Guidelines On NRM 2: Detailed Measurement of Building Works: 1st Edition
Guidelines On NRM 2: Detailed Measurement of Building Works: 1st Edition
Guidelines On NRM 2: Detailed Measurement of Building Works: 1st Edition
Guidelines on NRM 2:
Detailed measurement of
building works
1st edition
Guidelines on NRM 2:
detailed measurement for
building work
RICS information paper
1st edition
RICS would like to thank the following for their
contributions to this information paper:
Lead author:
John Davidson FRICS
This is an information paper. Information papers are This information paper is believed to reflect case law
intended to provide information and explanation to and legislation applicable at its date of publication. It is
RICS members on specific topics of relevance to the the member’s responsibility to establish if any changes
profession. in case law or legislation after the publication date
have an impact on the guidance or information in this
The function of this paper is not to recommend or
advise on professional procedure to be followed by
members. It is, however, relevant to professional
competence to the extent that members should be up
to date and have knowledge of information papers Document status defined
within a reasonable time of their coming into effect.
RICS produce a range of professional guidance and
Members should note that when an allegation of
standards products. These have been defined in the
professional negligence is made against a surveyor, a
table below. This document is an information paper.
court or tribunal may take account of any relevant
information papers published by RICS in deciding
whether or not the member has acted with reasonable
Part 1: Introduction
About these guidelines example, by providing separate bills for each block, or
by providing a multi-column analysis on the page
These guidelines accompany the New Rules of facing the items. The choice of presentation is a project
Measurement (NRM) and are intended to be read in decision largely based on the degree of difference in
conjunction with Parts 2 and 3 of NRM 2: Detailed the form of construction in separate blocks.
measurement for building works. The guidelines have
four main purposes: However, if the documents, drawings and bills of
1 to assist the quantity surveyor (QS) in quantities of a particular project are to be co-ordinated
understanding and implementing the rules of in accordance with the Co-ordinated Project
measurement in NRM 2 Information principles, it is appreciated that some bills
to encourage good practice in the measurement of of quantities may need to be prepared in accordance
building works with the Common Arrangement of Work Sections
(CAWS). Since the NRM 2 rules have not been cross
3 to give guidance on the communication of
coded to CAWS, the codes may be found elsewhere
information relative to quantities of finished work
such as the Project Specification for that project or the
where their value is modified by position,
Common Arrangement of work sections for building
complexity, simplicity, repetition, eccentric
works, 2nd edition, published by the Construction
distribution or other cost significant factors
Project Information Committee.
4 to give a brief explanation of a number of novel
features introduced into NRM 2; why they have In order to define the precise nature and extent of the
been included and how they came about. proposed work it will be necessary to give, in
descriptions or elsewhere, certain supplementary
Some of the content of these guidelines may be
information, including any limits on tolerances, method,
considered to be of an elementary nature. It should be
sequence, etc. imposed by the designer.
remembered, however, that these notes are directed
towards the student or beginner as much as to the
Where appropriate, additional information shall be
experienced practitioner and that which may seem
given to ensure full clarity of description. If in doubt
elementary to the latter is not necessarily so to the
give additional information regarding quality and
former. For this reason certain elements of basic
location of work. For example, if the majority of
practice have been included.
brickwork was at ground floor level but there was also
some at roof level the QS should measure this high
level brickwork separately in the bill of quantities
General principles stating its location.
The measurement rules in NRM 2 have been prepared
Additional items
on the assumption that main contractors, when seeking
tenders from sub-contractors, will issue information in Where the rules state that an item of work is deemed
accordance with the rules of NRM 2. This means that included but this work is of particularly high value
any extracts from bills of quantities should be either by material content or location, the QS should
accompanied by the appropriate drawings, extracts measure the work, clearly stating the departure from
from the specification, preliminary bill items and the rules.
descriptions of work given in accordance with the rules
of NRM 2. Composite bill items of work is allowed provided it is
made clear in the bill description what is and what is
The format of bills of quantities continues to be a
not included. This is especially important when using
matter for the discretion of the surveyor preparing bills
specific specification references in bill descriptions. The
of quantities for a particular project.
bill description needs to make clear what in the
It is recommended that items for individual buildings specification clause is or is not included in the bill item
should be kept separate. This can be achieved, for that contains a specification reference.
Provisional sums
Ensure the description or associated drawings and It is recommended to set out spot items in a logical
specification clearly state how the following are to be progression from location to location in the existing
dealt with: building.
• existing services Ensure the description or associated drawings and
• toxic or hazardous materials specification clearly state how the following are to be
• any asbestos noted in the asbestos survey dealt with
Work and materials deemed included Work and materials deemed included
Ensure that the information listed here is fully given, Ensure that the information listed here is fully given,
either in the bill description, the tender drawings or the either in the bill description, the tender drawings or the
specification, as the tenderer can not price for work or specification, as the tenderer cannot price for work or
services not given in the tender documents. services not given in the tender documents.
Ensure the description clearly states the lowest level to The dimensions given for the various works of
which the structure is to be demolished. This may be alteration relate to their original or finished net size. The
to the top of the lowest floor slab or to the lower amount of material needed in making good work
surface of a basement floor or to a certain depth or disturbed and in extending finishes shall be left to the
level below existing ground floor level. It is important discretion of the contractor.
that a precise level is given, especially where there is
differing ground floor or basement floor levels or
steeply sloping external ground levels.
Specific rules Or
4.4 Decontamination ‘It has been assumed that the ground water level is
1.50m below existing ground level.’
Examples of infestation removal would be woodworm,
death watch beetle and other wood boring infestations Where the pre-contract and the post-contract water
from any existing timbers being retained. levels as defined in these rules differ the item will fall to
be adjusted. If the varied level brings about the need
4.24 Temporary works
for such an item where none previously existed an item
It is important that the surveyor provides full will need to be included in the final account.
information of any temporary works especially with
It is not intended that several water levels, with only
works relating to fire regulations and possible
minor variations, be established for each site. However,
adaptations needed during the course of the works.
the water level could well differ substantially from one
4.25 Recycling excavation to another (e.g. pits at opposite ends of the
site) or from one part to another of an individual
This will only be measured if specific items have to be
excavation (e.g. a very large basement) especially
sent for recycling, i.e. glass, metal, timber, etc.
where springs are encountered. In most cases it should
be possible to agree a common post-contract ground
5 Excavating and filling water level for the whole of the site.
drawings need to show the location of work that special attachments to mechanical plant such as rock
traditionally needed working space. This would include buckets, rippers, hammers and chisels. It would
placing foundation formwork, building masonry in deep include the situation where the normal teeth of an
foundation trenches, plastering or tanking foundation excavator bucket need to be changed to special rock
walls and the like. breaking teeth.
If the type of backfill to working space is not left to the 5.7.3 and 5.7.4 Excavating along and across existing
discretion of the contractor the backfill shall be services
The QS is advised to obtain advice from the relevant
Compacting surfaces would include the former Utility Bodies when existing live underground services
traditional description ‘level and ram’. are likely to be encountered. This advice should be
sufficient to allow the QS to decide what items need to
Specific rules
be measured. One important piece of information will
5.4 Site clearance be the minimum distance an excavation needs to be
It is important that the QS makes the tenderer aware of from a live service before precautions are required. It
any invasive vegetation, such as Japanese knotweed, should be remembered that different services have
to be removed as its removal may require special plant, differing risks.
chemical treatment or other means of removal and 5.8 Support to face(s) of excavation
disposal. The disposal costs may also be greater than
general vegetation. The QS is advised to consult with the project engineer
when measuring the foundation excavations to decide
5.5.2 Remove topsoil if any earthwork support is required.
Unless top soil is specified to be preserved its removal If earthwork support is required its location should be
need not be measured as a separate item from general described with respect to the type of excavation it is
excavations. supporting, i.e. trenches, pits, basements, etc. The
5.6.1 Bulk excavation type of ground being supported will not be included in
the description.
On major projects the surveyor is recommended to
separate the differing types of bulk excavation into their 5.9 Disposal
differing quantities as there may be significant cost Handling of excavated material is normally at the
differences due to different depths or locations. discretion of the contractor. Any design-imposed
5.7.1 Foundation excavation conditions should be given in the description of the
disposal items e.g. requirements regarding the
On major projects the surveyor is recommended to provision or location of temporary spoil heaps.
separate the differing types of foundation excavation
into their differing quantities as there may be significant Unless there are specific requirements for the handling
cost differences due to different depths or locations. of excavated material or imported filling (e.g. spoil
heaps) the contractor will be entitled to assume that he Unstable ground may handle the distribution/disposal of such materials
The words ‘and the like’ have been included in the as he deems fit.
definition of unstable ground in an attempt to avoid the
5.10 Retaining excavated material on site
many arguments that have arisen by limiting the
application of the rule quite literally to running silt or Where excavated materials are to be retained and/or
running sand when the same problems pertain with disposed on site the information provided should state
such materials as loose gravel, fly ash, etc. It is any specific requirements for the location of such
suggested, as a guideline, that strata could be said to deposits and the average distance from the excavation
fall within the intended category only when the newly in metres
excavated face will not remain unsupported sufficiently
5.20 Cutting off tops of piles
long to allow the necessary support to be inserted.
The item for cutting off tops of piles is now measured *.1. Definition of rock
in the excavation section to reflect the timing of the
Examples of ‘special plant’ in this context would work as it will usually be carried out during the
include power operated hammers, drills and chisels, excavation process.
6 Ground remediation and soil the relevant rules of each work section involved with
the works described as ‘In Underpinning’.
Specific rules
This type of work is specialist and the measurements
must be accompanied by detailed drawings and 8.1–8.13.1 The requirement for the maximum width to
specification. be stated is intended to cover the occurrence of
stepped brick footings.
7 Piling
9 Diaphragm walls and embedded
It is considered that the provision of the drawings
retaining walls
noted under this clause is essential to properly
measure and describe the work. These drawings will These are concrete walls constructed using slurry or
normally be the structural consultant’s piling drawings. other fluids to support a trench which is then filled with
If inviting tenders direct from piling contractors the concrete to form the wall, the concrete being placed
quantity surveyor must forward these drawings to each through the support fluid which is thereby displaced.
tendering contractor. Equally if inviting tenders through
Excavated material which has been in contact with the
a main contractor the drawings must be sent to each
support fluid may be contaminated and not fit to be
main contractor. Thereafter the main contractor must
used as filling material. Its subsequent disposal may be
forward copies of these drawings to each tendering
subject to restrictions. The tenderer’s attention must be
piling contractor.
drawn to any such restrictions.
The tender documents must set out who provides the
piling platform, to what level(s) it is laid to and who is
10 Crib walls, gabions and reinforced
responsible for removing it on completion of the piling
operations. earth
Specific rules All preliminary works of excavation, disposal, backfilling
and foundations are measured in accordance with the
7.2.*.3 Raking, inclination stated relevant Work Sections.
When measuring raking piles the description must Gabion basket walls are now measured in square
include the inclination. This is expressed as the ratio of metres on the front face with the description giving the
horizontal displacement to vertical distance. basket size and type of fill. In the case of gabion walls
that are stepped on face separate areas shall be given
Examples are as follows:
for each thickness within the work.
Specific rules
Angle Ratio
14° 1:4 10.1 Crib walls
9.5° 1:6 Final filling of voids with topsoil and subsequent
5.8° 1:10 planting is measured in accordance with the rules of
Work Section 37, Soft Landscaping
The responsibility for cutting off tops of piles and
subsequent disposal of debris should be made clear in
the bill of quantities. This work is measured in 11 In-situ concrete works
accordance with Rule 20 of Work Section 5, Excavating
Work shall be separated into the three locations of
and filling.
substructure, superstructure and external works. An
additional sub-separation shall apply to watertight
8 Underpinning construction. These separations shall apply to the
measurement of the in situ concrete, surface finishes,
The rules set out here are for the measurement of formwork, reinforcement, designed joints, accessories
simple underpinning works such as to the foundations cast in and concrete sundries.
of a house or other such simple construction. In the
event that the underpinning is more complicated the
works shall be measured in detail in accordance with
Minimum information to be shown on drawings these volumes can be found in the relevant
manufacturers’ technical literature.
The purpose of this information is to convey to the
tenderer not only the specific sizes of members and Specific rules
thickness of slabs but also such information as the
11.1 Mass concrete
relative positions of precast floors and in situ beams. It
will also allow the tenderer to assess the type of This applies only to unreinforced in situ concrete.
formwork to be used and the length of time the
formwork must remain in place.
Information regarding permissible loads in relation to
The decision to separate in situ concrete into mass,
casting times is to allow the tenderer to assess, in the
horizontal, sloping and vertical is to reflect the differing
absence of specific instructions in the bills of
methods required to pour concrete into these locations
quantities, the degree of propping and re-propping
and therefore reflect the differing costs involved. The
down through successive floors that may be required
cost of constructing a member, i.e. a floor slab, a
to be provided to the formwork. Any limitations on live
column, a wall, a beam, etc. will be reflected in the
loads during construction should be stated.
formwork rate.
11.18 Sides and soffits of attached beams
The surveyor may lump all in situ concrete of similar
nature into one item or may separate the in situ Descriptions of formwork to beams that occur at the
concrete into its various component parts depending edge of a slab should include the attached edge of
on the complexity of the project. It is recommended to slab.
keep work that is isolated or particularly complicated
11.22 Faces of walls and other vertical work
separate from general concrete work
Formwork to one side of a wall only would not include
The lists contained in the rules for each concrete
instances where there is a column or beam on the
category are not exhaustive. If the surveyor is unsure
other side as formwork will be required to the column
as to which category a concrete member belongs to
or beam.
the surveyor should allocate a category that best
reflects the function of the member and clearly note the 11.28 Sloping top surfaces
choice in the bill description.
Top formwork should be measured for surfaces sloping
The concrete in wall kickers shall be included in the at an angle exceeding 15° whether it is provided or not.
volume of their associated wall For example blinding concrete (measured as ‘slabs’)
The requirement to describe concrete having sloping at an angle exceeding 15° will require an item
reinforcement content in excess of 5% by volume is of formwork.
intended to indicate concrete that is very heavily 11.32 Wall kickers
reinforced resulting in problems in placing, vibrating
and compacting. It is the total reinforcement in a Suspended kickers occur where a concrete wall rises
complete member which has to be considered and not off a concrete slab, the kicker being cast integrally with
a small isolated part of a member which is particularly the slab, i.e. at the time the kicker formwork is erected,
congested, e.g. where laps occur in the reinforcement. there is nothing on which to rest its bottom edge.
5% by volume is roughly equivalent to a steel weight of Formwork to isolated column kickers is not required to
0.41 tonnes per cubic metre of the measured member. be measured. Tenderers are given sufficient information
to allow for this by the virtue that formwork to isolated
It is not the intention that a concrete bed placed on columns is measured stating the number.
concrete blinding with only its edges in contact with
earth should be described as ‘poured on or against Reinforcement
earth or unblinded hardcore’.
11.33– Restrictions on bending may be given
Concrete is deemed to be cast into formwork unless by a reference to an appropriate BS although it may be
otherwise described. necessary to refer specifically to any temperature
The net volume of concrete laid on ribbed metal
decking shall include the concrete within the ribs. It 11.33–34.1.3 This is intended to cover those bars
shall not include any addition concrete caused by which are specifically bent to curves to suit the shape
deflection of the decking. The formulae for calculating of the member in which they are to be placed.
type and scope can be readily ascertained from the Equally, if inviting tenders through a main contractor,
drawings, specification and bill description. the drawings must be sent to each main contractor.
Thereafter the main contractor must forward copies of
14.13 Special purpose blocks include purpose made
these drawings to each tendering structural steelwork
blocks within other measured items such as purpose
made corner blocks to sills involving the use of stones
larger than the sills. Special purpose blocks are also The drawings or the description should give details of
blocks which by their very nature are purpose made the method of fabricating and type of site connections.
namely those comprising: Connections would include fittings used to form a joint
• ornaments and thus enable the members to be united by bolting,
small panels (defined as panels not exceeding 0.1 welding or riveting in the shop or on the site.
m2) Details of secondary steelwork and fittings for other
• caps and bases to columns trades should be shown on the drawings, e.g. opening
• kneeler-blocks, bonder-blocks, apex-blocks, angle- frames, pipe brackets, supports for services and
blocks and stooling-blocks to ‘copings’ and supports and stiffeners for mechanical, electrical and
‘ornamental band courses’. ventilating plant.
• plinth blocks, angle-blocks, key-blocks and the like It is recommended that differing individual buildings are
to slab architraves and surrounds to openings kept separate if appropriate. Thus if a project
• springers, voussoirs and keystones of arches comprises an office block with storage depot both of
• tumblings to buttresses which are steel framed then each building should be
• pier-caps, chimney-caps and the like billed separately. However, in instances of a retail park
finials, terminals, brackets, corbels and the like with a number of buildings of similar construction the
need to separate these units is not considered
• stones forming tracery
• special features composed of one or more stones
(special features would include ornamental panels, Mandatory information
oriel windows, niches, etc.) In describing any tests of materials or workmanship
• stones forming balustrade panels and the like that may be required, an indication should also be
• balusters, half balusters, newels and newel-caps given of where the tests are to be carried out.
• templates, bases, thresholds, hearths and the like Requirements for destructive and non-destructive tests,
procedure tests (welding and flame cutting),
• stones forming shelves, divisions, table tops, work
qualification and testing of welders, run-off production
tops and the like
tests and inspections should be clearly stated.
• the purpose made blocks can be either natural
stone or artificial stone. Specific rules
14.15 The rule relating to cavity insulation is for work to 15.1 and 15.2 Note 9 Secondary steelwork is any
new buildings where the insulation is installed during framed steelwork that is scheduled to be erected after
the course of the construction works. Insulating completion of the main structural frame. Examples of
cavities of existing buildings is measured in accordance secondary steelwork include support work for curtain
with Rule 6 of Work Section 31, Insulation, fire stopping walling, windows, doors and the like.
and fire protection. 15.3 An isolated structural member is a member not
connected to a structural steel frame. Examples of
15 Structural metalwork isolated structural members include steel beams
supporting timber joists, lifting beams, tank supports
Drawings that must accompany the measurement etc.
It is considered that the provision of the drawings 15.5 Allowance for fittings. If the drawings are
noted under this clause is essential to properly sufficiently detailed the QS should be able to calculate
measure and describe the work. These drawings will the weight of fittings. If the drawings do not provide the
normally be the structural consultant’s framing necessary information the QS should make a
drawings. If inviting tenders direct from structural reasonable allowance on a percentage basis. This
steelwork contractors the quantity surveyor must allowance will need to be re-measured on completion
forward these drawings to each tendering contractor. of the structural steelwork.
15.8 The rules allow the QS to measure profiled metal in order that the contractor can assess the different
decking in the structural steelwork section if both are machine settings and the knock on cost.
to be supplied and erected in the same package even
if the decking is to support in situ concrete.
17 Sheet roof coverings
15.8.1 – 3.1 Shear studs are steel studs welded to the
The areas of sheet roof coverings are measured as the
steelwork at various centres. Their purpose is to tie the
net area in contact with the base. No allowances are to
concrete to the steel beams and to resist shear
be added for labours. Labours within the general body
loadings between the concrete slab and steel beam in
of the roof covering are measured as extra over the
composite construction.
general sheet roof covering. Labours at the boundaries
15.15 Surface treatments are only measured when are measured full value. It is important that these
carried out as part of the steelwork subcontract. labours are fully described and the description lists out
Decorative painting is covered by the rules given in all associated labours, undercloaks, insulation,
Work Section 29, Decoration. Since separate items are ventilation strips, bedding and pointing, etc. to allow
not required for touching-up, responsibility for such the tenderer to fully assess the additional quantities of
work should be made clear as between the main sheet roof material.
contractor and sub-contractor.
The minimum information requirement clause 5 allows
When measuring galvanising it is important to the QS to fully measure all relevant details and
remember that local facilities may not be able to cope dressings that need to be formed during the laying of
with long or large components. It is recommended that the sheet roof covering and will allow the tenderer to
the tenderers attention is drawn to exceptionally long fully assess the additional quantities of sheet roof
or large components that are specified to be material required over and above the net areas given in
galvanised. the bill of quantities.
18 Tile and slate roof and wall coverings to detail. Where the spacing of the joints is governed
by the spacing of backings then details should be
18.3 Boundary work. Sheet metal linings to valleys or given.
any other boundary work shall be measured in
Specific rules
accordance with the rules of Work Section 17, Sheet
roofing. 20.1. Proprietary partitions are now measured in square
metres and classified by their height in 1.00m
increments. The height of a partition that has a sloping
19 Waterproofing head is the simple mean height calculated by adding
the lowest and highest heights and dividing by two.
Mandatory information to be provided
The descriptions will state either the height or the
Surface finishes or treatments would include chippings, average height in the wording.
gravel, tiles, solar reflective paint, etc. It would not The total length of each quantity of partition will be
include grass, sedum or other like live finishes. These given in the description.
are measured in Work Section 28, Floor, wall, ceiling
and roof finishes. 20.3 and 20.13. The items for forming openings in
partitions and linings do not include materials
Specific rules incorporated into the partition that are not proprietary,
e.g. softwood or plywood grounds inserted into the
19.6 & 19.7. There is no limiting girth to differentiate
metal studs would be measured in accordance with the
between a gutter and a channel but it should be made
rules of Work Section 16, Carpentry.
quite clear from the description what has been
measured. 20.4 and 20.14. Non standard perimeter details are
those that comprise proprietary components that differ
19.6 & 19.7. To give the girth only may not be sufficient from those required in the general body of work.
in describing asphalt to gutters, etc. because of the Examples would be deflection heads, acoustic seals,
additional requirements of rule–5.2. fire seals and the like.
As the thickness of asphalt with the same number of
coats varies as between horizontal and vertical it will 21 Cladding and covering
be necessary to indicate the extent of each. This may,
in some instances, be best achieved by the use of The rules of this Work Section are to cover the
dimensioned descriptions or bill diagrams. measurement of the many types of modern cladding
and covering systems.
Because of their complexity it is essential that sufficient
20 Proprietary linings and partitions drawings are provided with the bill of quantities. Many
The mandatory information required for the description are specialist systems therefore it will be essential to
should give details of head and sole plates, jointing have component drawings and, when writing
battens, studs, metal stiffening sections, firrings, descriptions, to use proprietary references.
channels, metal resilient bars and treatment of joints. It is essential that the tender information makes clear
who is responsible for providing primary and secondary
Information must be given either in the description, the
support to attach the cladding and covering to the
specification or the drawings to show the size and
spacing of supports and details of design module both
for the building and the work in this section and the Specific rules
method of fixing and where to steel structures, the size 21.8.1 – 2.3. Where translucent sheets are used in large
and spacing of the framing members. areas, thus becoming the roofing material rather than
an insertion therein, they should be classified as a main
The drawings should show services which are
sheeting material and measured full value, not extra
integrated with the ceiling, partition or lining including
additional members and the like.
The drawings or schedules that accompany the bill of The requirement to separately identify work applied to
quantities should draw attention to any known variety members prior to fixing excludes off site priming of
of colour requirements and such specification items as wood or metal which would be measured with the
whether or not the ironmongery, electrical or other timber or metal components.
fittings are to be removed before and refixed after
Work on glazed surfaces is measured irrespective of
decorating. The description should also highlight work
pane sizes.
in confined locations such as staircase areas.
Where windows and doors have draught strips,
Examples of preparatory work would include rubbing intumescent stripes or other strips or seals which must
down, burning off, stripping old paper or other not be painted, this should be stated in the description
decorations (specifying the number of layers or type if (see figure 2).
appropriate), cutting out and repairing cracks, knotting,
stopping, staining, bodying in, etc.
Figure 2
34.1.3. Pipes not laid in the bottom of the trench are usually those to be found in a multi-purpose trench and will be
described as multiple pipe drain runs
34.1.1 – 3.1 – 3.4 Drain runs would be described as being ’next to existing roadway or path’ if the distance from the
side of the drain trench is less than the trench depth. See figure 3 below.
Figure 3
34.1.1 – 3.1 – 3.5 Drain runs would be described as being ‘next to existing building’ if the distance from the side of
the drain trench to edge of foundation is less than the trench depth. See figure 4 below.
Figure 4
35.4 Examples of paving accessories include cats- Work and materials deemed included
eyes, tree grilles, traffic calming accessories, etc. Internal planting includes areas such as atriums,
35.5.1 Examples of special units include purpose made planter boxes.
quadrants, stop ends, drop crossover kerbs, etc. Specific rules
35.25 The same rules as set out in the drawn 37.13 Maintenance relates to that required in a Defects
information, mandatory information and items deemed Liability Period only.
included set out at the beginning of Work Section 19,
Waterproofing will apply to the measurement of sheet
linings to pools, lakes, ponds, waterways and the like.