Lexical Semantics
Lexical Semantics
Lexical Semantics
Lexical semantics
James Pustejovsky
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 The history of lexical semantics 36
2.3 Issues in lexical semantics 39
2.4 Event semantics 48
2.5 Lexical decomposition 52
2.6 Semantic roles 55
2.7 Qualia structure 59
2.8 Type theory and the lexicon 60
2.9 Open issues in lexical semantics 63
2.1 Introduction
Lexical semantics is the study of what words mean and how their meanings
contribute to the compositional interpretation of natural language utter-
ances. The lexicon can be seen as that component of the grammar that
encodes both the information required for composition in the syntax and
the knowledge for multiple levels and types of semantic interpretation. Lex-
ical entries are richly structured objects that act as triggers both to com-
positional operations and to entailments and implicatures in the context
of larger discourses. Because any semantic interpretation requires access to
knowledge about words, the lexicon of a grammar must provide a system-
atic and efficient way of encoding the information associated with words in
a language.
Four key questions arise when determining how to model the meanings
conveyed by words:
(i) What are the semantic components that constitute word meaning?
(ii) How are word meanings differentiated and how are they related to each
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(iii) How does the meaning of individual words drive the compositional pro-
cess to make semantically coherent sentences?
(iv) When is a component of word meaning considered “lexical” rather
than “world” knowledge?
As we will see below, the first point makes an explicit connection between
predicate decomposition theories (such as Lakoff, 1965/1970; Levin and
Rappaport-Hovav, 1995) and type-theoretic approaches to lexical semantics
(Dowty, 1979; Pustejovsky, 1995; Davis and Koenig, 2000; Asher and Puste-
jovsky, 2006; Asher, 2011). This in turn directly influences the manner in
which selectional constraints are encoded. Finally, we will observe the cen-
tral role of Aktionsarten and event typing in the determination of sentence
meaning in composition.
There are essentially four strategies to lexical specification that have been
adopted in the literature. These approaches can be defined in terms of
how, or whether, they provide an intermediate level of interpretation from
expressions in the object language to their denotations in the model. The
interface defines the logical forms associated with lexical items in the lan-
guage, and it is these expressions which are interpreted in the model.
The four approaches can be defined as follows:
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Lexical semantics 35
Montague (1974), where the lexical items are primitives in the object lan-
guage, or the “language of thought” proposed by Fodor (1975).
This view assumes a very tight coupling between the lexical semantics of
a word and the syntactic projection associated with it. One consequence of
this position is that there are as many lexical entries for a word as there are
senses for it in the object language.
Relational models also start with the assumption that words are treated
as primitives, but unlike atomic predication theory, they can have arbitrar-
ily complex relational structures that facilitate semantic inferences. Such
approaches are not as strict about introducing arguments that are visibly
expressed in the syntax of the language, as is done with atomic predica-
tion models. Perhaps the best-known example of this strategy is Davidson’s
addition of the event variable to action predicates (Davidson, 1967a), as well
as most subsequent work assuming an event variable for eventuality predi-
cates in language. Computational models for linguistic inference also often
invoke this strategy in order to perform reasoning within established logi-
cal systems. Hobbs et al. (1993), for example, working within a framework of
first-order abductive inference, adds any additional parameters to the argu-
ment structure of a predicate that are needed for an inference.
Feature-based decomposition has been used for discriminative analysis
of natural language semantics since Nida (1949), and then, significantly
in the 1960s, when the Katz and Fodor (1963) and Katz and Postal (1964)
models within early generative grammar gained currency within the field.
All expressions in the object language are decomposed into sets of binary-
valued features, distinguishing concepts such as gender, number, age, mar-
ital status, and so on. Recently, some of these ideas have come back into
vogue, where vector-based representations of word meaning have emerged
as a way to handle some long-standing problems in the computational
interpretation of language. These distributional semantic models utilize
far more sophisticated techniques for identifying word distributions and
computing similarity and relatedness with them (Schütze, 1993; Schütze,
1995; Landauer and Dumais, 1997; Padó and Lapata, 2007; Erk and Padó,
Finally, structural decomposition is the approach currently adopted by
many lexical semanticists working in the interface between syntax and
semantics. Words are defined as restricted algebraic structures, with primi-
tive predicates as atomic elements. This approach has been adopted broadly,
from Dowty (1979) in his model-theoretic interpretation of generative
semantics (Lakoff, 1965/1970), to Van Valin Jr. (2005), Jackendoff’s Concep-
tual Structure (Jackendoff, 1983, 1990), and variants of this model (Levin
and Rappaport-Hovav, 1995, 2005). Both Generative Lexicon Theory (Puste-
jovsky and Boguraev, 1993; Pustejovsky, 1995) and semantic interpretations
for Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) (Davis and Koenig, 2000;
Ginzburg and Sag, 2000) can also be seen as assuming a rich, structural
decomposition as the foundation for their models.
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Lexical semantics 37
the various lexical systems of a language, and this was elaborated into a
framework of componential analysis for language meaning (Nida, 1949;
Jakobson, 1973). Componential analysis, used by anthropologists to study
kinship terminology, is a method for breaking down the meanings of lexical
items into a set of features, thereby illustrating similarities and differences
of meaning between the items. The goal of such analysis was simply to
classify the lexical items in the language with some finite set of features, its
ultimate contrastive elements. These contrastive elements are then struc-
tured in a matrix, allowing for dimensional analyses and generalizations
to be made about lexical sets occupying the cells in the matrix. Hjelmslev
(1943/1961), for example, decomposed lexical items into “paradigms” which
pattern the same way distributionally in the language. The componential
analysis of lexical items entails a decomposition into distinctive features:
man as [+adult, +male], woman as [+adult, −male], girl as [−adult, −male],
and so forth. Similar distinctions are made in Nida (1949) for distinguishing
morphological patterns.
In the early days of generative linguistics, many of the ideas of the Struc-
turalists found their way into the first formulations of lexical knowledge for
transformational grammars. Of particular importance was Katz and Fodor’s
(1963) and Katz and Postal’s (1964) theory of feature-based semantics, where
the meanings of words were composed entirely of sets of features with
Boolean values. In line with Chomsky (1957), the role of meaning was lim-
ited: to detect semantic anomalies and determine the number of readings
associated with a sentence. The theory offered proposals for the decomposi-
tion of sentences and lexical items, with explicit rules for linking items to
syntactic structure. While influential in the short term, this theory had no
adequate theory of compositionality and was seen to be too weak as a model
for natural language semantics (see Weinreich, 1972).
At the same time as features were being introduced into linguistic anal-
yses, the role of a predicate’s valence in relation to syntactic expressibility
began to be studied. Valence, a term introduced by Tesnière (1959), is a char-
acterization of the number and semantic nature of arguments carried by
a verb or other predicative expressions. In the late 1960s and early 1970s,
alternatives to the Katz and Fodor model began to emerge that incorpo-
rated many of the characteristics and principles of valence-based grammars.
These theories attempt to respect the relational structure of sentence mean-
ing while encoding the named “semantic functions” of the arguments in
the lexical entries for predicates (Lakoff, 1965/1970; Fillmore, 1968a, 1969;
Gruber, 1976; Jackendoff, 1972).
Fillmore (1968a, 1977a), for example, uses an enriched notion of valence
to account for how arguments bind to syntactic positions in the sentence.
From these early accounts of case grammar, Fillmore and colleagues devel-
oped a broader notion of frame semantics (cf. Fillmore, 1976, 1982), where
human activities are conceptualized as lexically encoded frames. A seman-
tic frame specifies the conditions under which a predicate combines with its
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possible arguments, seen as the participants in the event which that predi-
cate denotes.
Some of these ideas were incorporated into lexically rich, feature-based
semantics, in an attempt to explain how the semantic properties of pred-
icates predict syntactic expressibility and behavior. One version of this
grew into the framework known as generative semantics (Lakoff, 1965/1970;
McCawley, 1968a), where the input to semantic interpretation was the deep
structure of a sentence. While this started as an attempt to explain the
selectional preferences imposed by verbs on their arguments, the scope of
the theory expanded to account for all semantic interpretation from deep
This view changed with Chomsky’s and Jackendoff’s lexicalist work in the
1970s, where the role of the lexicon became more central to grammatical
processes, and generalizations could be made in terms of what properties
were shared by lexical items (Chomsky, 1970; Jackendoff, 1972). While the
Aspects-model of selectional features restricted the relation of selection to
that between lexical items, work by McCawley (1968a) and Jackendoff (1972)
showed that selectional restrictions must be available to computations at
the level of derived semantic representation rather than at deep structure.
Later work by Bresnan (1982), Gazdar et al. (1985), and Pollard and Sag (1994)
extended the range of phenomena that can be handled by the projection
and exploitation of lexically derived information in the grammar. In these
frameworks, the lexicon plays a central part in the way compositional pro-
cesses are carried out in the grammar.
Before the mid-twentieth century, there was little interest in word mean-
ing within traditional philosophy. While linguistic semantics can trace its
roots back to both Frege (1892b) and Russell (1905), these and other authors
were less interested in word meaning and linguistic behavior than they
were in how words were used as the medium through which judgments can
be formed and inferences made. Frege’s focus lay in formulating the rules
which create meaningful expressions in a compositional manner, while also
introducing an important distinction between an expression’s sense and
its reference. However, because of the descriptive bias in linguistics at the
time, linguists largely failed to appreciate the role that systematic models
of compositionality might play in language generally. Not until mid-century,
with Montague’s synthesis of grammatical description and intensional type
theory, were these issues addressed in a comprehensive (and influential)
Montague (1970a,b) introduces a bold new program for semantic inter-
pretation in natural language, based on formal logic with a model-theoretic
interpretation. Some of the most influential contemporary work on lexical
semantics is based on this foundation, as we shall see in the sections below.
In Dowty (1979), a model-theoretic interpretation of the decompositional
techniques introduced by Lakoff, McCawley, and Ross was developed.
Dowty’s work, together with Partee (1975)’s seminal article on how
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Lexical semantics 39
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(3) a. First we leave the gate, then we taxi down the runway.
b. John saw the taxi on the street.
The senses of each noun in the examples above are arguably unrelated to
each other; such lexical distinctions have also been called contrastive ambi-
guities (cf. Weinreich, 1972). For this reason, it is assumed that homonyms
are represented as separate lexical entries within the organization of
the lexicon. Words with multiple senses are simply listed separately in
the lexicon, but this does not seem to compromise or complicate the
compositional process of how words combine in the interpretation of a
We can compare this to the phenomenon known as polysemy (cf. Apresjan,
1973). Polysemy is the relationship that exists between related senses of a
word, rather than arbitrary ones, as in the above examples. For example,
the noun book is polysemous and can refer to either a physical object or the
information contained in it, as illustrated in (5) below.
Unlike the homonyms above, these two senses are logically related to each
other by the very concept of book. Similarly, the noun lunch can refer to the
food intended for consumption at a meal or the actual meal itself, as seen
in (6).
In (7), a similar logical relation exists between the two senses of flight; in (7a),
it refers to the event of flying, while in (7b) it refers to the plane engaged in
While the two senses of the noun bank in (1), as well as of the other nouns
in examples (2)–(4), are not related (except by phonological form), each
of these examples indicates a formal relation between the lexical senses.
It is the role of the lexicon to distinguish such ambiguities, and to establish
what this logical relation is.
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Lexical semantics 41
That is, the road is dangerous in (9a) when “one drives on it”, and the knife
is dangerous in (9b) when “one cuts with it”. Finally, the adjective fast in
the sentences below acts as though it is an adverb, modifying an activity
implicit in the noun; that is, programming in (10a) and driving in (10b).
The exact nature of how adjectives are interpreted relative to the head is
discussed in Pustejovsky (1995), and Busa (1996).
A somewhat related phenomenon involving adjectival scope instead of
true polysemy can be seen in the sentences in (11), where the adjective can
modify the agentive nominal activity or the nominal as an individual.
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The argument structure for the verbs in these sentences can be represented
as follows:
(13) a. laugh(arg1 )
b. see(arg1 ,arg2 )
c. give(arg1 ,arg2 ,arg3 )
One of the most important themes when studying the lexicon is to establish
just what role lexical information plays in determining whether an expres-
sion is well-formed or not.
We will see below that this is not always the case, however, and there are more complex relations between
semantic representations and the syntactic structures that may appear.
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Lexical semantics 43
This can be encoded as part of the argument structure for that verb if we
make a list of features for each argument. In our representation, this list
will be shown directly following the argument it is associated with. So, for
example, let cat be the feature for the category of the argument; then we
have the following distinct argument structures for these two verbs.
Lexical information impacting the grammar Thus far, the lexical informa-
tion needed to interface to the syntax is of two sorts:
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That is, the nouns class, team, and crowd can all be considered as non-atomic,
from the point of view of the verb and the grammar. Hence, the argument
structure for these verbs must reflect this phenomenon by adding a selec-
tional constraint referring to number, ranging over the values “singular”
and “plural”.
It would appear, then, that the verb assemble requires the plural subject to
be animate, while the very similar verbs gather and disperse do not.
Selectional constraints, in fact, can determine the acceptability of argu-
ments in any positions in the grammar; consider the distinction between
the verbs force and convince. Although they are synonyms in many contexts,
force and convince have different selectional properties, the latter requiring
that the “convinced” be a cognitive agent.
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Lexical semantics 45
Verbs select for different spatial prepositions as well; verbs involving spatial
manner descriptions, for example, are quite specific for the kinds of preposi-
tions they allow. Consider, for example, on and in versus over in the sentences
below, when selected by the verb lie.
(27) The cat is lying on the floor / in the box / *over the floor / . . .
We see from this brief discussion that selection is an important part of how
lexical information is conveyed to the syntactic operations in the grammar.
It should be noted that (28a) does have a default reading of “behave well”, when no adverb is present.
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Or does it? Notice that there are contexts for each of the verbs in (29), which
exploit properties of the verb, giving rise to constructions not allowed by
the original argument structure.
In each of these sentences, the argument structure for the verb has been
violated in some way. In (30a), there is an additional NP object to the verb
laugh, and a predicate modifying the object NP himself. In (30b), what the
girl saw was not just a bird, but what the bird did; namely, “flying into the
room”, described as an additional VP. Finally, in (30c), both of the expected
arguments are missing, and presumably inferred from the context of the
These illustrate one aspect of the phenomenon of verbal polysemy. Poly-
semy, as defined in the previous section, is the term given to an ambiguity
where the different meanings of the word are logically related to each other.
Many verbs can appear in multiple contexts taking a different number of
arguments in each, a phenomenon known as an alternation. For example,
the verbs break, roll, and sink all have intransitive and transitive forms, as
shown in the sentences below.
How does the lexicon represent such ambiguities? The simplest way would
be to list the different argument structures for each verb, as shown in (34).
Note that the semantic role of the intransitive subject is the same as the
transitive object NP in each one of these verbs. That is, it is the undergoer or
This kind of alternation does not apply to all intransitive verbs, of course,
and the lexicon must somehow prevent verbs like arrive and die from becom-
ing transitive.
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Lexical semantics 47
The question arising from such cases is this: what allows for an alternation
to occur for some verbs while not for others? Is this part of the lexicon or
some other rule or strategy in the grammar?
Verb alternations are quite prevalent in language and pose a difficult prob-
lem to lexicon designers. For example, how many different argument struc-
tures do we have for a verb like sweep?
Such alternating patterns typically apply to more than just one verb; hence,
it would be more efficient to have a general strategy for how these word
senses are related rather than simply listing the different senses for each
Lexical information is sensitive to both the syntax and the discourse con-
text. Although a verb may be lexically specified to have a certain number
of arguments, there are many situations in which this can be violated. We
saw this above in (30c) with the verb give. In fact, this is quite common but
appears to be governed by systematic rules, and not just pragmatic informa-
tion. For example, while (30c) is grammatical, for most speakers (38b) below
is not.
Similarly, eat and drink can appear without their direct objects, but devour
and gulp cannot (at least for most speakers).
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The ability to ignore part of the argument structure in the syntax seems to
be a lexical property, one which is idiosyncratic to each verb.
Finally, we consider a kind of verbal polysemy not involving argument
alternation, but a syntactic category alternation. Recall from our discussion
above (see (17)) that we motivated a way to distinguish between different
syntactic types for an argument; that is, buy and think have different cate-
gory values associated with their second arguments:
What happens, however, when the syntactic distinction involves the same
verb? Consider the sentences below, where the verb begin appears in three
distinct syntactic contexts.
Verbs like hate and love in English can appear in even more contexts, as seen
in (47) below.
The examples above in (46) and (47) bring up the issue of how to make gen-
eralizations in the lexicon; that is, is there a “compact” manner in which to
express that the verb begin means the same thing in each sentence in (46),
and likewise for the verb hate in (47).
In this section, we look at the notion of event in lexical semantics. There are
two traditions to examine when studying the role of events in the semantics
of language:
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Lexical semantics 49
In this example, each more specifically described event entails the one
above it by virtue of and-elimination (conjunctive generalization) on the
There are of course many variants of the introduction of events into predica-
tive forms, including the identification of arguments with specific named
roles (or partial functions, see Chierchia, 1989; Dowty, 1989).
In lexical semantic analysis, it is standard practice to create component-
based classifications using linguistic data that demonstrate pairwise distinc-
tions for grammatical or semantic well-formedness judgments. One such
approach is the determination of aspectual class or Aktionsart (see also Roth-
stein, Chapter 12). This is essentially a characterization of the different kinds
of eventualities that predicative expressions denote. There have been sev-
eral influential distinctions proposed in the literature, but the best known
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are those introduced by Kenny (1963) and Vendler (1967). Kenny assumed
that there are three basic aspectual types: states, activities, and performances.
Vendler proposes a similar distinction for states and processes, but splits
the last class (his events) into two categories, accomplishments and achievements.
His classification as well as his terminology have been the starting point for
much of the work in aspect and event semantics in the field. These event
classes are summarized briefly below.
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These two classes map fairly closely to the well-known categories of atelic
and telic predicates, mentioned above. For example, no part of building a
house is a complete house-building; the event is quantized by the relation-
ship to the result, i.e., the house (see Krifka, 1992). The activity of walking,
on the other hand, is cumulative, and any event of walking is composed of
subevents of walking. See Champollion and Krifka, Chapter 13 for further
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Lexical semantics 53
Assuming that the underlying form for a verb like kill encodes the stative
predicate in (58c) and the relation of causation, generative semanticists
posited representations such as (59) below.
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(61) a. Possessional: John will take the house and Mary the kids.
b. Identificational: John turned into a great father.
c. Circumstantial: Mary led me to believe she was younger than I.
d. Temporal: The seminar has been moved to Wednesdays.
Jackendoff (1972), following Chomsky (1970), was philosophically at odds with the claims made by
generative semantics. The interpretive semantics they defended took semantics to be a process of
interpretation over the derived surface form of the sentence, rather than the deep structure.
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(62) a. sleep(x)
b. love(x,y)
c. build(x,y,z)
The first theory of semantic roles within a generative model was Case
Grammar, a semantically oriented grammar developed by Fillmore (1968b)
and others, e.g., Anderson (1977) and Starosta (1988). Case was first used
for the morphological analysis of noun endings in, e.g., German and Rus-
sian. Fillmore showed that these noun endings serve the same purpose as
the positioning of nouns and prepositions in lexical surface structures. Fill-
more (1968b) introduced the notion of case grammar and a case frame, a
predicate containing arguments that are a set of obligatory and optional
cases. Implicit in the theory is that each NP in a sentence can be assigned
only one case and that the cases assigned by a verb can be realized only once
in a sentence. He defined a number of cases including:
For example, the verb open requires that its objective role be filled: some-
thing must open or be opened. In (63a), only the objective role is filled.
In (63b) and (63c), both agentive and objective roles are filled. In (63d), the
instrumental and objective roles are filled. In (63e), the agentive, objective,
and instrumental roles are filled.
Fillmore noted that different case roles can occupy the same grammatical
function, e.g., the grammatical subject is door in (63a) and (63c) which occu-
pies the objective role, Mary in (63b) and (63c) which has the agentive role,
and key in (63d) and (63e) which has an instrumental role.
Fillmore’s theory attempts to explain how the arguments of a predicate
are assigned to particular syntactic structures and is not concerned with
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Lexical semantics 57
(65) a. putagent,theme,location
b. borrowrecipient,theme,source
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Lexical semantics 59
and be able to fly, but an ostrich would still be recognized as a bird. The
prototype idea can be seen in Berlin and Kay (1969)’s study of color terms,
in Labov’s work on the boundary criteria between cups and bowls (Labov,
1972b), and in the work of the psychologist Rosch and Mervis (1975).
Thus far, we have focused on the lexical information associated with verb
entries. All of the major categories, however, are encoded with syntactic
and semantic feature structures that determine their constructional behav-
ior and subsequent meaning at logical form. In Generative Lexicon Theory
(Pustejovsky, 1991a, 1995), it is assumed that word meaning is structured on
the basis of four generative factors, or qualia roles, that capture how humans
understand objects and relations in the world and provide the minimal
explanation for the linguistic behavior of lexical items (these are inspired
in large part by the Moravcsik (1975, 1981) interpretation of Aristotelian
aitia). These are: the formal role: the basic category that distinguishes the
object within a larger domain; the constitutive role: the relation between
an object and its constituent parts; the telic role: its purpose and function;
and the agentive role: factors involved in the object’s origin or “coming into
being”. Qualia structure is at the core of the generative properties of the lexi-
con, since it provides a general strategy for creating new types. For example,
consider the properties of nouns such as rock and chair. These nouns can
be distinguished on the basis of semantic criteria which classify them in
terms of general categories such as natural_kind, artifact_object.
Although very useful, this is not sufficient to discriminate semantic types
in a way that also accounts for their grammatical behavior. A crucial dis-
tinction between rock and chair concerns the properties which differenti-
ate natural kinds from artifacts: functionality plays a crucial role in the pro-
cess of individuation of artifacts, but not of natural kinds. This is reflected
in grammatical behavior, whereby a good chair, or enjoy the chair are well-
formed expressions reflecting the specific purpose for which an artifact is
designed, but good rock or enjoy a rock are odd out of context, since for rock
the functionality (i.e., telic) is undefined. Exceptions exist when new con-
cepts are referred to, such as when the object is construed relative to a spe-
cific activity, such as in The climber enjoyed that rock; rock itself takes on a new
meaning, by virtue of having telicity associated with it, and this is accom-
plished by integration with the semantics of the subject NP. Although chair
and rock are both physical_object, they differ in their mode of com-
ing into being (i.e., agentive): artifacts are manufactured, rocks develop in
nature. Similarly, a concept such as food or cookie has a physical manifesta-
tion or denotation, but also a functional grounding, pertaining to the activ-
ity of “eating”. These distinct aspects of a category are represented by the
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qualia structure for that concept, which provides a coherent structuring for
different dimensions of meaning.
By analyzing the semantics of objects in terms of qualia, the classic
domain of entities from Montague Grammar can be organized as a hierar-
chical system of subtypes (sorts), structured into three broadly defined types:
(67) Natural types: Natural kind concepts grounded in the Formal and
Constitutive qualia roles.
Artifactual types: Concepts grounded in the Telic (purpose or function),
or Agentive (origin) qualia roles.
Complex types: Concepts integrating reference to the relation between
at least two types from the other levels.
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Lexical semantics 61
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We can define all three basic types from (67) using the qualia and these
constructors. The first two classes in (67) are defined in terms of qualia; a nat-
ural physical object is a subtype formed from predication with the atomic
type, e. The natural types, N , are those subtypes that are formally structured
as a join semi-lattice, N , , in this domain (Pustejovsky, 2001). We say
that this type occupies the value of the formal quale in the type structure.
The creation of a predicate that, in turn, selects for a natural type follows
conventional functional typing assumptions: for any type τ in the subdo-
main of natural types, τ ∈ N , τ → t will be considered a natural functional
Once we have defined natural type entities, their corresponding func-
tional types are defined. The creation of predicates over the subdomain of
natural types follows conventional functional typing assumptions: for any
type τ in the subdomain of natural types, τ ∈ N , τ → t is a natural func-
tional type. This allows us to define natural predicates such as die or touch,
as: λx:eN [die(x)], λy:eN λx : eN [touch(x, y)].
The second class of types, artifactual types, are defined as any type with an
associated telic type. For example, the concept of a potable liquid would
have the typing, liquid ⊗T drink. Similarly, an artifactual entity such as bread
would be typed as, (phys ⊗A bake) ⊗T eat. The creation of functional types
over the domain of artifactual types is defined as follows: for any type τ
in the domain of artifactual entity types, τ ∈ A, τ → t is an artifactual func-
tional type. For example, λx:eA [break(x)]; λy:eA λx:eN [fix(x, y)].
Finally, complex types are constructed through a type-construction oper-
ation (the dot, •) over the domain of Naturals, Artifactuals, and Complex
Types. Consider the noun book, a complex type denoting both the informa-
tional content and the physical manifestation of that content: phys • info.
Other examples include the nouns lunch, school, and promise. Constructing
functional types over the subdomain of complex types is straightforward:
for any type τ in the domain of complex entity types, τ ∈ C, τ → t is a
complex functional type. Examples include verbs such as read: λy:phys • info
λx:eN [read(x, y)].
One of the advantages of introducing a finer-grained system of types is the
ability to explain the selectional constraints associated with the arguments
to a predicate; that is, die selects for an animate entity; assemble selects for a
semantically plural individual, and so on.
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Lexical semantics 63
What these sentence pairs illustrate is the process of type coercion, a seman-
tic operation that converts an argument to the type which is expected by a
predicate, where it would otherwise not be accepted (see Pustejovsky, 1995).
This is an operation in the grammar ensuring that the selectional require-
ments on an argument to a predicate are satisfied by the argument in the
compositional process. The rules of coercion presuppose a typed language
such as that outlined above. By allowing lexical items to coerce their argu-
ments, we obviate the enumeration of multiple entries for different senses
of a word.
The notion that a predicate can specify a particular target type for its
argument is a very useful one and intuitively explains the different syntactic
argument forms for the verbs above. In sentences (69) and (70), noun phrases
and verb phrases appear in the same argument position, somehow satisfying
the type required by the verbs enjoy and begin. Similarly, in sentences (71),
noun phrases of very different semantic classes appear as subject of the verb
If we analyze the different syntactic occurrences of the above verbs as
separate lexical entries, following the sense enumeration theory outlined
in previous sections, we are unable to capture the underlying relatedness
between these entries; namely, that no matter what the syntactic form of
their arguments, the verbs seem to be interpreting all the phrases as events
of some sort. It is exactly this type of complement selection which type coer-
cion allows in the compositional process.
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I would like to thank the editors and the anonymous reviewer for valuable
comments and feedback on this chapter.
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