Public Description of Clinical Neuropsychology: Specialized Knowledge

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Public Description of Clinical Neuropsychology


Clinical Neuropsychology is a specialty in professional psychology that applies principles of

assessment and intervention based upon the scientific study of human behavior as it relates to normal
and abnormal functioning of the central nervous system. The specialty is dedicated to enhancing the
understanding of brain‐behavior relationships and the application of such knowledge to human

Specialized Knowledge
Specialized knowledge and training in the applied science of brain‐behavior relationships is
foundational to the specialty of clinical neuropsychology. In addition to foundational and functional
competencies in professional psychology, clinical neuropsychologists have specialized knowledge of
functional neuroanatomy, principles of neuroscience, brain development, neurological disorders and
etiologies, neurodiagnostic techniques, normal and abnormal brain functioning, and
neuropsychological and behavioral manifestations of neurological disorders. Preparation in clinical
neuropsychology begins at the doctoral level and specialized education and training is completed at
the postdoctoral level.

Problems Addressed
Clinical neuropsychologists address neurobehavioral problems related to acquired or developmental
disorders of the nervous system. The types of problems are extremely varied and include such
conditions as dementia, vascular disorders, Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders,
traumatic brain injury, seizure disorders, learning disabilities, neuropsychiatric disorders, infectious
disease affecting the CNS, neurodevelopmental disorders, metabolic disease and neurological effects
of medical disorders or treatment.

Populations Served
Clinical neuropsychologists apply specialized knowledge in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and
rehabilitation of individuals with neurological, medical, or neurodevelopmental disorders across the
lifespan. Pediatric neuropsychologists provide clinical services to children and adolescents (and their

Skills and Procedures Utilized

Clinical neuropsychologists are skilled in clinical assessment and treatment of brain disorders.
Essential skills include specialized neuropsychological assessment techniques, specialized intervention
techniques, research design and analysis in neuropsychology, professional issues and ethics, culturally
competent approaches in neuropsychology, and understanding of implications of neuropsychological
conditions for behavior and adjustment. Competence in clinical neuropsychology requires the ability
to integrate neuropsychological findings with neurologic and other medical data, psychosocial and
other behavioral data, and knowledge in the neurosciences, and interpret these findings with an
appreciation of social, cultural and ethical issues.
Society for Clinical Neuropsychology
Division 40: Society for Clinical Neuropsychology provides a scientific and professional forum for
individuals interested in the study of the relationships between the brain and human behavior. As such,
Division 40 promotes interdisciplinary interaction among various interest areas including
physiological cognitive, developmental, clinical rehabilitation, school, forensic and health psychology.
The exchange of ideas in facilitated by the Division's encouragement of scientific research, education
and practice. Members receive (twice a year) the Society for Clinical Neuropsychology, Newsletter 40,
in which pertinent divisional issues and information are published. In addition, the Division presents
student awards for distinguished scientific research at the APA annual convention.


Paula K. Shear, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati 

View a list of past presidents


Heather Belanger, PhD, St. Petersburg, Fla.


Society for Clinical Neuropsychology, Newsletter 40 (two issues per year)

Editor: Brian Yochim, PhD, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Order Form

Society for Clinical Neuropsychology (PDF, 20KB)

"Clinical Neuropsychology: A Guide for Patients and Their Families" and "Pediatric
Neuropsychology: A Guide for Parents," both published by the Public Interest Advisory Committee of
Division 40.

Division Meetings

 APA Annual Convention

Contact Information
APA Division Services
750 First St, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Telephone: (202) 336-6013

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