Submission Form: LMHI COVID-19 Clinical Case Report

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LMHI COVID-19 Clinical Case Report

Submission Form

Whilst we should not claim that homeopathy cures COVID-19 infections, the collection
of high quality case reports is more important than ever to aid the LMHI in its
efforts to develop a strategy for spreading information about the possible role of
homeopathy in this crisis. An expert group has been formed to work on this.

A high quality clinical case report should reflect in a structured and comprehensive way
your practical experience with treating a patient. This documents provides you with
practical instructions as well as a template how to achieve this aim.

In order for the homeopathic community to benefit maximally from the collection and
compilation of COVID-19 cases, there are a some specific recommendations:

 The COVID-19 diagnosis should ideally be confirmed by a lab test, or otherwise there
should be reasonable grounds to suspect that it is a COVID-19 infection.
 Rate the severity of the illness before the initiation of homeopathic treatment as
follows: Mild - Moderate - Severe - Critical
 Record and report as much as possible fever, including the number of days after
treatment there was an absence of fever
 Record and report as much as possible the number of hours/days after the onset of
symptoms the homeopathic treatment started
 Record and report the number of hours/days after initiation of treatment there was an
 Record and report on any other treatments received / taken by the patient for their

Without these specific data, the expert group will not be able to properly evaluate the
suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case.

Also, please let us know if you have treated more confirmed or suspected COVID-19
patients than the case you are reporting. The expert group may want to approach you in
the future with a view to obtaining more data (for research purposes) on the homeopathic
symptoms reported, remedies prescribed, etc.

Completed forms can be sent to:

Table of Contents

Case Report Submission Eligibility Criteria.........................................................2

Author Information.........................................................................................3
Submission Instructions..................................................................................3
Sources used.................................................................................................3
1. Title..........................................................................................................4
2. Key Words.................................................................................................4
3. Introduction...............................................................................................4
4. Patient Information and Presenting Concerns.................................................4
5. Clinical Findings.........................................................................................4
6. Timeline....................................................................................................4
7. Diagnostic focus and assessment..................................................................5
8. Therapeutic intervention..............................................................................5
9. Follow-up and outcomes..............................................................................5
10. Discussion...............................................................................................5
11. Learning points........................................................................................5
12. Patient perspective (optional).....................................................................5

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Case Report Submission Eligibility Criteria

Please consider if your submission meets the following eligibility criteria:

 I have prescribed only one homeopathic remedy at a time

 I am reporting my experience with treating confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients

 I have pre- and post- treatment findings in connection with the homeopathic
treatment, including preferably objective data, such as for instance fever

 I have obtained informed consent from the patient to report and publish his/her case
on file and to permit the use of their anonymized data for research purposes.

 I excluded identifying data or protected health information of this patient.



I herewith declare that I have read and respect the case report submission eligibility

Please type YES if the above applies: _____

Have you treated more COVID-19 cases than the one reported below?

Please type YES if this applies: _____

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Author Information

Last name:

First name:




Postal code:


E-mail :

Submission Instructions
Please read these instructions carefully before filling the submission form.

The submission form is organized into separate sections that need to be filled with the requested
information. Graphic files such as clinical images and numerical data (such as tables and laboratory data)
can be inserted into the relevant sections of this form as links (for instance Dropbox, GoogleDocs, etc.).

Data extracted from each completed COVID-19 Clinical Case Report form will be passed on to the LMHI
Expert group, and contribute to our collective understanding of the possible role of homeopathy.

Sources used
This form was developed in concordance with the latest CARE Guidelines (for more info, visit and the HOM-CASE CARE extension1. The
CARE guidelines provide a framework that supports transparency and accuracy in the publication of case
reports and the reporting of information from patient encounters 2.

1. Title
Include the words “case report” in the title. Describe what is of greatest interest to you as the author.
This could be the presentation, the diagnosis, a test result, the intervention, or the outcome.

van Haselen RA. Homeopathic Clinical case reports: Development of a supplement (HOM-CASE) to the CARE clinical case
reporting guideline. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2016;25:78-85.
Gagnier J, Kienle G, Altman DG, Moher D, Sox H, Riley DS, and the CARE group. The CARE guidelines: consensus-based
clinical case report guideline development. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2014; 67(1),46-51.

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2. Key Words
Provide 2 to 5 key words that identify areas covered in this case report that will help readers locate this
case report.

3. Introduction
Briefly summarize the background and context of this case report. Include how it contributes to the
homeopathic literature.

4. Patient Information and Presenting Concerns

Describe the patient characteristics (such as the relevant demographics—age, gender, ethnicity,
occupations) and their presenting concerns with relevant details of related past interventions. Include
important medical and family history, co-morbidities and interventions including self-care.

5. Clinical Findings
Describe important physical examination (PE) and clinical findings, include diagnostic test results. If the
COVID-19 diagnosis was NOT confirmed by a lab test, explain the reason(s) why it is a SUSPECTED COVID-
19 case.

If the patient has fever, please report how it was measured (including the instrument used).

Homeopathic clinical history details, including the homeopathic symptoms used for the remedy

6. Timeline
Create a timeline that reports important milestones related to patient diagnoses and interventions and
includes specific dates and times in a table, figure, or graphic.  Examples are available on the CARE website.
The most simple approach is a table with the most imporant milestones.

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7. Diagnostic focus and assessment
Report the suspected or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, as well as the homeopathic 'remedy diagnosis'
process: Type of homeopathic analysis, type of repertory used, types of symptom(s) used, for instance
'keynote', or 'trigger' symptoms.

8. Therapeutic intervention
Describe the types and dosage/intensity of the interventions(s) (including preventive, lifestyle) the
rationale behind the therapy(ies), the type of homeopathy (e.g. unrestricted individualization, isopathy).

Describe in full detail the name, potency, potency scale, manufacturer and galenic form of the homeopathic
remedy prescribed.

9. Follow-up and outcomes

Please describe the clinical course of this case including all follow-up visits, adherence to the intervention
and how this was assessed and adverse effects, unanticipated events homeopathic aggravation, etc.
Describe patient and clinical assessed outcomes, etc.

10. Discussion
Describe the strengths and limitations of this case report including case management, and the scientific and
recent medical literature related to this case report. Discuss the rationale for your conclusions such
as potential causation and the ways this case might be generalized to a larger population of practitioners.
Used the modified Naranjo Criteria (MONARCH) if possible to support the causality assessment. What
are the main findings of this case report and what are the 'take-away' messages?

11. Learning points

Please add 3-5 bullet points about what are the learning points of this clinical case. What is the educational
merit of this case to the homeopathic community?

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12. Patient perspective (optional)
Whenever appropriate, the patient should share their experience of their care in a narrative
published within this case report.

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