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The worst case time complexity of AVL tree is better in comparison to binary search tree for

a. Search and Insert Operations

b. Search and Delete Operations

c. Insert and Delete Operations

d. Search, Insert and Delete Operations

Answer: (d).Search, Insert and Delete Operations

2. Which of the following are two special functions that are meant for handling exception, that occur during

a. Void terminate ( ) and Void unexpected ( )

b. Non void terminate ( ) and void unexpected ( )

c. Void terminate ( ) and non void unexpected ( )

d. Non void terminate ( ) and non void unexpected ( )

Answer: (a).Void terminate ( ) and Void unexpected ( )

3. Given an empty stack, after performing push (1), push (2), Pop, push (3), push (4), Pop, Pop, push(5), P
of the stack ?

a. 4

b. 3

c. 2

d. 1

Answer: (d).1

4. The total number of spanning trees that can be drawn using five labelled vertices is:

a. 125

b. 64

c. 36

d. 16

Answer: (a).125
5. Suppose there are logn sorted lists of n logn elements each. The time complexity of producing a sorted l
heap data structure)

a. O (n log logn)

b. θ(n logn)

c. Ω(n logn)

d. Ω(n3/2)

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Answer: (a).O (n log logn)

6. The Object Modelling Technique (OMT) uses the following three kinds of model to describe a system 

a. Class Model, Object Model and Analysis Model

b. Object Model, Dynamic Model, and Functional Model

c. Class Model, Dynamic Model and Functional Model

d. Object Model, Analysis Model and Dynamic Model

Answer: (b).Object Model, Dynamic Model, and Functional Model

7. An example of a dictionary-based coding technique is 

a. Run-length coding

b. Huffman coding

c. Predictive coding

d. LZW coding

Answer: (d).LZW coding

8. A algorithm is guaranteed to find an optimal solution if 

a. h' is always 0
b. g is always 1

c. h' never overestimates h

d. h' never underestimates h

Answer: (c).h' never overestimates h

9. What is the value of the postfix expression ?

abc d + - * (where a = 8 , b = 4 , c = 2 and d = 5)

a. -3/8

b. -8/3

c. 24

d. -24

Answer: (d).-24

10. If the queue is implemented with a linked list, keeping track of a front pointer and a rear pointer, which of
during an insertion into a non-empty queue?

a. Neither of the pointers change

b. Only front pointer changes

c. Only rear pointer changes

d. Both of the pointers changes

Answer: (c).Only rear pointer changes

11. ___________ is often used to prove the correctness of a recursive function.

a. Diagonalization

b. Communitivity

c. Mathematical Induction

d. Matrix Multiplication

Answer: (c).Mathematical Induction

12. For any B-tree of minimum degree   t   ≥  2, every node other than the root must have atleast keys and e
____ keys. 

a. t -1, 2t + 1
b. t + 1, 2t + 1

c. t-1, 2t-1

d. t+ 1, 2t-1

Answer: (c).t-1, 2t-1

13. Given two sorted list of size 'm' and 'n' respectively. The number of comparison needed in the worst case

a. mxn

b. max (m, n)

c. min (m, n)

d. m +n-1

Answer: (d).m +n-1

14. Match the following with respect to programming languages

  a. Structured Language  i.   JAVA

  b. Non-structured Language   ii. BASIC

  c. Object Oriented  Programming Language  iii.  PASCAL

  D. Interpreted  Programming Language  iv. FORTRAN


a. iii  iv   i   ii

b. iv   iii   ii   i

c. ii   iv   i   iii

d. ii   iii   iv   i

Answer: (a).iii  iv   i   ii

15. The compiler converts all operands up to the type of the largest operand is called

a. Type Promotion
b. Type Evaluation

c. Type Conversion

d. Type Declaration

Answer: (a).Type Promotion

16. _____________ comparisons  are necessary in the worst case  to find both the maximum and minimum

a. 2n-2

b. n + floor(log n) -2

c. floor(3n/2) -2

d. 2 log n -2

Answer: (c).floor(3n/2) -2

17. Let A and B be two n x n matrices,The efficient algorithm to multiply the two matrices , has the time comp

a. O(n^3)

b. O(n^2.81)

c. O(n^2.67)

d. O(n^2)

Answer: (b).O(n^2.81)

18. Assuming there are n keys and each key is in the range [0, m - 1]. The run time of bucket sort is

a. O(n)

b. O(n log n)

c. O(n log m)

d. O(n+n)

Answer: (d).O(n+n)

19. You have to sort a list L, consisting of a sorted list followed by a few 'random' elements. Which of the foll
most suitable for such a task?
a. Bubble sort

b. Selection sort

c. Quick sort

d. Insertion sort

Answer: (d).Insertion sort

20. A full binary tree with n leaves contains

a. n nodes

b. log2 n nodes

c. 2n-1 nodes

d. 2^n nodes

Answer: (c).2n-1 nodes

21. How many PUSH and POP operations will be needed to evaluate the following expression by reverse po
(A * B) + (C * D/E)?

a. 4 PUSH and 3 POP instructions

b. 5 PUSH and 4 POP instructions

c. 6 PUSH and 2 POP instructions

d. 5 PUSH and 3 POP instructions

Answer: (b).5 PUSH and 4 POP instructions

22. Consider an array A[20. 10], assume 4 words per memory cell and the base address of array A is 100. W
Assume row major storage.

a. 560

b. 565
c. 570

d. 575

Answer: (a).560

23. Convert the following infix expression into its equivalent post fix expression (A + B^D)/(E - F) + G

a. ABD^ + EF-/G+

b. ABD + ^EF-/G+

c. ABD + ^EF/-G+

d. ABD^ + EF/-G+

Answer: (a).ABD^ + EF-/G+

24. Any decision tree that sorts n elements has height

a. Ω (n)

b. Ω(/gn)

c. Ω(n/gn)

d. Ω(n^2)

Answer: (d).Ω(n^2)

25. Match the following .

     List- I                                                    List - II
a. Bucket sort                                      i. O(n^3/gn)
b. Matrix chain multiplication           ii. O(n^3) 
c. Huffman codes                             iii. O(nlgn)
d. All pairs shortest paths               iv. O(n)

a b c d

a. iv   ii   i   iii

b. ii   iv   i   iii

c. iv   ii   iii   i

d. iii   ii   iv   i

Answer: (d).iii   ii   iv   i
26. Suppose that we have numbers between 1 and 1000 in a binary search tree and we want to search for th
following sequences could not be the sequence of nodes examined ?

a. 4, 254,403, 400,332,346, 399, 365

b. 926,222,913,246,900,260,364,365

c. 927,204,913, 242,914,247,365

d. 4,401,389,221,268, 384,383, 280,365

Answer: (c).927,204,913, 242,914,247,365

27. Converting a primitive type data into its corresponding wrapper class object instance is called

a. Boxing

b. Wrapping

c. Instantiation

d. Autoboxing

Answer: (d).Autoboxing

28. Consider the following statements-

(a) Depth - first search is used to traverse a rooted tree. 

(b) Pre - order, Post-order and Inorder are used to list the vertices of an ordered rooted tree.
(c) Huffman's algorithm is used to find an optimal binary tree with given weights.
(d) Topological sorting provides a labelling such that the parents have larger labels than their children.

Which of the above statements are true ?

a. (a) and (b)

b. (c) and (d)

c. (a) , (b) and (c)

d. (a), (b) , (c) and (d)

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Answer: (d).(a), (b) , (c) and (d)

29. The inorder and preorder Traversal of binary Tree are dbeafcg and abdecfg respectively.The post order

a. dbefacg
b. debfagc

c. dbefcga

d. debfgca

Answer: (d).debfgca

30. Level order Traversal of a rooted Tree can be done by starting from root and performing

a. Breadth First Search

b. Depth first search

c. Root search

d. Deep search

Answer: (a).Breadth First Search

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