Health Journey-107
Health Journey-107
Health Journey-107
look further. When I look at what happened, I might want to find out
happened on the road I was taking to get to my destination? Was
an even worse accident further ahead whereby I might have been
physically hurt?
Another possibility would be that I have my car checked while it is
repaired. Could it be that there was something wrong with the car
had I driven many more miles that a defect would have shown up at
inopportune moment causing even greater damage, not only to
but perhaps also to others who were travelling the same road as me?
would certainly place these examples in my left hand.
In this example I would again detach myself from this visualisation
by placing no judgements or adding any further energy, emotions
etcetera to what is placed there. I would consciously in my thoughts
a few steps back, detach myself from the experience, take a few
regular breaths and simply monitor my thoughts. I have learned to
whatever pops into my mind as being guidance from my higher -
By detaching myself from my emotions with regards to what
and being able to look at them in duality, I create a space whereby
third possibility is triggered into action.
What I have just achieved with this exercise is, I have moved beyond
duality. This allows me to step into triality. Triality is of course, my
connection with all three parts. Once my higher-partner self is
involved I
gain clarity, I see many more perspectives and I receive answers.
Remember! Our higher-partner selves are in circular time and are
limited as we are by linear time. Our higher-partner self is therefore
to see all potential possibilities.
We can take this a step further. I can ask while I am in that triality
for suggestions as to what I can do to achieve the best possible
for my greater good. By simply being aware of whatever thoughts,
or suggestions that pop into my mind, I am in fact receiving those
potentials-possibilities. I am never concerned if nothing pops into my
mind. Because I have activated my higher-partner self or placed the
intention there, I will generally find that synchronicities are placed
on my
path that will lead me to the highest possible solution.
I have found that through working with this duality to triality tool
others, we have been able to move beyond any blockages that might
holding them back. By listening to them intently and at the same
detaching myself, I have found that I see the two sides of what could
have been. As I see these potentials in duality, remaining open to my
higher – partner self, I also receive more tools/suggestions to assist
in seeing clearly what it is that is blocking them. Often this will be a
suggestion to read a certain book, or visit a certain web site.
A further and perhaps different perspective as to what Triality is can
explained in this way.
My higher-partner self is in contact with all that is. It is a part of the
GOD/Creator energy. This means that I am tapping into that energy.
There are no questions that cannot be answered, no challenges that
cannot be overcome, no negatives that cannot be changed to
Note: To every challenge there is a solution. To every negative there
is a
positive. In darkness there is always light. The example we have just
provided will assist you to find your answers. It will brighten your
with many positive outcomes. It works for me, and as you are an
it surely will also work for you.
12 potential blockages to abundance.
When all of these 12 parts have been
viewed in total truth with one’s self!
Abundance on many levels will surely
be yours.
This has to be one of my favorite topics, perhaps because I have a
deeper understanding of how abundance works now. It has been a
journey of discovery and being aware of many different aspects on
different levels.
How many times have you heard yourself or someone else use the
statement: “God never answers my prayers?” Have you ever
as to the why?
I will share with you in my opinion some of the blockages that we in
ourselves are placing so that we do not receive the abundance that is
our god given right and gift to self. Before I do, I wish to state that
anyone reading this is made aware before hand that one of the most
common reactions to this parable is that one chooses to go into self
recrimination mode. Please understand that this serves no purpose.
It is
an absolute waste of your time and energy. So don’t go there, and I
seldom use the word “don’t”.
Note: Should you still choose to do so, then do it from a conscious
of awareness and that you are doing it simply to understand and
from the experience.
Examples of potential blockages in your receipt of abundance.
1. Clarity.
2. Self worth issues.
3. Self doubt - negative outlook.
4. Responsibility for actions and interactions.
5. Perceptions of what abundance is.
6. Change.
7. Your perceptions on what money is.
8. Saboteurs. The four bodies.
9. The Conscious mind, sub conscious mind and the Higher self.
10. Chakras.
11. Kundalini.
12. Mastery of self.
What you see in this list is a selection of possibilities, that I will clarify
one by one knowing that they will assist you to find your flow of
1. Clarity. Let me start with perhaps one of the most important
for creating a steady flow of abundance in your lives. Have you ever
made a statement during a conversation and suddenly realized that
conversations partner had a quizzical look on their face? Did you
stop for
a moment to think why? Perhaps you even looked for a different way
using your words to clear the confusion?
Well good for you, because it is exactly the same while you are
imagining or fantasizing about what it is you would like to be a part
your flow of abundance. First of all it is essential to have clarity to
and then clarity to the unseen powers of the universe that
await our instructions with eager anticipation to assist. Practice
your wishes and desires on paper until you feel that you have total
clarity. If your in doubt? Find someone to assist you, someone who
be in truth with you. You will find that your manifestations of
start to flow that little bit more proficiently.
2. Self worth issues. This is often one of the more prominent reasons
for a lack of abundance and it does require total honesty to self. One
the main reasons there may be self worth issues is that you have
all your life that you couldn’t do this, couldn’t do that, were not
enough to achieve this, that or the other. Despair not, there are ways
release these blockages if you are willing to work on them. One of
best books I have ever encountered on releasing these kind of issues
“Soul Psychology” by DR. Joshua Stone.
3. Self doubt - negative outlook. Self doubt is generally also to be
traced back to your early youth or what we call your formative years
the programming that was placed within you. You can change that
programming and we can assist with that. However, a tool that we
to use during our workshops is the Golden Coin provided by the
Ascended Masters. When holding that golden coin in the one hand
looking at whatever the negatives are within it, we simply ask you to
take some deep cleansing prana breaths and open your mind to
receiving other (positive) potentials as you flip the coin over while
placing it in the other hand. We have experienced that in almost all
cases this does open up an avenue with a little guidance to seeing
through the illusion of the negatives. Most are able to see positives
when doing so are faced with a choice. To stay with the old
or choose the other options provided. (positives.)
4. Responsibility for actions and interactions. This one is also one
that requires total truth to self. Most people are very good at
fingers at others when things go wrong. I would invite you to hold
hand up in front of you and point a finger at something. What do you
see? You see one finger pointing away from you and at least three
pointing right back at you. What might that suggest to you? If you
are in
truth to self, it will say to you that whatever you are so willing to
on another may well be a mirror reflection of something within
Be open and willing to looking closely at that and we can guarantee
you will make huge strides ahead in your abundance journey.
5. Perceptions of what abundance is. What are your perceptions of
abundance? Is it purely financial? We would suggest to you that it is
It can be health, love, friendship. When one opens up to the many
of abundance, it allows the unseen powers of the universe to
whatever it is we require without the limitations that our thoughts
have placed on them. It gives them freedom to manifest in ways that
cannot mostly even imagine. An example may be that you desire the
abundance to posses a new car! You might automatically start to
along the lines of: “I need such and such amount for this or that car”.
Suggestion: Allow the unseen powers of the universe to create freely
and see what they come up with. There are many different ways that
the car can be manifested, allow yourself and the unseen powers the
freedom of creation. (this was simply an example for the sake of
6. Change. Another of my favorites. One of my fondest memories in
own growth process was writing “the fools prayer”. Do you
remember? It
went something like this: Lord, I wish to change my life, I am
with who and what I am. Yet they go on doing the same old, same
day in and day out and who do they blame? Yup! GOD…. Change
friends is inevitable in this ever changing universe. We are part and
particle of that same universe, guided by the same laws, made of the
same elements. Is it not inevitable then that we too have to be
willing to
7. Your perceptions on what money is. Did you notice also that I
hardly ever mention “money”? I purposefully leave the word money
of my own manifestations because I am totally aware that the
provides in many different ways.
Money is in all truth simply another form of energy, when it is
treated as
such and allowed to flow in the same manner, it does flow, especially
if it
is for the greater good of all. Many of you reading this are used to
flow of healing energies flowing through you. Money or finances is
simply another form of energy. Be willing to allow it too to flow
8. Saboteurs. We ourselves are the greatest saboteurs. It can be
through our limiting thoughts, our doubts, our perceptions of self.
many times have you wished for something and then immediately
afterwards thought: “Oh that won’t happen to me anyway?” Or! No,
am not that lucky? Do you see what happened? First of all you were
creating through the first thought. Then you sabotaged it by thinking
negative straight afterwards.
9. The Conscious mind, sub conscious mind and the Higher self.
This too, is a deep study and requires a great deal of honesty,
perseverance, determination and will power. It is all about
how the way we view the world through eyes that are seeing an
because of our deep programming from birth onwards. Our
mind may know differently, yet our subconscious minds causes us to
and react in ways that when we take the time to stop and think don’t
seem to fit? This is because of our built in personality that was also
formed from birth after separation from the Mother. (Oneness)
Again, it
is very much possible to change that programming with the right
understanding and information. Allow me to offer you a powerful