The Study of The Effects of The Pricing Policies On An Organizations Profit: Case Study of Technology Businesses in Kurdistan
The Study of The Effects of The Pricing Policies On An Organizations Profit: Case Study of Technology Businesses in Kurdistan
The Study of The Effects of The Pricing Policies On An Organizations Profit: Case Study of Technology Businesses in Kurdistan
The study of the effects of the pricing policies on an organizations profit: Case
study of technology businesses in Kurdistan
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All content following this page was uploaded by Saman Hamad Ameen on 21 February 2019.
Abstract— The main purpose of this research is to examine pad the impact of customer hatred that was occasioned by
the influence of pricing policies on organizations’ profit. The contenders underselling the organization in the fragment being
researcher applied a quantitative method to analyze the data charged the higher price as well as where a purchaser
in this study, the researcher prepared questionnaire and purchases modest in one section and exchange at the higher
distributed in the different organizations located in Erbil. The evaluated portion just like the case in numerous Nigerian
survey was divided into two sections; the first section was market. As indicated by (Modak, et al. 2018), supervisors must
demographic analysis which started with respondent’s age, screen the commercial center to decide prices that clients will
gender, and level of education. The second section of survey pay for items or administration, on the off chance that they
consisted of 32 questions concerning pricing policies and its should succeed.
impact on organization profit. 89 participants were involved Price is a standout amongst the most adaptable components of
in the current study; however the researcher used SPSS the advertising blend, which meddles specifically and in a here
software in order to analyze the gathered data. Moreover, the and now finished the productivity and pricing strategy of an
researcher aimed to develop the main research hypothesis organization (Rida & Ibrahim, 2018). Regardless of the
which stated that there is a positive and significant impact of significance a price has on the execution of organizations,
pricing policies on organization profit. The result of a simple itseems thatsuch component has not gotten the correct
regression analysis demonstrates that the value B for pricing consideration by numerous scholastics and promoting experts
policy is .712 which is greater than .0001 this proves that the (Lopez-Nicolas, et al. 2018). Normally, in promoting, the
main research hypothesis is supported which stated that the fundamental spotlight is put on the advancement of new items,
there is a positive and significant impact of pricing policy on appropriation channels and correspondence systems, and as
organization profit. indicated by (Chrysopoulos & Mitkas, 2018), this could
Keywords— pricing policy, organization profit, Erbil, prompt accelerated pricing choices without appropriately
Kurdistan. assessing business sector and price factors. Subsequently,
pricing is dealt with as the least difficult procedure inside
I. INTRODUCTION advertising, maybe in light of the fact that numerous
Organizations today confront a large group of difficulties to organizations decide their prices in view of instinct and the
stay aggressive and coordinated in the unstable market. director's market involvement (Ding, et al. 2018). Moreover,
Successfully valued items and additionally administrations just couple of supervisors deliberately consider evaluating
can be an enormous focused weapon if done well, or a risk if while proactively administrating their prices with a specific
wretched. (Thirumurthy, et al. 2018 ), opined that, diverse end goal to make great conditions that prompt profits
kinds of estimating system, for example, value separation, (Olawale, et al. 2018).Considering this, (Lynn & Brewster,
value infiltration; skim evaluating and value harmonizatio n 2018), feature the requirement for more research in regards to
etcetera, have distinctive centrality to various organizations in the estimating inclinations and practices in light of the fact
the impossible to miss advertise they mean to serve. The that, as indicated by the writers, under 2% of every single
dominance of value harmonization among different distributed article in advertising diaries are centered around
techniques, to augment benefit in a business situation in which pricing. Vital pricing requires a more grounded connection
purchasers have comparative versatility of interest is amongst advertising and the other sectors of a company.
irreplaceable. Value harmonization can likewise be utilized to Inorder to upgrade organizations' monetary and money related Page | 1
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computers (EEC Journal) [Vol-3, Issue-3, May-Jun 2018] ISSN: 2456-2319
execution, the estimating approaches ought to be characterized more convoluted than on account of household value setting.
by their interior limits and on the essential systematical This is on account of the fare price of a decent (or
comprehension of necessities and wishes of their clients, administration) must attempt to think about the applicable
notwithstanding economic situations, for example, financial household ecological variables which must be assessed and
conditions and level of rivalry (Memari, et al. 2018). In this adjusted to the worldwide setting with extra factors.
specific situation, this present examination's goal was to
propose and test a hypothetical model that shows the effects II. LITERATURE REVIEW
of estimating strategies on organization's benefit. On this As per (Xia, et al. 2017), price choices are a standout amongst
respect, the hypothetical presumptions consider as es timating the most vital choices of administration since it influences
arrangements the definitions that involve the evaluating benefit and the organizations' arrival alongside their market
procedures and the value levels utilized by organizations in aggressiveness. Accordingly, the errand of creating and
their individual markets. (Vogler & Schneider, 2017), characterizing prices is perplexing and testing, in light of the
expressed that general promoting writing places that the fact that the chiefs associated with this procedure must see
compelling execution of arranged advertising methodology is how their clients see the prices, how to build up the apparent
critical to connecting showcasing endeavors with firm esteem, what are the natural and applicable expenses to
execution. Further, practically speaking, executing arranged consent to this need, and additionally consider the estimating
advertising procedure is broadly observed as a dangerous goals of the organization and their focused position in the
administrative errand that devours generous time and exertion market (Esmaeili, et al. 2018). Along these lines, (Zhang, et
assets yet regularly closes in disappointment as per (Luo, et al. al. 2017), contend that organizations which don't deal with
2017). These issues might be considerably more prominent for their prices lose control over them, weakening their
administrators managing global markets. For instance, gainfulness and price adequacy essentially because of the
working in trade markets includes managing geological clients will on paying a determinate price, which not
separation alongside clairvoyant and nonappearance with exclusively does it rely upon the apparent esteem, yet in
respect to the fare advertise culture, business rehearses, addition relies upon the prices set by the main rivals.
channel structure, interchanges foundation, lawful framework, Therefore, mixed up or inexistent evaluating approaches could
and so on attested by (Santibanez-Gonzalez, 2017). Numerous lead purchasers to build the volume of data while permitting
organizations take after the Porter's business methodologies in them to increase their bartering powerthusforcing price
a fare market to contrast and their opponents yet (Thompson, diminishments and rebates. The distinction between regular
et al. 2017), noticed that in the present aggressive market , price setting and key estimating comprises on setting prices by
concentrating just on the abatement of assembling expenses responding to the economic situations or overseeing them
may no more reason the organization's achievement in send proactively, being their sole reason to apply the most
out driven economies. Besides, (Liu & Yi, 2017), stressed that beneficial evaluating by creating more an incentive for clients
price is no more a predominant procedure for organizations in without the commitment of expanding the business volume
the market. Also, the piece of the pie involved by an (Bose, et al. 2017), logically, there isn't a unique way for
organization, the wage it gets, and its benefits are dictated by characterizing prices.Before setting a price, the organization
executing an adaptable, changing and reasonable economic must choose what will be the technique for the item
situations methodology of fare estimating. This additionally notwithstanding what will be the proposed destinations, since
helps to expand the capacity of an organization to contend the clearer these choices, the less demanding it will be to set
effectively on the universal market. As indicated by (Radhi & up (Li, et al. 2016). As per (Marcucci, et al. 2015), prices
Zhang, 2018), the comprehension of a fare evaluating highly affect organizations' gainfulness, and pricing systems
procedure is fundamental since it might have an intense and shift extensively amongst parts and market circumstances.
quick impact on an organization's execution. In 2001, Regardless, analysts generally concur that evaluating systems
Raymond et al. expressed that satisfactory pricing procedures can be classified in three major gatherings: price-based
are basic administrative choices for accomplishment in outside estimating, rivalry based estimating and client esteem based
business sectors. Setting up prices for worldwide markets isn't pricing(Gallus, et al. 2014). (Purshouse, et al. 2010), contend
a simple assignment. Choices with respect to item, price, and that there must be an adjusted thought of data, discernment and
dissemination for global markets are exceptional to every characteristic conduct of the 3C's of this process(cost,
nation as indicated by (Chen, et al. 2017). According to Competition and Customers) as an approach to achieve the
(Dehghanbaghi, & Sajadieh, 2017) Walters contends that ideal price. The administration ofsuch data is an urgent factor
when a firm sets a fair value, the circumstance turns out to be for the achievement of the evaluating definition procedure and Page | 2
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computers (EEC Journal) [Vol-3, Issue-3, May-Jun 2018] ISSN: 2456-2319
the price settlement. Now and again, these practices have fundamental items, for example, numerous essential
additionally been assigned as estimating techniques (Dan, et nourishment and medical aid items isn't as influenced by price
al. 2012). changes as interest for some trivial products. The quantity of
Pricing choice is a vital choice each association needs to make, contending items and substitutes accessible influences the
since this will inevitably influence their corporate flexibility of interest. Regardless of whether a man considers
destinations, either straightforwardly or in a roundabout way an item a need or an extravagance and the level of a man's
(Harrison, et al. 2012). For each business element, regardless financial plan distributed to various items and administrations
of their line of business and goal, price minimizat ion and additionally influence price flexibility. Specialist
benefit boost is a general factor to be considered and for non - organizations, for example, service organizations typically
benefit making associations, there will dependably be the need dynamic in business sectors in which they have a restraining
to decrease price at all methods and to augment yield. A infrastructure (just a single supplier), confronting more
business whether little or huge, basic or mind boggling, private inelastic request since no substitutes are accessible (Chorus, et
or open, is made to give focused prices (Chen, et al. 2013). As al. 2011).
per (Schuitema, et al. 2010), setting the price for an Pricing system is a standout amongst the most troublesome
association's item or administration is a standout amongst the zones of showcasing basic leadership (Riegels, et al. 2013). It
most pivotal choices a supervisor countenances, and a manages the techniques for setting gainful and reasonable
standout amongst the most troublesome, because of the prices. A company's evaluating techniques might be founded
quantity of variables that must be considered. A portion of the on prices, request, or the prices of contending items. In any
elements that impact evaluating choice are request, case, where information is required on item that would give
contenders, price, political, natural, legitimate and picture the most elevated benefits, the director must be keen on doling
related issues. (Rinaudo, et al. 2012), braces this point by out expenses brought about in the whole esteem bind to the
expressing that supervisors are as often as possible looked distinctive items previously a fastidious assurance of the
with choices on pricing and gainfulness of their items. A general gainfulness of the items (Grosso, et al. 2010). An
portion of the goals of business endeavors differ fro m excessive number of organizations have been lost since they
augmentation of benefit, minimizat ion of price, boost of estimated themselves out of the commercial center (Inturri &
investors support, turning into a market pioneer, and so forth. Ignaccolo, 2011). Purchasers' way of life is firmly attached to
From the different destinations of business associations, the the prevailing prices of merchandise and enterprises, while in
essential goal of any business undertaking is to augment some different cases the price of a ware may present some
benefit and limit price, with the exception of philanthropy glory or feeling of significance or prevalence on the purchaser
associations that are set up fundamentally not to make benefit, or shopper of the item (Bose, et al. 2017). Price isn't end in
but rather there will be have to limit price definitely, itself however an unfortunate chore and ought to be viewed
subsequently the need to set prices, which thusly means that accordingly. Organizations set prices for an assortment of
estimating choice emerges in for all intents and purposes a reasons. Price influences and is influenced by the other three
wide range of associations, independent of their level of components of the showcasing blend: item, advancement, and
exercises. As indicated by (Kopalle, et al. 2012), the essential place (conveyance). (Chen, et al. 2013), anyway indicated
way to deal with a powerful pricing system is to oversee that, Pricing is an intricate subject – there are numerous
incomes in ways that help the organizations' productivity elements to consider, both short-and long haul. For instance,
targets, which prompts the inquiry; how well would we be able your prices need to, mirror the esteem you give versus your
to supplement the different elements that impact evaluating rivals, considers what the market will really pay for your
choice, to accomplish our general goal, which is amplificatio n offering, empower you to achieve your income and piece of
of benefit. the overall industry objectives and augment your benefits.
As indicated by (Pulido-Velazquez, et al. 2012), when buyers While evaluating destinations change from firm to firm, most
are exceptionally delicate to the price change of an item—that associations are benefit situated, thus, the selection of
is, they purchase a greater amount of it at low prices and less productivity objective among others, for example, deals
of it at high prices—the interest for it is price versatile. volume targets and consumer loyalty goals (Chorus, et al.
Individuals will probably purchase items/merchandise when 2011).
their prices drop and more averse to get them when their prices
rise. By differentiate; when the interest for an item stays III. METHODOLOGY
generally the same and purchasers are not touchy to changes The main purpose of this research is to examine the influence
in its price, the request is price inelastic. Interest for of pricing policies on organizations’ profit. The researcher Page | 3
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computers (EEC Journal) [Vol-3, Issue-3, May-Jun 2018] ISSN: 2456-2319
applied a quantitative method to analyze the data in this study, that pricing policy factor has significantly and positively
the researcher prepared questionnaire and distributed in the correlated (r=.782**, p<0.01) with organization profit.
different organizations located in Erbil. The survey was
divided into two sections; the first section was demographic Table.3: Simple regression Analysis
analysis which started with respondent’s age, gender, and Unstandardize Standardize
level of education. The second section of survey consisted of d coefficients d
32 questions concerning pricing policies and its impact on coefficients
organization profit. 89 participants were involved in the B Std. Beta t Sig.
current study; however the researcher used SPSS software in Error
order to analyze the gathered data. Moreover, the researcher (constant 2.135 .312 .435 .00
aimed to develop the main research hypothesis which stated ) 6 0
that there is a positive and significant impact of pricing Pricing .712 .09 .718 .243 .00
policies on organization profit. policy 1 0
Dependent : organization profit
Table.1: Reliability Analysis
Items Cranach’s Alpha Number of The researcher used a simple regression analysis in order to
questions used find the impact of pricing policy on organization profit in
Pricing .812 16 selected organizations in Erbil. The result of a simple
policies regression analysis demonstrates that the value B for pricing
Organization .799 16 policy is .712 which is greater than .0001 this proves that the
profit main research hypothesis is supported which stated that the
there is a positive and significant impact of pricing policy on
As we can see in the above table, the analysis of the reliability organization profit.
test for pricing policy as independent variable and
organization profit as dependent variable. Regarding of IV. CONCLUSION
pricing policy factor, the Cranach’s Alpha =.812 which is The role of pricing in any market is to transfer rights of the
greater than .6 this reveals that the 16 questions used for product to the buyer, in exchange of payment. The high -tech
pricing policy factor to measure the influence on organization company has a taught mission regarding the price setting.
profit, all of them are reliable, on the other hand, concerning Given the current market context, policies and strategies for
of job organization profit, the Cranach’s Alpha =.799 which high technology products of major companies aim to create
is greater than .6 this reveals that the 16 questions used for innovative products with high quality, highly customized by
organization profit as dependent variable all of them are the features and services included, aiming to provide an
reliable. enjoyable and easy experience for users. Before setting a price,
the firm must choose the strategy according to the target
Table.2: Correlation Analysis market and product positioning. Pricing decisions should be
Items Pearson Organization consumer oriented because he is the one who will decide if a
Correlation profit product price is the right one. The company has to understand
Pricing policy .782 ** how the consumer will use the products and it must calculate
Sing. (2-tailed) .000 customer costs. High-tech consumers don’t seek to buy cheap.
N 89 The root of most pricing challenges is that the product doesn’t
deliver tangible value to the customer. The product value must
** correlation is significant at the level 0.01 level (2-
be quantifiable because, otherwise the pricing strategy is
From the various discussions above, it can be said
Based on the above table, which demonstrates the correlation
conclusively that price changes is an inevitable factor in the
analysis between independent variable and dependent
operations of a business enterprise, and that any significant
variable, in this case; the researcher used pricing policy as an
change in the price of a product will have an effect on the
independent variableand organization profit as dependent
quantity demanded for the product which will in turn have an
variable. According to correlation analysis, the results showed
effect on the sales turnover and finally on the profit margin
generated from that product, which will eventually have an Page | 4
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