Economic Growth in Indonesia
Economic Growth in Indonesia
Economic Growth in Indonesia
There are so many theories about factors that determine economic growth
in a country but in this writing I will just state four main factors based on some
theories about it. First is human capital. It is one of the main factors that
determine economic growth. A country can not develop and grow its economy if
it does not have a good quality of human resources and lack of experts. Imagine if
a country can not produce goods or provide proper services for its people main
necessity. The country have to import more and more to fulfill the society needs.
It would be such a loss if a country has plentiful of natural resources but does not
capable to manage them by itself because they have no experts. That is what
happen in Indonesia right now. The natural resources of this country is so
abundant, yet the government have to ‘import’ experts from other country to
manage the natural resources.
Investment rate that reach the highest in the last five years and the increase
of capital goods import shows enthusiasm of trade and investment in Indonesia in
which encouraged positive economic growth. Total import from January to April
2018 has increased to 23,85 percent higher than the last period, while total export
has increased only 8,44 percent. This push the balance of trade has a deficit of
USD 1,63 billion. The growth rate mainly boost by household consumption which
grow 4,95 percent (yoy). Consumption rate expected to be higher in order to jack
up economic growth. Low inflation rate (3,41 percent (yoy) on April 2018) keep
the consumption constant. As the improvement of the investment climate,
Indonesian government encourage infrastructure developement to increase
investment growth.
At the end, we know that economic growth is important and there were so
many factors that determined economic growth in Indonesia. The global economy
also affect Indonesian economy. Each of these factors intertwined with each other.
Amidst the fluctuation of global economy, Indonesia still manage its economic
growth to 5,06 percent in the first quarter of 2018. This shows that economy of
Indonesia is still healthy. However, we still have to improve and fix up some
factors in order to reach a better target and to face global challenges.