received approvals and more are now in the approval remediation and K–5 math. For a complete listing with full
process. See K12.com/courses for the list. descriptions, visit K12.com/k8curriculum.
Learn about our
range of options:
tuition-free public schools in most states,
private online schooling available worldwide,
and supplemental courses that include world
languages and career-building electives.

or call:


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