Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing management
Unit –II: Marketing Information System and Marketing Research; Consumer Behavior
and Buying Decision Process – Organization Buyer Behavior – Market Segmentation and
Unit – IV: Pricing Strategies and Programs; Setting the Price – Adapting the Price –
Initiating Response to Price Changes - Delivering Value: Designing and Managing Value
Networks – Channels of Distribution.
Imp questions:
The term of marketing is derived from the word market, which refers to a group
of sellers and buyers that co-operate to exchange goods and services. The modern
concepts of marketing evolved during the and after the industrial revolution in the 19 th
and 20th centuries.
The management process through which goods and services move from
concept to the customer. It includes the coordination of four elements called the 4p’s of
Marketing definition
Marketing has achieved social importance because it is entrus ted with the task of
creation and delivery of standard of living to society.
1. Business
2. Consumers
3 Society
4. Developing Economy
5. Individuals
6. Business Firms
8. Developing Countries.
Marketing helps business to keep pace with the changing tastes, fashions and
preferences of the customers..
Marketing plays an important role in the development of the economy.
Various functions and sub-functions of marketing like advertising, personal
selling, packaging, transportation, etc.,
Marketing helps the business in increasing its sales volume, generating
revenue and ensuring its success in the long run.
Marketing helps to increase the national income by increasing the sales volume,
thus generating revenue.
Technological contribution.
Cultural contribution.
Industrial Development
Scope of marketing
Market is a place where buyers and sellers are meet for exchanging of goods
and services by transfer of money.
The market is an aggregate of forces or conditions within whish buyers and
seller make decisions which results in transfer of goods or services.
It is a place where there is an exchange process across the market is equal to
group of sellers and buyers in an area.
It is concerned with the flow of goods &services from the point of production to
the point of consumption.
It is a systematic arrangement of functions of marketing to make goods the
selection of channels of distribution, nature of market segmentation in the
system which enables creation of time utility and plan utility.
Marketing will identify needs of the consumers.
Forces include environment factors which are affecting the marketing system
The environment forces contribute to marketing network. Demand, supply,
competition, status, Government rules, consumer goods market conditions are
the various forces which act upon marketing
Concepts of Marketing
1.Production Concept
The idea of production concept – “Consumers will favor products that are available
and highly affordable”. This concept is one of the oldest Marketing management
orientations that guide sellers.
Companies adopting this orientation run a major risk of focusing too narrowly on
their own operations and losing sight of the real objective.
2.Product Concept
The product concept holds that the consumers will favor products that offer the most in
quality, performance and innovative features. Marketing strategies are focused on
making continuous product improvements.
3.Selling Concept
The selling concept holds the idea- “consumers will not buy enough of the firm’s
products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort”.
4.Marketing Concept
The marketing concept holds- “achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the
needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than
competitors do”.
Under the marketing concept, customer focus and value are the routes to
achieve sales and profits.
Societal marketing concept questions whether the pure marketing concept overlooks
possible conflicts between consumer short-run wants and consumer long-run welfare.
The societal marketing concept holds “marketing strategy should deliver value to
customers in a way that maintains or improves both the consumer’s and society’s well-
Phillo kotler in his article “ The major tasks of marketing management has
listed various levels of demand and the corresponding tasks of a marketer.
Marketing plans involve mangers by which the marketing goals can be achieved.
They involve deciding policy, strategy, tactics, procedures, rules and regulations
and marketing programs, budgets and schedules to achieve the long-term as
well as short-term goals.
They assess and analyze strength and weakness, opportunities and threats
6. Deliver value
Marketing needs to deliver value to the target customers. Value is the ratio between
what the customers pay and what they receive. Marketing must determine how to
properly deliver the value embodied by the products and services to the target market.
Customers’ product choice is guided by value. So, marketing should add maximum
value to the customers.
7. Communicate value
Marketing needs to communicate value to target markets. It has to develop an
integrated marketing communication program that maximizes the individual
and collective contribution of all communication activities by which firm attempts to
inform, persuade, remain and reassure consumers about the brands. For this,
marketing has to set up mass communication programs consisting of advertising,
personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and publicity.
Marketing must take a long-term view of its products and brands and how its profits
should be grown. Based on its positioning, it must initiate new-product development,
testing and launching.
Marketing Environment
Internal Environment
The internal environment of the business includes all the forces and factors inside the
organisation which affect its marketing operations. These components are:
The internal environment is under the control of the marketer and can be
changed with the changing external environment. Nevertheless, the internal marketing
environment is as important for the business as the external marketing environment.
This environment includes the sales department, marketing department, the
manufacturing unit, the human resource department, etc.
External Environment
The external environment constitutes factors and forces which are external to the
business and on which the marketer has little or no control. The external environment is
of two types:
Micro Environment
The micro-component of the external environment is also known as the task
environment. It comprises of external forces and factors that are directly related to the
business. These include suppliers, market intermediaries, customers, partners,
competitors and the public
a whole but don’t have a direct effect on the business. The macro-environment can be
divided into 6 parts.
Demographic Environment
The demographic environment is made up of the people who constitute the
market. It is characterised as the factual investigation and segregation of the population
according to their size, density, location, age, gender, race, and occupation.
Economic Environment
The economic environment constitutes factors which influence customers’
purchasing power and spending patterns. These factors include the GDP, GNP, interest
rates, inflation, income distribution, government funding and subsidies, and other major
economic variables.
Physical Environment
The physical environment includes the natural environment in which the business
operates. This includes the climatic conditions, environmental change, accessibility to
water and raw materials, natural disasters, pollution etc.
Technological Environment
The technological environment constitutes innovation, research and development
in technology, technological alternatives, innovation inducements also technological
barriers to smooth operation. Technology is one of the biggest sources of threats and
opportunities for the organisation and it is very dynamic.
Political-Legal Environment
The political & Legal environment includes laws and government’s policies
prevailing in the country. It also includes other pressure groups and agencies which
influence or limit the working of the industry and/or the business in the society.
Social-Cultural Environment
The social-cultural aspect of the macro-environment is made up of the lifestyle,
values, culture, prejudice and beliefs of the people. This differs in different regions.
Customer value
Delighted customer
Bench marketing against the competitors
Identifying the right things
Team work by committed employees
Enhanced market share
Gaining competitive Edge
Enables competitive strategic planning
Industrial Marketing
Industrial products and services are classified into three broad groups.
Raw material
Manufactured items
Components parts
Subassemblies items
A capital is a durable goods that is used in production of goods and services. These
goods are used in production process.
1.light equipment
2.installation or heavy equipment
3.plant and building
1. The involvement in this type of marketing is done by highly professional and experts.
Even sometimes, more than two decision makers are required to make plans and
strategies in industrial marketing. The purchase plan is made and the decision makers
do their researches and comes on an appropriate decision.
2. The nature of this type of marketing is one-to-one. There is presence of only one
buyer and on seller and no mediator. It is moreover easy for the buyer as well as the
seller to identify each other and the seller finds the prospective customer for
themselves and their products. There is a face to face relation in this type of marketing.
3. The processing in industrial marketing is quite lengthy and complex. There are many
stages for doing a successful transaction. The steps include request for proposal,
request for tender, selection process, awarding of tender, contract negotiations and
finally the signing of final contract and delivery.
Services Marketing
Features of Services:
1. Intangibility:
A physical product is visible and concrete. Services are intangible. The service
cannot be touched or viewed, so it is difficult for clients to tell in advance what they will
be getting. For example, banks promote the sale of credit cards by emphasizing the
conveniences and advantages derived from possessing a credit card.
2. Inseparability:
Personal services cannot be separated from the individual. Services are created
and consumed simultaneously. The service is being produced at the same time that the
client is receiving it; for example, during an online search or a legal consultation.
Dentist, musicians, dancers, etc. create and offer services at the same time.
4. Perishability:
Services have a high degree of perishability. Unused capacity cannot be stored for
future use. If services are not used today, it is lost forever.
5. Changing demand:
The demand for services has wide fluctuations and may be seasonal. Demand for
tourism is seasonal, other services such as demand for public transport, cricket field and
golf courses have fluctuations in demand.
6. Pricing of services:
Quality of services cannot be standardized. The pricing of services are usu ally
determined on the basis of demand and competition. For example, room rents in tourist
spots fluctuate as per demand and season and many of the service providers give off-
season discounts.
7. Direct channel:
Usually, services are directly provided to the customer. The customer goes directly to
the service provider to get services such as bank, hotel, doctor, and so on.
Global marketing
The basic principles and techniques of marketing are the same in domestic and global
marketing. Global markets have special features which have to be considered while
preparing global marketing strategies.
a. Product
b. Price
c. Placement
d. Promotion
h. Helps to encourage ancillary industries to be set up to cater for the needs of the
global player
Unit –II: Marketing Information System and Marketing Research; Consumer Behavior
and Buying Decision Process – Organization Buyer Behavior – Market Segmentation and
Imp question:
Marketing information system is defined as a set of procedures and methods for the
regular and planed collection analysis and presentation of information in marketing
Consists of the physical activities and objects which are relevant to the enterprise, like
the retail outlet.
2. Data:
Observation, Measurement, and the recording of data from a source audit and
information system to record information on sales by product class.
What are the goals, alternative and choices of the choices of the organization? What
should the firm do to counter competition reduce price, introduce new products new
products or invest in merchandising and store promotions
1. Internal record
4. Marketing research.
1. Internal record:
Marketing managers rely on internal reports related to customer orders, sales,
price levels, cost, inventory levels, receivable and payables. The heart of the internal
record system is the order-to-payment cycle. Customers send orders to the firms.
4. Marketing research:
It acts as a tool for accurate decision-making in marketing. It is useful for studying
and solving different marketing problems. Marketing research techniques are used by
manufacturers, exporters, distributors and service organizations. Marketing research is
an applied knowledge. Hence, it provides alternative solutions to deal with a specific
Marketing Research
“ The systematic gathering, recording and analysis of data about problems relating
to the marketing of goods and services” —The American Marketing Association.
7. To revitalize brands
5. Data Collection:
The collection of data relates to the gathering of facts to be used in solving the
problem. Hence, methods of market research are essentially methods of data collection.
Data can be secondary, i.e., collected from concerned reports, magazines and other
periodicals, especially written articles, government publications, company publications,
books, etc.
Consumer behaviour
needs and wants. It refers to the actions of the consumers in the marketplace and the
underlying motives for those actions.
A) Cultural Factors:
Cultural factors have the broadest and deepest impact on consumer behaviour. This set
of factors mainly includes broad culture, sub-culture, and culture of social classes.
1. Broad Culture:
Culture is a powerful and dominant determinant of personal needs and wants. Every
culture has its values, customs, traditions, and beliefs, which determine needs,
preference, and overall behaviour.
2. Subcultures:
Each culture consists of smaller subcultures. Each subculture provides more specific
identification of members belong to it. Product and marketing programme should be
prepared in light of subcultures to tailor their needs.
Here, we examine the effect of social factors on consumer needs and preferences
(behaviour). Social factors affect consumer behaviour
1. Family:
Family is one of the most powerful social factors affecting consumer behaviour. This is
more significant where there is joint family system, in which children use to live with
family for longer time. Values, traditions, and preferences are transmitted from parents
to children inherently.
2. Reference Groups:
Philip Kotler states: “A person’s reference group consists of all the groups that have a
direct (face-to-face) or indirect influence on the person’s attitudes or behaviour.”
Groups having a direct influence on the person are called membership groups.
5. Income Level:
Income affects needs and wants of consumers. Preference of the rich consumers and
the poor consumers differ notably. In case of quality, brand image, novelty, and costs .
ii. Occupation:
Buying and using pattern of consumer, to a large extent, is affected by a person’s
occupation. For example, industrialist, teacher, artist, scientist, manager, doctor,
supervisor, worker, trader, etc
v. Personality:
Personality is a distinguished set of physical and psychotically characteristics that lead
to relatively consistent and enduring response to one’s environment. Personality
characteristics, such as individualism, difference, self-confidence, courage, firmness,
sociability, mental balance, patience, etc.,
vi. Self-concept:
It is also referred as self-image. It is what person believes of him. There can be actual
self-concept, how he views himself; ideal self-concept, how he would like to view
himself; and others-self-concept, how he thinks other see him.
vii. Gender:
Gender or sex affects buying behaviour. Some products are male-dominated while some
are female-dominated. Male customers react to those products which are closely suit
their needs and styles. Cosmetics products are more closely related to female
customers than male. Marketer must be aware of gender-effect on buying behaviour of
the market.
viii. Education:
Education makes the difference. Highly educated, moderately educated, less educated,
and illiterates differ considerably in terms of their needs and preferences. In the same
way, stage of education (like primary, secondary, college, etc.) affects buyers’
D) Psychological Factors:
Buying behaviour is influenced by several psychological factors. The dominants among
them include motivation, perception, learning, and beliefs and attitudes. It is difficult to
measure the impact of psychological factors as they are internal, but are much powerful
to control persons’ buying choice. Manager must try to understand probable role the
factors play in making buying decisions.
i. Motivation:
It has a significant impact on consumer behaviour. Motivation is closely related to
human needs. One has many needs at a given time. Some needs are biogenic or
physiological in nature arising from physiological states of tension, such as hunger,
thirst, or discomfort.
ii. Perception:
Person’s motivation to act depends on his perception of situation. It is one of the
strongest factors affecting behaviour. The stimuli – product, advertising appeal,
incentives, or anything .
iii. Learning:
Most human behaviour is learned. Learning is basically concerned with experience of an
individual. Learning can be defined as: Relatively permanent changes arising from
iv. Beliefs:
People hold beliefs about company, company’s goods or services, and they act
accordingly. Beliefs of the buyers affect product and brand image.
v. Attitudes:
An attitude is a person’s enduring favourable or unfavorable evaluations, emotional
feelings, and action tendencies toward some object or idea. These emotional feelings
are usually evaluative in nature. People hold attitudes toward almost everything, such
as religion, politics, clothes, music, food, product, company, and so on.
Buyer decision process (or customer buying process) helps markets to identify
how consumers complete the journey from knowing about a product to making the
purchase decision.
The buyer decision process will enable to set a marketing plan that convinces
them to purchase the product or service for fulfilling the buyer’s or consumer’s problem.
Consumers go through 5 stages in taking the decision to purchase any goods or
During need or problem recognition, the consumer recognizes a problem or need that
could be satisfied by a product or service in the market.
At this stage, the consumer recognizes a need or problem. The buyer feels a
difference between his or her actual state and some desired state.
2. Information Search
Once the need is recognized, the consumer is aroused to seek more information
and moves into the information search stage.
After the recognition of needs, the consumers try to find goods for satisfying such
needs. They search for information about the goods they want.
3. Evaluation of Alternatives
Evaluation of alternatives is the third stage of the buying process. Various points of
information collected from different sources are used in evaluating different alternatives
and their attractiveness.
4. Purchase Decision
After the alternatives have been evaluated, consumers take the decision to
purchase products and services. They decide to buy the best brand.But their decision is
influenced by others’ attitudes and situational factors.
5. Post-Purchase Evaluation
In the final stage of the buyer decision process, postpurchase behavior, the
consumer takes action based on satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
In this stage, the consumer determines if they are satisfied or dissatisfied with the
purchasing outcome. Here is where cognitive dissonance occurs, “Did I make the right
5.Demand fluctuation are high as purchase from business buyers magnity fluctuation in
demand for the their products.
Industrial buyers are subjects to many influences When their buying decisions. These
influences can be classified ino four main groups. They are:
t factors
Indivdual Organization
factors factors
1.Environment factors:
2.Organization factors:
3.Interpersonal Factors:
The buying Centre usually includes several participants with different statuses,
authority, empathy and persuasiveness. The industrial marketer is not likely to know
what kind of group dynamics will take place during the buying process, and information
about personalities involved is useful.
4.Indivdual factors:
Each participants in the buying process brings in personal motives, perception and
preferences. These affected by personal characteristics like age, gender, education
styles, attitudes of the members of the buying Centre.
Market segmentation
Market segmentation is defined as” heterogeneous markets into homogeneous” that are
view to meet the specifi requirements of each customer group. __ William J Stanson
Basic of segementation
The proess begins with the basis of segmentation a product specifi factors that
reflects differences in customers requirement or responsiveness to marketing variables.
Segementation mainly divided into two types they are
Consumer markets
Industrial markets
Geographic Segmentation
ZIP code
Radius around a certain location
Urban or rural
Demographic Segmentation
Family Situation
Annual Income
Psychographic Segmentation
Personality traits
Psychological influences
Subconscious and conscious beliefs
Behavioral Segmentation
Purchasing habits
Spending habits
User status
Brand interactions
Industrial Markets
New buy
Modified buy
Straight buy
2.Types of customers:
Major customers
Minor customers
Targeting strategies:
Having segmented the market the firm now has top choose its marketing strategies.
They are strategies to choose from:
1. Standardization
Hare the firm offers same product to different market segments. It uses the same
communication, pricing and distribution strategies.
Ex: soft drinks like coke and Pepsi what retain the same flavor advertising and packing
across segments in different geographical areas.
2. Concerned
Targeting devising a market mix to reach a single segment of the global mix we
can focus on markets mix tools
Select only one market segment and target it with a single brand
3. Differentiation
Here the firm differentiates its products to suit different needs and expectations.
Ex:The airlines differentiate or hotels differentiate its products into First class, second
class and economy class. Each of these classes is targeted at a specific Segment whose
needs are different from the other.
Fair &lovely.
Bajaj pulsar.
Samsung Mobile.
The last five years of the 1990’s saw the introduction of a large number of
new products and services in the Indian market. Most of these were in collaboration
with the MNCS, In some cases the Indian companies got the the license to market MNC
brands in India. Many global brands were also launched in the indian market.
Several factors contribute to new product development, while most are related to
external environment variables, the most important internal product development is the
surplus capacity.
2.Technological change:
3.Government Policies:
New product development process: The process may vary from one firm to the
other but generally, one can see the stages as below:
1. Idea Generation:
2. Idea Screening:
The company may have considered the idea to be feasible, but is has to be tested
with the target audience. Here the product idea is converted into meaningful consumer
item and presented to appropriate target consumers to know their reactions. If the
reaction is positive, the company moves to next stage.
After successful concept testing, the marketing manager will develop a preliminary
marketing strategy for introducing the product in the market. The marketing strategy
will highlight the segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy.
5. Business Analysis:
Business analysis is the study of economic feasibility of the new product i.e. whether
the product will be financially worthwhile in long run or not. This stage estimates the
expected future profitability of the new product, i.e. what cash flow product can
generate, what will be the cost of production, what will be the expected life of the
product, share of market product may get etc.
6. Product Development:
Once the product is declared economically feasible, the company gives the product
its physical shape. This stage involves huge investments to be made, as compared to
the pervious stages. The physical product as it would appear is prepared so that it can
be tested.
7. Test Marketing:
Test marketing is a stage where the new product is tested with a particular target
market, to find out whether it is acceptable to the consumers or not. The expectation of
the consumers from the product is tested here. Any improvement or modification
required can be taken care of. Test marketing, thus, help in pretesting of the product
and the marketing plan, before it is launched in the market.
8. Commercialization:
Successful test marketing gives way to actual introduction of the product in the
market place. Here the company has to consider certain factors like when to launch the
product, where and how the product will be launched, which market and which
consumers to target etc. Market entry timing is also very important.
1. Core Product
This is the basic product and the focus is on the purpose for which the product is
intended. For example, a warm coat will protect you from the cold and the rain. The
more important benefits the product provides, the more that customers need the
2. Generic Product
This represents all the qualities of the product. For a warm coat this is about fit,
material, rain repellent ability, high-quality fasteners, etc.
3. Expected Product
This is about all aspects the consumer expects to get when they purchase a product.
That coat should be really warm and protect from the weather and the wind and be
comfortable when riding a bicycle.
4. Augmented Product
The Augmented Product refers to all additional factors which sets the product apart
from that of the competition. And this particularly involves brand identity and image. Is
that warm coat in style.
5. Potential Product
This is about augmentations and transformations that the product may undergo in the
future. For example, a warm coat that is made of a fabric that is as thin as paper and
therefore light as a feather that allows rain to automatically slide down.
A product line is a group of related products all marketed under a single brand
name that is sold by the same company. Companies sell multiple product lines under
their various brand names, seeking to distinguish them from each other for better
usability for consumers.
Expanding the product line is the second one of the product line decisions. A
company can expand its product line in two ways: Line Filling and Line Stretching
Product mix
Product mix, also known as product assortment, is the total number of product
lines that a company offers to its customers. The product lines may range from one to
many and the company may have many products under the same product line as well.
All of these product lines when grouped together form the product mix of the company.
The width of the mix refers to the number of product lines the company has to
For e.g., If a company produce only soft drinks and juices, this means its mix is two
products wide. Coca-Cola deals in juices, soft drinks, and mineral water and hence the
product mix of Coca-Cola is three products wide.
Length of the product mix refers to the total number of products in the mix. That
is if a company has 5 product lines and 10 products each under those product lines,
the length of the mix will be 50 [5 x 10].
The depth of the product mix refers to the total number of products within a product
line. There can be variations in the products of the same product line. For example –
Colgate has different variants under the same product line like Colgate advanced,
Colgate active salt, etc.
Product mix consistency refers to how closely products are linked to each other.
Less the variation among products more is the consistency. For example, a company
dealing in just dairy products has more consistency than a company dealing in all types
of electronics.
Product Differentiation
The goal of this tactic is to help businesses develop a competitive advantage and
define compelling unique selling propositions (USPs) that set their product apart from
competitors. Organizations with multiple products in their portfolio may use
differentiation to separate their various products from one another and prevent
In many industries, the barrier to entry has dropped significantly in recent years.
As a side effect, these industries have seen substantial increases in competitive
products. In increasingly crowded competitive landscapes, differentiation is a critical
prerequisite for a product’s survival.
What does your product or service do/accomplish/offer that the competition does
not? Product differentiation helps your organization answer this question and focus on
the unique value a product brings to its users. If no effort is put into a differentiation
strategy, products risk blending in with a sea of competitors and never getting the
market hold they need to keep going.
There are several different factors that can differentiate a product, however, there
are three main categories of product differentiation. Those include horizontal
differentiation, vertical differentiation, and mixed differentiation.
Horizontal Differentiation
Vertical Differentiation
Mixed Differentiation
Now that we’ve looked at the categories of product differentiation, let’s look at the
specific factors that can differentiate products.
1) Form: A product can be differentiated based on the form of the product. The
physical structure, size and shape of the product can be used to differentiate it from
others. Take an example of any medicine..
2) Features: Any additional features being offered on top of the product becomes a plus
point for the customer. The best example for differentiation based on features is Mobile
phones, handsets or any technology product..
3.Quality: How does the quality, reliability, and ruggedness of your product compare
to others on the market.
4) Durability: In the tough and competitive laptop market, there are some laptops
which stand out. These are the ones made for mountaineers and
harsh environment researcher. Their cost is very high as compared to normal laptops.
But by producing such a product, Kitchen equipment’s, vehicles.
6) Style :Style describes the products look and feel to the buyers, Car buyers pay a
premium for designer because of their extra ordinary look. Style has the advantage of
creating distinctive that is difficult to copy.
Products, like people, have life cycles. This concept is used by management and by
marketing professionals as a factor in deciding when it is appropriate to increase
advertising, reduce prices, expand to new markets, or redesign packaging.
1. Introduction stage
Once a product has been developed, the first stage is its introduction stage. In this
stage, the product is being released into the market. When a new product is released, it
is often a high-stakes time in the product's life cycle - although it does not necessarily
make or break the product's eventual success.
During the introduction stage, marketing and promotion are at a high - and the
company often invests the most in promoting the product and getting it into the hands
of consumers. This is perhaps best showcased in Apple's ( famous launch presentations,
which highlight the new features of their newly (or soon to be released) products.
2. Growth stage
By the growth stage, consumers are already taking to the product and increasingly
buying it. The product concept is proven and is becoming more popular - and sales are
Other companies become aware of the product and its space in the market, which is
beginning to draw attention and increasingly pull in revenue. If competition for the
product is especially high, the company may still heavily invest in advertising and
promotion of the product to beat out competitors. As a result of the product growing,
the market itself tends to expand. The product in the growth stage is typically tweaked
to improve functions and features.
3. Maturity stage
When a product reaches maturity, its sales tend to slow or even stop - signaling a
largely saturated market. At this point, sales can even start to drop. Pricing at this stage
can tend to get competitive, signaling margin shrinking as prices begin falling due to
the weight of outside pressures like competition or lower demand. Marketing at this
point is targeted at fending off competition, and companies will often develop new or
altered products to reach different market segments.
Given the highly saturated market, it is typically in the maturity stage of a product that
less successful competitors are pushed out of competition - often called the "shake-out
The maturity stage may last a long time or a short time depending on the product. For
some brands, the maturity stage is very drawn out, like Coca-Cola .
4. Decline stage
Although companies will generally attempt to keep the product alive in the maturity
stage as long as possible, decline for every product is inevitable.
In the decline stage, product sales drop significantly and consumer behavior changes
as there is less demand for the product. The company's product loses more and more
market share, and competition tends to cause sales to deteriorate.
Marketing in the decline stage is often minimal or targeted at already loyal customers,
and prices are reduced.
Brand management
Brand equity
Brand loyalty
Types of brands
1.persoanl brand
The personal brand attached with individual personality. It explains the character of
the particular popular celebrity.
2.Individual brand
Individual branding also called multi branding, This facilitates the position of each
product by allowing a firm to position its brands differently.
3.Family branding
Easy to advertise
Easy to identify the products
Creation of separate markets
Easy to expand the product mix
Impact market value
Packaging should not create a financial burden for the company. Consumers
prefer economical packaging options, because the packaging cost is included in the cost
price. Hence, the packaging should be made attractive, appealing and economical.
Unit – IV: Pricing Strategies and Programs; Setting the Price – Adapting the Price –
Initiating Response to Price Changes - Delivering Value: Designing and Managing Value
Networks – Channels of Distribution.
Price is the sum of all values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or
having or using the product or service, Price is the only element in the marketing mix
that produces revenue.
Price= ______________________________________
A pricing strategy is a model or method used to establish the best price for a
product or service. Pricing strategies help you choose prices that maximize profits and
shareholder value while considering consumer and market demand.
Pricing strategies take into account many of your business factors, like revenue
goals, marketing objectives, target audience, brand positioning, and product attributes.
They’re also influenced by external factors like consumer demand, competitor pricing,
and overall market and economic trends.
Pricing strategies
Competition-Based Pricing
Cost-Plus Pricing
Dynamic Pricing
Ferrmium Pricing
High-Low Pricing
Hourly Pricing
Skimming Pricing
Penetration Pricing
Premium Pricing
Project-Based Pricing
Value-Based Pricing
A skimming pricing strategy is when companies charge the highest possible price
for a new product and then lower the price over time as the product becomes less and
less popular. Skimming is different than high-low pricing in that prices are lowered
gradually over time.
Also known as premium pricing and luxury pricing, a prestige pricing strategy is
when companies price their products high to present the image that their products are
high-value, luxury, or premium. Prestige pricing focuses on the perceived value of a
product rather than the actual value or production cost.
A Firm must set a price for the first time when it develops a new product, when
it introduces its regular product into new distribution channels or geographical area,
and when it enters bids on new contract work, The firm must decide where to position
its product on quality and price.
Maximum current profit
Maximum market share
Maximum market skimming
Product-quality leadership
2.Determining Demand
Each price will lead to a different level of demand and have a different impact on a
company’s marketing objectives. The normally inverse relationship between price and
demand is captured in a demand curve. The higher the price, the lower the demand.
Price experiments
Statistical analysis
3.Estimating Costs
For determination the price of Product Company should estimate the cost of
Price must cover variable & fixed costs and as production increases costs may
decrease. The firm gains experience, obtains raw materials at lower prices, etc., so
costs should be estimated at different production levels.
Firms must also analyze activity-based cost accounting (ABC) instead of standard
cost accounting. ABC takes into account the costs of serving different retailers as the
needs of differ from retailer to retailer.
Target Costing :
Also the firm may attempt Target Costing (TG). TG is when a firm estimates a new
product’s desired functions & determines the price that it could be sold at. From this
price the desired profit margin is calculated
The firm should benchmark its price against competitors, learn about the quality of
competitors offering, & learn about competitor’s costs.
Companies usually do not set a single price but rather a pricing structure that
reflects variations in geographical demand and costs, market segmentation
requirements, purchase timing, order levels,delivery,frequenty,guarnatees,service
contracts and other factors.
1. Geographical pricing
3. Promotional pricing
4. Differentiated pricing
1. Geographical pricing
Most of the companies will adjust their price list and give discounts for early
payments volume purchase and off-season buying.
Cash discounts
Quantity discount
Functional discount
Seasonal discount
3. promotional pricing
Loss-leader pricing
Special-event pricing
Cash Rebates
Low –interest financing
Psychological discounting
These are often Zero-sum game. If they work competitors copy, otherwise they
waste the money that could have been put into marketing tools.
4. Differentiated pricing
Time pricing
Companies are bound to face market situations where they are required to
initiate price changes. It means, either they are to cut the prices or increase the present
prices to survive, maintain status quo or further growth. Initiating price changes
involves two possibilities of price cuts and price increases.
1. Low-quality trap:
Consumers will assume that quality is low.
2. Fragile-market share trap:
A low price buys market share but not market loyalty. The same customers will shift to
any lower- priced firm that comes along.
Customer Reactions:
Consumers are more interested in knowing the cause or causes of price change.
3.Competitor Reactions:
Competitors are most likely to react when the number of firms is few, the product is
homogeneous, and buyers are highly informed. Competitor reactions can be a special
problem when they have a strong value proposition. The price hike them to take steps
based on objectives of such price hike where they will resort to advertising and product
improving efforts.
2. That the company is doing poorly and trying to boost its sales
3. That company wants the whole industry to reduce prices to stimulate total demand.
Delivering Value
Value network
Channels of distribution
Types of channels
Whole sellers
Ware housing
Industrial markets
Functions of channel:
Sometimes producer directly sells to the consumers but this method is not common for
consumer goods in foreign markets. It are common in domestic trade where producer
sells goods through his own outlets. In foreign markets, selling through post is gaining
If the producer or the chief importer employs an efficient sales force, he need
not appoint or contact with wholesalers, He will directly contact the retailers through his
sales force.
If agents are appointed, the alternative available is that producr gets directly in touch
with the wholesalers who in turn serve the retailers. The channels will be
The producer may or may not appoint the agents for consumer goods. Appointing an
agent is considered necessary where the producer cannot afford to invest the amount
required to develop a sales force of his own. If he decides to appoint agents he moves
to wholesalers and retailers only through agent.
Channel objectives:
Place utility
Time utility
Form utility
Information utility
Creases convenience value
Manufacturer will be eased with storage problem
Helps in promoting goods
Financial help
Creates possession utility
Push and full strategies implementation.
Channel designs
Customer characteristics
Product characteristics
Distribution culture
Company objectives
Channel conflict
In carrying out their specialized roles and functions, channel members may
cooperate, conflict and complete with one another. Conflicts can be functional or
dysfunctional: it is important to distinguish between two
Gravity Approach
Push Approach
Pull Approach
Scope of distribution
Market considerations
Selling capabilities
Product knowledge
Business image
Geographic coverage
Successful track record
Customer service
Factors influencing channel selection
Communicating Value
Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it
attractively, and making it accessible.
Companies must also communicate with present and potential stake holders, and
the general public. For most companies the question is not whether to
communicate but rather what to say how to say it to whom and how often.
But communications get harder and harder as more and more companies decide
to grab the consumers increasingly divided attention
To reach target markets and build brand equity, marketers are creatively
employing multiple forms of communications.
Communication is an important task of any organization to inform the target
market about the product.
The marketing communication delivers results only when all elements are
integrated to deliver brand values to the target markets
When the marketer needs to take a 360 degree perspective of the brand, in
order to understand the role of integrated marketing communication in the
marketing programme of a company one needs to recognize the value of
comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic role of each element of
The whole work revolves around the subject of marketing communication mix.
Benefits of Advertising
Types of Advertising
Characteristics of Advertising:
1. Tool for Market Promotion
2. Non-personal
3. Paid Form
4. Wide Applicability
5. Varied Objectives
6. Forms of Advertising
7. Use of Media
8. Advertising as an Art
Direct Marketing
Face-to-Face Selling
Direct Mail
Email Marketing
Voicemail Marketing
A Set of Database
Addressing the Listed Customers
Direct Action Related
Specific Emphasis
Personal Selling
Personal Selling is also known as the door to door selling which is face to face
communication between the buyer and the seller. In simple words, It is an art of
persuasion in which the salesperson tries to win the confidence of the customer and
also tries to know the importance of marketing strategies.
Sales Promotion
Sales promotion includes the short-term incentives offered to middlemen,
salesmen, and/or consumers. Sales promotion implies a wide variety of promotional
activities. In the current marketing practices, the role of sales promotion has increased
tremendously. Companies spare and spend millions of rupees to arrest consumer
attention toward products and to arouse purchase interest. Sales promotional efforts
also improve firm’s competitive position.
Special characteristics of sales promotion are listed below:
1. It is a part of market promotion. It involves all the promotional efforts other than
advertising, personal selling, and publicity.
4. It is directed for multiple objectives, like to maintain sales during off season, to
increase sales, to face competition, to clear stocks, to improve image, to promote new
products, etc.
6. Sales promotion efforts consist of special selling efforts for the specific time period in
forms of short-term incentives and schemes undertaken at consumer level, dealer level
or at salesmen level.
Event Marketing
5. Associating the brand personality of clients with the personality of target market.
Public Relations
1. Cost Leadership
Here, the objective of the firm is to become the lowest cost producer in the
industry and is achieved by producing in large scale which enables the firm to attain
economies of scale. High capacity utilization, good bargaining power, high technology
implementation are some of factors necessary to achieve cost leadership. e.g Micromax
2. Differentiation leadership
Under this strategy, firm maintains unique features of its products in the market
thus creating a differentiating factor. With this differentiation leadership, firms target to
achieve market leadership. And firms charge a premium price for the products (due to
high value added features). Superior brand and quality, major distribution channels,
consistent promotional support etc. are the attributes of such products.E.g. BMW, Apple
3. Cost focus
Under this strategy, firm concentrates on specific market segments and keeps its
products low priced in those segments. Such strategy helps firm to satisfy sufficient
consumers and gain popularity. E.g. Sonata watches
4. Differentiation focus
Under this strategy, firm aims to differentiate itself from one or two competitors,
again in specific segments only. This type of differentiation is made to meet demands of
border customers who refrain from purchasing competitors’ products only due to
missing of small features. It is a clear niche marketing strategy. E.g. Titan watches
A number of important trends and forces are eliciting a new set of beliefs and
practices on the part of business firms. Marketers are fundamentally rethinking their
philosophies, concepts and tools. Here are 14 major shifts in marketing management
that smart companies have been making in the 21 st century. Successful companies will
be those who can keep their marketing changing with the changes in their market place
and market space.
They may either use them personally or they may sell them to other distributors for a
profit. This chain continues further. The distributors, thus, will end up marketing goods
until they reach customers or else they may become final customers themselves.
Furthermore, these distributors get an opportunity to make some profits from this
marketing network. They can receive some commission from manufacturers on the basis
of the total volume of goods they buy and sell. Hence, the functioning of these distributors
is similar to that of insurance agents.
It is also of great use for distributors themselves because they can make an earning from
it. Most companies like Amway and Tupperware tie-up with people who put in part-time
work for this. Many women in India also become distributors and actively work with
manufacturers directly.
There are absolutely no limits on the size of the network marketing structure.
This happens because companies can tie-up with innumerable people to become
distributors. Further, distributors can further c0-ordinate with other sub-distributors
to expand the company’s sales.
Due to a reliable and robust distribution network that engages customers directly,
companies do not need to rely on advertising to market their goods.
The structure of distributors also reduces the profit margins of retailers that
companies consider as an expense. These margins get passed on to distributors and
the companies do not have to bear their burden.
Finally, this structure allows distributors to earn an unlimited income from their
dealings with the company. They can earn an income from their own profits as well
as commissions.
viral marketing
Advantages of viral marketing
Low cost. What characterizes viral campaigns is that the users do a significant
part of the work for the brand, which drastically cuts down the costs of dispersion.
It is unnecessary to buy advertising or media space.
Potential of great reach. A viral video on the Internet has the ability to
reach a huge international audience without having to invest a ton of money or
make any extra effort. Due to this, a small company or even a private individual
can go extremely viral.
It is not invasive. In viral marketing, the social media user is the one making
the decision to participate and share content, so it lessens the possibility of the
brand coming across as invasive. Like this, the perception of the brand and the
interaction are significantly better, compared to more classical forms of
Ambush/Guerilla Marketing
Brand recall
Positive feedback
Green marketing
Here, term ‘green’ is indicative of purity. Green means pure in quality and fair or
just in dealing. For example, green advertising means advertising without adverse
impact on society. Green message means matured and neutral facts, free from
exaggeration or ambiguity. Green marketing is highly debated topic for lay people to
highly professional groups.
1. Now, people are insisting pure products – edible items, fruits, and vegetables based
on organic farming. The number of people seeking vegetarian food is on rise.
4. Recommending use of leaves instead of plastic pieces; jute and cloth bags instead of
plastic carrying bag.
8. Strict provisions to protect forests, flora and fauna, protection of the rivers, lakes and
seas from pollutions.
9. Global restrictions on production and use of harmful weapons, atomic tests, etc.
Direct marketing
Benefits of direct marketing
personalized messages. If you want to succeed, you should invest time in research
to identify consumers most likely to convert and thus direct your efforts to actions
that really work.
Tests and analyzes the results. Direct response campaigns give you the
opportunity to directly measure your results. Take the opportunity to squeeze the
most of your tests and make decisions in real time.