On The Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution

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International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)

Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)

(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

On the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform


Osowole, Oyedeji I.1 and Onyeze, Vitus C.2

Reader, Department of Statistics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Lecturer I, Department of Statistics, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria

Publishing Date: February 17, 2020

Abstract generalized distributions [1]. Several of these

This study considered another modified Uniform generalized distributions exist in literature. Examples
Distribution, the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform include New Extended Burr Type X distribution by
distribution. Some essential properties of the modified [2]; Extended New Generalized Exponential
distribution were derived to show case its flexibility and distribution by [3]; Exponentiated Generalized
tractability. The result indicates that the Length Biased
Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution is a competent
Extended Exponential distribution by [4]; Alpha
addition to the existing pool of generalized distributions. Power Transformed Generalized Exponential
Keywords: Length biased quasi-transmuted uniform distribution by [5]; Extended Weighted Exponential
distribution, Moment generating function, Cumulant distribution by [6]; Type I Generalized Exponential
generating function, Hazard function, Order distribution by [7]; Marshall-Olkin Burr Type XII
statistics. distribution by [8]; Scaled Burr Type X distribution
by [9]; Burr Type X distribution by [10]; Extended
Weibull Compound distribution by [11]; Extended
1.0 Introduction Exponential distribution by [12]; Extended Uniform
distribution by [13]; Negative Binomial Marshall-
Development of generalized families of distributions Olkin Rayleigh distribution by [14]; Extended Burr
is as old as Statistics itself. This has always been a Type III distribution by [15]; Quasi-Transmuted
growing research focus of statisticians, applied Uniform distribution by [16] and Quasi-Transmuted
mathematicians, physicists and engineers. The core Complementary Mukherjee-Islam distribution by
aim in this task is to reveal the intrinsic flexibilities [17].
inherent in the extended cum generalized distributing.
Explorations of the properties of these distributions This study however considers the Length Biased
after their development from selected baseline Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution (LBQTUD)
distributions are equally of significant interest. following the previous contributions to knowledge of
the following authors: ([18]; [19]; [20]; [21]; [21] and
Existing distributions may fit badly the dataset under [22]).
consideration and recourse must be made to

International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

2.0 The Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution

The probability density function (pdf) of the Quasi-Transmuted distribution according to Osowole and Ayoola
(2019) is defined as
g *( x)  2ax  (1  a), 0  x  1; a  (0, ,1) ……………………………………(1.0)
with cumulative distribution function (cdf) defined as
G *( x)  ax 2  (1  a) x, 0  x  1; a  (0, ,1) ……………………………………(2.0)
A length biased distribution according to Subramanian and Rather (2018) is a weighted distribution fw(x) defined as
w( x) f ( x)
f w ( x)  ,x 0 ……………………………………(3.0)
E[ w( x)]
Where w(x) is non-negative such that E[ w( x)]   w( x) f ( x)dx  
We note that (3.0) becomes a length biased distribution when w(x) is chosen such that w(x) = x and it becomes a
size biased distribution when w(x) is chosen such that w(x) = xc. Combining (1.0) and (3.0), the probability density
function of the length biased quasi transmuted uniform distribution is given as
x[2ax  (1  a)] 1
g LBQTUD ( x)  , 0  x  1; a  (0, ,1)
E[ x] 2

2ax 2  (1  a) x

[(a  3) / 6]

12ax 2  6(1  a) x 1
 , 0  x  1; a  (0, ,1) ……………………………………(4.0)
[(a  3)] 2

(4.0) shall henceforth be referred to in this study as the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution
(LBQTUD). The cumulative distribution function of (4.0) is defined as
GLBQTUD ( x)   g LBQTUD (t )dt

12at 2  6(1  a)t

 dt

4ax3  3(1  a) x 2 1
 , 0  x  1; a  (0, ,1) ……………………………………(5.0)
a3 2

International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

2.1 Some Characterizations of the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform


2.1.1 Moments

The kth raw moment of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution is
k1  E ( X K )   x k g LBQTUD ( x) dx

1 1 k

a3 0
x [12ax 2  6(1  a) x]dx

1 12ax k 3 6(1  a) x k  2 1
 [  ]0
a3 k 3 k 2
1 12a(k  2)  6(k  3)(1  a) 

a  3  (k  3)(k  2) 

1  6a(k  1)  6(k  3)  1
   , a  (0, ,1)
a  3  (k  3)(k  2)  2


1 a  2
11  ( X )  mean 
2 5 3 a  3 1 a  3 
 , & for a  0, and 1 respectively
3 7 4 2

1  9a  15 
21 
a  3  10 
1 19.5 6 1
 , & for a  0, &1 respectively
2 35 10 2

From the

11 and 21 above, the variance of X, V(X )  E ( X   ) 2  2  21  ( 11 ) 2

That is,

International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

 X2  0.056, 0.047 & 0.0375 for a=0, &1 respectively .
The variance can be seen to reduce as the value of a is increasing. This is what is expected for a generalized

We note also that:

1  4a  6 
31  ( X 3 ) 
a  3  5 
2 8 1 1
= , & for a  0, &1 respectively
5 17.5 2 2 3  ( X   )3  31  321  2 3
= -0.007407,0.007872 and -0.00625 for a  0,

Combining 31 and 3 yield the coefficient of skewness, 3  .This implies that
 3  0.5590, 0.77254 and -0.86066 respectively for a =0, &1 . The skewness can be seen to be
reducing as the value of a is increasing. This is not the unexpected pattern for a generalized distribution.


1  5a  7 
41  ( X 4 ) 
a  3  7 
1 9.5 3 1
= , & for a  0, &1 respectively
3 24.5 7 2
4  ( X   )  4  431  6 2 21  3 4
4 1

= 0.007407,0.006247 and 0.00435 for a  0, &1 respectively
Combining 41 and 4 yield the coefficient of kurtosis, 4  . This implies that
 4  2.362, 2.828 and 3.093 respectively for a =0, &1 . The coefficient of kurtosis can be seen to be
increasing toward 3.0 as the value of a increases from 0 to 1. The value of this coefficient became approximately 3.0
when a reached its maximum value of 1. This indicates that the length biased distribution being considered has the
potentials of a generalized distribution.

International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

2.1.2 Coefficients of Variation and Dispersion

The coefficients of variance and dispersion for the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted distribution are
 2
CV  and CD  . Specifically,
E( X ) E( X )
 a 2  2a  5
10(a  3) 2 1
CV  =0.3536,0.3033,0.2582 for a=0, &1
a2 2
 
 a3
 a 2  2a  5 1
and CD  =0.083,0.066,0.05 for a=0, &1
10(a  3)(a  2) 2

The two coefficients above can be seen to be reducing as the value of a is increasing. This is not the unexpected
pattern for a generalized distribution.

2.1.3 Moment Generating Function

The moment generating function (m.g.f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted
Uniform distribution is defined as

M X (t )  (etX )  e
g LBQTUD ( x)dx

1 (tX ) 2 
  1  tX   ...g LBQTUD ( x)dx
 2! 
1 
 0 
j 0 j !
X j g LBQTUD ( x)dx

tj 1
 j
j 0 j !

1  t j 12a(j+2)+6(j+3)(1-a)  1
  
a  3 j 0 j !   , a  (0, ,1)
(j+3)(j+2)  2

2.1.4 Characteristic Function

The characteristic function (c. f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform
distribution is defined as

International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

x (t )  M X (it )
  (eitX )
  eitX g LBQTUD ( x)dx

1  (it ) j 12a( j  2)  6( j  2)(1  a)  1

  
a  3 J 0 J !  ( j  3)( j  2)  , a  (0, ,1)
 2

2.1.5 Cumulant Generating Function

The cumulant generating function (c. g. f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted
Uniform distribution is defined as
K X (t )  In  M X (t ) 
  tj 
 In    1j 
 J o j ! 
 1  t j 12a( j  2)  6( j  2)(1  a)   1
 In      , a  (0, ,1)
 a  3 J 0 j !  ( j  3)( j  2)  2

2.1.6 Hazard Function

The hazard function (h. f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution
is defined as
g LBQTUD ( x)
h( x ) 
1  GLBQTUD ( x)
12ax 2  6(1  a) x 1
 , a  (0, ,1)
4ax  3 x (1  a)  a  3
3 2

2.1.7 Reverse Hazard Function

The reserve hazard function (r. h. f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform
distribution is defined as

g LBQTUD ( x)
hr ( x) 
12ax 2  6(1  a) x 1
 , a  (0, ,1)
4ax  3(1  a) x
3 2
International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

2.1.8 Survival Function

The survival function (s.f.) of a random variable X from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution
is defined as
S X ( x)  1  GLBQTUD ( x)
4ax3  3x 2 (1  a)  a  3 1
 , a  (0, ,1)
a3 2

2.1.9 Order Statistics

Suppose X(1), X(2),…, X(n) are the order statistics from the random sample X1, X2, …., Xn from the Length Biased
Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution with and as the pdf and cdf, the rth order statistic
where 1  r  n is given as
n! r 1 nr
h( r ) ( x)  g LBQTUD ( x) GLBQTUD ( x)  1  GLBQTUD ( x) 
(r  1)!(n  r )!
By setting r = n and r =1 in the function (h(r)(x)) above, we have the distributions for the largest and lowest order
statistics. For the largest order statistic we have that

n 1
 4ax3  3(1  a) x 2  12ax 2  6(1  a ) x 
h( r  n ) ( x)  n    
 a3   a3 
n 2 n 1 1
  4 ax 3
 3(1  a ) x  12 ax 2
 6(1  a ) x  , a  (0, ,1)
(a  3) n     2

The lowest order statistic, we have that

n 1
h( r 1) ( x)  n 1  GLBQTUD ( x)  g LBQTUD ( x)
n 1 n 1
 4ax3  3x 2 (1  a)  a  3  12ax 2  6(1  a) x 
n   
 a3   a3 
n n 1 1
 
n 
4 ax 3
 3 x 2
(1  a )  a  3 
 12ax 2  6(1  a) x  , a  (0, ,1)
(a  3) 2

International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

2.1.10 Random Number Generation

By the quantile function (i.e the inverse of the cdf), random numbers can be generated for the Length Biased Quasi-
Transmuted Uniform distribution as follows.

Let  4ax3  3(1- a) x 2   u so that
 4ax3  3(1- a) x 2  - u  0  4ax3  3(1- a) x 2 - u (a  3)  0
where U is a random var iable from the Uniform (0,1). By setting a  0, 4ax3  3(1- a) x 2 - u( a  3)  0
becomes x 2  u  x   u ,sin ce U ~ Uniform(0,1). By setting a= , 4ax3  3(1- a) x 2 - u (a  3)  0
becomes 2x  1.5 x -3.5u=0. It should be noted that the roots of this equation changes with u. By setting
3 2

a=1, 4ax3  3(1- a) x 2 - u (a  3)  0 becomes 4x 3  4u  0  x   3 u since U~Uniform(0,1). The implication

here is that for the random number generation, a must be set to 0 and 1.

2.1.11 Simulation Study

The table below gives the simulation results from the Length Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform distribution at a=0
and 1 for sample sizes 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 respectively.

Table 1.0a: Simulation from the LBQTUD

a =0 a=1
Sample Summary Sample Summary
Size Statistics Estimate Size Statistics Estimate
500 mean 0.670 500 mean 0.764
variance 0.055 variance 0.033
standard 0.234 standard 0.181
deviation deviation
skewness -0.609 skewness -0.842
kurtosis 2.538 kurtosis 3.071
coefficient of coefficient of
variation 0.349 variation 0.237
coefficient of coefficient of
dispersion 0.082 dispersion 0.043
1000 mean 0.672 1000 mean 0.757
variance 0.056 variance 0.037
standard standard 0.191
deviation 0.237 deviation
skewness -0.660 skewness -0.909
kurtosis 2.544 kurtosis 3.256
coefficient of coefficient of
variation 0.353 variation 0.252
coefficient of coefficient of

International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR)
Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

dispersion 0.083 dispersion 0.049

2000 mean 0.667 2000 mean 0.745
variance 0.056 variance 0.036
standard standard 0.190
deviation 0.237 deviation
skewness -0.582 skewness -0.774
kurtosis 2.467 kurtosis 2.972
coefficient of coefficient of
variation 0.355 variation 0.256
coefficient of coefficient of
dispersion 0.084 dispersion 0.049

Table 1.0b: Simulation from the LBQTUD

a=0 a=1
Sample Summary Sample Summary
Size Statistics Estimate Size Statistics Estimate
5000 mean 0.665 5000 mean 0.751
variance 0.055 variance 0.039
standard standard 0.197
deviation 0.235 deviation
skewness -0.550 skewness -0.859
kurtosis 2.379 kurtosis 3.058
coefficient of coefficient of
variation 0.353 variation 0.262
coefficient of coefficient of
dispersion 0.083 dispersion 0.052

The simulation results in Tables (1.0)a and (1.0)b the expected pattern observable for a generalized
reveal concordance between the simulated results and distribution when compared to the baseline
the expected theoretical results; especially for the distribution and some selected distributions
mean, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of belonging to the same family. The Length Biased
variation and coefficient of dispersion. This further Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution (LBQTUD)
validates the postulated potentials of the Length is a therefore a worthy addition to the existing pool of
Biased Quasi-Transmuted Uniform Distribution as a generalized distributions.
competent addition to the existing families of
generalized distributions.

3.0 Conclusion
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Vol. 49, Issue 01, Quarter 01 (January-February-March 2020)
(An Indexed, Peer Reviewed, Referred and Impact Factor Journal)
ISSN (Online): 2319-6564

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