Alley 2002 Flow and Storage in GW Systems
Alley 2002 Flow and Storage in GW Systems
Alley 2002 Flow and Storage in GW Systems
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roundwater is a crucial source of fresh with surface water and the land surface are for the basin, Ss is specific storage (L⫺1), Lc is
water throughout the world. More numerous and extend over many different some characteristic length (L) of the basin,
than a million years (6). Water stored within the The time of travel through the system
U.S. Geological Survey, 411 National Center, Reston,
VA 20192, USA. 2U.S. Geological Survey, Post Office
system can range in age (7) from recent precip- depends on the spatial and temporal gradi-
Box 25046, Mail Stop 413, Denver Federal Center, itation to water trapped in the sediments as they ents of hydraulic head, hydraulic conduc-
Lakewood, CO 80225, USA. were deposited in geologic time. tivity, and porosity of the system. The time
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E- The variability of aquifer response times of travel through a system is different from
mail: is illustrated by the time required for the the hydraulic response time to approach