On The Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution
On The Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution
On The Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution
International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564
The probability density function (pdf) of the Quasi-Transmuted distribution according to Osowole and Ayoola
(2019) is defined as
g *( x) 2ax (1 a), 0 x 1; a (0, ,1) ……………………………………(1.0)
with cumulative distribution function (cdf) defined as
G *( x) ax 2 (1 a) x, 0 x 1; a (0, ,1) ……………………………………(2.0)
A length biased distribution according to Subramanian and Rather (2018) is a weighted distribution fw(x) defined as
w( x) f ( x)
f w ( x) ,x 0 ……………………………………(3.0)
E[ w( x)]
Where w(x) is non-negative such that E[ w( x)] w( x) f ( x)dx
We note that (3.0) becomes a length biased distribution when w(x) is chosen such that w(x) = x and it becomes a
size biased distribution when w(x) is chosen such that w(x) = xc. Combining (1.0) and (3.0), the probability density
function of the length biased quasi transmuted uniform distribution is given as
x[2ax (1 a)] 1
g LBQTUD ( x) , 0 x 1; a (0, ,1)
E[ x] 2
2ax 2 (1 a) x
[(a 3) / 6]
12ax 2 6(1 a) x 1
, 0 x 1; a (0, ,1) ……………………………………(4.0)
[(a 3)] 2
(4.0) shall henceforth be referred to in this study as the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution
(LBQTUD). The cumulative distribution function of (4.0) is defined as
GLBQTUD ( x) g LBQTUD (t )dt
4ax3 3(1 a) x 2 1
, 0 x 1; a (0, ,1) ……………………………………(5.0)
a3 2
International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564
2.1.1 Moments
The kth raw moment of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution is
k1 E ( X K ) x k g LBQTUD ( x) dx
1 1 k
a3 0
x [12ax 2 6(1 a) x]dx
1 12ax k 3 6(1 a) x k 2 1
[ ]0
a3 k 3 k 2
1 12a(k 2) 6(k 3)(1 a)
a 3 (k 3)(k 2)
1 6a(k 1) 6(k 3) 1
, a (0, ,1)
a 3 (k 3)(k 2) 2
1 a 2
11 ( X ) mean
2 5 3 a 3 1 a 3
, & for a 0, and 1 respectively
3 7 4 2
1 9a 15
a 3 10
1 19.5 6 1
, & for a 0, &1 respectively
2 35 10 2
From the
International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564
X2 0.056, 0.047 & 0.0375 for a=0, &1 respectively .
The variance can be seen to reduce as the value of a is increasing. This is what is expected for a generalized
1 4a 6
31 ( X 3 )
a 3 5
2 8 1 1
= , & for a 0, &1 respectively
5 17.5 2 2 3 ( X )3 31 321 2 3
= -0.007407,0.007872 and -0.00625 for a 0,
Combining 31 and 3 yield the coefficient of skewness, 3 .This implies that
3 0.5590, 0.77254 and -0.86066 respectively for a =0, &1 . The skewness can be seen to be
reducing as the value of a is increasing. This is not the unexpected pattern for a generalized distribution.
1 5a 7
41 ( X 4 )
a 3 7
1 9.5 3 1
= , & for a 0, &1 respectively
3 24.5 7 2
4 ( X ) 4 431 6 2 21 3 4
4 1
= 0.007407,0.006247 and 0.00435 for a 0, &1 respectively
Combining 41 and 4 yield the coefficient of kurtosis, 4 . This implies that
4 2.362, 2.828 and 3.093 respectively for a =0, &1 . The coefficient of kurtosis can be seen to be
increasing toward 3.0 as the value of a increases from 0 to 1. The value of this coefficient became approximately 3.0
when a reached its maximum value of 1. This indicates that the length biased distribution being considered has the
potentials of a generalized distribution.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564
The coefficients of variance and dispersion for the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted distribution are
CV and CD . Specifically,
E( X ) E( X )
a 2 2a 5
10(a 3) 2 1
CV =0.3536,0.3033,0.2582 for a=0, &1
a2 2
a 2 2a 5 1
and CD =0.083,0.066,0.05 for a=0, &1
10(a 3)(a 2) 2
The two coefficients above can be seen to be reducing as the value of a is increasing. This is not the unexpected
pattern for a generalized distribution.
The moment generating function (m.g.f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted
Uniform distribution is defined as
M X (t ) (etX ) e
g LBQTUD ( x)dx
1 (tX ) 2
1 tX ...g LBQTUD ( x)dx
j 0 j !
X j g LBQTUD ( x)dx
tj 1
j 0 j !
1 t j 12a(j+2)+6(j+3)(1-a) 1
a 3 j 0 j ! , a (0, ,1)
(j+3)(j+2) 2
The characteristic function (c. f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform
distribution is defined as
International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564
x (t ) M X (it )
(eitX )
eitX g LBQTUD ( x)dx
The cumulant generating function (c. g. f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted
Uniform distribution is defined as
K X (t ) In M X (t )
In 1j
J o j !
1 t j 12a( j 2) 6( j 2)(1 a) 1
In , a (0, ,1)
a 3 J 0 j ! ( j 3)( j 2) 2
The hazard function (h. f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution
is defined as
g LBQTUD ( x)
h( x )
1 GLBQTUD ( x)
12ax 2 6(1 a) x 1
, a (0, ,1)
4ax 3 x (1 a) a 3
3 2
The reserve hazard function (r. h. f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform
distribution is defined as
g LBQTUD ( x)
hr ( x)
12ax 2 6(1 a) x 1
, a (0, ,1)
4ax 3(1 a) x
3 2
International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564
The survival function (s.f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution
is defined as
S X ( x) 1 GLBQTUD ( x)
4ax3 3x 2 (1 a) a 3 1
, a (0, ,1)
a3 2
Suppose X(1), X(2),…, X(n) are the order statistics from the random sample X1, X2, …., Xn from the Length Biased
Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution with and as the pdf and cdf, the rth order statistic
where 1 r n is given as
n! r 1 nr
h( r ) ( x) g LBQTUD ( x) GLBQTUD ( x) 1 GLBQTUD ( x)
(r 1)!(n r )!
By setting r = n and r =1 in the function (h(r)(x)) above, we have the distributions for the largest and lowest order
statistics. For the largest order statistic we have that
n 1
4ax3 3(1 a) x 2 12ax 2 6(1 a ) x
h( r n ) ( x) n
a3 a3
n 2 n 1 1
4 ax 3
3(1 a ) x 12 ax 2
6(1 a ) x , a (0, ,1)
(a 3) n 2
International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564
By the quantile function (i.e the inverse of the cdf), random numbers can be generated for the Length Biased Quasi-
Transmuted Uniform distribution as follows.
Let 4ax3 3(1- a) x 2 u so that
4ax3 3(1- a) x 2 - u 0 4ax3 3(1- a) x 2 - u (a 3) 0
where U is a random var iable from the Uniform (0,1). By setting a 0, 4ax3 3(1- a) x 2 - u( a 3) 0
becomes x 2 u x u ,sin ce U ~ Uniform(0,1). By setting a= , 4ax3 3(1- a) x 2 - u (a 3) 0
becomes 2x 1.5 x -3.5u=0. It should be noted that the roots of this equation changes with u. By setting
3 2
The table below gives the simulation results from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution at a=0
and 1 for sample sizes 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 respectively.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564
The simulation results in Tables (1.0)a and (1.0)b the expected pattern observable for a generalized
reveal concordance between the simulated results and distribution when compared to the baseline
the expected theoretical results; especially for the distribution and some selected distributions
mean, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of belonging to the same family. The Length Biased
variation and coefficient of dispersion. This further Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution (LBQTUD)
validates the postulated potentials of the Length is a therefore a worthy addition to the existing pool of
Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution as a generalized distributions.
competent addition to the existing families of
generalized distributions.
3.0 Conclusion
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(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564
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