Waltana Work Sheet For Exam

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Multitasking case analysis

The aim of case analysis was to identify the cognitive factors that predictability and adaptability
during multitasking with a flight simulator. Multitasking has become increasingly prevalent as
most professions require individuals to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Considerable
research has been undertaken to identify the characteristics of people (i.e., individual differences)
that predict multitasking ability.
Multitasking means constantly switching between tasks, and sometimes that can destroy your
productivity. Countless studies have been conducted to determine multitasking's impact on the
brain and productivity. Since then, more research has emerged supporting the idea that
multitasking may not be the best way to get as many tasks as possible done throughout the day. It
comes down to our ability to focus we are most effective when we focus our attention on one
thing at a time.
Multitasking has become increasingly prevalent as most professions require individuals to
perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Considerable research has been undertaken to identify the
characteristics of people (i.e., individual differences) that predict multitasking ability. Although
working memory is a reliable predictor of general multitasking ability (i.e., performance in
normal conditions), there is the question of whether different cognitive faculties are needed to
rapidly respond to changing task demands (adaptability).
Regarding multitasking I do not consider myself as a multitasked. Because multitask is
inefficient, that they try to perform two things at once. As a result, they use the same sorts of
mental and physical resources for performing each task at once; this makes them inefficient.
The effects of multitasking have been found to be more negative because of that actually
tasks longer to do two things at once then to do one thing first and then turn to the other. Another
factor is that multitasks use the same sorts of mental and physical resources for performing each
tasks at once therefore, this makes them inefficient or negative performer. Our brains can’t handle
several complex tasks at once. With the rise of smart phones, that can mean texting or listening to
music while working can actually impair our productivity. No matter what you're doing,
multitasking will hurt your efficiency to some degree. Multitasking is unproductive because less
quality work is produced, more mistakes are made.
Multitasking makes me unhappy. Therefore, I disagree. Because multitasking can
damage productivity and social relationships as individuals devote less concentrated time and
attention to the tasks they perform rather than conversations they have.
The answer has to do with feelings of productivity. People value feelings productive in how they
spend their time. When circumstances limit people’s sense of progress or accomplishment, this
reduces their happiness. Research has shown that workers who switch between varieties of tasks in
a short time period are less productive than workers who stick to a similar set of activities over that
same period. Shorter time periods simply do not provide a sufficient opportunity to compensate for
these costs. Thus, increasing the variety among the activities that fill these shorter time periods
decreases happiness by making that time feel less productive.
Multitasking has effect on me. Yes, I think while I am doing something, I do not look
at other devices and even I do not make conversation with somebody else. Minimum for 10
minutes to give attention for the task I perform. Multitasking means constantly switching
between tasks, and sometimes that can destroy your productivity. Countless studies have been
conducted to determine multitasking's impact on the brain and productivity. More research has
emerged supporting the idea that multitasking may not be the best way to get as many tasks as
possible done throughout the day. It comes down to our ability to focus we are most effective
when we focus our attention on one thing at a time.
Keep in mind that these views on multitasking are mostly relevant in the workplace. It
is possible to multitask in some scenarios without hindering your overall desired output. Eating
and walking, for example, can still be accomplished without a catastrophic end. Both affect how
we learn and work, but as with most things, the situation dictates when it's appropriate to
multitask and when you should focus on one thing at a time.
Regarding multitasks individuals they have different behavior since individual behavior
differ from person to behavior refers to what people do in, how they perform and what their
attitudes are. Multitasking has become increasingly prevalent as most professions require
individuals to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Considerable research has been undertaken
to identify the characteristics of people (i.e., individual differences) that predict multitasking
ability. Multitasking ability and adaptability may be overlapping but separate constructs that
draw on overlapping (but not identical) sets of cognitive abilities.
Lastly, multitasking is related with self-esteem and self-efficacy because of self -esteem and
self-efficacy are the level of self-respect and worth one has for himself and herself. And the
definition of both self-esteem and self-efficacy is described below.
Researchers demonstrated that university students with higher self-efficacy in multitasking may
be engaged in more media multitasking; nevertheless, more frequent multitasking was correlated
with poorer multitasking ability in performing the cognitive task.
These definitions and data suggest that apathy is essentially related to as regards self-esteem and
self-efficacy beliefs, these two self-evaluation constructs have multitasking mediate the
relationships between episodic memories.
Self-esteem is the level of self-respect and worth one has for himself or herself. Self-esteem is an
individual's subjective evaluation of their own worth. Self- esteem he described two different
forms of "esteem": the need for respect from others in the form of recognition, success to test the
relationship between self- esteem and other psychological attributes such as self-efficacy and
self- confidence.
Self-efficacy is the belief in our ability to succeed and our level of competence.
A person who has a high self-efficacy will perceive himself as performing well on tasks. A
person's perceived ability to succeed can also be influenced by their actual capabilities to do
well, social factors such as seeing others similar to them performing well or others
complimenting them on being smart enough or intelligent enough to do well.
Generally multitasking means constantly switching between tasks, and sometimes that can
destroy your productivity. Countless studies have been conducted to determine multitasking's
impact on the brain and productivity. Since then, more research has emerged supporting the idea
that multitasking may not be the best way to get as many tasks as possible done throughout the
day. Multitasking has negative impact on productivity. Research has shown that workers who
switch between varieties of tasks in a short time period are less productive than workers who stick
to a similar set of activities over that same period. Shorter time periods simply do not provide a
sufficient opportunity to compensate for these costs. Thus, increasing the variety among the
activities that fill these shorter time periods decreases happiness by making that time feel less
 Define Project and explain its unique features
 Is a sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities having one goal or purpose
and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to
specification. The Project Management Institute's (PMI) guide to the project
management body of knowledge (PMBOK 1996, p.4) defines a project as: a temporary
endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.
 Is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
In this definition temporary means every project has definite beginning and ending it
does not apply to the product or service created by the project.
 Have a specific objective, with a focus on the creation of business value, to be completed
within certain specifications.
 Have defined start and end dates
 Have funding limits (if applicable)
 Consume human and nonhuman resources (i.e., money, people, equipment)
 Are multifunctional (i.e., cut across several functional lines)
 Collection of linked activities, carried out in an organized manner, with a clearly defined
start point and end point to achieve some specific results desired to satisfy the needs of
the organization at the current time. Generally
The unique feature of project
 Projects are unique undertakings, they involve degree of uncertainty. Organizations
performing projects usually divide each project into several project phases to improve
management control and provide for links to the ongoing operations of the performing

 Unique means the product or service or result is different in some distinguishing way
from other all products or services or results.
 Explained by progressive elaboration means a characteristic of projects that integrates the
concepts of temporary and unique.
 Every project is unique and no two projects are similar.
 Though, the project management In Ethiopia have been characterized by severe time and
cost overruns, particularly in the public sector, we able to manage mega projects like
Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, sugar projects, ETRSS-1 Satellite launch, Ethio-
Djiboute rail project, Addis Ababa city's riverbanks green public parks and the likes.
There may be internal and external reasons why the projects were not completed within
scope, cost and time in Ethiopia.
 Project has a definite start and finish.
 Project consists of a well defined collection of jobs, activities, or tasks which when
complete; mark the end of project.
 Most jobs are related backward (predecessors) and forward (successors).
 The jobs are ordered (i.e., they must be performed in technological order.
 Their importance, specific end results, a definite life cycle, complex interdependencies,
some or all unique elements, limited resources, and an environment of conflict.
 In project management “Good planning is good ending” explain this idea
– Both the parent organization and the project team must employ proper managerial
techniques to ensure that judicious and adequate, but not excessive, use of planning,
controlling, and communications systems can be made.
– Plan Outline how to do the project (details of plan about project activities)

Management needs to ensure that enough funding is available at the right time to meet the
needs of the business.
Plan-is a method of making or doing something or achieving an end; to intend to do something
or that an event or result should happen; a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
Action plan-specific implementation plan of how an organization will achieve its objective
statement of specific actions or activities that will be used to achieve a goal within the constraints
of the objective. Because of this, Good plan in project is Good Ending of the project.
 Enumerate the main pillars of a Project
Compiling this list of project management success factors, including looking at why projects
failed (with the rational they failed because they did not use /apply that particular activity), there
seems to be three broad groupings / categories. The pillars provide the foundation for successful
project management. Another analogy would be the three legs of project management. In both
scenarios, take any one away and the project fails. The three main Pillars of Project
Managements are the followings;
i. Requirements
There are several “layers” of requirements. It begins with project goals and objectives that are
well articulated and achievable. These should be found in a business case that provides the
strategic need for the project. It should provide a justification for the project based on business
requirements and expected benefits. These goals and objectives should encompass stakeholder
expectations and have executive management support. This will help determine the feasibility of
success based on the customer’s needs.
The business requirements are decomposed into technical and performance requirements. These
need to be clear and unambiguous. From these the detailed specifics of the product or service to
be delivered are elicited and identified. The requirements must be testable to verify clarity and
feasibility and traceable to assess the impacts of any changes. Through testing
of requirements you can ensure the project will meet the business needs. User involvement helps
identify the “need” from “nice to have” requirements, ensures customer satisfaction and helps
avoid scope creep.
ii. Processes
Processes include the work, tools, and techniques used to manage the project the contents of
guide. The key is to put the right processes with the rigor necessary for the size, strategic
importance, complexity, and risks of the project. There are two key processes. One is planning
and controls. To be effective with planning and control processes is to understand the constraints
on the project the trade space necessary for effective decision making. It starts with a Work
Breakdown Structure that details 100% of the scope. Then valid and realistic cost and
time estimates are developed, performance baselines are established, and deliverables and
milestones are clearly documented.   Effective controls involve establishing performance
measurements and monitoring the accomplishment of project objectives throughout the life of
the project.
The other key process is risk management realistic, proactive, and anticipatory in the
identification and management of threats and opportunities to project objectives. It can be as
easy as asking “what is going to prevent me from getting this done?” Or it can be rigorous to
include assumption testing, root cause analysis, and Monte Carlo simulations. Regardless of the
rigor, the process has to incorporate stakeholder risk tolerances.
iii. People
The last leg, and arguably the most import, is people. After all, they deliver
projects. Resources are needed to do the work and manage the work resources with the right
skills and knowledge that are adequate for the needs of the project, starting with the project
manager.   They are dependent usually on organizational processes or informal networks of
Resources need to be formed into a performing team in order to effectively delivery the project.
It starts with leadership skills of the project manager. This includes the “soft
skills” like communication, business acumen, and change management with a greater focus on
understanding customer and stakeholder requirements and constraints, customer
relationship management skills are essential.
4. for human being “life by its self is project“ discuss this idea
 Life  is a characteristic that distinguishes physical entities that have biological processes,
living beings  are thermodynamic systems with an The idea that the Earth is alive is found
in philosophy and religion, but the first "Life-centered ethics, and the human future in
space" (PDF ).
 The meaning of life, or the answer to the question: "What is the meaning of life?" Pertains
to the Different people and cultures believe different things for the answer to this question.
His theory on justice in the soul relates to the idea of happiness relevant to the question of
the meaning of life. In other projects.
 A life project  is simply a document that compiles “what we want to be” and “what we.
The  ideas  I share below are not based on psychological or social theories, but are as
a  person  and what the circumstances in which they find them selves are. Of happiness are
relative and cannot be copied from one human to another.
 The starting point in discussing how projects  should be properly managed is to first been
undertaking  projects since the earliest days of organized human activity.
 The needy nature of human beings Virtues of state and soul its presuppositions are self-
evident or trivial truths: All human actions. What we regard as a life worth living depends
on the notion we have of our. This is not the place to discuss the project Plato pursues.
we discuss individually six philosophers who are arguably its central to investigate and
understand the self or the world, or as a special occupation A key idea here is
that human existence is in some way 'on its own'; anxiety free being, I assume responsibility
for my whole life, for a 'project' or a 'commitment'. Life and
Works; The Main Project of the Essay The natives view which Locke attacks in Book I holds
that human beings have mental how the mind is furnished with the ideas it has, Locke moves
on to discuss knowledge and belief. Make up my life and join up to my current self and
current experiences in a unified way.  It's a vital aspect of life to pay attention to, especially if
you want to feel more understood. Activities to Increase Self-Expression for Adults; Project
Ideas and You can use your words, your facial expressions, your body, your Look at
photographs of people expressing different emotions and discuss them. One's self-concept is
a collection of beliefs about oneself of projects.
The project is born (its start-up phase) and a manager is selected, the project team and initial
resources are assembled, and the work program is organized, like human life.
• Is a sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities having one goal or purpose
and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to
specification. Temporary means that every project has definite times means having
started and end. A project has a life cycle. The life cycle consists of its own stages as
human being, Projects are vehicles by which an economy marshals (organizes) limited
resources (both human and non-human) in the pursuit of more fundamental objectives
like humans so human life is project.

5. What are (is) the main criteria for successful Project success include completion:
One of the most difficult tasks is predicting whether the project will be successful. Most goal-
oriented managers look only at the time, cost, and performance parameters. If an out-of-tolerance
condition exists, then additional analysis is required to identify the cause of the problem.
Looking only at time, cost, and performance might identify immediate contributions to profits,
but will not identify whether the project itself was managed correctly. This takes on
paramount/top importance if the survival of the organization is based on a steady/stable stream of
successfully managed projects.
• Project success is often measured by the “actions” of three groups: the project manager
and team, the parent organization, and the customer’s organization.
• There are certain actions that the project manager and team can take in order to stimulate
project success.
• These actions include:
– Insist on the right to select key project team members.
– Select key team members with proven track records in their fields.
– Develop commitment and a sense of mission from the outset.
– Seek sufficient authority and a project-zed organizational form.
• A project cannot be successful unless it is recognized as a project and has the support of
top-level management.
• Top-level management must be willing to commit company resources and provide the
necessary administrative support so that the project easily adapts to the company’s day-
to-day routine of doing business.
• Furthermore, the parent organization must develop an atmosphere conducive to good
working relationships between the project manager, parent organization, and client
• Both the parent organization and the project team must employ proper managerial
techniques to ensure that judicious and adequate, but not excessive, use of planning,
controlling, and communications systems can be made.
• These proper management techniques must also include preconditioning, such as:
– Clearly established specifications and designs
– Realistic schedules
– Realistic cost estimates
– Avoidance of over optimism etc
By combining the relevant actions of the project team, parent organization, and client
organization, we can identify the fundamental lessons for management.
These include:
• When starting off in project management, plan to go all the way.
– Recognize authority conflicts resolve.
– Recognize change impact be a change agent.
• Match the right people with the right jobs.
– No system is better than the people who implement it.
• Allow adequate time and effort for laying out the project groundwork and defining work:
– Work breakdown structure
– Network planning
• Ensure that work packages are the proper size:
– Manageable, with organizational accountability
– Realistic in terms of effort and time
– Establish and use planning and control systems as the focal point of project
– Know where you’re going.
– Know when you’ve gotten there.
• Be sure information flow is realistic:
– Information is the basis for problem-solving and decision-making.
– Communication “pitfalls” are the greatest contributor to project difficulties.
The last lesson, project termination, has been the downfall for many good project managers.
• As projects near completion, there is a natural tendency to minimize costs by transferring
people as soon as possible and by closing out work orders.
• This often leaves the project manager with the responsibility for writing the final report
and transferring raw materials to other programs.
• Many projects require one or two months after work completion simply for
administrative reporting and final cost summary.
 Generally Within the allocated time period, Within the budgeted cost, At the proper
performance or specification level, With acceptance by the customer/user, With
minimum or mutually agreed upon scope changes, Without disturbing the main work
flow of the organization, Without changing the corporate culture.
 Having defined project success, we can now identify some of the major causes for the
failure of project management
1. What type of strategy you recommend to the company to adopt to overcome its business
crisis? Elaborate with reasonable arguments.
 As MBA student I recommend the company retrenchment or defensive strategies. The
reason is that when organizations survival is threatened and it is not compacting
effectively retrenchment strategies are often needed. The reason why I recommend
retrenchment is that the XY share company has temporary problem i.e covid-19 which
is external factors.
 Therefore retrenchment strategies have three basic types:
1. Turnaround
2. Divestment
3. Liquidation
 As described about there are three basic types of retrenchment strategies, among the
three of company should have to use turnaround strategies because of the XY Share
Company has not yet reached a critical stop.
2. What element of strategy is missed? Elaborate with reasonable arguments.
Element of strategy
A strategy consists of an integrated set of choices. These choices relate to five elements managers
must consider when making decisions: (1) arenas, (2) differentiators, (3) vehicles, (4) staging and
pacing, and (5) economic logic
Arenas are areas in which a firm will be active. Decisions about a firm’s arenas may encompass
its products, services, distribution channels, market segments, geographic areas, technologies, and
even stages of the value-creation process. Unlike vision statements, which tend to be fairly
general, the identification of arenas must be very specific. It clearly tells managers what the firm
should and should not do. In addition, because firms can contract with outside parties for
everything from employees to manufacturing services, the choice of arenas can be fairly narrowly
defined for some firms.

For example, as the largest US bicycle distributor, Pacific Cycle owns the Schwinn, Mongoose,
and GT brands and sells its bikes through big-box retail outlets and independent dealers, as well
as through independent agents in foreign markets. In addition to these arena choices, Pacific
Cycle has entirely outsourced the production of its products to Asian manufacturers. This is
important in the sense that the strategy diamond also helps the firm be precise in regard to which
activities it will engage itself and which ones it will outsource and where. As you know, Asia
happens to be a low-cost source of high-quality manufactured goods. In outsourcing shoes and
apparel lines, Nike follows a similar strategy in terms of arenas. One key difference, however, is
that Nike, through its Nike Town retail outlets, has also chosen a direct retail presence in addition
to its use of traditional retail-distribution channels.

The arenas facet of the strategy diamond helps you answer questions about business strategy—
that is, it helps you determine which particular industry or geographic segments are the firm’s
prime competitive arenas. The arenas facet also allows you to summarize corporate strategy—that
is, it allows you to summarize which group of industry and geographic segments the firm
competes in.

Differentiators are features and attributes of a company’s product or service that help it beat its
competitors in the marketplace. Firms can be successful in the marketplace along a number of
common dimensions, including image, customization, technical superiority, price, quality, and
reliability. Japanese automakers Toyota and Honda have done very well by providing effective
combinations of differentiators. They sell both inexpensive cars and high-end cars with high-
quality features, and many consumers find the value that they provide hard to match. However,
even though the best strategies often combine differentiators, history has shown that firms often
perform poorly when they try to be all things to all consumers. It’s difficult to imagine, for
instance, a single product that boasts both state-of-the-art technology and the lowest price on the
market. Part of the problem is perceptual—consumers often associate low quality with low prices.
Part of it is practical—leading-edge technologies cost money to develop and command higher
prices because of their uniqueness or quality.
There are two critical factors in selecting differentiators:

Decisions must be made early. Key differentiators rarely materialize without significant up-front
decisions, and without valuable differentiators firms tend to lose marketplace battles.
Identifying and executing successful differentiators mean making tough choices—trade-offs.
Managers who can’t make tough decisions about trade-offs often end up trying to satisfy too
broad a spectrum of customer needs; as a result, they execute poorly on most dimensions.
Audi is an example of a company that has aligned these two factors successfully. Several years
ago, Audi management realized that its cars were perceived as low-quality but high-priced
German automobiles—obviously a poor competitive position. The firm decided that it had to
move one way or another—up market or down market. It had to do one of two things: (1) lower
its costs so that its pricing was consistent with customers’ perceptions of product quality or (2)
improve quality sufficiently to justify premium pricing. Given limited resources, the firm
couldn’t go in both directions; that is, it couldn’t produce cars in both the low-price and high-
quality strata. Audi made a decision to invest heavily in quality programs and in refining its
marketing efforts. Ten years later, the quality of Audi cars has increased significantly, and
customer perception has moved them much closer to the level of BMW and Mercedes-Benz.
Audi has reaped the benefits of premium pricing and improved profitability, but the decisions
behind the strategic up-market move entailed significant trade-offs.
Differentiators are what drive potential customers to choose one firm’s offerings over those of
competitors. The earlier and more consistent the firm is at driving these differentiators, the
greater the likelihood that customers will recognize them.
Vehicles are the means for participating in targeted arenas. For instance, a firm that wants to go
international can do so in different ways. In a recent drive to enter certain international markets
(e.g., Argentina), Walmart has opened new stores and grown organically—meaning that it
developed all the stores internally as opposed to acquiring stores already based in the countries it
wanted to enter. Elsewhere (namely, in England and Germany), Walmart has purchased existing
retailers and is in the process of transferring its unique way of doing business to the acquired
companies. Likewise, a firm that requires a new technology could develop it through investments
in research and development (R&D). Or it could opt to form an alliance with a competitor or a
supplier that already possesses the technology, accelerating the integration of the missing piece
into its set of resources and capabilities. Finally, it could simply buy another firm that owns the
technology. In this case, the possible vehicles for entering a new arena include acquisitions,
alliances, and organic investment and growth.
Staging and Pacing
Staging and pacing refer to the timing and speed, or pace, of strategic moves. Staging choices
typically reflect available resources, including cash, human capital, and knowledge. At what
point, for example, should Walmart have added international markets to its strategy? Perhaps if
the company had pursued global opportunities earlier, it would have been able to develop a better
sense of foreign market conditions and even spread the cost of entry over a longer period of time.
However, by delaying its international moves, the company was able to focus on dominating the
US market, which is—after all—the largest retail market in the world. Despite mixed results
overseas, Walmart is the undisputed leader in global retailing and has recently increased its
emphasis on international markets as the basis for future growth.
Staging decisions should be driven by several factors—resources, urgency, credibility, and the
need for early wins. Because few firms have the resources to do everything they’d like to do
immediately, they usually have to match opportunities with available resources. In addition, not
all opportunities to enter new arenas are permanent; some have only brief windows. In such
cases, early wins and the credibility of certain key stakeholders may be necessary to implement a
Economic Logic
Economic logic refers to how the firm will earn a profit—that is, how the firm will generate
positive returns over and above its cost of capital. Economic logic is the “fulcrum” for profit
creation. Earning normal profits, of course, requires a firm to meet all fixed, variable, and
financing costs. Achieving desired returns over the firm’s cost of capital is a tall order for any
organization. In analyzing a firm’s economic logic, think of both costs and revenues. Sometimes
economic logic resides primarily on the cost side of the equation. Irish airline Ryanair, for
example, can fly passengers for significantly lower costs per passenger mile than any major
competitor. At other times, economic logic may rest on the firm’s ability to increase the
customer’s willingness to pay premium prices for products (in other words, prices that
significantly exceed the costs of providing enhanced products).

When the five elements of strategy are aligned and mutually reinforcing, the firm is generally in a
position to perform well. High performance levels, however, ultimately mean that a strategy is
also being executed well. This leads to strategy implementation.
The Five Elements and International Strategy
As you learn to apply the strategy diamond to issues about international business, you will
probably work through three related questions:
Do we need to expand outside our home country?
If so, where should we expand?
Finally, how should we do that?
Answering the first question requires an understanding of the international strategy’s economic
logic and how the strategy is supported by the current differentiators. Answering the second
question includes identifying specific regions and countries and the criteria that might be used to
prioritize potential markets. Finally, the answer to the third question involves whether the
organization should enter the new international market on its own, with a partner, or through
Considering the responses to these questions, you’ll then have a new strategy diamond that
addresses the following:
Arenas. The specific geographic markets and the channels and value-chain activities in those
Differentiators. How being international differentiates the organization from competitors, makes
products or services more attractive to future customers, and strengthens the effectiveness of the
differentiators in the chosen arenas.
Vehicles. The preference to use organic investment and growth, alliances, or acquisitions as
expansion vehicles.
Staging and pacing. When you start expanding, how quickly you expand and the sequence of
your expansion efforts.
Economic logic. How your international strategy contributes to the overall economic logic of
your business and corporate strategies.. .

3. What is your view on the company’s vision and mission? Elaborate your answer.
 My view on the company’s vision it does not describe when the company become
profitable education center Ethiopia. It does not describe the ideal result that the
organization or the company wants to achieve.
 Mission;the missionstatement describe purpose that is the reason for which the
organization exists.
Mission the mission statement describes the company’s business. But the mission
statement of the XY Company’s has limitation the reason why the company is
In general, a good vision and mission have the following benefits;
a. Achieve and clarify purpose.
b. Provide a basis for all other strategic planning activities.
c. Provide direction.
d. Resolve divergent views.
e. Achieve higher organizational performance.
4. What smart vision and mission are supposed to look like in general? Elaborate your answer
with reasonable arguments.
 Effective vision
- Provide future direction
- Expresses a consumer benefit
- Is motivating
- Must be fully communicated
- Consistently followed and measured
- Good vision are inspiring and exhilarating
- Help in creation of a common identity and a share sense of purpose
- It is competitive, original and unique
 Mission statement
Mission statement is a declaration of on organization’s reason for being
Mission statement should
- Define what the organization is and what the organization aspires to be
- Be limited enough to exclude some ventures and broad enough to allow for
creative growth
- Destination a given organization for all other
- Serve as a framework for evaluating both current and prospective activities.
- Be stated in terms sufficiently clear to be widely understood throughout the
- Not as short a phrase as a vision statement, a mission statement should still get its
point a cross in one sentence.
- It explain the overarching out comes your organization is working achieve
- Are not limiting in strategies or sectors of the community that may become
involved in the project
5. Forward your own proposal as how Ethiopia’s business companies can overcome
bankruptcy and economic risks caused by pandemic and political testability.
 To overcome the problem; when pandemic caused the company should have to use
alternative mechanism like online teaching learning prices for example telegram,
zoom, Imo, online and an also. As MBA students I recommend that strategic
management requires personal discipline, commitment of the manager to overcome the
problem during pandemic problem caused.
 The second is political testability problem. Political testability consist governmental
policies toward business;
- Investment incentives,
- Business regulation,
- Education priorities and
- Budget condition is political factors which affect an organization.
To overcome political problem the manager of the company should have to know the following;
- Organizational purpose,
- organizational beliefs,
- organizational value and
- business definition
In general, when a company has faced pandemic and political problem the manager should have
to use defensive strategy of strategic management to overcome the problem.
Answer ob

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