Interview With Steven Kotler
Interview With Steven Kotler
Interview With Steven Kotler
teven Kotler and Peter Diamandis were Kotler is an acclaimed writer who along with serial
promoting their new best-seller in New York entrepreneur Peter Diamandis, the mastermind
the day China hesitantly announced the first behind Singularity University, XPRIZE and other
cases of Covid-19 – the virus that would soon engulf tech ventures, have authored Bold and Abundance,
the rest of the planet. They instantly recognised the two of the most authoritative tomes on how
danger: “A pandemic is an exponential, so we knew technology is transforming our societies. Their latest
exactly what was coming,” Kotler says. After all, brainchild completes this trilogy with the inevitable
their book deals with forces that start with a trickle conclusion that everything their previous books dealt
and, little by little, take over the whole world: “I said with is finally coming to fruition; a wide range of
to Peter that we wrote a book called The Future is technologies, from AI and virtual reality to quantum
Faster Than You Think and we think this is going to computing, are coming together in a smorgasbord of
accelerate. And that is exactly what we are seeing!” innovation that brings the future forward.
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Lockdowns would normally condemn a book
brimming with optimism to irrelevance, but not
an example: “When they fully automated their plants,
efficiency went down. They had to put humans back
‘Pretty much
when it explores exponential forces that spread like in the chain to get the real benefits.” every industry
wildfire – just like a pandemic. In one of the most Another lesson corporations need to learn is
revealing chapters, Kotler and Diamandis discuss that staying future-proof is all about constant
will be re-
how technology is revolutionising healthcare by reinvention. Kotler and Diamandis use the example invented within
accelerating drug development and tailoring cures of Sears, which was once the US’s biggest retailer
to individual patients. “The changes in healthcare and went bankrupt in 2018, and the rise of Amazon the next 10 years’
that we thought would take a decade, if not longer, on the back of new (the internet) and old (mail- Steven Kotler, co-author of The
are coming now. The greatest proof of the power order catalogues, ironically pioneered by Sears) Future is Faster Than You Think
of exponential technology is that within three technologies to highlight the importance of adapting
weeks after Covid-19 was announced, there were to fast-paced technological change. One reason
71 vaccines in the pipeline,” Kotler says. “Nothing we tend to ignore disruption, they argue, is that
like that has happened before in history. That’s our brain is hardwired to treat our future selves as
converging exponential [technology] at work.” strangers, and therefore ignore calls for change as
alarmism. That’s not a risk we can afford to take in a
All at once world where Alexa can do your shopping.
What Kotler and Diamandis think will transform
the economy is the almost uncanny combination The great leap forward
of seemingly unrelated technological trends, from With all its optimistic bombast, The Future is Faster
nanotechnology and advances in materials science Than You Think has landed at an unfortunate time.
to 3D printing. “We believe that pretty much every Hasn’t the pandemic exposed a glaring disconnect
industry will be re-invented within the next 10 between the promised land of tech utopias and the
years,” Kotler says. They do not hesitate to tint harsh reality of our inability to defeat a microscopic
their predictions with a shade of sci-fi escapism virus? Isn’t Peter Thiel’s famous (and quoted in
that may seem incongruent in our giddy world, the book) aphorism that “we wanted flying cars,
still reeling from the shock of strict lockdowns. instead we got 140 characters” more pertinent than
“The wait is over... the flying cars are here,” they ever, since we were promised personalised medicine
enthusiastically proclaim in one chapter about and instead we got Netflix binge-watching?
the future of transport. Serial disruptors such as Grudgingly, Kotler concedes that technology has
Uber are taking to the skies, they explain, testing
miniature space-pod airplanes and new business
models that will render flying not less ordinary than
a visit to the supermarket. As they promise readers
in the US: “Sometime in the next decade or so, ‘off
to Europe for lunch’ may become a standard part
of our lexicon.” A slew of mind-blowing numbers
add a flavour of surprising precision: “In 2023 the
average thousand-dollar laptop will have the same
computing power as a human brain (roughly 1016
cycles per second). Twenty-five years after that, the
same average laptop will have the power of all the
human brains currently on Earth.” And if that is
not enough, the authors fuel every technophile’s
dreams with promises of robots delivering pizzas at
our doorstep, a trend the pandemic may accelerate,
according to Kotler.
It is easy to dismiss such wild claims as unabashed
futurism, a criticism often levelled at proponents of ABOUT STEVEN KOTLER
the so-called “Californian ideology”: an idiosyncratic
Steven Kotler is a bestselling author, award-
mix of technological determinism, free-market
winning journalist, and the founder and
mantras and new age spirituality. And yet, Kotler and executive director of the Flow Research
Diamandis are anything but. For example, they have Collective. His work has been nominated
a cautionary tale for business leaders who wish to for two Pulitzer Prizes, and has appeared in
harness AI before it’s too late. “The best combination over a hundred publications, including the
of forces is not just automation, but humans and New York Times Magazine, Atlantic Monthly,
robots working together,” Kotler warns, using the Wired, Forbes.
recent predicaments of carmakers BMW and Tesla as l 25
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