Pipe Road Crossing MS

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The document outlines the method statement for a DI pipe road crossing project including the sequence of construction, responsibilities of parties involved, and safety and environmental precautions to be followed.

The Resident Engineer is responsible for approving the method statement and ensuring compliance. Chico is responsible for ensuring correct work methods and environmental obligations are followed. The Site Engineers are responsible for ensuring compliance with quality assurance requirements. The Supervisor is responsible for overseeing operations, safety, equipment and quality monitoring.

Safety rules will be implemented, trenches over 1.5m deep must be shored, underground services will be located and marked, only dry insulated tools can be used near electrical cables, adequate fire equipment will be available, and soil will be stockpiled for reuse. Machinery will not be left idling and will have emission controls.

Project: Chimoio, Manica and Gondola Water supply system

Job:DN 700 mm dia. Pipe Road crossing

Road crossing method statement and environmental impact mitigation


Location: Airport road crossing Chainage 29885

Drawing ref.number: J00813-005-00-C-403-E-00

1. Description

This method statement describes the construction procedures to be adopted for the DI

pipe road crossing at chainage 29885. It includes Location of works, sequence of

activities, methods to be used for construction purposes, resources required (plant and

personnel to be employed), control measures, emergency arrangements, temporary

works and monitoring and compliance. The purpose of this Method Statement is is to

ensure safe and successful system of work has been identified and to communicate the

responsibilities, work methods, sequence of works and activities listed herein. This

Method Statement was prepared on the basis of information given by ANE together with

previous site inspection undertaken by CHICO.

Description of work covered by this Method Statement: DI pipe road crossing at

chainage 29885, Chimoio Airport road. This Method Statement shall be read in

conjunction with the above quoted drawing reference number.

(a) Resident Engineer - To approve this Method Statement and to ensure
(b) Chico to ensure correct work methods and environmental obligations are
known, implemented and followed by all persons and subcontractors
including heavy lift study.
(c) Site Engineers – to ensure correct work and environmental obligations are
known, implemented and followed by all persons and subcontractors and
ensure compliance with associated QA.
(d) Supervisor – Supervision of earthworks operations, safety, environmental
controls, production and resourcing of equipment, monitoring of quality and
traffic controls.
Temporary Services Sites

Chico will ensure stockpiles for topsoil, fill, bedding and other materials are
established at locations shown on the Environmental Plans.
Workers toilets
Toilets are required on site and these will comply with environmental
Temporary local contractor site will be established following the Environmental
Specifications of this contract.
4. Sequence of construction

Preliminary Activities
1. Prior to commencement of works, the area shall be thoroughly inspected
and checked. The presence of any underground utilities specially cabling work
shall be detected and marked in order to avoid damage during the pipe road
crossing works.
A thorough check on all machines and equipment to be used on site, including
rollers and water tank shall be done.
Joint survey on existing pavement shall be carried out prior to any excavation
All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that the effects of the works are
reduced to a minimum.
2. Confirm 5 day weather forecast (you may use CNN weather forecast or
Accuweather.com website as source of information);
3. Set-up a safe and efficient traffic management system to be implemented
during the works.
4. Put warning notices and restricted area notices at vantage points upstream
and downstream of the restricted area.
5. Plant and machinery shall be kept on site for the duration of the works in
order to avoid unnecessary movements into and out of the site,
Temporary speed limit of 10 mph will be imposed on site and agreed with the
traffic police.
Care will be taken to ensure that any signals activated correctly describe the
lanes open and lanes closed for traffic. Sign boards "STOP/GO"" will be used
on site to control traffic.
Whenever possible, the work will be carried out after peak periods i.e.
between 11.30 and 18.30 everyday.
6. The lateral clearance between the edge of the working area and that part of
the road being used by traffic should be not less than 1.2 m. If this cannot be
achieved, then the lateral safety clearance should be as wide as practicable
with an absolute minimum of 0.5 m.

7. Emergencies
Should an emergency occur within a section of the road already subject to
restriction as a result of road works, the police may require the site personnel
to erect or alter signing. It is recommended that the police consult with either
the person responsible for the traffic management on the site before issuing
any instruction to change signing.

8. Health and safety

-Prepare traffic management plan.
-Consult ANE to identify required procedures for re-routing or temporarily
taking offline services during works.
-Utilize all reasonable techniques for the advance location of existing services
in the vicinity of the proposal, such as advanced hand digging, location
through the use of metal detectors, ultrasonic or otherwise.
-Check at least 30 m along the footpath in each direction and around nearby
corners for indications of existing services.
-Obtain permission from EDM if excavating near a high voltage cable.
-Have a person acting as an observer when using a mechanical excavator
within 1 m of an underground electricity cable, optical fibre or other services.
-Machinery will not be left idling. Machinery will have appropriate exhaust
emission controls.
-Supply Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
-Sediment and erosion control devices will be placed around storm water
drains, unslope of site to detour runoff around the site and down slope to
prevent sediment entering waterways.

9. Trench excavation
-Site safety rules will be implemented.
-Trenches 1.5 m or more must be shored.
-Locate and mark underground services
-Use only dry wooden handled or insulated tools for all DIG BY HAND
SHOVEL activities.
-No mechanical excavation is permitted within 500 mm in any direction of any
underground electrical cables.
-Have adequate fire extinguishing system available.
-Soil will be stockpiled for reuse later.
-Dig trench to depth and width as shown on reference drawing. The road
crossing will be punched from one shoulder area to the other shoulder area.
Punching shall take place in the ditch area no less than 1.8m from the road
shoulder. The road will be well tamped throughout the backfilling operation.
Adequate traffic accommodation and appropriate signage, barricades, etc
shall be established.
-Longitudinal cones should be placed along the road.
-The cut shall be backfilled with compacted granular fill (sand or gravel).
CHICO shall assume the responsibility with regards to trench settlement for
one year following completion.
-The depth of cover on the road crossing shall be minimum of 1350 mm or as
shown on the cross-section drawing. The pipe road crossing will extend
throughout the entire width of the road allowance and 15 m beyond.
-During construction, all reasonable precautions shall be undertaken, with
signing and flagmen as required to protect and safeguard the lives and
property of the travelling public and adjacent property owners.
-Where authorization for ditch crossing has been given by ANE, it is the
responsibility of CHICO to ensure no added hazard exists to traffic during
construction and that on-going maintenance is not a problem.

10-Working Method
-Open trench with the dimensions as shown on the reference drawing.
-Place 8% cement stabilized soil in the bottom of the trench for bedding the DI
-Slowly lower pipe to the bottom of the trench.
-Control invert elevation and pipe alignment.
-Provide pipe encasement by filling the 1000 mm above invert elevation of
pipe with 8% cement stabilized soil as shown on the reference drawing.
-Backfill and compact excavated material to 93% Mod. AASHTO in layers not
exceeding 150 mm thickness.
-Reinstate road surface as per existing.

6.1 Personnel
Forman 1
Excavator operator 1

Pipe fitters 15

6.2 Plant details

360 degree tracked excavator
water tank
Hand compactor
Roller compactor
9. Declaration
This Method Statement is signed by a responsible representative of China
Henan International Cooperation Group Co.Ltd., who agrees on behalf of the
Company to comply with all the requirements of health and safety plan, the
entire contents of this Method Statement, controls described for this project
and any instructions given by the Employer's representative or any other
person formally appointed by him.
I the undersigned and agree to carry out the work as detailed in this method
statement and any other agreed procedures at the site.





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