Prospective Validation A Review PDF
Prospective Validation A Review PDF
Prospective Validation A Review PDF
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The Pharma Innovation Journal
2. Objectives of process validation environment, processing site, method of production or testing
In addition to the individual equipment, the manufacturing or any other change that may affect product quality or support
process must be validated. system operations. Any proposals for changes should be
The goal is to create a robust manufacturing process that drafted, reviewed, and approved by the appropriate
consistently produces a drug product with minimal organizational units, and reviewed and approved by the quality
variation that adheres to quality criteria of purity, identity, control unit [7, 10]. Major Phases in Validation are: Phase 1: Pre-
and potency. Validation Phase or the Qualification Phase Phase 2: Process
Engineers should draft and execute a validation plan for Validation Phase (Process Qualification phase) Phase 3:
the manufacturing process in order to satisfy guidelines. Validation Maintenance Phase [11, 12].
The validation plan usually involves just a PQ section.
Just as equipment validation, after the initial validation, 6. The regulatory basis for process validation
major changes will result in the need for subsequent The concept of process validation from its beginnings in the
revalidation. early 1970s through the regulatory aspects associated with
Process validation will ensure a robust product which is current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) regulations and
highly reproducible over time. the application thereof to various analytical, quality assurance,
pilot plant, production, and sterile product and solid dosage
3. Reason for Process Validation forms considerations. In the early 1990s, the concept of pre-
The possible reason of performing process validation may approval inspection (PAI) was born and had as one of its basic
include: tenet 'the assurance' that approved validation protocols and
New product or existing products as per SUPAC changes. schedules were being generated and during comprehensive
Change in site of manufacturing. development i.e. scale-up of pilot batch to commercial batch
Change in batch size. validation data were required in order to achieve a successful
Change in equipment. regulatory PAI audit. There are several important reasons for
Change in process existing products. validating a product and/or process. First, manufacturers are
Change in composition or components. required by law to conform to cGMP regulations. Second,
Change in the critical control parameters. good business dictates that a manufacturer avoids the
Change in vendor of API or critical incipient. possibility of rejected or recalled batches. Third, validation
Change in specification on input material. helps to ensure product uniformity, reproducibility, and
Abnormal trends in quality parameters of product through quality. Although the original focus of validation was directed
review during Annual Product Review (APR). towards prescription drugs, the FDA Modernization Act of
Trend of Out of Specification (OOS) or Out of Trend 1997 expanded the agency's authority to inspect establishments
(OOT) in consecutive batches [5]. manufacturing over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to ensure
compliance with cGMP. Once the concept of being able to
4. Benefits of process validation predict process performance to meet user requirements
Consistent through output. evolved, FDA regulatory officials established that there was a
Reduction in rejections and reworks. legal basis for requiring process validation. The ultimate legal
Reduction in utility cost. authority is Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act, which
Avoidance of capital expenditures. states that a drug is deemed to be adulterated if the methods
Fewer complaints about process related failure. used in, or the facilities or controls used for, its manufacture,
Reduced testing process and finished goods. processing, packing, or holding do not conform to or were not
More rapid and accurate investigations into process operated or administrated in conformity with cGMP. The
deviation. cGMP regulations for finished pharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 210
More rapid and reliable start-up of new equipment. and 211, were promulgated to enforce the requirements of the
Easier scale-up from development work. act. FDA has the authority and responsibility to inspect and
Easier maintenance of equipment. evaluate process validation performed by manufacturers. The
Improve employee awareness of processes. cGMP regulations for validating pharmaceutical (drug)
More rapid automation [6]. manufacturing require that drug products be produced with a
high degree of assurance of meeting all the attributes they are
5. Types of process validation [7, 8, 9] intended to possess.
The guidelines on general principles of process validation
mentions four types of validation: A) Prospective validation 7. Validation of solid dosage forms
B) Concurrent validation The strategy selected for process validation should be simple
C) Retrospective validation and straightforward. The following five points gives strategy
D) Revalidation Change Control for process validation:
A consistent achievement of product quality is dependent on The use of different lots of raw materials should be
the availability of defined/approved/ validated procedures and included. i.e. active drug substance and major excipients.
the application and adherence to these procedures by trained Batches should be run in succession and on different days
personnel. In the event that any change is to be introduced into and shifts (the latter condition, if appropriate).
the production operation, it is important to evaluate its Batches should be manufactured in the equipment and
potential impact and where necessary provide appropriate facilities designated for eventual commercial production.
evaluation and/or actions. Written procedures should be in Critical process variables should be set within their
place to describe the actions to be taken if a change is proposed operating ranges and should not exceed their upper and
to a product component, process equipment, process lower control limits during process operation. Output
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responses should be well within finished product 10.4 Drying
specifications. The type of drying technique (e.g., tray, fluid bed, and
Failure to meet the requirements of the Validation protocol microwave) required for the formulation needs to be
with respect to process input and output control should be determined and justified. The type of technique may be
subjected to process requalification and subsequent dependent on such factors as drug or formulation properties
revalidation following a thorough analysis of process data and equipment availability. Changing dryer techniques could
and formal discussion by the validation team [12, 13]. affect such tablet properties as hardness, disintegration,
dissolution, and stability. The optimal moisture content of the
8. Guidelines for process validation of solid dosage forms dried granulation needs to be determined. High moisture
Numerous factors should be considered when developing and content can result in tablet picking or sticking to tablet punch
validating solid dosage forms. As a means of providing a broad surfaces and poor chemical stability as a result of hydrolysis.
overview of these validation criteria, the following An over dried granulation could result in poor hardness and
checklist/guideline as in Table 1, is provided for tablets and friability. Moisture content analysis can he performed using the
dry-filled capsules for inclusion in an in depth validation conventional loss-on-drying techniques or such state-of-the-art
program. Some of these unit operations will not be applicable techniques as near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Factors to be
for every solid dosage form (e.g., direct compression tablets considered are:
and uncoated tablets). 1. Inlet/outlet temperature
2. Airflow
9. Steps for validation and acceptance criteria 3. Moisture uniformity
The following steps (Table 6) are used in industry for 4. Equipment capability/capacity
validation of tablets in wet granulation process [12, 16]. 5. Milling
10. Industrial process evaluation and selection for tablets The milling operation will reduce the particle size of the dried
Determine the unit operations needed to manufacture the granulation. The resultant particle size distribution will affect
tablets. such material properties as flow, compressibility,
disintegration, and dissolution. An optimal particle size/size
10.1 Mixing or blending distribution for the formulation will need to be determined.
Mixing or blending ensures production of uniform mixture of Factors to consider in milling are:
active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients that do not Mill type
segregate post blending. So this step is carefully scrutinized Screen size
and validated. Parameters to consider: Mill speed
Mixing or blending technique. Feed rate
Mixing or blending speed.
Mixing or blending time. 10.5 Lubrication
Drug uniformity. Lubricants are added to reduce the friction during tablet
Excipient uniformity. ejection between the walls of the tablet and die cavity in which
Equipment capacity/load. the tablet was formed. Factors like amount of lubricant added,
grade of lubricant used, compatibility with other ingredients
10.2 Wet Granulation and mixing time must be considered.
Different types of wet granulation techniques can be used such
as low shear (e.g., Hobart), high shear (e.g., Diosna, GEI- 10.6 Tablet Compression
Collette) or fluid bed (e.g., Glatt, Fluid Air). Each technique Compression is a critical step in the production of a tablet
will produce granules with different physical properties and dosage form. The materials being compressed will need to
will require monitoring of different processing parameters. Wet have adequate flow and compression properties. The material
granulation parameters to be considered during development should readily flow from the hopper onto the feed frame and
and validation are: into the dies. Inadequate flow can result in "rat holing" in the
Binder addition hopper and/or segregation of the blend in the hopper/feed
Binder concentration frame. This can cause tablet weight and content uniformity
Amount of binder solution/granulating solvent problems. As for the compressibility properties of the
Binder solution/granulating solvent addition formulation, it should be examined on an instrumented tablet
Mixing time press. Factors to consider during compression are as follows:
Granulation end point Tooling
Compression speed
10.3 Wet Milling Compression/ejection force
The wet granulation might need to be milled to break up the
lumps and enhance drying of the granulation. Wet granules that The following in-process tests should be examined during the
have a wide aggregate range can lead to inefficient drying compression stage:
(long drying times and partially dried large granules or lumps). Appearance
Factors to consider are: Hardness
Equipment size and capacity Tablet weight
Screen size Friability
Mill speed Disintegration
Feed rate Weight uniformity
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10.7 Tablet Coating and the overall quality of the product. The PQR will capture a
Tablet coating can occur by different techniques (e.g., sugar, broader view of product data, capturing trends and will help
film, or compression). Film coating has been the most common determine the need for revalidation and changes, if any.
technique over recent years and will be the focus of this The GMPs necessitate annual evaluation of quality standards
section. Key areas to consider for tablet coating include the of a drug product to determine the need for adjustments in drug
following: product specifications, manufacturing and control procedures.
Tablet properties Subpart J of 21 CFR 211.180 mandates establishing a written
Equipment type procedure for the Annual Product Review process, while, and
Coater load recommends review of a representative number of approved as
Pan speed well as rejected batches. The Product Quality Review Report
Spray guns should contain at least the following details:
Tablet flow A review of starting materials and product contact primary
Inlet/outlet temperature and airflow packaging materials used for the product, especially those
Coating solution from new sources.
Coating weight A review of critical in-process controls and finished
Residual solvent level product results.
A review of all batches that failed to meet established
10.8 In-process tests specification(s) and their investigation.
Moisture content of dried granulation A review of all significant deviations or non-
Granulation particle size distribution conformances, their related investigations, and the
Blend uniformity effectiveness of resultant corrective and preventive actions
Individual tablet weight taken.
Tablet hardness A review of all changes carried out to the processes or
Tablet thickness analytical methods.
Disintegration A review of Marketing Authorization variations
Impurity profile submitted/granted/refused, including those for third
country (export only) dossiers.
10.9 Finished product tests A review of the results of the stability monitoring
Appearance programme and any adverse trends.
Assay A review of quality-related product returns, complaints
Content uniformity and recalls and the investigations performed at the time.
Tablet hardness A review of adequacy of any other previous product
Tablet friability process or equipment corrective actions.
Impurity profile For new marketing authorizations and variations to
Dissolution marketing authorizations, a review of post-marketing
These key test parameters are the yardsticks by which the commitments.
major processing variables in solid dosage forms are evaluated. The qualification status of relevant critical equipment and
Some processing variables are: utilities, e.g. HVAC, water, compressed gases, etc [20].
Mixing time and speed in blenders and granulators
Solvent addition rates in granulators 12. Conclusion
Time, temperature, and airflow conditions in dryers and It can be stated that process validation is major requirement of
coaters cGMPs regulation for the process efficiency and sturdiness
Screen size, feed rate, and milling speed in mills from the review validation data on pharmaceutical process
Machine speed and compression force in tablet presses validation and process control variables of tablets
Process validation testing is generally done on the first three manufacturing processes in industry and it is the full-fledged
batches of product made in production-size equipment. quality attributing tool for the pharmaceutical industries.
Revalidation testing is only done when a significant change has Validation is the commonest word in the areas of drug
occurred. A significant change is one that will alter the in- development, manufacturing and specification of finished
process or final product specification established during the products. It also renders reduction in the cost linked with
validation program or a change in formula, process, or process monitoring, sampling and testing. The
equipment [12, 17, 18]. multidisciplinary approach to validation of solid dosage form
Basic flowchart for the validation of new and existing must identify the product and process characteristics that must
processes of tablet manufacturing is shown in Figure1. be studied and incorporate specific validation tests to ensure
that that product will meet all quality, manufacturing, and
11. Annual Product Review regulatory requirements. The validation should start with active
Annual Product Quality Review is an annual quality review of pharmaceutical ingredient (API) characteristics so that this
licensed medicinal product which is conducted with the material will be uniform batch after batch, providing a solid
objective of verifying the consistency of the existing process, footing upon which the dosage form will be built. Scientific
the appropriateness of current specifications for both starting information obtained during the pre-formulation stage can
materials and finished product to highlight any trends and to form the basis for a well-designed and comprehensive
identify product and process improvements. The Annual validation program. The parameters chosen must be relevant
Product Quality review (APQR) is an effective quality indicators of a controlled process. It is not sufficient merely to
improvement tool to enhance the consistency of the process devise a test and set specifications for it; rather, it is desirable
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to show a cause and effect relationship between the parameter respective processes and also to collect a complete and rational
tested and control of the quality and/or process output. database for the building of validation evidence.
For the tableting procedure, the steps studied include powder It is concluded from the review that pharmaceutical validation
blending, granulation, particle size, and lubrication with and process controls are important to assure that the drug
compression, coating and drug release studies. Such step-wise product can meet standards for the identity, strength, quality,
studies have brought light into the impact of the parameters purity and stability.
and their interactions and increased the understanding of the
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12. Nash RA, Wachter AH. Pharmaceutical Process
Validation. Edn 3, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003,
13. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Guideline on
General Principles of Process Validation; U.S.FDA:
Rockville, MD, May, 1987.
14. Chapman KG. A history of validation in the United
States, Part I. Pharmaceutical Technology 1991; 15(10);
15. Tetzlaff RF, Sheppard RE, LeBlanc AJ. The validation
story, perspectives on the systemic GMP inspection
approach and validation development. Pharmaceutical
Technology 1993; 17:100-116.
16. Lieberman HA, Lachman L, Schwartz JB.
Pharmaceutical dosage forms tablets, Edn 2, Vol 3,
Marcel Dekker. Inc, New York, 1990, 417-447.
17. General guidelines and principles on validation of solid,
liquid and sterile-dosage forms.
15 Nov, 2013.
18. Process Validation: an essential process in
pharmaceutical Industry.
13 March 2013.
19. Nash RA, Wachter AH. Pharmaceutical process
validation, Edn 3, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003,
20. Guide to good manufacturing practice for medicinal
products PE 009-10 (Part I). Pharmaceutical Inspection
Convention, Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation
Scheme, 2013.
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