2018-Steward Application Form

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7- 23 June 2018
Geneva, Switzerland

What is the WCC Stewards Programme?

The Stewards Programme brings together a dynamic group of 20 young people from different
backgrounds, churches and regions all over the world. From 6 th to 23rd June 2018 (inclusive of travel dates)
stewards will serve at the Central Committee (CC) meeting. CC is the chief governing body of the WCC until the
next assembly, meeting every 2 years. As a diverse community, stewards bring their faith, experiences, and visions
to an ecumenical experience of togetherness and friendship. Being a steward can be challenging. But it will also
foster your involvement and participation in the ecumenical movement; and it could change your life. The
stewards will be involved in: (1) an on-site ecumenical formation, (2) serve at the Central Committee meeting.

Work, pray, and sweat

Stewards arrive to Geneva a few days prior to the Central Committee Meeting to learn about the
ecumenical movement. The work done is often exhausting, intense and under pressure with short deadlines. The
main areas of tasks are: floor management, documentation, communications, interpretation, worship and other
tasks such as general administration, sorting mail, delivering messages, etc.

WCC will be responsible for accommodation and food during the programme and may provide a small
amount for pocket money while in Geneva. Travel costs to and from Geneva are the responsibility of the steward,
except in cases where partial financial assistance is granted. Please see page 4 (Travel Coverage) for details.
All stewards who are granted partial travel assistance are expected to make a financial contribution
towards their travel expenses. The purpose of the contribution is to allow more young people to participate in the
programme, to strengthen the commitment of the participants, and to encourage the ownership of the programme
by the participants and their churches and organisations.

Stewards are young people between the ages 18 and 30 years old, speak English (since English is the
working language of the programme), and are flexible. Stewards need to be prepared to  endure an intensive
schedule of activities and long, tiring work days. Working hours are irregular, and often special programmes are
planned after work for the stewards. Active participation to spiritual life, patience, ability to work with people
from other countries and cultures, and willingness to work together as a team, are essential. The deadline for
application is January 31, 2018.

All completed applications require the following documents. Make sure you have them ready and in order
before sending to our office. Only completed applications will be considered.
 Recent curriculum vitae/resumé
 Two (2) recommendation letters
- One from your church (the letter should indicate the church’s statement and plan of action to develop the
applicant after the Programme, when accepted to serve as steward)
- One from an ecumenical body
 A copy of either
- Passport*
- Identity card
*(Make sure your passport is valid six months from June 2018 onwards. If you don’t have a passport yet, if accepted to the
Programme, you are required to acquire it by February or March 2018, especially if you need a visa to come to Switzerland.)
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Passport photo


Please type or write clearly (in English). A completed application form may be sent along with the required enclosures by e-mail or printed
and sent by post or fax. Due to the volume of applications normally received, we cannot acknowledge receipt of each individual application.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

1. Personal information

Title: Family/surname:
(Mr, Ms, Rev., etc.) (as in passport)

First/given name/ (s): Maiden name:

(as in passport) (if applicable)

Sex: Civil status:  single  married

 female  male  others, please specify

Date of birth: Town and country of birth:

(day/month/year) (as in passport)

Belong to an Indigenous Peoples Group If yes, please specify your people/tribe/Ethnic Group/nation
 yes  no

Nationality: Full name of passport country:

(as in passport)

Passport number: Place of issue:

(city, country)

Date of issue: Valid until:

(day/month/year) (day/month/year)

Faith community:
(full name of national church/diocese/denomination)

2. Contact information
Street address:

Postal/Zip code: City:

(if applicable)

State (if applicable): Country:

Telephone: Mobile:
(country code, area code, #) (country code, area code, #)

E-mail address: Skype, Hangouts, Whatsapp account:

(for possible interview purposes)

3. Language

Steward Application Form

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Mother tongue:

Other languages:
(please note proficiency level)

4. Other information

Current profession or occupation:

(If student, please specify field of study)

Ecumenical experience:

Other relevant information that should be taken into account in considering your application:

Special needs:
(Person With Disability, medical condition, dietary needs, etc.)

How did you find out about the Stewards Programme?

5. Essays Please answer the following on separate sheets (minimum of 300 words for each response):
Describe yourself. Include your involvement in youth work with your church and ecumenical bodies at a local, national, regional, or
international level.

Name three issues and concerns that young people face in your country, in the order of priority. Explain each.

If selected as a steward, in what way/s will you contribute to the Program? In your home context?

I testify that the information I have given in this form is true and accurate and that, if accepted, I agree to abide
by the conditions governing the World Council of Churches.

Date: Signature:

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To be completed by residents of Australia, Japan, New Zealand, North America, South Korea, and Western
Europe: (Please put an “x”sign next to the statement below)
[ ] I confirm to cover my full travel expenses, if selected.

To be completed by residents of other Asian countries, Africa, Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin
America, Middle East, and the Pacific (Please put an “x” sign to one of the statements below)
[ ] I confirm to cover my full travel expenses, if selected.
[ ] I confirm to cover part of my travel expenses in the amount of USD_____, if selected.*
*We encourage the selected stewards, who request for partial travel assistance, to raise a goal of USD 200.00 or more
contribution towards their travel expenses.

Please remember to enclose the following:

 Recent curriculum vitae/ resumé
 Two (2) letters of recommendation from your
1. Church
2. Ecumenical body
 A photocopy of: passport or identity card

I confirm that I will stay for the full duration of the Stewards Programme.
I understand that the WCC will provide accommodation, food, and small amount of pocket money for the
period of the programme. Any other expenses, including passport and visa(s) costs, and related
expenses such as vaccinations, luggage insurance or telecommunication costs, are my own
I commit to contribute to the work of my church/National Council of Churches/Ecumenical Youth Organization
after the WCC Stewards Programme and write a summary of the project for the WCC Youth Desk.
Date: Signature:

Send your application by post or fax to:

World Council of Churches
Youth Engagement Office
150, route de Ferney - PO Box 2100
1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 791 6209
Fax: +41 22 710 2057

Or send it electronically to :

E-mail: Youth@wcc-coe.org

Only COMPLETED APPLICATIONS, accompanied by the mentioned enclosures and received on time will be
considered. Please do not send your application more than once.
Deadline: January 31, 2018

Steward Application Form

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