Quadratic Forms and Local Extrema: JLB MAT3216: Handout 2
Quadratic Forms and Local Extrema: JLB MAT3216: Handout 2
Quadratic Forms and Local Extrema: JLB MAT3216: Handout 2
q(x) = xT Hx
1 −1
is called a quadratic form. For example if H = −1 1 then
1 −1 x
q(x, y) = x y = x2 − 2xy + y 2 .
−1 1 y
(c) indefinite if q(x) > 0 for some x ∈ Rn and q(x) < 0 for some x ∈ Rn .
The symmetric matrix H is also sometimes said to be positive definite if its corre-
sponding quadratic form is positive definite etc.
We can now generalize the second derivative test for classifying local extrema.
The following criterion helps us classify quadratic forms that arise from 2 × 2
a b
Proposition: Let H be the 2 × 2 symmetric matrix . Then the
b d
quadratic form q(x) = xT Hx is
Combining this with the above theorem, we get the following result.