Project Report Submission Cum Review Circular

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SRI RAMAKRISHNA ENGINEERING COLLEGE [Educational Service: SNR Sons Charitable Tit] {Autonomous Institution, Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade] [Approved by AICTE and Peuanently Affiliated to Anns University, Chennsi} [150 9001-2015 Certified and all eligible programmes Accredited by NBA] \VATTAMALAITPALAYAM, N.G.G.0, COLONY POST, COIMBATORE ~ 641 022, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 10.03.2020 Circular for 16ME270- Project Work -Project Report Submission ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-2020 SEM: VIT BATCH: 2016 - 2020 SECTION: A, B & C ‘The students are instructed to complete Review III on 30.03.2020 (Sec-A), 31.03.2020 (Sec-B) & 01.04.2020 (Sec-C). All the Batches have to submit the final project report as per the regulation and complete the review process, further itis expected to submit the project diary on the same day. The faculty team has assigned for each class and they are expected to attend the review positively, Further, the conveners of the teams are requested to conduct the review along with the verification of the project report as per the format and update the progress in the diary after discussing with evaluators in their project diary on the same day of review. The Project Guides are responsible for making their team to attend the review as per schedule. In case of discrepancy the students are requested to contact the Project Coordinators. The students are expected to subi ‘i Sei project report by 02.04.2020. Team 1 Name of the Staff Designation Ena Venue ‘Time DrP.Chandramohan Profesor (Convener) Dr.V-Amarnath “Associate Professor (Project Coordinator) Dr. N. Srimath Profesor DrN.Gunasckaran ‘Associate Profesor : AltA | Dept 0130PM to MEN Senthilkannan ‘Assistant Profestor (SLO MrMLS Suresh Kumar ‘Assistant Professor (SLG)_| 6 1° Be | Seminar Hall 08:15PM M.A. Vadival ‘Assistant Professor (St.G) ‘Mr.B.Barilson mansingh Assistant Professor (Sr.G) Mr.S.Ravi Assistant Professor (Sr.G) ‘Mr.L.Venkatesh ‘Assistant Professor (O.G) ‘Mr... Yogesh Kumar ‘Assistant Professor (O.G) Team 2 Name of the Staff Designation nuatch | venue | Time ‘Dr. A. Murugarajan Professor (Convener) ‘Dr.C.Bhagyanathan ‘Associate Professor (Project Coordinator) ‘Mr.T.R.Sathish Kumar ‘Assistant Professor (SIG) ‘Mr.S.Dinesh ‘Assistant Professor (Sr.G) ‘Mr.M.Mahendran Assistant Professor (Sr.G)_| A9 to A16, Precision 01.30 PM to ‘Mr.B.Pranesh Assistant Professor(St.G) | B910B16 | Laboratory | 94°13 pat Mr.M.Ramesh_ Assistant Professor (Sr.G)_| C9 to C16 - ‘Mr.K.Arun Kumar “Assistant Professor (Sr.G) ‘Mr.S.Sathish ‘Assistant Professor (St.G) | ‘Mr.B.Sentil Kumar “Assistant Professor (Sr.G) MrR Ragu ‘Assistant Professor (0.G) Mr.R.Raveen ‘Assistant Professor (Sr.G) | Team 3 Name of the Staff Designation yeah © | Venue | Time Dr BA. Saravanan Professor | (Convener) Dr. J.Yoganandh ‘Aaso Profesor (Project Coordinator) ‘Dr.K Karthikeyan ‘Assistant Professor (St.G) Mr.T.Velmurugan_ Assistant Professor (SI.G)_| A17 to A24 Assistant Professor(Sr.G) | Bi710 B24 | OBIE | O18 i “Assistant Professor (Sr.G)_| C1710C24_ | 5® Mc.K.L.Senthil Kumar ‘Assistant Professor (Sr.G) ‘Mr.P.Saravana Kumar ‘Assistant Professor (0.G) ‘MrP.Jithesh ‘Assistant Professor (0.G) ‘Mr.A.Mohan_ ‘Assistant Professor (0.G) Mr.P-Balamuragan ‘Assistant Professor (0.G) 1 arom atc © 2. Dr.C.Bhaganathan a 3. Dr.J:Yoganandh Project Coordinators: Enel: Format for Project Diary, Project Summary report and PPT presentation Ree HOD/Mech,

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