Problem-Based Learning Approach Teaching Medical Genetics: Charleen Moore Barnett

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Am. J. Hum. Genet.

51:930-935, 1992

A Problem-based Learning Approach

to Teaching Medical Genetics
Charleen M. Moore and Don R. Barnett -IGENETICS
Department of Cellular and Structural Biology,
University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio

A newly developed problem-based medical genetics course that was integrated into the fourth-year medical
school curriculum of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is described. To provide
a basic genetic background for the clinical rotations, a supplemental computer tutorial is required during the
second year. These two formats prepare the medical students to recognize genetic diseases, to provide basic
genetic counseling in their daily practice, and to appropriately refer patients to genetic specialists.

San Antonio has recently undergone significant reor-
Although the dramatic advances in genetics in the past ganization of the medical school curriculum. As a part
decade necessitate the incorporation of this new infor- of the change, the medical genetics course was moved
mation into curricula in medical schools (Davidson from the first year to the spring semester of the fourth
and Childs 1987; Harris 1990), recent surveys (Ric- year. The first-year course had been presented in a
cardi and Schmickel 1988) indicate that little progress primarily didactic format with supplemental labora-
has been made in improving the position of courses in tory sessions based on a problem-oriented design. To
human genetics in the curriculum. Nonetheless, the fit the schedule of the fourth-year students, the new
number of formal courses in genetics has increased, course was designed with 4 h of lectures given to the
and innovative ways of presenting genetic concepts entire class of 164 students, followed by 16 h (four
have been developed. Problem-based learning has sessions of 4 h each) in which the students were divided
been one of the new approaches that has gained recog- into six small groups of approximately 25 per session
nition in medical education in the past few years (Bar- and, further, into working groups of five or six for the
rows and Tamblyn 1980, pp. 156-181; Davidson and problem-based learning experience. The new course
Childs 1987; Swinford and McKeag 1990). A newly format was based entirely on the laboratory sessions
developed medical genetics course is one of the first at designed for the previous course, to provide the stu-
the University of Texas Health Science Center at San dents with experience in diagnosing and counseling
Antonio to use this approach. This is in contrast to patients with genetic disease. These sessions had con-
Swinford and McKeag (1990), who introduced their sistently received good evaluations from the students.
genetics instruction into a completely problem-based One of the reasons for the revision of the course was
medical curriculum. student evaluations, which described the former di-
The University of Texas Health Science Center at dactic periods as too research oriented and lacking
clinical relevance. Application of the problem-based
format to the new course was perceived as completely
Received August 26, 1991; revision received February 27, 1992. relevant to the students' future medical practice. The
Address for correspondence: Charleen M. Moore, Ph.D., De- format of problem-oriented teaching of medical genet-
partment of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas ics was highly rated by the students. We are encour-
Health Science Center, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX aged by the reception of the first presentation of the
i 1992 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved. medical genetics course in this format, and we present
0002-9297/92/5104-0047$02.00 here a summary of the course.
Human Genetics Education Section , 931
Course Description first class. Many complaints were related to the slow-
One of the basic challenges to the new curriculum ness of the computer program using separate disks.
was the lack of a genetics background when the stu- The tutorial has now been programmed on hard disk,
dents began their clinical rotations, since many medi- which has improved the speed of the program and
cal students had not taken a genetics course as under- has facilitated the administration of the tutorial to the
graduates. To teach basic genetic concepts to students present class.
prior to their entering the clinical rotations, and to Problem-based Medical Genetics Course
prepare the students for the medical genetics course in in the Fourth Year
the fourth year, a computer tutorial was initiated in the
second year of medical school. Additional computer Objectives had been developed for the course over-
equipment was purchased for the library's Teaching all and for each case individually to ensure that the
Learning Center to accommodate this genetics tu- basic concepts of medical genetics were included. The
torial. major concepts addressed are listed in Appendix A.
Each had several subdivisions that were evaluated for
each case. The cases were not only selected to cover
Computer Tutorial in the Second Year the basic concepts but also to bring up counseling di-
The computer tutorial we chose to use is Genetic lemmas (e.g., a chromosomal abnormality detected
Applications, which comes with an accompanying when an amniocentesis was performed for an X-linked
text (Smith and Scott 1988), and which was developed disease), legal issues (e.g., wrongful-birth and wrong-
by the genetics unit at the University of Colorado ful-life suits), and ethical problems (e.g., abortion).
Nursing and Medical School. This tutorial is divided Three cases - spina bifida, phenylketonuria, and Hun-
into 10 separate sections, which gives the students tington disease -were chosen as examples to present
flexibility in scheduling time for the tutorial, since the during the didactic (i.e., lecture) sessions. Eight cases
course can be broken into discrete units for self-paced were used during the group sessions, two per 4-h ses-
instruction. Two sections are optional for our tutorial, sion. These cases included leukokoria (retinoblas-
since these topics are related to DNA and protein toma), hypogonadism (XX male), muscular dystro-
structure and function, which are covered in the bio- phy (Duchenne), dwarfism (achondroplasia), multiple
chemistry course. The required sections include prin- congenital anomalies (Meckel syndrome), fragile-X
ciples of genetics, chromosomal abnormalities, sin- syndrome, Down syndrome, and cystic fibrosis. These
gle-gene patterns of inheritance, and genetic assessment cases were chosen to prepare the primary-case physi-
and evaluation. If the student has difficulty with any cian or specialist for providing basic genetic counsel-
section, the text provided with the tutorial supple- ing and also for appropriately referring patients for
ments the computer instruction. It took the average more extensive evaluations.
student about 6 h to complete the tutorial. Those who A student syllabus was developed that contained an
had not previously taken a genetic course took up to introduction composed of class orientation material,
12 h. Of the first group who completed the computer the basic concepts of genetic counseling, taking a fam-
instruction when it was only a recommended option, ily history, pedigree symbols, a questionnaire for
89 (85%) of those students who had turned in an obtaining information for prenatal diagnosis, basic
evaluation had taken a previous course in genetics, characteristics of Mendelian patterns of single-gene
while 16 (15% ) had not. The evaluation indicated that inheritance, definitions of genetic terms, and a list of
most students (72%) thought that the instruction was general references that were used during the course
helpful in learning the concepts and terminology of and that the students might wish to have for their office
genetics. Only seven students indicated that they had practice. A textbook was not required, but the list
problems with the computer or the instructional se- of references included several that were of particular
ries. After the tutorial was made mandatory, students value for those students who had not had a formal
were given the option of taking a pretest to omit the genetics course.
computer instruction. Of the 30 who elected to take The fourth-year course began with a general didac-
the test, only 5 passed with a score of 80% or higher. tic presentation, to the entire class, on the relevance
The remaining 25 were required to complete the tuto- of genetics to general medicine and its many subspeci-
rial. Results of the evaluation from the second class alties. Table-of-content pages from recent journals
that took the tutorial were similar to results from the (with the papers involving genetic diseases high-
932 Q
Moore and Barnett

lighted), current lay magazines, newspapers, and to emphasize with each case were listed for the in-
other popular periodicals were used to demonstrate structors.
that genetics is seen in everyday medical practice and A total of 16 instructors were recruited from the
is not limited to rare syndromes. Also, the point was departments of cellular and structural biology, obstet-
emphasized that the general public is more aware and rics and gynecology, pediatrics, and medicine and in-
knowledgeable about genetic diseases. Legal cases in cluded full-time faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and
which lack of diagnosis or failure to provide informa- graduate students, all of whom had clinical or research
tion about genetic diseases had led to litigation against backgrounds in human genetics. Each instructor spent
the physician were reviewed. Three cases were then a minimum of 12 h of contact in 1 wk of the course,
presented, in didactic format, as examples of the type participating in three sessions that involved two of the
of problems the students would solve during the eight student cases. Three instructors were present for
course. Faculty members discussed each case, follow- all ofthe group sessions, to provide continuity. Several
ing the outline that the students would use in their training sessions were held prior to the course, for the
working groups. instructors to become familiar both with the genetic
For the small-group sessions, background material principles to be presented and with the subtleties of
for each case was furnished in the syllabus, which each case. The instructors acted as facilitators, rotat-
included a referral from a physician introducing the ing among the small groups, to guide them in their
family or individual to be counseled, a description of review of the literature, to help them select appro-
the office visit, information about the family history, priate tests, and to lead them back from far-reaching
laboratory studies (if available), a description of the tangents. To a large extent, however, the groups acted
physical examination (if appropriate), and questions independently in their discussions and evaluations of
that the group had to consider when making the the cases.
differential diagnosis and when providing genetic
counseling. References were listed, which the students Course Evaluation
could review prior to the class period and which were In order to obtain feedback from the students about
also provided in the classroom along with a number their reaction to the new course format and timing
of genetics texts. For an outline of a sample case, see of the course, we asked each student to complete a
Appendix B. questionnaire evaluating and commenting on the
From the initial information, each group con- course. Of the 164 students taking the class, 158
structed a pedigree, decided whether further informa- (96%) responded. Table 1 gives the distribution of the
tion was necessary to make a diagnosis, requested the responses. There were 50 individual comments from
appropriate tests for this, made the diagnosis, and the students. Most of these were positive, relating to
wrote either a consultation report for the medical re- the course content and format. Only one comment
cord or a letter either to the patient or to the referring was negative, about the timing in the last term of the
physician, describing the course of the disease and fourth year.
providing appropriate genetic counseling. The pedi-
grees and consultation reports or letters were turned Discussion
in at the next session. The course was graded as pass/
fail. Attendance at the didactic periods and small- The students' reaction to this change in the medical
group sessions, participation in the construction of the genetics course was gratifying. The responses in the
group pedigrees, and formulation of accurate infor- course evaluation were as positive as any of the medi-
mation for the group letters to either the referring phy- cal school course evaluations and were certainly better
sician or the patient were required for a passing grade. than any received for the former didactic genetics
An instructor's manual was also developed, which course. The students showed a great deal of initiative
contained an annotated version of the information and interest in the cases, many drawing the pedigree
given to the students. This included a brief description and reading the references prior to the classes.
of the genetic disease, its inheritance pattern, course of It was found that if actual examples from patient
the disease describing the major problems, additional files were used to develop the cases, many ambiguities
tests that should be ordered, calculated risks for each could be avoided. As is always the case in teaching,
member of the pedigree, and the appropriate genetic the students are able to think of many more possible
counseling that should be provided. The major points answers than the faculty developing the course had
Human Genetics Education Section 933

Table I
Student Evaluation for Medical Genetics Course
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
STATEMENT (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) MEAN

Small-group problem-based learning format was educational .5 5 .. 55 89 6 3 5 4.43

Introductory periods were adequate and helpful . 1 10 63 50 29 6 4.25
Pacing of material taught in this course seemed about right .3 0 .. 30 107 14 4 3 4.40
The case material contributed to my learning . 51 .. 51 95 5 3 4 4.43
Course objectives were clearly explained .......................................... .20 2 4.14
32 14 88
Syllabus content and handouts were valuable study guides .1 17 76 38 20 7 4.09
Instructor's interactions were helpful ............................................... .62 12 5 2 76 4.64
I gained a good understanding of concepts in medical genetics .21 .. 21 102 22 6 7 4.35
I developed the ability to solve real problems in medical genetics .1 16 95 32 7 8 4.13
I developed the ability to communicate correct counseling information 19 19 108 21 3 7 4.36
Letter-writing exercises were valuable .............................................. .18 33 12 986 3.91
Overall, this was a good course ..................................................... 42 5 4 6 99 4.41

anticipated. This proved to be true in the first year of to the practice of medicine, regardless of specialty.
this course. The small-group problem-based format The review of the example cases previously covered in
makes this point quite apparent, since it allows the the introductory lecture will be carried out in more
students more leeway in their responses to the cases. detail, so that the students will have a better feeling for
True case histories can eliminate some of the diffi- the organization of the course. Each group of students
culties that may be encountered with fictionalized his- will be asked to write a consultation report or a letter
tories. to the referring physician, including a pedigree and
The development of a successful problem-based incorporating answers to specific questions presented
learning program greatly depends on a dedicated and in their syllabus.
well-trained faculty. The orientation sessions for the The success of the new medical genetics course will
instructors proved to be essential for developing famil- be difficult to assess by the students' achievements on
iarity with each case and for anticipating student in- the national boards or on the new United States Medi-
quiries. Most students had a positive response to the cal Licensure Examination, since genetics questions
instructors' knowledge of the cases and to the basic are found in virtually all sections of both Phase I and
genetic information that they could impart. However, II and are difficult to analyze independently. However,
several students felt frustrated with the problem-based with the positive response of the medical students to
format because of their lack of a basic genetics back- this form of presentation, we are confident that this
ground. This problem was also experienced by Swin- will improve their retention of knowledge, their
ford and McKeag (1990), who felt that students with- achievement on exams, and especially their ability to
out a strong science background had a difficult time in recognize genetic diseases and to provide appropriate
integrating various genetic concepts relating to a single counseling and referral for their patients.
condition. It is hoped that this difficulty will be re-
solved at our school, with the completion of the com-
puter tutorial by subsequent classes prior to the prob- Acknowledgments
lem-based learning experience. Evaluations by the We express our deep thanks to the instructors and the
next class should give data for comparison with the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
first group's comments. Medical School Class of 1991 for making our first attempt
Several changes in the course were suggested by the at problem-based learning a success. We gratefully acknowl-
student responses. The introductory lecture will em- edge the advice and contributions of many of our colleagues,
phasize, as does Baird (1989), that genetics is integral at the University of Texas Health Science Center and
934 Moore and Barnett

throughout the United States, in the preparation of this Differential Diagnosis

course. We thank Ms. Betty Russell for her editorial help The differential diagnosis must include deforma-
with publication of the syllabus. We also thank the Univer- tions, disruptions, and malformations caused by te-
sity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Library
staff in the Teaching Learning Center for the efficient admin- ratogens, chromosomal abnormalities, single-gene de-
istration of the computer tutorial. fects, multifactorial disorders, or unknown genesis.
The students must recognize the disease as Meckel
Appendix A Course of the Disease
Basic Concepts Students must describe the problems, prognosis,
Calculation of genetic risks and appropriate treatment for patients with Meckel
Cytogenetics syndrome.
Ethical and legal issues
Genetic counseling Risks and Counseling
Genetic epidemiology Students must recognize autosomal recessive inheri-
Genetic services tance, evaluate the pedigree for individuals at risk, and
Inborn errors of metabolism describe appropriate counseling. They must recognize
Molecular genetics other risk factors in family members (e.g., advanced
Multifactorial inheritance maternal age and previous child with a chromosomal
Prenatal diagnosis aneuploidy).
Sexual differentiation
Single-gene inheritance Prenatal Diagnosis
Teratogenesis Students must determine which prenatal tests would
Treatment of genetic disease be appropriate for Meckel syndrome, advanced ma-
ternal age, and/or the birth of a previous child with
a chromosomal aneuploidy.
Appendix B
Consultation Report
Sample Case: Multiple Congenital Anomalies
(Meckel Syndrome) Each working group must write and turn in a con-
sultation report that is appropriate for inclusion in the
Referral medical record
Students receive a genetics consultation request References
from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to evaluate a
patient with multiple congenital anomalies (Meckel Current references are provided in the classroom,
syndrome). including general textbooks and pertinent articles on
the specific disease or related area.
Family History
This is found in the patient notes, which are ap- References
pended to the students' case study outline. This pro-
vides information from which the students construct Baird PA (1989) Toward an ideal human genetics curricu-
a pedigree. lum in medical schools. Am J Hum Genet 44:166-167
Barrows HS, Tamblyn RM (1980) Problem-based learning:
Patient and Family Evaluation an approach to medical education. Springer, New York
Davidson RG, Childs B (1987) Perspectives in the teaching
Patient data are given, which include measurements of human genetics. In: Harris H, Hirschhorn K (eds) Ad-
and a review of systems. Students must request a copy vances in human genetics, vol 16. Plenum, New York, pp
of the patient's cranial computed-tomography scan, 79-119
cardiology consultation, abdominal ultrasound re- Harris R (1990) Physicians and other nongeneticists strongly
port, and chromosomal study. Students must list the favor teaching genetics to medical students in the United
specific abnormalities that are present in the patient. Kingdom. Am J Hum Genet 47:750-752
Human Genetics Education Section 935

Riccardi VM, Schmickel RD (1988) Human genetics as a health perspective. Learner Managed Designs, Law-
component of medical school curricula: a report to the rence KS
American Society of Human Genetics. Am J Hum Genet Swinford AE, McKeag DB (1990) Incorporation of genetics
42:639-643 into a problem-based medical school curriculum. Am J
Smith AN, Scott JA (eds) (1988) Genetic applications: a Hum Genet 47:753-758

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