Space Militarization in South Asia: India's Quest For Space Weapons and Implications For Pakistan
Space Militarization in South Asia: India's Quest For Space Weapons and Implications For Pakistan
Space Militarization in South Asia: India's Quest For Space Weapons and Implications For Pakistan
India’s quest for space weaponization will have consequences for regional stability.
Every global common once accessed by humans has been turned into a bat-
tlefield. Holding the high ground has been considered a military advantage by
numerous strategists. Forts were built on high points, to keep an eye on the
movement of an adversary. After land, air, and sea, space is becoming the next
frontier for war and military operations. The borderless and unconquered
qualities of space make it unique, increasing the opportunities for civil and
military use, and weakening the security of states. Command of space will
become a crucial element in terrestrial battles. Space weaponization is not
a new term; argument over putting weapons in space started decades ago, and
is a critical issue today. But as of this writing, the potential battlefield of space
is still free of weapons, as far as we know.
RAJA QAISER AHMED is a Lecturer in the School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid I
Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. M ISBAH A RIF is a Visiting Lecturer in the Department
of Defence and Diplomatic Studies at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
A warm thanks is extended to Dr. Muhammad Mujeeb Afzal for his theoretical and scholarly input.
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Asian Survey, Vol. 57, Number 5, pp. 813–832. ISSN 0004-4687, electronic ISSN 1533-838X. © 2017 by
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission
to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press’s Reprints and
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The United States’ success in the First Gulf War, Kosovo, and Afghanistan
made it evident that land, air, and sea military operations can be aided by
effective use of space assets. Space militarization is different from space
weaponization.1 Militarization of space is the use of space technology to
support military operations on land, air, and sea. Weaponization of space
is the development and deployment of weapons to be used in and from space
for defensive or offensive purposes, turning space into a conflict zone. Weap-
1. Deepak Sharma, ‘‘Weaponization of Space and India’s Option,’’ IDSA Occasional Paper no. 22
(2011), 3.
South Asia the epicenter of the great powers’ attention. Pakistan became
a frontline ally of the US. And the Indo–US strategic partnership became
cemented, which now challenges the strategic stability of the South Asian
The politics of South Asia mainly revolves around India and Pakistan.
The two nations have much in common historically, customarily, and
geographically, but unfortunately have never shared friendly relations.
2. Ashley J. Tellis and Travis Tanner, China’s Military Challenge (Washington, DC: National
Bureau of Asian Research, 2012), 290.
Launch of the Russian Sputnik satellite in 1957 prompted the Indian space
program. In 1962 the Department of Atomic Energy funded the Indian
National Committee for Space Research. The Indian space program had
considerable achievements in the development of rockets, with the help of
NASA. At the end of the 1960s India launched its first rocket, the Rohini 75,
into outer space.3 The main organization under the Indian government, the
3. Dream 2047: Monthly Newsletter of Vigyan Prasar, March 30, 2002, <http://www.vigyanprasar.>.
4. Deepak Sharma, Space Capability and India’s Defence Communications up to 2022 and Beyond
(New Delhi: Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis, 2010), 4.
5. D. Moorthi, ‘‘What ‘Space Security’ Means to an Emerging Space Power,’’ Astropolitics 2:2
(2004): 263.
6. Moorthi, ‘‘What ‘Space Security’ Means,’’ 263.
submarine warfare from its own satellite, OCEANSAT 2. After the Mumbai
terrorist attack, ISRO launched RISAT 2, with the unique capability of all-
weather, day-and-night surveillance.9 The Indian space program is expanding
at a brisk pace. China, Japan, Russia, and India have improved their space
competitiveness by 35%, 44%, 20%, and 16%, respectively, over their own
relative starting points from when Futron’s benchmarking began in 2008
(Table 1).
Pakistan’s space program also started in the 1960s after the Soviet launch of
Sputnik (Table 2). During the Cold War the space race between the two
superpowers was at its peak, and many other nations brought space technol-
ogy home with the help of one of the two competing powers. Pakistan
organized a space institute under the supervision of the Pakistan Atomic
Energy Commission in 1961.10 Later, a research wing named SUPARCO
(Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) was assigned to con-
duct scientific and technological experiments.
In 1961, SUPARCO, with the help of NASA, launched its first rocket,
Rehbar 1. Pakistan became the tenth country in Asia to successfully launch an
unmanned spacecraft. Pakistan managed 20 successful launches by 1972. In
1990 Pakistan began the Badr communication satellite series, with the assis-
tance of China. Badr-B was launched in 2001 using a Ukrainian rocket. In
2011 PakSat-1R, Pakistan’s first communication satellite, was launched; it was
9. Rajeev Sharma, ‘‘India’s Spy Satellite Launch?’’ The Diplomat, April 30, 2012.
10. Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, ‘‘Space Research in Pakistan 2004–
2005: National Report to the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China 16–23 July 2006,’’
table 1. Relative Competitiveness Changes by Country, SCI 2013 to SCI 2014
South South Average
Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China Europe India Iran Israel Japan Russia Africa Korea Ukraine USA Change
Argentina 0.00 0.30
India Pakistan
Deepak Sharma, Space Capability and India’s Defence Communications Up to 2022 and Beyond
(New Delhi: Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis, 2010), 39.
The rapidly changing strategic environment of South Asia has persuaded all
defense planners to take measures to counter imminent threats. The draw-
down of American/NATO forces from Afghanistan and America’s increasing
interest in the Asia-Pacific alarms South Asian nations. There is an evident
increase in the defense budgets of India and Pakistan for 2017–18 that under-
scores a growing threat to the delicate balance of power between India and
Pakistan. Boosting spending by 10% (where the total estimated defense
spending is US$ 53.5 billion),11 India is one of the world’s largest buyers of
arms and is trying to replace old weaponry with new to deter China. Defense
modernization is considered an important tool for Indian strategic objectives.
The increase in the Indian defense budget should not be ignored. It suggests
modernization and technological advancement in Indian military muscle,
which will endanger the prevailing strategic environment.
There are different kinds of space weapons. A directed energy beam uses
electromagnetic energy to destroy a target. This energy can destroy a satellite
11. Laxman K Behera, ‘‘India’s Defence Budget 2017–18: An Analysis’’, Institute for Defence Studies
and Analyses, February 03, 2017.
12. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, ‘‘India’s Changing Policy on Space Militarization: The Impact
of China’s ASAT Test,’’ India Review 10:4 (2013): 354.
13. Stephen P. Cohen, India: Emerging Power (Harrisonburg, VA: Donnelley and Sons, 2001),
14. Ajay Bohtan, ‘‘The Ineluctable Outer Space for India’s National Security,’’ Maritime Affairs
9:2 (2013): 42–61.
15. Ashley J. Tellis, and Sean Mirski, eds., Crux of Asia: China, India and the Emerging Global
Order (Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2013), 177.
and security of the region. They would alter the balance of power and create
asymmetry, again pushing insecure rival states to respond to the threat by
taking countermeasures. India is facing challenges in space, but those are not
immediate ones. India should look for options other than space weapons
because of the high risks. India modernizes its conventional military capabilities
and its nuclear arsenals regularly. Indo–US cooperation in the defense sector
will become a defining element in the relationship of the two countries.16
16. Randel R. Correll, ‘‘U.S. India Space Partnership: The Jewel in the Crown,’’ Astropolitics 4:2
(Summer 2006): 159–77.
17. ‘‘Pakistan Space Program,’’ Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, <http://>.
18. Karl D. Hebert, ‘‘Regulation of Space Weapons: Ensuring Stability and Continued Use of
Outer Space,’’ Astropolitics 12:1 (2014): 1–26.
strengthen security.19 The relationship among India, China, and Pakistan has
always been the defining factor with regard to the stability and security of the
South Asian region. The Sino–Indian war in 1962 kept the two countries
apart for a long time, with mutual arms buildup and cold relations. After the
end of Cold War, they started cooperating in the economic sector. But
despite numerous trade pacts, the two rivals have never limited their military
buildups (Table 3). India perceives a threat from China and tries to balance
every move made by China in the economic or military sector. Pakistan, on
other hand, feels threatened by the increasing military might of India and
tries to balance it through nonconventional military buildup along with
modernization of conventional equipment. The troika of relations results
in instability and insecurity in South Asia and has been a major factor in
so many issues’ remaining unresolved. China has always been a good friend of
Pakistan, which is alarming for India, resulting in continuous strategic com-
petition between the rivals.
For the last decade, India has looked to the US for external balancing
against China. Defense and economic pacts between the two nations reflect
their efforts to curb China’s growing influence. The Indo–US nuclear deal
and Indo–US space cooperation in 2005, and India’s vetoing of the PAROS
treaty in 2005, compelled China to take countermeasures against what it
perceived as an imminent threat. China considers the rise of India a substan-
tial threat in the region. The Indo–US strategic partnership is boosting
insecurity and instability in South Asia.
19. Kenneth Waltz, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: More May Be Better, Adelphi Paper,
International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, 1981.
20. Zafar Nawaz Japsal, ‘‘Ballistic Missile Defence: Implications for India-Pakistan Strategic
Environment,’’ NDU Journal 25 (2011): 2.
21. Press Release, Inter Services Public Relations, April 19, 2011, <
22. Victoria Samson, ‘‘India, China and the United States in Space: Partners, Competitors, and
Combatants? A Perspective from the United States,’’ Indian Review 10 (2011): 422.
and electronically.23 At this time the highest priorities for India are space
warfare capability and BMD. At the 97th Indian Science Congress in 2010,
V. K. Saraswat, then chief of DRDO, stated that India has initiated the
development of ASAT capability.
After the successful test of Agni III in 2010, Saraswat stated that India’s
ASAT capability has been proven. This is a two-stage ballistic missile which is
capable of nuclear weapons delivery. There is a debate about whether India
23. Headquarters Integrated Defense Staff, ‘‘Technology Perspective and Capability Roadmap,’’
May 2010, 57, <>.
24. Harsh Vasani, ‘‘India’s Anti Satellite Weapons’’, The Diplomat, June 14, 2016.
25. ‘‘India Too Has Technology to Intercept, Destroy Rogue Satellites,’’ Hindu Business Line,
February 23, 2008, <
26. V. Siddhartha, ‘‘Military Dimensions in Future of the Indian Presence in Space,’’ Journal of
the United States Services Institution of India 130:540 (April-June 2000): 249.
27. ‘‘Now, Space Cell to Keep an Eye on China’s Plans,’’ Times of India, June 11, 2008, <https://>.
28. Peter B. de Selding, ‘‘India Developing Means to Destroy Satellites,’’ Space News, January 4,
successful launch of the Agni V missile, ISRO and DRDO announced that they
could build ASAT weapons very quickly. DDRO can build mini-satellites as
well. According to Saraswat, now the chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University,
the Agni V ballistic missile test was a trial for KE-ASAT.
India plans to accommodate the ASAT as part of its BMD program. High-
altitude interceptors can act as ASAT devices, destroying low-orbit satellites.29
High officials have stated that the ASAT defense system proves India’s ability
29. Praful Bidwai, ‘‘India’s Mars Mission Isn’t about Science, but Spectacle,’’ Rediff News,
November 19, 2013, <
30. Debajit Sarkar, ‘‘Vision-2020: The Next Step for India’s Military Space Programs.’’ Defense
Update, December 20, 2011.
31. Sarkar, ‘‘Vision-2020.’’
32. Rajat Pandit, ‘‘Navy Creates New Post to Harness Space Based Capabilities,’’ Times of India,
June 3, 2012.
33. Ajay Lele, ‘‘Space Security: Possible Options for India,’’ Space Review, October 28, 2013.
34. V. Siddhartha, ‘‘Military Dimensions in the Future of the Indian Presence in Space,’’ pre-
sentation at Center for Air Power Studies, New Delhi, September 17, 2010.
Israel, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emi-
rates. Such developments should be monitored, and both positive and neg-
ative repercussions should be considered.
The volatile relationship between India and Pakistan will determine whether
the region is secure and stable. Obviously it would be irresponsible for any
nation to ignore the advancing military might of a country it considers a rival.
It is impossible for Pakistan and India to ignore each other’s growing
India already has conventional weapons superiority over Pakistan, and the
space program will strengthen its strategic and military capability. India’s
intention to develop ASAT weapons will trigger a new arms race in South
and East Asia. Pakistan’s space program is only just beginning. India is far
ahead, and its advancement in the field of space is alarming for Pakistan.
India’s nuclear posture is no-first-use and minimum nuclear deterrence,
but the steps it is taking to improve its defense capabilities are challenging
this. India is moving away from no-first-use in various official statements that
give the Indian nuclear doctrine flexibility and suggest gray areas. In 2003
India stated that it would use nuclear weapons in response to a chemical or
biological attack. India has been denying the Cold Start Doctrine for more
than a decade, but now it has all the prerequisites.41 India first said that its
space program is for peaceful purposes, but the Indian Army could make use
41. The Cold Start Doctrine is the Indian military’s proactive strategy in a possible war against
Pakistan. India had denied the doctrine, but in January 2017, Indian Army Chief General Bipin
Rawat admitted it.
42. Rajat Pandit, ‘‘After Agni-V Launch, DRDO’s New Target Is Anti-Satellite Weapons,’’
Times of India, April 21, 2012.
43. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, ‘‘Emerging Nuclear Power and International Non-Proliferation
Regime,’’ Center for International Strategic Studies, Islamabad, 2013, 9.
44. Ibid.
services will give India the upper hand over an adversary or competitor.
A space program multiplies conventional forces by providing accurate infor-
mation for analysis and assessment of threats. This is alarming for Pakistan.
The Indian military will be capable of conducting operations in a more
informed and sophisticated manner. India’s being capable of strong and
effective space programs based on ASAT technology will enlarge its influence
at the regional and international levels.
45. Jacob Chriqui, ‘‘Military Applications of India’s Space Program: The Military Surveillance
and Reconnaissance System,’’ Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, June 2006, <http://www.ipcs.
46. Feroz Hassan Khan, ‘‘The Independence-Dependence Paradox: Stability Dilemmas in South
Asia,’’ Arms Control Today, October 2003, <>.
47. UN General Assembly document A/56/136 add.2, August 21, 2001.