Tagle, Acel Kim BM 204 Productivity and Quality Tools
Tagle, Acel Kim BM 204 Productivity and Quality Tools
Tagle, Acel Kim BM 204 Productivity and Quality Tools
BM 204
Productivity and Quality Tools
Activity 10
The purpose of reliability is to predict, analyze, prevent and mitigate failures over time.
When the maintenance can establish or set the man-hour calculation. This 2 component
our very important to assess the Overall Equipment Effectiveness.
Activity 11
Decision making is a process to identify things like problems or opportunity to choose
the best alternative or way to success. While the under certainly is a process that
needed a full info exact and direct point to solve the problem on that situation. Last the
under risk decision are not always know the conditions and future, It's either good or
bad result.
Activity 12
Linear Programming (LP) Applications
As defined in the handout, LP is a mathematical technique designed to help operations
managers plan and make decisions necessary to allocate resources.
The output generated by linear programs provides useful "what's best" and "what if"
Identify the letter as to which type of industry (choose from A to J) does the LP
application of different scenarios (items 1 to 6) belongs to:
A. Hospital Management / Healthcare
B. Diet management
C. Manufacturing
D. Retail
E. Energy
F. Advertising
G. Agriculture
H. Military
I. Transportation/Logistics
J. Finance (Investment)
1. C. This industry uses linear programming for analyzing their supply chain
operations. Their motive is to maximize efficiency with minimum operation cost.
As per the recommendations from the linear programming model, it can
reconfigure their storage layout, adjust their workforce and reduce the
2. I. These systems rely upon linear programming for cost and time efficiency.
Bus and train routes must factor in scheduling, travel time and passengers.
Airlines use linear programming to optimize their profits according to different
seat prices and customer demand. Airlines also use linear programming for pilot
scheduling and routes.
3. G. By determining what crops they should grow, the quantity of it and how to
use it efficiently, farmers can increase their revenue.
4. E. These modern systems incorporate not only traditional electrical
systems, but also renewables such as wind and solar photovoltaics. In order to
optimize the electric load requirements, generators, transmission and distribution
lines, and storage must be taken into account. At the same time, costs must
remain sustainable for profits.
5. D. Linear programming is also used in this organized business for shelf
space optimization. Since the number of products in the market has increased in
leaps and bounds, it is important to understand what does the customer wants.
Optimization is aggressively used in stores. The products in the store are placed
strategically keeping in mind the customer shopping pattern. The objective is to
make it easy for a customer to locate & select the right products.
6. A. Most work uses optimization methods to site its facilities to maximize
service coverage, minimize travel needs of patients, limit the number of facilities,
maximize health, or combine some of these goals. A model based on the
treatment of “regular” and “severe” patients, which maximizes the overall health
benefit subject to time and budget constraints. We then relate it back to how
optimization is relevant in its research for addressing