Business Forecasting: Prepared By: Sujata Chamlagain MBA 1 Sem
Business Forecasting: Prepared By: Sujata Chamlagain MBA 1 Sem
Business Forecasting: Prepared By: Sujata Chamlagain MBA 1 Sem
3. Regulating Forecasts:
The forecasts are compared with actual results so as to determine any
deviations. The reasons for his variations are ascertained so that
corrective action is taken in future.
Benchmarking Process
Step one: Determining benchmark focus - During this phase, the company determines the
specifics of the research project. (e.g., which companies will they include in the research and what
types of metrics they will compare).
Step two: Planning and research - During this phase, the company puts the resources together to
implement the project (e.g., develop surveys, seek cooperation from other companies, and find
databases already available).
Step three: Gathering data - During this phase, the data is collected through the methodology
determined in the planning and research phase.
Step four: Analysis - After gathering the data, the company uses statistical techniques to examine
and create the findings.
Step five: Recommendations - After analyzing the data and areas where the company can improve,
recommendations are developed.
Step six: Implementation - After reviewing recommendations, the company implements those that
are feasible.