Ramprashad - Open Cylinder Blast

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Ramprashad Prabhakaran
Graduate Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)

MEG 795 PROJECT REPORT - Fall 2003

(Type 2 Cylinder: Lagrange ConWep)

December 5, 2003

• Open cylinder models can be used for testing the materials,

which are used in nuclear reactors and containers that are
used to store and/or test explosive materials.
• Reduction in the integrity of the cylinder at any stage of
transportation or storage can be fatal to the people in the
vicinity as well as to the environment.
• Care should be taken to ensure that these cylinders could
resist blast-loading during accidents.
• FEA techniques succeed in reducing the time and effort spent
in building and testing prototypes.
• FEA is used to simulate the blast-loading in cylinders made of
basalt plastic and steel 20 and to validate with the results
obtained experimentally.
• The displacement of the cylinder is monitored throughout the
simulation and compared to the actual displacement of the
• To study the behavior of the candidate structural materials,
namely basalt plastic and steel 20 that can used in nuclear
reactors and containers for storing and/or test explosive
• To develop the computational modeling capability to
efficiently design cylinder, which can be used for storing and
testing explosives
• To benchmark the ability of ANSYS and LS-DYNA to simulate
the blast-loading in the cylinder
• The goal of this project is focused on the determination of
the following:
1. Peak tensile strain in the circumferential direction: ε1
2. The time to reach the peak tensile strain in the
circumferential direction: t1
3. Radial oscillation fundamental tone period: T
4. Peak compressive strain in the circumferential direction: ε2
5. Peak tensile and compressive strain in the longitudinal
direction: ε3

6. Peak circumferential strain rate: dε1/dt1

• The blast-loading test in cylinders is performed to investigate
the dynamic performance of various candidate structural
• The primary objective is to conduct detailed theoretical and
computational studies of the crucial elements of the cylinder.
• The design of the cylinder must ensure complete localization
of the detonation products.
• The length of the cylinder is designed to completely contain
the blast loading due the explosive that is placed at the center
of its’ longitudinal axis.
• This test helps in performing a detailed analysis of stress-
strain state of the container and also to determine the
explosion resistance of the basalt plastic and steel 20.

The blast loading experiment is simulated computationally using

ANSYS and LS-DYNA to analyze the large deformation dynamic
response of the cylinder.

Any finite element simulation has three main stages:

• Pre-processing
• Solution
• Post-processing
PRE-PROCESSING : Material Properties
• Basalt plastic (EDT - 10 Binder, RB9 - 1200 complex basalt thread
roving):Thread diameter = 9 mm ; Winding angles: 90° and ±35°
• Steel 20: Density = 7850 kg/m3 ; Yield Strength = 340 MPa ; E = 200
GPa n = 0.33
• Overall composite properties in the X-Y coordinate system:
• The blast loading test in cylinders is performed to investigate the
dynamic performance of various candidate structural materials.
Fibers are interchanged between q = ±35° and q = 90°
Ex = 15.44 GPa ; Ey = 48.54 GPa ; Ez (thickness direction) = 14 GPa
Gxy = 6.645 GPa ; Gyz = 3 GPa ; Gxz = 3 GPa
nxy = 0.098 ; nxz = nyz = 0.3 ; Density = 2.06 g/cm3
PRE-PROCESSING : Material Geometry

• ANSYS version 7.1 was used to create the geometry of the

modeled cylinder.
• Here the modeled cylinder is made of composite material
(basalt plastic) having a length of 600 mm and an outer and
inner diameter of 321.14 mm and 295 mm, respectively.
• The model also has a liner made of steel 20 of thickness 2.0

h2 Steel Liner

295 mm
HE: TH 50/50

Basalt Composite 600 mm

PRE-PROCESSING : Material Model
Here, two cases were considered.
• Case I: Basalt plastic was considered to be solid while steel
was considered as shell
• Case II: Both basalt plastic and steel was considered as solid
• Case I & II:
The element types were defined. In case of basalt plastic, the
material model chosen was elastic orthotropic whereas for
the steel liner, elastic isotropic material model was chosen.
• Case 1
The real constant set number for thin shell was defined. Then
the cylinder was modeled by using cylinder option in create
command in modeling module.

• Case 2
Since shell was not considered, real constant set number option
was not used here and the cylinder was modeled by using
cylinder option in create command in modeling module.

Case 1:
Here the cylinder was meshed in the form of both shell and
solid elements. The steel liner was meshed as the shell
elements while the basalt plastic was meshed as solid elements
The model had a total of 6000 elements, out of which 1200 are
shell elements and 4800 are solid elements.

Case 2:
Here the cylinder was meshed in the form of solid elements
only. Both the steel liner and basalt plastic was meshed as solid
elements. The model had 6500 solid elements.
Meshed Model of a Cylinder
(Case I: Composite: Solid and Steel: Shell)
Meshed Model of a Cylinder
(Case II: Composite and Steel: Solid)
In order to specify the type and frequency of generating the output
files, the following keywords were used:

*DATABASE_BINARY_DEPLOT: This creates a database file,

named, “d3plot” that contains the plotting information of the plot data
over the three dimensional geometry of the model. Under this option,
the user can specify the frequency of the outputs. In other words, one
can choose the frequency with which the plot data can be generated.
Careful selection of this frequency, depending on the total time of
simulation, reduces simulation time.

*DATABASE_BINARY_D3THDT: This generates a database file,

named, “d3thdt” that contains time history data of element subsets or
global information. Under this option too, the frequency of output can
be specified.
The following were the parameters that were specified before running
the solution:
• Case I: To call the ConWep function, the input deck must contain
• The purpose of *LOAD_BLAST card to is define an airblast
function for the application of pressure loads due to explosives in
conventional weapons. This option determines the pressure values
when used in conjunction with the *LOAD_SHELL SET.
• In addition, the following cards were also included in the .k file as

• This input file thus generated was fed to LS-DYNA solver.

• Case II: Since, here both materials are considered as solid, it is
necessary to identify nodes and elements on the innermost
circumference of the solid. This is done by importing the .k file
generated from ANSYS to HyperMesh and by using entity sets

Picked Elements on the Innermost Surface

Picked Nodes on the Innermost Surface Picked Elements and Nodes on the Innermost Surface
Applying Pressure on the Innermost Surface
• Case II: To call the ConWep function, the input deck must contain
• The purpose of *LOAD_SEGMENT is to apply pressure load over
one segment defined by four nodes. Here input for LCID is –2, in
order to call ConWep function.

The final version of .k file is then run by using LS-DYNA solver.

Once the problem is successfully solved using LS-DYNA solver,
the results can be viewed using either Hyper View, LS-POST, etc.
Here, LS-POST was chosen.
• LS-DYNA is a general-purpose finite element code for
analyzing the large deformation dynamic response of
• LS-DYNA currently contains approximately one hundred
constitutive models and ten equations-of-state to cover wide
range of material behavior.
• Once the problem is successfully solved in LS-DYNA solver,
the results can be viewed in many software programs like
Hyper View, ANSYS, POST, etc. LS-LS-POST was chosen
• LS-DYNA solver outputs a d3plot output file, which is
compatible with LS-POST
• Once this file is loaded, LS-POST allows viewing the nodal
and elemental results.
Determination of ε 1, t1 and T (Case I )
Determination of ε 2 (Case I)
Determination of ε3 (Case I)
Determination of dε 1/dt (Case I)
Determination of ε1, t1 and T (Case II)
Determination of ε2 (Case II)
Determination of ε3 (Case II)
Determination of dεε1/dττ (Case II)

Lot 2: Interchanging 13 double ring layers and 13 double spiral layers. Binder
average mass fraction = 20.0 %.

• Open cylinder models can be used for testing the materials, which
are used in nuclear reactors and containers that are used to store
and/or test explosive materials.
• It has to maintain its integrity in case of accidents, else it can be fatal
to the people in the vicinity as well as to the environment and hence
care should be taken to ensure that these cylinders could resist
blast loading.
• To validate the results obtained experimentally, finite element
analysis using ANSYS and LS-DYNA was performed.
• The values of ε1, ε2, t1, ε3, T and dεε1/dt obtained from LS-POST were
compared with the experimental results. The difference between the
experimental and FEA results was found to be good in most cases.
• However, in some cases the percentage of error was quite large and
this can be attributed to the discrepancies in ConWep function
and/or material properties of the composite cylinder. In addition to
this, a much more finer mesh would have given better results.

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