Govt Hints at Fiscal Steps After Vaccine: Non-Stop Liquidity Tap Keeps Markets Buoyant For Now
Govt Hints at Fiscal Steps After Vaccine: Non-Stop Liquidity Tap Keeps Markets Buoyant For Now
Govt Hints at Fiscal Steps After Vaccine: Non-Stop Liquidity Tap Keeps Markets Buoyant For Now
15-MN MARK Govt hints at Non-stop liquidity tap keeps
Total 1,192,915
fiscal steps markets buoyant for now
Active cases Recovered Deaths Gold prices hit
411,133 753,049 28,732
Mumbai/Thiruvananthapuram, 22 July ON EASING
é 8,604
é28,472 é 648
Note: Total cases
include 1 migration;
figures as of 9:00 pm
IST; Sources: Ministry
of Health and Family
after vaccine
CEA says difficult to become third-largest
Equity markets across the world are having
a dream run, thanks to aggressive stimulus
measures by central banks.
Most global indices have managed to
G4 central
banks to expand
balance sheet by
~50K for first time
Gold and silver on Wednesday
crossed ~50,000 and ~60,000
levels, respectively, in both
physical and futures markets
Welfare; Johns
Hopkins Coronavirus
Resource Centre;
arrow shows economy with current health of banks
overcome deep losses suffered in March,
amid the Covid-19 pandemic, to trade in
the green on a year-to-date (YTD) basis. On
$12 trn before clawing down a bit.
At the popular Zaveri Bazar in
the city, the yellow metal
1-day change
Wednesday, the benchmark Nifty closed at Size ($ trn) opened over ~50,000 per 10
INDIVJAL DHASMANA 11,133 — the index is currently just 8.5 per gram, while silver over
New Delhi, 22 July cent down on YTD basis and 10 per cent ~60,000 a kg.
shy of a new all-time high. Standard gold
hief Economic Advisor It managed to make giant strides despite closed at
Bank of
Krishnamurthy Subramanian the unprecedented economic shock follow-
6.2 3.6 England ~49,980 per
DELOITTE HEAD FROM hinted on Wednesday that the
next set of fiscal measures could be
ing the lockdown. The Indian benchmarks
have rebounded 47 per cent from their
US Federal European
10 gram. 12 >
AUDITING FOR 7 YRS announced after a vaccine was devel- March lows, having gained 27 per cent in Reserve Central Bank 1.3 0.9
The National Financial Reporting Authority
oped against Covid-19. The vaccine, he
said, would end uncertainty, prompt-
the past two months. The V-shaped
rebound has been aided by a gush of liquid-
Enter markets
Bank of
(NFRA) has imposed a penalty of ~25 lakh ing people to spend money on discre- ity flooding the global financial system,
Sources: Fed, ECB, BoJ, BoE, Haver Analytics,
Morgan Stanley Research forecasts Japan gradually: Tyagi
on former Deloitte partner Udayan Sen, tionary consumption. thanks to balance sheet expansion — espe- Lured by a sharp rally in stock
with respect to the IL&FS Financial Services Subramanian also said the goal to cially by central banks of the G4 bloc. THE GREAT REBOUND prices, small investors are
(IFIN) statutory audit case. It has also become the third-largest economy in Concerns have surfaced regarding The Nifty50 index is on course to touch its entering markets in droves.
slapped on him a 7-year ban from being the world could not be achieved with further expansion in the US Fed’s B/S, fol- pre-Covid highs Ajay Tyagi, chairman,
appointed an auditor or internal auditor of the current health of banks. He urged lowing a rapid ramp-up this year (which Securities and Exchange Board
any company. Further, Sen cannot banks to use technology and data ana- had helped shore up markets). However, of India, however,
undertake any audit of financial lytics for large corporate borrowings to the easy money trade could sustain well has a word of
statements or internal audit of functions reduce defaults. “It (fiscal support) is into the next year, predict experts. The caution or them
and activities of any firm, owing to not a matter of 'if' but 'when'," he said at European Union announced a $850-billion — make a gradual
professional misconduct. 6> a Ficci event, replying to a question on recovery fund on Tuesday. Other G4 peers entry, understand
further measures from the government. including the Fed, Bank of Japan (BoJ), and the risks, and take
He said the Covid vaccine was not Bank of England (BoE), are expected to fol- well-informed
COMPANIES P3 far-off. “The right point will be when low suit. Turn to Page 15 > Sources: Exchange decisions. 12 >
L&T’s pre-tax profit vaccines come and thereby uncer-
tainty goes down. I think that time will
Chief Economic Advisor
plunges 66% in Q1 be very right for the fiscal push, which
L&T saw its profit before tax (PBT) crash 66
per cent year-on-year in the June 2020
quarter (Q1), hurt by the lockdown. The
management refused to provide any
will really generate demand even for
discretionary items," he said.
While all eyes are on whether the
Indian Council of Medical Research
Direct tax refunds down 10%
guidance. However, executives indicated a
revenue ramp-up would take a couple of
(ICMR) comes out with the vaccine by
August 15, its chief, Balram Bhargava,
Only withheld refunds where assessee reply is awaited, says CBDT
quarters more. last week said human trials of the vac- "TILL WE HAVE DILASHA SETH tax demands are there. Refunds can be
cine had begun at different sites, each UNCERTAINTY, EVEN IF New Delhi, 22 July blocked during scrutiny according to a
of which would do clinical testing on provision in the I-T law,” explained a
COMPANIES P3 1,000 volunteers. “Sixty per cent of vac- PEOPLE HAVE MONEY IN Direct tax refunds are down 10 per CBDT official.
S&P may downgrade cines supplied in the world are of the
Indian origin... Any vaccine candidate
THEIR POCKETS, THEY cent, compared to the same period last
year, despite the central government’s
Some tax officers attribute the
decline to thin attendance during lock-
Future Retail to default produced in any part of the world will MAY DECIDE TO KEEP IT efforts to expedite these amid the down, delaying clearance of large
S&P Global Ratings on Wednesday warned
that it would downgrade Future Retail to
have to be scaled up by India or China.
We are putting all our efforts to fast
IN THEIR BANK" Covid-19 pandemic.
Refunds, or cash outflow from the
refunds that require officers’ approval.
The sum also includes adjustment
default category due to liquidity pressure track the vaccine," Bhargava had said. income-tax (I-T) department, stood at made by the department for outstand- LOWER CASH OUTFLOW
faced by the company, depressed operating The CEA said the government was as these accounts had very high mar- ~74,000 crore up to July 18 this fiscal, ing demand for other years.
For period Apr 1-Jul 18 in ~ cr
cash flow and delays in disbursement of willing to do whatever was necessary ginal propensity to consume. against ~82,000 crore worth of refunds “Whenever there is a tax demand
credit lines from banks. in terms of fiscal support, but the tim-
ing was extremely important. “Till we
“Demand is important, countercy-
clical policy is important, but the tim-
disbursed in the same period last year.
According to a senior Central Board
pending against a taxpayer for earlier
years, the refund is processed but
2019-20 82,000
have uncertainty, even if people have ing is also as important to ensure value of Direct Taxes (CBDT) official, refunds adjusted against earlier demand, which 2020-21 74,000
money in their pockets, they may for money spent,” he added have been held up in only cases where might have been challenged by the tax-
When broke, apply for decide to keep it in their bank," he said. Finance Minister Nirmala response is awaited from assessees payer before appellate authorities. NET DIRECT TAX COLLECTION*
bankruptcy 13 > To buttress his point, he said cur- Sitharaman had said on Tuesday that and/or where cases have been picked Refunds are issued technically in these
But it has to pass a tough judicial test due rently the money given through the the government was open to taking up for scrutiny. cases of adjustment, but do not result in ~1.83 trn ~1.40 trn
to archaic laws. BINDISHA SARANG writes Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana more actions to boost economic “Refunds are held up where reply is actual outgo from the government,” said 2019-20 2020-21
(PMJDY) was not spent but saved, even recovery. Turn to Page 15 > awaited. Besides, there are cases where the official quote earlier. Turn to Page 15 > *Till July 7 Source: Govt officials
~1,315.15 CLOSE ~479.05 CLOSE ~2,248.20 CLOSE ~890.10 CLOSE ~2,258.05 CLOSE
* OVER PREVIOUS CLOSE 6.71% UP* 7.36% UP* 3.05% DOWN* 8.56% UP* 4.85%% UP*
> .
GPay does not need RBI Promoter-defaulters to soon Refund ~833 cr
authorisation: Google to HC to Voda Idea,
Google India has told the Delhi High Court
that its Google Pay app does not require
RBI authorisation as it is not a payment
system operator (PSO) but a third party
face crackdown by lenders SC tells I-T dept
application provider. Google, in an With apex court’s backing, banks to speed up enforcing personal guarantees INDIVJAL DHASMANA &
affidavit, has said the PSO authorised by ILLUSTRATION: AJAY MOHANTY
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the National Payment Corporat- DEV CHATTERJEE & RAGHU MOHAN New Delhi, 22 July
ion of India (NPCI) which is the owner and operator of the entire Mumbai, 22 July
unified payment interface (UPI) network. NPCI, in turn, authorises In a relief to Vodafone Idea,
the payment service provider banks and third party application
romoters of loan defaulting com- the Supreme Court (SC) on
providers (TPAPs) like Google Pay to conduct transactions on its panies will soon face increased Wednesday dismissed the
network, the affidavit said. The affidavit was filed in response to a pressure to repay as banks get ready petition filed by the finance
PIL which has alleged that Google''s mobile payment app, Google to invoke their personal guarantees. ministry against the Bombay
Pay or GPay in short, was facilitating financial transactions without The Supreme Court asked the finance high court order that had
the requisite authorisation from RBI. PTI< ministry on Tuesday to respond to a directed the revenue depart-
public interest petition seeking discipli- ment to refund ~833 crore to
nary action against public sector banks for the cash-strapped telecom
Punit Goenka steps Nike job cuts to not invoking personal guarantees of company. The refund was This relief is, however, a
down as director cost up to $250 mn promoters and directors of firms default- held by the income tax (I-T) drop in the ocean for Voda
ing to large loans. department citing possible Idea, which is grappling
of Zee Media in one-time charge The ministry is expected to come out future demands. with a huge adjusted
Zee Media said on Wednesday JobcutsatNikewillcostit with a circular on the matter soon. "Banks Earlier this month, the gross revenue payment
Punit Goenka has resigned as the between$200-$250millionasthe will now be forced to invoke personal high court had ruled that such
company's director. Citing the
reason, Zee said it was on account
guarantees and will not treat promoters
with kid gloves," said a banker.
CRACKING THE WHIP a power did not exist at the
time of the assessment year
Telecommunications (DoT).
On Monday, the SC struck
of his preoccupation.Goenka is consumers.Nike’sstrategyshift Promoters of firms such as Jaypee, | IBC gives more | Banks can enforce | PSU banks are | Several 2014-15, to which the case per- down the telecom companies’
the managing director and comesasthepandemicexpedites Alok Industries, Lanco, Videocon, and power to banks to personal guarantee expediting enforcing erring tained. The revenue depart- demand seeking reassessment
chief executive officer of Zee arethinkofphysicalstorefronts Bhushan Steel, to name a few, had given enforce personal even when IBC is promoter’s promoters will ment filed a special leave peti- of the AGR dues by the DoT.
Entertainment Enterprises. PTI< thathadalreadybeenbubbling personal guarantees to avail of large loans. guarantee suspended guarantees face action tion against the high court The telelcom firm had plead-
foryears. BLOOMBERG< Several former promoters — includ- order in the apex court. ed with the SC saying that the
ing Naresh Goyal of Jet Airways, Arvind “It has to be noted that huge AGR payout would force
Hindustan Zinc Dham of Amtek Auto, and Sanjay Singal of a recovery suit, the DRT may issue decree appellate authority till March end. now we have Section 241A the company to shut opera-
elevates Arun Mishra Qatar Airways Bhushan Power & Steel — had also given but that, too, after long spell. Even after While the government decided to sus- under the I-T Act, which gives tions, which would have a bear-
CEO from August 1 seeks $5 billion personal guarantees. Vijay Mallya, former that, decree loses its value as recoveries pend initiation of new IBC cases, suspen- such power to tax officers. ing on its 11,000 employees.
promoter of now-defunct Kingfisher rarely happen from personal guarantees," sion of insolvency process against per- However, that section was not The SC on October 24,
Hindustan Zinc on Wednes- over airspace ban Airlines, had done the same. the banker said. sonal guarantors to a company hasn’t applicable to the year in ques- 2019, upheld DoT’s definition
day announced elevation of QatarAirwaysisseekingatleast On June 12, the State Bank of India Another top executive with a private been announced. tion (2014-15 assessment of AGR, ending the 14-year-
Arun Misra as its CEO. He has $5billionfromtheUnitedArab (SBI) invoked personal guarantees of Anil bank said: "Personal guarantees are useful “Accordingly, if directors or promot- year),” said Amit Maheshwari, old legal battle between tele-
been the deputy chief exec- Emirates,Bahrain,SaudiArabia, Ambani in NCLT Mumbai after Reliance in the sense that it is used as a threat for ers of a company have provided per- tax partner at AKM Global, com operators and the gov-
utive officer in the firm since andEgyptforstoppingitfrom Communications was sent to the court recovery of loans. A guarantor comes for- sonal guarantees to its lenders, they consulting firm. ernment. On June 11, the apex
November 2019 and will take usingtheirairspace.Theystarted for debt resolution last year. ward to pay up in some cases. So, it has may still be taken to the insolvency The refund amount court had directed Bharti
the office effective 1st August fourinternationalinvestment The matter is pending in the NCLT some deterrent value." court under Part III of the IBC,” said increased from ~733 crore to Airtel and Vodafone Idea to
2020. He succeeds Sunil Dug- arbitrationsthat“seekredressfor and is likely to become a test case for In November, an amendment to the Sonam Chandwani, managing partner, ~833 crore after rectification. file a reply on the payment
gal, who is now leading the theblockadingstates’actionsto recovery of loans. insolvency code of 2016 was made to KS Legal & Associates. This relief is, however, a road map, time frame, and
Group Company Vedanta as removeQatarAirwaysfromtheir SBI's action came after Chinese banks include the personal guarantees of pro- The present embargo does not extend drop in the ocean for securities.
the chief executive officer. marketsairspace,”accordingto won an award in London court against moters to quicken the recovery process. to legal recourses accorded under Vodafone Idea, which is grap- The share of Vodafone
Misra brings with him 31 years astatement. BLOOMBERG< Ambani after enforcing his guarantees in On an average, banks are recovering Sarfaesi Act and Negotiable Instruments pling with a huge AGR (adjust- Idea rose 2.65 per cent to close
having held several lead- the UK court. only 45 per cent of their dues from the Act, and creditors can take possession ed gross revenue) payment. at ~8.53 on the BSE on
ership roles. BS REPORTER< According to senior public sector bankrupt companies. and sell immovable properties under The SC has ordered the Wednesday. The telecom firm,
ByteDance set to bankers, personal guarantees are invoked After the apex court’s prodding, ana- Sarfaesi or file a criminal complaint for company to pay ~50,399 crore which still needs to pay over
Alembic Pharma invest in education as a standard procedure in most of the lysts said banks would be forced to take dishonoured cheques for recovery of out- as AGR payments, according ~51,000 crore to the govern-
defaulting cases. But the process loses its action in cases that were referred to the standing money and to put the defaulter to the assessment done ment as AGR, has got some
Q1 PBT increases technology biz impact soon after. NCLT before the coronavirus pandemic, behind bars, Chandwani said. by the Department of relief this way.
ByteDance is planning to invest "This is the weakness of the system. which led to a national lockdown and In the past, bankers said, even after
by over 90% “a huge amount” into its newly- Even after decrees are issued in the debt suspension of the Insolvency and the companies were sold to new owners,
AlembicPharmaceuticals has established education tech recovery tribunal (DRT), how does a Bankruptcy Code (IBC) for six months. former promoters created legal compli-
business, Chen Lin, senior vice-
president, has said. But the firm
lender enforce the decree remains ques-
tion. For this, lenders have to depend on
Provisions in the IBC relating to personal
guarantors to defaulting companies came
cations and delayed settlement of loans.
“This was necessary as several pro- Govt extends WFH norms
warned that the unit will be
unlikely to profit in the next three
executive arm that is the government,"
said a banker.
into force on December 1, 2019.
According to the information collat-
moters just walked free after not paying
their dues. But this will now change,” for IT, ITeS firms till yr end
~187.82croreinthesameperiod years. The industry is one of a few "As soon as the loan is recalled, all ed by Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board another banker said.
ofFY20,thesamegrewto~359.50 that saw its fortunes shine during available securities including personal of India, three applications have been The Department of Telecom
croreinQ1ofFY21. BS REPORTER< Covid-19 pandemic. REUTERS< guarantees are enforced. After lenders file filed under these provisions before the (With inputs from Abhijit Lele) (DoT) has extended the
relaxations in the norms for
other service providers (OSPs)
to facilitate 'work from
S&P may cut Future Retail to default
L&T pre-tax profit Cites liquidity pressure, depressed operating cash flow, delays in disbursement of credit lines from banks
Mumbai, 22 July “... We could lower our
overarching credit risk,” it said.
The company has indicated to the
plunges 66% in Q1
preliminary rating on rating firm that it would make the cou-
S&P Global Ratings warned on Future Retail to ‘D’ if we feel pon payment within the grace period
Wednesday that it would downgrade the company is unlikely to by improving operating cash flow
Future Retail to default category meet its commitment within through bank funding, or arranging for
because the company faced liquidity this grace period. Even if alternative sources of funding, includ-
pressure, depressed operating cash flow Future Retail makes the ing the sale of certain assets.
Firm was hit by THE FINANCIALS and delays in disbursement of credit coupon payment within the The firm also expects its liquidity
lines from banks. grace period, its weak to improve with a potential equity
labour shortage, Order This comes at a time when Reliance liquidity will remain an recapitalisation, which could bring in a
halt in factory inflow profit after tax
Industries is in talks to acquire majority
stake in Future Retail, after the compa-
overarching credit risk”
strategic investor. “However, our rating
does not factor in such transactions
operations Quarter
~ crore
Consolidated figures in ~ crore ny’s lenders approached the Ambani-
controlled company for an acquisition.
because of limited clarity at this time,”
said the rating firm.
AMRITHA PILLAY Mar-20 57,800 S&P said Future Retail failed to make the indenture governing the notes, we feel the company is unlikely to meet The rating is preliminary due to the
Mumbai, 22 July Dec-19 41,600 a coupon payment of about ~100 crore which provides a 30-day grace period, its commitment within this grace cross-guarantees between Future Retail
for its $500-million senior secured notes the rating firm said. period. Even if Future Retail makes the and its group firm, Future Enterprises,
Sep-19 48,300
arsen & Toubro (L&T) due on Wednesday. Technically, a pay- “However, we could lower our pre- coupon payment within the grace have not been fully released, with about
saw its profit before Jun-19 38,700 ment default has not yet occurred under liminary rating on Future Retail to ‘D’ if period, its weak liquidity will remain an 20 per cent still pending.
tax (PBT) crash 66 per Mar-19 55,100
cent year-on-year in the April Dec-18 40,600
to June 2020 quarter (Q1), Sep-18 40,300
hurt by the lockdown. Jun-18 34,800
The management refused
to provide any guid-
ance. However,
Covid-hit balance sheet
executives indi- ~ crore Quarter ended Quarter ended % YoY
cated a revenue June 2020 June 2019 decline
ramp-up would Net profit 303.14 1,472.58 -79%
take a couple of Revenue from
quarters more. operations 21,259.97 29,635.95 -28%
L&T reported a
PBT of ~894.46 crore Profit before tax 894.46 2,655.23 -66%
for Q1FY21, down from Source: Company
ED registers money laundering DoT’s Cabinet note on E-payment may
complaint in Kerala gold case touch ~15 trillion
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has filed a money laundering
complaint in connection with the Kerala ‘diplomatic baggage’
gold smuggling case, officials said on Wednesday. They said the
agency has registered an Enforcement Case Information Report
auction keeps 5G out a day by ’25: RBI
(ECIR), equivalent of a police FIR, after studying the NIA complaint Says industry may not
filed in the case recently. The ED case has been booked under the
Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and the agency will
have the appetite for it ANUP ROY
Mumbai, 22 July
record the statement of the accused, they said. The central agency
will investigate if proceeds of crime were generated by the
because of AGR issue Payments through digital modes are expected to jump to
accused by laundering of funds that were earned through the MEGHA MANCHANDA 1.5 billion transactions worth ~15 trillion a day in five years, the
alleged gold smuggling racket. The ED also has powers to attach New Delhi, 22 July Reserve Bank of India (RBI) estimates.
the immovable and movable properties of the accused under the Daily transactions average at about 100 million now for a val-
PMLA. The case emerged on July 5 when gold, weighing over
he Department of ue of ~5 trillion. Just before the Covid outbreak, daily transactions
30 kg, was seized by the Customs department from the Telecommunications has circulat- were averaging around 125 million a day. This is more than five
“diplomatic baggage” that had landed by air cargo at the ed a Cabinet note seeking com- times the volume witnessed in June 2016, according to
Thiruvananthapuram international airport from the Gulf. PTI< ments for conducting spectrum auctions, P Vasudevan, chief general manager at the department of pay-
keeping aside the coveted 5G airwaves ment and settlement systems, RBI.
from the offering. The RBI official was part of a pan-
Alok Misra to 10 trade unions to The department feels the industry does el on digital payments future at the
take over as CEO, hold nationwide not have the appetite to bid for the high Global Fintech Fest, organised by
a priority despite
band and in blocks of 20 MHz each at a Department of Telecom telecom operators to Digital KYC processes. PTI The central bank has, in the past, severely restricted MDR,
~492 crore per MHz. Old telecom opera- which hit profitability of fintech and payment services providers
tors had called the rate exorbitant, arguing in the space. Some of the concerns came to the forefront at the
Mahadevapura, Bengaluru - 560048 GSPL India Gasnet Limited (GIGL) invites bids through e-tendering for empanelment of
Hosur 635126, Tamil Nadu
Corporate Office: INTEGRITY1 No.193, Veerasandra,
NOTICE The Next Applied
CIN: L 3 0 0 0 7 K A 1 9 9 2 P L C 0 2 5 2 9 4
Tel: 91 8 0 6750 1000
Electronics City P.O., Off Hosur Main Road, Pursuant to Regulations 29 and 47 of the SEBI (Listing on percentage rate basis vide single stage three part bidding process.
T I T A N Bengaluru - 560100, Kamataka
Entire bidding process including price bid will take place through (n)Procure - Tender
COMPANY Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, email:
Notice is hereby given that the Meeting of the Board of Directors of NOTICE
Website: Telephone: 080 6704 7000 Interested bidders can Bid and View the Tender Documents, Bid qualification
the Company will be held on Friday, 31st June 2020 to inter alia, N O T I C E is hereby given that the C o m p a n y has received request f r o m the below
Criteria and Bidding Schedule on httDs://
A TATA Enterprise p u r c h a s e r for issue of duplicate share certificate a n d s i m u l t a n e o u s transfer o f the s h a r e s
transact the following business. Details can also be viewed on GIGL Website (
in lieu of the original one(s) reported lost/misplaced/stolen, as per details below:
1. To consider and approved unaudited financial result for the Details Date & Time
NOTICE quarterended 30th June 2020.
Folio No. Applicant
Name of the
Distinctive Numbers No. of
shares Date offender Upload on 23/07/2020,12:00 hrs 1ST
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing 2. Fixed the date of 28th Annual General Meeting to be held Transferee) Shareholder
From To Pre-Bid meeting (Online) 07/08/2020,16:00 his 1ST
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 that a through VC/OVAM. 3603300
Last Date to Submit Techno-Commercial Pre-Bid 10/08/2020 before 18:00 hrs 1ST
C000630 Samar Sadhukhan Smita Choudhary 36033 3603201 100
meeting of the Board of Directors of Titan Company Limited will be 3. Any other business with the permission of chair. A n y person/s having objections to the issue o f duplicate share certificate in respect of the
Last Date to Submit online Techno-Commercial Bid 24/08/2020 before 14:00 hrs 1ST
held on Monday, 10th August 2020 inter-alia, to consider, approve and The said Notice is also available at Company's website aforesaid s h a r e s should c o m m u n i c a t e to the C o m p a n y or Registrars with n e c e s s a r y
Online BID opening Date (Primary) 24/08/2020,14:05 hrs 1ST
proof within 15 d a y s f r o m the date of this Notice to s u b r a m a n i a n . n a r a y a n @ m p h a s i s . c o m
take on record the unaudited standalone & consolidated financial and on the website of stock exchanges at a n d, failing w h i c h the C o m p a n y will proceed to consider the All future announcement related to this tender shall be published on (n)Procure
results of the Company for the quarter ended 30th June 2020. This By order of the Board application for issue o f duplicate share certificate a n d s i m u l t a n e o u s transfer (where Portal ONLY.
FOR, FRESHTROP FRUITS LIMITED applicable) in f a v o u r of the aforesaid applicant and thereafter a n y objection/s in this GIGL reserves the right to cancel and/or alter bidding process at any stage without
intimation is also available on the website of the Company which can
assigning any reason. GIGL also reserves the righttoreject any or all of the bids received
Date : 22-07-2020 Sd/- matter will not be entertained f r o m a n y person/s. Further, the share certificate as detailed
be accessed under "Investors" section at as well in the a b o v e table shall stand cancelled and any person/s dealing w i t h the said share at its discretion, without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
as on the websites of BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of
Place: Ahmedabad Ashok Motiani certificate shall be d o i n g solely at his/her risk a s to costs and c o n s e q u e n c e s a n d the
Chairman & Managing Director C o m p a n y / R e g i s t r a r s shall not be responsible for it in anyway.
India Limited.
DIN No.: 00124470 Registrars :
I n t e g r a t e d R e g i s t r y M a n a g e m e n t S e r v i c e s Pvt Ltd
For TITAN COMPANY LIMITED No.30, R a m a n a Residency, 4th Cross,
Sampige Road, Malleswaram,
22 nd July 2020 Dinesh Shetty FORM G
Bangalore - 560003
Bengaluru General Counsel & Company Secretary Tel : + 9 1 - 0 8 0 - 2 3 4 6 0 8 1 5 t o 2 3 4 6 0 8 1 8 For Mphasis Limited INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST
(Under Regulation 36A (1) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
A \ titan |
1. Name of the coroorate debtor JAIN STUDIOS LIMITED
2. Date of incorporation of corporate debtor 3" January, 1991
3. Authorityunderwhich corporate debtoris ROC-Delhi
4~ Corporate identity number/ limited liability L92199DL1991PLC042611
(A Government of India Enterprise)
identification number of corporate debtors
•JlJ Jl( A (rt Registered Office: 5th Floor, Block 2, Plete A & B, NBCC Tower, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023, 5~ Address of theregisteredoffice and SCINDIA VILLASAROJINI NAGAR RING
1 I KCL CIN No. UE719gDL2g06GOI14452g, Website:, E- mail:, Phone:+91-11-24662777 ADITYA , BIRLA principal office (if any) of corporate debtor ROAD, NEW DELHI DL-110023 IN
1 EXTRACT OF STANDALONE AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE Y E A R ENDED 31 " M A R C H 2020 1 6~ Insolvency commencement date of the 26* February, 2020
corporate debtor
? in Lac | 17 Date of invitation of expression of interest 23FdJuly, 2020
S. Particulars Year ended Year ended 8. Eligibilitytorresolutionapplicants under Details can be sought by emailing on
No. 31/03/2020 31/03/2019 section 25(2)(h) of the Code is available at: Email -
9~ Norms of ineligibility applicable under Available at the website of IBBI
1 Total Income from operations
HINDALCO INDUSTRIES LIMITED section 29Aare available at: or
Regd. Office: Ahura Centre, 1st Floor, B - Wing, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 093. request by emailtoRP at
2 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (before Tax, Exceptional (29,148.48) 40,388.68 Tel No. 6691 7000 Fax No. 6691 7001 | Email: | CIN No.: L27020MH1958PLC011238
and/or Extraordinary items) Please visit & 10? Last datetorreceipt of expression of interest 7* August, 2020
3 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period before tax (after Exceptional (29,148.48) 40,388.68 11. Date of issue of provisional list of prospective 14* August, 2020
and/or Extraordinary items) NOTICE resolution applicants
4 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after tax (after Exceptional 5,091.81 10,242.67 Sub: Notice for mandatory transfer of equity shares on which dividend is unclaimed for seven consecutive years 12? Last datetorsubmission of objections to 17" August, 2020
and/or Extraordinary items) to IEPF authority. provisional list
13? Date of issue of final list of prospective 27" August, 2020
5 Total Comprehensive Income for the period [Comprising 5,120.30 10,165.90 Notice is hereby published pursuant to Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 ("Act") read with Investor Education
Profit / (Loss) for the period (after tax) and Other resolution applicants
and Protection Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer, and Refund) Rule, 2016 notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs 14? Date of issue of information memorandum, 17* August, 2020
Comprehensive Income (after tax)] and amended thereof. evaluation matrix andrequestfor resolution
6 Paid up Equity Share Capital 9,99,991.62 4,20,231.62
The Rules, amongst other matters, contain provisions for transfer of unpaid or unclaimed dividend to Investor Education planstoprospectiveresolutionapplicants
7 Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserves) 30,586.29 48,624.16 and Protection Fund (IEPF) and transfer of equity shares, in respect of which dividend amounts remains unpaid/unclaimed 15? Manner of obtainingrequestfor resolution Information Memorandum, Request for
8 Net Worth 10,30,577.91 4,68,855.78 for seven consecutive years to IEPF Account. plan, evaluation matrix, information Resolution Plan and Evaluation Matrix will be
9 Debt Equity Ratio 3.54 7.03 Due to COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown situation, the Company has sent individual communication to concerned memorandum and further information shared by the Resolution Professional with the
shortlisted Prospective Resolution Applioant(s)
10 Weighted Average Earnings Per Share (of Rs. 10/- each) shareholders whose email id is registered with the Depositories or the Company and whose shares are liable to be
meeting the Eligibility Criteria as set out by the
(for continuing and discontinued operations) - transferred to IEPF. The Company has also uploaded on its website complete details of the concerned Committee of Creditors and compliance with
1. Basic: 0.11 0.25 shareholders whose dividends are lying unpaid/unclaimed for seven consecutive years and whose shares are due for section 29A of the Insolvency & Bankruptcy
2. Diluted: 0.11 0.25 transfer to IEPF. Code, 2016 after receiving a Confidentiality
11 Debenture Redumption Reserve 99,995.05 99,995.05 In case the dividends are not claimed by the concerned shareholders) by 25*' September, 2020 (Friday), necessary steps Undertaking as per section 29(2) of the IBC
will be initiated by the Company to transfer shares held by the concerned shareholders) to IEPF Authority without further 2016via email.
notice in the following manner: 16? Last datetorsubmission ofresolutionplans 16* September, 2020
a) The above is an extract of the detailed format of half yearly/annual financial results filed with the Stock Exchanges
under Regulation 52 of the SEBI (Listing and Other Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the 17. Manner of submittingresolutionplansto In a Sealed envelope by Post /Registered Post
In physical form - duplicate share certificate(s) will be issued in your name and transferred in favour of IEPF Authority
half yearly/annual financial results are available on, and on resolution professional or By Hand as well as soft copy through mail.
on completion of necessary formalities. Hence, the original share certificate(s) which stand registered in your name will
18? Estimated datetorsubmission of resolution 16* October, 2020
b) For the items referred in sub-clauses (a), (b), (d) and (e) of the Regulation 52 (4) of the SEBI (Listing and Other be deemed cancelled and non-negotiable.
plantothe Adjudicating Authorityforapproval
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the pertinent disclosures have been made to the Stock Exchange In demat form - the Company shall inform the depository by way of corporate action for transfer of shares lying in your 19? Name and registration number of the Mr. Manish Agarwal
(BSE and NSE) and can be accessed on and
demat account in favour of IEPF. Resolution Professional IBBI/IPA-002/IP-N00223/2016-2017/10904
c) The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee at their Meeting held on 22 July 2020 and approved Shareholders may note that in the event of transfer of shares and unclaimed dividends to IEPF, concerned shareholders) 20? Name, Address and e-email of the resolution Mr. Manish Agarwal, 707, SaketOpp. Rohtash
by the Board of Directors of the company at their Meeting held on 22nd July 2020. The Statutory Auditors of the are entitled to claim the same from IEPF by submitting an online application in the prescribed Form IEPF-5 available on the professional, as registered with the Board Sweets Meerut-250001, Uttar Pradesh.
company have carried outAudit of aforesaid results. Email id:
website and sending a physical copy of the same, duly signed, to the Company, at its Registered Office,
d) The outbreak of Coronavirus (Covid-19) has disrupted the Economic Activities. In accordance with the RBI 21? Address and emailtobe used for Mr. Manish Agarwal, 205,Second Floor, Rohit
along with requisite documents enumerated in Form IEPF-5.
guidelines relating to COVID-19 Regulatory Package dated 27* March 2020 and 17* April 2020, the lending correspondence with the resolution House, Tolstoy Marg, Connaught Place, New
institutions have been permitted to grant a moratorium of three months for payment of all installments and / or Shareholders may further note that the details of unpaid/unclaimed dividends and shares of the concerned shareholders) professional Delhi-01 Email-id:
interest, as applicable, falling due between 1" March 2020 and 31" May 2020 ("moratorium period") to eligible uploaded by the Company on its website shall be treated as adequate notice in respect of issue of 22? Further Details are available atorwith On the website of the corporate debtor
borrowers in accordance with the Board approved policy. For all such accounts where the moratorium is granted, the duplicate share certificate(s) by the Company for the purpose of transfer of shares to IEPF pursuant to Rules. Please note or can be sought by
asset classification shall remain stand still during the moratorium period. The Company holds provisions as at that no claim shall lie against the Company in respect of unclaimed dividend and equity shares transferred to the IEPF.
31" March 2020 against the potential impact of COVID-19 based as assessed at this point in time. In case the Shareholders have any queries on the subject matter, they may contact the Registered Office of the Company. 23? Date of publication of Form G 23rd July,2020
P | value Performance
CIN: L99999MH1999PLC135914
Regd. Office: D-601/602 & G-601/602, Lotus Corporate Park, Graham Firth
Steel Compound, Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063.
Tel No: 022-671144441 Fax No: 022-67114445
E-mail: | Website:
CIN : L23109MP1972PLC008290
Regd. Off.: Mandideep (Near Bhopal), Distt. Raisen-462046, (M P.)
Phone: 07480-233524, 233525, Fax : 07480-233522
Corp. Off.: Bhilwara Towers, A-12, Sector-1, Noida-201301 (U.P.)
Phone: 0120-4390300 (EPABX), Fax: 0120-4277841
E-mail:; Website:
CIN: L 2 7 1 O O M H 1 9 9 9 P L C 1 2 1 2 8 5
OTHER AUDIO VISUAL MEANS (OAVM), NOTICE OF RECORD DATE AND BOOK CLOSURE N O T I C E : (for the attention o f concerned Equity Shareholders o f
Regd. Office : Mahindra Towers, P.K. Kurne Chowk, Worli, Mumbai - 4 0 0 018.
1. The 21* Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Company will be held through Video the Company w h o s e shares are liable to transfer to IEPF Authority)
Conferencing ("VC") / Other Audio Visual Means ("OAVM") on Tuesday 18* August, 2020, at Sub.: Transfer of Equity Shares of the Company to the Demat A c c o u n t Tel: +91 2 2 2 4 9 3 1 4 4 9 Fax: +91 2 2 2 4 9 1 5 8 9 0
11:00 a.m. 1ST, in compliance with all the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 of Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) A u t h o r i t y Website: I E-mail:
and the Rules made thereunder and the Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI") This Notice is hereby given to the Shareholders pursuant to the provisions
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, read with General STATEMENT OF STANDALONE AND CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30,2020
of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Investor Education and
Circular No. 14/2020 dated 8* April, 2020, General Circular No. 17/2020 dated 13* April, 2020 and ? in Million
General Circular No. 20/2020 dated 5* May 2020, and otherapplicable circulars issued by the Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules,
Ministy of Ctoqxxate Affairs ("MCA") and SEBI (collectively referredtoas "relevant circulars"), 2016 ("IEPF Rules 2016") and as subsequently amended.The IEPF Rules Consolidated
to transact the business as will be set out in the Notice of AGM. Members will be abletoattend 2016, amongst other matters, contain provisions for transfer of all Quarter ended Six Month ended Year Ended
the AGM through VC / OAVM. Members participating through the VC I OAVM facility shall be shares In respect of w h i c h dividend has not been paid o r claimed by
reckoned for the purpose of quorum under Section 103 of the Companies Act, 2013.
PARTICULARS June 30,2020 June 30,2019 June 30,2020 December 31,2019
the Shareholders for seven consecutive years or more in the name
2. In compliance with the relevant circulars, the Notice ofAGM and the standalone and consolidated of Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority in the Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited
financial statements for the financial year 2019-20, along with Board's Report, Auditor's prescribed manner. Total Revenue 7,534.16 21,497.60 24,210.08 79,409.11
Report and other documents attached thereto, will be sent to the Members of the Company
Unclaimed or unpaid dividend for financial year 2012-13, 2013-14, Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (1,468.27) 1,734.41 (595.00) 6,324.36
whose email addresses are registered with the Company / Depository Pariicipant(s). The aforesaid
2014-15, 2017-18 (interim), 2017-18 (final), 2018-19 (interim), (before Tax, Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items)
documents will also be available on the Company's website at and
on the website of the Stock Exchanges, i.e., BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of 2018-19 (final) and 2019-20 (interim) are presently lying with the Company Net Profit / (Loss) for the period before tax (1,470.08) 1,734.41 (595.81) 6,278.56
India Limited and respectively. in unpaid dividend accounts of respective years, maintained with the (after Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items)
3. Mannerofreglsterlng/updatlngemalladdressesandBankAccountdetalls: Banks. The unclaimed dividend for the financial year 2012-13 will be due Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after Tax (1,286.83) 1,262.24 (659.97) 3,537.95
In case the shareholder's email ID is already registered with the Company I its Registrar & for transfer on 22nd October, 2020. The complete details regarding unpaid/ ( after Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items)
Share Transfer Agent ("RTA") / Depositories, log in details tor e-voting will be sent on the unclaimed dividend amount are available at the Company's website Total Comprehensive Income for the period (1,212.39) 990.79 6.47 3,417.95
registered email address. under Investors section. [Comprising Profit/(loss) for the period (after tax)
In case the shareholder has not registered his I her / their email address with the Company / its In terms of the IEPF Rules 2016, the concerned Shareholders are being and Other Comprehensive lncome(after tax)]
RTA/ Depositories and / or not updated the Bank Account mandatetorreceipt of dividend, the provided an opportunity to claim such dividend for the financial year 2012- Equity Share Capital 3,790.11 3,789.99 3,790.11 3,790.11
following instructions aretobe followed: 13 and onwards by sending a letter under their signature so as to reach Reserve (excluding revaluation reserve) 42,547.88
(i) Kindly log in to the website of our RTA, Link Intime India Private Ltd., the Company's Registrar & Share Transfer Agent (RTA), MCS Share
under Investor Services > Email/Bank detail Registration - fill in the details, upload the Basic Earning Per Share (of Rs. 10/- each)
Transfer Agent Limited, (Unit: HEG Limited), F-65, First Floor, Okhla
required documents and submit Continuing Operation (3.40) 3.33 (1.74) 9.34
Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi 110020, Phone: 011-41406149-
(ii) In the case of Shares held in Demat mode, the shareholder may please contact the Discontinuing Operation - - - -
52, Email: OR HEG Limited, (Secretarial
Depository Participant ("DP") and register the email address and bank account details in Diluted Earning Per Share (of Rs.10/- each)
Department), Bhilwara Towers, A-12, Sector-1, Nolda-201301 (U.P.),
the demat account as per the process followed and advised by the DP. Continuing Operation (3.40) 3.33 (1.74) 9.33
Phone: 0120-4390300 (EPABX), E-mail:,
4. Mannerofcastingvotethroughe-voting: Discontinuing Operation
before 22nd October, 2020. Individual letters in this regard have been sent - - - -
The Company is providing remote e-voting facilitytoall its Memberstocast their votes on all
to the concerned Shareholders, whose dividend and shares are liable to Notes :
resolutions as will be set forth in the Notice of AGM. Additionally, the Company is providing the
be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund / IEPF
facility of voting through e-voting system during the AGM. Detailed procedure for casting the 1 Standalone
votes through remote e-voting / e-voting will be provided in the Notice of the AGM. If your email Authority, at their address registered with the Company in accordance
address is alreadyregisteredwith the Company I Depository, the login credentialstorcasting with IEPF Rules 2016. Quarter ended Six Month ended Year Ended
the votes through e-voting will be sent on your registered email address. Members are requested The concerned Shareholders are requested to put their claim for the PARTICULARS June 30,2020 June 30,2019 June 30,2020 December 31,2019
to update their email addresses with the Company/ its RTA/ Depositories, as may be applicable. unclaimed dividend by sending a formal letter duly signed by all the joint
Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited
5. Notice of Record Date and Book Closure: holders alongwith (i) Self Attested copy of PAN Card, (ii) Certified copy
For the purpose of the 21" AGM of the Company and ascertaining the list of Members who of Address Proof and mentioning the Email Id (if any) and the telephone Turnover 1,930.20 7,456.02 7,794.23 29,270.57
would be entitled to receive dividend of Rs. 0.201- per equity share of Face Value of Rs. 21- contact no(s) and (iii) Details of Bank Account supporting with an original Profit before tax (619.70) 640.05 (177.42) 2,635.34
each, for the year ended 31* March, 2020, the Register of Members and Share Transfer Books cancelled cheque leaf / attested bank passbook showing name of account Proft after tax (467.21) 408.46 (143.02) 1,722.64
shall remain closed from Tuesday, 11* August, 2020toTuesday, 18* August, 2020 (both days holder before 22nd October, 2020, failing which;
inclusive) and the record date shall be Monday, 10* August, 2020, pursuanttothe provisions of 2. The management, based on a detailed technical assessment of its plant and machinery, has changed the depreciation method
Section 91 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 42 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and a) your dividend for the financial year 2012-13 will be transferred to
for certain assets from straight line to unit of production method to better reflect the pattern of consumption and also align the
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015. Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) and
method with the depreciaion method used by the holding company of the Group. The change has been made effective
The dividend, if declared, at the AGM, will be paid on or after 19* August, 2020,tothose Members b) your entire shares will be transferred to the Investor Education January 1, 2020.
whose names appear on the Company's Register of Members as on the Record Date, and in and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority as prescribed in the above
respect of the shares held in dematerialised mode, to those Members whose names are furnished said Rules. As a result of this change, the depreciation charge for the six months ended June 30, 2020 is lower by Rs. 141 million and
by National Securities Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (India) Limited as Rs. 357 million in the standalone and consolidated unaudited results respectively. Impact of the change in the standalone and
No claim shall lie against the Company in respect of unclaimed dividend(s)
beneficial owners on thatdate. consolidated unaudited results for the quarter ended March 31,2020 is not material. Impact of this change on the subsequent
and shares transferred to IEPF pursuant to the said Rules.
As directed by SEBI, the dividend will be paid through electronic modetothe Members who have The details of concerned Shareholders including names, folio numbers periods would depend on the actual usage of these assets.
updated their bank account details. In the event the Company is unabletopay the dividendtoany o r DP ID - Client ID and the number of shares due for transfer to
Member by electronic mode, due to non-availability of the Bank Account details, the Company 3. Pursuant to review of the facts and circumstances of the operations of subsidiary, Bill Forge Mexico S.A. de. C.V. (BFM),
Demat A c c o u n t of IEPF Authority are available on Company's website the management has changed the functional currency from Peso to USD effective January 1, 2020 in accordance with the
shall dispatch the dividend warrant / cheque I demand draft to such Member at the registered under Investors section, (web-link: http://www. requirements of Ind AS 21 -The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates.
address by post, upon normalization of the postal services.
Members may note that pursuanttothe Income Tax Act, 1961, as amended by the Finance Act, Due to this change, previously recognised foreign currency loss of Rs. 418 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2020,
2020, dividend income will be taxable in the hands of the Members with eftectfoom 1 "April, 2020 and Shareholders may note that the shares transferred to IEPF, including
arising mainly from restatement of the loan in USD taken by the subsidiary from a CIE Automotive Group company, has
therefore, the Company shall berequiredtodeduct tax at source at the prescribedratestorvarious all benefits accruing on such shares (except Rights Issue), if any, can
categories. Members are requestedtoreferthe Finance Act, 2020 and amendments thereof. been reversed and March 31, 2020 have accordingly been revised.
be claimed back from IEPF Authority in accordance with the procedure
By order of the Board and on submission of such documents as prescribed under the Rules. 4. The above is extract of detailed format of quarterly Financial Results filed with the stock exchange under Regulation 33 of
For Compuage Infocom Limited, Shareholders can also refer to the details available on the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR).
Sd/- For further information/clarification on the above matter, Shareholders
5. The full format of Quarterly/Annual results are available in the Company's website and on the
Atul H. Mehta can write/contact to the Company's RTA or the Company at the above
nd website of stock exchanges and
Date: 22 July, 2020 Chairman and Managing Director mentioned address.
Place: Mumbai DIN: 00716869
For HEG Limited
For & on behalf of the Board of Directors
Sd /-
Place : Noida (U.P.) (Vivek Chaudhary)
Date : 22nd July, 2020 Company Secretary • h Date : July 21, 2020
Place : Pune Executive Director
rime Minister Narendra Modi on Bank managements and trade from November 2017 to The National Financial Rep-
towards India. Banks with a hike in
Wednesday invited US companies unions on Wednesday agreed orting Authority (NFRA) has
This is because October 2022 operating profit above 5%
to invest in India’s health care, on a 15 per cent hike in the imposed a penalty of ~25 lakh
infrastructure, defence, energy, farm India offers a existing wage bill of 35 lenders, The increase in wage bill but no net profit annually on former Deloitte partner
and insurance sectors, saying the coun- perfect combination along with a first-of-its-kind stood at ~7,898 cr on will get additional pay of Udayan Sen, with respect to
try offers openness, opportunities and of openness, performance-linked incentive payslip, compared to a only 5 days the IL&FS Financial Services
options for investments. opportunities (PLI) for state-owned banks. hike of ~4,725 cr in the (IFIN) statutory audit case.
Increase in NPS
"Today, there is global optimism “The annual wage increase previous settlement It has also slapped on him
towards India. This is because India offers
and options” in salary and allowances is contribution to 14% of a 7-year ban from being
a perfect combination of openness, NARENDRA MODI agreed at 15 per cent of the wage Banks with increase in basic pay, up from 10% at appointed an auditor or inter-
opportunities and options. Let me elabo- Prime Minister bill as of March 31, 2017, which operating profit of less present, subject to govt nal auditor of any company.
rate. India celebrates openness in people works out to be ~7,898 crore on than 5%will get no addi- approval Further, Sen cannot
and in governance," Modi said while pay slip components (annual- tional pay; those with 5- No cap on family undertake any audit of finan-
addressing the India Ideas Summit, organ- ly),” according to a memoran- 10%will get additional pay pension payout, which is cial statements or internal
ised by the US-India Business Council. He dum of understanding between of 5 days, 10-15%10 days, audit of functions and activ-
said the coronavirus pandemic has shown the Indian Banks’ Association
~9,000 at present ities of any firm, owing to
the importance of economic resilience, and the United Forum of Bank professional misconduct.
which can be achieved by stronger Unions, representing workmen wage settlement. But the 15 per among different category of “As a professional
domestic economic capacities. "This the tech sector. Recently, an interesting ernment has made many efforts to make unions and officers’ associa- cent wage hike does not include banks, ie public sector, private accounting firm, we are sur-
means improved domestic capacity for report came out in India. It said for the the Indian economy more open and tions. The wage revision will be pension and superannuation sector and foreign banks. In prised and concerned with
manufacturing, restoring the health of first time ever, there are more rural reform oriented. effective from November 1, 2017, benefits. We will continue to order to inculcate a sense of the NFRA issuing and mak-
the financial system and diversification of internet users than even urban internet Reforms have ensured increased and will benefit around a mil- discuss the final terms of the competition and also to reward ing public an order against a
international trade," he added. users," he said. Stating that open mar- competitiveness, transparency, digiti- lion bank employees. This inc- agreement in the coming days,” the performance, the concept former partner of the firm, in
"India is emerging as a land of oppor- kets mean more opportunities, Modi sation, innovation and policy stability, ludes state-owned banks, old- All India Bank Employees’ of PLI is felt to be introduced,” spite of its jurisdiction being
tunities. Let me give you one example of said during the last six years the gov- the Prime Minister said. generation private banks such Association General Secretary the MoU said. The MoU will be sub-judice and awaiting adju-
as Federal Bank and Dhanlaxmi CH Venkatachalam said. converted into a formal agree- dication and disposal by the
Bank, and some foreign banks. All employees will get an ment within the next 90 days. Delhi High Court,” said a
The PLI for public sector additional pay of 5-15 days of Many private banks already Deloitte India spokesperson.
Recent clashes initiated by PLA, examples of India, US have ability banks (PSBs) will be a first
(which will be optional for pri-
basic and dearness allowance
components of their salary per
have a component of variable
pay in their salary structure.
The NFRA had issued a
show cause notice to Sen on
‘unacceptable behaviour’ of CCP: Pompeo to shape larger global vate and foreign banks that are
part of the agreement) and will
year, based on the profitability
levels. Banks reporting a yearly
Based on the individual’s and
bank’s performance, employ-
January 17, asking why action
should not be initiated
Washington, 22 July
"Our infrastructure projects, our
supply chains, our sovereignty, and
agenda: Jaishankar be based on the annual operat-
ing or net profit of the lenders
increase in operating profit less
than 5 per cent will not give any
ees are offered variable pay in
the form of cash or stock-linked
against him for professional
misconduct, in terms of his
our people's health and safety are all India and the US individually. This is a departure performance incentive. Banks instruments along with performance as the engage-
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at risk. If we get it wrong,” Pompeo need to resolve the from the past practice of set- reporting an increase in oper- employee stock option plans. ment partner in the statutory
(pictured) on Wednesday said the said in his virtual keynote address to pending problems ting a fixed salary hike based ating profit of 5-10 per cent will The banks’ contribution to audit of IFIN in FY18.
recent clashes "initiated" by the annual 'India Ideas in trade relations on bilateral negotiations. give additional salary of 5 days, the National Pension System In response, Sen had
the Chinese military Summit' of the US India and move into Terming the agreement as 10-15 per cent 10 days and fund will be increased to 14 per filed a writ petition in the
against India in eastern Business Council. something bigger, “historic”, Sunil Mehta, chief above 15 per cent 15 days. cent (of the pay and dearness HC in February. The NFRA,
Ladakh are the latest exam- “The recent clashes ini- External Affairs executive officer of Indian But there are conditions to allowance part of the salary), in its order, noted that inde-
ples of the "unacceptable tiated by the People's Libe- Minister S Jaisha- Banks’ Association (IBA), said this as well. If banks, which up from 10 per cent right now, pendence of the statutory
behaviour" of the ruling ration Army (PLA) are just nkar (pictured) said the 15 per cent hike will include report operating profit above 5 according to the MoU. This will, auditor had, in mind and
Chinese Communist Party. the latest examples of the on Wednesday. a 2.5 per cent raise in basic pay per cent, do not clock annual however, require the approval appearance, been totally
Pompeo also praised Chinese Communist Party's In an online interactive session at the and dearness allowance com- net profit in those years, the of the government and will be compromised. It also
India's recent decision to unacceptable behaviour. We India Ideas Summit, he said the two coun- ponents worth ~1,155 crore. He employees will get an addi- approved on a prospective accused Sen of intentional
ban 59 Chinese apps, inclu- were deeply saddened by tries have the ability to shape a larger glob- said the banks and unions have tional pay of only 5 per cent. manner from the date when reckless behaviour.
ding TikTok, which he said presents the deaths of 20 Indian service mem- al agenda. “I understand the centrality of given in-principle approval to The new agreement will the settlement is signed. “CA Sen was not unaware
"serious security risks" to the Indian bers. I'm confident that with our con- the economic relations....These are bread remove the cap on family pen- cover officers up to scale-VII The final settlement will of requirements of the statu-
people. “It's important that democra- certed efforts, we can protect our inter- and butter issues. These are really what sion of ~9,000. Bank employ- grade, which include general state in clear terms the distri- tory auditors. He should
cies like ours work together, especial- ests,” he said. Indian and Chinese make countries deal with each other. But I ees are entitled to pension of managers, deputy general man- bution of annual wage increase have reasonably foreseen
ly as we see more clearly than ever troops have been locked in a standoff think, between India and the US, while we 30 per cent of the basic pay. agers, assistant general manag- of 15 per cent between work- that the likely or actual con-
the true scope of the challenge posed along the Line of Actual Control in work through trade issues, we need to “We are happy that despite er and divisional managers. men and officers. sequence of his action would
by the Chinese Communist Party. eastern Ladakh since May 5. think bigger,” he said. PTI the ongoing Covid-19 pandem- “In today’s banking sce- amount to non-compliance,”
ic, an MoU could be signed for nario, there is stiff competition More on said the order.
Business Standard
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entity shall invite civil and criminal liabilities.
No Air Surcharge
Business Standard MUMBAI | T H U R S D A Y , 23 J U L Y 2 0 2 0 7
2nd E-AUCTION SALE NOTICE mycem HeidelbergCement India Limited
for better building CIN: L26942HR1958FLC042301
Sale of Assets/Properties of corporate debtor Regd. Office: 9th Floor, Infinity Tower - C, DLF Cyber City
Phase II, Gurugram, Haryana - 1 2 2 002
Transfer of Equity Shares to PUNJAB BASMATI RICE LIMITED - IN LIQUIDATION P h . : 0124 - 4503700, Fax : 0124 - 4147698
Investor Education and Protection Fund (CIN No. U15312PB1995PLC015550) Email Id:; Website:
Members are hereby informed that in terms of Section 124 of the Companies Regd Office & Factory Premises: Sangrana Sahib, Tarn Taran Road, Amritsar-143 001(Punjab)
Statement of Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter Ended 30.06.2020
Act, 2013 and Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, "The corporate debtor namely Punjab Basmati Rice Limited is under Liquidation Process by Hon'ble NCLT,
Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, Equity Shares of the Company, X in Million
Chandigarh Bench. Chandigarh (AA) under IBC,2016vide order dated 18.12.2019 in
in respect of which dividend entitlements have remained unclaimed or SI. Particulars 3 months Preceding Corresponding Previous
C P (I B )NO. 340/CH D/P B/2018 "
unpaid for seven consecutive years or more, are required to be transferred No ended 3 months 3 months Year ended
to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF). Liquidator's Name & Registration No, Sanjay Kumar Aggarwal, 30.06.2020 ended ended 31.03.2020
The concerned Members are being provided an opportunity to claim such IBBI/IPA-002/N-00126/2017-18/10295 31.03.2020 30.06.2019
dividend for the year ended 31st March, 2013 and onwards by sending a # 14, New Punjab Mata Nagar. Main Street, Pakhowal (Refer note 3)
Registered Address with IBBI
letter under their signature so as to reach the Company by 19th October, Unaudited Audited Unaudited Audited
Road, Ludhiana -141 013 (Punjab)
2020. The details of the concerned Members and the shares to be transferred
1 Revenue f r o m o p e r a t i o n s
to IEPF are available on the Company's Investors' Information website Mobile & E-mail ID Wl-98761 05414. under the section 'Investor Information'. After a. Sales/Income from operations 4,062.7 5,092.9 5,824.4 21,576.4
E-mail ID:
the shares are transferred to IEPF, it can be claimed by the members only b. Other operating revenue 14.3 4.8 67.9 119.8
from IEPF by following the procedures prescribed in the said Rules (log on N o t i c e is hereby given to the public in general under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, Total Revenue f r o m o p e r a t i o n s 4,077.0 5,097.7 5,892.3 21,696.2
to for details). 2016 and regulations framed thereunder that the assets & properties of the said corporate
2 Other i n c o m e 97.8 170.2 118.3 527.3
debtor stated in Table below, will be sold by E-Auction; to be conducted on E-auction platform
Individual letters have been sent to the concerned Members at their address 3 Total i n c o m e (1+2) 4,174.8 5,267.9 6,010.6 22,223.5
electronically through the service provider namely M/s Linkstar Infosys Private Limited -via
registered with the Company. Clarification on this matter, if required, website http: // by the Liquidator 4 Expenses
may be sought from Niche Technologies Private Limited 3A Auckland a. Cost of materials consumed 704.3 878.7 1,056.5 3,835.9
Place, 7th Floor, Room No. 7A & 7B, Kolkata - 700 017, email: • a t e and Time of E-Auction 07,08,2020 b. Changes in inventories of finished goods 22.9 (120.9) 73.0 50.6, Phone: (033) 2280-6616/17/18. Email may also and work-in-progress
Last Date for Submission of EMD 05.08,2020
be send to
c. Employee benefits expense 269.1 339.5 314.5 1,311.9
No claim shall lie against the Company in respect of unclaimed dividend(s) Inspection Date & Time Any working day at 10 00 a m to 5 00 p m from 27 07 2020 to
onwards with prior intimation to Liquidator d. Finance costs 159.9 162.5 198.2 738.5
and shares transferred to IEPF pursuant to the said Rules. However, the
e. Depreciation and amortisation expense 276.3 275.3 278.6 1,086.1
concerned shareholders can claim back the unclaimed dividend(s) and the Lot Brief Descriptions of Assets/Properties and Reserve Price Time and date of
shares transferred to the IEPF Authority from IEPF Authority in accordance f. Power and fuel 836.5 1,118.6 1,215.2 4,736.0
No. Address thereof e-auction
with the procedure and on submission of such documents as prescribed g. Freight and forwarding expense 551.9 689.5 796.9 2,879.0
Composite Sale of Plant & Machinery, Rs. 3950 11.30 a.m
under the Rules. Shareholders can also refer to the details available on h. Other expenses 609.0 918.9 859.6 3,604.9
Equipments thereto and other misc assets Lacs to For further information/clarification on the above matter, Total e x p e n s e s (a t o h) 3,429.9 4,262.1 4,792.5 18,242.9
And 4.30 p.m
shareholders can write to the Company Secretary at Company's Head 5 Profit before exceptional items & t a x (3-4) 744.9 1,005.8 1,218.1 3,980.6
office at Pressman House, 10A Lee Road, Kolkata - 700 020 Land & Building comprises of Land on
07.08.2020 6 Exceptional items - - - -
(e-mail: or to the Company's Registrar and Share admeasuring 127 kanals 16 marlas (About
7 Profit/(Loss) before tax (5-6) 744.9 1,005.8 1,218.1 3,980.6
Transfer Agent, M/s Niche Technologies Private Limited, 3A, Auckland 15.98 Acres- 77319 sq.yards) in the
Place, 7th Floor, Room No. 7A & 7B, Kolkata - 700 017 at Phone Nos: 8 Tax expense
revenue estate of Village Chhaba (About 2.78
033 2280-6616, 2280-6617/6618, Fax: 033 2280 6619, E-mail: Current tax 130.4 172.8 262.8 691.7
Acres and at Village Guru wall (Gilwali) Tehsil & Deferred tax 125.1 170.1 165.0 608.3
Distt. Amritsar-2) (About 13.19 Acres) in front of
For Pressman Advertising Limited 9 Net Profit/(Loss) f o r the p e r i o d (7-8) 489.4 662.9 790.3 2,680.6
each other separately (Geographic Location of
Date : July 22,2020 Paulami Mukherjee 10 Other c o m p r e h e n s i v e i n c o m e
property: Latitude: 31.575928, Longitude:
Place : Kolkata Company Secretary i Items that will not be reclassified to - (17.8) - (25.7)
74.886020) and Entire Building, Industrial
Profit & Loss
PRESSMAN ADVERTISING LIMITED Sheds and structures thereof including
ii Income tax relating to items that will not - 6.2 - 9.0
CIN: L74140WB1983PLC036495 electrical installations and open development
be reclassified to Profit & Loss
Registered Office: Pressman House, 10A Lee Road, Kolkata - 700 020 area with boundary wall is9"thick brick wall laid
Total Other c o m p r e h e n s i v e i n c o m e
Phone:(033)40310810 in cement mortar, plastered/un-plastered with an
Website:; Email: (net o f tax) - (11.6) - (16.7)
average height of 2 50 Mtrs. etc. in the name of
11 Total C o m p r e h e n s i v e I n c o m e after tax (9+10 489.4 651.3 790.3 2,663.9
company " Punjab Basmati Rice Limited - In
12 Paid-up equity share capital 2,266.2 2,266.2 2,266.2 2,266.2
Liquidation having it's Registered Office and
(Face Value is ?10 per share)
SCHEDULE II factory premises at Village Sangrana Sahib,
13 Other Equity - - - 10,880.2
FORM B Tarn Taran Road, Amritsar- 143 001(Punjab).
14 Earnings per share o f 710 each - Not
(Regulation 12 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India For details and descriptions of assets &
(a) Basic (in 7) 2.16 2.93 3.49 11.83
(Liquidation Process) Regulations, 2016.) properties and detailed terms & Conditions of
(b) Diluted (in 7) 2.16 2.93 3.49 11.83
available on :
1) The Company operates in a single segment i.e. manufacture and sale of Cement.
1. NAME OF CORPORATE DEBTOR JAS INFRASTRUCTURE AND POWER LIMITED which is part of this Sale Notice. 2) The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the
2. DATE OF INCORPORATION OF 16/07/2002 Company at its meeting held on 22 July 2020.
Notes: 3) The figures for the quarter ended 31 March 2020 are the balancing figures between audited figures inrespectof full
1 The EMD (Refundable) shall be payable by interested bidders through NEFT/RTGS/Bank Transfer financial year and the unaudited published year-to-date figures upto 31 December 2019 which were subjected to
3. AUTHORITY UNDER WHICH REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES, KOLKATA only on or before29th day of July ,2020 in " Punjab Basmati Rice Limited - In Liquidation " Account. limited review.
CORPORATE DEBTOR IS (WEST BENGAL) 2. E-Auction will be conducted on "AS IS WHERE IS", "AS IS WHAT IS" and "WHATEVER THERE 4) In compliance with the directions issued by the Central and State Governments to contain the spread of COVID-19
INCORPORATED/REGISTERED pandemic, the Company suspended manufacturing operations in its plants in the last week of March 2020. The
IS BASIS" through the service provider namely M/s. Linkstar Infosys Private Limited -via website
4. CORPORATE IDENTITY NUMBER / U40109WB2002PLC162558 http: // on e-auction platform electronically. operations were resumed in a phased manner with effect from 20 April 2020 under strict observance of guidelines
LIMITED LIABILITY IDENTITY issued by respective district administrations to mitigate the risk of COVID-19. The Company is taking all possible
3. For detailed terms & Conditions of E-auction Sale, refer TENDER DOCUMENT available on steps to mitigate the effect of COVID-19 on its business and operations to the extent possible and has considered all
NUMBER OF CORPORATE DEBTOR possible effects from COVID-19 in the preparation of these financial results. The management has also evaluated
5. ADDRESS OF THE REGISTERED REGISTERED OFFICE: FE-83, SECTOR-MI SALT 4. For E-Auction details, contact Mr.Dixit Prajapati M-7874138237 or or the possible impact of the pandemic on the business operations and based on its assessment of the current
OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL OFFICE LAKE CITY, GROUND FLOOR KOLKATA, WEST Liquidator (Sanjay Kumar Aggarwal) indicators of the future economic conditions, it is expected that the carrying amount of assets will be recovered.
(IF ANY) OF CORPORATE DEBTOR BENGAL-700106, INDIA Signed and issued by 5) Figures of the previous year/periods have been reclassified / regrouped / restated, wherever necessary.
SANJAY KUMAR AGGARWAL For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
MAINTAINED: 4TH & 5TH FLOOR, LANDMARK L i q u i d a t o r of P u n j a b B a s m a t i Rice L i m i t e d - In L i q u i d a t i o n (Jamshed Naval Cooper)
Date : 22.D7.2D2D IBBI Reg. No. IBBI/IPA-002/N-00126/2017-18/10295 Place: Gurugram Managing Director
Date : 22 July 2020 DIN 01527371
6. DATE OF CLOSURE OF 16/07/2020
8. NAME, ADDRESS, EMAILADDRESS, NAME: KANNAN TIRUVENGADAM / Regd.Office: "ESVIN House", 13, Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Perungudi, Chennai 600 096 E3J©e
WEST BENGAL, 700082 Registered and Corporate Office: Kamla Tower, Kanpur-208001, Uttar Pradesh, India
EMAIL: / Telephone: + 9 1 512 2371478/81, Fax: + 9 1 512 2399854 NOTICE Email: Web:
P00253/2017-18/10482 Notice is hereby given that the 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the NOTICE OF THE 26 TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING,
company will be held through Video Conference (VC)/ Other Audio Visual INFORMATION ABOUT REMOTE E-VOTING AND BOOK CLOSURE
Notice is hereby given that the Hon'ble National Company Law Tribunal, Kolkata Bench has
Means (OAVM) on Wednesday, the 19th August 2020 at 11.00 AM in Notice is hereby given that the 26th Annual General Meeting ('the AGM') of the Company is scheduled to be held on
ordered the commencement of liquidation of the JAS INFRASTRUCTURE AND POWER LIMITED compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, MCA circulars Friday, the 14th August 2020 at 12 Noon through Video Conferencing/Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) to
on 17th July 2020. dated 08.04.2020, 13.04.2020 and 05.05.2020 and SEBI circular dated transact the Ordinary and Special Business, as set out in the Notice of the AGM in compliance with applicable
The stakeholders of JAS INFRASTRUCTURE AND POWER LIMITED are hereby called upon
to submit a proof of their claims, on or before 16th August 2020, to the liquidator at the address 12.05.2020 to transact the business set out in the Notice convening theAGM. provisions of the Companies Act (the Act1) read with MCA Circular No. 14/2020 dated April 08,2020, MCA Circular
mentioned against item No. 8. No. 17/2020 dated April 13,2020 and MCA Circular No. 20/2020 dated May 5,2020.
The financial creditors shall submit their claims with proof by electronic means only. All other
2. S e r v i c e of d o c u m e n t s In compliance with the circulars of MCA and SEBI, electronic notice of AGM and Integrated Annual Report
creditors may submit the claims with proof in person, by post or by electronic means. The daim In compliance with the above MCA and SEBI circulars, electronic copy of (containing Notice, Director's Report, Report on Corporate Governance, Management Discussion and Analysis
forms can be downloaded from IBBI website:
Submission of false or misleading proofs of claim shall attract penalties.
the Annual Report for FY 2019-20 comprising the Notice of the 24th AGM, Auditors Report, Standalone and Consolidated Accounts etc) of the Company for the financial year 2019-20 have
Financial Statements, Board's Report, Auditor's Report and other been sent to all the members whose email Ids were registered with the Company/ Depository Participant(s). These
CA. Kannan Tiruvengadam
documents required to be attached thereto has been sent to all the documents are also available on the website of the company at, BSE Limited
Date: 22nd July 2020 IBBI/1PA-001 /1P-P00253/2017-18/10482
members whose email addresses are registered with the Depository (, National Stock Exchange of India Limited ( and CDSL
Place: Kolkata Liquidator in the matter of Jas Infrastructure and Power Limited
( The dispatch of Notice of the AGM through emails has been completed on 22nd July,
Participants (DPs) I Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA). These documents
are also available on the Company's website and on the websites of the
Pursuant to Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration)
Stock Exchanges ie. BSE Ltd. ( and National Stock
Rules, 2014 (as amended) and Regulation 44 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations &
Exchange of India Ltd. (
ALEMBIC PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (as amended), the Company is providing facility of remote e-voting to
Regd. Office: Alembic Road, Vadodara 390 003 3. C l o s u r e of RoM its Members in respect of the business to be transacted at the AGM. For this purpose, the Company has engaged
CIN:L24230GJ2010PLC061123 Central Depository Services (India) Limited ("CDSL").
Notice is hereby given that the Register of Members and Share Transfer
Ph: 0265-2280550 Fax: 0265-2282506 The remote e-voting period begins on Tuesday 11 th August 2020, at 10 A.M. and will end on Thursday 13th August
Books of the company will remain closed from Thursday, the 13th August
2020 at 5 RM. During this period shareholders' of the Company, holding shares either in physical form or in
Website: 2020 to Wednesday, the 19th August 2020 (both days inclusive).
dematerializedform, as on the cut-off date 7th August, 2020 i.e. Record Date may cast their vote electronically. The
4. e - V o t i n g e-voting module shall be disabled by CDSL for voting thereafter. Members who have cast their vote by remote e-
Extract of Statement of Consolidated Unaudited Financial Results for
voting prior to the AGM may attend/ participate in the AGM through VC/0AVM but shall not be entitled to cast their
the quarter ended 30th June, 2020. The company is providing the facility for its members to cast their votes in
vote again. Any person who is not a Member as on the cut-off date should treat this Notice for information purposes
respect of all the items of business proposed for the 24th AGM under any
(? in Crs. except per share data) only.
one of the options (a) remote e-voting facility (b) e-voting at the AGM
Members may access the CDSL e-voting system at the weblink: under
Quarter Ended Year Ended Quarter Ended venue. For voting instructions, members may go through the voting shareholders/members login. The same link is valid for joining the AGM on the meeting day. The detailed
Particulars 30.06.2020 31.03.2020 30.06.2019 process and instructions given in pages 15-17 of the Annual Report. instructions for the remote e-voting process, joining the AGM and e-voting during the AGM are given in the Notice of
Unaudited Audited Unaudited Members may take specific note of following: the AGM. The attendance of the Members attending the AGM through VC/0AVM will be counted for the purpose of
Total Income from Operations 1,341.32 4,605.75 948.91 reckoning the quorum under Section 103 of the Act.
(i) The cut-off date for determining the voting rights is Wednesday, the
Net Profit for the period (before Tax, 359.50 1,043.47 187.82 Members are permitted to join the AGM through VC/0AVM, 15 minutes before the scheduled time of
12th August 2020.
Exceptional and/ or Extraordinary commencement of the meeting and upto 15 minutes after such scheduled time.
items) (ii) Only persons whose names are recorded in the Register of Members Those members whose e-mail ids are not registered with the depositories for obtaining login credentials for e-
Net Profit for the period before tax 359.50 999.82 155.04 or in the Register of Beneficial owners maintained by the Depositories voting are requested to send required details and documents by following instructions below:
(after Exceptional and/ or as on the cut-off date are entitled to vote under any one of the voting 1. For Physical shareholders- please provide necessary details like Folio No., Name of shareholder, scanned
Extraordinary items) options. copy of the share certificate (front and back), PAN (self attested scanned copy of PAN card),AADHAR(self
Net Profit for the period after tax 301.46 828.82 123.72 attested scanned copy of Aadhar Card) by email to (1) (2)
(iii) For those who have become members after the dispatch of the AGM (3) (4)
(after Exceptional and/ or
Extraordinary items) Notice but before the date of AGM, the Company would be sending 2. For Demat shareholders - please provide Demat account detials (CDSL-16 digit beneficiary ID or NSDL-16 digit
Total Comprehensive Income for 287.46 798.88 117.19
them the 24th Annual Report to their registered email address as and DPID + CLID), Name, client master or copy of Consolidated Account statement, PAN (self attested scanned
the period when they become members and they can exercise their voting right in copy of PAN card), AADHAR (self attested scanned copy of Aadhar Card) to (1)
Equity Share Capital 37.70 37.70 37.70 the same manner as above. (2) (3) (4)
The statutory registers including Register of Directors, Key Managerial Personnel, the Register of Contracts under
Reserves (excluding Revaluation 3,181.71 (iv) The remote e-voting will commence on Saturday, the 15th August
the Companies Act, 2013 and all other documents referred to in the Notice will be available for inspection in
Reserve) as shown in the Audited 2020 (10.30AM) and end on Tuesday, the 18th August 2020 (5.00 PM) electronic mode. Members can inspect the same by sending an email to Email id:
Balance Sheet of previous year and will not be available beyond that time. Mrs. Reena Jakhodia, Practicing Company Secretary (ICSI FCS 6435, CP 6083) has been appointed as the
Earning Per Share (of Rs. 2/- each) 15.99 43.97 6.56
(v) The members as on the cut-off date attending the AGM are entitled to Scrutinizer to scrutinize the 'remote e-voting' process and voting at the AGM, in a fair and transparent manner.
Basic & Diluted"
exercise their voting right at the meeting through e-Voting, in case they The results declared along with the report of the Scrutinizer shall be placed on the website of the Company at
Research and Development Expenses 142.61 644.82 140.29 and on the website of CDSL immediately after the declaration of result
have not already cast their vote by remote e-voting. No voting is
by the Chairman or a person authorized by him in writing.
Notes: permissible after the end of theAGM.
Shareholders who would like to express their views/ask questions during the meeting may register themselves as a
1. Standalone details Quarter Ended Year Ended Quarter Ended (vi) Members who have cast their votes by remote e-voting are also speaker by sending their request in advance along with the written copy of the questions to be asked at least 7 days
30.06.2020 31.03.2020 30.06.2019 entitled to attend the AGM but they cannot cast their vote again at the prior to meeting mentioning their name, demat account number/folio number, email id, mobile number at email id:
Unaudited Audited Unaudited
AGM. The shareholders who do not wish to speak during the AGM but have queries
Income from Operations 1,258.43 4,132.55 896.74 may send their queries in advance 7 days prior to meeting mentioning their name, demat account number/folio
Profit Before Tax 381.57 1,166.79 190.80
(vii) Website address of CDSL providing Remote e-Voting and e-Voting number, email id, mobile number at mail id: These queries will be replied to by
Profit After Tax 318.64 969.40 155.22
services: the company suitably by email.
Research and Development 125.46 573.67 121.25 (viii) Contact details in case of grievances pertaining to Remote e-Voting I In case you have any queries or issues regarding e-voting, you may refer the Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQs")
Expenses e-Voting facility: and e-voting manual available at, under help section or write an email to or contact Mr. Nitin Kunder (022-23058738) or Mr. Mehboob Lakhani (022-
2. The above is an extract of the Unaudited Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchanges. The detailed Mr Rakesh Dalvi, Manager, Central Depository Services (India) Ltd 23058543) or Mr. Rakesh Dalvi (022-23058542).
Financial Results are available on the Company's website at and 25th Floor, Marathon Futurex, Mafatlal Mill Compound, NM Joshi Marg, Members are requested to intimate change, if any, in their address (with PIN Code), E-mail ID, nominations, bank
the Stock Exchange's website at and Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013. details, mandate instructions, National Electronic Clearing Service ("NECS") mandates, etc. underthe signature of
Email ID:, Phone: 1800 225 5331 the registered holder(s)
For Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited 022-23058542/8543 By Order of the Board
Place: Vadodara
(By Order of the Board) Sd/-
Chirayu Amin
Chennai N. Ramanathan Place: Kanpur (Shambhu Singh)
Date: 22nd July, 2020 Chairman and CEO
22nd July 2020 Managing Director Date: 22th July, 2020 Asst. Vice President (Legal) & Company Secretary
V -
Instead of mandating e-commerce firms to declare the country of origin of Wednesday. However, this applies to only on its India platform. It’s those sellers who Virtual opposition!
imported packaged goods. Certain cate- have to ensure compliance.
products they hawk, the effort should be to help them bounce back gories, including furniture, cannot be While there’s a mix of big and small The Opposition’s case for holding
covered under the rules and therefore it sellers on the e-commerce platforms, a virtual meetings of parliamentary
dinary Covid slowdown. else in the world, may make the country would be legally untenable to enforce the large majority of them are micro, small committees weakened significantly
It could be a mere coincidence that of origin rule fall by the wayside. That’s directive for all products. Also, if decla- and medium enterprises (MSMEs) — a with most of its newly elected MPs
the latest smartphone by a Chinese com- not the only reason why the rule, specifi- ration of the country of origin is made category of business that the government attending the oath-taking ceremony
pany, founded less than seven years ago, cally meant for e-commerce platforms, mandatory for products online, it should is focused on in terms of financial stimu- on Wednesday. Of the 61 newly elected
will hit the Indian market at a time when may fumble. be the same for those sold in physical lus during the slowdown as well as help- members of the Rajya Sabha, 45 were
anti-China movement has peaked in the While the idea behind such a directive stores as well. ing them scale up. If they have to man- administered the oath of office by
country. If despite the prevailing nation- was to block certain goods (read “made Marking the country of origin for mil- datorily spend time and resources on Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu. Among
alistic spirit, buyers go all out to snap up in China”) without saying it in those lions of products will take up to one year, adhering to such directives at short those who took oath were senior
the latest phone, the lack of reason in many words, its execution is challenging estimates suggest. To get a sense of the notice, MSMEs may see the e-commerce leaders like the Nationalist Congress
China bashing (including banning of for businesses as there are no clear guide- scale, the Indian marketplace platforms platforms as a disadvantage for their busi- Party’s Sharad Pawar, and the
popular apps such as TikTok and keeping lines or definitions from the authorities owned by American majors Walmart and ness. On the other hand, such a move Congress’s Mallikarjun Kharge and
NOT FOR PROFIT prominent telecom equipment makers
like Huawei and ZTE out of the ambit of
on what constitutes “country of origin”.
Let’s begin with the definition. Is the
Amazon have around 200 million pro-
ducts each. So, in the midst of Covid and
would adversely impact the Digital India
plans of this government.
Digvijaya Singh. However, none of the
four Trinamool Congress’s (TMC's) newly
NIVEDITA MOOKERJI tenders and auctions) will stand out. country of origin the same as the country lockdown stress, e-commerce companies It’s important for regulation to keep elected MPs turned up. TMC MP Derek
Also, the party around the latest of manufacturing? Or is it the country of have now got an additional task to inter- pace with technology, but they should O’Brien, who is also the Opposition
n a few days, a Shenzhen-head- smartphone from a Chinese brand coin- assembling the product though its parts pret the origin of each and every product not scuttle businesses, while bringing in leader in the Rajya Sabha, has already
quartered smartphone major is cides with the government asking e-com- are imported? What if the product is and label them accordingly. That’s bad new rules without much thought. More written to Naidu and Lok Sabha
expected to fire up the Indian e- merce firms to mention the country of designed, owned and patented in one timing when a large chunk of the pop- so when companies are trying to bounce Speaker Om Birla, quoting several rules
commerce scene, going by history. origin for every product sold online. With country, but is made in another country ulation is still working from home. back to pre-Covid levels. E-commerce is of procedure of the two Houses, which,
Online marketplace giants have an- that diktat on country of origin, the gov- for cost efficiency? There are many such There’s another hurdle. For conven- one of the sectors to show green shoots he says, empower them to allow virtual
nounced plans to make the launch of the ernment has tied itself in knots. For questions, to which nobody seems to tional e-commerce firms, it would have earlier than others; let’s not spoil the meetings. He pointed out a precedent
latest device a success that may indicate instance, a hot sale of a Chinese product, have an answer. been easier to handle the logistics of the party. Instead, the effort should be to help when the joint committee on salary
recovery in demand during the extraor- whether assembled in India or anywhere Indeed, under the Legal Metrology country of origin rule. However, the onus the sector get back to business as usual. and allowances of MPs held two
virtual meetings on April 6 to decide
on reducing salaries. Naidu
and Birla, however, have until now
rexit, China’s crackdown and at the Centre, and the 2016 Union seems to be a never ending thing
Singapore’s saturation have Budget announced tax concessions for now.” This is not the first time Prakash
weakened the outlook for the units in IFSC. By 2018-19, financial serv- has questioned this government. In
great global financial hubs of ices exports from GIFT City’s IFSC acc-
London, Hong Kong and Singapore. ounted for 11 per cent of India’s financial
MODEST MOVES April, he had alleged misuse of the
Vidhayak Nidhi (Legislator’s Fund). He
Can India’s first international financial services exports, momentum that has Around 10,000 people are working in GIFT City; in the next three to five years, had even written to the chief
services centre (IFSC) at Gujarat Inter- continued for the first three quarters of the financial hub targets around 50,000 jobs development officer (CDO) of Hardoi,
national Finance Tec- (GIFT) City fill 2019-20. requesting his contribution of ~25 lakh
the breach? Of the 11 million sq ft de- n The area houses around 225 (India INX and NSE IFSC) SEZ (some key players) from the fund — for purchasing masks,
Recent history points to velopment rights allotted, financial and IT companies with daily trading volume PPE, sanitisers, and other equipment —
n BA Continuum (Bank of America),
multiple challenges but tho- two million sq ft (seven buil- of $4 bn be returned to him. “As a public
se responsible for managing dings) in the domestic tariff IN IFSC Cybage, Befree, Manubhai & Co representative it is my right to know
n 19 insurance firms
it suggest it is on the cusp of area and one million in the n 13 banks, including one what happened with that money,” he
faster growth. “The current IFSC have been developed.
with sum assured of Domestic tarrif area had written to the CDO.
foreign bank, with business $30 bn (some key players)
geopolitical challenges cou- Another two million sq ft is
volume of $26 bn
ld well work in favour of the TAKE under construction and six
n Two international exchanges
n 100 stockbrokers
and intermediaries
n TCS, Oracle, Bank of Baroda, Infibeam,
MCX, Maxim Integrated, STPI
GIFT City in attracting more
foreign financial institu- TWO million (15 buildings) sq ft is
under planning. Twenty- Caught off guard!
tions,” says Kaku Nakhate, ANALYSIS BEHIND two residential blocks are
president and India country THE HEADLINES already occupied. A school, has come for the GIFT City to take the Indeed, in December 2018, the Baba map measures taken by the orld’s top An RJD MLA in Bihar landed in the soup
head, Bank of America, the a five-star hotel and a club big leap and emerge as the next finan- Kalyani committee to study India’s SEZ 10 IFSCs to attract institutional investors for taking part in a village-level cricket
first foreign bank to set up a house are already opera- cial hub of Asia.” policy had recommended separate rules and then work towards building a tournament. Shambhu Nath Yadav, who
centre at the GIFT City in 2019. tional. To ensure that GIFT City does Regulation would be a key issue. and procedures for manufacturing and macro-framework. This is the time for represents the Brahmapur Assembly
So far, the gains have been modest not became a real estate play, the own- Right now, the financial services sector service SEZs. India to think big and develop India’s segment in Buxar district, was in his
(see box: Modest moves). For a project ership of the land remains with the state has to decipher rules and regulations Certain operational procedures also IFSC on the lines of Singapore, she says. constituency as “chief guest” at a cricket
that began in 2007 as a 50:50 joint ven- government. from four different regulatory bodies: need to be streamlined. At present, it English law and affiliation with Sin- tournament and decided to try his hand
ture by the Gujarat government with Last month, the Gujarat government The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Secu- takes 24 hours to clear a debit or credit. gapore’s arbitration centre have the at the game. Videos of the MLA
IL&FS, the infrastructure financing be- bought out the troubled IL&FS’ 50 per rities and Exchange Board of India, As a financial market expert operating potential to make GIFT IFSC a key purportedly missing a ball and getting
hemoth that is now in deep crisis, the cent stake, which opens a door for the Insurance Regulatory and Development in the IFSC pointed out, dollar clearing global hub for financial institutions. In thrown off balance went viral and he
going has been slow. But like much else entry of new strategic partners. The Authority and the Pension Fund Re- — that is, clearing on a real-time basis line with the proposed international ended up being booked for violating
in India, GIFT City was the victim of the appointment of former company affairs gulatory and Development Authority. — will generate more business. A pro- bullion exchange, allowing trading in restrictions in place on account of the
snail-paced bureaucracy. Financial serv- secretary Injeti Srinivas as chairman of In January 2017, then RBI governor posal to this effect has been pending other commodities like coal would give lockdown. Yadav can take solace in the
ices SEZs received “in-principle” the GIFT City’s IFSC earlier this month Urjit Patel had proposed a unified regu- with the RBI for some years now. GIFT City operations a further boost, as fact that he is not the only one. A BJP
approval only in 2011, while GIFT City is widely regarded as a move towards lator for GIFT City. “The role of the new This apart, it may be necessary for would aircraft-leasing services. The leader in Begusarai district, along with
was approved in December of that year. accelerating developments. unified regulator will be very important. the Centre to take a stake in the GIFT potential is clearly huge. The challenge his supporters, was booked some time
After that, the Gujarat government “GIFT City is now on a growth tra- It should follow international standards City to provide a counter-party security for GIFT City’s IFSC would be to over- back for allegedly hosting a party to
allotted land, and work on developing a jectory,” said Tapan Ray, MD and Group and norms, and avoid the traditional for foreign investors. Nakhate has also come the traditional Indian weaknesses celebrate his “victory” over Covid.
futuristic smart city started. Operating CEO, GIFT City. But, he added, “the time rule-based approach,” said Nakhate. suggested that the GIFT City should of slow or unpredictable policymaking.
ecently ICMR fast-tracked app- tracted Kiran to such technologies in the name for Biocon’s brand, Alzumab. the judicial system. The cost of such be improved. All these need more us hope this vaccine and others, that
roval of Biocon’s Alzumab for the first place? She had long been concerned Biocon’s work on the prognosis of the changes, however, appears too high allocation of funds for defence and are also being tested, put an end to
treatment of Covid in India. about chronic diseases and was looking safety and efficacy of the molecules won due to delayed responses. we as citizens should be prepared the mental and physical misery of
Serious cases of Covid develop passionately for possible breakthroughs. the admiration of the Cuban Academy of K V Rao Bengaluru for that. people around the globe.
into a “cytokine storm”, which is a debili- The technology for producing monoclonal Sciences. Early and supportive apprecia- M Raghuraman Mumbai M Pradyu Kannur
tating overreaction of the human immune antibodies to develop solutions to fight tion is important in the difficult and uncer- More funds
system to the attacking virus. Alzumab had cancer was available with the Americans. tain journey of innovation. Dr M S Good news at last
worked miraculously on every one of the But they would not part with it. Ramakrishnan, vice-president at Biocon for defence Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
trialled Covid patients, albeit only on lim- In 2003, when Kiran attended a con- Research Limited, had lamented, “Indian The good news that early-stage clini- The Editor, Business Standard,
ited numbers. Wider trials are currently ference, she met a Cuban scientist from Academy of Sciences did not even acknowl- This refers to the editorial ‘Ground cal trials of the Oxford University Nehru House,
being undertaken. Last week, Fox News the Cuban Centre of Molecular Immu- edge this contribution because Biocon had realities’ (July 22). If the Chinese Covid-19 vaccine candidate 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
reported on this exciting new drug to be nology (Centro de Inmunología Molecular in-licensed the molecule. They thought this army has intruded up to 8 km as (AZD1222), licensed by AstraZeneca New Delhi 110 002
launched in the US through Biocon’s part- or CIM). He had presented his MAB pro- was not an innovation.” mentioned, it is shocking and gives pharmaceuticals, is safe and induces Fax: (011) 23720201 · E-mail:
nership with Equillium. Trials in the USA gramme. Kiran was impressed. She sensed Biocon further developed a version of scope for retrospective analysis of an immune response truly gives the
are set to begin. If all works out well, this an opportunity, although most investors Itolizumab for psoriasis. When the “cyto- our lapses, if any, to avoid recurrence world a glimmer of hope at a time All letters must have a postal address and
may be an important, globally relevant in pharma would have ignored technology kine storm” problem of Covid became of such incidents. The government when it is facing one of the deadliest telephone number
innovation from an Indian company. This from Cuba, a country not known for phar- known, Biocon instinctively felt that the
does not happen frequently. maceutical innovation. molecule could be repurposed to deal with
The backstory of this exciting innova- Seemingly on an impulse, she went to the problem. And that is the dramatic story
tion was narrated in a book published be- Cuba with her husband who could speak of how Alzumab came to be approved by HAMBONE
fore Covid. (How Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw Spanish. The laboratory visit, which was ICMR and got ready for the US trials.
“fermented” Biocon, R Gopalakrishnan & to last for only an hour, extended to several Innovative societies applaud innova-
Sushmita Srivastava, Rupa, 2020). Over hours. The Cubans had fine technology, tions early. ICMR’s fast-track approval with-
the last 35 years, Biocon’s growth identi- but did not seem to be developing it pur- out full trials is such a gesture. Competitors
fied with a biological way of thinking, dis- posefully. Kiran asked probing questions and peers may be more cautious, but avoid-
tinct from an engineered way of thinking. that got the Cubans intrigued about ing snipes and displaying some optimism
It was Kiran’s response to the challenge further enhancing the value of their tech- would be a good ecosystem response.
of growing and surviving in a fast-chang- nology. She offered to co-invest in the
ing and complex global business that technology of developing monoclonal The writer is an author and corporate advisor. He
made Biocon move from being a big fish antibodies. The Cubans appeared reluc- is a distinguished professor of IIT Kharagpur. He
in a small pond (enzymes) to a small fish tant initially, maybe because at that time, was a director of Tata Sons and a vice-chairman
in a big pond (biopharma). Kiran’s was an unknown Indian company. of Hindustan Unilever
Kiran is a quintessential institution- They agreed to in-license the molecule to Email:
Energy and momentum and red gram on 10 lakh acres. Farmlands close to
urban areas will grow vegetables and horticultural
Govt must move forward on trade deals with US and others crops. It is proposed that farmers who do not comply
with the cropping pattern announced by the state will
ccording to Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal, India and the US are be cut-off from both procurement and state support,
close to signing a “quick” trade deal. He said all that would be needed such as farm input subsidies and the much revered
Rythu Bandhu income support scheme.
are “another couple of calls” to sort out some remaining issues. This
The reported intent of this proposal is to encourage
followed a discussion between Mr Goyal and his American counter- crop diversification and allow farmers to obtain a
part, Wilbur Ross. According to the official readout of the conversation, the better price for their products. The policy is problem-
“desire to conclude [a] limited trade package” was expressed by both sides. atic for two reasons: (i) the state does not have better
Trade had also been on the agenda when US President Donald Trump visited information than the farmers, (ii) state failure in pro-
India in February this year and said that he and Prime Minister Narendra Modi curement will be borne by the farmers.
could reach “a good, even great deal”. This messaging is welcome, and it will The Telangana government is assuming that the
state is better placed than the farmers to foresee the
hopefully be followed through with swift action. After all, the US is India’s
attention of the Prime Minister’s Office. For example, questions about the series of recent developments in the field of Commodities Act. For example, it states that stock tralised in a single mind, whether of the State or its
agriculture creates a perception that India is limits may be imposed only where the price of agri- appointed experts. Rather, knowledge is dispersed,
import of dairy products from the US are amenable to compromise. India’s
embracing a market-led agriculture sector. On cultural produce goes beyond a certain defined thres- highly localised and discovered through markets
hard line on preventing dairy imports that contain bovine material should be June 5, the Union government notified three hold. Thus, while it does not entirely take away the that facilitate the discovery of prices. Market pro-
solved by labelling rather than a ban. For India, which has been the subject of Ordinances that ease control on the storage and sale power of the state to curb the storage and supply of cesses are a more robust feedback loop to the farmer
too much negativity in Washington of late, partly as a consequence of its own of agricultural produce. On July 13, the Karnataka gov- agricultural produce, it restricts the circumstances in than state diktat.
policies, the need is great. The pandemic is providing an opportunity for many ernment promulgated an Ordinance that reduces which the government may exercise its powers. The second problem will arise in the implemen-
countries to reset their trade relations in order to corner a greater share of restrictions on the sale of agricultural land. The prin- Similarly, Karnataka promulgated an Ordinance tation of the policy. Directing large swathes of land
world trade. India cannot be left behind at this crucial moment. It is to be ciple underlying these developments is the same — that allows farmers to sell agricultural land to non- to cultivate single crops may increase the production
allowing the farmer the freedom to contract, a right agriculturists. Some restrictions like landholding ceil- of those crops substantially. Consequently, the mar-
hoped that New Delhi’s negotiators are also keeping in mind the specific polit-
guaranteed under the Constitution ings will, however, continue. Even ket price of these crops will fall. If the state govern-
ical constraints faced by the Trump administration. The US president is fighting and a virtue that every liberal society with the limits, the law reflects a fun- ment is unable to declare a sufficiently high mini-
a difficult re-election battle, and there will be pressure on him to demonstrate aspires to keep intact. The govern- damental shift in values. The policy mum support price and procure all the produce at
results for his hard line on trade deals. ment of Telangana, meanwhile, is goal in India has been to discourage that price, farmers will be in deep trouble. The mar-
What Mr Goyal insists is great energy and momentum in addressing Indo- reportedly proposing a new policy farmers from selling their land, ket will have a supply glut, and the prices will be
US trade ties must also spill over to other pending agreements. The negotiations which will give it control over what especially if the buyer is not a lower. Even if the government purchases all the pro-
with the European Union on a free trade agreement, for example, have been farmers grow on their land. The farmer. The government believed duce at artificially high prices, it will then have to
Telangana policy is in stark contrast that this would protect the farmer sell it in open markets at much lower prices. The loss
hanging fire for too long, again on sectoral issues that should be sorted out in
to the developments at the Centre from unscrupulous buyers, ignoring from this transaction will have to be borne by the
the larger interest. What is important is that New Delhi recognises and openly and in Karnataka. The differing the fact that the restrictions taxpayers. If the programme fails, the farmers lose
states the need for more access to foreign markets — which comes, of course, approaches reflect a more profound destroyed the value of farmland and, money. If the programme succeeds, taxpayers will
with greater openness at home. Freer trade benefits both sides, and particularly ideological conundrum towards agri- thereby, was disadvantageous to subsidise the buyers of those commodities. Success
Indian consumers. It should be accompanied with competitiveness-enhancing culture in India. SHUBHO ROY & impoverished farmers who wanted will also entrench the policy and force the govern-
reforms domestically, such as the prime minister had promised were on the The set of Ordinances promulgat- BHARGAVI ZAVERI to leave farming. ment to commit more financial resources in the com-
agenda in the speech in which he launched “self-reliant India”. The Covid-19 ed by the Union government seeks The developments at the Centre ing years. Overall, it increases the imprint of the state
to achieve three objectives. First, they and in Karnataka indicate a move, on agriculture and subjects the farmer to its enforce-
crisis and the growth slowdown are the moment in which India must once entitle farmers and traders to carry on trade and com- howsoever half-hearted, towards liberalising farm- ment machinery as well.
again embrace globalisation. merce in agricultural produce outside a licensed ing from state-led sectoral policies that have hitherto The two differing approaches to agriculture reflect
Agricultural Produce Market Committee market. The restricted the farmer’s freedom to trade and mone- a lack of intellectual clarity about the future of Indian
second Ordinance sets up a framework for formalising tise assets. They are small steps towards a market- agriculture. On the one hand, we see some green
Treating water contract farming — contracts between farmers and led agricultural sector that is free of arbitrary state
traders — for selling agricultural produce harvested intervention and based on contract enforcement
shoots of liberty for the Indian farmer. On the other, a
state is regressing to the failed policy of centrally plan-
in the next season. It creates scope for financing the and the rule of law. ning agriculture. While a federal democracy can be a
Indiscriminate use of RO technology is inadvisable farming cycle of the farmer and sets up a mechanism The Telangana government, however, is pursuing crucible of many experiments, is there a reason to
for dealing with disputes arising out of the contract. a Soviet-style policy of centrally planning the crops retry one which has failed universally?
he National Green Tribunal (NGT) has set the year-end as the deadline
The third Ordinance defines the limited circum- that may be cultivated by farmers in the state.
for the environment ministry to bar the use of reverse osmosis (RO) stances under which the government may regulate Reportedly, the initial plan is that farmers have to Roy is a researcher at the University of Chicago, and Zaveri is
water purifiers in places where the available water conforms to the the supply of agricultural produce via the Essential grow paddy on 50 lakh acres, cotton on 50 lakh acres a researcher at the Finance Research Group
prescribed quality norm of dissolved solids content of below 500 mg
per litre. The move aims chiefly at preventing the wastage of water and several
useful minerals and essential salts that are lost during RO treatment. Many
households routinely use RO water purifiers to reprocess the piped water sup-
plied by civic bodies after cleansing it through the standard methods involving
flocculation, filtration, and disinfection. In many of these cases, especially
where the load of the dissolved solids is less than the 500 mg threshold, RO fil-
Truth to power
redictably, American talk show hosts had a showed him trailing Mr Biden. He even obliquely tech-savvy PM “revealed” to two bemused anchors
tration is neither required nor good for health. It leads virtually to total demi- field day over Fox News Sunday host Chris poked fun at the world’s most powerful man by asking that he had ordered the attacks to take place when
neralisation of water by needlessly eliminating its inherent micronutrients, Wallace’s interview with Donald Trump that him if he was feeling the heat. It was a dig both at the there was heavy cloud cover so that the bombers
thereby, making it unhealthy and tasteless. In these cases, the commonly avail- aired on July 19. Any interview, press briefing or nature of his questions and the fact that the president would avoid radar detection. It is worth noting that
able UV (ultraviolet) and UF (ultra-filtration) systems of water refinement are address by the reliably maverick 45th president of was visibly dripping bronzer in the sultry environs Mr Trump took a press conference in Delhi where he
deemed good enough. The RO system is needed essentially to make sea water, the United States offers plenty of grist for liberal of the presidential patio, where he had deemed this laboriously performed to script (not without a couple
mills, and this one — 40 minutes long — did not encounter would be recorded. of snarky digs at the CNN reporter). Though the US
or hard and saline underground water potable. The NGT has now specifically
disappoint. Any Indian, though, would be struck by Now, Mr Trump is famously thin skinned about relationship is critical for India and the meeting took
asked the environment ministry to sensitise the public about the ill-effects of something that would not occur to an American the media. He’s openly expressed his disillusion- place against the backdrop of some of the worst riots
demineralised water. viewer. The US president agreed to an interview with ment with serial Fox News polls that favour Mr Biden of recent years just kilometres from Lutyens’ Delhi,
The RO industry, as could be expected, has continued to sulk over this a Fox News anchor who is not noticeably a fan of and has created a cottage industry in abusing the nobody got to hear from India’s chief executive.
matter. While formalising the new norms for the use of the RO systems, the the president, has frequently fact-checked him on liberal/left news media. Yet he meets (and abuses) Likewise, no journalist has been able to question
government should consider some suggestions from the industry. One of the his programme and has been at the receiving end the media —including the hated CNN — regularly. the prime minister on the handling of the national
key arguments, which may be hard to refute, is that even the water subjected of his mean tweets. The crudely right wing Fox News His daily pandemic briefings became so embarras- lockdown, the nature of the revival package, the
to conventional cleansing treatment can have certain organic and inorganic is, of course, unabashedly pro-Trump but the Chris sing that his advisors eventually put a stop to them China incursions, the future of jobs and economy.
Wallace interview was roughly (though I suspect Mr Trump enjoys We hear his pronouncements on these subjects but
residues and traces of heavy metals to make it unfit to drink. This has often
equivalent to Nidhi Razdan or these media jousts, so there’s a plan no one yet has been able to actually question him, as
been noticed in mega cities and industrial towns and RO purification can take Srinivasan Jain interviewing to revive them). Incredibly (at least Mr Wallace did with Mr Trump, on any of these issues
care of this menace. Narendra Modi for Republic TV. for an Indian journalist), reporters — and there are certainly questions to be asked.
But indiscriminate use of RO technology is inadvisable from the environ- Perish that thought immediately, he criticises as “fake news” (his This state of affairs is of a piece with almost every
mental angle as well. It results in the wastage of 70-80 per cent water. A water- if only because Republic is unlikely favourite term) openly answer back Indian politicians’ approach to the media (chief min-
stressed country like India can ill-afford to squander this scarce, even if renew- to allow the nation to know the kind — but he still takes their questions isters are scarcely different). Witnessing journalists
able, natural resource. The NGT has, therefore, directed the government to of stuff on which Mr Wallace quizzed (one early effort to ban a White being arrested, lynched or raided for criticising the
make it mandatory to recover at least 60 per cent water from RO units. This the leader of the free world. And also House reporter was struck down by government, as Yogi Adityanath recently did, has
because Mr Modi is unlikely to agree the courts). It may be argued that become the new normal. The Washington Post
would require the industry to make fresh investment in technology upgrade to
to the terms on which the Trump- there is little to be gleaned from owned by Jeff Bezos is an aggressive critic of the
build new and more efficient RO models capable of cutting down water wastage. Wallace interview took place. Not this media circus but it offers the president. But neither he nor Amazon have been
The issue of regulating the use of RO equipment has a chequered, though short,
history. The order to this effect was originally issued by the NGT in May 2019.
only did Mr Trump sit down (or
rather rant, argue and dissemble)
SWOT electorate an unvarnished view of
their leader, at the very least.
subject to tax raids or FIRs, which an equivalent
Indian honcho would have expected (which is why
But it had to be re-issued a couple of times, with fresh target dates, because of with Mr Wallace but he agreed that KANIKA DATTA Contrast this with Mr Modi. He India does not have a Bezos counterpart). Even this
the environment ministry’s procrastination in implementing it. The decisive no subject was off limits. Both took has never held a press conference Republican-dominated US Supreme Court would
action began only after the Supreme Court turned down the RO industry’s plea that condition to heart. Mr Wallace asked the pres- in the six years of his prime ministership (which not dream of telling journalists to follow only the
to intervene in the matter and the NGT set the final deadline. As part of the ident tough questions on his handling of the pan- makes media-shy Manmohan Singh appear posi- official line in reporting as the Indian apex court
demic, parrying flawed White House facts with his tively loquacious for the two he held in ten years in did during the migrant crisis.
requisite spadework to enforce this injunction, the government came up with
own research; corrected him on accusations he made office), and the few interviews he has given are to Many Americans on both sides of the political
the draft of the notification for stakeholders’ comments in the beginning of against his Democratic rival Joe Biden; mocked the friendly media houses with pre-approved forgettable divide despair at Mr Trump’s attempt to trample
February. However, the follow-up action was disrupted due to the Covid-19 president’s pride in passing a cognitive test (which lollipop questions. The only memorable one (that on their institutions. But for all that, the media
outbreak. The process may finally get going now. Mr Wallace also took and said was dead easy); and generated giggles, at any rate) was his Q&A to News remains a fighting presence in a way that Indians
put him on the mat on the latest Fox News poll that Nation soon after the Balakot air-strikes. There the can only envy.
his was not a recent report from omnivorous diners themselves, Byzantine emperor. describes the frantic effort to retrieve with them before its outbreak in 1918. The writer is founding editor of Yale Global and
Brazil’s corona-hit city of sometimes become lunch for larger In just four months, the plague fragments of the virus from frozen burial The Black Death had the most long- author of Bound Together: How Traders,
Manaus, where coffins were predators. But more often they fall prey killed 40 per cent of Constantinople’s grounds from Alaska and Norway. It lasting consequence, which Robert S Preachers, Adventurers and Warriors Shaped
stacked up in trenches for burial. It was to invisible microbes who feast on population. In the mid-14th century, a would not be till late 1990s that the gene Gottfried’s The Black Death: Natural and Globalization. Pandemic Perusing is an
an account of the Black Death some 650 human cells and tissues. From that second major wave of pandemics hit of the 1918 Great Influenza virus would Human Disaster in Medieval Europe occasional column on books and reading by our
years ago by Italian writer Giovanni perspective, the Covid-19 is the latest in a Europe — the bubonic plague carried be sequenced — a necessary course to (1983) traces in some detail. The death of writers and reviewers
The Smart
non-institutional activity in the
Having gained 180% from its March lows, Aurobindo Pharma market is growing. What
is trading near its 52-week high. While the drug maker is happens to these WFH punters
already clocking strong growth in the US and Europe, further when the market turns
MUMBAI | benefits will accrue from recent tender wins to supply
THURSDAY, 23 JULY 2020 anti-retroviral drugs outside the US, say analysts, who have RAJIV ANAND,
Executive director,
upgraded their FY21 and FY22 estimates by 17-18 per cent wholesale banking, Axis Bank
using demat accounts SHOULD START BY five-session Gold and silver on Wednesday
for investing in G-secs INVESTING IN winning streak crossed ~50,000 and ~60,000
levels, respectively, in both
GOVERNMENT NIFTY SHEDS 30 PTS physical and futures markets
Mumbai, 22 July
SECURITIES AND before clawing down a bit.
At the popular Zaveri Bazar
LATER MOVE 11,132.6 in the city, the yellow metal
ured by a sharp rally in stock opened over ~50,000 per 10
prices, small investors are enter-
ing markets in droves. The stock
gram, while silver over ~60,000
a kg. While standard gold
market watchdog, however, has a word SHOULD TAKE 11,162.3 closed at ~49,980 per 10 gram,
of caution for them — make a gradual WELL-INFORMED 11,000
down 1.5 per cent, 999 purity
entry, understand the risks, and take DECISIONS” gold ended its trade at ~50,181.
well-informed decisions. Jul 21 Jul 22 Silver closed at ~59,170 a kg, up GOLD FUTURES (~/10 GM) SILVER FUTURES (~/KG)
Speaking at industry body Ficci’s AJAY TYAGI The Sensex and Nifty snapped their 7.9 per cent.
annual capital market conference five-session rising streak to close On the MCX, too, August 51,000 65,000
Chairman, Sebi
Capam, Ajay Tyagi, chairman, modestly lower on Wednesday, as futures of gold rose as high 60,122
Securities and Exchange Board of India investors booked profits in IT, as ~50,085, but cooling down 50,000 60,000
Over 300,000 individual accounts
(Sebi), said: “Increased retail participa-
tion isn’t a cause for concern. However,
ON THE RISE have been added since March
FMCG, and finance counters amid
weak global cues.
to ~49,747 (until 6.30 pm IST).
September futures of silver
49,000 55,000
the way it is increasing is.” He was No. of March 19.07 21.07 40.13 After swinging 599 points in a surged to ~61,280 per kg (the 49,651
alluding to the sharp increase in new individual volatile session, the Sensex finished highest since December 49,974 48,000 50,000
accounts (mn) April 19.13 21.67 40.80
account openings and an increase in 58.81 points, or 0.16 per cent, lower 2012) in early trading on the
share of retail investors in overall mar- n NSDL May 19.24 22.22 41.46 at 37,871.52. Similarly, the Nifty MCX, but later slipped to 47,000 45,000
ket volumes. n CDSL June 20.01 23.0 43.17 slipped 29.65 points, or 0.27 per ~59,845 (until 6.30 pm IST) Jun 30 Jul 22 Jun 30 Jul 22
“It has to be a more gradual entry. Source: National Securities Depository, Central Depository Services cent, to close at 11,132.6. PTI on profit-booking.
They should start by investing in gov- The price of gold gained MCX GOLD FUTURES MCX SILVER FUTURES
ernment securities (G-secs) and later momentum on the back of TURNOVER (~ CR) TURNOVER (~ CR)
move on to other products. They should in the government’s court when it Tyagi for working without a break, The Sebi chief said it needs to be European leaders agreeing on
take well-informed decisions,” he said. comes to allowing use of dematerial- ensuring market stability and providing examined whether brokers can be per- a stimulus package to revive 10,000 12,000
Tyagi said increased retail partici- ized (demat) accounts for investing in much-needed relaxations over the past manently allowed to work from home. their Covid-hit economy and 5,177
pation is a sign that investors are put- G-secs. few months. In March, Sebi had allowed broking the US Congress struggling to 8,000 9,000
ting trust in corporations and they G-secs are relatively safe as they In recent months, Sebi has extended houses to operate their trading termi- agree on a new aid package. 5,374
should ensure that the trust is not have sovereign backing and assure fixed several deadlines that are applicable to nals remotely. Heightening tensions between 6,000 6,000
broken. He called on India Inc to returns. However, they, too, aren’t listed firms as well as market interme- “It was a temporary measure. the US and China also sup-
remain transparent and share as much devoid from volatility, as they are sub- diaries such as mutual funds and alter- However, considering the success, it ported the rally. 4,000 10,255 3,000
information as possible in the public ject to interest rate risks. native investment funds. needs to be examined carefully. The Besides, the euro rose to an 7,204
domain, so that the investor commu- Tyagi said equity markets are geared When questioned about whether downsides of this also need to be con- 18-month high, pushing up 2,000 0
nity remains updated. up to support the dream of a $5-trillion Sebi plans to extend some of these dead- sidered,” he said. commodities. Jun 30 Jul 22 Jun 30 Jul 22
This was one of the reasons, Tyagi economy. However, more work needs lines further, Tyagi said: “All relaxations Some players have proposed geotag- The expanding balance Compiled by BS Research Bureau Source: Exchange
said, why the Sebi didn’t accede to the to be done on the debt market front. have a sunset clause. Sebi will take a call ging terminals so that remote access sheet of major central banks,
demand of allowing firms to club their “Despite a record sell-off in March, there on whether to provide further exten- along with accountability is possible. according to experts, will boost are elated, looking at the rising high hedge positions. The
June and September quarter result were no defaults in payments. This is sions as and when required.” Tyagi also said Sebi is supportive of demand for gold over dollar notional value of their holding. options trading data indicates
announcements. demonstrates the strong fundamentals On the issue of direct overseas the use of blockchain technology for debasement and its price may Demand in cities is the bullish phase to continue
“Retail investors showing trust is a and systems of the equity platform,” listing, Sebi said no company has come real-time settlement of trades. He said see a déjà vu effect from 2010- extremely thin because of the for both metals.
great opportunity,” he said. Tyagi said. forward with the proposal of dual list- exchanges need to use blockchain on a 11. Analysts are bullish on the impact of the lockdown and Iyer said: “The gold options
He said that currently, the ball is India Inc leaders hailed Sebi and ing, yet. trial basis. two precious metals, saying prevailing restrictions. In rural data for call open interest (OI)
intermittent corrections areas, there has been some for July expiry suggests that
should provide buying oppor- traction after Unlock 1 in June, investors booked some profits
tunities for those who feel left but much lower than that dur- after an upbeat opening on
Fund managers on shaky Regulator directs MFs out. Silver had seen a high of
~75,000 in April 2011; the cur-
rent momentum suggests that
ing the same period last year,
said experts.
Sriram Iyer, senior research
Wednesday after the price
touched an all-time high of
above ~50,000. But, a built-up
for bankruptcy
uted to Central Government
and State Government. In case
the bankrupt has any past
income tax outstanding liabil- Commission, which concurred with
ity, the same will be paid if the view and dismissed his appeal.
there is any surplus available Krishna then approached the
But it has to pass a tough judicial test due to archaic laws after discharging other credi-
tors in the order of the priority.
National Commission and
requested that the revision
The remaining income tax lia- should be decided on merits on the
BINDISHA SARANG bility after the distribution will basis of his written submissions
cease to exist.” It is important without requiring him to attend
ver the years, we have to note that while the insol- the hearings.
heard stories about vency proceedings are pending The National Commission relied
celebrities like Michael before the court, you can apply on its own judgement in Aftab Singh
Jackson, Mike Tyson, Donald
Trump and Vijay Mallya going
for a minimum maintenance
amount but it is a discretionary
CONSUMER PROTECTION v/s Emaar MGF Land and Ors. where
it had reiterated that the view taken
broke, and some even filed for relief that varies from case JEHANGIR B GAI by the Supreme Court of India in
bankruptcy. However, it is rare to case. Fair Air Engineers v/s N K Modi
to hear about individual bank- Finally, you need to collect J Abhilash Krishna bought a would remain unaltered even after
ruptcy/insolvency cases in the “absolute discharge certifi- subscription scheme floated by the amendment of the Arbitration
India because the laws are cate” from the court, which will Competition Review, a Delhi-based and Conciliation Act. The
much tougher, and of course, happen only once the entire private limited company, for its interpretation of the law in Aftab's
social stigma. The good thing is process of distribution is fin- magazine Competition Success case was upheld by the Supreme
that you can do so even if you ished. The court considers Review. The scheme provided that a Court. So the Commission
owe someone as little as Rs 500, many parameters; for instance, person buying an annual concluded that an arbitration clause
according to the existing law is the insolvency resulted due subscription would be entitled to an in an agreement would neither oust
which is almost over a century to misfortune. Was there any additional complimentary the jurisdiction of the consumer fora
old. No wonder, the process fraudulent activity or dishon- subscription. Krishna paid ~900 for nor debar a party from availing of
can be excruciating. Suresh est conduct on part of the the annual subscription and a the additional remedy available
Surana, founder, RSM India debtor? After this, remaining, further amount of ~200 towards under the Consumer Protection Act.
says: “Bankruptcy arises where unpaid debts are cancelled. delivery charges. And he It held the complaint to be
a person is unable to pay his PROPOSALS UNDER Creditors cannot force him to gave two addresses – one Both the District maintainable.
Forum and State
debts. However, a person is
considered bankrupt only
YET-TO-BE NOTIFIED repay the debt amount. You
may not be able to get a clean
of Bijapur and the other
of Pune, for receipt of the Commission
The National
Commission observed
when he is adjudged as one by IBC RULES chit regarding all debts, if you two subscriptions. dismissed the that the Forum that failed
the judicial authorities.” owe the government or have Since the magazine case claiming to consider that a part of
Though the Insolvency and committed any financial fraud, was not received by him they did not have the cause of action would
Minimum Who can Authority Privacy: Proceedings can be
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) you will have to cough up the at his Bijapur address, territorial occur at the place where
came into effect on December threshold: initiate: forinitiating: Authority issues initiatedagainst any money. Satija says: “The crite- Krishna had a legal jurisdiction. The the magazine was to be
2, 2016, and has rules for indi- ~1,000 (Could Debtors and Debt Recovery public notice in individual who defaults in ria to establish your inability notice issued but did not National delivered but was not
vidual bankruptcy too, they rise to ~1 lakh) Creditors Tribunal newspapers debt repayment to pay the debt, takes time too.” receive any response. Commission set received by the
have not been notified yet. Says While it isn’t an easy deci- Krishna then filed a aside their orders subscriber. Since one of
Sandeep Bajaj, Founder & UnderIBC, an individual can applyfor If the loan is joint,both the borrowers are required sion, the process is also com- complaint before the the two subscriptions for
Managing Partner, PSL bankruptcy even if the spouse is working to file for insolvency proceedings if unable to repay plicated and time-consuming District Forum for Bijapur. The the magazine was to be delivered to
Advocates & Solicitors: “At pres- and has regular income the debt especially since we are stuck in company sent a letter stating that it Krishna at his Bijapur address, the
ent, in respect of Individual the older law. Not many have was being run by an 80-year old National Commission held that the
Insolvency and Bankruptcy, the walked down this path, par- person who would not be able to Forum has erred in exercising
proceedings are governed by Shah Associates says: “The pre- been met, the court may accept any legal proceedings against tially because of the social stig- attend the hearing. The letter also jurisdiction even though the
the Presidency Towns vailing bankruptcy laws do not or reject the petition. Once you the property or assets of the ma, partly because of old rules, stated that the terms and conditions complaint was maintainable
Insolvency Act, 1909 (applica- distinguish between salaried or file the petition, a hearing date debtor.” partly due to fear of approach- governing the subscription before it.
ble to proceedings to be insti- self-employed individuals. An is announced and the court ing lawyers and courts. Ajay provided that all disputes would be Accordingly, by its order of July
tuted before the High Courts of individual who owes a debt to a appoints an interim receiver Adjunction: On the hearing Shaw, partner, DSK Legal, says: subject to Delhi jurisdiction and 13, 2020, delivered by Prem Narain,
Calcutta, Bombay and Madras) person and is not able to dis- who takes immediate posses- date, if the court finds that your “There is why there is an would be decided by a sole the National Commission set aside
and the Provincial Insolvency charge the same owing to his sion of the property of the petition is satisfactory, it will immediate need to usher in the arbitrator to be appointed by the orders of the District Forum as
Act, 1920 (which applies to the deteriorating financial condi- debtor. Aishwarya Satija, pass on “order of adjunction” individual insolvency provi- the company. well as the State Commission. It held
rest of India). Once the provi- tions can apply for bankruptcy. research fellow, Vidhi Centre which will make you – the sions under the IBC. The IBC The Bijapur District Forum the complaint to be maintainable. It
sions of the Code are notified, for Legal Policy, an independ- debtor – an undischarged is a composite framework that concluded that it did not have the also ordered a refund of the entire
the repeal Section 23 of the The process: Once you have ent legal advisory group, insolvent. After this, the court- contemplates a fair and order- jurisdiction to entertain the amount paid by Krishna along with
Code shall come into force and decided to file for bankruptcy, explains: “Under the IBC, appointed officer will sell off ly process for dealing with complaint in view of the arbitration delivery charges of ~1,100. In
the aforementioned statutes you need to approach a lawyer there’s an automatic stay your property, if any. The mon- the insolvency situation for clause, and also because it lacked addition, ~5,000 was awarded as
shall cease to affect.” Note that to file a proposal in the court, mechanism in place. But under ey recovered after the sale will individuals. It is expected to territorial jurisdiction since the compensation and ~4,000 towards
the provisions of both the Acts along with the necessary docu- the current laws, you can be distributed among the make the process more time- company was located in Delhi. litigation costs.
are similar. mentation. After analysing if apply for a stay order from the debtors. Adds Borah: “The dis- bound than what the current When Krishna challenged the order
Gopal Bohra, Partner, NA the conditions for filing have court, and it can give a stay on tribution will be made in order laws provide.” before the Karnataka State The author is a consumer activist
CIN: L65993PN1945PLC004656
Registered Office: Mumbai - Pune Road, Akurdi, Pune 411 035
Website: | E-mail ID: | Telephone: +91 20 27472851
Extract of consolidated unaudited financial results for the quarter ended 30 June 2020
CIN : L28129MH1984PLC032008
Sr. No. Particulars Quarter ended Quarter ended Year ended 612, V. K. Industrial Estate, 10-14 Pais Street, Byculla (W), Mumbai 400 011
30.06.2020 30.06.2019 31.03.2020 Tel. No. (022) 23075677 / 23074585, Fax No. (022) 23080022
Email : Website :
(Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Audited)
1 Revenue from operations 90.25 78.59 393.38 (Rs. In Lacs)
Quarter Ended Year Ended
2 Profit before tax 708.27 690.10 3,313.67
Particulars 31.03.2020 31.03.2019 31.03.2020 31.03.2019
3 Profit for the period (attributable to owners of the company) 679.13 669.28 2,992.00 Audited Audited Audited Audited
Total income from operations 2002.90 2395.29 7622.39 8397.25
4 Total comprehensive income (attributable to owners of the company) 2,194.30 4,273.67 4,339.89
Net Profit / (Loss) for the period
44.73 128.05 221.54 404.25
5 Paid-up equity share capital 111.29 111.29 111.29 (before Tax, Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items)
Net Profit / (Loss) for the period before tax
6 Other equity (as shown in the Balance Sheet of previous year) 27,652.25 44.73 128.05 221.54 404.25
(after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items)
7 Basic and diluted earnings per share (`) (not annualised) Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after tax
-27.96 71.97 99.66 292.17
(Face value of `10 each) 61.0 60.1 268.8 (after Exceptional and / or Extraordinary items)
Total Comprehensive Income for the period
Key standalone financial information is given below: (` In Crore)
[Comprising Profit / (Loss) for the period (after tax) -28.90 71.03 98.97 291.23
Sr. No. Particulars Quarter ended Quarter ended Year ended and other Comprehensive Income (after tax)] ALLIED DIGITAL
30.06.2020 30.06.2019 31.03.2020 Equity Share Capital 739.10 739.10 739.10 739.10 REGD. OFFICE: Premises No.13A, 13th Floor, Earnest House,
(Reviewed) (Reviewed) (Audited) Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserve NCPA Road, Block III, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400021
1880.17 1880.17 1781.20 CIN:L72200MH1995PLC085488
as shown in the Balance Sheet of previous year)
1 Total income 99.54 83.28 2,205.86 PHONE: 022-66816400;
Earnings Per Share (of Rs. 10/- each) /
2 Profit before tax 71.27 42.69 2,048.09 (for continuing and discontinued operations) NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING
Pursuant to the Regulation 29(1)(a) read with Regulation
Basic: -0.39 1.10 1.35 3.95 47(1)(a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
3 Profit after tax 43.13 22.84 1,826.87 Requirements) Regulations, 2015, (as may be amended
Diluted: -0.39 1.10 1.35 3.95 from time to time). Notice is hereby given that a meeting of
Notes: the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled to be
held on Thursday, July 30, 2020 to consider, approve and
Note: The above is an extract of the unaudited financial results for the quarter ended 30 June 2020 which have been reviewed by the Audit Committee, approved 1. The above is an extract of the detailed format of audited Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchange take on record the Un-audited Standalone and Consolidated
by Board of Directors at its meeting held on 22 July 2020, subjected to limited review by statutory auditors and filed with the stock exchanges under under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Financial Results of the Company for the quarter ended
June, 30, 2020 along with Limited Review Report amongst
Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended. The full format of the aforesaid financial results is available 2. The Above audited financial results have been reviewd by the Audit Committee and taken on record by the other matters.
on the website of the Company, BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited i.e., and Board of Directors at their meeting held on 21st July, 2020. Further pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
3. The financial results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2020 have been prepared in accordance Regulations, 2015 read with amendments thereto and
respectively. referring to the clarification regarding trading restriction
with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (Ind AS) prescribed under Section 133 of period given by NSE vide letter dated April 02, 2019 vide Ref
the Companies Act 2013 and other recognised accounting practices and policies to the extent applicable. No: NSE/CML/2019/11 and BSE vide its letter dated April
By order of the Board of Directors 4. The figures for the quarter ended March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 are the balancing figure between
02, 2019 vide Ref No. LIST/COMP/01/2019-20, the Trading
Window for dealing in the securities of the Company was
For Bajaj Holdings & Investment Limited the audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the published figures of nine months ended already closed for all Designated/Connected Persons from
July 01, 2020 till the end of 48 hours after declaration of
December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018 respectively. financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2020.
5. The full format of the Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchange website and on The aforesaid notice is also available on the Company’s
website at and may also be assessed on
Pune Sanjiv Bajaj Stock Exchanges website where the shares of the Company
For RISHI TECHTEX LTD. are Listed at and
22 July 2020 Managing Director and CEO sd/- By Order of the Board
Abhishek Patel Sd/-
Place : Mumbai Managing Director Place: Mumbai CS Neha Bagla
Date : 21.07.2020 DIN: 05183410 Date: 23.07.2020 Company Secretary
IN THE > > Balmer Lawrie & Company > Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services
N FTY 50
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> BS 200
WHAT THIS STOCK PAGE CONTAINS AND WHY The third sub-set of The table also contains the (F&O) section a wide set of an option may be exercised. becomes valueless while compared with the previous XD after the traded quotes M
information is the stock’s company’s price-earnings data has been provided. An option is “in-the-money” futures contracts are close, the close price is indicate that the scrip has
market capitalisation. The (P/E) multiple. The P/E Open Interest: OI is the if the market price exceeds compulsorily settled on underlined. A significant gone ex-dividend after that l ~100 q ~3 Aarti Inds (A) < Abbott India (A)
BS 200 stocks account for over paid-up value . Four
market capitalisation is multiple is arrived at by number of contracts open at the SP (in case of a call option) expiry. On NSE, it is the last change means a 3 per cent date; XB denotes ex-bonus, PCLose (897.7) (897.8) (15019.9) (15014.8)
85 per cent of the volume of categories of information are m ~50 H ~2 Open 897.7 905.0 15020.0 15051.0
shares, value and trades on provided: First, the basic shown in ~crore and is arrived dividing the day’s closing end of day in the futures and and the market price is below Thursday of every month. rise or fall in scrips whose XR ex-rights; XO ex-indicator
High 906.0 906.9 15185.0 15199.0
the Bombay Stock Exchange information on the day’s at by multiplying the closing price by its reported earning options segment. OI thus SP (in case of a put). Put/call ratio: The ratio of market values are over 10 for other corporate actions n ~20 « ~1
Low 894.1 893.5 14903.8 14900.0
and National Stock Exchange. trading. Information is also prices of shares with equity per share (EPS) for trailing 12 indicates traders’ Otherwise it is “out-of- open interest in put options & times paid-up value or 15 per like AGM/EGM/ preference u ~6 Face value Close 903.4 904.2 14936.4 14937.5
For BS 200 stocks, the given on the number of capital. It changes either months. EPS is calculated on expectations. High OI is money” call options. cent for the rest of the shares. shares/mergers and others . M of scrips is Shares 7198 171K 1318 13733
because more shares have the basis of consolidated typical when traders see a Expiry date: The date on ABBREVIATIONS: When a The letters H or L appended denotes volume of shares in < ~5 ~10 in all PE 30.1 30.1 53.5 53.5
company name is followed by shares traded, and also the 52 Wk H/L 1192/662 1192/668 18569/830018680/8278
been issued (or extinguished) earnings wherever available. continuing trend. which a derivative expires . significant change occurs in to prices indicate a new high million, L in lakhs & K in cases if not
its BSE group in brackets and price trend with 52-week Q ~4 specified. Mcap 15741 15754 31740 31742
the symbol indicating the highs and lows. or the price has moved. In the futures and options Strike Price: The price at which An unexercised option the day’s closing value or low in the scrip; the letters ‘000’.
ACC (A) Adani Enter (A) « Adani Gas (A) « Adani Green En (A) Adani Ports (A) H Adani Power (A) H m m H m H m « m m H < « « « m
(1380.7) (1379.3) (167.2) (167.3) (151.4) (151.4) (347.7) (347.4) (314.6) (314.7) (35.3) (35.3)
O 1382.8 1388.0 167.0 167.0 151.6 152.5 342.4 345.0 321.5 316.2 35.3 35.1 O O
1388.1 1389.3 171.8 172.0 154.9 155.0 346.4 347.0 321.5 318.7 35.5 35.5
w 1361.3 1361.0 162.3 162.0 148.9 148.5 332.6 332.6 309.4 309.1 34.9 34.9 w w
1372.3 1372.3 169.3 169.4 150.8 150.5 336.1 336.0 312.0 312.0 35.1 35.1
38248 1134K 479K 4611K 186K 1443K 155K 537K 79826 3069K 140K 3258K
22.0 22.0 16.4 16.4 - - - - 16.8 16.8 - -
W 1708/896 1709/895 261/116 261/116 195/77 195/77 487/43 487/43 429/203 429/203 74/24 74/23 W W
M 25770 25770 18614 18631 16579 16552 52566 52551 63391 63391 13519 13519 M M
Aurob Pharma (A) « Avanti Feeds (A) « Avenue Supermar (A) Axis Bank (A) H Bajaj Auto (A) Bajaj Fin (A) H Bajaj Finsrv (A) < Balkrishna I (A) H Bandhan Bank (A) Bank of Baroda (A) H Bank of India (A) Bata India (A) < BEML (A) Berge Paint (A) « Bharat Elctn (A) « Bharat Forge (A) H Bharti Airtel (A) < Bharti Infratel (A)
(800.4) (800.2) (444.9) (445.5) (2040.4) (2040.8) (446.2) (446.2) (3004.4) (3004.3) (3292.9) (3292.4) (6381.4) (6384.4) (1249.3) (1249.2) (353.1) (353.2) (49.4) (49.4) (50.3) (50.3) (1305.3) (1305.7) (649.8) (650.7) (518.7) (517.3) (99.3) (99.3) (384.0) (384.4) (567.8) (567.8) (198.8) (198.9)
O 804.4 804.0 447.1 446.2 2052.0 2055.0 473.0 478.0 3005.1 3011.0 3316.2 3320.0 O 6609.0 6599.0 1255.0 1252.0 355.1 355.5 49.8 49.5 50.3 50.3 1314.0 1309.0 O 661.1 662.0 520.5 519.4 100.0 99.9 386.0 386.0 568.0 568.0 200.0 199.5
842.0 842.6 452.6 453.4 2121.0 2120.6 484.5 484.6 3025.0 3030.2 3345.0 3340.0 6609.0 6599.0 1274.0 1274.5 356.4 357.0 50.0 50.0 50.5 50.6 1314.0 1311.2 664.7 664.0 521.0 521.0 100.0 100.0 388.9 389.0 575.5 575.5 203.8 203.9
w 804.4 803.8 436.4 436.4 2011.1 2010.0 460.3 460.1 2928.6 2906.6 3194.2 3193.6 w 6265.8 6271.0 1242.5 1242.0 339.3 339.0 48.4 48.4 48.4 48.5 1283.9 1283.6 w 644.3 644.9 509.1 509.3 96.6 96.5 379.6 379.3 563.0 562.8 198.2 198.3
824.8 824.9 439.6 439.3 2108.9 2110.0 479.1 479.0 2984.8 2985.4 3252.6 3253.0 6349.7 6347.4 1257.8 1257.5 344.0 343.9 XO48.7 48.7 48.5 48.6 1293.5 1293.1 656.6 656.7 519.4 519.5 97.9 97.9 387.4 387.2 569.5 569.2 200.5 200.6
244K 5992K 17922 421K 62177 1722K 2967K 89612K 78198 2051K 866K 17070K 107K 2158K 38672 1151K 848K 9907K 1228K 27425K 347K 2541K 75163 794K 69072 752K 67465 1320K 457K 8901K 223K 3338K 653K 10831K 532K 6970K
17.1 17.1 20.9 20.9 128.4 128.4 98.7 98.7 16.6 16.6 42.4 42.4 27.0 27.0 25.7 25.7 20.0 20.0 41.2 41.2 - - 50.9 50.8 40.0 40.0 72.2 72.2 13.3 13.3 38.1 38.1 - - 11.2 11.2
W 846/281 846/289 770/250 770/251 2559/1384 2560/1384 766/285 766/286 3315/1793 3315/1789 4923/1783 4923/1783 W 10297/3986 9950/3985 1325/678 1325/679 650/152 650/152 120/36 119/36 81/30 82/30 1897/1017 1895/1000 W 1108/370 1109/370 597/307 597/306 122/56 122/56 533/208 534/208 612/322 612/321 296/121 297/120
M 48325 48331 5987 5983 136605 136679 135188 135160 86370 86389 195999 196026 M 101048 101013 24313 24307 55386 55378 22502 22502 15893 15909 16623 16618 M 2734 2734 50439 50449 23842 23854 18037 18028 310694 310503 37075 37094
BHEL (A) H Biocon (A) < Birla Corpn (A) Bosch (A) BPCL (A) Britannia (A) « Cadila Healt (A) « Canara Bank (A) Century Tex (A) CESC (A) Chola Inv (A) H Cipla (A) H City Union B (A) « Coal India (A) Colgate (A) « Containr Crp (A) < Coromndl Int (A) « Cummins (I) (A) H
(38.0) (38.0) (426.3) (426.3) (570.0) (570.8) (13173.2) (13162.5) (463.7) (464.2) (3879.6) (3880.4) (364.9) (364.9) (104.0) (104.0) (308.4) (308.4) (589.0) (590.0) (212.4) (212.6) (661.4) (662.3) (126.1) (126.0) (133.1) (133.1) (1412.8) (1413.7) (457.1) (457.0) (806.8) (806.9) (387.9) (388.3)
O 38.3 38.3 427.0 428.0 570.4 570.9 13170.0 13300.0 465.0 464.8 3900.2 3914.8 O 368.9 366.3 104.4 104.7 311.0 310.4 589.1 588.1 212.2 212.0 664.2 666.2 O 126.2 126.5 134.5 133.7 1424.0 1423.5 457.1 457.6 815.0 812.0 390.5 390.0
39.0 39.0 441.0 441.0 574.0 575.0 13490.0 13498.0 466.0 465.0 3930.0 3924.4 373.5 373.6 105.4 105.3 312.2 312.5 595.1 593.9 224.1 224.2 677.5 677.8 127.0 127.0 136.6 136.7 1424.0 1428.1 459.7 460.0 819.0 819.4 395.3 395.0
w 37.5 37.5 425.8 425.7 558.7 558.0 13064.6 13050.0 447.6 447.7 3790.0 3791.1 w 361.6 361.5 101.5 101.4 302.5 302.2 571.6 571.9 207.1 207.1 658.0 657.5 w 124.0 124.0 132.8 132.8 1386.0 1385.0 446.2 446.1 801.0 800.5 385.5 385.0
38.0 38.0 431.0 430.7 559.9 559.9 13269.9 13264.7 450.3 450.6 3805.5 3805.1 366.6 366.7 102.1 102.1 308.0 308.2 573.2 574.0 220.4 220.9 661.8 661.7 124.4 124.3 134.1 134.1 1392.7 1392.2 451.5 451.7 813.6 813.1 393.4 393.3
2233K 39544K 322K 9093K 4751 141K 2439 47894 451K 12682K 34154 1019K 240K 3470K 368K 12787K 50926 797K 9643 540K 593K 16592K 295K 5918K 72414 958K 510K 14123K 17883 633K 80227 1415K 11781 352K 31118 1000K
- - 69.1 69.1 13.7 13.7 60.2 60.2 36.4 36.4 53.9 53.9 31.9 31.9 - - 9.9 9.9 8.3 8.3 17.2 17.2 34.5 34.5 19.2 19.2 4.9 4.9 46.4 46.4 73.2 73.2 22.4 22.4 17.3 17.3
W 65/19 65/18 455/211 447/211 808/373 807/372 17137/787417260/7850 550/252 549/252 4015/2101 4010/2100 W 385/206 385/202 266/74 267/74 987/220 988/219 855/366 852/365 349/117 349/117 696/357 697/355 W 249/110 249/110 223/119 223/119 1641/1065 1643/1065 665/263 666/263 822/337 823/337 764/282 765/280
M 13232 13232 51720 51684 4311 4311 39133 39118 97670 97746 91559 91550 M 37529 37534 14833 14840 3440 3442 7598 7608 18064 18105 53361 53353 M 9168 9165 82611 82642 37880 37866 27510 27519 23845 23832 10905 10902
Cyient (A) < Dabur India (A) « DCB Bank (A) Deepak Nitrt (A) H Divis Lab (A) H Dixon Tech (A) DLF (A) H Dr Lal PathLabs (A) Dr Reddys (A) < Eicher Motor (A) Embassy Office (IF) Equitas Hold (A) Escorts (A) Exide Ind (A) « Federal Bank (A) H Future Retail (A) H GAIL (A) Glenmark (A) «
(299.8) (299.9) (491.6) (491.6) (82.4) (82.4) (534.3) (534.4) (2281.9) (2282.3) (7110.9) (7120.4) (143.4) (143.3) (1976.7) (1979.8) (4034.9) (4033.6) (20111.5) (20116.7) (348.0) (-) (57.7) (57.7) (1172.1) (1171.8) (160.7) (160.6) (54.5) (54.5) (107.3) (107.3) (103.8) (103.8) (414.3) (414.1)
O 300.6 302.9 495.0 493.0 83.0 82.7 537.4 535.0 2285.0 2293.0 7190.0 7156.0 O 143.6 144.0 1989.0 1991.0 4060.0 4053.6 20202.0 20240.0 348.0 - 58.6 57.7 O 1168.0 1165.0 160.4 160.2 54.8 54.5 107.4 106.7 104.3 104.3 414.3 416.0
301.3 302.9 495.0 495.2 83.0 83.0 547.0 547.5 2310.0 2307.0 7514.8 7520.0 146.3 146.5 2000.0 1998.0 4129.9 4130.0 20283.4 20300.0 363.3 - 58.7 58.6 1210.7 1210.0 162.6 162.8 57.2 57.3 109.1 109.7 104.9 105.0 420.0 420.0
w 293.0 292.6 478.7 478.4 80.9 80.8 523.3 523.1 2246.9 2245.8 6923.8 6913.3 w 141.2 141.2 1936.3 1935.3 4026.7 4025.1 19753.6 19742.0 348.0 - 56.3 56.3 w 1164.1 1163.0 157.9 157.8 53.2 53.1 105.1 105.0 100.8 100.9 411.4 411.4
298.6 297.8 481.1 481.1 81.4 81.4 534.7 534.5 2262.1 2261.8 7372.2 7376.2 142.7 142.7 1949.8 1949.5 4061.8 4061.6 19879.2 19890.6 361.5 - 57.1 57.1 1204.2 1203.7 158.6 158.7 56.7 56.7 105.9 105.7 102.0 102.0 413.7 413.7
23823 373K 192K 3073K 48237 1053K 40666 827K 11441 315K 5148 140K 629K 9775K 3814 122K 38284 819K 10805 336K 28400 - 422K 9572K 289K 3475K 219K 3237K 2137K 58376K 145K 2201K 850K 13460K 313K 1788K
9.8 9.8 58.8 58.8 7.5 7.5 13.4 13.4 43.7 43.7 70.8 70.8 - - 71.9 71.9 33.3 33.3 29.7 29.7 - - 253.6 253.6 33.4 33.4 16.3 16.3 7.2 7.2 8.1 8.1 6.9 6.9 15.0 15.0
W 514/184 514/184 525/385 525/386 219/58 218/58 570/257 568/257 2538/1467 2538/1466 7515/1831 7520/1560 W 267/115 267/115 2030/1053 2029/1054 4189/2352 4190/2351 23428/12460 23450/12450 518/301 -/- 121/33 121/33 W 1211/423 1210/424 209/122 209/125 99/36 99/36 475/61 444/61 148/66 149/65 573/168 573/162
M 3283 3275 85021 85021 2527 2527 7293 7290 60047 60038 8530 8534 M 35323 35323 16250 16247 67523 67520 54290 54321 27894 - 1950 1950 M 16236 16229 13477 13485 11295 11305 5739 5731 46003 45981 11675 11675
GMR Infra (A) « Godrej Cons (A) « Godrej Prpty (A) < Granules (A) « Grasim Ind (A) H Gujarat Gas (A) H Havells I (A) « HCL Techno (A) H HDFC (A) H HDFC AMC (A) < HDFC Bank (A) « HDFC Std Life (A) Hero MotoCorp (A) H Hexaware Tch (A) H Hindalco (A) « HPCL (A) HUL (A) « ICICI Bank (A) H
(19.9) (19.9) (680.0) (680.3) (897.7) (898.2) (263.1) (263.3) (602.7) (603.1) (305.7) (305.5) (579.0) (579.0) (652.0) (652.3) (1883.4) (1883.7) (2511.4) (2512.5) (1139.6) (1138.6) (627.0) (627.5) (2868.3) (2869.1) (355.0) (355.0) (159.9) (160.0) (234.1) (234.3) (2319.1) (2318.0) (378.9) (378.8)
O 19.9 20.0 685.0 680.3 903.0 900.0 265.1 265.6 607.0 607.0 306.0 306.0 O 582.9 581.0 656.0 657.0 1899.0 1895.5 2525.0 2525.0 1140.0 1138.5 630.0 627.0 O 2860.0 2860.0 357.0 356.0 160.1 160.6 236.3 236.4 2340.0 2330.0 385.8 386.9
21.4 21.4 695.5 696.0 908.9 908.9 276.5 276.4 611.8 612.0 307.7 307.8 590.0 590.2 656.3 658.0 1899.0 1899.0 2528.0 2529.0 1141.6 1144.5 630.0 627.0 2860.5 2860.0 358.5 359.0 163.8 163.9 237.6 236.4 2340.0 2330.0 389.4 389.5
w 19.8 19.8 676.0 675.5 878.6 875.6 263.2 263.1 594.3 594.0 296.4 296.2 w 575.0 575.0 643.5 643.1 1852.0 1851.5 2485.0 2483.2 1118.0 1117.6 606.0 605.9 w 2755.0 2753.1 351.0 351.3 157.4 157.4 225.3 225.3 2241.0 2241.3 375.4 375.3
20.8 20.8 693.4 693.2 886.3 886.1 270.1 270.1 601.7 601.8 300.0 300.6 585.2 584.7 650.6 650.2 1882.6 1881.1 2504.9 2505.2 1126.4 1126.4 609.7 609.7 2768.6 2768.0 356.2 356.5 160.0 159.9 228.5 228.2 2248.2 2248.5 381.1 381.1
4194K 28845K 130K 1727K 31691 463K 299K 6424K 74921 1743K 58485 728K 119K 2432K 165K 3838K 211K 5539K 10424 309K 666K 12359K 202K 5165K 32800 1349K 56041 542K 646K 17456K 298K 6695K 346K 6950K 2827K 45501K
- - 47.4 47.4 83.6 83.6 18.4 18.4 9.0 9.0 17.3 17.3 50.0 49.9 15.0 15.0 18.4 18.4 - - 22.6 22.6 93.1 93.1 15.2 15.2 15.7 15.7 58.0 58.0 13.2 13.2 77.0 77.0 31.1 31.1
W 27/14 27/14 772/425 772/425 1188/506 1189/505 276/84 276/84 898/380 898/385 330/154 329/155 W 765/447 766/447 662/376 662/375 2500/1473 2500/1473 3844/1964 3844/1962 1304/739 1306/739 646/339 646/340 W 3021/1475 3023/1475 399/202 399/202 221/85 221/85 329/155 329/150 2614/1668 2614/1667 552/269 552/268
M 12524 12524 70895 70880 22341 22336 6678 6678 39577 39586 20649 20693 M 36630 36599 176550 176428 326556 326287 53313 53321 618427 618400 123109 123099 M 55303 55291 10647 10654 35930 35918 34819 34774 528237 528308 246806 246806
ICICI Lombard (A) ICICI Prud Life (A) IDFC First Bank (A) India Cement (A) Indiabulls Hous (A) H Indian Hotel (A) « Indraprst Gs (A) H IndusInd Bank (A) Info Edge (A) Infosys (A) < InterGlobe Avia (A) IOC (A) IOL Chem (B) Ipca Labs (A) H IRCTC (B) ITC (A) « Jindal Steel (A) « JSW Steel (A) «
(1333.4) (1334.3) (443.3) (442.9) (27.1) (27.1) (123.1) (123.1) (224.4) (224.6) (80.3) (80.3) (404.8) (404.8) (523.4) (523.5) (3202.7) (3206.2) (936.7) (936.8) (964.3) (964.2) (93.4) (93.4) (753.4) (754.8) (1756.9) (1759.6) (1390.3) (1390.2) (192.3) (192.3) (178.7) (178.6) (210.1) (209.9)
O 1343.0 1332.6 447.0 447.0 27.4 27.2 123.1 123.0 225.0 225.7 81.2 81.2 O 402.1 403.3 528.9 528.0 3204.0 3200.3 940.0 939.0 964.0 964.0 93.7 93.6 O 756.2 758.6 1752.0 1756.9 1399.0 1395.0 192.8 193.0 180.0 179.8 211.8 211.0
1344.8 1345.6 448.1 448.0 27.5 27.5 123.9 124.0 225.7 226.0 81.7 81.7 411.8 411.8 528.9 528.6 3233.3 3237.9 940.0 939.0 973.8 973.8 94.2 94.2 779.0 778.7 1788.0 1789.0 1399.0 1398.7 197.9 197.9 181.3 181.3 214.0 214.0
w 1290.0 1288.6 435.4 435.4 26.7 26.7 118.4 118.3 217.2 217.1 79.7 79.7 w 398.0 398.0 508.1 508.0 3148.9 3147.6 911.6 910.0 946.3 946.0 91.5 91.5 w 710.6 710.1 1732.0 1731.1 1370.0 1370.0 192.6 192.5 168.8 168.7 204.1 204.1
1294.6 1294.4 442.1 442.2 27.0 27.0 119.2 119.2 219.5 219.6 80.0 79.9 406.0 405.9 513.5 513.6 3186.8 3188.5 919.4 917.9 965.8 965.7 92.1 92.0 730.9 730.8 1745.5 1746.7 1372.6 1373.0 196.6 196.6 173.3 173.4 207.0 207.0
8127 445K 168K 3571K 1444K 35043K 230K 1601K 2298K 16816K 159K 2352K 206K 7112K 832K 15202K 4205 328K 481K 14354K 121K 2023K 1450K 30482K 309K 3223K 5009 153K 55929 458K 1039K 32573K 2554K 24764K 752K 9324K
45.9 45.9 59.2 59.3 - - - - 4.3 4.3 26.8 26.8 25.0 25.0 8.1 8.1 189.9 189.9 23.0 23.0 - - 66.0 66.0 11.9 11.9 33.8 33.8 - - 16.0 16.0 - - 12.5 12.5
W 1440/806 1440/805 538/222 537/226 48/18 48/18 140/68 140/68 659/81 659/81 163/62 163/62 W 534/285 534/284 1596/236 1597/236 3310/1580 3318/1581 952/511 956/509 1911/765 1899/771 156/71 156/71 W 833/147 834/146 1844/844 1845/845 1995/625 1994/625 273/135 273/135 202/62 202/62 297/133 297/133
M 58836 58824 63473 63494 15315 15315 3694 3692 9383 9387 9508 9503 M 28417 28413 35611 35618 39045 39065 391600 390961 37164 37158 86657 86610 M 4291 4291 22054 22069 21962 21967 241674 241674 17677 17687 50036 50036
Jubilant Fd (A) Jubilant Lif (A) « Just Dial (A) Kotak Mah Bank (A) < L & T (A) H L & T Infotech (A) « L&T Finance Hol (A) Laurus Labs (A) LIC Hsg Fin (A) H Liquid Sach (F) Lupin (A) H M & M Fin (A) H Mah & Mah (A) < Maha Gas (A) Manapp Finance (A) H Marico (A) « Maruti Suzuki (A) < Max Fin Sre (A) H
(1745.3) (1744.6) (723.3) (723.9) (373.0) (373.1) (1358.8) (1359.0) (937.8) (938.0) (2279.4) (2279.6) (62.7) (62.7) (649.8) (649.8) (269.9) (269.8) (1000.0) (1000.0) (851.8) (851.7) (227.7) (138.9) (588.5) (588.3) (1001.2) (1001.7) (166.0) (166.1) (353.4) (353.5) (6132.9) (6130.9) (568.2) (568.0)
O 1731.0 1745.0 725.0 725.0 372.0 372.8 1370.0 1365.0 940.0 939.2 2285.0 2300.0 O 62.8 63.0 652.0 650.2 270.0 271.3 1000.0 1000.0 850.0 852.1 137.0 135.0 O 588.5 588.6 994.0 1000.9 167.0 167.0 356.0 354.9 6127.9 6117.0 565.5 570.8
1745.2 1749.8 760.0 760.0 373.4 373.2 1370.0 1366.4 940.0 941.0 2349.9 2350.0 63.2 63.2 679.4 679.8 275.8 275.9 1000.0 1000.0 869.5 869.8 159.5 159.5 612.0 612.0 1013.1 1013.4 178.3 178.5 356.0 355.3 6128.0 6129.0 594.0 594.0
w 1673.5 1673.1 706.6 705.1 363.5 363.3 1331.0 1331.0 910.2 910.0 2282.0 2280.0 w 61.5 61.4 648.1 649.0 266.3 266.3 1000.0 1000.0 846.3 846.0 134.3 134.0 w 582.1 582.0 986.5 986.0 165.4 165.2 349.6 349.5 5940.0 5939.7 549.4 548.6
1700.0 1699.8 749.3 747.2 369.2 369.4 1341.8 1342.4 921.0 920.9 2330.0 2330.7 62.4 62.4 676.4 676.4 270.7 270.8 1000.0 1000.0 851.2 850.8 XR154.0 153.9 591.8 592.0 1002.9 1003.3 173.5 173.6 351.2 350.9 6006.4 6003.4 565.6 565.9
33073 1027K 65389 1192K 151K 1555K 122K 4173K 220K 4978K 49642 316K 685K 9069K 108K 1422K 343K 5212K 74887 875K 126K 1983K 7835K 83204K 430K 11559K 14886 511K 1208K 20744K 107K 3103K 43475 1140K 106K 1628K
81.4 81.4 13.3 13.3 8.8 8.8 30.9 30.9 13.5 13.5 25.7 25.7 9.6 9.6 28.4 28.4 5.7 5.7 - - - - 9.6 19.1 55.3 55.3 12.5 12.5 10.0 10.0 44.4 44.4 32.1 32.1 55.9 56.0
W 1973/1078 1974/1078 760/230 760/234 756/251 758/250 1740/1000 1740/1001 1554/661 1551/661 2350/1208 2350/1210 W 134/46 134/46 679/298 680/295 529/186 529/185 1009/998 1010/996 956/505 956/505 403/125 246/76 W 621/246 622/245 1247/666 1246/664 195/76 195/74 404/234 404/234 7755/4002 7759/4001 611/280 612/276
M 22434 22432 11936 11903 2396 2398 265523 265632 129301 129294 40634 40647 M 12511 12521 7250 7250 13658 13663 - - 38566 38547 9510 19008 M 73573 73597 9907 9910 14660 14668 45337 45305 181441 181351 15244 15254
MCX (A) Metropolis Heal (A) H Mindtree (A) Mishra Dhatu Ni (A) Mothersons S (A) « MRF (A) Muthoot Finance (A) Nat Alum (A) < Natco Pharma (A) H Navin Fluo (A) H NBCC (A) « NCC (A) H Nestle India (A) NIIT Techno (A) Nippon Life Ind (A) NMDC (A) « NOCIL (A) NTPC (A)
(1499.3) (1500.2) (1457.2) (1457.7) (1007.8) (1009.2) (211.3) (211.3) (97.2) (97.1) (65600.4) (65621.1) (1232.4) (1231.2) (33.8) (33.8) (675.5) (675.0) (1743.1) (1744.4) (25.7) (25.8) (32.3) (32.3) (17284.1) (17275.6) (1668.8) (1668.3) (291.4) (291.7) (83.8) (83.8) (105.2) (105.2) (88.4) (88.3)
O 1510.0 1510.0 1467.2 1457.9 1020.0 1015.0 211.2 211.4 98.0 97.5 65600.0 65590.0 O 1234.0 1240.0 33.8 33.8 665.1 670.2 1743.0 1760.0 25.8 25.9 32.4 32.4 O 17420.0 17350.0 1655.0 1674.0 292.7 292.5 84.8 84.0 104.2 103.7 88.7 88.8
1529.0 1530.0 1486.0 1487.7 1026.6 1028.9 216.5 216.6 98.0 97.8 65600.0 65590.0 1342.0 1343.3 34.6 34.6 685.0 684.8 1813.0 1815.7 25.8 25.9 32.7 32.7 17431.1 17440.0 1677.7 1678.2 292.8 293.1 85.7 85.7 111.6 111.6 92.6 92.6
w 1432.2 1430.0 1450.0 1447.1 1003.0 1002.0 208.0 208.0 94.5 94.5 64272.2 64255.8 w 1231.7 1231.9 33.6 33.6 665.1 668.1 1715.1 1714.2 24.8 24.8 31.5 31.6 w 17000.8 17001.1 1633.6 1632.8 283.4 283.0 82.6 82.5 102.1 102.1 88.7 88.7
1502.9 1505.0 1457.1 1456.3 1013.8 1013.1 210.3 210.2 95.7 95.7 64413.5 64407.8 1315.2 1315.6 33.9 33.9 673.0 673.7 1779.1 1777.9 25.1 25.1 31.9 31.9 17146.5 17151.9 1647.1 1647.3 285.0 284.9 85.0 84.9 110.0 110.1 90.4 90.4
67813 412K 1004 30492 16763 713K 103K 1183K 570K 7570K 466 14419 454K 8586K 484K 9987K 11382 180K 14977 189K 467K 10749K 1379K 16001K 7526 156K 11760 226K 45347 744K 457K 9905K 436K 4900K 2264K 31322K
36.8 36.8 - - 22.2 22.2 24.7 24.7 25.2 25.2 19.6 19.6 17.5 17.6 45.7 45.7 26.7 26.7 22.0 22.0 55.9 55.9 5.1 5.1 81.4 81.4 22.5 22.5 42.0 42.0 7.2 7.2 13.9 13.9 8.8 8.8
W 1529/779 1530/779 2110/983 2109/995 1062/667 1063/667 278/109 279/108 151/49 151/49 73500/50000 73566/49915 W 1342/478 1343/477 49/24 49/24 738/450 738/403 1813/570 1816/570 52/14 52/14 81/16 81/16 W 18301/11300 18370/11299 2057/739 2060/735 453/201 453/208 140/62 140/62 128/45 128/45 134/74 134/73
M 7665 7676 7387 7383 16683 16673 3939 3938 30205 30205 27311 27309 M 52748 52766 6315 6315 12251 12264 8807 8800 4518 4518 1945 1945 M 165326 165378 9978 9979 17443 17437 26025 25995 1822 1823 89447 89397
ONGC (A) < Page Inds (A) Petronet LNG (A) Pfizer (A) PI Inds (A) « Pidilite Ind (A) « Piramal Entp (A) H PNB (A) H Power Fin (A) Power Grid (A) PVR (A) Radico Khatn (A) H Ramco Cements (A) « Raymond (A) RBL Bank (A) REC (A) Reliance Ind (A) SAIL (A)
(82.4) (82.4) (19212.0) (19214.4) (262.1) (262.1) (4179.4) (4182.5) (1687.0) (1685.6) (1403.3) (1402.8) (1559.7) (1558.4) (34.8) (34.8) (85.2) (85.2) (173.6) (173.6) (1040.1) (1040.2) (404.9) (404.9) (676.8) (678.1) (259.5) (259.5) (176.4) (176.5) (108.4) (108.3) (1971.8) (1971.6) (35.8) (35.8)
O 83.0 82.8 19279.0 19354.8 265.0 262.0 4158.0 4166.0 1690.0 1694.0 1405.5 1409.9 O 1545.1 1545.0 34.8 34.9 85.8 85.8 174.0 174.0 1040.0 1040.7 400.3 406.3 O 677.0 675.5 262.0 261.1 178.0 177.6 108.6 109.1 1980.1 1983.0 36.0 35.8
83.5 83.5 19300.0 19354.8 265.0 262.0 4193.1 4191.0 1716.6 1718.5 1410.0 1411.0 1552.7 1553.5 35.1 35.1 86.5 86.5 181.4 181.4 1116.0 1117.9 411.3 411.7 697.8 698.0 264.9 265.0 179.4 179.5 110.2 110.3 2010.0 2010.0 36.7 36.7
w 81.8 81.7 18880.2 18888.0 251.2 251.0 4117.0 4115.0 1680.0 1680.0 1371.1 1370.9 w 1477.9 1477.0 33.9 33.9 84.1 84.0 173.6 173.8 1022.6 1021.1 389.7 389.0 w 668.6 667.1 244.2 245.3 171.9 171.9 106.4 106.6 1960.0 1960.7 34.7 34.7
82.7 82.6 19162.8 19156.8 254.8 254.7 4154.0 4150.8 1695.1 1696.0 1384.7 1384.0 1489.9 1490.3 34.3 34.3 85.0 85.0 179.6 179.7 1108.0 1108.1 394.8 394.8 687.5 686.9 249.3 251.2 174.2 174.2 107.7 107.7 2004.1 2004.0 35.2 35.2
622K 17884K 496 16549 146K 6264K 1601 32213 5139 97157 49505 629K 104K 1873K 688K 26176K 437K 8350K 704K 25918K 143K 4091K 30065 698K 55710 2224K 98966 1184K 1050K 26672K 505K 8701K 1468K 27585K 1921K 42535K
7.9 7.9 62.3 62.2 14.2 14.2 37.3 37.3 58.1 58.2 63.0 63.0 1175.0 1175.3 95.9 95.9 4.0 4.0 8.7 8.7 236.2 236.2 23.2 23.2 26.9 26.9 8.5 8.5 17.5 17.5 4.4 4.4 32.3 32.3 7.2 7.2
W 150/52 150/50 26891/16187 26883/16254 302/171 299/170 5173/2798 5170/2792 1789/974 1790/970 1710/1183 1710/1183 W 2001/608 2001/607 73/26 73/26 133/74 133/74 216/130 216/122 2083/707 2087/705 439/220 439/220 W 883/457 884/455 838/210 829/210 486/102 486/102 157/79 157/79 2010/867 2010/867 52/20 52/20
M 103976 103913 21367 21360 38220 38205 19005 18990 25714 25728 70354 70318 M 33605 33613 32231 32231 22427 22427 93933 93986 6113 6113 5272 5272 M 16196 16183 1660 1672 8862 8862 21260 21260 1270479 1270416 14519 14519
« m m Siemens (A) H SRF (A) Sterlite Tch (A) H Strides Pharma (A) Sun Pharma (A) « < Tata Chem (A) Tata Consumer P (A) « Tata Elxsi (A) Tata Motors (A) H Tata Power (A) « Tata Steel (A)
(1178.3) (1178.9) (3806.0) (3806.1) (138.8) (138.9) (409.9) (409.6) (477.3) (477.3) (301.7) (301.5) (409.5) (409.5) (921.0) (921.3) (108.5) (108.4) (48.8) (48.8) (359.1) (359.1)
O O 1179.0 1179.0 3844.0 3833.9 137.0 139.0 418.0 411.0 480.0 479.7 O 300.0 302.0 409.5 410.0 938.0 931.0 108.6 108.5 49.0 48.7 362.0 360.5
1192.1 1186.4 3868.3 3870.0 138.8 139.0 418.0 415.0 488.0 488.0 306.5 306.5 417.6 417.4 939.6 940.0 109.8 109.8 51.5 51.5 362.9 362.9
w w 1158.0 1157.3 3771.6 3770.0 134.0 134.0 407.2 407.5 471.8 471.6 w 300.0 301.5 404.1 404.0 909.0 908.0 104.4 104.3 48.6 48.6 346.8 346.6
1173.9 1174.9 3812.0 3812.9 135.3 135.4 409.9 409.9 474.3 474.3 303.7 303.8 406.6 407.0 914.8 914.9 105.2 105.2 50.0 50.1 350.1 350.1
51851 559K 7837 172K 158K 2564K 216K 569K 273K 9848K 84758 1250K 120K 2620K 148K 418K 3915K 50741K 1634K 30639K 1252K 17844K
41.2 41.3 22.5 22.5 12.6 12.6 100.9 100.9 30.2 30.2 1.1 1.1 116.4 116.5 20.6 20.6 - - 13.5 13.5 25.4 25.4
W W 1717/947 1717/948 4259/2492 4260/2468 180/60 180/59 547/271 548/268 513/315 W 779/197 780/197 438/214 438/214 1099/501 1098/500 202/64 202/64 69/27 69/27 506/251 506/251
M M 41803 41838 21911 21917 5463 5469 3671 3671 M 7736 7740 37472 37509 5697 5698 32480 32480 13524 13538 39438 39433
« M < m « < w « M « w « H H « « W H H «
w w w
croll through timelines
and tweets or flip through
images and it is soon
abundantly clear that everyday
life, in a lockdown, is being doc-
umented by the minute on
social media. People are engag-
ing in group activities online,
getting nostalgic, celebrity
watching and ruminating more
over recipes and household
chores. Not only does this make
for rich material for social sci-
entists all over the world, it is
also useful fodder for brands, To leverage the rising chatter over hair care in a lockdown, Godrej ran a paid engagement with
helping them don the colours of Karan Johar (Left) for its hair colour brand on Instagram and KFC India tied up with Kunal
the moment, in shades that Kapur (Right) to reach out to the growing band of home chefs
their customers like.
“Our platforms are used by presence of stars stuck at home nothing impedes peoples’ online engagement based on
people to express themselves has also been picked up by desire to be online. social media chatter. Hence
and it reflects their mindsets. brands. There has been a flurry A Kantar report on online videos have become a favoured
So in the beginning, we saw of birthday celebrations, sup- behaviour after the ban on method of engagement; the
people sharing their home port and solidarity videos with TikTok and other Chinese- Kantar report found that after
workout tips, making Dalgona stars and so on to leverage their owned apps stated that average the ban, the most impressive
coffee, banana bread and play- large following of fans. time spent on Instagram dou- gain was seen on YouTube.
ing Quarantine-antakshari. “Now we’re in a phase bled and Facebook saw a 35 per Already the most popular digi-
Then we went on to see ‘live’ where brands are recognising cent jump in time spent after tal video platform in the coun-
entertainment experiences, the value of branded content the ban. People merely try, it saw a further 25 per cent
many led by public figures and how it's great for them to switched allegiances, once the increase in time-spent.
and creators, and some cre- showcase their value in a per- apps were banned. This has Almeida said, “What’s
ated or augmented by us,” sonal way,” said Chopra. For encouraged brands to under- interesting, is that so much of
Manish Chopra, director and example, Godrej had a paid stand the medium better. this usage is driven by video.”
head of partnerships, partnership with Karan Johar Pragati Rana, GM, mcgarry- The lockdown has enabled
Facebook India said. for their hair product Godrej bowen India, the global creative people to express themselves
A diverse set of people is Expert Rich Crème. Johar talks agency of Dentsu said that peo- in diverse ways and social
spending more time on social about his greying mane and ple are spending time in three media platforms have encour-
media platforms for more rea- then sneaks in a mention of the broad ways on these platforms. aged that according to Chopra.
sons than they did before. hair colour brand. Quick service One is an active engagement “Facebook and Instagram are
Brands have been quick to fall restaurant (QSR) chain, KFC, because you are seeking out platforms of expression and
in with the trending topics, ran a similar engagement with interesting things to do. The we’re increasingly seeing peo-
finding new hooks to get a Chef Kunal Kapoor and so have second is to express yourself ple use them to connect with
foothold in the social media many others with actors and assert who you are and the their family and friends,” he
universe of their customers. For Akshay Kumar, Twinkle third, this one has definitely added. With Instagram Reels,
instance, fitness and household Khanna and Kareena Kapoor. grown in size, is instinctual or he expects to see more of the
chores have made for engaging “People are consuming subconscious browsing.” same. The growing use and
advertising copy for several more media than ever before Brands need to tap into these the diversity of engagement Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund
brands including Asian Paints, (including digital), so that gives need states to bond with peo- on these platforms is defi- Indiabulls Finance Center, Tower 2, 12th and 13th Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Godrej Consumer, Zomato, opportunities for brands to ple, she said. nitely a boon for brands and Elphinstone Road (West), Mumbai 400013
Swiggy among others. interact with consumers in a Apart from finding the right the platforms, but the bal-
The increased attention meaningful way,” said Akhil reasons to reach out, brands are looning problem of hate Notice
being paid to celebrity lives and Almeida, vice president, also picking up cues on the speech and false identities
the heightened social media Insights Division, Kantar. Also mode, tone and pitch of their may well sour the bait.
Following the directions provided by the State Governments to curb the spread of COVID-19 cases, notice is hereby given
that below mentioned official point of acceptance of transactions (OPAT) of Franklin Templeton Asset Management (India)
Private Limited have become non-operational until further notice.
expected to announce further fiscal and database of all Covid patients they have Name of the Branch Address of the Branch
> FROM PAGE 1 monetary measures. “Monetary easing may treated so that they can reach out to them
Bhubaneshwar (Odisha) No. 77, Kharavel Nagar, Unit III, Janpath, Bhubaneswar- 751 001
continue till normalcy is restored. Central when the need arises.
Tel: (022) 6688 8333 Fax: (022) 2678 4391 otherwise the sale will be complied and claim if any will be considered as waived.
Website: Sd /- Shareholders may also requested to visit the website of the company
CIN: L99999MH1962PLC012451
Place: Mumbai
Date: 22.07.2020
For Das Associates,
Advocate High Court or the website of the Registrar and Transfer Agent for downloading the Annual Report and Notice of the
FOR THE ATTENTION OF SHAREHOLDERS OF UNICHEM LABORATORIES LIMITED AGM. Alternatively member may send an e-mail request at the email id
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs ("MCA") and the Securities Exchange Board of India along with scanned copy of the signed copy of the request InfoBeans Technologies Limited
("SEBI") vide various circulars have permitted listed companies to send the Notice of letter providing the email address, mobile number, self-attested PAN copy and Client CIN :L72200MP2011 PLC025622
Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and Annual Report for the year Match 31,2020 in
Master copy in case of electronic folio and copy of share certificate in case of physical Reg. Office Address: Crystal IT Park, STP-I 2nd Floor,
electronic form in view of prevailing COVID -19 pandemic and difficulties involved in dispatch
of physical copies. Sending Notice of AGM and Annual Report through e-mail shall be PUBLIC NOTICE folio tor sending the Annual report, Notice of AGM and the e-voting instructions.
Ring Road, Indore (MP) - 452 001 IN
sufficient compliance oftheprovisionsofthe Companies Act, 2013, Rules framed thereunder Please note that the physical / hard copies of the AGM documents will not be sent.
and the SEBI (Usting Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Notice is hereby given that my clients M/sRite Builders & Developers have
Pursuant to Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with the relevant rules NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING
We request the Members of Unichem Laboratories Limited (Company"), who have not yet acquired development rights from BIMAL CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING made thereunder and regulation 44 of the Listing Regulations, the Company is Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Regulation 47(1 )(a) of
registered their e-mail address and mobile number, to register the same in respect of SOCIETY LIMITED (Registration No. BOM/WT/HSSTTC/2752/87-88) and its pleased to provide the facility to the members to exercise their right to vote by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations
shares held in electronic form with the Depository through their Depository Participants) members in respect of under mentioned property, owned by them. My clients
electronic means on all the resolutions set forth in the notice of the 29th Annual a n d Disclosure R e q u i r e m e n t s ) Regulations, 2 0 1 5 (Listing
and in respect of shares held in physical form, by writingtothe Company's Registrar and
Transfer Agent (RTA), M/s. Link Intime India Private Limited, C101,247 Park, LBS Road, have instructed me to investigate title of the property. Any person/s having any General Meeting. Regulations), that the meeting of the c o m p a n y is scheduled to be
Vikhroli West, Mumbai - 400 083, Maharashtra. The RTA can also be contacted at right or claim upon the said property byway of sale, mortgage, lease, gift deed, held on T u e s d a y , 28'" J u l y , 2 0 2 0 at 09:00 a.m. to inter alia consider
The remote e-voting period will commence from 9.00 AM on Monday, 10th August
rnt.helpdesk® inheritance, court decree or in any other manner are required to make the same
2020 and will end at 5.00 PM on Wednesday, 12th August 2020. The e-voting portal and approve the Standalone and Consolidated Audited Financial
The Company has also enabled a processtorthe limited purpose of receiving the Company's known in writing along with supporting documentary evidence to the Results of the c o m p a n y for the First Quarter Ended on 3 0 " June,
shall be disabled by M/s. KFin Technologies Private Limited thereafter.
Annual Report and Notice of the AGM (including remote evoting instructions) electronically, undersigned at his office at Akanksha, 2nd Floor, Sane Guruji Nagar, Mulund
and Members may temporarily update their e-mail address by accessing the link As dividend income is taxable in the hands of shareholders effective April 01,2020, 2020 and to transact such other business, a s m a y be required. (East), Mumbai - 4 0 0 081, within fourteen (07)days from the date hereof .failing please update your residential status, PAN & category as per Income Tax Act T h e notice m a y be accessed on the company's website
underthe Investor Services tab by choosing the e-mail registration heading andfollowthe which it will be presumed that there are no such claims and if any, the same are with your DP if you hold shares in dematerialised form, or with Company's RTA at at h t t p s : / / w w w . i n f o b e a n s . c o m / i n v e s t o r s and may also
registration process as guided therein.No action is required from a Member whose e-mail waived or abandoned and title of the said property shall be certified by me as if you hold shares in physical form. be a c c e s s e d on the S t o c k E x c h a n g e w e b s i t e s at
address and mobile number is already correctly updated.
clear and marketable.
For Unichem Laboratories Limited For Granules India Limited
Sd/- sd/- For I n f o B e a n s T e c h n o l o g i e s L i m i t e d
Date: July22,2020 Pradeep Bhandari DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY Date : 22.07.2020 Chaitonya Tummala Sd /-
Place: Mumbai Head- Legal & Company Secretary Place : Hyderabad Company Secretary Place: Indore Surbhi Jain
ALL THAT piece and parcel land or ground hereditaments bearing Survey No.
137, Hissa No 4, City Survey No 855B/1,855 B/2., admeasuring approximately Date: 22.07.2020 Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
FORM G 1299.25 sq.mtrs. or thereabouts, of Village- Mulund (East), Taluka-Kurla,
INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Registration District of Mumbai Suburban, within the limits of T Ward of Greater
Under Regulation 36A (1) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Mumbai Municipal Corporation situated at Chafekar Bandhu Marg Road,
(Insolvency Resolution Process tor Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 Mulund (East) Mumbai 400 081.
1) Name of the Corporate Debtor Beton Concrete Products Private Limited Dated 23rd July 2020 Advocate
2) Date of incorporation of corporate debtor 20 January 1984
3) Authority under which corporate
debtor is incorporated/registered
4) Corporate identity number / limited U65990MH1984PTC031901 A TATA Enterprise
liability identification number of
the corporate debtor. EVEREST KANT0 CYLINDER LIMITED CIN:L36992MH1948PLC014083
5) Address of the registered office Pasayadan, 412, N-3, CIDCO, Aurangabad 431003 Regd. Office: 204, Raheja Centre, Free Press Journal Marg,
and principal office (if any) of
214, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021
Extracts of Statement of Standalone Financial Results
corporate debtor
6) Insolvency commencement date 28 April 2020 (order made available on NCLT Tel: 022 3026 8300/01 Fax: 022 2287 0720; for the quarter ended 30 June, 2020
of the corporate debtor website 08 May 2020) Email:; Website:
7) Date of invitation of expression 21 July 2020 CIN: L29200MH1978PLC020434 Particulars Quarter Quarter Quarter Year
of interest ended ended ended ended
8) Eligibility for resolution applicants
^^m NOTICE 30 June, 31 March, 30 June, 31 March,
under section 25(2)(h) of the Code
is available at:
Transfer of Equity Shares of the Company to Investor Education 2020 2020 2019 2020
and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority Unaudited Audited Unaudited Audited
9) Norms of ineligibility applicable
under section 29A are available at Notice is hereby given 1hat pursuanttothe provisions of Section 124 of the Companies (recast as per
10) Last date for receipt of expression 10 August 2020 Act, 2013 (the Act) read with the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority Note f and g)
of interest (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (the Rules), as amended, the
Equity Shares of the Company in respect of which dividend has remained unclaimed or
1. Total income f r o m Operations 662.70 346.31 623.20 2,251.50
11) Date of issue of provisional list of
prospective resolution applicants
20 August 2020
unpaid for a period of seven consecutive years or more arerequiredtobe transferred by
2. Net Profit for the period (before Tax, Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 120.15 (14.21) 87.32 227.85
12) Last date for submission of 25 August 2020 the Companytothe demat account of the IEPF Authority. 3. Net Profit for the period before tax (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 120.15 (2.79) 87.32 239.27
objections to provisional list The Company has sent individual notices to the concerned shareholders at their 4. Net Profit for the period after tax (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 91.87 0.55 61.04 185.47
13) Date of issue of final list of
prospective resolution applicants
04 September 2020 registered addresses whose shares are liable to be transferred to the IEPF Authority
advising them to claim their unclaimed dividends. The Company has uploaded
5. Total Comprehensive Income for the period [Comprising Profit for t h e
14) Date of issue of infoimation 25 August 2020 details of the concerned shareholders whose shares are due for transfer to the IEPF
period (after tax) and Other Comprehensive Income (after tax)] 93.44 (1.18) 59.90 183.63
memorandum, evaluation matrix Authority on its website Shareholders are requested to 6. Equity Share Capital 19.45 19.45 19.45 19.45
and request for resolution plans
to prospective resolution applicants
refer to the said website to verify the details of unclaimed dividends and the shares 7. Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserve as shown in t h e Balance Sheet of
15) Manner of obtaining request for By contacting the Resolution Professional
which are liable to be transferred to the IEPF Authority.
The concerned shareholders) holding shares in physical form and whose shares
previous financial year) - - - 1,390.55
resolution plan, evaluation matrix, on
are liable to be transferred to the IEPF Authority, may note that upon transfer of
8. Basic and diluted earnings per share (of X 1 / - each) 4.72 0.03 3.14 9.54
information memorandum and
further information shares to IEPF Authority, the original share certificate(s) which are registered in their
name will stand automatically cancelled and be deemed non-negotiable. In case of Extracts of Statement of Consolidated Financial Results
16) Last date for submission 24 September 2020 up to 18.00 hrs
of resolution plans shares held in Demat Form, to the extent of shares liable to be transferred shall be for the quarter ended 30 June, 2020
17) Manner of submitting resolution Physical submission in the office of debited from the shareholders account.
plans to resolution professional Resolution Professional by hand / courier / speed post In case the concerned shareholders do not claim their unclaimed dividends by July Particulars Quarter Quarter Quarter Year
25,2020, the Company shall with a view to comply with the Rules, transfer the ended ended ended ended
18) Estimated date for submission of 24 October 2020
resolution plan to the Adjudicating shares to the IEPF Authority without any further notice to the shareholders and no 30 June, 31 March, 30 June, 31 March,
Authority for approval liability shall lie against the Cnmpany in respect ol the shares so transferred. 2020 2020 2019 2020
19) Name and Registration Number Anagha Anasingaraju The shareholders may note that upon transfer of the shares to IEPF Authority, Unaudited Audited Unaudited Audited
of Resolution Professional IBBI/IPA-002/IP-N00247/2017-18/10732 including all benefits accruing on such shares, if any, the same can be claimed only (recast as per
20) Name, Address and email of Anagha Anasingaraju from the IEPF Authority by making a separate application to the IEPF Authority in
Note f and g)
the resolution professional, as 1 -2, Aishwarya Sankul, S. No. 17, G A Kulkarni Path, Form IEPF-5 as prescribed underthe Rules and the same is made available at IEPF
registered with the Board Kothrud 411038 website i.e. For any queries in respect of the above matter, 1. Total income f r o m Operations 662.70 346.29 623.24 2,251.82 shareholders may contact M/s. Link Intime India Private Limited., the Registrar & 2. Net Profit for the period (before Tax, Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 120.15 (14.08) 86.94 226.07
21) Address and email to be used for
correspondence with the resolution
1 -2, Aishwarya Sankul, S. No. 17, G A Kulkarni Path,
Kothrud 411038
Transfer Agents of the Company at C-101, 247 Park, L. B. S. Marg,
Vikhroli (West), Mumbai 400 083. Tel.: (022) 49186000, Fax.: (022) 49186060,
3. Net Profit for the period before tax (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 120.15 (2.66) 86.94 237.49
E-mail: rnt.helpdesk(5) in / Website:
4. Net Profit for the period after tax (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 91.87 0.68 60.21 183.69
22) Further Details are available at Anagha Anasingaraju 5. Total Comprehensive Income for the period [Comprising Profit for t h e
or with 1 -2, Aishwarya Sankul, S. No. 17, G A Kulkarni Path,
For Everest Kanto Cylinder Limited period (after tax) and Other Comprehensive Income (after tax)] 93.54 (1.25) 59.52 181.81
Kothrud 411038
Sd/- 6. Equity Share Capital 19.45 19.45 19.45 19.45
Place: Mumbai Puneet Khurana
23) Date of publication of Form G 23 July 2020 Date: July 22,2020 Managing Director 7. Reserves (excluding Revaluation Reserve as shown in t h e Balance Sheet of
previous financial year) - - - 1,390.69
Anagha Anasingaraju
8. Basic and diluted earnings per share (of X 1 / - each) 4.72 0.03 3.11 9.51
1-2, Aishwarya Sankul, S. No. 17, Notes:
G A Kulkarni Path, Kothrud 411038 a. The above is an extract of the detailed format of the Standalone and Consolidated Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 30 June,
(•N - L31200GA1993PLC001335)
Date: 21 July 2020 Resolution Professional Regl. Office , Plot Nos. 184, 185 1 188, 2020 filed w i t h the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
Place: Pune Beton Concrete Products Private Limited Kundaim Industrial Estate, Kindaim, Gee 403115. The full format of the Standalone and Consolidated Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 30 June, 2020 are available on the
Phone No.: 91-832-3981100
Website: Stock Exchanges websites viz. and and on the Company's website
Email: b. The above results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 22 July, 2020.
Notice Inviting Bid of the Board of Directors of the The Hon'ble National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), Bengaluru Bench and the NCLT, Mumbai Bench have approved the Scheme of Merger
Bid/ Package no.- NH/RANCHI /EPC/04/2020-21 Dated- 21.07.2020 Company is scheduled to be by Absorption of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Metahelix Life Sciences Limited w i t h the Company ('the Scheme') on 11 November, 2019 and
RFP for Construction of ROB at Km 116 of NH-99 (new NH-22) at Chandwa (LC No. 12A/T) in held on Wednesday, July 29, 20 December, 2019 respectively from the appointed date of 1 April, 2019.
the State of Jharkhand on EPC mode (Job No. NH-99-(New NH-22)-JHR-2020-21/287) The Ministry of 2020 at 12.15 p.m. at the The certified copy of the order is filed w i t h the Registrar of Companies on 1 February, 2020. The Company has already given effect of the
Road Transport & Highways through Chief Engineer, National Highway Wing, Jharkhand, Ranchi is engaged R e g i s t e r e d Office of the merger in its consolidated audited results of the quarter and year ended 31 March, 2020 as per the guidance set out in Ind AS Transition
in the development of National Highways and as part of this endeavour, it has been decided to undertake Company at Kundaim, Goa, Facilitation Group (ITFG) Clarification Bulletin 14 (Issue 4).
Construction of ROB at Km 116 of NH-99 (new NH-22) at Chandwa (LC No. 12A/T) in the State of interalia, to consider and take Accordingly, being a common control transaction, the results for the quarter ended 30 June, 2019 has been recast t o reflect the impact of the
Jharkhand on EPC mode (Job No. NH-99-(New NH-22)-JHR-2020-21/287) work on Km 116 at Chandwa on record the Unaudited merger on the consolidated unaudited financial results of the Company.
(LC No. 12A/T) on NH-99 (new NH-22) through an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Financial Results of the
Contract. Company for the quarter
The NCLT, Mumbai Bench has approved the Scheme of Merger by Absorption of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Zero Waste Agro Organics
The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways represented by its CE (NH) PWD State now invites bids ended June 30,2020. Limited w i t h the Company ('Scheme') on 22 February, 2020 from the appointed date of 1 April, 2017. The certified copy of the Order is
from eligible contractors for the following project: filed with the Registrar of Companies on 9 July, 2020. The Company has given effect of the merger in its consolidated audited results for
Name of Estimated Cost of Completion Maintenance Further, the trading window of the quarter and year ended 31 March, 2020 as per the guidance set out in Ind AS Transition Facilitation Group (ITFG) Clarification Bulletin
State NHNo. work cost (Rs.) Bid document period period the Company pursuant to SEBI 14 (Issue 4).
(Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Construction of ROB at Regulations, 2015 has been
Accordingly, being a common control transaction, the results for the quarter ended 30 June, 2019 has been recast to reflect the impact of the
NH-99 (LCNo.NH-22) at Chandwa 28,54,34,524/- Rallis Chemistry Exports Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary) had made an application to the Registrar of Companies for removal of its name
12A/T) in the (including LC & Rs. 10,000/- 24 Four) (Twenty 10 (Ten years) shall be opened forty-eight from the register of companies for which the approval is awaited.
Jharkhand (new State of Jharkhand on after hours after the aforesaid
Exceptional item (as disclosed in the column ("Quarter ended 3 1 March, 2020 and Year ended 3 1 March, 2020") comprises profit on sale of
NH-22) EPC mode (Job No. without GST) Months Completion financial results are approved
flats (net of costs).
by the Board of Directors and
NH-99-(New NH-22)- filed with the stock exchange. The figures for quarter ended 3 1 March, 2020 are the balancing figures between audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the
JHR-2020-21/287) This intimation is also available published year to date figures upto nine months ended 31 December, 2019.
The complete BID document can be viewed / downloaded from official portal of the CPPP website on the website of the Company For and o n behalf o f
https:// from 24.07.2020 to 07.09.2020 (upto 15.00 Hrs. 1ST). Bidder must submit at: and on Rallis India Limited
its Financial bid and Technical Bid at https:// on or before 07.09.2020 (upto 15:00 the website of the Stock Sd/-
Hrs). Bids received online shall be opened on 08.09.2020 (atl5:30 hours 1ST). E x c h a n g e at Mumbai Sanjiv Lal
Bid through any other mode shall not be entertained. However, Bid Securing Declaration, document 22 July, 2020 M a n a g i n g Director & CEO
fee, Power ofAttorney and Joint Bidding Agreement etc. shall be submitted physically as per clause 2.11.2 of RFP
by the Bidder on or before 08.09.2020 (at 12:30 hours 1ST), Please note that the Authority reserves the right to For DG NORA INDIA LIMITED R e g i s t e r e d O f f i c e : 2 3 r d F l o o r , L o d h a Excelus a t N e w C u f f e P a r a d e , O f f E a s t e r n F r e e w a y , W a d a l a , M u m b a i 4 0 0 0 3 7 .
accept or rej ect all or any ofthe BIDs without assigning any reason whatsoever. Executive Engineer SdZ- Tel:+91 - 022 - 6665 2700 Fax:+91 - 022 - 6665 2860 email:
National Highway Division, Ranchi July 22,2020 Shrikant Pai
PR 231025 Road (20-21)_D Phone: 7260095011 Kondaim, Goa C o m p a n y Secretary
Business Standard MUMBAI | T H U R S D A Y , 23 J U L Y 2 0 2 0 17
SILICON VALLEY INFOTECH LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that the below mentioned suh-broker/Authorised Person has passed a w a y and
(Pursuant to Regulation 29 read with Regulation
Regd O f f i c e : 10, Princep Street, 2nd Floor, Kolkata - 700072 hence ceases to be a Sub-Broker/Authorised Person of Kotak Securities Limited
4 7 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015), W:
Sub Broker/ Exchange Registration
Phone : 91-33-4002 2880, Fax :91-33-2237 9053 Authorised
Numbers of Sub Brokeri
Address of Sub Broker/
Floor, Mint Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 023 (Audited) (Unaudited) (Audited) (Audited) (Audited)
A n y person henceforth dealing with above mention S B / A P should d o s e , at their o w n risk. Kotak Securities
Ltd. shall not be liable for any such dealing. In case of any queries for die transactions till date, Investors
w m
Tele:- 91-22-61948888 1 Total Income from Operations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 are requested to inform Kotak Securities Ltd. within 15 days from the date o f this notification, failing which €t-ov ^ HsShlid'id fife q^T ^ q T ^-HOOO + X.6 XR.06
2 NetPrufit/(Loss)fortheperiod it shall be deemed that there exists no queries against the above mentioned SB/AP.
(before Tax, Exceptional and/or In view of the above, Kotak Securities Limited shall not be responsible for any trades done b y or en behalf
Website:- Extraordinary itemsfi) (10.78) (6.27) (3.88) (37.67) (30.12) of the aforesaid sub-broker with immediate effect. No d a i m from investor/ public shall be entertained for
Pursuant to Regulation 47 read with 3 NetPrafit/(Loss)fertheperiod the transactions entered through of said sub-broker. ?) - SE/VC/HRD/OS/20-21 /T-04 % cbM-Tl^MI ( d T
Regulation 29 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, before tax (after Exceptional and/or
Extraordinary itemsff) (10.78) (6.27) (3.88) (37.67) (30.12) kotak* Securities Limited, Registered Office Address: 27 BKC, C 27, G Block, Bandra
2015 and as advised by Mr. Subodh Kumar
4 Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after kotak Securities K u d a Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai 4 0 0 051. CIN: U99999MH1994PLC134051, Tel
Agrawal, Resolution Professional, the tax (after Exceptional and/or
r) ^WscbiJcbiOa^^T (isttcr) w . ffjw^gF.^u^o^oo/jTs^ftsE •
No.: +22 43360000, Fax N o . : + 2 2 67132430. Website: Correspondence Address: Kotak
Audited Financial Results for the quarter Extraordinary itemsfi) (10.78) (6.27) (3.88) (37.67) (30.12) Towers, 8th Floor, Building No.21, Infinity Park, Off Western Express Highway, Malad (East), Mumbai -
and year ended 31st March, 2020 which 5 Total Comprehensive Income for the 400097. Tel +91 (022) 66056495 Fax: +91 (022) 66056544. SEBI Reg No: N S E I N B / I N F / I N E 2 3 0 8 0 8 1 3 0 ,
3#PTdT qnqfaq, d^TT, ^ Tfe VOX W
were to be considered on Friday, 26th June, period [Comprising Profit / (Loss) tor
BSE INB 010808153/INF 011133230,, MSEI INE 260808130/INB 260808135/INF 260808135, A M F I
2020 via video conferencing had been the period (aftertax) and Other
A R N 0164.NSDL: IN-DP-NSDL-23-97. CDSL: IN-DP-CDSL-158-2001 (%) ^ W ^ p f e R r ) E-mail
Comprehensive Income (after tax)] (10.78) (6.27) (3.88) (37.67) (30.12)
postponed and the new date for approval of 6 Equity Share Capital 1296.80 1296.80 1296.80 1296.80 1296.80
the Audited Financial Results for the quarter 7 Reserves (excluding Revaluation
and year ended 31st March, 2020 is Reserve) as shown in the Audited Centre for Aromatic plants (CAP)
scheduled on, Thursday, 30th July, BalanceShaetdfthepreviousyear - - (1,165.46) (1,127.79)
Industrial Estate, Selaqui - 248011, Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
8 Earnings Per Share (of Rs. 1/- each)
2020 via video conferencing.
This information is also available on the
(for continuing and discontinued Telefax - 0135-2698305, E-mail:
w e b s i t e of BSE Limited 0.00 Website
t t k
1. Basic: (0.01) (0.01) (0.03) (0.02)
Regd. Office : No. 6, Cathedral Road, Chennai - 600 086
( and on the website of 2. Diluted: (0.01) (0.01) 0.00 (0.03) (0.02)
the Company ( CIN: L24231TN1958PLC003647 | Website:
Note: e-Tender Notice No 08/LAB/2020-21
ForUshdevlntemational Limited a) The above is an extract of the detailed format of Quarterly/Annual Financial Results
filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing and Other EXTRACT OF AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR
For Ushdev International
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the Quarterly/Annual
Financial Resuits are available on the Stock Exchange website e-tenders are invited from the Authorized Indian Agents of THE FOURTH QUARTER AND YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 2020
Sd /- and and on the Company's website: Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) for the supply, Is. in Lakhs)
Sayli Munj b) The impact on net profit / loss, total comprehensive income or any other relevant
financial item(s) due to change(s) in accounting policies shall be disclosed by means installation and commissioning of Fully Automatic Dhoop Stick For the Quarter ended For the Year ended
Company Secretary and Compliance of a footnote. SI.
Agrawal By order of the Board e-tendering website of Uttarakhand Government 1. Total income from Operations 13,651.55 16,580.71 13,960.79 64,576.78 62,788.36
For SILICON VALLEY INFOTECH LIMITED 2. Net Profit / (Loss) lor the period
Resolution Professional Sd/- from 25th July 2020 to 10th August,
Reg. No. IBBI/IPA-001/IP-P0008772017-18/10183 Santosh Kumar Jain (before Tax, Exeeptional and / or Extraordinary Items) 94.12 636.00 731.53 1,942.48 3,925.95
Place : Kolkata Managing Director 2020. The cost of tender is Rs. 1180/- including GST and 3. Net Profit / (Loss) for the period before Tax
Place: Mumbai Date: 22.07.2020 Date : 21st July, 2020 DIN NO. 00174235 Earnest Money Deposit is Rs. Rs. 13,500/- (Rupees Thirteen (after Exceptional and / or Extraordinary Items) 94.12 636.00 731.53 1,942.48 3,925.95
Thousand Five Hundred only). Exemption for cost of tender and 4. Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after Tax
EMD, if any shall be considered only on production of valid (after Exceptional and / or Extraordinary Items) 42.18 447.76 495.46 1,231.94 2,437.37
Milind Co-Op. Housing Society Ltd. proof of Exemption Certificate from the concerned authority.
The tender can only be applied through e-tendering procedure
5. Total comprehensive Income for the period [Comprising Profit / (Loss)
for the period (after Tax) and Other Comprehensive Income (after Tax)] (293.38) 361.68 560.39 608.04 2,697.29
S u r v e y No.11, H i s s a No. 2 / 2 , C T S No. 6 8 9 , V i l l a g e B h a n d u p , M u m b a i - 4 0 0 0 4 2 .
on the website The last date of applying 6. Equity Share Capital (Face Value of Rs.10/- per share) 1,413.03 1,413.03 1,413.03 1,413.03 1,413.03
e-tendering website of Uttarakhand Government (5) The figures for the Quarter ended 31 " M a r c h , 2020 and 31" March, 2019 are the balancing figures between the Audited Figures in respet ict of the full financial
Survey No.11, Hissa No.2/2, CTS No.689, Village Bhandup, Mumbai-42. from 25th July 2020 to 10th August, teview.
years and the published year to date figures upto the end of Third Quarter of the relevant financial year which were subjectedlo Limited Revi
Survey No. Hissa No. Plot No. C.T.S. No. Total Area
2020. The cost of tender is Rs. 1180/- including GST and (6) The Company has elected to exercise the option permitted under Section 115BAA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as introduced by the Taxation Laws
" 1
nt) Ordinance, 2019. Accordingly, the Company has recognised Provision for Income Tax for the Quarter and Year ended 31" March, 2020 and
@ D i s t r i c t Dy. R e g i s t r a r ,
C o . o p . S o c i e t i e s (2)
East S u b u r b a n , Navi M u m b a i .
on the website The last date of applying
and submission is 10th August, 2020.
(9) The previous period's/year's figures have been regrouped and reclassfied, wherever necessary to conform to the current period's/year's presentation.
Place : Chennai
N O T I C E is h e r e b y g i v e n t o t h e p u b l i c
a t l a r g e t h a t m y c l i e n t n a m e d 1. Mr. CIN: L17120MH1989PLC052645
Bhushan Jalinder C h a w a n 2) Geeta
B h u s h a n C h a w a n h a v e p u r c h a s e d t h e flat
f r o m Mrs. U s h a G h a n s h y a m D i g h e vide
a n A g r e e m e n t w h i c h is R e g i s t e r e d in t h e
Regd. Office: C-58TTCInd Area, Thane Belapur Road, Pawane, Navi Mumbai 400705.
Corporate Office : 1101 .Universal Ma|estlc, Ghatkopar Mankhurd Link Road,
Chembur (West) Mumbai 400043. E-mall: corporate8skycorp.ln Regd. Office: CRISIL House, Central Avenue,
Website: www.skycorp.ln • Tel: 91 22 67137900 Hiranandani Business Park, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076. CIN: L67120MH1987PLC042363 An S & P Global Company
office of the S u b - R e g i s t r a r T h a n e city v i d e
Tel.: 022-33423000; Fax: 022-33423001; Website:; E-mail:
d o c u m e n t no. T N A -1 - 1 7 5 0 / 2 0 2 0 dated INFORMATION REGARDING 31st ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD
11/03/2020. Property details are Flat no.
0 1 , G r d Flr, A s m i t a C H S L , T h a n e W e s t
Village C h e n d a n i Taluka & District T h a n e
In view of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
a d m e a s u r i n g a b o u t 5 1 6 S q . ft . C a r p e t and the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide their circulars have permitted (? in Crore
a r e a lying, being a n d situated at C h e n d a n i the Listed Companies to conduct the Annual General Meeting (AGM) through Video
K o l i w a d a , constructed on the land bearing Consolidated Standalone
Conferencing (VC) / Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) without physical presence of
C T S No 1964/4, Plot N o 14. T h e said
the Members at a common venue. In compliance of these circulars and relevant 3 Months 3 Months Corres- 6 Months Corres- Year 3 Months 3 Months Corres- 6 Months Corres- Year
property was in t h e name of Mr.
G h a n s h y a m Dighe, he w a s m e m b e r of provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligation & Disclosure ended ended ponding ended ponding ended ended ended ponding ended ponding ended
Asmita CHSL bearing Society Reg. No. Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the 31" AGM of Sky Industries Limited (the 3 Months 6 Months 3 Months 6 Months
TNA/TNA/HSG/(TC)/127-90-91 dated Company) will be held at 2.00 pm 1ST on Friday, August 28,2020 through VC / OAVM. ended ended ended ended
21-03-1991 which w a s acquired thru SI.
In accordance with the MCA & SEBI circulars, the Notice of the 31" AGM along with Particulars
allotment bearing S h a r e Certificate No. No. 30-Jun-20 31-Mar-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 31-Dec-19 30-Jun-20 31-Mar-20 30-Jun-19 30-Jun-20 30-Jun-19 31-Dec-19
from 56-60. Mr. G h a n s h y a m Dighe
Annual Report will be sent only by electronic mode to those shareholders whose email
expired on 10-04-1999 leaving behind him addresses are registered with the Company/ Depository. These documents will also Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Audited
1) Mrs. U s h a G h a n s h y a m D i g h e ( W i f e ) 2) be available on the website of the Company at and (Refer (Refer (Refer (Refer (Refer (Refer (Refer (Refer (Refer (Refer
Mr. Rajiv G h a n s h y a m D i g h e (Son) 3) Ms. on the website of the Stock Exchange i.e. BSE Limited at and on note 3) note 3) note 3) note 3) note 3) note 3) note 3) note 3) note 3) note 3)
Sonali Ghanshyam Dighe (married
the website of NSDL at 1 Total income from operations 471.83 427.77 415.76 899.60 831.55 1,731.72 214.19 210.87 207.74 425.06 420.37 839.01
Daughter) after marriage name Mrs.
S o n a l i S h a i l e s h V a i d y a a s his o n l y legal
Manner of Registering and/ or Updating E-mail Addresses:
2 Net Profit/(Loss) for the
heirs. O n 23rd April 1999 Mr. Rajiv - With a view to send Notice and Annual Report of the ensuing AGM, and dividend / p e r i o d ( b e f o r e Tax a n d / o r
Ghanshyam Dighe and Ms. Sonali other communications for the year ended March 31, 2020, in electronic form,
Ghanshyam Dighe have submitted an Exceptional items) 93.32 116.77 99.21 210.09 211.51 491.59 42.97 57.35 31.02 100.32 71.34 197.18
shareholders of Sky Industries Limited holding shares in dematerialized form, who
N o c to the Society thru an affidavit that
have not yet registered their E-mail ID or updated their bank account details, are 3 Net Profit/(Loss) for the
t h e y a r e n o t i n t e r e s t e d f o r a n y s h a r e in
ancestral property and 1 0 0 % ownership requested to register/ update the same with the Depository through their Depository period (before tax) 93.32 116.77 99.21 210.09 211.51 491.59 42.97 57.35 31.02 100.32 71.34 197.18
s h o u l d b e l o n g t o t h e r e M o t h e r ie. M r s . Participants. 4A Net Profit/(Loss) for the
Usha Ghanshyam Dighe. Share
- Shareholders holding shares in physical form, can register their E-mail ID and /or period a f t e r t a x f r o m
Certificate of Flat N o 01 bearing its
update their bank account details by clicking on the link- continuing operations
M e m b e r R e g i s t r a t i o n N o 1 2 a r e in t h e
emailreq/email reqister.html provided by Link Intime India Private Limited, Registrar
n a m e of Mrs. Usha G h a n s h y a m Dighe. (after E x c e p t i o n a l a n d / o r
& Share Transfer Agent of the Company, C-101, 247 Park, L B S Marg, Vikhroli
If a n y o n e f i n d s t h e d o c u m e n t o r a n y Extraordinary items) 66.34 88.12 66.85 154.46 143.49 343.95 31.58 44.70 21.56 76.28 49.29 135.51
(West), Mumbai - 400 083.
p e r s o n ( s ) h a v i n g a n y c l a i m in r e s p e c t o f
Manner of Voting at the AGM: 4B Net Profit/(Loss) for the
the a b o v e referred property or part thereof
by w a y of sale, exchange, mortgage, period a f t e r t a x f r o m
Shareholders will have an opportunity to cast their vote remotely or during the AGM on
c h a r g e , gift, m a i n t e n a n c e , inheritance, discontinuing operations -
the business as set forth in the Notice of the AGM through the electronic voting system.
possession, lease, tenancy, sub tenancy,
The manner of voting remotely or during the AGM for shareholders holding shares in p e r t a i n s to o p e r a t i o n s to
lien, license, h y p o t h e c a t i o n , t r a n s f e r o f
title or beneficial interest u n d e r a n y trust, dematerialized mode, physical mode and for shareholders who have not registered be t r a n s f e r r e d to w h o l l y
a n y gift d e e d , will, m o r t g a g e , or a n y t y p e their email addresses will be provided in the Notice convening the AGM. o w n e d s u b s i d i a r y of C R I S I L
o f c l a i m in r e s p e c t o f a b o v e s a i d p r o p e r t y Payment of Dividend & Book Closure: Limited (after Exceptional
f o r c l a i m i n g t h e title o f t h e property, p l e a s e
a n d / o r E x t r a o r d i n a r y items) 37.73 36.37 24.80 74.10 48.17 130.78
file o b j e c t i o n w i t h i n 1 5 d a y s f r o m t h e d a t e - Shareholders may note that Board of Directors of the Company at their Meeting
of publication of this notice. For filing of held on July 8, 2020, had considered, approved and recommended payment of 4 Net Profit/(Loss) for the
o b j e c t i o n in w r i t i n g , a d d r e s s i s a s b e l o w . final dividend of Rs. 0.50/- per equity share of face value of Rs. 10/- each for the period a f t e r t a x f r o m
( A d v . A d i t y a H. G a d e )
year ended March 31,2020, subject to the approval of shareholders at 31" AGM. continuing a n d discontinuing
High Court, Mumbai - The Register of Members & Share Transfer books of the Company shall remain operations {(after Exceptional
A.G. Associates, closed from Saturday, August 22,2020 to Friday, August 28,2020 (both days inclusive) a n d / o r E x t r a o r d i n a r y items)
401, Gajanan C o m m e r c i a l Complex for the purpose of 31" AGM and for determining the names of shareholders entitled [4A + 4B]} 66.34 88.12 66.85 154.46 143.49 343.95 69.31 81.07 46.36 150.38 97.46 266.29
A b o v e Global Business Centre,
toreceivefinal dividend of Rs. 0.50/- per equity share of face value of Rs. 10/-
Near Cidco Bus Stop, Thane West - 4 0 0 601 5 Total C o m p r e h e n s i v e Income
- The final dividend will be paid electronically within 30 days of 31" AGM through
for the period [Comprising
various online modes of transfer to those shareholders who have updated their
bank account details. Profit/(Loss) for the period
(after tax) a n d O t h e r
- For Shareholders who have not updated their bank account details, dividend
warrants / demand drafts will be senttothe registered addresses once the normalcy
is resumed and printing / postal facilities are available. I n c o m e (after tax)] 98.24 (4.97) 46.34 93.27 135.30 256.20 102.78 (18.18) 36.21 84.60 95.16 170.35
PUBLIC NOTICE - As shareholders may be aware, as per Income Tax Act, 1961, as amended by 6 Equity Share Capital 7.25 7.25 7.23 7.25 7.23 7.23 7.25 7.25 7.23 7.25 7.23 7.23
We, M/s. Platinum Blue Estates LLP Finance Act, 2020, dividend paid by the Company after April 1, 2020, shall be 7 Reserves (excluding
taxable in the hands of Shareholders and the Company shall be required to deduct revaluation reserve) 1,164.69 751.52
having our office at Ground Floor,
tax at source (TDS) from the dividend to be paid to the shareholders, if approved in
Maysa, H.K. Bhabha Road, Bandra the 31" AGM at the prescribed rate depending on residential status & documents 8 E a r n i n g s Per S h a r e
(West) Mumbai 400050,and M/s. Cliff submitted by the Shareholders. (of X 1/- each)
Conwell LLP, are partners of M/s. - Shareholders can download tax related forms 15G/15H/10F from https:// (for c o n t i n u i n g a n d
WATERFRONT BUILDCON LLP having discontinuing operations)
its office at 7th Floor, Sun Plaza, Hari Om - To determine and deduct appropriate TDS / Withholding Tax, duly completed and 1. Basic: (Not a n n u a l i s e d ) 9.15 12.17 9.25 21.32 19.88 47.61 9.56 11.20 6.42 20.76 13.50 36.86
Nagar, Off Eastern Express Highway, signed forms are required to be uploaded at 2. Diluted: ( N o t a n n u a l i s e d ) 9.15 12.16 9.24 21.31 19.85 47.55 9.56 11.19 6.41 20.75 13.48 36.81
Mulund (East) Mumbai 400081, as per submission-of-form-15q-15h.html.
Partnership Agreement dated 31st Detailed information regarding submission of documents for TDS will be provided in
March 2016, and, as on date,we the notice to the AGM. 1. T h e a b o v e results h a v e b e e n reviewed b y the Audit C o m m i t t e e a n d s u b s e q u e n t l y a p p r o v e d by the B o a r d of Directors of the C o m p a n y at its m e e t i n g held
continue to remain partners in the LLP Manner of Registering and/ or Updating Bank Details: on July 21, 2020.
firm in ratio of M/s. Cliff Conwell LLP 55% - Shareholders holding shares in dematerialized mode are requested to register 2 . T h e f i n a n c i a l results h a v e b e e n p r e p a r e d in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e a p p l i c a b l e a c c o u n t i n g s t a n d a r d s , a s notified u n d e r t h e C o m p a n i e s (Indian A c c o u n t i n g
& M/s. Platinum Blue Estates 45%. At no complete bank account details with their Depository Participants (DP), as per S t a n d a r d s ) Rules, 2 0 1 5 a n d a s s p e c i f i e d in S e c t i o n 133 of t h e C o m p a n i e s Act.
stage has M/s. Platinum Blue Estates process advised by your DP. 3 . In c o m p l i a n c e w i t h R e g u l a t i o n 3 3 of t h e S e c u r i t i e s a n d E x c h a n g e B o a r d of India (Listing O b l i g a t i o n s a n d D i s c l o s u r e R e q u i r e m e n t s ) R e g u l a t i o n s , 2 0 1 5 ,
LLP, retired from the partnership of M/s. - Shareholders holding shares in physical mode & who have not registered their a limited r e v i e w of t h e a b o v e results h a s b e e n c a r r i e d out b y t h e Statutory A u d i t o r s of the C o m p a n y .
Waterfront Buildcon LLP or relinquished bank details can get the same registered with Link Intime India Pvt Ltd, by clicking 4 . S e c u r i t i e s a n d E x c h a n g e B o a r d of I n d i a ( S E B I ) n o t i f i c a t i o n s d a t e d M a y 3 0 , 2 0 1 8 a n d S e p t e m b e r 19, 2 0 1 8 , u n d e r t h e S E B I (Credit R a t i n g A g e n c i e s )
the link - reqister.html in their web site
any rights. The public are accordingly Regulations, 1999, h a v e m a n d a t e d segregation of Ratings a n d N o n - R a t i n g s b u s i n e s s e s of Credit Rating A g e n c i e s . Pursuant to, a n d in order to c o m p l y with at the Investor Services tab by choosing the E mail/Bank
hereby cautioned that any agreements, t h e s e notifications, C R I S I L ' s B o a r d of Directors a p p r o v e d t r a n s f e r of t h e R a t i n g s b u s i n e s s to C R I S I L R a t i n g s Limited, ( i n c o r p o r a t e d o n J u n e 3, 2 0 1 9 ) , a
Registration heading and follow the registration process as guided therein. The
allotment letters, mortgage, transfer of Shareholders are requested to provide details such as Name, Folio Number, w h o l l y o w n e d s u b s i d i a r y of C R I S I L Limited. T h i s transfer h a s b e e n u n d e r t a k e n t h r o u g h a ' S c h e m e of a r r a n g e m e n t in t e r m s of S e c t i o n 2 3 0 to 2 3 2 of the
any premises, approval of plans or any Certificate number, PAN, E-mail id along with the copy of the cheque leaf with the C o m p a n i e s Act, 2 0 1 3 ' ( ' S c h e m e ' ) w h i c h h a s b e e n a p p r o v e d by t h e S t o c k E x c h a n g e s . T h e S c h e m e h a s b e e n s a n c t i o n e d by t h e N a t i o n a l C o m p a n y L a w
documents signed by other partners or first named shareholders name imprinted in the face of the cheque leaf containing Tribunal (NCLT) a n d t h e certified c o p y of t h e O r d e r d a t e d J u n e 8, 2 0 2 0 h a s b e e n received o n J u l y 7, 2 0 2 0 . T h i s S c h e m e w o u l d be effective o n filing of
authorised signatory of M/s. Waterfront bank name and branch, type of account, bank account number, MICR details and a b o v e o r d e r w i t h t h e R e g i s t r a r of C o m p a n i e s ( ' R O C ' ) , receipt of a p p r o v a l f r o m S E B I f o r C R I S I L R a t i n g s L i m i t e d to a c t a s a C r e d i t R a t i n g A g e n c y a n d
IFSC code in PDF or JPEG format. It is very important that the shareholder to n e c e s s a r y a p p r o v a l f r o m t h e R e s e r v e B a n k of India ('RBI). P e n d i n g s u c h filing a n d a p p r o v a l s , p u r s u a n t to t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s of Ind A S 105 ' N o n - c u r r e n t
Buildcon LLP and have not been signed
submit the request letter duly signed. A s s e t s Held f o r S a l e a n d D i s c o n t i n u e d O p e r a t i o n s ' , particulars of d i s c o n t i n u i n g o p e r a t i o n s , c o n s i d e r e d in the s t a n d a l o n e financial results. S i n c e C R I S I L
by partners of M/s. Platinum Blue
On submission of the shareholders details an OTP will be received by the R a t i n g s Limited, is a w h o l l y o w n e d s u b s i d i a r y of t h e C o m p a n y , t h e r e is no i m p a c t of t h e S c h e m e o n the c o n s o l i d a t e d financial results.
Estates LLP or do not bear our signature
shareholder which needs to be entered in the link for verification.
do not bind on the firm or its partners and 5 T h e a b o v e is a n e x t r a c t of t h e d e t a i l e d f o r m a t of q u a r t e r e n d e d Financial R e s u l t s filed w i t h the S t o c k E x c h a n g e s . T h e full f o r m a t of t h e q u a r t e r e n d e d
This Notice is being issued for the information and benefit of the Members of the
will be treated as invalid documents. Financial R e s u l t s a r e a v a i l a b l e o n w w w . c r i s i l . c o m a n d a l s o o n t h e w e b s i t e s of B S E L i m i t e d ( w w w . b s e i n d i a . c o m ) a n d N a t i o n a l S t o c k E x c h a n g e of I n d i a
Company in compliance with the MCA and the SEBI Circular(s).
Suhail Noorani Limited (
Partner For SKY INDUSTRIES LIMITED For a n d o n behalf of the Board of Directors of CRISIL Limited
M/s. Platinum Blue Estates LLP Ashu Suyash
M/s. Waterfront Buildcon LLP Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Date: July 23, 2020 MANAGING DIRECTOR
Mumbai, July 21, 2020 DIN : 00494515
•• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••