Lessons On Assurance Soft

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As you begin this study you will notice that with each lesson there is a
corresponding memory verse. Begin working on your new memory verse the
same day you start your new lesson. Go over the memory verses each day
several times if possible – endeavoring to master each verse perfectly – word for
word. To overcome the problem of forgetting references, repeat the reference
both at the beginning and the end of the verse.

Take advantage of spare moments by carrying the handy ‘Beginning

with Christ’ packet with you in your purse or pocket. This packet, available
from The Navigators, contains five memory verses on easy to review cards and a
booklet telling why and how they apply to you.

We recommend you take a few questions each day rather than trying to
do the whole study t one sitting. This will help you to regulate and stabilize your
intake of God’s word.

Salvation – The saving of man from the spiritual consequence of
sin. Deliverance from sin and eternal damnation through the
atonement of Christ.

Webster’s Dictionary
1.) What was John’s purpose in writing his first letter? 1 John 5:13


2.) Where is eternal life to be found? 1 John 5:11


3.) According to 1 John 5:12

a.) To whom does God guarantee eternal life?


b.) From whom does God withhold eternal life?


4.) What new relationship is established when we receive Jesus Christ? John

1 ASSURANCE OF SALVATION ______________________________________________________________


ASSURANCE OF SALVATION 5.) Who gives us an inner assurance that we are children of God?
Begin memorizing 1 John 5:11,12 Romans 8:16
Write in the answers to the following questions in YOUR OWN WORDS.
The inner assurance usually comes as one considers the promise of 12.) In Romans 12:1,2 we are told to live our lives in dedication to God and not
God’s Word. Therefore, it is vitally important to know what God has declared in to be pressured into the pattern(way) of the world. If we do this, what three
His eternal Word. things will prove to be true for us about the will of God?

6.) What three things are true of those who are members of God’s family? John ____________________________________________________________
13.) Does being in God’s will free us from troubles and hardships? Philippians
___________________________________________________________ 1:29; 2 Timothy 3;12

7.) What does God give those who are part of His fold? John 10:28 ____________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

8.) a.) As sheep we are securely held in the hand of our Shepherd. Jesus 14.) Write out Proverbs 3:5,6 from memory.
Christ. Who can snatch us out of His hand? John 10:28
b.) Besides Christ, who also holds us in His hands? John 10:29

1 Corinthians 6:19,20 ____________________________________________

5.) What is one thing that characterized Jesus’ life? John 4:34; John 6:38;
Psalms 119:104,105 ____________________________________________ Luke 22:42

Psalms 143:1,10 _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Proverbs 15:22 ________________________________________________ 6.) Name some of the specific areas where we need to do His will:

11.) What is our primary source in knowing God’s will? Joshua 1:8 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 ________________________________________

___________________________________________________________ 2 Corinthians 6:14,15 __________________________________________

Colossians 3:18-21 ____________________________________________ a.) Death

Ephesians 4:1-3; John 13:34,35 _________________________________ b.) Danger

7.) How did Abraham show that he was willing to do the will of God for His c.) Supernatural powers
life? Romans 4:20,21
d.) Nothing
11.) According to your understanding of this lesson, how does one become a
8.) What can hinder us from doing the will of God? child of God and receive eternal life?

Proverbs 29:25; James 4:4 _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Matthew 10:37-39 ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

9.) What attitude should we have about God’s will? Psalm 40:8 ____________________________________________________________

10.) Once we have decided we want to do the will of God in our lives what are 12.) Do you have eternal life? How do you know?
some of the steps we can take to make it come true?
Proverbs 3:5,6 ________________________________________________
Who can snatch us out of His hand?
13.) Write out 1 John 5:11,12 from memory.
9.) After we hear and believe the Word of Truth, who seals us and marks us out
as those who belong to Christ? Ephesians 1:13 ____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit unitedly
guarantee eternal salvation to those who hear and believe (receive) the Truth
(Jesus Christ).

10.) According to Romans 8:35-39 what can cut us off from our love-
relationship with Christ? (Underline the correct answer).
1 John 3:2 ____________________________________________________

2.) How can we be sure that God will guide us concerning our life?

John 16:13 ___________________________________________________

Psalm 32:8 ___________________________________________________

3.) According to Ephesians 1:11,12, what should be our aim in life?



4.) What are two main reasons that we should live to the glory of God?

Isaiah 43:7 ____________________________________________________

6.) How does the Psalmist describe confession? Psalm 32:5



5 ASSURANCE OF GUIDANCE 7.) To Whom should confession be made? Psalm 32:5


8.) What attitude of heart characterizes confession? Psalm 38:18
Begin memorizing Proverbs 3:5,6.
Review daily 1 John 5:11,12 and John 16:24 ____________________________________________________________
1 Corinthians 10:13 and 1 John 1:9.
Write in the answers to the following questions. 9.) In order to obtain mercy, what must accompany the confession of sin?
Proverbs 28:13
1.) What plans does God have for His children?
Jeremiah 29:11 _______________________________________________
10.) Instead of feeling guilty, what was David’s prayerful expectation after 2.) What great gift has God given us that assures us He will provide for our
confessing his sin? Psalm 51:12 further needs? Romans 8:32

____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

11.) Since we have experienced God’s forgiveness, what should be our attitude _____________________________________________________________
towards others? Ephesians 4:32
3.) What is one of the purposes for which prayer is answered? John 14:13
12.) Write out 1 John 1:9 from memory.
____________________________________________________________ 4.) What is another reason why God gives us the privilege of asking and
receiving? John 16:24
2 _____________________________________________________________

5.) Why do we approach God through Jesus Christ? 1 Timothy 2:5

ASSURANCE OF ANSWERED _____________________________________________________________
PRAYER _____________________________________________________________

6.) In order to receive things from God, what must we do? John 16:24, James
Begin memorizing John 16:24. _____________________________________________________________
Review daily 1 John 5:11,12.
Write in the answers of the following questions. _____________________________________________________________
1.) What can we do in order to receive help for daily needs? Hebrews 4:16 7.) What things can we bring to the Lord in prayer? Philippians 4:6
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
8.) Name some of the specific things for which we should pray:
4.) Besides forgiving us, what else does God do for us? 1 john 1:9
Matthew 6:11 ________________________________________________
Ephesians 6:18 ________________________________________________
5.) What are some consequences of unconfessed sin? Psalm 66:18 , Proverbs
‘The saints’ refers to all who received Christ and are 28:13
following Him. (1 Corinthians 1:2)
Ephesians 6:19 ________________________________________________

Philippians 1:9 _________________________________________________

7.) If we are overcome by temptation, how can it be explained? James 1:14

4 ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS ____________________________________________________________


8.) What weapon do we have with which to meet the enemy? Ephesians 6:17
Begin memorizing 1 John 1:9.
Review daily 1 John 5:11,12 and John 16:24 and 9.) What can we do to help ward off temptations? Matthew 26:41, James 4:7
1 Corinthians 10:13.
Write in the answers to the following questions. ____________________________________________________________

1.) What is the basis upon which all sin is forgiven? Matthew 26:28 ____________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ 10.) What did Jesus Christ use to meet Satan’s attack? Matthew 4:4,7,10

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

2.) Although our past sins have been forgiven, does conversion mean that we 11.) How can we have God’s Word always available for victory over sin?
automatically cease from sinning? 1 John 1:8,10 Psalm 119:11

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

3.) What must we do in order to have our sins forgiven? 1 John 1:9 12.) Write out 1 Corinthians 10:13 from memory.

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
13.) Write out John 16:24 from memory.

James 1:5 ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

9.) What are two frequent causes of unanswered prayers? Psalm 66:18, James _____________________________________________________________




10.) In order that God might answer our prayers, how should we pray? 1 John



A prayer is according to God’s will if its answer brings glory to

God. A few of these prayers given us in the Scriptures are
listed in Question 8.

11.) If prayers seem to be unanswered, and we believe that we are asking in

God’s will, what should be our attitude? Hebrews 10:35,36



12.) What is one of the things that characterized Jesus’ life? Matthew 14:23,
Mark 1:35

Begin memorizing 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Review daily 1 John 5:11,12 and John 16:24.
Write in the answers to the following questions.

1.) Who is the Christian enemy? 1 Peter 5:8


2.) What are three main avenues through which we may be tempted? 1 John


3.) What benefit will come to us as a result of trials? James 1:2-4


4.) What things may we always be sure of when we are tempted? 1 Corinthians



5.) Who gives us strength to meet temptations? Philippians 4:13

6.) Why is He able to make us victorious? 1 John 4:4



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