Ra-253-Ma DB Us en PDF
Ra-253-Ma DB Us en PDF
Ra-253-Ma DB Us en PDF
RA 253 MA has provided the solution to the demand for a heat resistant stainless steel with
superior strength for over thirty years. It has twice the strength as 309 and 310 stainless above
1600°F and great oxidation resistance up to 2000°F. RA 253 MA can decrease distortion and
1 Rolled Alloys
RA 253 MA ®
Data Sheet
RA 253 MA ® is a lean austenitic heat resistant alloy with high strength and outstanding oxidation resistance. RA 253 MA obtains its heat resistant
properties by advanced control of microalloying additions. The use of rare earth metals in combination with silicon gives superior oxidation
resistance to 2000°F. Nitrogen, carbon and to some extent, rare earth and alkali metal oxides, combine to provide creep rupture strength superior
to other heat resistant stainless steels.
Specifications UNS: S30815 W. Nr./EN: 1.4835 ASTM: A 240, A 276, A 312, A 358, A 409, A 473, A 479, A 813, A 814
ASME: SA - 240, SA- 479, SA-312, SA-249
Chemical Composition, % Cr Ni Mn Si C N Ce Fe
MIN 20.0 10.0 – 1.4 0.05 0.14 0.03 –
MAX 22.0 12.0 0.8 2.0 0.1 0.2 0.08 balance
Features • Excellent oxidation resistance through 2000°F • Excellent resistance to thermal shock
• High creep - rupture strength • Good weldability
Physical Properties Density: 0.282 lb/in³ Melting Range: 2500 - 2610°F Poisson’s Ratio: 0.31
Temperature, °F 70 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, – 9.06 9.34 9.59 9.81 9.97 10.14 10.3 10.5 10.8
in/in°F x 10-6
Modulus of Elasticity, Dynamic, 29.0 – 26.8 – 24.4 – 21.7 20.2 18.7 17.6
psi x 106
Thermal Conductivity, 8.38 – 10.1 – 11.7 – 13.0 14.0 – 16.6
Btu • ft/ft2 • hr °F
Thermal Conductivity, W/m • K 14.5 – 17.5 – 20.2 – 22.5 24.2 – 28.7
Specific Heat, Btu/lb • F 0.105 – 0.117 – 0.130 – 0.142 0.149 – 0.164
Specific Heat, J/Kg • K 440 – 490 – 544 – 595 624 – 687
Electrical Resistivity, 505 – 622 – 745 – 830 851 – 871
ohm • circ mil/ft
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The Global Leader in Specialty Metals
Sulfidation Resistance RA 253 MA has good resistance to hot SO 2 bearing atmospheres, meaning sulfidation under oxidizing conditions.
However, RA 253 MA is not resistant to reducing sulfidizing atmospheres, when sulfur is present as H 2 S. Note
that even though the atmosphere may be oxidizing, the partial pressure of oxygen can be extremely low under
solid sulfate deposits. Local sulfidation attack under the deposit can then occur.
Carburization RA 253 MA has only fair resistance to carburization. Carburization resistance is primarily dependent on the
Resistance nickel content of a material. Service experience has shown 309 stainless to be slightly better.
Coupons were exposed for 15 weeks to simulated bake cycles 1700 - 1950°F in “green mix” used for production
of carbon electrodes. Room temperature tensile tests showed the following ductility:
Alloy RA 253 MA 302B 800H RA330
Nickel, Weight % 11.0 9.0 32.0 35.0
Retention of Ductility, Reduction of Area, % 0.5 0 1.4 16.6
Hot Salt Corrosion Sodium and potassium neutral or chloride salts cause hot corrosion of heat resistant alloys. Traditionally the
most resistant alloys have been considered to be those highest in nickel. Exposure in salts for heat treating
high speed steel indicate that RA 253 MA may be comparable to alloy 600.
Metallic pots for neutral heat treating salts are commonly made of 309 or RA330. The service life of the pot is
primarily determined by maintenance, not alloy. Pots must be desludged and rectified regularly. When changing
pots, every bit of old spilled salt must be removed from the furnace refractory.
Oxidation RA 253 MA has exceptional oxidation resistance up to roughly 2000°F, above this temperature its oxidation resistance is
reduced. A combination of rare earths and silicon is responsible for the excellent oxidation resistance of this 21% Cr alloy.
The rare earths increase diffusion rate of the silicon to the scale-metal interface. This promotes the development of a
continuous SiO 2 subscale, which in turn slows further oxide growth. Rare earth metals also improve adhesion and elasticity
of the oxide scale, even under cyclic conditions. These rare earths, primarily cerium, increase the number of nucleation sites
for the oxide. This results in a fine grained chromia and silica scale. The 2000°F Cyclic Oxidation testing is shown below.
3 Rolled Alloys
RA 253 MA ®
Data Sheet
Creep-Rupture RA 253 MA maintains excellent creep rupture strength up to its upper use limit of 2000°F. Additions of nitrogen,
carbon and cerium all enhance its high temperature strength well above 309 or 310 stainless steels. Above 1600°F,
RA 253 MA offers twice the creep strength of types 309 and 310 stainless steel and is actually stronger than the
35% nickel alloy RA330. Over 2.6 million hours of creep and rupture testing were used to generate the graphs and
tables below and on the following page. Some tests were run as long as 30,000 hours.
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The Global Leader in Specialty Metals
Minimum Creep Rate Temperature, °F 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Creep-Rupture Properties
0.0001% per Hour, ksi 18.0 11.6 7.7 5.0 3.35 2.3 1.5 0.89 0.49 0.25*
0.00001% per Hour, ksi 12.0 8.2 5.7 3.8 2.55 1.75 1.15 0.55 0.32* 0.15*
* Extrapolated
Average Stress to Rupture Temperature, °F 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
in Indicated Times 1,000 hours, ksi 32.0 23.0 16.0 9.2 6.6 4.4 2.8 1.85 1.35 1.03
Creep-Rupture Properties
10,000 hours, ksi 22.0 14.0 8.5 5.2 3.75 2.50 1.65 1.15 0.86 0.68
100,000 hours, ksi 15.0 8.7 4.6 2.9 2.1 1.45 0.97 0.7 054* 0.44*
* Extrapolated
5 Rolled Alloys
RA 253 MA ®
Data Sheet
Sigma Phase Like other high chromium austenitic stainless steels, RA 253 MA loses room temperature toughness and ductility
Embrittlement after long term exposure to the 1100 - 1600°F temperature range. The effect is primarily on room temperature
properties. While operating in the creep-rupture range the metal will have greater ductility and toughness.
Austenite stability in RA 253 MA is enhanced by the nitrogen addition, so that formation of embrittling sigma
phase is retarded. Charpy impact values after aging at intermediate temperatures are provided below for
RA 253 MA alloy and type 310 stainless steel for reference.
Aging Temperature, °F Annealed Condition 1292 1472 1652
Time, hours – 20,000 20,000 20,000
Impact Strength, ft-lb 69.0 3.0 3.0 27.0
Welding RA 253 MA should be welded with matching welding consumables, which are referred to as RA 253 MA.
These are carried in inventory by Rolled Alloys in bare wire for GMAW and GTAW processes, covered electrodes
for SMAW and flux core wire for the FCAW process. Use of the matching filler ensures that the weld joint
matches the strength and corrosion resistance of the RA 253 MA base metal. Use of columbium containing
filler metals, such as alloy 82, is not suggested due to embrittling phases formed with welding RA 253 MA.
RA 253 MA base metal is listed in ASME Section IX as P number 8 group 2. RA 253 MA weld wire does not
meet AWS classifications.
Preheating and post-heating are not required for welding RA 253 MA. The chemistry of RA 253 MA welding
wire and covered electrodes is balanced to have roughly a 4 to 12 Ferrite Number. This ferrite provides
RA 253 MA weld fillers with excellent resistance to hot cracking. In that respect, RA 253 MA behaves like
other stainless weld fillers, such as 309.
The unique addition of cerium to RA 253 MA, both in the base metal and in the weld fillers, is to enhance
oxidation resistance. Cerium also makes the weld bead appear a little rough. This is a characteristic of weld
fillers containing rare earths and is not amenable to improvement by welding procedure. While this has not
been a problem in service, a few customers prefer to weld RA 253 MA with RA333 weld fillers.
Interpass temperatures should be kept below 300°F to minimize the likelihood of solidification cracking.
Maintaining a low welding heat input with a maximum of 1.5 kJ/mm is suggested.
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The Global Leader in Specialty Metals
SMAW C Si Mn Cr Ni N
Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Welding Properties 0.08 1.5 0.7 22.0 10.5 0.18
RA 253 MA-17 AC/DC titania electrodes (UNS W30816) may be used with either alternating current or with
direct current. For DC welding use reverse polarity (electrode positive), and maintain the arc length as short as
possible. A short arc minimizes loss of cerium through the arc and improves penetration. Stringer beads with
only a slight weave, not more than twice the electrode diameter are preferred. Starts and craters should be
filled in to minimize the possibility of cracking.
All welding flux must be removed from each deposit, between passes and after the final pass. Residual welding
flux may corrode the material when placed in high temperature service.
RA 253 MA electrodes and flux cored wires are packaged in hermetically sealed containers to assure freedom
from contamination and moisture absorption. After opening, electrodes should be stored at 150 - 250°F to
prevent the coating from absorbing moisture. Electrodes damaged by exposure to atmospheric humidity should
be reconditioned for two to four hours at 500 - 600°F. It is important to heat and cool slowly. Porosity and
excessive weld spatter may result if electrodes are not completely dry.
FCAW C Ce Si Mn Cr Ni N
Flux Core Arc Welding
Welding Properties 0.06 0.005 1.4 1.0 22.0 10.0 0.15
The recommended shielding gas for flux cored welding with RA 253 MA consumables is a mixture of 75% argon and
25% carbon dioxide. Shield gas flow rate should be 40 cubic feet per hour. Wire extension should be 0.5 to 1 inch.
Unused wire should be stored in a moisture resistant holding environment to prevent moisture pickup by the flux.
GTAW C Si Mn Cr Ni N
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Welding Properties 0.07 1.6 0.7 21.0 10.0 0.15
100% argon shielding gas is preferred for manual GTAW. Helium may be added to increase speed in automatic
welding. Electrodes should be 2% thoriated tungsten (AWS EWTh-2) with direct current straight polarity
(electrode negative). For good arc control, grind the electrode tip to a 30 to 60 degree point, with a small
flat at the tip. Grind lines should be parallel to the electrode, not circumferential. Finish grind on a 120 grit
wheel. Adjust the arc on clean scrap metal, with no scale. Shielding gas flow should be 25 cubic feet per hour.
7 Rolled Alloys
RA 253 MA ®
Data Sheet
GMAW C Si Mn Cr Ni N
Gas Metal Arc Welding
Welding Properties 0.07 1.6 0.6 21.0 10.0 0.15
Spray Arc
Electrode Diameter, in 0.035 0.045
Amperage 190-240 210-250
Volts 25-29 26-30
Pulsed Arc
Electrode Diameter, in 0.045
Amperage IPEAK = 340-380, IBKG = 100-160
Frequency, Hz 100-120
Shielding Gas - 68% Ar, 30% He, 2% CO2 Gas Flow Rate - 25-34 ft 3/hr
SAW RA 253 MA is sub-arc welded using the neutral basic AVESTA FLUX 805 (Basicity index 1.7). This is an
Submerged Arc Welding agglomerate type welding flux characterized by neat deposit surfaces, a smooth transition zone between the
Welding Properties parent and weld metal, easy slag removal and excellent resistance to moisture absorption during storage. Flux
consumption of between 0.5 to 0.8 pounds of flux per pound of wire is typical.
Correct joint geometry must be used to avoid hot cracking in sub-arc welding. This means that the width of
the joint must be greater than the depth. The width to depth ratio should be between 2 and 3. Interpass
temperatures should be kept below 200°F for the SAW process.
Rolled Alloys 8
The Global Leader in Specialty Metals
Dissimilar Metal Welding Base Metal 1 RA 253 MA RA 253 MA RA 253 MA RA 253 MA RA 253 MA
Base Metal 2 Mild Steel 304,316, 309 310 RA330, RA333, 800H, 600, 601 RA 602 CA
Filler Metal 309 RA 253 MA or 309 RA 253 MA RA333 RA 602 CA or RA333
Forming RA 253 MA may be formed, sheared, and machined, however, alloying with nitrogen results in a high yield point
(54,000 psi typical). For this reason, greater force is required and more spring-back may be anticipated than
with 304 or 309 stainless. All traces of forming lubricants must be removed prior to welding, annealing, or use
in high temperature service.
Forming at room temperature is suggested whenever possible. If hot bending is required, the work piece should
be heated uniformly throughout its section to 2000°F, finishing above 1650°F. Overheating or excessive hold
time at starting temperature should be avoided to minimize grain growth.
No forming or bending should be performed in the low ductility range of 1200-1600°F. Forming in this
temperature range may cause intergranular tearing in austenitic alloys.
Machining Heat resistant austenitic alloys are generally more difficult to machine than conventional austenitic stainless
steels. Since RA 253 MA is alloyed with nitrogen and rare earth metals, both higher cutting forces and a more
rapid tool wear should be expected.
Use the most stable machine tools available. Stainless steels generate high cutting forces and large loads on the
tools and the set-up. The set-up of the tools and the work piece must be rigid. The work piece must be adequately
supported to avoid deflections by the cutting forces. Extensions on tools should be kept as small as possible.
Long tool extensions and/or unstable cutting conditions severely increase the risk of vibration and tool failure.
Always use tools with sharp cutting edges. It is important that the cutting edge is sharp but it must also be strong
enough to withstand the cutting forces. Change the insert or regrind the tool at more frequent intervals than
for carbon steels. A blunt cutting edge produces higher cutting forces and a thicker strain hardened layer than a
sharp edge. This applies especially to high alloy stainless steels. For cemented carbide tools, it is important that
the edge chamfer is small enough to give a cutting edge that is effectively “sharp”. Do not use a larger nose
radius than necessary as this may cause vibrations.
Use a depth of cut that is deep enough to let the cutting edge work below the strain hardened layer created by
previous passes or operations. Use the correct cutting speed. Too slow of a cutting speed increases the risk of
built-up edge formation, tool failure and may result in a poor surface finish of the machined surface.
When cutting fluid is used it should always be applied liberally to the cutting zone. If possible use cutting oils
and emulsions with EP-additives.
The machining data given below represents general guidelines or starting values. These may need to be adjusted
to the actual conditions of a specific machining operation. They are based on a tool life of approximately 15
minutes for cemented carbide tools and approximately 40 minutes for high-speed steel tools.
Turning, Longitudinal Cutting Speed, ft/min Feed, in/turn Depth of Cut, in Cemented Carbide Grade
and Face Turning
Cemented Carbide Roughing 295-395 0.012- 0.024 0.08- 0.20 C5, C6
Cemented Carbide Finishing 395-525 0.002- 0.012 0.02- 0.08 C6, C7
High Speed Steels Finishing 46-59 0.002-0.008 0.02-0.08 –
9 Rolled Alloys
RA 253 MA ®
Data Sheet
Drilling Drill Diameter, in 1/32, 1/8 1/4 3/8 5/8 3/4 11/4 11/2
Twist with High Speed Steels
Cutting Speed, ft/min 16-26 16-26 26-33 26-33 26-33 26-33 26-33
Feed, in/rev 0.0015 0.003 0.005 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.013
Heat Treatment Solution annealing of RA 253 MA is performed at 1920 - 2100°F for one hour per inch of thickness, rapid air cool
or water quench. Plate is most commonly annealed at about 1960 - 2000°F.
About 70% of residual stresses may be relieved by holding between 1560 - 1740°F for about 15 minutes followed
by an air cool.
After severe cold work (more than 10 - 20% cold work) it is desirable to solution anneal for maximum creep
rupture strength. This is appropriate for service above 1450°F.
Rolled Alloys 10
The Global Leader in Specialty Metals
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© 2012 Rolled Alloys The data and information in this printed matter are believed to be reliable. However, this material is not intended as a substitute for competent professional engineering assistance which is a requisite to any specific application. Rolled Alloys makes no
Bulletin No. 126USe 01/12 warranty and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for results to be obtained in any particular situation, and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damage therefrom. This material is subject to revision without prior notice.