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The key takeaways are about playing Holi in an eco-friendly way without harming the environment or wasting resources

Children can play Holi using organic flowers and colours made at home from ingredients like beetroot, mehndi leaves etc. instead of chemical colours or wasting water.

Chemical colours can contain harmful substances like lead, copper, aluminium etc. which can damage health by affecting organs like kidneys, eyes and may even cause cancer.

MARCH (FIRST) 2020 | `35


Things to do
Who Am I? 26
Dot To Dot 27
Complete The Picture 30
Hidden Picture 37

Storytime International Women’s Day

Colour Me
Healthy Holi 4 Spot The Difference 43
The Barking King 8 That’s Not Right 51
World Wildlife Day 54

A Holi To Remember
Digital Holi KING
Dumdum’s Electricity Bill
Solve It 55

The Real Reason 38

Damru And Holi 13
A Toy For The Princess  48
Eco-Friendly Holi  56
Dadaji And World Wildlife Day 46

Cover Page
2020 |`35

As colours splash, families meet

and greet, sweets are exchanged, SciQ–Instant Ice From Water 17
let’s not forget to play a happy and
healthy holi. From Young Readers 44
Champak Creative Child Event 52
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Kusum Agrawal

I t was Dhulandi, the day after Holi.

Everyone had come out to play Holi.
With their favourite colours in hand,
they were going to neighbouring streets to
put colour on their friends.
“Let’s go to the park to play holi. There
is plenty of open space and our walls or
vehicles won’t get dirty,” said Himanshu.

“Yes. That’s a good idea,” said Neha and

they went to the park.
The children’s Holi team was playing
healthy holi as they were taught by their But suddenly, they heard a group of
teachers and parents to use organic children shout, “Holi Hai!” and poured
colours. They played Holi without water buckets of water on them. Himanshu and
too. Many children had made colours from his friends were soaked from head to toe.
flowers, a technique they had learnt from
their teachers. “Ma had told me not to play with water
as exams are nearing and I may fall sick
Himanshu was the leader of the children’s if I get wet,” said Shruti, looking at her
Holi team. dripping clothes.

“But what can we do if someone else a bench in the park. They kept peeping to
throws water on us? Let’s stand in see what the other group were upto.
the hot sun and dry our clothes,”
suggested Lavina. They saw them walking towards a cow
that was sitting quietly in the park.
The others agreed and they stood in the
sun, waiting for their clothes to dry. One of them threw the colour from his
bottle on the cow’s head. Seeing him, the
While standing there for some time, they others emptied their bottles too.
saw the same group of children who
drenched them, walk towards them. The cow got up with a start and looked
restless. “I think they are using colours
“What if they again throw water on us with chemicals in them. The cow is
again? We have managed to dry ourselves finding it difficult to see. Maybe her eyes
by standing in this heat since such a long are burning because of the coloured
time,” said Neeta, worried. water. Some of it has gone into her
mouth too,” said Lavina.
“We should run and hide,” suggested
Dipti. “This way the cow will get sick. Ma had
told me that we should not throw colours
They didn’t waste any time and hid behind on animals, especially chemical colours.

MAGAZINE KING And these children have done just that,”

said Himanshu. He could not see the
cow suffer.

January (First) 2020

“What should we do now?” Shruti asked animals when they are sick,” added Dipti.
“Yes, you are right,” said Lavina
“I am afraid of cows. What if she hits
us with her horns? How can we take the In some time, after the mischievous
colour off her?” said Neha. children left, Himanshu and his friends
came out from behind the bench and
“I have an idea. We can call the Animal asked one of the adults in the park, .
Welfare Society. The volunteers can help us. “Uncle, could you please help us? We
I learnt about it in school. See, their phone want to call the welfare society to take
number is written on the pole there,” said care of this restless cow.”
Neeta, pointing to the electric pole.
“Yes, sure!” the man handed his phone to
“Yes, I too have read that the Animal the children.
Welfare Society volunteers treat the
They immediately called the Animal
Welfare Society and soon the volunteers
arrived and took care of the cow. After
seeing this, the children happily left to
play a healthy holi

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The Barking King
Sanjeev Jaiswal

T he palace was in chaos. The

queen’s necklace was missing!
Never before had something got
lost in the palace, and King Shersingh
was worried. Everyone in the palace was
and there were beads around his neck. A
helper stood behind him, beating a small
drum and singing.

“Baba, the members of the palace are

hunting for the necklace. very disturbed today. Come back another
time,” said the palace guard.
As everyone was rushing around
searching, they heard someone singing. “There is no victory without loss, there is
“The world is full of sorrow; find joy and no love without loss. That’s why our king
love in Baba’s shelter.” has to lose!” said the Baba, raising his
hands towards the sky.
The king looked out and saw a man in
saffron robes standing at the palace gates. “That doesn’t make sense, Baba,” said the
He had grey hair and a long grey beard, guard. “Our king never loses!”

King Shersingh heard all this and wanted “Baba, my son is missing. Please find him
to know what the man meant. He invited with your magical powers,” the king asked
the Baba into the palace. with folded hands.

“The world craves victory while you are “He is not just your son, he is the future
thinking about your loss,” said the Baba, king; he is sleeping in your garden while
blessing the king. “Tell me, is there a everywhere you are looking,” said the
green dustbin in the palace?” Baba, stretching out his arms.

“Yes, there is,” replied Hira baboon, King Shersingh rushed to the garden to
the chief of palace staff. “The dustbin see the prince sleeping peacefully!
outside the queen’s palace is green!”
After this, King Shersingh had complete
“Be it garbage or gift, both are worthless faith in the Baba. He started taking his
to me,” the Baba said with a smile. advice on the kingdom, and followed the
Baba blindly. His minister, Blacky bear
He closed his eyes and chanted a mantra warned him about trusting the Baba too
and said, “Take off its lid and the much but King Shersingh did not pay
necklace you shall find.” attention to his warnings.

When the servants searched the bin at Soon, everyone knew that the King did

the King’s orders they found the necklace
in it. Everyone realised that the necklace
must have fallen in the queen’s room and
everything in consultation with the Baba
and the ministers too started taking
the Baba’s advice. This made the Baba
by mistake, it was swept and thrown in even more powerful and he was always
the bin along with the garbage. surrounded by animals.

Now, King Shersingh was convinced of

Baba’s magical powers. He decided to
reward the Baba, but he refused, saying
he needed nothing. King Shersingh
rewarded the Baba’s helper instead.
When the two got ready to leave,
the king asked them to stay
for a few days. After much
thought, the Baba agreed.

Two days later, King

Shersingh’s son went
missing. Nobody could
find him anywhere in the
palace. The worried king
went to the Baba for help.

March (First) 2020

One day, when alone with King Shersingh,
the Baba said, “You are sent to this world
to do something big. There is just one
very weak,” said Baba.

“Yes, I agree. What can I do to overcome

thing that is keeping you from doing that.” this weakness?” asked King Shersingh.

“What is that? Please tell me and I will “You have to acquire the powers of a
definitely try to overcome it,” said King dog,” replied Baba.
“The powers of a dog?” King Shersingh
“You are more powerful than an elephant, repeated, shocked.
muscular than a cheetah, smarter than
a chimpanzee and you can run faster “Yes, a dog’s ability to smell is the most
than a deer. But you lack in one thing powerful in the world. If you acquire
and you will never be able to that power, not only will you
overcome it,” said Baba. become the world’s most
powerful being, you will live
“Tell me what it is and forever too,” Baba explained.
I’ll do everything I can to
overcome it,” said “Alright! I will call for
the king. a lot of dogs today and
snatch their powers,”
“Your ability to smell is King Shersingh said.

“Powers can never be snatched, you king continued barking every day for half
have to acquire them,” Baba laughed. an hour.
“To acquire those powers, you have to
concentrate.” This went on for some weeks, and made
the citizens of the jungle unhappy. They
“What kind of concentration?” asked didn’t want to be ruled by a barking king!
King Shersingh.
Minister Blacky got to know of this.
“Every day after your bath in the morning He too was unhappy about the king’s
you have to sit on the palace roof with behaviour, and was sure the Baba was
your eyes closed and pray for an hour. responsible. He did not believe in the
After that, you have to bark like a dog for Baba’s magical powers, and was sure he
half an hour.” was a fake person.

“Bark like a dog?” King Shersingh After some thought, Minister Blacky went
repeated in shock. to the Baba. “Baba, our king has gone
mad and he has started to behave like a
“Yes, if you concentrate like this, you will dog. The people of the kingdom want
have the power of a dog in a few days. him to be replaced by a new king.”
After that you will become the world’s
most powerful being and you will live The Baba thought for a while. “You are

forever,” Baba explained.

King Shersingh felt awkward and

right. If the ruler of a kingdom goes mad,
it is only correct to choose a new king.”

embarrassed to sit on the roof and bark

like a dog, but his faith in the Baba and
his desire to live forever made him forget
these feelings.

Baba advised him not to tell

anyone why he was barking
as that will make his powers

Next morning, King

Shersingh sat down to
concentrate. After an
hour, he began barking
like a dog. Everyone
was shocked, but King
Shersingh did not stop.
Despite everyone talking
about him, the

March (First) 2020

“The people of the kingdom trust you
and they will agree to make whoever
you choose to be the king. Do you have
teach you a lesson today,” King Shersingh
threw him high in the air.

someone in mind?” asked Minister Blacky. As the Baba fell, his grey hair flew off.
It was a wig! Minister Blacky pulled his
“The candidate is right in front of you,” beard and that came off too. The Baba
said Baba, raising his hands in the air. was actually Baddy fox!
“What do you mean?” asked Minister
Blacky with surprise. Baddy was a known crook, and King
Shersingh had thrown him out of the
“If you help me become the king, I will kingdom a year ago. Baddy had come
make you my Prime Minister and reward back to take revenge. He admitted that
you too,” said Baba. his helper Lalu had been working in the
palace for months before, and had hidden
“It is you who shall get a reward from the queen’s necklace and the prince.
me,” roared King Shersingh, leaping Baddy had pretended to find them with
towards the Baba and holding him by the his magic.
neck. Minister Blacky had asked the King
to hide behind the door and listen. A furious King Shersingh sent Baddy and
Lalu to jail. He promised Minister Blacky
“You were trying to be the king while that he would no longer follow fake
suggesting I should do barking. I will people and take their advice

Damru and Holi Damru starts working at Tamara fox’s paint shop.
Shivesh Shrivastava
Damru, look carefully at all
tins of paints and their sizes.
show customers all options.

Yes, madam.
here looks so

Next day. Damru, Tomorrow is we have to mix colours with water in the
Holi. We have to make tanks kept on my lawn. All the businessmen
preparations. of the forest will come to play holi.

What do we have Sure, Madam. You

to do, Madam? will have great holi.

Remember, Damru! the
tanks should be full
so that everyone can
play holi.
After some time. DAMRU! Why are you emptying
the oil paint TINS in the tank?

Madam, you told me to mix

yes! this holi the colours in the tanks.
will be fun!

ARE USED for painting YOU OPENED ALL me bankrupt on
buildings. Holi THE TINS! YOU HAVE this holi.
colours are different. ruined everything.

Madam, I also
you should have told emptied THE TINS
me THIS earlier. kept in THE storage.
A Holi to Remember
Satish Rai

M icky rabbit enjoyed playing Holi,

which was a week away. “Ma,
please let’s go to the market. I
have to buy a pichkari!”
He sat on a chair, looking sad. His mother
looked up and saw his sad face.

“Micky, why don’t you go to the market

with Ricky? You can buy the colours and
“Micky, Holi is a week away! What’s the pichkaris on your own,” she suggested.
hurry?” asked his mother.
Micky’s face lit up. Ricky was his friend
“My friends have already bought colours and neighbour.
and pichkaris. I want to buy one too.
Please, let’s go,” begged Micky. Ma gave Micky money. “Be careful in the
market and come straight back home after
“Micky, I’m busy. There’s so much buying what you want,” she instructed.
housework to be done! We’ll go to the
market tomorrow,” said his mother, Micky was very happy, and ran to ask Ricky to

chopping vegetables.

Micky really wanted to go to the market.

go to the market with him. Ricky also wanted
to shop for Holi, so he asked his mother and
the two friends went to the market.
The shops were full of colours. Tappo
elephant’s shop had big pichkaris on
display. “Uncle Tappo, how much is that
pichkari?” asked Micky, pointing at a big
one. “That’s `50,” said Tappo. “It’s the
best pichkari in the market!”

“That’s too much uncle!” exclaimed Micky.

“Will you give it to me for `40?” Tappo
agreed, and Micky bought the pichkari.
Ricky also bought one, and then they went
shopping for colours. They bought bright
colours, and even some balloons.

“Micky, let’s buy some masks so that no

one recognises us when we play Holi!”
suggested Ricky. Micky agreed at once,
and they bought two masks from Heenu
horse’s shop.

“Well, our shopping is done. Let’s go

home!” said Micky.

“But I’m hungry,” said Ricky. “Let’s eat

“Children, will you help me walk home?
I’m so tired that I cannot walk without
help,” said the fox, her voice shaking.
“Of course we will,” Ricky said at once.
They stopped at Gabbu donkey’s sweet shop. “Aunt fox, where’s your house?”
Gabbu was busy frying puris, and Ricky
bought a plate. “Micky, these are yummy. “Just on the next street,” she replied.
Why aren’t you eating?” asked RIcky.
Micky and Ricky supported the fox and
“I ate at home, so I’m not hungry,” helped her walk. When they reached the next
explained Micky. street, she said, “Thank you, children. This is
my home,” and pointed at a red house.
Ricky finished his puris and rubbed his
tummy. “That was great! Now we can Before the two friends could move, the
go home.” fox jumped and removed the blanket.
They then realised she was not old at all.
As the two friends were leaving the
market, they saw an old fox covered in a “Fools! You should never trust a stranger,
blanket, sitting under a tree. Her hands especially a fox! My name is Shabbo
were shaking and she looked unwell. and I’m going to eat you up!” she said,
showing them her sharp teeth.

March (First) 2020 15

Micky and Ricky were burning!” yelled
scared. They couldn’t Shabbo. “Wait till I
run away because catch you, you naughty
Shabbo was blocking rabbit!”
their path. “Please let
us go, aunt Shabbo,” “Run, Ricky, run!”
begged Micky. “We shouted Micky,
were helping you like grabbing Ricky’s hand.
good children.” The two raced away as
fast as they could. Shabbo
“I’ve been waiting for food for tried chasing them, but with
a long time!” said Shabbo, glaring at powder in her eyes, she couldn’t
them. “I’ve finally managed to capture you see and tripped over a stone and fell.
and I’m not going to let you go!”
Micky and Ricky reached home by the
The two friends shivered with fear. They time Shabbo managed to get up. They
didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, Micky were glad to be home and happy that
remembered what his mother always told Micky used his wits to save them. This
him, “When in trouble, use your brains was one Holi they would never forget!
and be brave.”

He thought quickly, and took a step
back. “Aunt Shabbo, please grant us one
last wish before eating us. We have just
bought Holi colours. Will you let us play
Holi one last time?” he asked.

Aunt Shabbo stopped and thought. “Well,

I love Holi too. I guess I can allow you to
play. But don’t put too much colour on
me. It’s a lot of work to remove it later!”
Husain Zamin
Ricky didn’t understand what Micky
was up to. Micky opened the shopping
bag and took out some colours. “Aunt
Shabbo, if you bend down, I would like
to put some colour on you,” he said.

Shabbo bent down, and as soon as he

could reach her face, Micky threw colour
into her eyes!

“Aaaaa! How dare you! My eyes are

Instant ice from water
Make ice instantly.

l A purified water bottle l A bowl l Ice cube

How does the water freeze so quickly?

1. Put a bottle of purified water in the
The freezing point of water is 0 degree Celsius.
freezer for a two-and-a-half hours and then
For water to become ice, it needs a nucleus or a
take it out.
starting point. Air bubbles or impurities present
in the water become that nucleus for water to
2. Place an ice turn into ice. A bottle, which has pure water has
cube in a bowl no air bubbles or impurities. This water doesn’t
and gently freeze quickly.
In our experiment, when this pure water that is
start pouring

MAGAZINE KING the cold water

from the
bottle on it.
cold but not frozen is poured on the ice cube, it
freezes instantly because the cold water molecules
turn into ice on top of already formed ice that act
as the nucleus for this cold pure water.

Think hard!
Would the experiment work if you added
food colour to the water?

When you pour water on the ice cube, it

instantly freezes and forms a column of
ice. The water keeps on freezing as it falls How can one detect if milk is impure?
on the ice. Cryoscope is a device used to measure the freezing
point of a liquid. It uses the freezing
point of milk (-0.54 degree Celsius)
to determine if there are impurities in
it. Like in our experiment, if a liquid
has impurities in it, it will freeze
before its freezing point.

The cryoscope starts to

cool the milk. If the milk
freezes before it reaches
its actual freezing point,
then it is impure.
Father: Arun, go out and Q: What did the doctor goat
water the plants. tell his patient?
Arun: But it is raining. A: Your teeth are very
Father: So? Take an Baaaaaaad.
umbrella and go out to Q: What did the lion tell its cub?
water the plants. A: You are roar-tastic!!
Shivani Ikhe, Ananya,
Q: You have 10 fishes, 5
8 years, Kolkata 10 years, Agra
of them drowned, 3 came
back to life. How many
Police: Where do you live? Man: Waiter! There’s a small
fishes do you have now?
Me: With my parents! fly in my soup!
A: Actually fishes don’t
Police: Where do your Waiter: Don’t worry, sir! I’ll
parents live? take it out.
Abdul Sattar,
Me: With me. -NEXT DAY-
12 years, Salem
Police: Where do you all live? Man: Waiter! There’s a
Me: Together. Q. What did the spider in my soup!
Police: Where is your house? thermometer say to the Waiter: Oh! That’s because the
Me: Next to my neighbours graduated cylinder? flies are on a strike today, sir.
Police: Where is your
neighbour’s house?
A. You may have graduated
but I’ve got so many degrees.
Anindita Banerjee,
Vaibhav Srivastva,
14 years, Amritsar

Me: If I tell you, you won’t 11 years, Pune Sahil: I've named my dog
believe me. Ten Miles.
Police: Tell me! Teacher: Govind and Gopal Bunty: Why?
Me: Next to my house. have some mangoes with Sahil: Just so I can tell
P. Vishnu Vardhan, them. If Govind gives Gopal people I walk Ten Miles
13 years, Bellampally one mango, then they will twice a day!
have an equal number of Pooja Kirar,
Teacher: There is a speech mangoes. If Gopal gives 11 years, Delhi
on Neptune tomorrow. one mango to Govind then SMS us your jokes and riddles
Everyone must attend it. Govind will have thrice as to 9619587613, or write to us at
Ram: Sorry Ma’am. I won’t many mangoes as Gopal!
You can also send your jokes riddles to
be able to come. How many mangoes did each Champak, Delhi Press, A-4, Shri Ram
Teacher: Why? have in the beginning? Industrial Estate, Wadala,
Ram: My mother won’t let Ravi : Ask Govind and Gopal Mumbai – 400031
me travel so far. only ma’am! Find us online at
Ronit Shah, Navya Seth, ChampakMagazine and https://www.
10 years, Gujarat 8 years, Patna
Maze Holi is celebrated on March 9. This festival is incomplete
without colours. Mix the colours to reach the finish line.


* Answer on the last page.

The Land of Fables,
legends and folklore
H ello, kids. I am Pakhi, the Green
Imperial Pigeon. You’ve met my
friend Lalu, the Red Panda of Sikkim, in
visit my state when some
of the popular festivals are
being celebrated such as
the previous issue. He must have told you Kharchi, Banabihar Mela,
about our new expedition to Tripura. I Makar Sankranti, Durga Puja,
hope you are excited to explore ‘The Land Khumpui, Biju, Hozagiri,
Of Fables And Legends’ with me. etc. A lot of tribes in Tripura
You must be wondering why is it called celebrate many festivals during
that? Well, that’s because my state is the time of the harvest with
a treasure house of captivating myths folk dances, which reflect the

and legends. Tripura, meaning three
cities, is the land of royals, majestic
palaces, serene lakes and temples. With a
magnificent fabled past amidst dazzling
tribal culture of Tripura at
its best.

Savour The Fish Effect

hills, composed valleys and raw beauty, Kids, don’t forget to try the traditional
Tripura will offer you more than you can Tripura cuisine ‘Mui Borok’. A dried and
ever dream of. So, let’s get started. fermented fish, called ‘Berma’ is a key
My state is bordered by Bangladesh and ingredient. Fish is an important part
has a symbiotic relationship with Bengal, of Tripura’s culture and Pisciculture
Assam and Mizoram. Blessed abundantly or fish farming has
with nature’s touch, my state is known for significantly Did you know?
its lush valleys and serendipitous touch. enhanced in the My state produces
fish seeds.
With Agartala as the capital and grandeur past few years. than 100 million
texture at every step, Tripura is sure My state is
worth more than one visit. also famous for its handicrafts from
hand-woven fabric to bamboo items. So,
Diversity At Its Best don’t forget to bring yourself a wooden
Tripura is an authentic representative of souvenir.
the diversity and houses various tribal Tripura is predominantly a hilly
groups. Through mystic folklore and region which displays three distinct
unique dance and music, you can get a physiographic regions—hill ranges,
vivid insight into Tripura’s culture. undulating plateau land and alluvial land.
The celebration of festivals is a never- My state is known for its adventurous hill
ending party in Tripura. Make sure to slopes as there are five major hill ranges—
Baramura-Deotamura, Atharamura- Time To Create Your Itinerary
Kalajhari, Jampui, Unakoti-Sakhantlang My state is an awesome destination for
and Longthorai. tourists. It is filled with majestic royal
My gorgeous small state is palaces, stone art and carvings that are
distinguished by its impeccable cultural hard to forget. Be it temples, monasteries,
inheritance, which is reflected from every lush valleys, superfluous lakes, or the
corner. Famous for orange and pineapple captivating wildlife, Tripura will not stop
gardens and not to forget those paddy surprising you at every step you take.
fields and tea plantations, Tripura will
surely give you the pastoral delight of The Royal Touch

peaceful village life. It is
a true getaway from
the city’s chaotic
life and provides
Did you know?
The highest peak
, Bethliangchhip
of Tripura is 975.
36 metres
The Neer Mahal is a famous palace found
in Tripura. There is also the mighty
Ujjayanta Palace, the former palace of
great detox from above the sea leve Fact-O-Pedia
pollution for sure.
l Floating palace, Neer Mahal is the only
water palace of Northeast India. This unique
Incredible State Symbols architectural wonder reflects both Muslim and
l I am not just the state bird but also one of Hindu cultures and traditions.
the largest forest pigeons. l There is only 1 Road (NH 44), which connects
l The state flower, Indian rose chestnut is Tripura to rest of India.
also called cobra's saffron. Quirky, isn’t it? l Notable composers S D Burman and R D
l The state tree, Agarwood is one of the Burman were from Tripura. So, yes the rich
world’s most expensive trees. It is also musical culture of Tripura is a true delight to
called a Magic Tree as each and every one’s ears.
part of this tree is amazingly useful. l It is also the third smallest state of India.
The lasting effects of herbal agar tea
l The Tagore Connection: When Tripura’s
are worth every sip. Bengali language and culture was on the verge
l Don’t forget to see Phayre’s Leaf of socio-political crisis, the King of Tripura,
Monkey, the state animal of Tripura. Krishna Kishore Manikya requested Prince
This species is famous goggly eyes. This Dwarakanath Tagore, the great grandfather
adorable creature is on the verge of of Nobel-laureate poet Rabindranath Tagore,
extinction but luckily Tripura is full to save literature and culture and received
favourable support immediately.
of them.
the Kingdom, which is now a museum. Reflecting The Ancient Architecture
Located at the heart of Agartala, this Ever been on an excavation hunt? Love
magnificent palace is a must-visit. The exploring ancient sites. Then Tripura is
tiled floors, beautiful wooden ceilings and the right place for you. Pilak (Jolaibari)
royal doors are truly captivating. The exhibits the remnants of the old temple
Kunjaban Palace, a picturesque royal and palace. This place is also called
building, famous for its scenic beauty the treasure house of Buddhist and
and intricate rock-cut carvings and Hindu sculptures. Here you’ll see the
gigantic gardens should also be on your artefacts from the Hindu Rulers of the
itinerary for sure. Did you know? The poet seventh century. And let’s not forget the
Rabindranath Tagore stayed there in his exceptional photographs you are gonna
last visit to Tripura get here for sure. Unakoti, also a famous
pilgrimage contains marvellous rock
Temples And Monasteries carvings and scenic waterfalls.
Kids, don’t forget to visit the oldest The ruins of a brick-built building
temple ever. Matabari or Tripura Sundari emerged recently in the north-western
Temple is one of the famous temples of part of the state. The place is called
Northeast India. It is almost 500 years the Buddhist Stupa and an idol of Lord
old. A well-revered place of Tripura is one Buddha had been discovered which
of the ancient temple located on a hill-top. confirms that it was a Buddha temple in
This popular religious shrine is visited by the past. So, yes don't forget to check it
thousands of devotees across the nation. out as well.


Kali temple,
the pilgrimage
centre of Tripura
The Gunabati group of temples may
look like the other contemporary temples
of Tripura but trust me their tangible
antiquity still need to be uncovered. So,
also known as wake up the hidden Sherlock Holmes in
Kasba Kali Bari you and go for an excavation vacation.
is situated 27 km Oh kids, there so much more, The State
away from the Academy of tribal art, the beautiful
capital. You can Dumboor,
also see the beautiful lake near this temple Rudrasagar
called Kamala lake which is a perfect spot and Kalyan
for a fun family picnic. Sagar lakes;
Also, don’t forget to visit the famous the enchanting
Mahamuni Pagoda temple, one of the wildlife
most prominent Buddhist pilgrimage site. sanctuaries
The Mahumuni Buddha image is seated at Sepahijala,
on a 1.80 meters high pedestal. There is exalted Jampui
also the serene Gedu Mia’s Mosque, this Hills and the notable rock carvings at
tranquil beauty provides a calm ambience Chambimura and so on. I can’t stop telling
not just to the Muslim minority of you how grand my state is. Better would
Tripura but to anyone who finds pleasure be to let it surprise you on its own. I hope
in exploring the exquisite minarets and you have learned a lot about my state and
towers with embellishing artwork which is are curious to know more. Visit us soon to
hard to resist. explore more.
Let’s play this fun quiz to revise our knowledge of Tripura. The first 100 entries, including
entries from Hindi, English, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada magazines, together will get an annual
subscription of Champak free. So, hurry up, what are you waiting for?

1) What is the capital of Tripura? 6) Match the following:

a) Berma a) Green Imperial Pigeon i) State Animal
b) Unakoti b) Indian rose chestnut ii) State Tree
c) Agartala c) Agarwood iii) State Bird
d) Sepahijala d) Phayre’s Leaf Monkey iv) State Flower

2) Fill in the blanks: “A lot of tribes in 7) The famous Neer Mahal is unique
Tripura celebrate many festivals during the a) Because of its intricate rock-cut carvings.
time of the ___________ with folk dances b) Because it is the only water palace of
which reflect the tribal culture of Tripura Northeast India
at its best.” c) Because it has a huge statue of Lord
a) Irrigation Buddha.
b) Harvest d) Because it is the oldest palace of Tripura.
c) Sowing
d) Storage 8) The Nobel laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore
stayed where during his last visit to the
3) Which among the following is the Tripura?
traditional Tripura cuisine? a) Neer Mahal
a) Mui Borok b) Ujjayanta Palace
b) Longthorai c) Kunjaban Palace
d) Kamala lake Palace

c) Sakhantlang
d) Atharamura

4) The highest peak Bethliangchhip of Tripura

is how many metres above the sea level?
9) The famous Mahamuni Pagoda temple is
famous for the
a) Buddha image which is seated on a 1.80
a) 976.36 metres meters high pedestal.
b) 977.36 metres b) Stupefying Buddhist and Hindu sculptures.
c) 978.35 metres c) Marvellous rock carvings and scenic
d) 975.36 metres waterfalls.
d) Artefacts from the Hindu Rulers of the
5) State whether the given statement is true seventh century.
or false.
“There is only 1 Road (NH 44) which 10) Fill in the blanks: “The ruins of a brick-
connects Tripura to rest of India.” built building emerged recently in the
a) True _______________ part of the state.”
b) False a) North-eastern
b) South east
c) North-western
d) West Tripura

Mail your answers with your contact info at
And kids, now I bid you farewell as our trip to Northeast India has come to an end. I truly hoped
that you have enjoyed this wonderful journey. I sure hope that my friends and I have made you more
curious about our unique culture and unremarkable heritage. I know that you will be visiting us
shortly, so it’s not goodbye after all.
Today is Holi! All the kids will be
busy playing Holi on the playground.
I'll surely catch someone!


jackal smears black kids were playing Holi. jackal was walking
colour on his face. towards the playground
Let's apply colour on when fox sees him.
Now no one will jumbo, like every year.
recognise me! Oh! A ghost!
Yes, and then he will
GIVE US sweets! yAY!

I'm not a ghost!
I'm JOJO jackal!
Well, you seem to
have played Holi! What
I'm going to the
playground to
more do you want? catch a prey.

Oh, yes! There are many kids on the I will catch one and
playground. I'm going there too! make him my meal!
Never! These are my prey, not yours! Not at all! This is
my area, not yours!

The fox PUNCHEs the jackal, The jackal falls I should run,
hurling him in the air. amongst the kids. otherwise they'll
catch me too!
Pour water on HIM!
Let's see his face!

I'll beat you up

in your own area!



jumbo kicks the fox. The fox too lands

amongst the kids.
You won't make
Hey! What are that mistake again! Let's pour water
you doing here? on him too!

by mistake! Aah!


COLOURS on him!
EAT sweets! remain hungry
1. I am not alive, but I grow 1. Which is the largest flower in
I don’t have lungs, but I need air the world?
I don’t have a mouth, but water A) Rose
kills me. B) Rafflesia
Who am I? C) Sunflower
D) Marigold
2. I make two people out of one.
Who am I? 2. What do you call a house made
of ice?

3. I am white
when I am dirty,
and black

A) Bamboo Home
B) Log Home
C) Igloo
when I am clean. D) Cottage
Who am I?
3. Which is the smallest bird?
4. I have a thousand needles A) Humming Bird
but I do not sew. B) Crow
Who am I? C) Parrot
D) Sparrow
5. I am a box without hinges,
lock or keys. 4. Who discovered the radio?
Yet golden treasure lies within me. A) Dr. Abdul Kalam
Who am I? B) Albert Einstien
C) Pavlov
D) Marconi

5. An egg 4. A Porcupine
3. A blackboard 2. A mirror 1. Fire 4. D 3. A 2. C 1. B
Answers: Who am I? Answers: How Much Do You Know?
Join the dots according to the
numbers and complete the picture.


March (First) 2020 27

Digital Holi
Vinod Kumar Vicky

C hampu mouse
was getting
excited as Holi
approached. Though
he had not bought any
colours or pichkaris this
year, he had decided
that he will celebrate
Holi digitally.

For many days, Champu

had been creating
beautiful digital Holi
cards with poems and
pictures. He signed them

using a digital signature, and
saved them on his laptop and
mobile phone.

He refused to allow anyone else to use

his laptop or phone because he did not
want them to see his beautiful messages.
He wanted to surprise his family and
friends with his unique electronic greetings
at midnight on the day before Holi. sending the messages. But they wouldn’t
go through!
Champu wanted to be the first in Jingalala
forest to do send these greetings on The server was down and there was no
Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. network. Champu tried and tried to send
his beautiful messages for hours and
Even his dreams were full of the messages didn’t know when he fell asleep.
he would send, and the many likes and
comments he would get when he sent them. He woke up the next day to noises outside
his window. He looked out and saw all his
Finally, it was the day before Holi. That friends having fun. They were hugging each
night, after dinner, Champu sat down other and throwing colour around. Many of
with his laptop and phone and began them were eating gujiya and dahi-vada.

Music was being played, and Chichi everyone. Instead, he was the last person
sparrow, Mannu mynah, Ginni bird and to welcome Holi.
Teepu parrot were dancing. Covered in
pink and green colours, Gopu rhino and Just then, Gillu giraffe saw him, and
Humpty elephant danced along. pulled Champu out to wish him a happy
Holi. Gillu was joined by Billu cat and all
Soaked in red colour, Nanku rabbit was the others.
putting colours on others. Simpu jackal
was carrying a pichkari spraying coloured They put colour on Champu and sprayed
water on the animals and Sweetie lioness him with water and offered him sweets.
hugged everybody and wished them. Champu began to feel better.

Dhenchu donkey, covered in blue He realised that wishing his friends by

colour and Rozy fox in purple were hugging them, and tossing real colours
distributing sweets. around made him much happier than the
likes and comments he would have got on
Looking at this, Champu felt sad. His a digital greeting.
grand plan of sending digital messages to
all had failed because of poor network. Very soon, he was jumping around,
throwing colour in the air and shouting
He wanted to be the first to greet “Happy Holi!”


p s babu
Parts of this
image have been
left blank. Look
at the picture,
complete it and
then colour it.


Dumdum’s Electricity Bill
Nina Singh Solanki

D umdum bear lived in a peaceful

forest called Anandvan. He ran
a grocery shop from his house
and all the animals came there to buy
from his shop. Timmy deer and Nattu
went to see him. “Can I help you, Lalu?”
he asked.

“Thanks for the offer, Dumdum, but I

have just finished unpacking,” said Lalu,
monkey were Dumdum’s best friends and out of breath from all the moving.
everyone knew about their friendship.
“You are new to this forest, so do let
Lalu fox had just moved to Anandvan me know if you need any help,” said
and he rented a house next to Dumdum’s Dumdum, being kind and friendly to his
house. The day Lalu moved in, Dumdum new neighbour.

“Thank you, I will. After all, a neighbour
is your companion in good and bad
times,” said Lalu, thanking Dumdum.
Just then, Gogi pigeon came with
Dumdum’s electricity bill. Dumdum
opened the bill and was shocked to see a
huge amount.
Dumdum then invited Lalu to his house
for tea and biscuits. “I would like that. “What is wrong, Dumdum?” asked Timmy.
I’m feeling tired after all this work,” said
Lalu, and the two went to Dumdum’s “Gogi, are you sure this is not someone
house for tea. else’s bill?” asked Dumdum.

This became a habit, and Lalu would drop “Let’s check the name on top. It’s yours
by for tea almost every day. This went on only,” said Gogi, reading the envelope.
for more than a month.
Nattu took the bill and looked at it. “It is
“Dumdum, we hope you won’t forget your bill, Dumdum,” he said.
your old friends in your excitement of
making new friends,” teased Timmy “But this bill is for `4,000,” said a
and Nattu. shocked Dumdum. “You know how
careful I am while using electricity. I never
“Can that ever happen? Ours is an leave the fan or lights on when they are
unbreakable bond!” said Dumdum, and not needed. Normally, my bill is for `500
they all laughed. or so. I never get such a huge bill!”

“Oh, I’m sure such bills are common for higher reading than usual.
rich people like you,” teased Nattu.
Dumdum paid the bill, but began to be
“This is more than what I pay in four even more careful about using electricity.
months,” laughed Timmy. He only switched on the light and fan
when he was in a room, and made sure to
“This isn’t funny!” exclaimed Dumdum. switch everything off when he left. Despite
“I can’t believe I got such a huge bill.” this, the next month’s bill was equally high.

His friends then realised that Dumdum Dumdum went to Lalu to see if he
was upset and they fell silent, thinking of had a similar problem. “Dumdum, the
how to solve this problem. government has increased the price of
electricity. That’s why your bill is so high,”
Timmy went to the electricity department said Lalu.
office to check if there was a problem
with the meter reading. But everything “Is your bill also high, Lalu? How much
was right, and the meter showed a much was it for this month?” asked Dumdum.

“Oh, it’s always high but I pay it without Dumdum also had no idea about why
thinking. Now, I really have to leave to there was a wire connecting the two
meet someone,” said Lalu, and left the houses. His friends were sure something
house hurriedly. fishy was going on. “Maybe this is how
your electricity bills reached `4,000,”
A few days later, Nattu and Timmy said Nattu.
were walking on the back lane to go to
Dumdum’s house. They noticed a wire “But how is this possible?” asked
going through a window into Dumdum’s Dumdum innocently. “Why would Lalu
house. “Nattu, do you see that wire?” do that?”
asked Timmy.
Timmy and Nattu were sure that Lalu
“Yes, it’s an electric wire and it’s going was up to no good. They went inside
from Lalu’s house to Dumdum’s,” the house and looked at the electricity
replied Nattu. main board. There was a wire coming
from Lalu’s house going into Dumdum’s
Nattu and Timmy decided to ask electricity board!
Dumdum about it.
“Dumdum, have you let Lalu inside your
house and left him alone?” asked Timmy.

MAGAZINE KING “Never. He usually sits in the shop with

me,” said Dumdum. “Oh, there was
just one time when I had to buy things
and was expecting a courier. I left my
keys with Lalu and had gone out for a
few hours.”

Timmy pulled out the wire from Lalu’s

house. “It is clear now why your bills have
been so high!”

The friends scolded Dumdum. “One

should not be so careless, Dumdum,” said
Timmy. “You should have noticed this
wire before!”

“I’m going to file a complaint with the

police,” said Nattu.

“I’m going to drive him out of

Anandvan,” said Timmy angrily. “There’s
no place for cheats in our forest.”

Navya Bhupathiraju

“Wait! Let us first talk to Lalu,” said
Dumdum, trying to calm his friends. Just
“If someone regrets his mistakes and is
truly sorry, we should accept his apologies
then, Lalu came to visit Dumdum. and forgive him. Come friends, let us all
have tea together,” said Dumdum.
“Did you steal from your innocent
neighbour?” asked Nattu as soon as Lalu felt even more ashamed of his
Lalu entered. behaviour and promised that he would
never cheat again. He paid Dumdum
Lalu’s face became pale when he heard back and decided to be a kind neighbour
this. like him

“Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself ?” Statement of ownership and particulars about CHAMPAK
Form IV, see Rule 8
asked Timmy. “Dumdum has been so nice 1. Place of publication: New Delhi.
2. Periodicity of publication: Fortnightly.
to you since you moved here!” 3. 4. 5. Printer’s, Publisher’s, and Editor’s Name: Paresh Nath.
Nationality: Indian. Address: Delhi Prakashan Vitran
Pvt. Ltd., E-8 Jhandewalan Estate, Rani Jhansi Road,
New Delhi-110055.
Lalu began to shake with fear and 6. Names and addresses of individuals who own the
newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than
began apologising. “Dumdum, I am so one per cent of the total capital: Delhi Prakashan Vitran Pvt.
Ltd., E-8 Jhandewalan Estate, Rani Jhansi Road, New
sorry. I misused your goodwill and Delhi-110055.

stole from you. Please forgive me. I I, Paresh Nath, hereby declare that the particulars given above
are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
promise I will never do something like
this again!”  Sd. Paresh Nath, Publisher.

March (First) 2020 35

Holi Piñata
By Avantika Gupta

Make a piñata this Holi from

crepe paper and have fun!
You will need:
Paper cylinder, pencil, scissors, glue
stick, red chart paper, crepe paper in
different colours, thread, treats

How to make:

1. Cut 2-inch strips from
all the crepe sheets so
2. Cut a circle using
red chart paper and
3. Stick the crepe paper
strips using glue on top
that they wrap around the cover one end of of each other to cover the
cylinder. Cut slits along the the cylinder. surface of the cylinder.
edge of each strip.

4. Stick thread inside 5. Fill the cylinder with

the cylinder to hang it. treats and cover the other Your piñata is ready! Hit it
end. Hang the Piñata with a stick till it breaks
using the thread. and treats fall from it.
Try making this yourself at home! Send your creations to us at or take a photo and send it to us at +91 9619587613
Hidden Find 10 pichkaris in the picture below.


* Answer on the last page.

The Real Reason
Medhavini Mohan

J ulie was sad when she came home

from school. After lunch, as was
her habit, she didn’t sit and talk to
ma about what happened in school
that day. Instead, she ate and went to
“So much crying for just this? Maybe the
other children dance better,” consoled ma.

“No, ma. That’s not the reason. I know

why she put me in the last row!” said
her room. Julie, sobbing. “You know I love to dance,
and I asked you to make me join Kathak
Ma waited for a little time, and when Julie dance classes. I have also been learning
did not come out, went to her room. She modern dance. You know that ma.”
found Julie lying in bed, silent. “What
happened, dear?” asked ma, stroking “Yes dear. I know you have been
Julie’s hair. practising very hard,” said ma.

Julie burst into tears and blurted, “The
teacher has put me in the back row for the
group dance. She does this every time!”
“And when the auditions for the
group dance were announced, I
practised even more and I was
selected. But Vidisha ma’am put me in the
last row. Three girls who make so many
dance mistakes are in the first row. Ma’am
even asked me to teach them the steps,”
explained Julie.

“Oh. If she thinks you’re so good, why

did she not put you in the front row?”
asked ma.

“First, I thought it was because there was

something wrong with my dance. But
from the time I have started dancing in
class 1 to now, I have never been put in
front. This time, I worked so hard and
I know I dance better than most of the
others. But still, I’m in the last row,”
sobbed Julie.

“Why is that?” asked ma.

“Because I’m dark. That’s why!”
exclaimed Julie.

Ma hugged Julie. She now understood complain to the principal, ma?” asked
what Julie was going through. When ma Julie, still talking.
had been in school, she too had often
been teased by others for being dark. Her mother thought for a while. “Julie,
I think there’s another way to make your
Ma did not want Julie to grow up feeling teacher understand. It may be difficult to
the same way, so had brought her up prove that she is being unfair because of
to think that good qualities were more your skin colour. Let me think,” said ma.
important than skin colour. But what
could a child do when a teacher was Julie and ma sat quietly for some time.
being unfair? Then ma asked, “Julie, isn’t Vidisha
ma’am your language teacher? She has
“And in class, Vidisha ma’am is not so given you an essay to write on ‘what I
strict with children who are fair. Can you want to become’, hasn’t she?”

“Yes, ma. I will finish it today. We are

supposed to read it out in class tomorrow.
I’m going to write that I want to become
a dancer!”

“Well Julie, what if you write about how kids. It is a very important job. When I
you want to be a teacher?” ma laughed and become a teacher, I will make sure that all
looked at Julie with a twinkle in her eyes. children are treated equally in my class.
I will pay attention to their talent and
Julie understood what ma meant! “Oh abilities, and not to the colour of their
yes! Thank you for this idea, ma!” skin. I will not behave differently to a
child who is dark or fair, tall or short.
The next day, all the children had to read I will not do anything to make any
their essays in Vidisha ma’am’s class. child feel sad. And just like my teachers
Soon, it was Julie’s turn. here, I will put in all my effort to teach
the children.”
She picked up her notebook and started
reading, “I want to become a teacher All the children in class who had been
when I grow up because just one teacher ignored because of their colour or
can make or break the future of so many size clapped loudly and cheered when
Julie finished.

Vidisha ma’am understood what Julie had

done. Without complaining or blaming
anyone, she had said what she wanted to say.

MAGAZINE KING That day, when dance practice

began, Vidisha ma’am changed the
order of dancers.

Julie was now in the front

row, along with many
accomplished dancers. Julie
danced happily, like a bird
who had been set free
from the cage

g am

International Women’s Day International Women’s Day is
celebrated on March 8. Below are a
few famous Indian women and their
achievement. Can you identify them?

First Indian woman

who went to space

First woman police

officer of India

Founded the first
girl’s school of India

First woman to play 200

One Day Internationals

Voice of the Millennium

* Answer on the last page.

Colour Me

SpOt the Difference Circle 10 differences you can find
between the two pictures.

Us and Them and body posture to communicate

with each other. Horses have better

Humans express emotions through a
variety of facial gestures like frowning,
eyesight than cats and dogs.
They use the facial muscles to alter
their facial expressions in different
raising eyebrows, rolling eyes, lifting social situations. For example, when
chins and many more like these. These threatened or surprised, they raise
gestures form a part of non-verbal their eyebrows. They widen their eyes,
communication in which words are like us, to show fear. Horses can also
not used. purse their lips to show anger, flare
their nostrils before getting into a fight
We have 27 distinct facial movements and curl back
that we use to express these emotions. their upper lip
when smelling
In the animal kingdom, one would
a strong odour,
assume that chimpanzees would have
besides several
the second highest facial movements
other facial
since they are closely related to us. But
horses come second with 17 unique
facial movements, followed by dogs
with 16 and chimpanzees with 13 facial Horses
movements. ears can turn
in different
Like us, horses are social animals that
live in herds. They use their excellent directions to aid
sense of sight, facial expressions their hearing.
An unusual Role Model
When I open a book,
A storybook or a textbook,
It lets me soar over my imagination,
Through its white pages as fluffy as a cloud.
It lets me hover,
While gripping its colourful cover,
Through incredible cities of imagination,
And colossal castles of creativity.
It removes thoughts of gloom,
And makes my mind bloom,
Throughout the fabulous flight,
Over vast lands of innovation.
It flies
Over vast skies,
Carrying large quantities of imagination,
And a pinch or two of creativity.
It floats over heights,
And makes me feel ecstatic onsight,
Of every interesting book,
That’s really awesome.
It inspires me,
To write a story or a poem with glee,

MAGAZINE KING That’s when I realise,

That it’s real role model.
I learn from a book to be innovative,
And creative,
Moreover, to be quite useful,
Muskan dhull
And that’s why I consider it as
14 years, Hisar
an unusual role model.
P. V. Dharshini
11 years, Chennai
Stars sail on the night sea,
Somehow, they manage to appease me!
Rainbows mingle among the clouds and rain,
That’s the moon bow’s cause and main!
Can we all play together?
That’ll be fun in any weather!
Games don’t matter,
Just like the hare and Mad Hatter!
You can read a book if you have time to spare,
Find a novel somewhere!
Just be curious, keep wondering,
Make others’ lives uphill, don’t just keep bickering!
That’s how much fun it is!
Anusha Shukla Kumud Bhalla
10 years, Jabalpur 5 years, Delhi
Niyati Srinath
8 years, Bengaluru Bhargav Soni
11 years, Himachal Pradesh

Sky is filled with colours; The Wave
Once there was a wave
Made from the fragrance of flowers,
When I saw I thought hooray
Children are playing
But he said caloo calay
By spraying colours on their friends,
So then I thought to say
Everyone is enjoing!

It’s the flower season, Spring;
Happiness is what it brings
To celebrate Spring,
We celebrate Holi,
Why don’t we play?
He wanted to say
But he saw a sun’s ray
Due to which he looked grey.
Holi the festival that depicts the arrival of Spring. Meena Kapur
R. Sahana 8 years, Mumbai
10 years, Chennai

Calendar made by
our reader,
Aura Samanta,
11 years,
West Bengal

Send us jokes, riddles, drawings or stories with your

full name, age and address to:
Delhi Press We cannot return yo
t nt
A-4, Shri Ram Industrial Estate work, so you migh
Wadala, Mumbai-400031 to keep a copy.

Aaradhya Soni 9619587613

7 years, Uttar Pradesh
Riya and Rahul were reading
Dadaji and World Wildlife Day the newspaper with Dadaji.
Vivek Chakravarty
Why do we celebrate
Dadaji, what does this day, Dadaji?
this headline 'INDIA
mean? Is there
something special
going on today?

Yes, RIYA, today IS March 3 AND IT

is celebrated as World Wildlife Day.

This day is celebrated to raise Yes! Not just the animals,

awareness among people about plants in the wild need to
taking care of the existing species be cared for, too.
of wild animals and plants.

Even plants?

What kind of care, Dadaji?

nowadays, fOR development, we are destroying

our forests by cutting down trees. THIS cauSES air
pollution. our actions cause severe damage to the
environment, which haRMS many animals and plants.
Dadaji, but the That is what we all think. However,
animals and there are thousands of animals
plants that were and plants around the world that
around us earlier are at the verge of going extinct.
are still here. in India, there are 132 animal and
Then, what is this plant species in danger.
danger all about?

132 species!?
Therefore, WE
their actions ARE

Yes! In fact, some of the most Yes, And before all these species
common birds flying around us vanish from earth just like the
such as sparrows and vultures dinosaurs, we need to take action
too are in danger. towards their protection.

Uh-oh! That’s why we are seeing
lesser and lesser number of
birds around us these days.

Certainly! it is very crucial to preserve the

ENVIRONMENT of the planet. Also, the theme
for this year is Sustaining all Life on Earth.

Yes, Dadaji. I have

also read that the
life of humans
can exist on this
planet only IF these
animals and plants
exist. If they vanish,
Yes Dadaji! Earth belongs to all of us, and so does
then human beings
the responsibility of its protection and care!
too will NOT BE ABLE
TO SURVIVE. Dadaji nodded his head warmly in agreement.
A Toy For The Princess
Harish Bhandari

T he king of Shantivana, Sheru,

had a pretty daughter. He loved
her very much. One day, the
princess fell ill. The king called the best
doctors to treat her, and took her to many
The king was very worried. One day,
when he was sitting with the princess, he
said, “My dear daughter, I wish I knew
what to do to cure your illness!”

hospitals. But nobody could find out why The princess replied, “Papa, just get me
the princess was ill. In spite of taking the moon to play. I know I will feel better
medicines, she did not become better. when I play with it.”

The king was happy
to do something and
immediately called his
minister. “Minister, my
daughter says she will
get well when she plays
with the moon. You
must get me the moon
by tomorrow night,”
ordered the king.

The minister was shocked.

“The moon?” he said. “This is
impossible, your majesty. I can get
anything else from any corner of the
world. But I cannot get the moon.”

The king became angry and ordered the

minister to go away. Then he called for
his army commander and repeated his The joker went to the princess’s room.
order. “Get the moon for my daughter “Have you brought me the moon?”

to play with!” The commander too said
he could not. “Your majesty, nobody can
bring the moon here. It’s too far away!”
she asked excitedly, as soon as she saw
the joker.

“I’ll get the moon for you. But first, tell

The king sent him away and called for me, how big should the moon be?”
the minister in charge of finance. He too
was unable to help. “Go away from here,” “As big as the nail of my thumb,” replied
shouted the king angrily. the princess. “When I stretch my thumb
nail towards the moon, I cannot see it. It
Finally, the king ordered the court joker gets completely hidden behind it.”
to come to him. “Your majesty, did you
send for me?” asked the joker, bowing. “Good! Now can you please tell me what
it is made of and how high is it?” asked
“Yes!” said the king, and burst into tears. the joker.
“My daughter says she will not be well till
she plays with the moon. Can you bring “The moon is made of gold and it is at
the moon for her to play with?” the height of the tree over there,” the
princess replied.
“Yes, your majesty,” replied the joker.
“But first, I need to ask the princess how “Alright! Tonight, I will climb the tree and
big her moon should be. Don’t trouble bring the moon down,” said the joker and
yourself, sir. I will go ask her that myself.” went back to the king.

March (First) 2020 49

“Your majesty, tomorrow I will bring the she say when she sees the moon in the sky
moon for the princess,” he announced. tonight?” he wondered.
Then he told the king his plan. King
Sheru was very happy to hear it. That evening, the king and the joker
went to the princess’s room. The moon
The joker left the palace and went to rose in the sky and the princess ran to
the jeweller. He asked him to make a the window to look at it. “Well princess,
golden moon. how is there a moon in the sky when it is
around your neck?” asked the joker.
The next day, the joker took the golden
moon with him and gave it to the The princess laughed. “You are so funny!
princess. She was very happy with it, and When a tooth breaks and falls off, another
immediately put it on a chain and wore it. one comes out. Everyone knows that! In
Soon, she began to feel better. the same way, a new moon has come out!”

The king was happy to see his daughter The king also laughed and sat down to
get well. But he was worried. “What will play with his daughter


Some things in
this picture are
not right. Find
out what they are.

Champak proudly presents the results of the Season

Champak Creative Child Contest Season 7. 7

Go Green
I want to make my
wish come true
Let’s make the sky blue.
Don’t cut the trees
Lets’s make our world clean and green.
Use the cars
When you’re going very far
No use for bikes
The thing that elders ride.
Let’s make our world pollution free,
Do you all agree?
Priyanti Mazumder, 9 years,
Vighnesh Sunil Zore, 10 years
KVK Ghatkopar Sarvajanik School
(Primary Section), Ghatkopar West

Nidhi Vinod Natekar, 7 years Shaalin Santosh Mandlik, 7 years
KVK Ghatkopar Sarvajanik School KVK Ghatkopar Sarvajanik School
(Primary Section), Ghatkopar West (Primary Section), Ghatkopar West

An exciting drawing competition!

Arya Pravin Raje, 8 years Harsh Bhalchandra Kamat, 5 years Tanvi Jaywant Nachanekar, 9 years
Champak Creative Child Contest was organised at KVK Ghatkopar Sarvajanik School (Primary Section), Ghatkopar West. 100
students participated in the contest and enthusiastically submitted their drawings. Certificates were given to the best entries.
Tushar K. Chaurasia, 12 years
The Modern School SSC, Charni Road Krishang S. Pawaskar, 8 years
The Modern School SSC, Charni Road

Champak congratulates the

winners and would love all our
readers to participate. So grab your
writing and painting material and get those
creative ideas flowing. To participate look
for the Champak Creative Child Contest
advertisement in this issue.

MAGAZINE KING Topics for next month’s wild card entry are:
l World Health Day
l April Fool’s Day
l National Pet Day
Send your entries on A4 size paper.

Postal address: Champak, Delhi Press, A-4,

Shri Ram Industrial Estate Wadala, Mumbai- 400031
Surekha Kamlesh Patel, 13 years E-mail:
The Modern School SSC, Charni Road Visit our Facebook page for updates:

Champak Creative Child Contest was organised at The Modern School SSC, Charni Road. 40 students participated in the
contest and enthusiastically submitted their drawings. Certificates were given to the best entries.
World Wildlife Day March 3 is World Wildlife Day. Look at the footprints
below and match them with the right animals?




I 9

* Answer on the last page.
Solve It Look at the sums below, identify
the value of the fruits and fill in the
blanks with the correct answer.

Can you find the right answer?

* Answer on the last page.

Eco-Friendly Holi
Siddhesh Bhusane

H oli was just a week away, and all

the children were in a festive
mood. Kashyap had just moved
to a new locality and was excited about
playing Holi with his new friends.
grandma. The children were silent. “Come
to my house in the evening. I will tell you
all a story,” she said and left.

Kashyap’s grandmother was the principal

of a school. She told Kashyap what had
The other kids in the building had started happened and he agreed that it was not right
throwing water balloons and plastic to play Holi a week before the festival.
packets filled with water at each other.
That evening, the kids came to Kashyap’s
One day, a water balloon hit Kashyap’s house. They were nervous, expecting
grandmother just as she was leaving to go another scolding. Instead, Kashyap’s
to work. She was furious. “Who did that?” grandmother welcomed them in.
she shouted at the kids.
“Please don’t be upset that I scolded you

“We are so sorry, grandma. The balloon
hit you by mistake. We were throwing it at
our friend,” replied Raju.
all and try to understand why I scolded
you. Sit down everyone and eat these
yummy samosas.”

“But why are you throwing balloons Kashyap and his mother served the hot
today? Holi is still far away,” said samosas to the kids.
“Do you know there are many parts of exclaimed grandma. “In the past, Holi

the country where there is no water?
People don’t have enough water to drink.
We should not be wasting water by
used to be played using flower petals and
organic colours. Even today, at many
places Holi is played using tuberose and
playing with it,” explained grandma. rose petals. Also, you can buy organic
colours in the market. Reema, you can
The kids listened carefully. “These plastic even make colours at home!”
bags you have been throwing are harmful
for the environment. The colour, if “How can we make colours at home?”
they have chemicals, are extremely asked Raju.
harmful for humans and animals. Black
contains lead oxide, which harms our “There are so many ways,” said grandma.
kidneys. Green contains copper sulfate,
which hurts our eyes. Silver contains “By soaking beetroot in water, one gets
aluminium bromide that can cause red, mehndi leaves, various flowers,
cancer. Blue too has persian blue that can sandalwood powder, all mixed with
cause cancer.” water give many different colours. These
don’t harm us or the environment. It’s
“But grandma, it’s Holi—the festival of important that we celebrate Holi without
colours. Can’t we play with any colours?” causing harm. This way, we don’t waste
asked Reema. water nor use harmful plastics. So, are
you kids interested in playing an eco-
“Of course. One can play with colours!” friendly Holi?”

March (First) 2020 57

“Yes, of course!” replied the
kids. “We will take care and not
harm the environment. And we
will play Holi on the day of the
festival, not a week before!”

“Well done, children!” said

grandma. “And remember to
come here for sweets on the
day of Holi!”

“We will!” shouted the kids

and went back excited to play a
amalgamation graphics
great Holi

Page 41: International Women’s Day

Kalpana Chawla
Page 37: Hidden Picture


Page 19: Maze

Savitribai Phule

Mithali Raj

Lata Mangeshkar

Page 54: World Wildlife Day

Page 55: Solve It

58 March (First) 2020

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