Leadership and Management in Public Health Setting in Somalia
Leadership and Management in Public Health Setting in Somalia
Leadership and Management in Public Health Setting in Somalia
ISSN 2639-1783
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018, PP: 21-33
Manager, Darul-bir Institution, Bosaso, Somalia
Public Health Nurse, Maternal and Child Healthcare Center, Somalia
Faculty of Human and Health, University of Health Sciences in Bosaso, Somalia
Faculty of Health Science, Bosaso University, Somalia
Public Health Nurse, Bosaso General Hospital , Somalia
Public Health Officer, Young Africans Development Action, Somalia
Faculty of Nursing, Lincoln University, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author: Regidor-111 Dioso, Faculty of Nursing, Lincoln University, Malaysia.
This study deemed to explore the lived experiences of public health care leaders in leading and managing public
health care services in Somalia. A qualitative descriptive-exploratory design determined and reported findings
the way they were said and mentioned by the respondents in a narrative approach. Purposive sampling technique
was used among 8 participants who were selected or sought for an interview, based on pre-selected inclusion
and exclusion criteria. Video-audio recorder was used to ensure that answers from the 8 interviewees were
collected and was transcribed into written responses, thus used for data analysis. The explored leadership and
management in Somalia were (1) work specialization addressing change management, (2) departmentalization
addressing organizational structure, (3) chain of command addressing leadership traits and styles, (4) span
of control addressing performance management and conflict resolution, (5) centralization addressing team
working, and (6) formalization addressing quality assurance and total quality management.
Keywords: Leadership; management; Nursing; Public health; Qualitative research; Somalia.
The population has been growing annually at a rate 8. How does total quality management play a role in
of 2.8%, although it experienced high mortality rates managing healthcare service?
during the civil war in the early 1990s (Population Justification
Reference Bureau, 2005). The health care needs
The research questions are justified to be explored
were increasing while resources and enabling
as an effective leadership and management are
infrastructures were diminishing or ceasing to
prerequisites to an equitable health care delivery
function (World Health Organization, 2017). As a
system (Weber, 2010). Exploring the governance of
result however, the people’s health suffered (World
an organization is also justified to address leadership
Health Organization, 2017). Many factors were and management. In Somalia, it is hoped to pave new
attributed to this desperate situation. Among the main challenges for growth and development of public health
factor is the leadership and management system in services (United Nations Development Programme,
Somalia however, it lacked necessary infrastructure, 2001). In addition, the research questions are justified
since funding, insurances, and equipment are not to be befitting in order to explore solution(s) to the
managed well enough. Skilled manpower is also not problems of governance in public health settings.
available that could be useful for strategic planning
and policy development (World Health Organization,
2010). Somalia’s health care system has suffered from This study is significant to help the potential researchers
inadequate manpower, funding, mismanagement, and to have an in-depth knowledge about the leadership
poor planning and policy development ever since and management system in Somalia. Secondly, it is
independence (Population Reference Bureau, 2005). also significant among the policy makers, government
This has caused a serious setback to the development and concerned agencies, to identify the challenges of
of public health sector in Somalia, hence, the need leadership and management system in Somalia. Lastly,
to study leadership and management system (World it will enable Somali healthcare leaders to prescribe
Health Organization, 2017). recommendations which can pave new avenues in
overcoming their public health crisis.
Aims of the Study
On account of these issues this study deems to explore
the lived experiences of public health care leaders Research Design
in leading and managing public health care services The study used a qualitative research design. This
in Somalia. Stemming out from this aim, research study described the patterns of conditions by persons,
questions are formulated. places, and times (DeFranzo, 2015) in relation to the
22 Open Access Journal of Nursing V1 . I2 . 2018
Leadership and Management in Public Health Setting in Somalia
independent variables – leadership and management. -Can you give an example on how you demonstrate
This design deemed to explore the lived experiences conflict resolution?
of public healthcare leaders in Somalia.
-Do you have any final suggestions on how to resolve
Research Type conflicts?
A descriptive-exploratory research type determined How do healthcare leaders manage changes in health
and reported findings the way they were said care service?
and mentioned by the respondents in a narrative
-What kind of specialized skills do you need to
approach (Burns and Grove, 2015). It attempted to
implement change?
describe factors such as performances, attitudes,
characteristics, and leadership and management -Can you give an example on how healthcare leaders
techniques. It obtained information concerning the succeed in managing change?
current statuses of public healthcare leaders, to
-Do you want to give more advice for other healthcare
explore what exists with respect to the conditions in a
leaders to manage change?
situation in the public health sectors in Somalia.
How do you as a healthcare leader manage
Research Population and Sample Size
performance from members of staff?
The target population for the study is mainly the
-How to make sure employees maintain their good
Somali public health care leaders. These leaders are
more into management and governance and not the
science of public health. This study selects 8 public -Can you give an example on how you demonstrate
health care leaders to be interviewed. performance management?
Sampling Technique -Do you have any final suggestions on how to manage
Purposive sampling was used among participants
who were selected or sought after, based on pre- Why is structuring organizations significant in
selected inclusion and exclusion criteria (Burns and managing health care service?
Grove, 2015). This study may be attempting to collect -How organizational structure affects group
data from public health leaders in Somalia. Primarily,
divisions by distributing employees to designated
Somali public health care officers were included.
Data Collection -Can you give an example on how you demonstrate
A comprehensive self-administered written open structuring of your department?
ended questionnaire guided the respondents. The
-Do you have any final suggestions on how to structure
questions are translated in the Somali language as
it deems necessary. The questions include follow
up questions to enable further explorations of the How do healthcare leaders make their team work?
respondents’ lived experiences that are as follows: -Tell me about a time you faced an ethical dilemma
Why are leadership traits and styles significant in destroying team working?
healthcare service? -Can you give an example on how you demonstrate
-Why is it important to have a leadership traits and building team working?
styles in your field of work?
-Do you have any else to say regarding team working?
-Can you give reasons why you chose that specific
Why is quality assurance significant in managing
leadership traits and styles?
healthcare service?
- Do you have any final words regarding the significance
- Why do you practice the routine of quality
of leadership traits and styles?
How do healthcare leaders resolve conflicts?
-Can you give a reason why you demonstrate quality
-May you describe conflicts that you faced? assurance?
Open Access Journal of Nursing V1 . I2 . 2018 23
Leadership and Management in Public Health Setting in Somalia
-Do you have any final suggestions on how to Answers were also organized in a systematic way
maintain quality services? in order to make the analyses useful. If the answers
were said in the Somali language, we translated it to
How does total quality management play a role in
English and explained it to the respondents, word per
managing healthcare service?
word. Should there be any changes as explained by
-How does your organization achieve recognition of the respondents, it is again shown to them before final
total quality service? transcription of the findings.
-Can you give an example on how you demonstrate Ethical Considerations
total quality management?
Ethical approval will be sought from the public health
-Do you have any final suggestions on how to achieve organizations of the respondents. If the organization
total quality service? is a government-owned institution, permission was
sought from the MOH. Approval was also sought from
Video-audio recorder was used to ensure that answers
the Lincoln University, Research Management Centre
from the respondents were collected. The video
in Malaysia for academic reviews.
recorded interview was transcribed into written
responses and thus used for data analysis. It was ensured that the respondent gave their consent
to be video recorded. The known benefits and risks
2.5 Data Analysis
or disadvantages of becoming a part of the study
We used an exploratory-descriptive approach in were clearly explained to all the respondents. Exact
analyzing the narration of each respondent during description of the information to be transcribed was
the interview sessions. By playing and replaying communicated orally or in writing. We considered
the videos we were able to write down the answers the freedom of the respondents to withdraw from the
word per word. Open ended written questions study anytime. We reassured them that the findings
were distributed to public health leaders before the will be kept confidential and private.
interview commences. Thus videos recording became
easier since the respondents already understood
Results and Findings
and prepared their answers and recommendations. Overview
Therefore, the answers transcribed were without
This chapter presents the findings from the data
collected, analysis, and interpretation. More emphasis
One main question was the focus for each respondent. has been placed on the interpretation of leadership
Since there are eight questions addressing the 8 themes and management in relation to public health care
for this study, only one theme (one set composed of 4 settings.
questions) will be used per respondent. Therefore, the
respondents will only have to explore one main theme Profile of the Respondents
with 1 main question and 3 follow-up questions. The 8 The interviewees from different public health offices
themes were the change management, organizational in Somalia were mostly above 30 years old. The profile
structure, teamwork, styles of leadership, performance of public health leaders as respondents are found on
management, conflict resolution, total quality table 1.
management, and quality assurance.
Table 1. Respondents profile
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Citation: Regidor-111 Dioso, Abdirisak Mohamed Artan, et al. Leadership and Management in Public
Health Setting in Somalia. Open Access Journal of Nursing. 2018; 1(2): 21-33.
Copyright: © 2018 Regidor-111 Dioso, Abdirisak Mohamed Artan, et al.. This is an open access article
distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.