Ece 260 Biography Evaluation Extension

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Children’s Literature Evaluation Form

Your Name: Shade Evans

Book Title: On A Beam of Light: The Story of Albert Einstein
Author: Jennifer Berne
Genre: Biography
Illustrator: Vladimir Radunsky
Publisher/Year: Chronicle Books/2013
Evaluate the Book for the following elements
Style and Language: Using examples for the book, explain the following: Word
choices, dialogue, rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Share unexpected insights or
interesting information the reader learns from this story. (5 points)
The length of the book was a bit long but it most explain what Albert did and how he
grew up as a child. Not much about other things just about him and how he did
certain things. He had quite an imagination and was certain on what he believed.
He did great things that many people have never done before.

Character: With examples from the book, provide the following- (5 points)
Who is the main character?
How can the reader relate to the character?
Who are the supporting characters?
Albert Einstein

To work and grow at your own pace. He did things his own way at his own pace and
his parents loved him no matter what. He had an imagination like all children do. All
children learn and grow at their own pace with their own interests.

His parents and somewhat I believe, people even in this day in age just people around
him and in the world.

Plot: Summarize the major events of the story (6 points)

As a child Albert did not do much talking until the age of 3. Once he started school, he
gained great use of his imagination. He noticed things differently than other children
and adults. He became very inquisitive about the world and everything involved with
it. He had so many questions about the world, when he graduated college, he
wanted to teach but wasn’t able to find a job as a teacher so he worked in an office.
However, he still had so many questions about everything going on around him. He
proved many ideas about the things in the world and was able to work and teach
what he loved about all the wonders of the world.
Setting: Explain the place and time of this book. (2 points)
Theme: What is the main message of this book? (2 points)
It was quite some time ago at the beginning of the book it says over 100 years ago.
Even with him mailing letters to the scientists, now we communicate via e-mail or on
the computer.

Never to give up, keep an imagination, work hard to prove what you believe is true.
As a parent and adult allow children to be adventurous and interested in what their
heart desires.
Illustration: Analyze the book you selected with the following categories
Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)? (2
Though the drawings look like a child drew them not much detail and texture that
makes it look like real life.

Media Choice (paints, oils watercolors, pencils, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk):
(2 points)
Watercolors and pen/pencil

Give examples of describe how the following visual elements are used in the
illustrations: (3)
Line: Many lines, several pages look like doodles
Shapes: The atoms look just like little dots and man pages look like lopsided people
and faces, not many pictures were even and symmetrical.
Color: Some watercolors, lots of earth toned colors.
Texture: The pictures did not pop out much as far as texture. The pictures looked very
flat and non-dimensional.
Page design (placement of the illustrations, use of borders, white and dark space and
all pages the same or different). (3)
Some blank spaces on the pages with small pictures or doodles.
Child Development Theory: Choose either Piaget, Erickson or Social Emotional to
describe the connection to the book Chose 1 only (5 points)
Name the stage______Sensorimotor____ and the age_____0-2_________
Explain the cognitive development from this stage and provide an example from the
book to support your choice:

Children learn and develop at their own pace just like Albert even though he did not
speak until 3 he was very curious about the world around him. Children are always
inquisitive about the world around then and still are learning at their own pace.

1 would not recommend 2 average 3 highly recommended

Your rating of the book: ____2__________

I do like this book; I feel that some details didn’t need to be so long in the book but it
made it necessary in a sense. Not my personal favorite.
Book Extension Activity
Your Name: Shade Evans

Book Title: On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein

Book Author: Jennifer Berne

Publisher: Chronicle Books

Date: 7/19/2020

1. Pre-K/CCSD K-2nd Grade Core Standard

1.PK.5 Demonstrate awareness that print carries a message.
2.PK.1 Identify the front cover of the book and know how to turn the pages when reading.

2. Objectives (What will children expect to learn?)

Begin to write their own messages to their family and friends.

Show an understanding of how books are organized.

Handle books with care and respect.

3. Materials and Equipment needed:

On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein Book
1 book for each child in the classroom
Paper for each child
Envelop for each child
Pencil for each child

4. Teaching (What will you do?)

Before reading the book have each child have a book and show them how to hold a book and the
anatomy of books. Spine, pages, front cover, back cover, illustrations, text.
Show them how to turn pages and have them turn the pages of the books they have.
Put books back in pile read book.
Talk to children about Alberts imagination and his curiosity about the world and how he wanted
to explain things he had so many questions about. Tell children that they are going to write to
their parents about what the world is to them. Albert said atoms everything is made of atoms.
What they things the world is made of and how it works.
5. Closure:

Tell children that imagination has no right way or wrong way it can be whatever you want it to
be. Every person’s imagination is different in all ways. Alberts imagination led him to discover
and believe and solve many problems and in result he worked hard and became a teacher and a
genius from all his work that all started with his imagination.

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