Unit 3 HRM Assignment Brief Jan 2018
Unit 3 HRM Assignment Brief Jan 2018
Unit 3 HRM Assignment Brief Jan 2018
Author: Tutors/Assessor(s)
Learner name:
Tanvir Hussain
Shahriar Khan
Mabel Zvobgo
Syed Jaffery
Afzal Munna
Rao Tahir Khan
Adrian Gauci
Thierry Bangmo
Brenda Patil
Lilian Appiah
27/11/2017 13/02/2018
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Assignment brief
Assignment Title
HR Case Study Review
The aim of this unit is to enable students to appreciate and apply principles of effective Human Resource
Management (HRM). People are the lifeblood of any organisation and being able to attract, recruit and retain
talented staff is at the core of all HRM activity. This unit will explore the tools and techniques used in HRM to
maximise the employee contribution and how to use HR methods to gain competitive advantage. Students
will explore the importance of training and development in building and extending the skills base of the
organisation and ensuring it is relevant to the ever-changing business environment. Students will also
consider the growing importance of becoming a flexible organisation with an equally flexible labour force,
and become familiar with techniques of job design and with different reward systems.
The unit investigates the importance of good employee relations and the ways in which employers engage
with their staff and possibly with trade unions. Students will gain an understanding of the law governing HRM
processes as well as the best practices which enable an employer to become an ‘employer of choice’ in their
labour market.
Part A
Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an
organisation with talent and skills appropriate to fulfill business functions.
LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation.
LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making,
including employment legislation.
Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography
using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2,000–2,500 words,
although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Part B:
The Job Application
Learning Outcomes:
LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context
Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of a completed individual portfolio folder, including specific documentation: job
specification, CV, interview selection criteria, interview notes and preparation, and an evaluation of the
The evaluation of HR practices and the process of recruitment and selection is a written piece of work with
a recommended word limit of 500–1,000 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total
word limit.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
While working as an Assistant Human Resource Manager of Lloyds Bank Plc., you have been asked to take
part in testing the new recruitment and selection process.
You will work in a small team (3–4 members) to design a job specification for a particular job role and then
you will take part in an interview simulation for a job role advertised by another team. (Choose any job role
of your own choice).
The aim of your team is to test the recruitment and selection process and each complete an individual
document portfolio to submit.
End of assignment-
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource
Management decision-making, including employment legislation LO3 & 4
P5 Analyse the importance of
employee relations in respect to M4 Evaluate the key aspects of employee D3 Critically evaluate
influencing HRM decision relations management and employment employee relations and the
making. legislation that affect HRM decision application of HRM practices
making in an organisational context. that inform and influence
P6 Identify the key elements of decision-making in an
employment legislation and the organisational context.
impact it has upon HRM
decision making.
LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related
Recommended Resources:
ARMSTRONG, M. and TAYLOR, S. (2014) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 13th
Ed. London: Kogan Page.
BACH, S. and EDWARDS , M. (2013) Managing Human Resources. Oxford: Wiley.
BRATTON, J. and GOLD, J. (2012) Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. 5th Ed. Basingstoke:
TORRINGTON, D, et al. (2011) Human Resource Management. 8th Ed. London: Prentice Hall.
CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) available at www.cipd.co.uk.
Links with other units:
Learners must sign the declaration on the front of the assignment submission form.
Key Dates
Submission Deadline: 13/02/2017
Students who would not have received any prior formative feedback on completed assignments may
receive such feedback until 10/02/2018
Learners will receive formative feedback on completed assignments only once.
Provisional assessment results will be available on the VLE from 19/03/2018 and final results will be
due on a date to be announced later, following confirmation through the external examining process
by Pearson.
Late Submission and Resubmission:
Lecturers would not accept any assignment unless an extenuating circumstances form has been
filled in and duly authorised by a member of staff.
Students will receive the feedback form and guidance from the lecturer to improve in the areas of
their weaknesses on their first submission. Please note that assignments can be re-submitted only
once. A resubmitted assignment will be awarded a failed grade should it not meet the required pass
grade marks and results in retaking the module.
Please note that a resubmitted assignment will earn a maximum pass grade should it sufficiently
meet the required criteria.