Caution Eye Protection Must Be Worn in This Area: Petunjuk Umum
Caution Eye Protection Must Be Worn in This Area: Petunjuk Umum
Caution Eye Protection Must Be Worn in This Area: Petunjuk Umum
1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban dengan menggunakan pensil 2B.
2. Hitamkan bulatan di depan nama mata ujian pada lembar jawaban.
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
4. Laporkan pada pengawas apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak
5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian bila diperlukan.
6. Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, atau alat bantu lainnya.
7. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.
8. Lembar jawaban tidak boleh sobek, kotor, dan terlipat.
1. The above caution means ...
A. We need to buy eye-protection equipment.
B. It is very easy to find eye-protection equipment.
C. Some students are using eye-protection equipment.
D. It is very important to wear eye protection equipment.
Lindsay Jior
Arlingtonhills University in Minesota
Text for no 4 – 6
Take care,
Orchard Street, Singapore
Please send me complete figures for clothing imports to John as soon as possible.
Call me Tuesday morning at +44-345-5678456 to discuss about my visit next June.
Text for no 9 – 10
To all our beloved readers,
We are pleased to announce a short story writing contest. The participants must
agree to the following conditions. All contest entries must be:
Original, never been published before
Typed in double spaced
Free from offensive materials
The Competition will award three prizes:
First Prize : Rp 5.000.000
Second Prize : RP 3.000.000
Third Prize : Rp 2.000.000
Your name, age, address and phone number must be included, type on a separate
Send your entries to our office no later than December 14th 2013
For further information, contact:
Secretary’s Office of the Remaja Magazine
E-mail: inforemajamagazine@yahoo.mail
16. What should we do before we put the mango into the juicer?
A. Pour the mango juice into the glass
B. Add water, ice, sugar, and milk
C. Cut them into pieces
D. Turn on the juicer
Last week, Umar’s wife had an accident. His youngest child, Yusuf, was at home
when it happened. He was playing with his new toy car. Umar had given it to him a week
before, for his third birthday.
Suddenly, Yusuf heard his mother calling ‘Help! Help!’ He ran to the kitchen. His
mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking oil. She was crying with pain and the pan
was on fire.
Umar had gone to his office. Both the other children had gone to school. Yusuf was
too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak to him sensibly. But he ran
to the neighbor’s house and asked his neighbor to come and help his mother. She soon put out
the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic.
A long time ago, a kingdom stood in Mahakam riverside. The kingdom`s name was
Timur Kingdom. The king was Bentang Kalima. He had a graceful consort, Sasi Kirana.
They were granted seven beautiful daughters. They were princess Mahadewi, Maharani,
Mahaswasti, Mahesdewi, Mahesratri, Mahestiwidia, and Maha Saptadewi. The seven
princesses were born in December and they were fond of the water lilies
The princess Mahadewi`s beauty enchanted many princes of the neighboring
kingdoms. Prince Bintang Kelana, was chose as Mahadewi`s husband.
When a big wedding party held, the troop of King Daksa Wana who was rejected by
Mahadewi attacked Timur Kingdom.
King Bentang Kalima and his family escaped from the chaos by crossing over the
Makassar Strait by boat. King Bentang Kalima`s daughter tried to save their parents.
“Our God, please save my Father and Mother from the cruel of King Daksa Wana”.
God answered the princesses` wish. Then the princesses uttered a promise to God, “God You
have saved my lovely parents. We promise to sacrifice our life. We are willing to sweep
ourselves away into the water”
Abruptly, they threw themselves into Mahakam River. Their white gowns spread
around the surface of the water. The sun shone all the gowns so that they looked very shiny.
They looked like water lilies, goddess of the water`s lovely flower.
Tigers are members of the cat family. Lions, leopards, cheetahs and house cats are
also members of the cat family. Tigers are the largest cats, and the only cats with stripes.
They live in large forest in southern and southeastern Asia.
A tiger’s short fur is usually colored dark orange with black stripes. Each tiger has
different stripes, and you can use them to tell tigers apart. The stripes make a tiger stand out
if you see them in the open. In the forests where tigers live, however, the stripes make them
almost invisible.
Like house cats, tigers have soft pads on the bottoms of their paws. These allow tigers
to move silently through the forest. Tigers have long, sharp claws at the ends of their feet.
They pull the claws in until they need them. When needed, the claws pop out like knives.
Their big, yellow eyes give tigers sharp sight to help find prey. Tigers see as well as
people during the day, and much better than people at night. They also hear very well. They
can turn their ears toward sounds.
Tigers have explosive speed. They have strong muscles and long legs that help them
move extremely fast over short distances. Their long tails give them balance while running
Powerful jaws and sharp teeth help tigers grab and kill prey once they catch it. Some
tigers in zoos and circuses are white with blue eyes. People bred these tigers because white
tigers fetch more money from tourist. In the wild, white tigers are very rare. Zoos no longer
breed tigers to be white.
32. “Powerful jaws and sharp teeth helps tigers grab and kill prey once they catch it “.
The underlined word in the sentence above means….
A. animals that live in the forest.
B. animals that can run fast.
C. animals that have sharp teeth.
D. animals that is hunted for food.
33. “Each tigers has different stripes and you can use them….”
(The second sentence of paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to….
A. the tigers.
B. the fur
C. the stripes.
D. the color.
34. A. worked
B. raised
C. studied
D. stayed
35. A. ambition
B. education
C. independence
D. honesty
36. A. simply
B. quickly
C. carelessly
D. responsibly
A. 4–1–2–5–6–3
B. 4–1–5–2–6–3
C. 4–1–5–6–2–3
D. 4–5–1–2–6–3
For question 39- 41, choose the correct words to complete the text.
Once upon a time there lived in China a (39) … king. He treated the people and of
his kingdom badly. The queen however was beautiful and kind. As the years passed the
king feared that he would grow old and die. “ I’ll give a huge reward to anyone who can
make me immortal.” He said.
One day, a magician from a far-away land brought a king some medicine. It will
make your majesty live for thousand years.” he said. When the queen heard this, she was
worried. She thought that the people of China will not live in peace and happiness. She then
(40) … to steal the medicine. Unfortunately the king caught her doing it. In order to prevent
him from taking the medicine at her hand, she drank (41) … at once. Soon she felt herself
became lighter and lighter. Slowly and gently she floated into the sky, toward the moon. She
had became a moon fairy.
40. A. excided
B. brought
C. wanted
D. advised
41. A. them
B. their
C. it
D. its
45. What does the text mean?
A. We must be careful when climbing the re-growth dune
B. The hill is formed by the sand that can grow all the time
C. The dune can destroy the environment if we do not climb it
D. We are prohibited to go up the hill, because it is made of sand
A. 7–4–6–3–1–8-5-2
B. 7- 4–1–6–3–8-5-2
C. 7–4–2–6–5–3–1-8
D. 7–4–2–6–3–1–8-5