MultiGage Windows Brochure

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MultiGage for Windows

Wireless Measurement

MultiGage Reader is a Windows software developed for users to simultaneously connect to and read from
multiple Motionics wireless measurement devices on a Windows device.

MultiGage Reader is able to connect to multiple Motionics Bluetooth measurement devices (8 per USB dongle)
and receive readings from all of them at the same time. Each device will be assigned an individual panel to
display measurement reading, max, min, and TIR.

Multiple device connectivity

MultiGage Reader for Windows allows you to
connect to multiple devices. Each dongle con-
nects to up to 8 wireless devices and can receive
readings from all of them at the same time.


You can change the settings for each gage
to switch between digital, analog, and graph

Movable Panels for each gage

The MultiGage Reader app has an option to
connect different devices at same time, with
each device displayed in a different panel so
that you can check the readings of all devices in
one frame simultaneously.

data plotting
The data plot option helps you to show the
collected data from the device in graph form.
You can zoom in/out the graph and, using the
marker option, you can add points on the graph.

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Motionics, LLC The software & hardware can be customized.
8500 Shoal Creek Blvd Building 4 Suite 209 Contact Motionics for details.
Austin, TX 78757 © 2020 Motionics, LLC. All rights reserved.
MultiGage for Windows
Wireless Measurement

Max, Min, and TIR Display

Each gage panel displays the maximum and
minimum values the device has reached. It also
allows the user to change the range.

GO/NG Judgment
Motionics’ MultiGage Windows software has
Go/No-Go Judgement, allowing the user to set
a threshold so the gages can change color to in-
dicate whether the reading is within that range.

Direct Keyboard Input

MultiGage Windows can simulate keyboard
input, allowing data to be directly loaded onto
any software product that accepts keyboard
entry, such as Excel, text documents, and most
SPC software.

Data Saving and Exporting

Once you’ve finished recording your measure-
ments, you can save the data locally and export
it as a CSV.

Scan the QR code below for more information, or visit us at

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Motionics, LLC The software & hardware can be customized.
8500 Shoal Creek Blvd Building 4 Suite 209 Contact Motionics for details.
Austin, TX 78757 © 2020 Motionics, LLC. All rights reserved.

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