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a Designation: F 437-99 Standard Specification for An Area Nn Standard Threaded Chlorinated Poly(Viny! Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80' ‘his tnd is ase under the fined designation F437; te number immediatly flowing the designation indicates the year of tigi adoption onthe ease of evs, he yer of In revision. quer in parentheses inca th ea fast eapproval. Seren epi ()adones an eral hang since he ast revision or reapgoval ‘This standard hasbeen approved for use by agencies ofthe Deparment of Defense 1, Seope 1.1 This specification covers chlorinated poly(vinyl chlo side) (CPVC) threaded Schedule 80 pipe fittings. Included are reauirements for materials, workmanship, dimensions, and burst pressure Nore I—The CPVC Stings covered by this spesifiation were covered prvoasly in Spin D 2468 1.2 ‘The products covered by this specification are intended for use withthe distribution of pressurized liquids only, which are chemically compatible with the piping materials. Due to inherent hazards associated with testing components and sys- tems with compressed sir or other compressed gases some manufacturers do not allow pneumatic testing oftheir products. Consult with specific producvcomponent manufacturers for ‘tir specific testing procedures prior lo pneumatic testing. Nore 2—Pressuized (Compressed) air or other compressed gases conan lage amounts of stored eoery which preset Senious sey ards should system fail for any reason. 1.3 The text ofthis specification references notes, footnotes, and appendixes which provide explanatory material. These toes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the specification 1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded & the standard, The values in parentheses are given for information only 15 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test method portion, Section 8, of this specification: This standard does not purpor to address all ofthe safety concerns, iar, associated with its use. Iris the responsibilty ofthe user 4f this standard t0 establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita ons prior to se. ‘This pesto under te urisisin of ASTM Comite 17 on Paste hig Sys andi he de expen ofSwbeormmitae FI. 10 ca Fits Coat edion approve’ May 10, 1999. Pulsed July 1999. Originally ish spt of D 2464-74, Lat previous eon F437 96, 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards D618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing? D 1599. Test Method for Short-Time Hydraulic Failure Pres- sure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings? D 1600 Terminology’ for Abbreviated Terms Relating t© Plastics? D 1784 Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds D 2122 Test Method for Determining Dimensions of Ther ‘moplastic Pipe and Filtings* 1D 2749 Symbols for Dimensions of Plastic Pipe Fittings* F412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems? F 1498 Specification for Taper Pipe Threads 60° for Ther- moplastic Pipe and Fittings? 2.2. Federal Standard Fed Std. No, 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)* 23. Military Standard: MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage* 24. NSF Standard: ‘Standard No. 14 for Plastic Piping Components and Related Materials® 3. Terminology 3.1. Definitions: 3.1.1 Definitions are in accordance with Terminology F 412 and abbreviations are in accordance with Terminology D 1600, unless otherwise indicated. The abbreviation for chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) is CPVC. aa Book of ASTM Sunde, Wo O80. At Boo of AST Stands, Ve 8.04. + Avail fen Standardization Docamets Order Desk, Blip 4 Seton D, 700, Robbins Ave, Phaelphia, PA 1111-3054, Atm: NPODS, Savaliicom he Natal Snitaion Founda, PO. Box 1468, Ann Asbo, Mr asios ‘ork ©Aste eaten 00 Br ter Dr, PO Bae C70, Wet Cosbnocan, PA 84280, ed Se —————— Aly & 437 4, Classification 4.1 General—This specification covers threaded Schedule 80 CPVC pipe fittings, intended for use with threaded Iron Pipe ‘Size (IPS) outside-diameter plastic pipe. “LLL Fittings covered by this specification are normally ‘molded. In-line fittings, such as couplings, unions, bushings, taps, nipples, etc, shal be molded or machined from extruded stock. °i1.2 Fittings fabricated by backwelding are not included in this specification, 5, Materials and Manufacture 5.1 This specification covers CPVC pipe fittings made from compounds meeting the requirements of Class 23447 a8 defined in Specification D 1784, Nome 3—-Mechanical strength, heat resistance, fammabiity, and chbwinal resistance sequiremens are covered in Specification D 1784, 5.2 Rework Material—The manufacturers shall use only their own clean rework fitting material and the fittings pro- duced shall meet all the requirements of this specification. 6, Requirements 6.1 Dimensions and Tolerances: 6.1.1 The dimensions and tolerances of the fittings shall be as shown in Table 1 and Table 2. when measured in accordance ith Test Method D 2122. Minimum dimensions have Zero pegatve tolerances. Bushings shall have thread lengths appi- Cable to the corresponding sizes. Counterbore, which i8 op” ional, is not shown in Table 1, and is not included in the ccenter-to-end or end-to-end dimensions. TABLE 1 Dimensions of 90° El 6.1.2 The maximum angular variation of any opening shalt ‘be not more than 14° off the true centerline axis. 61.23 Fitings Not Ilustrared—AUl fitings, whether illus. trated in Table | and Table 2 or not, shall have wall thicknesses and thread dimensions conforming to 6.1 and 6.2 16.2 Threads—For all fittings having taper pipe threads, treads shall conform to Specification F 1498 and be gaged in accordance with 8.4. Burst Pressure: G3: The minimum burst strength ofthe fittings shall be not Jest than that calculated for the size and wall thickness of the pipe with which it is to be used, when calculated from the following equation: s P(D,- 921 o 5 = hoop stress, psi (or MPa), P= internal pressure, psi (or MPa), ‘p, = average outside diameter, in, (or mm), and ‘minimum wall thickness, in. (or mm), Fittings tested in accordance with 85 shall withstand the ‘minimum burst pressure shown in Table 3. 163. Pressures shown are minimum burst pressures and do not imply rated working pressures. The burst pressure shall be tased only as an indication of quality. 7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 7.1 The fittings shall be homogeneous throughout and free of cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other defects. The fitings shall be as uniform as commercially practicable in color, opacity, density, and other physical properties, 4 : mo bet _ mo rr _ TT Te Yas T i Lit | : aaa oe vw rem nT Nora! cCanlarto Thread Lagnof—Genrtoivend ate Nominal Wat Ouige Then meal Cone Siyeass Easement Sameer Tad Endo See “tate, Grmen Ti Kein ore rn cin Cains ‘rin ‘omn iin Cnn atts sam mg ee TGe et, lesen Hoa SRT Gimlinay) © Same, Slane a, Galena gaez7 Sgn cumaiayy © t1meee) 2A) on aa e Teeea —eceas Siam Samar) © SHEAR, tama 1 Bei) sercee) dean toma) ta) ate) oa Y Vamety —teais) Mageag «taney aS) FEES, mated be Hmm mais Gia area © Saree) Some ye Bele gees Yuan | jas) Sao SNe eB gagersy Cota] amir) © Gay moan ane ) ax emecnnn 1 2higaay rasan) 2am OEE) SS ara 270 (69.881 3 Seger pes Feeleeen erin, Guam SRAa)_ aoteas ¢ Seem 3g Eesiansysemismy _oeougee resus) SAS “Tie acs and ass ngs sown re Hota Oy ‘oye meron par rode DTS ih ames oss he ee fe 12 eee eeeeee ee eae ee Gy F 437 = TABLE 2. Dimensions of Plugs and Caps, in* © ert i ue | poninal Pipe Lenght Male Length of Ferale Wh of Nomina Wal CcapHeigt, Oude Diameter See Teas Semin Teno, min Fatz® min Thos, Fin emi “ot, Meme aauGiri) 7 Os0((270) 042s 6—H OxGB(aa) OTE 7H ——_O8BB(ITAG) _caMO RIGA * CHEII® — Gentiam) —ozso(rans) —otatiaes) 088478) © 88B(H748) 1.00025 40) % SieGeay —Daetleas) case aas) §—atonisas) e847) © 0875.22.25) © 1.280 21) % iGsay bes cest) —tiasianss) © Oz07 G2) O18(G5) ano @s4) 1.480 (5.0) : see aeigosn —«taveqeas) «— oaase7=) © O2I8(E8) —.T88G@nNe) ©8104) jw Goan) Ossetas) — eoteeas) O20 (Gos) a7) 1250175) 2200/5500) eo eee, §—sasiats) —taraares) —og7o\ess) —Ot947a8) 20017) 2480 (622) 2 creioay —engeas) «= tavstarea) — oertrss) © 0atai7s6) are uss) 30007620) i Criteed — Garigoas) —tsretares) —«G260(800) O75 (95s) Yea5 4128) 3.580 (8042) 3 {us@os) —Y2oqmae, —-Doootenen, —oaostroz0) srs (a5) ©. 7s0488) 4.250107 88) a Sameas —TSeaeos) ooo snes, © oasortias) 0375 (059) 000080) Sao (t28 87 ‘ TESS East) poooteoen, ——_osoniizan) _so0(tat0) 212545596) 7.60588 68) Tine skatchas and design o ngs shown are tative ony Symbol or eimensione are pr Symbols D 2748, ate manufacturer's option te head he pug shall be Hexagonal, ctagona TABLE 2. Burst Pressure Requirements for Water at 73°F (23°C) {for CPVE Threaded Pipe Fitings, Schedule 80 1m suet Sonat Nominal $25, Class 25087 a way = 3520 eam * 2040 (oz % 220 (375) % 2200 (san, 1 2020 (399) tM 1800 tian te 1510 i049) 2 200 (389) ae 1380 (29) 3 ‘200 (27 4 000 aan 6 20 ia, “Ts tata was cated for Schedule BO ppe usng he 160 formula and & pl MPa. (Case 20447 (Type Grace 1 (CPV) cima 8, Test Methods 8.1 Conditioning—Condition the test specimens at 73.4 26°F (23 = 2°C) and 50 + 5% relative humidity for not less than 40 h prior to test in accordance with Procedure A of Pnetice D 618, for those tests where conditioning is required. 82. Test Conditions—Conduct tests in the Standard Labora tory Atmosphere of 73.4 + 3.6°F (23 2°C) and 50 * 5% relative humidity, unless otherwise specified in the test meth- ods or in this specification. 83 Sampling—A suficient quantity of fittings as agroed 'tpon between the seller and the purchaser shall be selected at random ffom each lot or shipment and tested to determine that the basie design is in conformance with this specification Nore 4 For individual orders or specifications where supplemental uare, of und tests ne required only those tet and numbers of tests specifically agreed ‘upon between the parchaser and seller need be conducted 84 Threads—All taper pipe threads shall be gaged in accordance with Specification F 1498. 8.5: Burst Pressure—Determine the minimum burst pressure ‘with at least five specimens in accordance with Test Method 1D 1599, Join the fittings te the pipe sufficiently stmng and in such @ manner that no failures shall occur in the assembly at a pressure less than the pressure requirement given in Table 3. ‘The time of testing each assembly shall be between 60 and 70, 9, Retest and Rejection 9.1 IE the results of any test(s) do not meet the requirements of this specification, the tests(s) shall be conducted again only by agreement between the purchaser and seller, Under such ‘agreement, minimum requirements shall not be lowered, changed, or modified, nor shall specification limits be changed. If upon retest, failure occurs, the quantity of product repre sented by the test(s) does not meet the requirements of this specification, 10, Product Marking 10.1 Quality of Marking—The markings shall be applied to the fittings in such a manner that they remain legible under normal handling and instellation practices 10.2 Content of Marking: 102.1 Fittings shall be marked with the following: Manufacturer's name or trademark, Material designation CPVC for CPVC 23447, 10.2.13 The seal or mark of the laboratory making the evaluation for potable water contact, Size, and 10.2.1 This designation “F 437,” with which the fitting complies. 793fly F 437 10.3 Where the size of the fitting does not allow complete marking, omit identification masking in the following se- quence: size, material designation, F 437, manufacturer's name or trademark. 10.4. Markings or symbols shall be molded, hotstamped, or applied to fittings by any other suitable method, such as printing. 10.5 Where recessed marking is used, care shall be taken to see that in no case marking causes cracks or reduces the wall thickness below the minimum specified, ‘SUPPLEM! 11. Quality Assurance 11.1 When the product is marked with this designation F437, the manufacturer affirms that the product was manufac tured, inspected, sampled, and tested in accordance with this specification and has been found to meet the requirements of this specification. TARY REQUIREMENTS GOVERNMENT/MILITARY PROCUREMENT ‘These requirements apply only to Federal/Military procurement, not domestic sales or transfers. SI. Responsibility for Inspection—Unless otherwise speci- fied in the contract or purchase order, the producer is respon- sible for the performance of all inspection and test require- ments specified herein. The producer may use his own or any ‘other suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection and test requirements specified herein, unless the purchaser ‘disapproves. The purchaser shall have the right to perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that material conforms to prescribed requirements, [Nore $1—In U.S. Federal contacts, the contractor is responsible for inspection 82. Packaging and Marking for U.S. Government Procure ‘ment: 82.1 Packaging—Unless otherwise specified in the con. tract, the materials shall be packaged in accordance with the supplier's standard practice in a manner ensuring arrival at destination in satisfactory condition and which will be accept able to the carrier at lowest rates. Containers and packing shall ‘comply with Uniform Freight Classification rules or National ‘Motor Freight Classification rules. $2.2 Marking—Marking for shipment shall be in accor dance with Fed. Std, No. 123 for civil agencies and MIL-STD- 129 for military agencies. Nore $2—The inclusion of US. Government procurement requir ‘ments should not be construed as an indication thatthe U.S. Government ‘uses or endorses the products deeribed inthis document POTABLE WATER REQUIREMENT ‘This requirement applies whenever a Regulatory Authority oF user calls for product to be used to convey or to be in contact with potable water. ‘$3. Products intended for contact with potable water shall be evaluated, tested and certified for conformance with ANSY/ NSF Standard No, 61 or the health effects portion of NSF Standard No. 14 by an acceptable certifying organization when required by the regulatory authority having jurisdiction, ASTM Ifomabonal takes no pasion respecting he vay of ary patent rights asored in connection wih any tam menoned ins sarard User of standard ae expressly aceed tat dtormnain othe Vay of any such patent eps and the sk ‘riingemen of euch ris, are oraly thar own responsi ‘This standard is ute! to revsion a anytime byte responsible technica comme and must be reviews eve fv years and rrotrovset, the veepproved or idvtaan, Your comment fe invted other or revise of Di tandard ofr adiona eandards ‘tnd should bs abstesed to AST Intraoral Headuaror. Your conan Wl cave care onside ata mecing ofthe ‘opens tetrical commie, which you may ator I you fa at your common have Nt rcahed af hearing you shouts ‘make your wens knoun othe ASTM Conimitoo on Standard, a headers shown blow. ‘Ti standards copyrighted by AST Intrsatonal, 100 Bar Harbor Dive, PO Box C700, Was! Conshhockn, PA 10428-2969, Unted States nvidia! rep fangs or male cpls) of fis stand may be obaned by contacting ASTM atte above siiiess oF at S108S2-2088 (phone), 61083-9555 (lax), of sonicedacthorg femal); or trough the ASTM webs fn astm og 708 SSily Designation: F 441/F 441M 99° ut Standard Specification for ‘An Asan Nona Stands Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80' This standard eee under the ed designation F441 481M th mer inet following the designain indicates the ye ‘trig align ot in the xe of rvs, te Year of ns ison. A number in parentheses ince the yeas of st reapprova ‘Asmpencrp epi (nts n eral ehaage since the ast revion reapproval ‘This tandard has ben approved or we by agencies of the Department of Defense. ‘© Nowe Supplementary Requirements ston was editeally updated in December 200, 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers chlorinated poly(vinyl chlo- ride) (CPC) pipe made in Schedule 40 and 80 sizes and pressure-rated for water (See appendix). Included aro criteria for classifying CPVC plastic pipe materials and CPVC plastic pipe, a system of nomenclature for CPVC plastic pipe, and requirements and test methods for materials, workmanship, dimensions, sustained pressure, burst pressure, flattening, and extrusion quality, Methods of marking are also given. Nom: I—The CPVC pipe covered by this specification was covered ‘previously in Spoifcaion D 1785. ‘Nore 2—The sustained and burst pressure test requirements, and the pressure ratings in the appendix, are calalated from stress values obtained fiom tests made on pipe 2 in [5O mm) and smaller. However, tests on larger pipe have shown thse stress values to be valid 1.2 The products covered by this specification are intended for use with the distribution of pressurized liquids only, which are chemically compatible with the piping materials. Duc to inherent hazards associated with testing components and sys- ems with compressed air or other compressed gases. some ‘manufacturers do not allow pneumatic testing oftheir products. Consult with specific producticomponent manufacturers for their specific testing procedures prior to pneumatic testing. [Noms 3-Pressurized (compressed) sit of other compressed. gases contain large amounts of stored energy which present serious saftey hazards should a system fail for any reason 1.3 The text of this specification references notes, footnotes, ‘and appendixes which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the specification. 1.4 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SST units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each "This peieston ewer the jaiatcuon of ASTM Camis 17 on Paste Piping Systm andi the Sc eponsbity of Subcommittee FI725 on Vinyl Based Pipe ‘Cees edton approved May 10, 1999, Published July 1999. Originally ished as prt of DT7HS 74 Last previous dion F448 ones © AST esto 10 er Har De, FO Bx C70, os Cosa, system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining Values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specif cation. 1.5 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test methods portion, Section 8, of this specification: This standard does not purport to address all ofthe safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilty of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita tions prior to use. A specific precautionary statement is given in Note 6 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: D618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials for Testing® D 1598 Test Method for Time-to-Failure of Plastic Pipe ‘Under Constant lntemal Pressure 1599 Test Method for Short-Time Hydraulic Failure Pres- sure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings’ 1D 1600 Terminology’ for Abbreviated ‘Terms Relating to Plastics D 1784 Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds* D 1785 Specification for Poly( Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plas tie Pipo, Schedules 40, 80, and 120° 1D 2122 Test Method for Determining Dimensions of Ther: moplastic Pipe and Fittings? 2837 ‘Test Method for Obiaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materals* F 412 ‘Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems? 2.2. Federal Standard: Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)* * anual Book of ASTM Standards, Nl O80 3 anal Boat of ASTM Standards, Vo 08.04. «Avalable fom Siandadzation Docements Onder Des, Bl. 4 Section D, 8 obs Ave, Phidsphi, PA T9111-$98, Atm: NPODS. 808 aeAil F avr 441m -99"* 2.3. Military Standard MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage* 24. NSF Standards: Standard No. 14 for Plastic Piping Components and Related Matcrials® Standard No. 61 for Drinking Water ‘Components—Health Effects* 3. Terminology 3.1 Definitions—Definitions are in accordance with Termi- nology F 412, and abbreviations are in accordance with Ter- mminology D 1600, unless otherwise specified. The abbreviation for chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) is CPVC. 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1 Iydrostatic design stress—the estimated maximum tensile sress the material is capable of withstanding continu- ‘ously with a high degree of certainty that failure of the pipe will not occur. This stress is circumferential when internal hydrostatic water pressure is applied 3.2.2 pressure rating (PR)—the estimated maximum water pressure the pipe is capable of withstanding continuously with high degree of certainty that failure of the pipe will not occur. 3.23 relation between dimensions, design stress, and pres- sure rating—The following expression, commonly known as the ISO equation,® is used in this specification to relate dimensions, hydrostatic design stress, and pressure rating: 29P = (Dyi)~1 Systems hydrostatic design stress, psi [MPa], pressure rating, psi [MPa], average outside diameter, in. [mm], and ‘minimum wall thickness, in. [mm]. 3.24 standard thermoplastic pipe materials designation ode—The pipe materials designation code shall consist of the abbreviation CPVC for the type of plastic, followed by the ASTM type and grade in Arabic numerals and the design stress ‘nunits of 100 psi (0.7 MPa) with any decimal figures dropped. When the design stress code contains less than two figures, a cipher shall be used before the number. Thus a complete material code shall consist of four letters and four figures for PVC plastic pipe materials (see Section 5). 4, Classification 4.1 General—This specification covers CPVC pipe made from one (see X1.2) CPVC plastic pipe material in Schedule 40 and 80 sizes, 4.2 Hydrostatic Design Stresses—This specification covers PVC pipe made from CPVC plastic as defined by hydrostatic design stresses which have been developed on the basis of long-term tests (see appendix). 8. Materials 5.1 General—Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) plastics used ‘to make pipe meeting the requirements of this specification are * aval fom the Natonl Sanitation Founsion, PO. Box 1468, Ann Arter, wn asi. "ISO R 161-196, Pipes of Plastics Mutts for the Tansptt of Fide (Outside Diameters and Nominal Pressures) Pat 1, Meta Serie, { 7 809 categorized by means of two criteria, namely, (1) short-term strength tests and (2) long-term hydrostatic strength tests at both 73 and 180°F [23 and 82°C] 5.2 Basic Materials—This specification covers CPVC pipe made from compounds meeting the requirements of Class 23447 as defined in Specification D 1784. The materials shall have Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS) listings equal to or greater than 2000 psi {13.80 MPal at 73°F [23°C] and 500 psi [3.45 MPa] at 180°F [82°C] when evaluated in accordance with Test Method D 2837. Now 4 Mechanical strength, heat resistance, Dammability, and chemical resistance properties are coverod in Specification D 1784, 5.3 Rework Material—The manufacturers shall use only their own clean rework pipe material and the pipe produced shall meet all the requirements of this specification. 6. Requirements 6.1 Dimensions and Tolerances: 6.1.1 Dimensions and tolerances shall be as shown in Table 1 and Table 2 when measured in accordance with Test Method. 1D 2122, The tolerances for out-of-roundness shall apply only to pipe prior to shipment. 6.1.2 Wall Thickness Range—The wall thickness range shall not exceed 12% when measured in accordance with Test Method D 2122. 62 Sustained Pressure—The pipe shall not fail, balloon, burst, or weep as defined in Test Method D 1598, at the test pressures given in Table 3, when tested in accordance with 8. 62.1 Accelerated Regression Test—The accelerated re- gression test shall be used in place of both the sustained and burst pressure tests at the option of the manufacturer. The test shall be conducted in azcordance with 8.4.1. The pipe shall demonstrate a hydrostatic design basis projection at the 100.000 h intercept that meets the hydrostatic design basis category requirement (see Table 1, Test Method D 2837) for the CPVC material used in its manufacture. If the lower confidence value at 100000 hh differs from the extrapolated LTHS value by more than 15 % of the latter, or M in Appendix X2 (Test Method D 2837) is zero or negative; or b in the equation h = a + bf in Appendix X1 (Test Method D 2837) is positive, consider the data unsuitable 63 Burst Pressure—The minimum burst pressures for CPVC plastic pipe shall be as given in Table 4, when determined in accordance with Test Method D 1599. 6.4 Flartening—Thete shall be no evidence of spliting, cracking, or breaking when the pipe is tested in accordance with 8.5. 7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 7.1 The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other defects. The pipe shall be as uniform as commercially practicable in color, opacity, density, and other physical properties. Nore $—Color and wransfarency or opacity shouldbe speified in the contrat or purchase order. 8. Test Methods 8.1 Conditioning—Condition the test specimens at 73.4 * 3.6°F [23 + 2°C] and 50 + 5 % relative humidity for not lessly F aa1iF 441m - 99° ‘TABLE 1_ Outside Diameters and Tolerances for CPVC Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 6 fn, fmm} ‘Waximum OutotRoundness (reason minis rina Schoduse40 256 ‘Scheie 40 Sz08 21/2inc and over Sin ana es: Nominal Pipe ‘Schedule 60 sizes ‘scnale 0 500 See ursie Oamter Bin. end over ‘in-and ase ae 510 1871 008 (030) are (an, sa(t0) 087s 17.11 +0008 (0.01 ane at) 7115) 0840 21.31 +0008 (0.10) ove 4) 00) 1.050 (2671 0008 [0.10 aa0 (053) ies) 318 a4] $0005 (013) 020 (031) tak) 1860 (42.21 $0005 (013) 02s (084) 600) 100 48:3) £0008 [0.15} 024 81) 2601 2375 603), 008 [.15) 024 (084) Beste) 2875 730), 007 (081 (0.020 (0.78) Sea, 3500 89}, 008 19.20) 030 (076) 3¥6(00) ‘4.000 1016) 0.008 [0.20] 0300 es) 030 (0.75) ‘(1001 ‘4500 (143) 0.000 (0.25) 400 54) 820 (078) 511251 Sse (1413) #20010 (0251 000 254) 1080 (182), elisa) 6.05 168.3) 0011 (0281 8100 (258) 0070 (178) 8 200) 3.625 [2103] 0015 038), 9350 3a), ‘090 225) 10,2501 10750 273.4) 0015 (038) 0450 (281) 400 30) 2 {o00) 12,780 (8280) 015 038) 8480 (81) 8120 (05) ‘TABLE 2 Wall Thicknesses and Tolerances for CPVC Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80, in.*° [mm Wat Tikes Nominal Pee ‘eheale ‘Scale #0 wn Taerance Mn Telerane oes 20) wo020 (059) O79 50a 0.020 10597 ont Bat] Jo020 (051) 128 320), 30.020 [0] 308 B77, e020 051) O47 B75) 0020 (081) ots 257 oo (081) 015489) o020 (0511 0335 9361 “ooo 01) 0379 458), Sones (0 Wats a0 (ase! 20.020 051] 0391 (88) 0.23 058) 14 (00) 48 ae) e020 51) 0200 808) Jo224 fost) 2160, 0384 91) Yo.020 051] o2t8 (58 30.026 0.68) 25165) 0203 6.16), 20.004 (083) are tran, “o033 fot) 3100 0246 549) 30.028 088) 0.300 782) 0.096 (051) (60) 0228 74) 40.027 (085) 8348 606) o.9e (0.98) 4 (00) 0237 [6021 30.028 0.71 0397 (836) M0 (02) 5 [1251 0258 655) 0051 179) 0375 52) 0085 (118) 8 iso, 290 743) 40.34 06) 432 (1087) sooee (122) 8 00) ze ee) $0086 0 9) (0500 [1270] Zoos0 (182) 1 50) 8386 (9271 oo (121 009 1808) oor (a0 12 (00) 406 1038) 10.043 124) 0.87 (17.48) 30082 08) 7 The mini she owed wal hckness ofthe plpe et any cose eoton, Al ITances ao onthe px sie ofthe minum requirement, ‘age dmenslon conor 6 nomna IPS dimensions. than 40 h prior to test in accordance with Procedure A of Practice D 618, for those tests where conditioning is required. 82 Test Conditions—Conduct tests in the standard labora tory atmosphere of 73 + 3.6°F [23 + 2°C] and 50 = 5% relative humidity, unless otherwise specified in the test meth- ‘ods or in this specification 8.3 Sampling—The selection of the sample ot samples of pipe shall be as agreed upon by the purchaser and the seller. In cease of no prior agreement, any sample selected by the testing Taboratory shall be deemed adequate. 8.3.1 Test Specimens—Not less than 50 % of the test speci- ‘mens required for any pressure test shall have at least a part of the marking in their central sections. The central section is that portion of pipe which is at least one pipe diameter away from an end closure. 810 84 Sustained Pressure Test—Seloot the test specimens at random, Test individually with water at the internal pressures given in Tale 3, six specimens of pipe, each specimen a leat ten times the nominal diameter in Iength, but not less than 10 in, [250 mm] or more than 3 ft [1000 mm} between end closures and bearing the permanent marking on the pipe Maintain the specimens atthe pressure indicated for a period of 1000 fh, Hold the pressure as closely as possible, but within =10 psi [269 kPa}. Condition the specimens at the test temperature of 73: 3.6°F (23 + 2°C). Test in accordance with Test Method D 1598, except maintain the pressure atthe vales given in Table 3 for 1000 h. Evidence of failure of the pipe shall be as defined in Test Method D 1598. 84.1 Accelerated Regression Test—Test in accordance with procedures in Test Method D 1598, using either free end of elOOOO eae E Ay F aa1F 441M - 99% TABLE 3. Sustained Pressure Test Concltions for Water at 72°F [23°C] for CPVC 4120 Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 Prscsure Rogue fr Tot nn Scheaule «0 Schaca60| & EI Pal pal Oe ae, 160 fst) 2070 ro aaa) sho) 1310 (0) 900 (13310) 208 1250 (620) 70 [12270] spol 110 (600) 1440 [9950) 13) 980 (6580) 1920 (B00) hea 7m sata, 100 (7520) eel [870 990 (6830) 2 S20 [soon a (S860) Pete) eo featal 0 (6140) (eo) 59 [Soro 70 e450) (80) 00 aso] 70 (5030) 200 a7 200) 2 fasaay 51125) 310 330] si f42t0 (180) 37 2880) 50 070 fe00) mo 280] 2 fase] 1050) m0 oro) 290 (8380) 12 (300) 2001990) 408310) “Te ter eta usd te donno ase es procure A200 pal (20.0 MPa] TABLE 4 Burst Prossure Requirements for Water at 72°F [23°C] for CPVC 4120 Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 Minin Burst Pressure® fone Shes #0 ‘Scheaule 30 Sa ma Weal ma Wal a) Bora) eee ———ee veo} wt eo [i372] 20) ara) 15) wi 37) aman 700) 29) 3540 roe) = 20035170, ps1 140080) 2203 0) tsa} tie [ew ee fst 480) 140) 108 rata] 1510 (10410) 2160, 30 (6140) 420 (9600) 265), 87 (6680) 4360 (9360, feo) 20 (S780) 1200 (270) Sia 190) 7m — |ssio) wo (7650) 4100) 70 (400), 1 79) 51128] eo aa) 0 [eto] i150) ss feaeol (e140) (p00) 0 aasa} 7 (480) To 280 40 800), 7 (170) 12 (000) 20 eo00) 705080) "The fer sivas used to dave thee os pressure ie 6100 pal 4.1 MPa ‘estrained end fittings. A minimum of six specimens shall be ‘ested. Test three specimens at a single pressure that will result jn faifures at or below 0.10 h. Test an additional three Specimens at a single pressure that will result in failures at shout 200 hh. Additional data points may be generated if hecessary to improve the LTHS or LCL, or both. No points Shall be excluded unless an obvious defect is detected in the failure area of the test sample, or there was an obvious ‘malfunction of the test equipment. Characterize the data using the least-squares regression described in Test Method D 2837. Nore 6—Cauti Since the rupture ofthe test specimen is expected in si ‘quick burst and high stress regression testing, well shielded test equipment and protective personal equipment shoald be used when conducting the 8.5 Flartening—Flaten three specimens of the pipe, 2 in, [50 mm] long, between parallel plates in a suitable press until the distance between the plates is 40 % of the outside diameter of the pipe or the walls of the pipe touch, whichever occurs first. The rate of loading shall be uniform and such that the compression is completed within 2 to 5 min, On removal of the load examine the specimens for evidence of splitting, cracking, or breaking. 9. Retest and Rejection 9.1 If the results of any test(s) do not meet the requirements of this specification, the test(s) shall be conducted again only bby agreement between the purchaser and the seller. Under such agreement, minimum requirements shall not be lowered, changed, or modified, ner shall specification limits be changed. If upon retest, failure occurs, the quantity of product repre- sented by the test(s) does not meet the requirements of this specification, 10. Marking 10.1 Quatity of Marking—The marking shall be applied to the pipe in such a manner that it remains legible (easily read) after installation and inspection. 10.2 Content of Marking: 10.2.1 Marking on the pipe shall include the following, spaced a imervals of not more than $ ft [1.5m Nominal pipe size (for example, 2 in, (50 mm), Type of plastic pipe material in accordance with the designation code prescribed in 3.2.4, for example, CPVC 4120, 102.13 Schedule size (40 or 80, whichever is applicable) and the pressure rating in pounds-foree per square inch for water at 73°F [23°C] shown as the number followed by psi (for example, 200 psi [1380 kPal). When the indicated pressure rating is lower than that calculated in accordance with 8.4 (see appendix), this shall be indicated by placing a star after the pressure rating, 102.14 This designation “ASTM designation F 441 ot F 441M or F 441/F 441M," with which the pipe complies, 10.2:1.5 Manufacturer's name (or trade mark) and code, and 10.2.16 Pipe intended for the transport of potable water shall also include the seal or mark of the laboratory making the evaluation for this purpose, spaced at intervals specified by the laboratory Nore 7—Manuactures sing te seal or mack of Iahorsory most obtain prior auhoization rem the iaboratry concerned 1. Quality Assurance 11.1 When the product is marked with this designation, F441/ F441M, the manafacturer affirms that the product was ‘manufactured, inspected, sampled, and tested in accordance With this specification and has ‘been found to meet the requirements of this specification.———————————— (Gy F aati 441m — 99% SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS eS POTABLE WATER REQUIREMENT “This requirement applies whenever a regulatory authority oF =r calls for product to be used to convey oF to be in contact with potable water Ss, Porable Water Requirement—Products intended for (6 health effects portion of NSF Standard No. 14 by an conch with potable water shall be evaluated, tested, and arceptable certifying organization when required by the rer cont paformance with ANSUNSE Standard No, 61 or stony ‘authority having jurisdiction. GOVERNMENT / MILTARY PROCUREMENT -these requirements apply only to federamilitary procurement, not domestic sales or transfers So. Responsibly for Inspection Unless otherwise speci; St Packaging-—Uinless otherwise speifed in the co eae I orhase ode, the podaceri repone Was the mar hal be packaged in accordance with the fd inthe cont tee of all geton and est reais: sus a nner ensuring arival | wi sie foe rein The price may we is own of any desi ih S Mion and which will be accep FF ‘other suitable facilities for the performance ‘of the inspection able to the carrier at lowest ‘ates, Containers and packing shall fn} ext regiements speci Brin WH ey ith Uniorm Freight Classification rues oF Nationa Sapooves The puch shh th ibe aera) Mot Freight Classification rules. Pi asaprven Te mi ufo nhs speciteation WHE 53.2 Maring—Marin fo : : ie ting_ Marking for shipment shall be in cor Such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that material een a Oe ee fer evil agencies a such inpetons een dance with Fed. Std. No, 123 for civil agencies and MIL- 9 for military agencies. o i Nor §2.1—n US, federal contacts, the contactors responsible or ‘Nore $31~The inclusion of U.S. Government prosrnent i $3. Packaging and Mavl for U.S. Government Procure ‘ments should not be construed as an {indication that the U.S. Government ral | _S: Pastaing and Mane f ° me pe pdt ered inhi peciion i APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information) 4X1. SOURCE OF HYDROSTATIC DESIGN STRESSES X11 The hydrostatic design stress recommended by the 400, Washington, DC 20005. ‘These hydrostatic design stresses Pen pire te ip axed to pressure rate CPVC plastic mH) 04 Bite Zor materials that show a wide depart ree Ts ydrestali design stress is 2000 psi (13.80 MPal or ft "ey gtline plot of log sues versus og time o firs Pitter at 73°F {23°C}. This hydrostatic design stress ‘applies All the data available to date on CPVC pipe ‘materials made in water ae ing al the regents ofthis speciation, dhe Unite Ses cunibit a straight-line plot under thes plowing conditions. vei One CPVC pipe materia s inte tase oe repent fw WH e14 mnie eel re ah nar TN [bac], as follows: hee nimnt intemal pressures shown in Table XL . ‘Table X1.2. Lower pressure rating ‘than those calculated i 1.2.1 Type TV, Grade 1 (23447), with hydrostatic design gccordance with $4 may Be recommended, atthe option of the suress of 2000 psi (13:80 MPa], designated as CPV 1o4120. pipe manufacturer, in which case the SPR shall be included ia X1.3. The standard method for obtaining hydrostatic basis the marking. Experience of the industry indicates that CPVC (oe pe materials x Test Mod D287. TG 0 ag the requirements of tis spevifiation git to a enormation regarding the ext method and other Plas i parvice under normal conditions for a Jong Pei wMteria used in developing these hydrostatic design sore, at these pressure ratings. The sustained pressure, requiremen's ! ‘may be obtained from the Plastics Pipe Institute, a division ‘of are related to these ratings through the slopes of the strength may be enna ss Indust, 1275 K Stet NW, Suite time pss of ese thaterils in pipe form. a ~~~it est ya ti ve ive 0 - Ally F 441/F 441M — 99% TABLEX1.1. Water Pressure Ratings at 72°F {28°C} for CPVC. TABLE X1.2. Water Pressure Ratings at 73°F [23°C] for 4120" Paste Pipe, Schedule 40 ‘GPVCAI20 Paste Pip, Schedule 60 nial Pos Pree Ras” vena! Pee treed Threads s a OCS Peer al 70 isan) aa wig 7) sm 500 nfo) eo feat eh rn ast feo (tia ihe = bon f Bol i ‘0 bo seo & = hry Sat) s 2 ian ry = faq = oa) tee so feast iba So Be =o, ) so (eas ra bam ey rea a0 teen 260) i Bry) Fees 50 bon Bes = bam = zo hal ie eo tise Sica So pee Bay Sea 20 (aan sie sane mee anal ftom i 12a ftom = bay ie hoo shea co feo, tio nt a Shen is tau tte) me mye tron eo tice to, = irl a) ‘tas to bm foes nt rn ‘baeo, is bon ‘2 eco otis) 7 See appa code Gaaton = sees tgs aay ony neat po. The nut done nat sce bang PVE psc pan Scheer nro Jioaane 110] and eat Tenpeatre Darang Factor XI.5 The hydrostatic design stresses recommended by the : Plastics Pipe Institute are based on tests made on pipe ranging 728 (225 0267) a in size from ¥4 to 2 in. oe tai eae is fe oes X1.6 These derating factors are suitable for CPVC pipe {a0 feng, O50 conveying water at elevated temperatures. To determine el. 189 Bia) a4 evated temperature rating, multiply 75°F [23°C] pressure 12 trea) ae rating by appropriate factor as follows (For pressure rating at I80°R, see Table X13.) TABLE X13 Water Pressure Ratinge at 180°F [82°C] for tc Pipe, Schedule 40 and 80 [kPa] chadule 20 ‘nea Sehesula go “Treads ee 7953 Ao] PVC 4120 Pl Nomina Pipe See ‘Sehecute 40 6100) 155,070, nl 180 000, (20) +20 800, 18) ‘10 (760) 1% faa) 50629) 1540) 0 (550) 250) 70480) 216 68) 75 (520) 30, 5 (489) 3 0) (410) 4 [1001 55 [00] 5125) 45(319) (150) 45 (310) 8 (2001 40200) 10 eso) ‘5 (240) 12200) 30210) 280 830) 230 1 500) 210 1 480) 470 170) 135 (1070) 120 (200) 115 1790) 10 [sso 1s (720) 90 (620) 85 550) 0 550) ‘0 480) 170 40) 01410) 55 [280] 56 (200) 140 (970) 115 (700) 105 720) ‘85 (500) 20 50 5 480), e014) 0 [340] 50 (s0) 45310) 40 200, 40 00) 5 240) 35 240) 2210) eto) 25 (170) ‘ASTM Irtenatonal takes no poston respecting the val of ny patent rights aserted in conneton with any tem mentioned ‘ints stancara User fis sanders are express aise hat doteriaton of eval ofa such palnt is, and We ik Of tingemen of euch righ, are ental thar own resparebily. Tas standards utc revise a anytime bythe respons echnical conmitee and mus barevewed every fe years and \tnotreveod, ether eapprovedor whan. Your Commens ae ed ote for eision of 6 {nd sould be adaressed to ASTM intortonal Headquarters. Your comments wil rcoive cart coraderaon ata meeting of the "egponsbie tactical commie, which you may ato. you feo at your comments have not recaved a fa hearing you hold ‘mate your wens known othe ASTM Cammtae on Standed af fe adass Shown Das 813 |Gy F aur a4im-99" ‘Ts stand is copyright by ASTM numa, 190 Bar Harbor Dive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 1420-2369, LUnted States, vide! pints singe or mute cots) of tie standad may be obaned by contacting ASTM at te above ladkrose or at 610-882-9905 (onone), 610.832-0555 (fax, of senicelasimory feral); oF trough the ASTM webste tema). sia
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