Organizational Response To Adversity: Fusing Crisis Management and Resilience Research Streams

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r Academy of Management Annals

2017, Vol. 11, No. 2, 733–769.


Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati

Carey Business School, The Johns Hopkins University

Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame


Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

Research on crisis management and resilience has sought to explain how individuals
and organizations anticipate and respond to adversity, yet—surprisingly—there has
been little integration across these two literatures. In this paper, we review the litera-
tures on crisis management and resilience and discuss opportunities to both integrate
and advance these streams of research. We identify unique lines of work on crisis and
crisis management: crisis-as-an-event and crisis-as-process. We review complementary
streams of research in the resilience literature and explore their implications for studies
of crisis. Building on these reviews, we develop an integrative framework that is focused
around key themes of both crisis and resilience, including capabilities for durability,
organizing and adjusting, responding to major disturbances, and a feedback loop from
these experiences. Following this, we offer a research agenda that centers on un-
derstanding and explaining the interaction between crisis and resilience as they occur in
a dynamic process. We then discuss research opportunities that explore the dynamic
relationship of resilience and crisis as it relates to leadership, time, complexity, and
mindfulness. Finally, we note how researchers can consider the dark side of resilience.

INTRODUCTION respond to, and overcome their various forms and

degrees to preserve performance, to recover, or to pre-
Organizations inevitably face adversity that
vent decline and even failure (Meyer, 1982; Perrow,
threatens functioning and performance (Boin, 2009;
2011; Roux-Dufort, 2007; Sine & David, 2003; Sutcliffe
Comfort, 2002; Drabek, 1985; Quarantelli, 1988;
Whiteman & Cooper, 2011). As a result, scholars & Vogus, 2003; Wan & Yiu, 2009). More recently, there
have sought to explain both the nature and impact of has been a rise in the degree and range of challenges
crises and how organizations effectively prepare for, that threaten organizations including a severe global
economic downturn; an increasing number of
climatic episodes, natural catastrophes, and in-
We thank Elizabeth George, Sim Sitkin, and Laurie dustrial accidents; devastating product recalls; in-
Weingart for their helpful suggestions on a previous ver- formation technology breaches and data security
sion of this manuscript. Kathleen Sutcliffe gives special
violations; virally disruptive social media trends; and
thanks to the Rockefeller Foundation for a summer 2016
Rockefeller Fellowship during which some of the research the threat of terrorism (Choucri, Madnick, & Koepke,
for this paper was conducted. We also thank presenters and 2016; Laufer & Coombs, 2006; Perry & Quarantelli,
participants in the 2015 Academy of Management sym- 2005; Ritchie, 2004; Scholtens, 2008; Toubiana &
posium titled Repositioning Crisis Management. Zietsma, 2016). In response to these trends, there have
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734 Academy of Management Annals June

been a number of calls for organizational research to differences in how organizations interact with
better explain what we know about the crisis– crises that occur over time (consistent with Huy,
organization interaction, including how to develop 2001; Langley, Smallman, Tsoukas, & Van de Ven,
organizational resilience not only to respond to ad- 2013). By fusing the two literatures, we lay the
versity but also to mitigate it before it arises (Van Der groundwork for a research agenda that seeks to
Vegt, Essens, Wahlström, & George, 2015; Williams & extend our understanding of adversity by account-
Shepherd, 2016a). ing for both the crisis management and resilience
Despite the increasing need to better understand perspectives.
crises and crisis management, this stream of research This paper proceeds as follows: we start by detail-
has not played a prominent role in mainstream or- ing the method we used to systematically identify
ganization and management theory (Roux-Dufort, the body of literature for our review. We then review
2007; Roux-Dufort & Lalonde, 2013). In part, this may the crisis management and resilience literatures
be due to a lack of consensus around the definition and illustrate core themes related to organizing in
of crisis and its fragmented literature (Boin, 2004; the face of adversity. Finally, we integrate these
Kouzmin, 2008) as well as its normative and pre- themes and offer a research agenda to gain a deeper
scriptive orientation. Relatedly, although scholars understanding of how organizations interact with
have become increasingly interested in under- adversity over time to build resilience.
standing how and why some organizations are more
resilient in the face of severe challenges, research on
organizational resilience has largely been explored
separately from crisis management; perhaps due to Accumulating and then synthesizing the literature
an assumption that resilient actors (i.e., individuals, “is a critical first step in priming the pump so that
organizations, and communities) avoid crises. That accumulated knowledge is made available for inter-
is, they circumvent major disruption to functioning pretation and use” (Rousseau, Manning, & Denyer,
before, during, and/or after adversity (Alexander, 2008: 507). To ensure that the body of research to be
2013; Bonanno, 2004; Bonanno, Brewin, Kaniasty, & included in our review was sufficiently broad, deep,
La Greca, 2010; Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003). Notwith- and rigorous, we followed established procedures
standing the mutual focus on positive functioning in of conducting systematic reviews (e.g., Gregoire,
the face of adversity, each of the literatures pays Corbett, & McMullen, 2011; Shepherd, Williams, &
particular attention to explaining a different aspect Patzelt, 2015). This included systematic searches on
of organizing such that each—independent of the relevant keywords (e.g., resilience, crisis, and ad-
other—offers an incomplete picture of the phenom- versity) in both mainstream management and crisis
enon. Integrating research on crisis management management journals, which generated 384 articles.
(i.e., the ability to return organizations and systems We then manually explored additional research that
to normal functioning after a disruption) and resil- may have fallen outside of the initial search, focusing
ience (i.e., the ability to maintain reliable function- on frequently cited domain-specific book chapters,
ing despite adversity) would seem to be a natural way books, and other papers. With this body of literature,
to more generally strengthen theory of organizational we systematically reviewed articles and inductively
functioning under adversity. coded them into categories. We now turn to the
Consequently, we review the crisis management content of our review.
and resilience literatures, highlight various concep-
tions and derivations of these concepts as expressed
in prior research, and identify key themes and em-
pirical findings. Our review reveals that the differ-
ences and similarities in how crisis and crisis Management research on crisis has been highly
management are conceptualized and researched in fragmented largely due to a lack of agreement on the
the literature hold important implications for how definition of the term crisis (Boin, 2004; Perry &
scholars interpret and understand resilience. Thus, Quarantelli, 2005), challenges in observing crises
the crisis–resilience relationship likely provides real time (Forgues & Roux-Dufort, 1998), and making
new insights into how organizations anticipate, comparisons across these unique events (Roux-
adjust, and respond to adversity. At the conclu- Dufort, 2016) (for a detailed discussion of the
sion of our review, we present a process model as evolving definitions, see James, Wooten, & Dushek,
a way of representing the literature to emphasize 2011). Despite the fragmentary nature of the crisis
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 735

literature, there are two broad conceptualizations of assumptions, as well as behavioral and emotional
crisis: crisis as an event and crisis as a process. responses aimed at recovery and readjustment”
(Pearson & Clair, 1998: 66 [emphasis added]). That is,
the goal of crisis management is to bring a system
Crisis as an Event
back into alignment, which can only occur in the
Some of the initial theorizing and research on aftermath of an adverse event. Indeed, a key benefit of
crises began with the work of Hermann (1963: 64), studying crises as events is seeking to understand the
who articulated three key components of an organi- dynamics of a crisis in its most acute stage and how
zational crisis: (1) it threatens high-priority values of organizations react to bring things back into equilib-
the organization, (2) it presents a restricted amount of rium as soon as possible (Lalonde & Roux-Dufort, 2010).
time in which a response can be made, and (3) it is This perspective has given rise to a number of studies
unexpected or unanticipated by the organization. exploring interorganizational collaboration, disaster
Many of Hermann’s core ideas are embedded in the planning and prevention, and emergent organizing as
definition of crisis that is most frequently cited in means for addressing crisis-induced needs, with a par-
the literature today: “a low-probability, high-impact ticular focus on alleviating suffering and preserving
situation that is perceived by critical stakeholders to life and property (Foster, 2012; Quarantelli, 1997;
threaten the viability of the organization” (Pearson & Shepherd & Williams, 2014).
Clair, 1998: 66). James et al. (2011) offer three addi- The crisis-as-event perspective by definition privi-
tional (yet related) components—rarity of the event, leges research that investigates actors’ reactions to
significance of the event, and level of impact on rare and exceptional events, and, in many ways, ne-
stakeholders—as essential to understanding crisis glects research that aims to understand how the crisis
(and its subsequent management). was produced in the first place (Roux-Dufort, 2016;
The focus on surprising and disruptive events gave Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld, 1999). Indeed, recently
rise to typologies of crises (e.g., incidents, accidents, crisis management scholars (e.g., Quarantelli, 2005;
conflicts) (Gundel, 2005; Lagadec, 1991; Pauchant & Roux-Dufort, 2007, 2009) have suggested extending
Mitroff, 1992) and related crisis management tech- the scope of crisis management from a focus on the
niques to effectively respond to the event (e.g., Drabek, rare and exceptional event to investigate processes
1999; Rosenthal, Boin, & Comfort, 2001). Importantly, that may lead to a crisis event. Next, we examine the
in these studies the event (incident, accident, disaster, literature on the process perspective of crises to un-
etc.) is the unit of analysis and studies typically derstand this complementary stream of research.
examine what triggers the event (Lagadec, 2007;
Shrivastava, Mitroff, Miller, & Miclani, 1988) and
Crisis as a Process
how the event disrupts or threatens organizational
survival (Pearson & Clair, 1998; Sayegh, Anthony, & In contrast to the event-centered perspective,
Perrewe, 2004). A surge of studies exploring shock- which focuses primarily on exploring the aftermath
ing accidents, such as oil spills (Pauchant & Mitroff, of a crisis, the process perspective focuses on the
1992), the Challenger explosion (Starbuck & Milliken, need to understand crisis-fostering environments,
1988), terrorist attacks (Rosenthal, 2003), and so processes of organizational weakening (Roux-Dufort,
forth, have further enhanced the event orientation 2007), crisis evolution, and how organizations re-
of crisis theorizing. Crises are seen as unanticipated spond to stages of a crisis. A crisis-as-a-process
contingent events (as opposed to routines, etc.) perspective emphasizes that crises (1) develop over
that are isolated in space and time, have a dis- time and sometimes in phases, including strategic
cernable source or cause (for classification), and are drift, incubation, triggering events, and resolution
high impact (Pearson & Clair, 1998; Shrivastava, 1992; (Mitroff & Pearson, 1993; Roux-Dufort, 2016;
Weick, 1988). Turner, 1976) and (2) form a disjunction in normal
From this crisis-as-event perspective one cannot functioning—one that serves as a “fault line and
completely plan for a crisis event given an inability hinge between a degenerative organizational past
to consider probabilities of potential risks as these evolution and a future of change”—requiring a tran-
events are inconceivable, unscheduled, and un- sition as actors interpret and process the “wave of
expected (Rosenthal, 2003; Topper & Lagadec, 2013). meaning” in the new environment (Roux-Dufort,
This has led to the traditional, frequently cited con- 2007: 106, 111). The process perspective suggests
ception of effective crisis management as the “indi- that there is a “genealogy of crises that may be po-
vidual and organizational readjustment of basic tentially tracked long before the acute phase . . .
736 Academy of Management Annals June

[which] is the ultimate moment of a continuous Roux-Dufort (2009) found that an accumulation of
cumulative process of organizational failures” (Roux- organizational imperfections combined with mana-
Dufort, 2009; Roux-Dufort, 2016: 27). gerial ignorance of those imperfections developed
Extending research beyond rare, novel crisis into organizational weakening over time, laying
events highlights various forms of adversity organi- a foundation for a triggering crisis event to occur.
zations face and the ways organizations enact, in- Taken together, these studies represent an emerging
teract with, and respond to the environment at and important shift in research that explores the in-
different stages of crisis. Moreover, it reinforces the cubation of crises as well as the evolutionary features
recognition that triggering events are one component of crises (e.g., weakening and strategic drift) that may
of crises. Beyond these events, other organizational (or may not) accumulate into a triggering event.
occurrences hold the potential to develop, accumu- In summary, the crisis as process approach high-
late, and advance to such a degree that they escalate lights the importance of preevent, in-event, and
into triggering events. These occurrences could in- postevent crisis management. Specifically, a trigger-
clude system anomalies, organizational weakening, ing event can arise from everyday unexpected oc-
vulnerabilities, and everyday challenges that are currences that remain unnoticed, “incubate,” and
unnoticed, ignored, misunderstood, or discounted accumulate into a pending crisis due to among other
(Cobb, Wry, & Zhao, 2016; Rudolph & Repenning, factors (1) erroneous assumptions, (2) information
2002; Turner, 1976). complexity, (3) a cultural lag in noticing and inter-
Interestingly, much of the foundational literature preting signals, and (4) a reluctance to imagine the
on crisis and crisis management argues for a process worst possible outcome (Turner, 1976: 393–394). A
definition of crisis. For example, Turner (1976) ar- process-centered perspective suggests that organi-
gued that there are six stages by which a crisis de- zations may address (i.e., eliminate) the threat of
velops, which begins with (1) a notionally normal crises before, during, and after the triggering event.
starting point and then evolves through (2) an in- In Table 1, we summarize the different concep-
cubation period, (3) triggering event, (4) onset or tions of crisis and crisis management. Having
immediate consequences of a collapse, (5) rescue reviewed the foundational perspectives of crisis and
and salvage (first stage of adjustment) or ad hoc ad- crisis management, we now discuss the general
justments to permit work of rescue and salvage until themes that emerged from our detailed review of the
(6) full readjustment and the establishment of new literature.
norms. Similarly, Milburn, Schuler, and Watman Themes in the research on crisis management.
(1983) conceptualized crises as both an event and As we reviewed the literature on crisis and crisis
a process, with three major aspects: (1) antecedents, management, we found—consistent with our dis-
at the internal and external environment, (2) mod- cussion earlier—that much of the empirical research
erators of the antecedents to a crisis and the crisis to has focused specifically on the response to crisis
response relationships, and (3) individual and orga- events. With this as a context, we observed three
nizational responses. Finally, Shrivastava (1995) primary themes: (1) crisis management as a norma-
argued that crises are not events but processes ex- tive and staged activity to restore equilibrium, (2) the
tended in time and space. role of leaders in crisis management, and (3) the
A crisis-as-process perspective broadens the po- importance of crisis management teams (CMTs).
tential for research to investigate the “enigmatic or-
igin of the event and the possible post-event futures . . .
Crisis Management as an Activity to Restore
[which allows researchers] to talk not only about
accidents but also about organizations” (Roux-
Dufort, 2007: 108) and, we add, about organizing. Much of the empirical research has focused on
For example, Rerup’s study (2009) reveals how a linear progression of response stages in the after-
a merger between two pharmaceutical companies math of a crisis event (Auf der Heide, 1989; Drabek,
led to a major crisis event when management failed 1985; Pauchant & Mitroff, 1992; Pearson & Clair,
to attend to weak signals (in this case, chain of 1998). These stages are seen as formulaic, sequential,
command issues) over time and across multiple and based on a bureaucratic model in which plan-
levels of the organizational hierarchy. That is, the ning, preparation, and hazard mitigation are co-
inability to attend to weak signs of danger in a con- ordinated through a centralized decision-making
sistent way across the organization built up over time entity (e.g., government, organization) (Canton,
until they triggered a crisis event. In a related study, 2007; Comfort, 2007; Schneider, 1992; Takeda &
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 737

Conceptions of Crisis and Crisis Management
Key Terms Crisis as Event Crisis as Process

Crisis c Definition: Low-probability, unanticipated, high- c Definition: Processes extended in space and time,
impact (i.e., harmful) events that are unpredictable, where a “triggering event” is the result of a long
surprising, and threaten the viability of the period of incubation; that is, crises occur in phases
organization (Lagadec, 2007; Pearson & Clair, 1998) (Roux-Dufort, 2007, 2016; Turner, 1976;
Shrivastava, 1995)
c Properties c Properties:
s Incident or accident is the unit of analysis s Crisis develop in stages-warning signals, acute

(Pearson & Clair, 1998) stage, amplification, and resolution (Turner 1976;
s Events are contingencies isolated in space and Fink 1986; Mitroff & Pearson 1993) for which the
time (Lagadec, 2007) acute peak is the accumulation of dysfunctions
s Possess a distinguishable origin, which has given and/or an isolated event (i.e., natural disaster)
rise to crisis typologies (e.g., Gundel, 2005; s Triggering events have a genealogy, which could

Pauchant & Mitroff, 1992) include incubation of problems (Turner, 1976;

s Associated with uncertainty-inconceivable, Roux-Dufort, 2016)
unstructured, unplanned, and unexpected s Various features (organizational, institutional,

(Rosenthal, 2003; Topper & Lagadec, 2013); etc.) make up the “sequences of disaster
therefore, one cannot fully plan for or measure the development, accumulating unnoticed until
probability of these events (Pearson & Clair, 1998) a precipitating event leads to the onset of the
disaster and a degree of . . . collapse” (Turner,
1976: 379).
Crisis management c Definition: Coordinating stakeholders and resources c Definition: Managing attention to “weak signals”
in an ambiguous environment to bring a disrupted of crises-in process, in-event organizing, and
system (i.e., organization, community, etc.) back postevent actions to protect a system and
into alignment (Sommer & Pearson, 2007). (when necessary) bring it back into alignment
(Ansoff, 1975; Roux-Dufort & Laloonde, 2013;
Portal & Roux-Dufort, 2013)
c Properties: c Properties
s Readjustment of basic assumptions, as well as s There are likely systematic patterns that influence

behavioral and emotional responses aimed at various stages of the crisis process (Deschamps
recovery and readjustment et al., 1997); studying the system could help
s Reaction oriented reduce the impact of the crisis capture the complexity and ambiguity
and resume “normal” activities as soon as surrounding crises (Kovoor-Misra, 1995)
possible (Lalonde, 2004). s Explain and integrate the many relations linking

s Focus on precrisis scenario planning, preparation, diverse stakeholders and issues and how these
and postcrisis response (Kouzmin, 2008) influenced the crisis process (Perrow, 2011;
Shrivastava, 1995).

Helms, 2006). Following an exceptional event, en- & Wooten, 2010; Pearson & Mitroff, 1993; Schneider,
vironmental turbulence ensues due to disrupted 1992; Waller, Lei & Pratten, 2014). Although the ef-
structures, routines, and capabilities. Thus, research fectiveness of crisis responses have been attributed to
in this stream has sought to develop emergency- the interpretation of the event (Jackson & Dutton,
management policies and procedures (Comfort, 1988; Maitlis & Sonenshein, 2010), decision-making
2007; Iannella & Henricksen, 2007) that identify co- under high uncertainty (Anderson, 1983; Smart &
ordination, communication, and other activities that Vertinsky, 1977; Tjosvold, 1984), and response strat-
enable a more effective disaster response (Comfort & egies (Bechky & Okhuysen, 2011; Kahn, Barton, &
Kapucu, 2006; Marcum, Bevc, & Butts, 2012), such as Fellows, 2013), as we noted earlier in this review,
“clearly defined objectives, a division of labor, a for- there is much to be gained by exploring vulnerability
mal structure, and a set of policies and procedures” to crises and the means for reducing that vulnerabil-
(Schneider, 1992: 138; see also Quarantelli, 2005). ity (McEntire, 2013; Quarantelli, 2005). In addition,
Effective crisis management involves five key pha- research emphasizing normative approaches to di-
ses of response: (1) signal detection, (2) preparation/ sasters has the opportunity to better integrate the
prevention (i.e., planning), (3) containment/damage numerous ad hoc organizing efforts that inevitably
control, (4) business recovery, and (5) learning (James emerge in the aftermath of disasters (e.g., Lanzara,
738 Academy of Management Annals June

1983; Majchrzak, Jarvenpaa, & Hollingshead, 2007; 1992). Importantly, prior relationships are important
Shepherd & Williams, 2014; Williams & Shepherd, in shaping effectiveness of meaning making, where
2016b). Ad hoc organizing occurs after triggering a negative leader–organization relationship can nega-
events as actors spontaneously converge to the scene tively affect the organization’s reputation (Coombs &
of the crisis to care for and offer help to alleviate Holladay, 2001).
others’ suffering (for a review, see Drabek & McEntire, However, despite the importance of leadership in
2003). Failure to attend to and incorporate these forms planning and preparing for a crisis response, de-
of organizing in crisis management planning and in- tailed planning and preparation cannot mitigate
tegrate them into broader response efforts can lead to every potential crisis (Drabek & McEntire, 2003;
organizational conflict, failure to complete objectives, Herbane, 2013; Neal & Phillips, 1995; Wenger,
inefficiency, and (potentially) additional suffering Quarantelli, & Dynes, 1990). Consequently, effec-
among crisis victims (Marcum et al., 2012; Mendonca, tive crisis response also involves ad hoc capabilities,
Beroggi, & Wallace, 2001; Webb, 2004). such as improvising decision-making activities
(Drabek, 1985; Stallings & Quarantelli, 1985) and
role enactment (Webb, 2004), identifying and mobi-
Leadership and Crisis Management
lizing resources (Kreps & Bosworth, 1993; Neal &
As a natural extension to the previous section on Phillips, 1995; Shepherd & Williams, 2014), and
the normative aspects of crisis management, to un- establishing order through emergent communication
derstand exceptional crisis recovery a substantial and coordination techniques (Dynes, 2003; Wenger
body of research has examined the role of effective et al., 1990). Given the inherent limitations of the
leadership (James et al., 2011). Crises are believed to command-and-control approach to disaster response
represent an opportunity for managers to communi- (Drabek, 2005; Dynes, 1994; Neal & Phillips, 1995),
cate with stakeholders (Barton, 1993; Simpson, Clegg, emergent leadership behaviors and the development
& Cunha, 2013), display leadership skills (Roux- of new norms (Schneider, 1992) are critical for
Dufort & Lalonde, 2013; Van Wart & Kapucu, 2011), addressing organizational and community demands
and particularly engage positive leadership (Brockner in the crisis aftermath (Auf der Heide, 1989; Stallings
& James, 2008; James et al., 2011) so as to facilitate the & Quarantelli, 1985; Wenger, 1992). Furthermore,
organization’s progression through stages of recovery organizational and community leaders must be aware
to reduce the negative effect of the crisis (Auf der that emergent groups are likely to arise in response to
Heide, 1989; Drabek, 1985). In a crisis, some leader- crisis (Drabek & McEntire, 2003). Such groups have
ship styles are considered more effective than others the potential to offer aid but may also present a num-
in helping organizations to respond (Ballesteros, ber of challenges (e.g., confusion over who is in
Useem, & Wry, in press; Bundy & Pfarrer, 2015; charge, congestion of people and supplies that create
Stam, Van Knippenberg, Wisse & Pieterse, 2016). logistical problems, mixed messages in communica-
However, the effectiveness of leadership styles at least tion, and so on) (Drabek & McEntire, 2003; Wenger,
partly depends on the nature (and stage) of the crisis, Quarantelli, & Dynes, 1987). Therefore, effective
what led to the crisis (e.g. natural disaster, industrial leaders must harness the contributions of emergent
accident, gradual weakening) and how leadership style groups while also minimizing the potential problems
interacts with how leaders and organizations prepared associated with such groups.
for the possibility of an organizational crisis (Bundy & Beyond explorations of crisis leadership in respond-
Pfarrer, 2015). Preparation for different crisis scenarios ing to disaster events, a small set of studies also
can influence how leaders react to the crisis, which in consider a more process-oriented approach to crisis
turn affects crisis response outcomes. For example, management. The actions leaders take before a crisis
when the organization is at fault (i.e., industrial acci- can be influential in enabling them to successfully
dent), acceptance of responsibility and the prior re- navigate their organization through a crisis (James
lationship a leader had with the organization likely & Wooten, 2010). For example, certain actions (e.g.,
shapes a leader’s social approval, how organizational deeply engaging in their contexts and directing
stakeholders perceive the crisis, and the organiza- their behaviors toward proactively searching for
tion’s response (Coombs & Holladay, 2001). Leaders and making sense of potential trouble spots) have
also engage in meaning making to help other stake- been shown to enhance performance under trying
holders make sense of information during the throes conditions (Barton, Sutcliffe, Vogus, & DeWitt,
of a crisis (Christianson et al., 2009), providing sta- 2015). These studies underscore the importance
bility despite the potential for chaos (Schneider, of ongoing actions by leaders that are heightened
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 739

when organizations rely on those same leaders after the event than before it (consistent with
during the climax (i.e., triggering event) of a cri- Brockner & James, 2008; James et al., 2011). This
sis. Leaders who can effectively notice “weak “better off post-crisis” outcome is consistent with
signs of danger” (drift in performance, etc.), and the notion of posttraumatic growth, which describes
then organize action to bring those signals to the how positive psychological changes occur “as a result of
collective view can potentially address the ad- the struggle with highly challenging life circum-
versity before it becomes a triggering event (Rerup, stances” (Tedeschi & Calhoun, 2004: 1; see also Hobfoll,
2009). In contrast, if leaders remain “willfully ig- Hall, Canetti-Nisim, Galea, Johnson, & Palmieri, 2007).
norant” and retreat from the reality of accumulating Therefore, despite the potential threats posed by ad-
imperfection and vulnerabilities in their organiza- versity, highly capable teams and other relational sys-
tions, then these imperfections will build up until tems embedded in organizations can generate positive
reaching “a saturation point that takes them out of outcomes and facilitate a return to (or improvement
managers’ control” and results in a major disruption upon) the status quo (e.g., James, et al., 2011; Kahn et al.,
(i.e., triggering event) (Roux-Dufort, 2009: 6). 2013; Maitlis & Sonenshein, 2010). It is this tension
around whether adversity can be successfully nav-
igated by the organization via leaders or teams that
Teams and Crisis Management
presents an opportunity to better explain not only
In addition to leadership, many of the normative how organizations respond to challenges but also
models for effectively managing crises focus on the how an organization disarms challenges before they
nature of CMTs (see Mitroff, 1988; Mitroff & Pearson, progress and trigger a crisis event.
1993; Pearson & Sommer, 2011; Sapriel, 2003). Re- Consistent with our earlier statements of research
search on CMTs has generally tried to explain how on crisis management in general, research on teams
actors can minimize the impact of and then recover typically assumes the crisis-as-event perspective.
from the disruption of a crisis to return to (or exceed) Despite the dominance of this perspective, some
pre-event functioning. For example, the effective- studies explore the importance of leveraging multiple
ness of CMTs in recovering from a crisis depends on stakeholders and decision makers to help organiza-
the type and extent of training (Undre et al., 2007; tions attend to and act on organizational imperfec-
Young, 1998), the development of a shared (i.e., tions and/or drift before those issues are no longer
collective) understanding (Rentsch & Klimoski, controllable (Bazerman & Watkins, 2004; Chekkar-
2001; Smith-Jentsch, Campbell, Milanovich, & Mansouri & Onnee, 2013; Roux-Dufort, 2009). Al-
Reynolds, 2001), and team composition [e.g., the though teams hold potential to benefit sensemaking,
homogeneity of dispositional positive affect (Kaplan, teams that are reactive and are established as crisis
Laport, & Waller, 2013)]. Much of the research on management groups can be prone to failing to
these teams is grounded in ideas from the study of make sense of the crisis and identify root causes,
“high-reliability organizations” and/or organizations which can limit recovery and paralyze attempts to
that are accustomed to rapidly changing environ- understand what has transpired (Roux-Dufort &
mental shifts (e.g., intermittent crises as a “normal” Vidaillet, 2003).
part of business) (Bierly & Spender, 1995; Bigley &
Roberts, 2001; Colquitt , Lepine, Zapata, & Wild, 2011;
An Inclusive Conceptualization of Crisis and Crisis
Roberts, 1990; Weick et al., 1999).
Critical to adjusting to the rapidly changing work de-
mands triggered by a crisis event are building a trusting Having examined the literatures on crisis and cri-
CMT (Colquitt et al., 2011), balancing a bureaucratic sis management, particularly how these concepts are
team structure with flexibility (Bigley & Roberts, 2001), defined, we propose that a more inclusive defini-
and establishing role development and flexibility tion of these terms provides a basis for theoretical
(Bechky & Okhuysen, 2011). For example, CMTs can and empirical advancement; specifically, we offer
rapidly and flexibly reorganize resources to both reduce definitions that acknowledge the complementary
stressors to the system and (potentially) generate novel potential of the two conceptualizations of crises: crisis-
solutions that address changing conditions (Barton & as-event and crisis-as-process. We define crisis as
Sutcliffe, 2009; Weick & Roberts, 1993). Kahn et al. a process of weakening or degeneration that can
(2013) argued that successful “relational systems” culminate in a disruption event to the actor’s
within organizations can facilitate crisis sensemaking (i.e., individual, organization, and/or community)
such that teams and organizations end up better off normal functioning. And thus we define “crisis
740 Academy of Management Annals June

management” as the actor’s attempt to bring a dis- At its roots resilience originally stemmed from
rupted or weakened system at any stage of crisis resilire and resilio, which in Latin mean “bounce” or
back into alignment to achieve normal functioning. “jump back” (Alexander, 2013; Klein, Nicholls, &
These definitions include both the daily perturba- Thomalla, 2003). In the mid-1500s the term passed
tions that must be overcome—strategic drift or into Middle French (résiler), where it came to mean
gradual weakening over time—as well as the ex- “to retract” or “to cancel,” and then it moved into
ceptional low-probability events that dominate English as the verb resile, meaning to “return to
traditional crisis management studies (Cobb et al., a former position” (Alexander, 2013: 2708). Over
2016; Rudolph & Repenning, 2002; Turner, 1976). time, resilience has been studied in a number of
Advancements in research on crisis management disciplines including psychology (especially how
will likely come from integrating event and process children overcome adversity) (Bonanno, 2004;
crisis research to focus on the weakening or de- Flach, 1988; Masten, 2013; Waller, 2001), the orga-
generation that precede triggering events (Boin & nization sciences (Linnenluecke, 2015; Sutcliffe &
McConnell, 2007; Roux-Dufort, 2007). Indeed, re- Vogus, 2003), engineering (describing the strength
search examining predictable surprises (Bazerman & and ductility of steel beams) (Rankine, 1867) and
Watkins, 2004) and the ways organizations antici- more recently in resilience engineering (e.g., Hollnagel,
pate and contain everyday unexpected occurrences Woods, Leveson, 2006), and ecology (Holling, 1973)
(e.g., Weick et al., 1999) has grown. As a result, there (referring to the capacity of an ecosystem to respond to
is a desire to understand how organizations interpret a perturbation or disturbance by resisting damage and
and absorb various degrees of adversity that hold the recovering quickly). Despite the clear interest across
potential to accumulate into a triggering event. This fields of study, some critics claim that because the
interest has led to a limited-but-promising body concept of resilience has been defined, operationalized,
of research linking crisis management to resilience and applied differently across multiple levels of analy-
(see Aldrich, 2012; Boin & McConnell, 2007; sis [e.g., individual (Bonanno, 2004, 2012), organiza-
McEntire, 2013; Van Der Vegt et al., 2015; Williams & tional (Manyena, 2006; Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003), and
Shepherd, 2016a). system (Holling, 1973; Walker et al., 2004)], its use-
In the following section, we review the literature fulness as a scholarly construct has been stymied
on resilience. Following this review, we highlight (Linnenluecke, 2015). Moreover, the study of resilience
opportunities to advance both crisis and resilience in the management and organizations’ literature is
literature and theory through integration. fragmented and there is general agreement that although
theory surrounding resilience has proliferated, empiri-
cal studies have lagged (Van Der Vegt et al., 2015).
Definitions of Resilience
Resilience has been historically relevant in
organizational scholarship (see Alexander, 2013; Resilience generally has been used to describe
Linnenluecke, 2015; Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003; organizations, systems, or individuals that are able
Wildavsky, 1988); but, as noted earlier, it has been to react to and recover from duress or disturbances
relatively absent in the crisis literature (Boin, et al., with minimal effects on stability and functioning
2010: 11). Comfort et al. (2010) propose that this state (Linnenluecke, 2015; Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003). At the
of affairs may be due to the fact that researchers have organizational level, Meyer (1982: 520) used the
spent most of their energy exploring the causes, dy- term resiliency to refer to an organization’s ability
namics, and aftermath of crises rather than trying to (embodied in the existence of resources, ideologies,
understand how organizations can resist adversity or routines, and structures) to absorb a discrete envi-
proactively deal with uncertainty and change. Yet, as ronmental jolt and restore prior order. Wildavsky
crisis researchers have shown repeatedly, the quality (1988: 77) suggested that resilience is one strategy for
of an organization’s response to crisis “critically dealing with uncertainty and risk and defined it as
depends on the capacity to enhance improvisation, “the capacity to cope with unanticipated dangers as
coordination, flexibility, and endurance—qualities they become manifest, learning to bounce back.”
that we typically associate with resilience” (Boin Gittell, Cameron, Lim, and Rivas (2006: 303) drew on
et al., 2010: 11). This suggests that linking crisis and existing research to propose that resilience is a “dy-
resilience may provide a more complete understanding namic capacity of organizational adaptability that
of the organization–adversity relationship. grows and develops over time.” In their early work,
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 741

Lengnick-Hall and Beck (2005: 750) define resilience healthy levels of psychological and physical func-
as a capacity; “a unique blend of cognitive, behav- tioning.” Ong et al. (2006: 731) define psychological
ioral, and contextual properties that increase a firm’s resilience as a “relatively stable personality trait
ability to understand its current situation and to de- characterized by the ability to overcome, steer
velop customized responses that reflect that un- through, and bounce back” from daily adversity and
derstanding.” In later work, Lengnick-Hall, Beck, challenge. When applied to the workplace, resil-
and Lengnick-Hall (2011: 244) define resilience as “a ience has been defined as a developable “positive
firm’s ability to effectively absorb, develop situation- psychological capacity to rebound, to ‘bounce back’
specific responses to, and ultimately engage in from adversity, uncertainty, conflict, failure or even
transformative activities to capitalize on disruptive positive change, progress, and increased re-
surprises that potentially threaten organization sponsibility” (Luthans Avolio, Walumbwa, & Li,
survival.” 2005: 2002). A recent Academy of Management
In extending the logic of organizational resilience Annals paper characterizes occupational resilience
to broader systems, Boin, Comfort, and Demchak as the cognitive, emotional, and physical hardiness
(2010: 9) define resilience as the “capacity of a social required in particular careers (e.g., artists, dancers,
system (e.g., an organization, city, or society) to doctors, firefighters, teachers) (Kossek & Perrigino,
proactively adapt to and recover from disturbances 2016). Kossek & Perrigino (2016: 764) go on to ar-
that are perceived within the system to fall outside gue that the construct “reflects the multiple ways
the range of normal and expected disturbance.” in which individuals access resiliency resources
Similarly, Hall and Lamont (2013: 33) argue that re- (traits, capacity, processes of appraisal and adapta-
silient systems (society, community, etc.) provide tion, access to resources)” to respond to negative and
certain features that enhance organizational and in- positive stress triggers to adapt performance over
dividual capacities to “mount collective responses to one’s career.
challenges.” That is, certain features of a system In summary, resilience has been defined and used
(culture, social connections, etc.) play a role in how in a variety of literatures, demonstrating the broad
actors within that system experience and respond to appeal it has across fields and the opportunity to find
adversity. Importantly, scholars in the systems tra- common ground needed to build theory. As such,
dition generally describe resilience has having advancements in organizational research will likely
multiple features, suggesting the workings of a dy- come by integrating findings across levels. For ex-
namic process. Walker, Holling, Carpenter, and ample, organizational resilience is likely not just
Kinzig (2004: 4) argue that “resilience of a system an “additive composite of individual” resilience
needs to be considered in terms of the attributes that (Lengnick-Hall et al., 2011: 245), but rather includes
govern the system’s dynamics.” A dynamic per- the interaction between an organization, its stake-
spective, therefore, would involve an interaction holders, and the environment while confronted with
between actors (i.e., organizations, individuals, and adversity. In addition, perspectives on resilience
institutions) and the environment that allows for “a include positively adjusting in the face of adversity
system to absorb disturbance and reorganize while (Weick et al., 1999), bouncing back from setbacks or
undergoing change so as to still retain essentially the challenges (Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003), coping to absorb
same function, structure, identity, and feedbacks” strain (Bunderson & Sutcliffe, 2002; Edmondson,
(Walker et al., 2004: 5). 1999), and adapting through “processes that help
Much of what we know about individual resilience organizations retain resources in a form suffi-
with a few exceptions comes from psychology (see ciently flexible, storable, and malleable to avert
Bonanno, 2004; Flach, 1988; Masten et al., 1990). In maladaptive tendencies” in dealing with the un-
summarizing early work on resilience in children, expected (Gittell et al., 2006: 303; Walker et al.,
Masten et al. (1990: 425) described resilience as 2004). Taken together, the multilevel and multi-stage
a “process of, capacity for, or outcome of successful nature of resilience is an essential foundation to
adaptation despite challenging or threatening cir- understand what we know about resilience and how
cumstances.” Bonanno (2004: 20) builds on this work, to advance research moving forward.
describing resilience as “the ability of adults in oth-
erwise normal circumstances who are exposed to an
An Inclusive Definition of Resilience
isolated and potentially highly disruptive event, such
as the death of a close relation or a violent or life- These definitions highlight some important issues
threatening situation, to maintain relatively stable, relevant to our analysis and integration. The first
742 Academy of Management Annals June

issue, illustrated particularly in definitions of em- If we think of resilience as an outcome, and couple it
ployee resilience, pertains to the basic essence of with the crisis-as-event perspective, resilience nat-
resilience—whether it is a trait, a capacity, or a pro- urally would be situated after the event. A mark of
cess. As Kossek and Perrigino (2016) make clear, resilience is the ability to recover. However, if we
occupational (i.e., employee) resilience comprises think of resilience as a process, and couple it with the
all three. At the organization level, the issue is not so crisis-as-process perspective, resilience naturally
much whether an organization’s capacity is fixed would be situated earlier. A mark of resilience is “the
(e.g., trait-like) or malleable—most scholars agree ability to negotiate flux without succumbing to it”
that organizational resilience develops over time (Boin et al., 2010: 8).
(Lengnick-Hall & Beck, 2005; Wildavsky, 1988); Building on previous definitions and taking these
rather it is whether resilience is an outcome or issues into account we take a middle ground ap-
a process. Resilience as an interactive process of re- proach and define “resilience” as the process by
lational adaptation has to do with understanding, which an actor (i.e., individual, organization, or
responding to, and absorbing variations; maintain- community) builds and uses its capability endow-
ing, gaining back, and/or building new resources. An ments to interact with the environment in a way that
entity does not survive merely because of inner re- positively adjusts and maintains functioning prior
sources; rather it survives and thrives on the basis to, during, and following adversity. Importantly, and
of its ability to adapt and/or dynamically relate to similar to the crisis management literature, a process
its environment. The outcome of resilience relates definition of resilience accounts for the dynamic
to the state of return. As Lengnick-Hall et al. (2011) nature of resilience as an interaction between the
propose, some see organizational resilience as organization and the environment. As such, it is
a return to the status quo (where the organization left inclusive of preadversity capabilities, in-crisis
off), whereas others see resilience as an exploitation organizing and adjusting, and postcrisis resilience
of current challenges to emerge stronger and more responding.
resourceful. In Table 2 we summarize the origins, derivations,
Relatedly, a second issue pertains to severity of and conceptions of resilience across areas of inquiry.
the adversity. Resilience is generally inferred from We organize our review consistent with a configura-
a judgment that an entity has survived or thrived in tion that emerged from the empirical literature.
the face of extenuating circumstances that posed Although the conceptual literature has typically fo-
a threat to good outcomes (Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003). cused on building collective capacities, knowledge,
But, as Boin, Comfort, and Demchak (2010: 8) ask, skills or abilities for resilience, our review of the
what about the severity of that adversity: is resilience empirical literature suggests a more expansive con-
a capacity to deal with rare, devastating events, or it figuration. These include elements of resilience that
is a capacity to deal with a much wider range of pertain to resource endowments, organizing prac-
disruptions and disturbances that fall outside “of the tices, and postcrisis response.
set of disturbances the system is designed to handle”
(Boin et al., 2010: 8)? Research on employee and
Capabilities for Durability: Resource Endowments
occupational resilience seems to suggest that resil-
ience is more ordinary (e.g., Gittell et al., 2006; Actors’ various capabilities can facilitate interac-
Lengnick-Hall and Beck, 2005, 2009); something re- tions with the environment that enable adjustment to
quired to deal with a variety of stressors, conflicts, adversity. Capabilities are knowledge, skills, abili-
and disturbances that occur over one’s occupational ties, and processes (i.e., routines) that facilitate
or professional career. The idea that resilience is access to and manipulation of resources (Teece,
more ordinary and required more broadly shows up Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). Capabilities for durability
in the organizational literature as well. For example, refer to the endowments actors possess prior to ad-
Van Der Vegt et al. (2015: 971) argue that organiza- versity that shape their capacity for positive adjust-
tional resilience is required “in our daily lives” as ment (Bonanno et al., 2010; Hobfoll, 1989; Sutcliffe
well as “to shape and mitigate the consequences of & Vogus, 2003) and represent the first prominent
[adversity] when they occur.” theme in the resilience literature. Although scholars
A third issue pertains to the point at which resil- acknowledge the presence of individual-level trait-
ience is most important—what Boin et al. (2010: 7) based resilience effects (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker,
call the “moment” of resilience. Does resilience 2000), prominent theories of stress (Bonanno, 2004;
come after or before the onset of a major occurrence? Hobfoll, 1989) propose that developing and acquiring
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 743

Origins, Derivations, and Conceptions of Resilience across Areas of Inquiry
Category Definition

Origins and derivationsa c Resilire, resilio (Latin): referring to “bounce” or “to leap” (Manyena et al., 2011).
s “Leaping, jumping, or rebounding” [Natural History, Pliny the Elder (Alexander, 2013: 2708)].

Perpetuated by St. Jerome (AD 347–420)

c Résiler (French): “to retract” or “to cancel”
c Resile (English): state papers of King Henry VIII, 1529): “Retract,” “return to a former position”
c Resilement. In Thomas Blount’s (1656) dictionary, “to rebound,” “to go back on one’s word”
c Resiliency (Bell, 1839): fortitude in response to adversity, withstand challenges (i.e., earthquakes)
Psychology c Adjustment of children in response to adversity (Flach, 1988; Garmezy, 1971; Luthar, 2006; Masten,
2013; Murphy & Moriarty, 1976)
s “Process of, capacity for, or outcome of successful adaptation despite challenging or threatening

circumstances” (Masten et al., 1990)

s “Buffering capacity” to resist shocks

c Theory on loss, trauma, and forms of acute adversity for adults (Bonanno, 2004)
s “Stable trajectory of healthy functioning in response to a clearly defined event” (Bonanno, 2012:

753). Emphasis is on maintenance (not loss and recovery) of functioning throughout a crisis; one of
several trajectories individuals experience in response to threat (Bonanno & Mancini, 2012) that is
shaped by temporal and sociocontextual characteristics of stress and adaptation (Luthar et al., 2000)
Ecology c Equilibrium and stability of systems (Holling, 1973)
s “The persistence of systems and of their ability to absorb change and disturbance and still maintain

the same relationships between populations or state variables” (Holling, 1973: 7)

c “Resilience (the capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and reorganize while undergoing change so
as to still retain essentially the same function, structure, identity, and feedbacks) has four
components—latitude, resistance, precariousness, and panarchy—most readily portrayed using the
metaphor of a stability landscape” (Walker, Holling, Carpenter, & Kinzig, 2004)
Organizational c Explains how organizations continually achieve positive outcomes despite strain and barriers to
adaptation (Lengnick-Hall & Beck, 2005; Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003; Weick & Sutcliffe, 2015)
c Positive adjustment under challenging conditions. This involves (1) the ability to absorb strain and
preserve (or improve) functioning despite the presence of adversity (both internal adversity—such as
rapid change, lousy leadership, performance production pressures—and external adversity—such as
increasing competition and demands from stakeholders) or (2) an ability to recover or bounce back
from untoward events. (Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003)
Disasters, threats, and surprises c Refers to both the maintenance of the status quo and adaptation (Hollnagel, Woods, & Leveson, 2006;
Zolli & Healy, 2012)
c “After a crisis, a system may experience a form of regression by a decrease in flexibility and complexity
and a consolidation of its most rigid structures, or a progression by the acquisition of new qualities and
properties to become more complex . . . A resilient system is one that can adapt, be creative and
flexible, but also is able to self-regulate and have processes and routines capable of handling
complexity without oversimplifying. Resilience factors must therefore allow the emergence of
resilience” (Normandin & Therrien, 2016)
Multi-level c Resilience arises from interaction across multiple levels of functioning (Boon, et al., 2012;
Bronfenbrenner, 2004; Drabek, 1986; Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003)
s “Resilience is a systems concept, and the social-ecological system, as an integrated and

interdependent unit, may itself be considered a complex adaptive system” (Berkes & Ross, 2013: 14)
s Can prepare and develop organizations and communities for resilience (Boin & McConnell, 2007)

See Alexander, 2013, for a detailed review.

various resource endowments is likely to influence slack is a key endowment for resilience, to which
positive adjustment to challenges (over and above we now turn.
trait-based attributes). Endowments facilitate resil- Financial capability endowments. Prior research
ience by enabling adaptability (Gittell et al., 2006; has emphasized the importance of appropriately
Pal, Torstensson, & Mattila, 2014), providing for stockpiling resources (e.g., slack) in anticipation of
positive coping, and offering means by which an the need to withstand adversity (Bradley, Shepherd,
actor (i.e., individual, organization, or community) & Wiklund, 2011; Carmeli & Markman, 2011; George,
“interprets and responds to new challenges” in a 2005; Hobfoll, 1989; Virany, Tushman, & Romanelli,
positive way (Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003: 97). Financial 1992). For example, Gittell and colleagues (Gittell
744 Academy of Management Annals June

et al., 2006) investigated the resilience of the airline and activity configurations (Galbraith, 1973; Thompson,
industry after the September 11th terrorist attack in 1967)—that facilitate the processing and sharing of
the United States and found that airlines with strong information, work tasks, and so forth (March & Simon,
financial reserves adjusted to the strains imposed by 1958; Thompson, 1967; Tushman & Nadler, 1978). All
the adversity and performed better than their less of these capabilities aid functioning in the face of
well-off counterparts. In addition to financial and adversity, and “timely crisis recognition . . . depends
material resources, positive functioning is main- crucially on both the capacity of individuals operat-
tained by other endowments, including cognitive, ing (parts of) systems . . . and the organizational ‘de-
behavioral, emotional, and relational capabilities. sign’ for early crisis detection” (Boin et al., 2005: 19).
Cognitive capability endowments. Cognitive ca- In his article exploring variance in the design struc-
pability endowments, such as a constructive con- tures of two companies operating high-risk nuclear
ceptual orientation (e.g., vision, sense of purpose, power plants, Carroll (1998) found that organizations
strong values) (Lengnick-Hall et al., 2011) as well as with fragmentary and myopic understandings of work
deep knowledge and expertise help groups and or- tasks (rooted in organizational design) are more likely
ganizations to apply and manage what they know in to experience recurrent problems and disruptions;
the face of adversity so they can maintain or resume that is, they are less resilient.
functioning. These cognitive endowments enable Combining capabilities and structural aspects of
people and organizations to rapidly notice and make the firm, Lai, Saridakis, Blackburn, and Johnstone
sense of signals of potential disruptions, use critical (2016) found that, depending on firm size, human
insights in creative and flexible ways, and combine resource management practices (i.e., team structure,
and deploy knowledge and repertoires of action to management formality, decisions to layoff or re-
resolve the problems at hand (Lengnick-Hall & Beck, deploy employees) during an economic downturn
2005; Thomas, Clark, & Gioia, 1993; Weick, 1995). In influenced organizational resilience. Specifically,
this way, organizations can prevent small things smaller firms were more creative than large firms,
from growing bigger. For example, Gittell’s (2008) and these creative actions helped maintain positive
study of managed care providers suggested that functioning despite the economic downturn, further
resilience was a consequence of more frequent, demonstrating how organizations can leverage vari-
timely, and accurate information-sharing and ous endowments (e.g., employees, managerial skills)
problem-solving activities. The ability to quickly associated with organizational design for resilience.
assimilate new information helps individuals in- Behavioral capabilities also involve establishing
terpret and navigate the altered environment (Aitken comfort with uncertainty, decision-making diffusion
& Morgan, 1999) and is crucial in directing attention across units (to allow for interpretation and action
(Langer, 1989; Weick & Sutcliffe, 2006). Indeed, ad- on relevant information), and practiced behaviors
versity has the potential to shatter fundamental as- of cooperation and coordination (Boin & Lagadec,
sumptions about oneself, the environment, and one’s 2000). These behavioral capabilities are perhaps
belief in cause–effect relationships (Beder, 2005; best demonstrated by high-reliability organizations
Haynie & Shepherd, 2011; Janoff-Bulman, 1992). (Bigley & Roberts, 2001; Weick et al., 1999) as well as
Avoiding such disruptions requires “establishing the emergence of new organizations that take action
a comfortable, integrated assumptive world” (Janoff- during times of crisis (Drabek & McEntire, 2003;
Bulman, 2004: 30) that incorporates aspects of the Majcherzak et al., 2007; Shepherd & Williams, 2014).
adversity, which can be facilitated by establishing Emotion-regulation capability endowments. Emotion-
a culture of awareness (i.e., establishing the expecta- regulation capabilities refer to a mental fortitude
tion for adversity and allowing employees to identify that provides actors with mental hardiness and self-
and communicate “brewing” issues or challenges) regulation to cope with adverse situations, and produces
and identifying mechanisms to overcome blind spots positive work-related outcomes (e.g., job satisfaction,
(i.e., silos). The difference between “triumph and performance) (Avey, Luthans, & Jensen, 2009; Luthans
tragedy” hinges on an organization’s ability to make et al., 2005). Individuals and organizations are there-
sense of the dynamic contexts in which it is embed- fore likely to enhance resilience to adversity by culti-
ded (Boin et al., 2005; Weick, 1995). vating endowments of emotional capital, which could
Behavioral capability endowments. Behavioral include (individual and/or collective) optimism,
capabilities involve action alternatives and behav- hope, and opportunities to appropriately express
ioral repertoires, which are often embedded in the and discuss emotions (Amabile, Barsade, Mueller,
design of an organization—its structure, processes, & Staw, 2005; Barsade & Knight, 2015). Emotions
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 745

play a functional role in facilitating how actors enhance cognitive flexibility (Fong, 2006), and assist
make sense of and assign meaning to their envi- in the anticipation of and preparation for the un-
ronment (Weick et al., 2005). Similarly, organiza- expected (Vogus et al., 2014). Specifically, emotional
tions differ in how they utilize and regulate emotions, ambivalence likely enables resilience to both swift,
which can shape important organizational out- unexpected events (Weick & Sutcliffe, 2015), and
comes including responses to adversity (Parke & “weak signals of failure” that, when recognized and
Seo, 2016). For example, emotional capabilities acted upon, help avoid organizational crisis (Vogus
facilitate employees’ commitment to change initia- et al., 2014: 593). Moreover, emotional ambivalence
tives despite the challenges and potential disrup- likely impacts relational interactions, which in turn
tions such initiatives could cause (Shin et al., 2012), shapes the social dynamics of teams and organiza-
and they provide individuals with the psychologi- tions (Rothman & Wiesenfeld, 2007).1
cal resources needed to persist in risky endeavors Relational capability endowments. In the con-
with lower levels of stress (Baron et al., 2016). Fur- text of adversity, relational capabilities—the social
thermore, individuals and organizations that are connections that enable access to and exchange of
more capable of regulating emotions (i.e., knowing resources—play an important role in shaping im-
how and when to express or suppress emotions in mediate actions and ultimately enabling positive
accord with situational demands) experience less functioning in the face of adversity. Furthermore,
distress and demonstrate greater long-term adjust- relational capabilities provide a context in which
ment (Bonanno et al., 2004). cognitive, behavioral, and emotional capabilities can
The psychology literature—exemplified by the work be activated. For example, relationships—in the
of Fredrickson and colleagues (e.g., Fredrickson, form of coordinative practices—have been found to
2001; Fredrickson, Tugade, Waugh, & Larkin, 2003; be critical in overcoming challenges (Gittell, 2008).
Hayward et al., 2010)—has examined how individuals In a study exploring interpersonal dynamics among
with high resilience differ from those with lower firefighters, Colquitt et al. (2011) found that trust was
resilience, particularly in terms of experiencing and based on coworker integrity, or the perceived con-
using emotions. For example, in a study of resilience sistency between words, deeds, and values with
after the September 11th terrorist attacks, Fredrickson prior experience. Further, they found that in a vola-
et al. (2003) found that psychologically resilient people tile environment, trust was paramount to achieving
were buffered from depression by deliberately drawing positive outcomes, whereas trust was less important
on positive emotions (e.g., gratitude and love) in the in less volatile environments.
wake of the attacks. Other studies have considered This finding suggests that organizations that do not
individuals’ affect regulation and tolerance for stress anticipate facing adverse conditions may fail to de-
as indicators of resilience (Bonanno 2004; Leyro, velop elemental capabilities (i.e., trust) that will be
Zvolensky, & Bernstein, 2010). For example, Stephens, needed to function as a group or team.
Heaphy, Carmeli, Spreitzer, and Dutton (2013: 15) Similarly, Shepherd and Williams (2014) found
found that group resilience was directly tied to emo- that trust and network relationships among disaster-
tional carrying capacity, or “the relationship’s ca- impacted community members were critical in re-
pacity to express more emotions overall, both positive sponse to a devastating bushfire. When the disaster
and negative . . . in a constructive manner.” Further- hit, those who had local values, knowledge, and
more, emotional capabilities can be generated by network relationships were better positioned to gain
cultivating a broad organization-wide culture of an the trust of disaster victims, which enabled a more
“ethic of care” enacted through narrative practices immediate and effective response to the widespread
that document positive experiences, contextualize suffering. In this case, trust facilitated community
challenges, and develop future-oriented stories; these resilience. In a related study, Williams and Shepherd
narratives foster an “ontology of possibility” that fa- (2016b) found that prior knowledge of and experi-
cilitates resilience (Lawrence & Maitlis, 2012: 641). ence with entrepreneurial activity further facilitated
Finally, the capability to regulate emotions is
closely related to emotional ambivalence or the “si- 1
Despite these potential benefits, emotional ambiva-
multaneous experience of contradictory feelings” lence could also have a potential downside in that it leads
(Vogus, Rothman, Sutcliffe, & Weick, 2014: 593). to more deliberation in decision making (i.e., consumes
Emotional ambivalence opens actors to alternative more time) and can result in biased information processing
perspectives that can increase judgment accuracy in attempts to resolve the ambivalence (Nordgren, van
(Rees, Rothman, Lehavy, & Sanchez-Burks, 2013), Harreveld, & van der Pligt, 2006).
746 Academy of Management Annals June

action in the aftermath of the bushfire disaster, sug- predisaster resilience by strengthening preventative
gesting that various forms of human capital shape measures, including developing networks, coordination
actions, which in turn influence resilience. Interest- techniques (within and between organizations), and
ingly, although those with entrepreneurial experience individual members’ resilience. This proactive “in-
were more likely to organize efforts to help others, vestment” orientation toward potential adversity
those with entrepreneurial experience who failed to likely helps “reduce the short- and long-term negative
engage in compassion venturing (i.e., creating a new social and economic impacts on people’s lives and
venture to alleviate others’ suffering) had the lowest business” (Van Der Vegt et al., 2015: 977).
levels of postdisaster functioning. This finding high- Restoring. Strategies of preparing and anticipating
lights the notion that the mere possession of a resource work best for “risks that can be predicted and are well
does not necessarily confer an advantage; resources understood” (de Bruijne, Boin, & van Eeten, 2010:
need to be used, or else they may be detrimental to 22). But some dangers are unanticipated, especially
functioning (Hobfoll, 1989, 1991). when levels of complexity are high. When organi-
zations face these scenarios quick action is required
to alert decision makers to unfolding conditions
Preadversity Organizing: Preparing and Restoring
to keep operations within a bandwidth of accept-
The second prominent theme in the resilience lit- able performance (Schulman, Roe, van Eeten, & de
erature relates to organizing processes aimed at antic- Bruijne, 2004) or to actively develop contingent re-
ipating, preventing, or mitigating “potential dangers sponses (Weick et al., 1999). Effective and timely
before damage is done” (Wildavsky, 1988: 77) and identification of and response to emerging chal-
adjusting to deal with unexpected or unknown con- lenges is particularly important for some organiza-
tingencies and emerging breakdowns so as to lower the tions in some industries or contexts. For example,
likelihood that these disruptions will grow into trig- studies of high reliability organizations (HROs)
gering events. (Roberts, 1990)—organizations that manage poten-
Preparing: Managing risks to reduce vulnerability. tially hazardous technical systems (e.g., commer-
Although some crises can be seen as more “normal” cial aviation, nuclear power, nuclear submarines)
emergencies (e.g., fires, traffic accidents, hostage tak- (Roberts, 1990; Roberts, Stout, & Halpern, 1994)—
ings) (Patriotta & Gruber, 2015; Perrow, 2011) other show that they (HROs) expend resources to defend
crises that potentially threaten people and organiza- against particular risks, but they also engage in
tions result from high-impact, fast-onset triggering establishing organizing practices to be able to im-
events, such as natural disasters, economic downturns, provise and “craft what [they] need, when [they]
the emergence of new technologies, and political in- need it, even though [they] previously had no idea
stability (Zhou, Wan, & Jia, 2010). Resilience to these [they] would need it” (Wildavsky, 1995: 433). From
phenomena is important given that such events are this high-reliability perspective, resilience involves
“collectively experienced, [have] an acute onset, and improvising and using generic resources described
[are] time delineated,” thus, swift decision-making in in the prior section (e.g., knowledge, communi-
highly ambiguous contexts is vital to avoid additional cation, financial resources, emotional, relational,
suffering (McFarlane & Norris, 2006: 4). Fast-onset structural capacities) to avoid a catastrophe or to
crises can cut across all social strata and often prove to mitigate its evolution. More specifically, processes of
be highly disruptive (Bonanno et al., 2010) to in- catastrophe-avoidance (e.g., organizing to ensure
dividuals and organizations. Given the nature and that a system does not weaken or drift) in-
impact of these crises, a considerable body of research clude carefully allocating and distributing attention,
(primarily in sociology) has explored how organiza- knowledge, and resources across the organization to
tions can anticipate, respond, and decrease vulnera- facilitate the recognition and interpretation of po-
bility, particularly while drawing on government and tential problems (Marcus & Nichols, 1999); enhanc-
nongovernment organizations as resource providers ing sensemaking and decision-making processes by
(for a review, see Drabek & McEntire, 2003). engaging in daily practices and routines (Vogus &
Despite advancements in our understanding of Sutcliffe, 2007; Weick et al., 1999); focusing on ac-
organizational responses to disaster events, recent countability and the salience of signals (Barton et al.,
studies (Comfort, 1994; Shepherd & Williams, 2015; Roberts et al., 1994); and reducing tensions
2014; Van Der Vegt et al., 2015; Williams & between high-reliability structures and the broader
Shepherd, 2016a, 2016b) highlight the importance contexts in which the organization is embedded
of understanding how organizations can cultivate (Bierly & Spender, 1995).
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 747

Research has also investigated preparation, role ordeal” (Lengnick-Hall & Beck, 2005: 750). For ex-
structuring, and coordination by emergency re- ample, in contrast to decision makers who perceive
sponders and/or response groups as an important as- innovative business-model introductions as threats
pect of resilience. For example, resilience in a pediatric and thus resist adopting changes to strategy, de-
intensive care unit involved repeated iterations of team cision makers who perceive these innovations as
structuring and design and continuous efforts to buffer opportunities are more likely to adopt aspects of
the unit from the parent organization’s pressures these innovations into their core practices, enabling
(Madsen et al., 2006). Similarly, fast-response medical adjustment to a changed competitive landscape
teams must balance planned activities (e.g., reliance on (Dewald & Bowen, 2010). Similarly, cognitive re-
protocols) with more impromptu actions (e.g., joint sponses that facilitate adjustment to adversity assist
sensemaking and protocol breaking) (Faraj & Xiao, decision makers in directing attention appropriately,
2006), and firefighter strike teams balance structural allowing them to focus on the best action options
mechanisms (e.g., role switching, system resetting) available to reduce complexity and generate viable
with constrained improvisation and cognition man- alternatives for a path forward (Lengnick-Hall & Beck,
agement (e.g., communication, shifting) (Bigley & 2005). Specifically, to the extent that decision makers
Roberts, 2001). If these teams and organizations fail are better able to understand the content and duration
to appropriately interpret environmental cues and of a major disturbance; the ways that disturbance-
make changes to address shifts in the situation, they are induced change influence the broader environment;
likely to be less resilient to the adverse and complex and the structural, routine, or other (if any) organiza-
environments they face (Bigley & Roberts, 2001; Faraj tional changes needed, the more likely they are to
& Xiao, 2006), which can then result in a crisis event. maintain positive functioning in the new environ-
ment (Lengnick-Hall & Beck, 2005). When facing ex-
treme adversity, flexible decision-making processes
Responding to Major Disturbances
are essential as rigid decision-making processes can
The third prominent theme in the resilience liter- compound losses, thus resulting in even more dis-
ature is responding to major disturbances that result ruptive outcomes for individuals and firms (Bonanno
from the climax of organizational weakening or et al., 2010; Hobfoll, 2011; Rahmandad & Repenning,
surprising external event (e.g., a disaster). When ex- 2016).
posed to a major disturbance, actors face increased When facing a major disturbance, individuals
uncertainty about what actions to take (Duncan, must draw upon immediately available resources
1972; Milliken, 1987; Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978) and and make time-sensitive decisions between “staying
thus try to generate a range of possible responses. the course” and deviating from planned routines.
The most effective responses appear to be those When resources are unavailable (i.e., they are not
that involve “innovative, continually changeable “fungible” and not readily available to be redeployed
behavior” (Stacey, 1995: 478), “improvising lo- for alternate purposes) and decision makers delay
cally” (Shepherd & Williams, 2014: 977), and the corrective action in organizational routines, organi-
“capacity for spontaneous changeability” (Stacey, zational capabilities for adjustment and flexibility
1995: 478). Taking stock of the various forms of re- erode (Rahmandad & Repenning, 2016), which in-
sponses to major disturbances, it is useful to high- creases vulnerability to subsequent adversity. For
light the specific mechanisms organizational example, in his classic study of the Mann Gulch di-
members and/or organizations use to maintain pos- saster, Weick (1993) highlighted breakdowns that
itive functioning under this adversity (Bunderson & occurred in how a firefighting team perceived,
Sutcliffe, 2002; Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003). Maintain- interpreted, and acted on surprising environmental
ing positive functioning in the aftermath of a disaster conditions. He found that “mediated communica-
or some other major disturbance depends on the or- tion” imposed unnecessary structure on the small
ganization’s cognitive and behavioral responses, group of firefighters, which limited the “interper-
which are in turn reinforced by context. sonal cognitive processes” they needed to create
Cognitive responding. Positive cognitive responses a shared interpretive scheme of the environment.
that help maintain positive functioning in the face Without a shared sense of meaning, the team had
of major disturbances involve an actor’s ability to disjointed “frameworks” for identifying solutions,
notice, interpret, and analyze changes in the envi- resulting in a collapse of sensemaking that led to the
ronment and to formulate responses (Dewald & death of 13 firefighters (Weick, 1993: 645). Forming
Bowen, 2010) that go beyond “simply surviving the a positive cognitive response to surprising events
748 Academy of Management Annals June

appears to require individuals to rapidly direct their context of these strategies, firms also need to balance
attention from structures to meaning (and back again) their strategy with specific tactics-saving power,
as an input for either reaffirming or reconstructing maintaining a stronghold base, isolating adversaries,
their interpretive systems (Weick, 1993: 646). and creating forward outposts (Carmeli & Markman,
Another example of cognitive responses to a major 2011).
disturbance is how passengers and crew members Beyond broad strategic actions and tactics involved
aboard a hijacked airplane (Flight 93 on September in resilience, specific organizational activities can
11th) organized courageous collective action to facilitate adjustment to substantial disturbances. For
compel the hijackers to crash the plane into the example, Bechky and Okhuysen (2011) found that
ground rather than into a national landmark. In police SWAT teams and film production crews
a study of this event, Quinn and Worline (2008) developed critical socio-cognitive resources for
found that individuals engaged in narratives to help managing uncertainty through bricolage, including
them understand and manage the intensity of the restructuring activities by role shifting, reorganizing
immediate situation, explain the duress to make routines, and reassembling work activities. These
moral and practical judgments about how to act, and creative team actions generated feedback to provide
formulate a sense of a “collective” body of resources an updated and dynamic perspective on team struc-
that could be mobilized. These findings demonstrate ture, communication, and collaboration to manage
the influence of time, surprise, new frame develop- unexpected events. Similarly, highly skilled “ex-
ment, and resource mobilization on the development treme action” medical teams appeared to offer a swift,
and deployment of group cognitive processes and coordinated, reliable response to adversity by meld-
demonstrate the wide range of “organizing” that ing hierarchical and bureaucratic role-based struc-
shapes resilience processes. tures through specific crisis-actions (e.g., rapid and
Behavioral responding. Behavioral responding to repeated delegation, careful training of new team
a major disturbance is a natural extension of cognitive members), again demonstrating how resilient teams
responding as it involves actors’ enacting solutions or balance structure and improvisation when dealing
courses of action to address the environmental un- with dynamic and unpredictable events (i.e., in this
certainty (Lengnick-Hall & Beck, 2005; Rahmandad & case, patients’ traumatic injuries) (Klein, Ziegert,
Repenning, 2016; Weick, 1993). Specifically, positive Knight, & Xiao, 2006).
behavioral responding to an adverse event is “the Individuals can also display positive behavioral
engine that moves” an actor forward in the face of responses that enable resilience. For example, in
uncertainty (Lengnick-Hall & Beck, 2005: 751) and war-torn Afghanistan, some individuals still identify
includes balancing varied action repertoires with and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities (Bullough
structured “functional habits” (e.g., rehearsed rou- et al., 2013); in the aftermath of an earthquake in Haiti
tines for managing uncertainty) (Sutcliffe & Vogus, (Williams & Shepherd, 2016a) and a bushfire in
2003: 107). As with other aspects of the resilience Australia (Shepherd & Williams, 2014; Williams &
process, behavioral responses to adversity involve the Shepherd, 2016b), victims mobilized resources and
interaction of multiple factors at various levels. For created new ventures to alleviate others’ suffering;
example, an innovative response (presumably one and in the wake of the Great Recession, entrepre-
that is more adaptive) to organizational decline is neurs used their ventures as vehicles to repurpose
more likely when the firm operates in a less in- their identity, which in turn influenced day-to-day
stitutionalized environment, concentrates power behaviors that ultimately shaped the firms’ strategic
(rather than diffusing power in the organizational response to the adversity (Powell & Baker, 2014). It
structure), and accesses many uncommitted re- appears that resilience involves (at least in part)
sources (Mone, McKinley, & Barker, 1998). Addi- transitioning from a dependence on slack resources
tional research highlights the importance of aligning to self-reliance based on resourceful emergent ac-
specific tactics (i.e., behaviors) with overarching tions that enable actors to enact “who they want to
strategies when developing a behavioral response to be”—that is, to activate new roles and identities
adversity. For example, when applying the resilience (Powell & Baker, 2014; Williams & Shepherd, 2016a,
of the Republic of Rome to modern-day organizations, 2016b).
Carmeli and Markman (2011) theorized that resilient Contextual reinforcement of responses to adversity.
firms carefully balance their strategic emphasis on Context is important in explaining responses to
growth and development (i.e., capture) with efficiency adversity as it provides the foundational setting
and self-management (i.e., governance). Within the in which cognitive and behavioral responses are
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 749

enacted and integrated (Lengnick-Hall & Beck, insights and perspectives that feed into resource
2005). At the organizational level, different types endowments, ongoing organizing, adaptation, prep-
of organizations are likely to experience adver- aration, and response to adversity. The interaction
sity differently and thus have distinct perceptions between the environment and actors is an inherently
of its potential costs. For example, for some orga- dynamic process (Lengnick-Hall & Beck, 2005) such
nizations (e.g., nuclear submarines, air craft car- that interpretations evolve over time and are resha-
riers), avoiding failure is of paramount importance ped depending on the nature of the adversity and the
(Roberts, 1990; Roberts, Stout, & Halpern, 1994; behavior of the actor. Enhancing resilience from
Weick & Roberts, 1993), whereas for others, feedback has largely been explored in terms of actors’
(i.e., new entrepreneurial ventures), failure is a experiences and interpretations.
more acceptable (although undesirable) outcome Experience, feedback, and resilience. Prior ex-
that is considered a “normal” part of the process periences with adversity appear to be linked to sub-
(Ucbasaran, Shepherd, Lockett, & Lyon, 2013). sequent resilience, but there is considerable variance
Organizations have different levels of social con- in the nature of this relationship (Brewin, Andrews,
nectivity and varied information-sharing mecha- & Valentine, 2000; Bonanno, Westphal, & Mancini,
nisms, which may impact their resilience. In his 2011). It seems that individuals’ resilience to adver-
classic study exploring the Mann Gulch disaster, sity depends on the similarity of that adversity to
Weick (1993) found that despite the seemingly tight difficulties they have experienced in the past [e.g., an
integration of the “smoke jumping” teams, their social individual’s resilience to a disaster is facilitated
connections were insufficiently deep, leading to mis- when he or she has previously experienced a disaster
communications, inability to rapidly align in interpret- but not so much from other forms of adversity
ing the environment, and confusion in the face of novelty (Bonanno et al., 2010)]. Therefore, resilience can be
(which cost most of them their lives). facilitated by learning from experience with adver-
Beyond individual organizations, different com- sity, and this learning—as individual organizational
munities may have varied levels of social capital members encode new information, adjust mental
that enable or constrain resilience. Community so- models, and encode new knowledge into organiza-
cial networks among neighbors and proximate or- tional routines—can be direct or vicarious (Madsen,
ganizations provide access to various resources in 2009). However, this learning to enhance resilience
adverse situations, such as information, loans and is not likely static or linear in nature. For example,
gifts for property repair, shelter, and emotional and organizations oscillate between periods of empha-
psychological support (Aldrich & Meyer, 2014; sizing safety and periods of emphasizing other
Shepherd & Williams, 2014). Different types of so- goals, such as efficiency or innovation (Haunschild,
cial capital may serve complementary functions in Polidoro, & Chandler, 2015). As a consequence, the
helping individuals endure and recover from ad- ability to learn from an experience with adversity
versity. Bonding social capital—namely, strong, weakens over time, increasing an organization’s
densely connected ties—translates into greater vulnerability. Moreover, firms are more vulnerable
levels of trust and more widely shared norms within to adversity when their managers seek feedback from
the community (Coleman, 1990), which fosters those in their network who have similar experiences
resilience. Various studies have shown that local (i.e., like-minded advisors from close network ties)
social connections regularly serve as first re- because this feedback can lead to misinterpreting
sponders in disaster situations well ahead of pro- signals about the adverse environment contributing
fessional and formal rescue operations (Kapucu, to an organizational crisis (McDonald & Westphal,
2008; Quarantelli & Dynes, 1977). Bridging social 2003). This further demonstrates the dynamic and
capital—namely, weak, sparsely connected yet di- interactive nature of resilience between subjects and
verse ties—on the other hand, facilitates access to the environment.
novel information and resources (Burt, 1992) and Interpretations of tasks and relationships. Ex-
accelerates long-term recovery (Hawkins & Maurer, posure to adversity also influences how decision
2010). makers interpret future challenges and disruptions,
identify appropriate tasks, and activate relationships
to address issues. Interestingly, prior exposure to
Resilience Feedback Loop
adversity may hinder resilience. For example, re-
As organizational members and organizations take peated interruptions of routines and tasks can pre-
action in response to adversity, they may gain new cipitate a crisis because the constant interruption can
750 Academy of Management Annals June

make it difficult to differentiate noise from “true” triggering events. These capabilities in turn interact
signals of change (Rudolph & Repenning, 2002). For recursively with organizing efforts related to reli-
example, the team working on the Challenger space ability and risk reduction. As these processes play
shuttle “missed” the O-ring data because of repeated out, there is ongoing organizing and adjusting as
disruptions that “crowded out” the signal of the true additional threats are processed and addressed (or
problem at hand (Vaughan, 1996). Similarly, some missed). As time progresses, gradual weakening
novel scenarios appear so extraordinary that actors could escalate into a triggering event. Alternatively,
cannot accommodate them into existing worldviews a surprising event could occur that did not result
(Cerulo, 2008), resulting in relatively little learning from weakening that threatens functioning. When
or response. What is important to realize is that the these events occur, organizations respond (cogni-
ability of human systems to interpret and accom- tively and behaviorally) as an interaction with the
modate surprising feedback is “contextually and triggering event. After experiencing and overcoming
temporally dependent” (Rudolph & Repenning, a major crisis, there is a feedback loop in which ac-
2002: 3). tors’ interpretations of the tasks and relationships
In summary, the literature emphasizes that resil- they experienced during adversity shape organizing
ience evolves over time as the actor (i.e., individual, for subsequent adversity. Finally, we anticipate that
organization, or community) interacts with the envi- there are both positive and negative outcomes that
ronment (i.e., adversity), highlighting the dynamism result from resilience. Although resilience likely
of resilience. Furthermore, our review highlighted enhances perseverance, functioning, and reliability
different uses of resilience in the literature, includ- to challenging events, it may also result in resistance
ing an emphasis on building collective capacities, to change, failure to learn and adapt, and or an in-
knowledge, skills, and abilities for resilience, as well ability to pivot or transform. This negative outcome
as resource endowments, organizing practices, and from resilience is a novel and unanticipated contri-
postcrisis response. In combining these streams of bution from our review.
research, we highlighted the benefit of exploring In the following sections, we highlight five over-
resilience as a process of adaptation, improvisation, arching themes for future research that emphasize
and recovery, which lends itself to a fusion with the the dynamic, process-oriented perspective of crisis
crisis management research. and resilience exhibited in Figure 1. These themes
are (1) leadership in the face of adversity, (2) the role
of time in adversity, (3) complexity and adversity, (4)
mindfulness and adversity, and (5) the dark side of
Our reviews of the two literatures suggest that in
many ways, crisis management and resilience are
Future Research on Leadership in the Face of
two aspects of the same challenge—the challenge of
adversity. Because of this common ground, the way
crisis and crisis management are conceptualized As noted earlier, research on crisis management
holds important implications for building theory on has emphasized the importance of postevent lead-
resilience, and vice versa. As such, we seek to in- ership in helping navigate obstacles generated by
tegrate crisis management and resilience. In Figure 1, adversity to motivate positive action in others
we offer a model of the fusion of crisis management (Pearson & Clair, 1998; Quarantelli, 1988, 1996).
and resilience that integrates the major themes More recently, research has begun to articulate the
identified in the review above and serves as a foun- microprocesses that fuel resilience before crises oc-
dation for building a future research agenda. We offer cur, emphasizing leadership behaviors that enable
this model as a framing for how future research might quicker recognition and resolution of potential dis-
integrate important aspects of both crisis and resil- ruptions. For example, in a study of wildland fire-
ience in explaining the mechanisms through which fighting, Barton et al. (2015) made the case for
organizations anticipate, prepare for, and respond to contextualized engagement: when leaders proac-
adversity. tively engage with those on the front lines who face
As portrayed in Figure 1, organizations that de- difficult situations, actively searching for discrep-
velop cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and re- ancies and unexpected problems and making sense
lational capabilities can realign in response to drift as of them, rather than avoiding or merely coping with
well as facilitate the anticipation of and responses to the adversity. By more quickly understanding what

Process View of the Fusion of Crisis Management and Resilience.


Type of adversity: • Potential system stress: Ongoing, requiring attention, • System stress: Punctuated stress, challenging capacity
Situations that hold mobilization, and management Escalation of organizational
weakening, misalignment, • Anticipation: Surprising, severe, broad in scope
potential to jeopardize • Anticipation: Non-surprising, daily obstacles within • Occurrence: Temporary, novel (either proximal or distal)
and/or an
survival the scope of “the possible”; moderate urgency • Cause: Climax of organizational weakening OR a surprising
isolated event
• Occurrence: Ongoing, asynchronous, recurring, non-novel external event (e.g., disaster, economic crisis, terrorist attack)
• Cause: Organizational malaise and/or external changes

Capabilities for
durability: Resource Responding to major disturbances
Organizing and

Reliability organizing Behavioral

Resilience Emotion-regulation and adjusting
and enactment Preparing: Contextual Reinforcement
Managing risks
to vulnerability
Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao

Organizing and
adjusting Resilience

Perseverance, enhanced reliability to Functioning despite extreme adversity,

Positive outcomes
challenging events maintenance of core activities

The dark side of Resistance to change, escalation of Lack of learning from extreme event,
resilience commitment, failure to learn and adapt: opportunism, poor adaptability to “new normal,”
organizational weakening or misalignment inability to pivot or “transform”
752 Academy of Management Annals June

is happening (rather than hoping for the best), teams expose individuals to these interactions and with
are better able to respond in flexible, adaptive ways. what effect?
This provides insight into how organizing processes Second, there is more to learn about the role of
help to forestall or mitigate crises as they unfold and leadership in organizing resilience. For example, in
is consistent with literature on the importance of addition to the contextualized engagement noted
active sensemaking (Gephart, 1993, 2007, Weick, earlier (Barton et al., 2015), what leadership behav-
1995) and the avoidance of normalizing (Vaughan, iors are necessary to develop “extraordinary levels of
1996; Weick & Sutcliffe, 2006). Sensemaking is crit- vigilance” to avoid crisis events (e.g., leadership
ical for noticing disruptions and understanding their behaviors that promote reliability and risk manage-
significance (Weick, Sutcliffe, Obstfeld, 2005). Fur- ment to reduce organizational vulnerability), and
thermore, it is a useful extension of the positive ap- how do these behaviors differ from more ordinary
proach of James et al. (2011) to crisis management leadership behaviors? It could be that while we
and focus on recovery in that it suggests that beyond normally think of leaders as promotion focused
merely framing an event, leadership is critical to (emphasizing opportunities; potential rewards in
actively facilitating resilience. As Wildavsky high- terms of gains and nongains), preparing for adversity
lighted (1988), for organizations to accommodate the may require leaders with more of a prevention focus
reality of organizational uncertainty, they must en- (emphasizing threats; potential rewards in terms of
gage in deliberate efforts to become better at coping nonlosses) (see Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld, 1999).
with surprise not only by gaining strength from stress Perhaps, leaders are more effective when they have
but also by “expanding general knowledge and a prevention focus when preparing for adversity and
technical facility, and generalized command over a promotion focus when responding to it. Future
resources” (p. 221). research can explore these and other questions in-
Future research can make a substantial contribu- corporating theories that are fundamental to leader-
tion to the literature by exploring the role of leader- ship and decision-making.
ship in preparing for, adjusting to, and responding to Third, when responding to adversity, leaders
adversity as well as building endowments in a way likely need to possess the cognitive and behavioral
that promotes greater resilience, thereby avoiding attributes that facilitate resilience. Although in-
a triggering event and the need for crisis manage- dividuals possess unique traits that influence their
ment. First, research on leadership has advanced our responses to adversity in different ways (Bonanno,
understanding of how effective leaders deploy re- 2004; Bonanno et al., 2010), we need a greater un-
sources when taking organizational actions (Walter derstanding of how leaders are able to “bring out”
& Bruch, 2009; Yun, Faraj, & Sims, 2005). However, these attributes in organizational members (in-
there is less research on how leaders build endow- dividually and as a collective) so as to facilitate
ments (in the organization and/or themselves), es- resilience. What leadership behaviors before, dur-
pecially endowments that promote resilience. For ing, and immediately after key challenges trigger the
example, leadership research can build on the sub- sort of resourcefulness and responsiveness neces-
stantial literature on trust (Fulmer & Gelfand, 2012; sary for resilience? Perhaps, as alluded to earlier, the
Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995) to gain an un- leadership required for responding to adversity is
derstanding of how leaders can build trust as an different than that required for building an endow-
endowment of resilience. Although we know that ment and preparing for it. If this is the case, what are
trust increases in value during adverse situations these differences, and how does an organization or
(Colquitt et al., 2011), it is critical that we gain organizational member make such a switch?
a deeper understanding of the nature of trust, with Finally, although most leaders and other organiza-
whom that trust resides, and how it is maintained for tional members understand the importance of learning
it to represent an endowment that can be called upon from mistakes, surprising events, and crises (Deverell &
quickly during adversity. Leadership research can Hansén, 2009; Madsen, & Desai, 2010; McGrath, 1999),
also explore how leaders can design their organiza- most people and organizations find this difficult to
tions for greater resilience and/or how different de- accomplish (Baumard & Starbuck, 2005; Cannon &
signs enable or constrain the types of leadership Edmondson, 2001, 2005; Edmondson, 2004). Although
needed for building resilience. Can leaders encour- learning from a crisis is likely to be a way to build
age a better understanding of how their organizations endowments for resilience, we do not yet fully un-
interpret and interact with the environment to pro- derstand how leaders facilitate the process by which
mote greater resilience? What styles of leadership organizations and organizational members learn from
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 753

a crisis in a way that promotes resilience to subsequent response. For example, when preparing for adver-
adversity. Therefore, future research will hopefully sity, an organization may quickly detect sources of
investigate how leaders facilitate crisis sensemaking adversity and rapidly respond such that any dis-
and learning while avoiding “overcorrecting” or en- ruption to positive functioning is minor and short in
couraging rumination or other nonproductive cogni- duration. Recent research explored how a news or-
tions and behaviors (Carmeli, Brueller, & Dutton, ganization created an infrastructure to respond to
2009; Carmeli & Gittell, 2009) that could undermine breaking news stories on a routine basis while
resilience to subsequent adversity. An answer could maintaining its main objective of producing time-
lie with the organization’s psychological safety (Baer & bound newscasts (Patriotta & Gruber, 2015). Given
Frese, 2003; Edmondson, 1999), emotional capability the frequency of unexpected events and importance
(Huy, 1999; Shepherd, Patzelt, & Wolfe, 2011), and/or of deadlines in their environment, news organiza-
attention structures (Ocasio, 1997); this is fertile tions are more accustomed to dealing with and
ground for future research. responding to intense situations quickly and fluidly
Integrating crisis management and resilience re- than a typical organization. Similarly, in their study
search also brings to the forefront several theoretical of a French bank, Chekkar-Mansouri and Onnee (2013)
mechanisms that they have in common, including found that double-loop learning and organization-
time, complexity, and mindfulness. The next section level-focused learning policies helped reduce the vul-
details these mechanisms and highlights additional nerability of the bank to recurrent adversity. That is,
avenues for future research. when the bank employed double-looped learning they
were better prepared to eliminate small problems that
could have led to another crisis. In contrast, when they
Future Research on the Role of Time on Adversity
did not have formal organizational learning protocols
Research has illustrated the importance of con- they were more likely to experience another crisis.
sidering time for understanding resilience and for These recent studies underscore the importance of
understanding crisis management, as some crises considering both everyday unexpected occurrences
continue for an extended period and new crises and less-frequent major events to gain an understand-
sometimes emerge after an initial crisis has been ing of which become crises and which are detected and
managed. For example, Barton and Sutcliffe (2009) mitigated before they become crises.
showed how organizations use a variety of practices Second, although endowments are a resource
to overcome dysfunctional momentum—the escalation “stock,” focusing on time enables us to explore the
of negative outcomes. This research fits into a larger “flow” of resources. For example, how (and over
body of work that has made the case for renewing what time) are capabilities and other endowments
sensemaking as tasks and the environment continue to built, and can they regress and/or lose value over
evolve rather than becoming stuck in one way of op- time? In his extensive work on responses to stress,
erating that prevents new interpretations of a situation Hobfoll (1989, 1991, 2011) argued that resource los-
(LeBaron, Christianson, Garrett, & Ilan, 2016; Rudolph, ses are more salient than resource gains given the
Morrison, & Carroll, 2009). This updating and the im- speed at which loss occurs compared to gains. For
portance of time are evidenced in social media, in example, a disaster can instantly wipe out what took
which a crisis can arise in a matter of hours if the proper a lifetime for individuals to build. As losses are more
detection and responses are not enacted (Gruber, salient, it is critical that those experiencing adversity
Smerek, Thomas-Hunt, & James, 2015). The real-time identify pathways to generate new and immediate
speed and public nature of platforms like Twitter mean resource gains (Hobfoll, 2011). Timing is critical as
that organizations need to be more vigilant and re- initial gains can trigger “gain spirals” such that initial
sponsive. Specifically, we anticipate a number of op- gains prompt subsequent resource gains that likely
portunities for future research to explore the role of time facilitate resilience. Future research can build on
in the stages an organization goes through when expe- several emerging studies that highlight the benefits
riencing adversity in public forums. of challenging work in the face of adversity
First, adversity is heterogeneous; some challenges (Gorgievski & Hobfoll, 2008; Williams & Shepherd,
are triggered quickly, evolve rapidly, and are short in 2016b) to explore what it takes to maintain and/or
duration, whereas other challenges emerge slowly, update endowments for resilience. That is, what
evolve more gradually, and are extended over time. endowments, preparation, or responses trigger re-
However, this time dimension is likely to differ for source gains (or losses) in the face of adversity, and
actors based on their endowments, preparation, and how can those be promoted (or avoided)?
754 Academy of Management Annals June

Third, when preparing for and responding to ad- stakeholders. Different stakeholders are likely to have
versity, much is made of speed. Although there has varying interests and objectives (Pfeffer & Salancik,
been some research on accelerating decision speed 1978) and may thus impose conflicting and compet-
(Bakker & Shepherd, 2016; Eisenhardt, 1989), we ing demands on organizations, pulling them onto di-
need to gain a deeper understanding of how actors vergent paths.
can accelerate their preparations (e.g., risk manage- Extending research on control theory. The in-
ment and vulnerability assessments) and their re- creased degree of environmental complexity chal-
sponses to facilitate resilience. The answer may lie lenges traditional organizational mechanisms to
with the current list of endowments, other endow- detect, respond to, and control ongoing operations.
ments not currently recognized in the literature, and/ To date, a considerable body of research focuses on
or some other spontaneous mechanisms of acceler- how organizations develop and manage systems to
ation. These endowments could include potential account for and control a range of normal and/or
resources like community embeddedness, social expected disturbances (Cardinal, Sitkin, & Long,
networks (including both structure and content), and 2004, 2010; Carver & Scheier, 1982; Giglioni &
broader context or institutional factors. Further- Bedeian 1974; Klein, 1989; Snell, 1992). Despite
more, research can challenge the assumption that the long tradition of research exploring systems of
“more speed is better” by exploring if and under control, these studies generally explore systems that
what circumstances slowing the organization down are designed for situations that fall outside of the
may facilitate resilience in the face of certain types of notion of “crisis” discussed throughout this review.
adversity. Indeed, despite the potential connection, our sys-
Finally, learning from failure can be enhanced by tematic review did not uncover “control theory” as
the passage of time—that is, time helps reduce the a substantial research theme in the crisis and resil-
negative emotions triggered by a failure, which helps ience literatures. We anticipate that future research
reduce obstacles to learning from the experience might explore how organizations design mecha-
(Shepherd et al., 2011). Does the passage of time help nisms of “control” that involve responding to dis-
organizations (i.e., organizational members collec- turbances that “fall outside the range of normal and
tively) interpret their experiences with adversity in [the] expected” (Boin, Comfort, & Demchak, 2010: 9).
a way that builds endowments or otherwise helps Some bodies of literature such as work on HROs
them to be better prepared for subsequent adversity? (Roberts, 1990; Weick et al., 1999) provide some in-
If we can gain a deeper understanding of what hap- sight and more recent empirical studies are in-
pens during this period of learning, then perhaps vestigating the micromechanisms (e.g., Barton et al.,
learning can be accelerated or otherwise enhanced. 2015). Still, how do more ordinary organizations
design resilient systems to be better prepared for
unexpected challenges? Is it possible to build re-
Future Research on Complexity and Adversity
silient controls and if so, how can these be used to
The increasing complexity, dynamism, and inter- build resilient organizations, systems, and commu-
connectedness of contemporary business environ- nities (Van Der Vegt et al., 2015)? We anticipate that
ments coupled with increasing information-processing contributions can be made to control theory by
requirements tend to intensify the impact of adversity addressing how organizations recognize potential
on organizations (Lagadec, 2009; Topper & Lagadec, disruptions, prepare for those challenges, and over-
2013). As an example of the evolving complexity in come surprises in an effective way.
the environment, the microblogging website Twitter Addressing multi-faceted demands of hybrid
now sees the “one-in-a million chance of something organizations. Further complicating the increasing
going horribly wrong 500 times a day” (Hill, 2014). environmental complexity is the shifting power, sa-
The potential for things to go wrong has increased lience, and urgency of different types of stakeholders
dramatically along with the concomitant implications over time (Mitchell, Agle, & Wood, 1997). Such dif-
of responding to events in forums where the world ferences and changes in perspectives and opinions
is watching. This has important implications for across stakeholders may lead to confusion about
extending foundational work on how organizations the organization’s identity and may make strategic
anticipate and respond to adversity (Thompson, decision-making, such as how to allocate internal re-
1967). Although organizations have always faced ex- sources, more difficult. These challenges, if not well
ternal threats (Thompson, 1967), contemporary or- managed, may escalate into major disruptions, which
ganizations are embedded in a web of interconnected could in turn lead to resource withdrawal and even
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 755

organizational demise. Attending to the complexity of In addition, facilitating resilience under environ-
organizational life and the ways actors manage these mental complexity requires that effective mecha-
competing demands on a day-to-day basis thus has nisms are put in place so organizations can manage
important implications for understanding organiza- potential tensions across stakeholders and resolve
tional resilience in preparation for unexpected events conflicts should they arise. Recent research on envi-
in increasingly complex environments (Zhao, Fisher, ronmental complexity has uncovered various
Lounsbury, & Miller, 2017). mechanisms organizations employ when managing
There appear to be ample opportunities to in- competing pressures and navigating different stake-
tegrate the emerging research on environmental holder demands. These studies on environmental
complexity (Greenwood et al., 2011; Wry, Cobb, & complexity have mainly focused on the context of so-
Aldrich, 2013) with resilience and crisis manage- cial enterprises—a particular type of hybrid organiza-
ment studies. The increasing prevalence and prom- tion that strives to integrate two distinct organizational
inence of hybrid organizations provides an ideal forms (i.e., business and charity) at its core—and have
setting for such integration. Hybrid organizations suggested various hybrid-organizing approaches as
combine multiple organizational forms and embed effective strategies for facilitating resilience under in-
multiple missions/values not just in their mission creasingly complex environments (Battilana & Lee,
statements but also in their everyday practices 2014). These hybrid-organizing strategies have been
(Battilana, Lee, Walker, & Dorsey, 2012). Because of shown to be effective for managing the internal and
their simultaneous pursuit of different and often- external tensions caused by environmental complex-
times competing missions, these organizations tend ity (see Battilana & Lee, 2014 for a summary), which
to experience divergent pressures from different enrich our understanding of the mechanisms under-
stakeholders and face unique challenges in manag- lying resilience—mechanisms that mitigate potential
ing the associated complexity (Besharov & Smith, tensions in day-to-day activities and avoid the escala-
2014; Pache & Santos, 2013; Zhao & Lounsbury, tion of these tensions into major crises.
2016). Building resilience is therefore a strong im- Conversely, the resilience and crisis management
perative for hybrid organizations. literatures can also help formulate a more complete
Despite the increasing scholarly attention to hy- theory of hybrid organizing in social enterprises;
brid organizations and the environmental complex- hybrid organizing is not simply reactive to a chang-
ity they face as well as the practical importance of ing environment but entails a full range of organiz-
resilience for hybrid organizations, the literatures on ing processes that are both proactive and reactive,
environmental complexity, hybrids, and resilience such as understanding the initial conditions (i.e.,
have largely been developed independent of each organizational endowment), preparing for/preventing
other. We call for a more integrative effort across adversity, and responding to triggering events.
these literatures. To begin, there is a great opportu- These are exciting opportunities for future research.
nity to study how a hybrid organization enhances For instance, how effective are initial resource en-
resilience under conditions of high environmental dowments (e.g., financial slack) in mitigating the
complexity. To pursue this stream of research, we competing pressures social enterprises face? Are
first need research that more explicitly conceptual- pluralist leaders with paradoxical thinking better
izes and operationalizes the structure and intensity positioned to navigate complex demands, make more
of environmental complexity. Past studies have optimal resource-allocation decisions, and mitigate
suggested that both the sheer number and degree the risks of internal conflicts? What are the best reso-
of incompatibility of different institutional logics— lution mechanisms when potential tensions across
beliefs and practices that guide and shape individual/ stakeholders escalate into major disruptions (e.g., the
organizational identities and actions (Thornton, Andhra Pradesh microfinance crisis in India and the
Ocasio, & Lounsbury, 2012)—contribute to environ- No Pago movement in Nicaragua)? Resilience and
mental complexity (Greenwood et al., 2011). How- crisis management research are well positioned to
ever, we know little about the relative salience of each provide important insights for answering these
logic and what drives the incompatibility of these questions.
logics. To this end, future research can explore the
connections and clashes between logics, the ways
Future Research on Mindfulness and Adversity
broader logics evolve (rapidly and slowly), and the
ways organizations facilitate resilience to these changes As we have argued, various new contingencies, such
(Zhao & Wry, 2016). as breakdowns in information and communication
756 Academy of Management Annals June

systems, have increased uncertainty and vulnera- Given that mindfulness has been found to facilitate
bility for all organizations. Thus, all organizations self-regulation and reduce automatic mental pro-
can benefit from actively facilitating resilience before cesses (Glomb, Duffy, Bono, & Yang, 2011), does in-
facing adversity even though neither the costs of ad- dividual mindfulness enable attentional stability,
versity nor the price of being alert to surprises can re- breadth, and vividness (see Weick & Sutcliffe, 2006),
ally be determined in advance (Almklov & Antonsen, which might help employees notice and/or respond
2010). Some industries and organizational contexts, to emerging threats more quickly? More studies that
such as wildland firefighting, health care, and other enhance our understanding of the link between crisis
hazardous industries (e.g., commercial aviation, nu- management and resilience are likely to make im-
clear power, and chemical processing) have no choice portant contributions to organizational science.
but to work constantly on their resilience (e.g., Vogus
et al., 2014). As Barton et al. (2015) explained, these
Exploring the “Dark Side” of Resilience Research
organizations must perform reliably despite uncer-
tainty, thus underscoring the need to actively work to Our final area of future research is one that was
become alert and aware of emerging threats as they a bit of a surprise from our review, what we have
unfold. This collective capability to discern discrimi- labeled the “dark side” of resilience. Clearly, resil-
natory detail about emerging issues and to act swiftly ience has its benefits in enabling actors to maintain
in response to these details (Weick et al., 1999; Vogus & functioning in the face of adversity (Bonanno, 2004;
Sutcliffe, 2012)—known as collective (i.e., organiza- Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003; Van Der Vegt et al., 2015).
tional) mindfulness—is another mechanism common However, it is possible that this functioning may
to both crisis management and resilience. come at a cost, which means that there is a possible
As Sutcliffe, Vogus, and Dane (2016) described in “dark side” to resilience. For example, those who
a recent cross-level review of mindfulness research, are more resilient typically possess (overly) posi-
qualitative and quantitative studies have linked tive self-conceptions [e.g., “self-enhancing biases”
collective mindfulness to greater organizational re- (Westphal & Bonanno 2007: 422)], which can “give
liability; more effective responses to near disasters, rise to ‘positive illusions’ that enable people to be
traumas, and actual disasters; and improved clinical energetic and happy . . . yet may be incompatible
outcomes and decreased mortality rates. Thus, re- with an honest acknowledgement of failure, and
search has suggested that mindfulness and the pro- thus, while promoting happiness, can inhibit
cesses through which it is enabled fuel resilience. learning” (Cannon & Edmondson, 2005: 302). We
That said, a few important opportunities for future anticipate that important contributions will be
research exist that touch on both domains of inquiry. made by future research that explores the potential
Perhaps, the most important question to be answered downsides of resilience and the ways these down-
relates to the goals of collective mindfulness and the sides might accelerate or exacerbate a triggering
ultimate outcomes thereof. If higher reliability is event.
produced through processes of mindful organizing, First, negative emotions can be generated in those
we should expect that organizations (or their sub- facing adversity, providing a clear signal that
units) that organize for mindfulness will experience “something went wrong here” that requires attention
fewer crises and be more resilient over the long term and action (McGrath, 1999; Shepherd, 2003). Al-
than their not-so-organized counterparts. More rig- though disruptive, these negative emotions can
orous studies examining the effects of mindful or- motivate reflection on and sensemaking of causes
ganizing on resilience are needed, particularly in leading up to the disruption and can ultimately
more prosaic organizational settings and contexts generate high levels of learning (for review, see
outside high-risk industries. Shepherd, Williams, Patzelt & Wolfe, 2016; Ucbasaran
Weick et al. (1999) proposed that organizational et al., 2013). If resilient individuals are “immune” to
mindfulness is not about single individuals being these sensemaking triggers in the face of challenges,
mindful or engaging in meditative practices, al- they may fail to attend to and act on signals in-
though the veracity of that claim is unsettled. The dicating the need to make changes to improve indi-
integration of crisis management and resilience po- vidual, group, or venture performance. Future
sitions us to better understand various relationships, research can explore whether and how resilience
such as the associations between individual and or- influences learning from adversity: does sense-
ganizational resilience and individual and collective making still occur but through other mechanisms
mindfulness as well as their cross-level associations. (i.e., not triggered by negative emotions)? Perhaps
2017 Williams, Gruber, Sutcliffe, Shepherd, and Zhao 757

certain types of adversity (e.g., self-caused adversity, Third, while “uniquely adaptive following expo-
such as errors or personal failure) result in lower levels sure to” adversity, resilience tends to “be associated
of learning for more resilient actors vis-a-vis those who with at least some maladaptive characteristics in
experience the adversity as a major disruption. normal circumstances” (Westphal & Bonanno, 2007:
It then becomes important to explore the cognitive 422). For example, individuals higher in resilience
and decision-making mechanisms (e.g., regulatory sometimes tend to be narcissistic and self-enhancing,
focus, attribution, framing) that obstruct the actor evoking negative impressions in others (John &
from reflecting on and learning from experiences Robins, 1994) and creating a potential liability. Al-
with adversity (assuming that learning helps in pre- though these behaviors provide coping advantages
paring for and responding to subsequent adversity). during adversity, they can result in social liabilities
Relatedly, future research can more carefully ex- (Bonanno, Keltner, Holen, & Horowitz, 1995;
plore the role resilience plays in seeking to mitigate Bonanno, Rennicke, & Dekel, 2005). This type of
or curtail potential risk behavior after experiencing coping is described as pragmatic or ugly coping and
a near miss. When people escape a pending disaster, can include emotional disassociation (i.e., emotional
such as avoiding a near collision, they can interpret numbing), which offers an escape from the negative
their experience as one of resilience (i.e., a close call, consequences of adversity but is associated with long-
a disaster that did not occur, a crisis avoided) or one term health costs (Bonanno, 2004; Bonanno & Singer,
of vulnerability (i.e., a near hit, a disaster that almost 1990). Future research can explore the conditions
occurred, a crisis narrowly averted) (March, Sproull, under which resilience is a liability as opposed to an
& Tamuz, 1991). A series of experiments by Tinsley, asset for individuals, teams, and organizations. Do the
Dillon, and Cronin (2012) showed that when people social-liability characteristics associated with indi-
escape disaster and frame their experience in terms vidual resilience transfer to the team or organizational
of resilience (i.e., as a close call), they underestimate levels of analysis? What are the costs and benefits
the danger of future similar situations and are less of having resilient leaders in organizations? Does
likely to take actions to mitigate potential risks. In a leader’s emotional disassociation generate organi-
other words, framing an event in a resilient way leads zational resilience but at the cost of personal and/or
to more risky behaviors in the future which lead to organizational member functioning?
even more devastating consequences. Finally, individual and organizational resilience
Second, and related to the previous point, resil- can be purposely nurtured and developed (Sutcliffe
ience assists actors in persisting in activities despite & Vogus, 2003; Wildavsky, 1988), but doing so can be
hardship. Although noble in many cases, there are time and resource consuming (Dewald & Bowen,
situations in which persistence may be ill chosen, 2010). Individuals and organizations vary in how
such as escalation of commitment to a losing course much attention they dedicate to adversity depending
of action (Brockner, 1992; Ross & Staw, 1993) or the on roles (individual level), organizational objectives,
inability to overcome dysfunctional momentum to and institutional environments. These attentional
adjust actions (Barton & Sutcliffe, 2009). Further- differences influence preparation, decision-making,
more, at the system or institutional level, an and resource allocation for everyday occurrences
outpouring of well-meaning yet uncoordinated and major disruptions (Bigley & Roberts, 2001;
response efforts can result in the “mass assault” of Perrow, 2011). Advancements in research on resil-
decentralized activities (Perry, 1991: 202), including ience need to account for differences in attention to
overabundance of volunteers, congestion of people adversity and link them to the capabilities, pro-
and vehicles, information overload, and inability to cesses, and responses that constitute resilience.
effectively divide tasks and jurisdictional bound- Understanding trade-offs between the allocation of
aries (Drabek, 1985; Quarantelli, 1986; Wenger et al., resources for building resilience and other activities
1987). Future research can explore how resilience (innovation, entrepreneurship, etc.) is likely key to
influences escalation of commitment to failing finding the “right” balance on this key strategic
courses of action, delayed decisions to terminate issue.
poorly performing endeavors, and inability to read- In summary, research on the dark side of resilience
just and change course. These delayed terminations is virtually unexplored, and therefore provides an
may ultimately lead to a major disruption. Therefore, important and critical opportunity to extend our
somewhat ironically, resilience to adversity may— understanding of the role and influence of resilience
under some conditions—create the basis for a sub- in organizational life. Although resilience clearly
sequent major disruption. plays a positive role in organizing in the face of
758 Academy of Management Annals June

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Daniel A. Gruber is Associate Dean for Innovation and New
Williams, T. A., & Shepherd, D. A. (2016a). Building resil- Ventures at the University of Cincinnati’s Lindner College of
ience or providing sustenance: Different paths of emer- Business. Prior to joining the Lindner College, he was a fac-
gent ventures in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake. ulty member at Northwestern University’s Medill School of
Academy of Management Journal, 59: 2069–2102. Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications
Williams, T. A., & Shepherd, D. A. (2016b). Victim entre- and Kellogg School of Management (Courtesy). Dan com-
preneurs doing well by doing good: Venture creation pleted his Ph.D. in management and organizations at the
and well-being in the aftermath of a resource shock. University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. His re-
Journal of Business Venturing, 31(4): 365–387. search focuses on organizational sensemaking, social media,
and managing the unexpected.
Wry, T., Cobb, J. A., & Aldrich, H. E. 2013. More than
a metaphor: Assessing the historical legacy of resource Kathleen M. Sutcliffe is a Bloomberg Distinguished Pro-
dependence and its contemporary promise as a theory fessor of Business and Medicine at the Johns Hopkins
of environmental complexity. The Academy of Man- University with appointments in the Carey Business
agement Annals, 7(1): 441–488. School, the School of Medicine, and the School of Nursing.
Young, M. A. 1998. The community crisis response team Her research program has been devoted to investigating
training manual. Rockville, MD: US Department of how organizations and their members cope with un-
Justice. certainty, team and organizational learning, and how or-
ganizations can be designed to be more reliable and
Yun, S., Faraj, S., & Sims, H. P., Jr. 2005. Contingent lead- resilient.
ership and effectiveness of trauma resuscitation teams.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(6): 1288–1296. Dean A. Shepherd is the Ray and Milann Siegfried Pro-
fessor of Entrepreneurship at the Mendoza College of
Zhao, E. Y., & Lounsbury, M. 2016. An institutional logics
Business, Notre Dame University. Dean received his doc-
approach to social entrepreneurship: Market logic,
torate and MBA from Bond University (Australia). His re-
religious diversity, and resource acquistion by micro-
search and teaching is in the field of entrepreneurship;
finance organizations. Journal of Business Venturing,
he investigates both the decision making involved in
31(6): 643–662.
leveraging cognitive and other resources to act on oppor-
Zhao, E. Y., & Wry, T. 2016. Not all inequality is equal: tunities and the processes of learning from experimenta-
Deconstructing the societal logic of patriarchy to un- tion (including failure), in ways that ultimately lead to high
derstand microfinance lending to women. Academy levels of individual and organizational performance. Dean
of Management Journal, 59(6): 1994–2020. has published papers primarily in the top entrepreneur-
Zhou, H., Wan, J., & Jia, H. 2010. Resilience to natural ship, general management, strategic management, opera-
hazards: a geographic perspective. Natural Hazards, tions management, and psychology journals and has
53(1): 21–41. written (or edited) over 20 books.
Zolli, A., & Healy, A. 2012. Resilience: Why things bounce Eric Yanfei Zhao is an Assistant Professor of Management
back. New York: Free Press. and Entrepreneurship at the Indiana University, Kelley
School of Business. His research interest lies at the in-
tersection of strategic management, organization theory,
and entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on strategic
paradoxes, investigating how various types of organiza-
Trenton A. Williams is an Assistant Professor at the tions become resilient under complex institutional and
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business. Prior to organizational challenges.
joining the Kelley School Trent was a faculty member at
the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse Univer-
sity. His research includes venture emergence under extreme

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