(2PRD-002A) Refrigeration Cycle
(2PRD-002A) Refrigeration Cycle
(2PRD-002A) Refrigeration Cycle
Refrigeration Cycle
LG Electronics
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.
An outline of this information
- Basic knowledge of HVAC and Refrigerant cycle
1. Heat and Refrigeration
2. Refrigerants
3. Refrigeration Cycle
4. Pressure–Enthalpy Chart
5. Review
Refrigeration Cycle
Period one
Heat and Refrigeration
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What is Refrigeration?
The term refrigeration is commonly associated with something cold. A household refrigerator, for example, keeps
food cold. It accomplishes this task by removing heat from the food. Therefore, refrigeration involves the removal of
heat. The word cold describes a state of low heat content.
To understand how refrigeration works, we first need to understand what heat is and how it is removed from a
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What is Heat?
What is Heat?
Heat is a form of energy. Every object on earth contains heat energy in both quantity and intensity.
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Quantity and Intensity
Heat intensity is measured by its temperature, commonly in either degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or degrees Celsius
(°C). If all heat were removed from an object, the temperature of the object would decrease to -459.6°F [-273.2°C].
This temperature is referred to as “absolute zero” and is the temperature at which all molecular activity stops.
The quantity of heat contained in an object or substance is not the same as its intensity of heat. For example, the hot
sands of the desert contain a large quantity of heat, but a single burning candle has a higher intensity of heat.
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Quantity and Intensity
110°F 60°F
[43.3°C] [15.6°C]
These two different masses of water contain the same quantity of heat, yet the temperature of the water on the left is higher.
Why? The water on the left contains more heat per unit of mass than the water on the right. In other words, the heat energy
within the water on the left is more concentrated, or intense, resulting in the higher temperature. Note that the temperature of a
substance does not reveal the quantity of heat that it contains.
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Measuring Heat Quantity
1 lb
1 Btu
60°F 61°F
1 kg
1 kcal
15°C 16°C
In the English system of units, the quantity of heat is measured in terms of the British Thermal Unit (Btu). The Btu is
defined as the quantity of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 lb of water by 1°F.
Similarly, in the metric system of units, the quantity of heat is measured in terms of the kilocalorie (kilogram-calorie
or kcal). The kcal is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water 1°C.
Alternatively, in the System International (SI) metric system, heat quantity can be expressed using the unit kiloJoule
(kJ). One kcal is equal to 4.19 kJ.
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Principles of Heat Transfer
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Heat Energy Cannot Be Destroyed
To produce cooling, heat must be removed from the substance by transferring it to another substance. The first principle to
discuss regarding heat transfer is that heat energy cannot be destroyed; it can only be transferred to another substance. This
is commonly referred to as the principle of “conservation of energy.”
Ice cubes are typically placed in a beverage to cool it before it is served. As heat is transferred from the beverage to the ice,
the temperature of the beverage is lowered. The heat removed from the beverage is not destroyed but instead is absorbed by
the ice, changing the ice from a solid to a liquid.
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Heat Flows from Hot to Cold
The second principle is that heat naturally flows from a higher temperature substance to a lower temperature substance; in
other words, from hot to cold. Heat cannot flow from a cold substance to a hot substance.
Consider the example of the beverage and the ice cubes. As long as the temperature of the beverage is higher than the
temperature of the ice cubes, heat will always flow from the beverage to the ice cubes.
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Methods of Heat Transfer
Warm air
Cool air
Hot Liquid
The third principle is that heat is transferred from one substance to another by one of three basic processes: conduction, convection, and radiation. The
device shown is a baseboard convector that is commonly used for heating a space. It can be used to demonstrate all three processes of transferring heat.
Hot water flows through a tube inside the convector, warming the inside surface of the tube. Heat is transferred, by conduction, through the tube wall to the
slightly cooler fins that are attached to outside surface of the tube. Conduction is the process of transferring heat through a solid.
The heat is then transferred to the cool air that comes into contact with the fins. As the air is warmed and becomes less dense, it rises, carrying the heat
away from the fins and out of the convector. This air movement is known as a convection current. Convection is the process of transferring heat as
the result of the movement of a fluid. Convection often occurs as the result of the natural movement of air caused by temperature (density) differences.
Additionally, heat is radiated from the warm cabinet of the convector and contacts cooler objects within the space. Radiation is the process of
transferring heat by means of electromagnetic waves, emitted due to the temperature difference between two objects. An interesting thing about radiated
heat is that it does not heat the air between the source and the object it contacts ; it only heats the object itself.
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Rate of Heat Flow
In refrigeration, as in heating, emphasis is placed on the rate of heat transfer, that is, the quantity of heat that flows from one
substance to another within a given period of time. This rate of heat flow is commonly expressed in terms of Btu/hr—the
quantity of heat, in Btus, that flows from one substance to another over a period of 1 hour.
Similarly, in the SI metric system of units, the rate of heat flow is expressed in terms of kilowatts (kW), which are equivalent
to kJ/sec. Kilowatts describ the quantity of heat, in kJ, that flows from one substance to another over a period of 1 second.
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Ton of Refrigeration
12,000 Btu/hr
[3.517 kW]
In the English system of units, there is a larger and more convenient measure of the rate of heat flow. It is called a ton of
refrigeration. One ton of refrigeration produces the same cooling effect as the melting of 2000 lb of ice over a 24-hour
When 1 lb of ice melts, it absorbs 144 Btu. Therefore, when 1 ton (2000 lb) of ice melts, it absorbs 288,000 Btu (2000 x 144).
Consequently, 1 ton of refrigeration absorbs 288,000 Btu within a 24-hour period or 12,000 Btu/hr (288,000/24).
So, 1 ton of refrigeration is defined as the transfer of heat at the rate of 12,000 Btu/hr [3.517 kW].
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Refrigeration Cycle
period two
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Ice as a Coolant
Ice melts at
Ice can be used to preserve food. Because heat flows from a higher temperature substance to a lower temperature
substance, ice can be used in a frozen display case to absorb heat from the relatively warm food, cooling the food. As the
ice absorbs heat, it melts and is drained away.
Used in this manner, ice is a coolant. It absorbs heat from the food and transports the heat away from the food.
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Ice as a Coolant
Ice melts at
Pure ice, however, does have an important disadvantage. It absorbs heat and melts at 32°F [0°C]. Ice cream, for
example, melts at a temperature lower than 32°F [0°C]. In the same frozen display case, ice cannot keep the ice
cream frozen because ice melts at a higher temperature than ice cream.
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Dry Ice as a Coolant
Dry ice
evaporates at
There is another type of ice known as dry ice, which is solid (frozen) carbon dioxide (CO2). It evaporates directly from a solid
phase to a vapor phase at -109.4°F [-78.6°C]. Used in the same frozen display case, dry ice would keep the ice cream frozen
because it evaporates at a lower temperature than the temperature at which ice cream melts, but would result in an
unnecessarily low temperature.
Additionally, both pure ice and dry ice would be consumed in the cooling process, either melting into a liquid or evaporating into a
vapor. It would have to be continually replaced.
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R-22 boils at
Finally, Refrigerant-22 (R-22) is a chemical used in many refrigeration systems. If, hypothetically, an open container of liquid R-22 were placed in the
frozen display case, when exposed to atmospheric pressure, it would absorb heat and boil violently at -41.4°F [-40.8°C].
This is a hypothetical example because chemical refrigerants have environmental regulations that legally require the refrigeration system to be sealed.
Any loss of refrigerant to the atmosphere is closely monitored and, generally speaking, not allowed.
At atmospheric pressure, each of these three substances (pure ice, dry ice, and R-22) absorbs heat and changes phase at its own fixed temperature.
Pure ice melts at 32°F [0°C], dry ice evaporates at -109.4°F [-78.6°C], and R-22 boils at -41.4°F [-40.8°C].
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Effect of Transferring Heat
1 lb
1 Btu
60°F 61°F
1 kg
1 kcal
15°C 16°C
Change of Phase
This question is best answered by examining the effects of heat transfer on water. Consider 1 lb of 60°F water. By adding
or subtracting 1 Btu of heat energy, the water temperature is raised or lowered by 1°F.
Similarly, by adding or subtracting 1 kcal (4.2 kJ) of heat energy to a 1 kg container of 15°C water, the water temperature
is raised or lowered by 1°C.
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Effect of Transferring Heat
+ 152 Btu =
1 lb
60°F 212°F
+ 85 kcal =
1 kg
15°C 100°C
Therefore, adding 152 Btu to 1 lb of 60°F water raises its temperature to 212°F. Although this is the boiling temperature of water
at atmospheric pressure, adding 1 more Btu will not cause all of the water to evaporate.
Similarly, adding 85 kcal (356 kJ) to 1 kg of 15°C water raises its temperature to 100°C. Although this is the boiling temperature
of water at atmospheric pressure, adding 1 more kcal (4.2 kJ) will not cause all of the water to evaporate.
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Effect of Transferring Heat
+ 970.3 Btu =
1 lb 1 lb
water steam
212°F 212°F
+ 244.5 kcal =
1 kg 1 kg
water steam
100°C 100°C
In fact, 970.3 Btu must be added to 1 lb of 212°F water to completely transform it to 1 lb of steam at the same temperature.
Similarly, 244.5.3 kcal (1023 kJ) must be added to 1 kg of 100°C water to completely transform it to 1 kg of steam at the same
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Effect of Transferring Heat
- 970.3 Btu =
1 lb 1 lb
steam water
212°F 212°F
- 244.5 kcal =
1 kg 1 kg
steam water
100°C 100°C
Conversely, when 1 lb of 212°F steam condenses, it gives off 970.3 Btu of heat energy in the process. After the steam
condenses completely, the removal of more heat will begin to lower the temperature of the water below 212°F.
Similarly, when 1 kg of 100°C steam condenses, it gives off 244.5 kcal (1023 kJ) of heat energy in the process. After the
steam condenses completely, the removal of more heat will begin to lower the temperature of the water below 100°C.
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Latent Heat
1 lb
1 lb
water 970.3 Btu
212°F 212°F
1 kg
1 kg
water 244.5 kcal
100°C 100°C
The quantity of heat that must be added to the water in order for it to evaporate cannot be sensed by an ordinary
thermometer. This is because both the water and steam remain at the same temperature during this phase change.
This kind of heat is called latent heat, which is dormant or concealed heat energy. Latent heat is the energy involved in
changing the phase of a substance—from a liquid to a vapor in this example.
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Sensible Heat
1 lb
1 Btu
60°F 61°F
1 kg
1 kcal
15°C 16°C
In contrast, sensible heat is heat energy that, when added to or removed from a substance, results in a measurable
change in temperature.
Refrigerants can absorb a significant amount of heat when they change phase; much more than if they just change
temperature. Different substances have different specific temperatures at which these phase changes occur, and different
quantities of heat are required for this change to take place. They also have different capacities for absorbing heat. This
capacity is a property of the substance called specific heat.
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Specific Heat
140°F 200°F
[60°C] [93.3°C]
Suppose equal quantities of two different liquids, A and B, both at room temperature, are heated. The gas burners are lighted and adjusted so that
each is burning exactly the same quantity of gas over the same time period, ensuring that each container of liquid receives the same quantity of heat.
After a period of time, the thermometer in the container of liquid A indicates 140°F [60°C], while the thermometer in the container of liquid B indicates
200°F [93.3°C]. Even though equal quantities of the two liquids were supplied with exactly the same quantity of heat, why does liquid B reach a higher
temperature than liquid A?
The reason is that liquid B has less capacity for absorbing heat than liquid A. This capacity for absorbing heat is called specific heat. The
specific heat of a substance is defined as the quantity of heat, in Btus, required to raise the temperature of 1 lb of that substance 1°F.
Similarly, in metric units, specific heat is defined as the quantity of heat, in kJs, required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of that substance 1°C.
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Modern Refrigerants
Modern Refrigerants
Refrigerants are substances that are used to absorb and transport heat for the purpose of cooling. When selecting a
refrigerant to use for a given application, in addition to these heat transfer properties the manufacturer considers efficiency,
operating pressures, compatibility with materials, stability, toxicity, flammability, cost, availability, safety, and environmental
The most common refrigerants used in mechanical refrigeration systems today are Refrigerant-123 (or R-123), R-134a, and
R-22. Ammonia (R-717) and, under certain operating pressures, even water (R-718) and carbon dioxide (R-744) can be
used as refrigerants.
Refrigerant-22 has been the most widely used refrigerant in residential, commercial, and industrial applications since the
1940s. For the purposes of this clinic, it will be used as the refrigerant in the examples.
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Refrigeration Cycle
period three
Refrigeration Cycle
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Refrigeration System
Liquid refrigerant
Collects refrigerant
A rudimentary refrigeration system could hypothetically be constructed using a drum of liquid refrigerant at atmospheric pressure, a coil, a collecting drum, and
a valve to regulate the flow of refrigerant into the coil. Opening the valve allows the liquid refrigerant to flow into the coil by gravity. As warm air is blown over
the surface of the coil, the liquid refrigerant inside the coil will absorb heat from the air, eventually causing the refrigerant to boil while the air is cooled.
Adjustment of the valve makes it possible to supply just enough liquid refrigerant to the coil so that all the refrigerant evaporates before it reaches the end of
the coil.
One disadvantage of this system is that after the liquid refrigerant passes through the coil and collects in the drum as a vapor, it cannot be reused. The cost
and environmental impacts of chemical refrigerants require the refrigeration process to continue without loss of refrigerant.
Additionally, the boiling temperature of R-22 at atmospheric pressure is -41.4°F [-40.8°C]. At this unnecessarily low temperature, the moisture contained in the
air passing through the coil freezes on the coil surface, ultimately blocking it completely.
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Refrigeration System
refrigerant vapor ?
Closing the Cycle
To solve the first problem, a system is needed to collect this used refrigerant and return it to the liquid phase. Then the
refrigerant can be passed through the coil again.
This is exactly what happens in a typical mechanical refrigeration system. Liquid refrigerant absorbs heat and evaporates
within a device called an evaporator. In this example system, air is cooled when it passes through the evaporator, while the
heat is transferred to the refrigerant, causing it to boil and change into a vapor. As discussed in the previous period, a
refrigerant can absorb a large amount of heat when it changes phase. Because of the refrigerant changing phase, the system
requires far less refrigerant than if the refrigerant was just increasing in temperature.
The refrigerant vapor must then be transformed back into a liquid in order to return to the evaporator and repeat the process.
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Refrigeration System
vapor - heat = Liquid
Substance -41.4°F
colder than [-40.8°C]
The liquid refrigerant absorbed heat from the air while it was inside the evaporator, and was transformed into a vapor in the
process of doing useful cooling. Earlier in this clinic, we demonstrated that if the heat is then removed from this vapor, it will
transform (condense) back to its original liquid phase.
Heat flows from a higher temperature substance to a lower temperature substance. In order to remove heat from the
refrigerant vapor, it must transfer this heat to a substance that is at a lower temperature. Assume that the refrigerant
evaporated at -41.4°F [-40.8°C]. To condense back into liquid, the refrigerant vapor must transfer heat to a substance that
has a temperature less than -41.4°F [-40.8°C]. If a substance were readily available at this cooler temperature, however, the
refrigerant would not be required in the first place. The cooler substance could accomplish the cooling by itself.
How can heat be removed from this cool refrigerant vapor, to condense it, using a readily-available substance that is already
too warm for use as the cooling medium? What if we could change the temperature at which the refrigerant vapor
condenses back into liquid?
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Boiling Point of Water
much higher temperature. At a higher
pressure there is a greater force pushing
against the water molecules, keeping them
together in a liquid phase.
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Boiling Point of Refrigerant-22
This curve illustrates the pressures
and corresponding temperatures at
which R-22 boils and condenses. At
a pressure of 85 psia [0.59 MPa],
the liquid R-22 will boil at 41.2°F
[5.1°C]. As an example, assume that
a compressor is used to increase 121.5°F
the pressure of the resulting [49.7°C]
refrigerant vapor to 280 psia [1.93
MPa]. This increase in pressure
raises the temperature at which the
vapor would condense back into
liquid to 121.5°F [49.7°C].
In order to condense the refrigerant
vapor at this higher temperature, a
substance at a temperature less
than 121.5°F [49.7°C] is needed. 85 psia
Ambient air or water is generally [0.59 MPa]
available at temperatures less than
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Vapor-Compression Cycle
A compressor, condenser, and expansion device form the rest of
the system that returns the refrigerant vapor to a low-temperature
liquid, which can again be used to produce useful cooling. This
cycle is called the vapor-compression refrigeration
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Basic Refrigeration System
Basic Refrigeration System
This diagram illustrates a basic vapor-compression refrigeration system that contains the described components. First, notice
that this is a closed system. The individual components are connected by refrigerant piping. The suction line connects the
evaporator to the compressor, the discharge line connects the compressor to the condenser, and the liquid line connects
the condenser to the evaporator. The expansion device is located in the liquid line.
Recall that the temperature at which refrigerant evaporates and condenses is related to its pressure. Therefore, regulating the
pressures throughout this closed system can control the temperatures at which the refrigerant evaporates and then condenses.
These pressures are obtained by selecting system components that will produce the desired balance. For example, select a
compressor with a pumping rate that matches the rate at which refrigerant vapor is boiled off in the evaporator. Similarly, select a
condenser that will condense this volume of refrigerant vapor at the desired temperature and pressure.
line Compressor
Expansion device
A Evaporator
D Suction
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Mixture of
liquid and vapor refrigerant
Refrigerant vapor
At the inlet to the evaporator, the refrigerant exists as a cool, low-pressure mixture of liquid and vapor. In this example,
the evaporator is a finned-tube coil used to cool air. Other types of evaporators are used to cool water.
The relatively warm air flows across this finned-tube arrangement and the cold refrigerant flows through the tubes. The
refrigerant enters the evaporator (A) and absorbs heat from the warmer air, causing the liquid refrigerant to boil. The
resulting refrigerant vapor (B) is drawn to the compressor.
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Compressor EX) Reciprocating Compressor
Low-pressure High-pressure
refrigerant vapor refrigerant vapor
from evaporator to condenser
The compressor raises the pressure of the refrigerant vapor (B) to a pressure and temperature high enough (C) so that
it can reject heat to another fluid, such as ambient air or water. There are several types of compressors. The type shown
in this figure is a reciprocating compressor.
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Refrigerant vapor
Outdoor air refrigerant
The condenser is a heat exchanger used to reject the heat of the refrigerant to another medium. The example shown is an
air-cooled condenser that rejects heat to the ambient air. Other types of condensers are used to reject heat to water.
The hot, high-pressure refrigerant vapor (C) flows through the tubes of this condenser and rejects heat from the cooler
ambient air that passes through the condenser coil. As the heat content of the refrigerant vapor is reduced, it condenses into
liquid (D).
From the condenser, the high-pressure liquid refrigerant travels to the expansion device.
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Expansion Device
At the lower pressure, the temperature of the refrigerant
is higher than its boiling point. This causes a small
portion of the liquid to boil, or flash. Because heat is
required to boil this small portion of refrigerant, the
boiling refrigerant absorbs heat from the remaining
liquid refrigerant, cooling it to the desired evaporator
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Basic Refrigeration System
high-pressure side C
B Compressor
Expansion device
low-pressure side
Placing each component in its proper sequence within the system, the compressor and expansion device maintain a pressure difference between the high-
pressure side of the system (condenser) and the low-pressure side of the system (evaporator).
This pressure difference allows two things to happen simultaneously. The evaporator can be at a pressure and temperature low enough to absorb heat
from the air or water to be cooled, and the condenser can be at a temperature high enough to permit heat rejection to ambient air or water that is at
normally available temperatures.
These major components are discussed in further detail in the “Refrigeration Compressors” and “Refrigeration System Components” clinics.
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Refrigeration Cycle
period four
Pressure–Enthalpy Chart
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Pressure–Enthalpy (P–h) Chart
mixture of vapor line
liquid and
line of constant
temperature saturated
liquid line
The pressure–enthalpy (P-h) chart plots the properties of a refrigerant— refrigerant pressure on the vertical axis and enthalpy on the
horizontal axis. Enthalpy is a measure of heat quantity, both sensible and latent, per pound [kg] of refrigerant. It is typically expressed in terms of
Btu/lb [kJ/kg].
The right-hand side of the chart indicates the conditions at which the refrigerant will be in the vapor phase. The left-hand side of the chart indicates the
conditions at which the refrigerant will be in the liquid phase. In the middle of the chart is an envelope (curve). The left-hand boundary of the envelope
indicates the saturated liquid condition. The right-hand boundary indicates the saturated vapor condition. If the enthalpy of the refrigerant lies inside the
envelope, the refrigerant exists as a mixture of liquid and vapor. If the enthalpy of the refrigerant lies to the right of the envelope, the vapor is
superheated. Similarly, if the enthalpy of the refrigerant lies to the left of the envelope, the liquid is subcooled.
Lines of constant temperature cross the P–h chart as shown.
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P–h Chart for Water
180°F 212°F
[82.2°C] [100°C]
14.7 psia
[0.10 MPa]
To further demonstrate the use of the P–h chart, let us look at the process of heating and boiling water, at a constant pressure, on a P–h chart for water.
As discussed earlier, at atmospheric pressure (14.7 psia [0.10 MPa]) water boils at 212°F [100°C]. At A, the water temperature is 180°F [82.2°C]. As we
add heat to the water, the temperature and enthalpy of the water increase as they move toward B. When the water reaches its saturated condition (B), at
212°F [100°C], it starts to boil and transform into vapor. As more heat is added to the water, it continues to boil while the temperature remains constant. A
greater percentage of the water is transforming into vapor as it moves toward C.
When the water reaches C on the saturation vapor line, it has completely transformed into vapor. Now, as more heat is added to the vapor, its
temperature begins to increase again toward D, 240°F [115.6°C].
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Heat of Vaporization for Water
mixture of liquid and
liquid vapor
heat of
14.7 psia
[0.10 MPa] 180.2 Btu/lb enthalpy 1150.2 Btu/lb
[419.1 kJ/kg] [2675.4 kJ/kg]
The distance between the edges of the envelope indicates the quantity of heat required to transform saturated liquid into saturated
vapor at a given pressure. This is called the heat of vaporization.
For example, B represents the enthalpy of saturated liquid water at 14.7 psia [0.10 MPa] and C represents the enthalpy of saturated
water vapor at the same pressure. The difference in enthalpy between B and C—970 Btu/lb [2256.3 kJ/kg]—is the heat of
vaporization for water at this pressure.
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85 psia
[0.59 MPa]
A evaporator
The P-h chart can be used to analyze the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle and determine the conditions of the refrigerant at any point in the cycle.
The chart in this example is for R-22.
Because the refrigeration cycle is a continuous process, defining the cycle can start at any point. This example begins in the lower left-hand portion of the
P-h chart, where the refrigerant enters the evaporator.
At the inlet to the evaporator, the refrigerant is at a pressure of 85 psia [0.59 MPa] and a temperature of 41.2°F [5.1°C], and is a mixture of liquid and
vapor (mostly liquid). This cool, low-pressure refrigerant enters the evaporator (A) where it absorbs heat from the relatively warm air that is being cooled.
This transfer of heat boils the liquid refrigerant inside the evaporator and superheated refrigerant vapor is drawn to the compressor (C).
The change in enthalpy from A to C that occurs inside the evaporator is called the refrigeration effect. This is the amount of heat that each pound [kg] of
liquid refrigerant will absorb when it evaporates.
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41.2°F 51.2°F
[5.1°C] [10.7°C]
85 psia
[0.59 MPa]
Compressors are designed to compress vapor. Liquid refrigerant can cause damage if drawn into the compressor. In
some refrigeration systems additional heat is added to the saturated vapor (B) in the evaporator to ensure that no liquid
is present at the compressor inlet. This additional amount of heat, above saturation, is called superheat. This
superheated vapor (C) is generally 8° to 12°F [4.4° to 6.7°C] above the saturated vapor condition when it enters the
compressor. In this example, the refrigerant vapor is superheated 10°F [5.6°C], from 41.2°F [5.1°C] to 51.2°F [10.7°C].
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The compressor draws in the superheated refrigerant vapor (C) and compresses it to a pressure and temperature (D) high
enough that it can reject heat to another fluid. As the volume of the refrigerant is reduced by the compressor, its pressure is
increased. Additionally, the mechanical energy used by the compressor to accomplish this task is converted to heat energy.
This causes the temperature of the refrigerant to also rise as its pressure is increased.
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Heat of Compression
280 psia D 191.5°F
[1.93 MPa] [88.6°C]
85 psia
[0.59 MPa]
heat of
When the refrigerant vapor is discharged from the compressor, its temperature is substantially higher than its saturation temperature (the
temperature at which the refrigerant would condense). The increase in enthalpy from C to D is due to heat added by the compressor, or the heat
of compression.
In this example, the refrigerant leaves the compressor at 280 psia [1.93 MPa] and 191.5°F [88.6°C]. At this higher pressure, the corresponding
saturation temperature is 121.5°F [49.7°C]. The refrigerant vapor leaving the compressor is, therefore, 70°F [38.9°C] above its saturation
280 psia
[1.93 MPa]
110°F 121.5°F
[43.3°C] [49.7°C]
Inside of the condenser, heat is transferred from the hot, high-pressure refrigerant vapor (D) to relatively cool ambient air. This reduction in the enthalpy
of the refrigerant vapor causes it to desuperheat. It becomes to saturated vapor, condenses into saturated liquid, and further subcools before leaving
the condenser (G) to go to the expansion device.
First, the refrigerant vapor is cooled (the line from D to E) to its saturation temperature of 121.5°F [49.7°C]. Next, as additional heat is removed by the
condenser, the refrigerant vapor condenses to its saturated liquid condition (the line from E to F). This saturated liquid refrigerant now passes through
the area of the condenser called the subcooler. Here, the liquid refrigerant is further cooled (the line from F to G), in this example, to 110°F
[43.3°C]. Because the saturation temperature at the condensing pressure is 121.5°F [49.7°C], the refrigerant has been subcooled 11.5°F [6.4°C].
With the temperature of the refrigerant in the condenser this high, air at normal ambient conditions can be used to absorb the heat from the refrigerant.
From the condenser, the high-pressure, subcooled liquid refrigerant (G) travels to the expansion device.
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.
Expansion Device
expansion F
The primary purpose of the expansion device is to drop the pressure of the liquid refrigerant to equal the evaporator pressure. At this lower pressure, the
refrigerant is now inside the saturation envelope where it exists as a mixture of liquid and vapor.
The high-pressure liquid refrigerant (G) flows through the expansion device, causing a large pressure drop. This pressure drop reduces the pressure and
temperature of the refrigerant to that of the evaporator (A). At the lower pressure, the temperature of the refrigerant is higher than its boiling point. This
causes a small portion of the liquid to boil, or flash. Because heat is required to boil this small portion of refrigerant, boiling refrigerant absorbs heat from
the remaining liquid refrigerant, cooling it to the evaporator temperature. Notice that there is no change in enthalpy during the expansion process.
The purpose of subcooling the liquid refrigerant in the condenser is to avoid flashing the refrigerant before it reaches the expansion device. If a valve is
used as the expansion device, the presence of refrigerant vapor can cause improper operation and premature failure.
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.
Expansion Device
280 psia G E D
[1.93 MPa]
21.8 Btu/lb 108.2 Btu/lb
85 psia [50.7 kJ/kg] [251.7 kJ/kg]
[0.59 MPa] enthalpy
The temperature of the refrigerant entering the expansion device (G) is 110°F [43.3°C] and its pressure is 280 psia [1.93 MPa]. (The refrigerant
condensed at 121.5°F [49.7°C] and was subcooled to 110°F [43.3°C].) The enthalpy of the refrigerant at this condition is 42.4 Btu/lb [98.6 kJ/kg]. As
mentioned previously, there is no change in enthalpy during the expansion process—it is the same at both G and A.
The refrigerant leaves the expansion device (A) at evaporator conditions, 85 psia [0.59 MPa] and 41.2°F [5.1°C]. At this pressure, the enthalpy of
saturated liquid is 21.8 Btu/lb [50.7 kJ/kg] and the enthalpy of saturated vapor is 108.2 Btu/lb [251.7 kJ/kg]. Because there is no change of enthalpy during
the expansion process, the mixture of liquid and vapor leaving the expansion device must have the same enthalpy as the liquid entering the expansion
device. This is true if 76.2% of the refrigerant is liquid and 23.8% of the refrigerant is vapor. This is determined as shown below:
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.
Refrigeration Cycle 2PRD-002A
pressure 191.5°F
110°F [88.6°C]
condenser compressor
280 psia G E D
[1.93 MPa]
85 psia expansion F 121.5°F
[0.59 MPa] device
A evaporator B [10.7°C]
This cool mixture of liquid and vapor refrigerant leaving the expansion device then enters the evaporator (A) to repeat the
The vapor-compression refrigeration cycle has successfully recovered the refrigerant that boiled in the evaporator and
converted it back into a cool liquid to be used again.
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.
Refrigeration Cycle
period five
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.
Review—Period One
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.
Review—Period Two
heat + 180 Btu/lb =
water water
[100 kcal/kg]
32°F 212°F
[0°C] [100°C]
212°F 212°F
[100°C] [100°C]
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.
Review—Period Three
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.
Review—Period Four
device compressor
Copyright ⓒ 2006 All rights reserved LG Electronics Inc.