V&N 354 LectureLesing5

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jou kennisvennoot • your knowledge partner

Vibration and Noise 354

Prof A Bekker

Lecture 5: Harmonic excitation of undamped systems1

Solution to the equation of motion
Consider the system that is acted on by an external force, F (t):


F (t) F (t)
k fk
N1 N2

First consider the undamped case where c = 0. If the forcing function is harmonic,
F (t) = F0 cos ωt, the equation of motion is:

mẍ + kx = F0 cos ωt (1)

For this case the complete solution of the motion, x(t) consists of two parts: a particular
solution, xp (t), and a homogeneous solution, xh (t):

x(t) = xh (t) + xp (t) (2)


xh (t) = A1 sin ωn t + A2 cos ωn t (3)

xp (t) = X cos ωt (4)

Lecture notes adapted from: Inman, DJ; Engineering Vibration; Fourth Edition; pp 130-142; Van
Niekerk, JL; Vibration and Noise 354 class notes; 2016 and Muiyser, J; Vibration and Noise 354 class
notes; 2018.

The particular solution is assumed to have the form of the forcing function and should
satisfy the equation of motion. Substituting this solution into the equation of motion

−ω 2 mX cos ωt + kX cos ωt = F0 cos ωt (5)

Dividing by m and introducing f0 = :
(−ω 2 X + ωn2 X − f0 ) cos ωt = 0 (6)
Using the method of undetermined coefficients this can only be true when:

X= (7)
ωn2 − ω 2
As before the initial conditions, x0 and v0 , can be used to determine the unknown
parameters, A1 and A2 , to obtain the complete solution:
v0 f0 f0
x(t) = sin ωn t + x0 − 2 2
cos ωn t + 2 cos ωt (8)
ωn ωn − ω ωn − ω 2
The figure below shows the response of a system where ωn = 1 rad/s to harmonic
excitation of magnitude f0 = 0.1 N/kg at ω = 2 rad/s and initial conditions x0 = 0.01 m
and v0 = 0.01 m/s. The motion can be seen to be the summation of two sine waves at the
respective frequencies.

Beat frequency
In situations where the driving frequency is close to the natural frequency harmonically
excited systems exhibit beating”. Consider the case where x0 = 0 m and ẋ0 = 0 m/s:
x(t) = (cos ωt − cos ωn t) (9)
ωn2 − ω2
From the trigonometry identity:
v−u v+u
cos u − cos v = 2 sin sin (10)
2 2
It can be shown that:
2f0 ωn − ω ωn + ω
x(t) = 2 sin t sin t (11)
ωn − ωn 2 2
When the excitation frequency becomes very close to the system’s natural frequency
the resulting motion’s amplitude begins to vary slowly. This is called a beat. The beat
frequency is:

ωbeat = |ωn − ω| (12)

When the excitation frequency exactly equals that of the system’s natural frequency the
particular solution of equation 8 is no longer valid. The particular solution now takes the

xp (t) = t sin ωt (13)

and the total solution becomes:

v0 f0
x(t) = sin ωt + x0 cos ωt + t sin ωt (14)
ω 2ω
A plot of the solution shows that the displacement grows without bound and would
cause the spring to break and fail. This is known as resonance.

Matlab code for forced response

1 % System p a r a m e t e r s
2 m = 1; % Mass [ kg ]
3 k = 1; % S t i f f n e s s [N/m]
4 wn = s q r t ( k / m ) ; % N a t u r a l f r e q u e n c y [ rad / s ]

6 % Harmonic e x c i t a t i o n
7 f0 = 0.1; % Amplitude o f e x c i t a t i o n [N/ kg ]
8 w = 2; % Frequency o f e x c i t a t i o n [ rad / s ]

10 % I n i t i a l conditions
11 x0 = 0 . 0 1 ; % I n i t i a l d i s p l a c e m e n t [m]
12 v0 = 0 . 0 1 ; % I n i t i a l v e l o c i t y [m/ s ]

14 t = 0:0.01:80;

16 % Solution
17 x = v0 / wn ∗ s i n ( wn ∗ t ) + ( x0 − f 0 / ( wnˆ2 − wˆ2 ) ) ∗
c o s ( wn ∗ t ) + f 0 / ( wnˆ2 − wˆ2 ) ∗ c o s ( w ∗ t ) ;

19 % P l o t t i n g the curves
20 f i g u r e ( ’ DefaultAxesFontSize ’ , 12 , ’ Pos ition ’ , [ 1 0 0 , 1 0 0 , 8 0 0 , 5 0 0 ] )
; h o l d on ;

22 l 1 = p l o t ( t , x , ’ LineWidth ’ , 1 ) ; L1 = ’ Response ’ ;

24 grid () ;

26 x l a b e l ( ’ Time [ s ] ’ )
27 y l a b e l ( ’ D i s p l a c e m e n t [m] ’ )

29 p r i n t ( ’ f o r c e d u ’ , ’−dpng ’ )

Example problem
Consider the structure shown below. The two slender rods are connected perpendicularly
and can pivot about their centres of mass at O. Each rod has a mass per unit length
of ρ and is supported by a spring. The horizontal rod is subjected to a harmonic force
F = F0 cos ωt.

2L 2L

F (t) = F0 cos ωt
L k1


1. Derive the equation of motion for the system for small angular deflections in terms
of the angular rotation θ. Note that the moment of inertia of a rod about it’s center
of mass is mL2 .
2. Obtain the solution for the motion of the system, θ(t), for ρ = 1 kg/m, L = 1 m,
k1 = 100 N/m, k2 = 50 N/m, F0 = 6 N and ω = 8 rad/s given zero initial conditions.

3. Plot the forced response of the system.

The sum of the moments about point O taking counter-clockwise as positive:

−k1 (2L)2 cos θ sin θ − k2 L2 cos θ sin θ + 2F L cos θ = IO θ̈ (15)

The moment of inertia of the system:
1 1
IO = (4ρL)(4L)2 + (2ρL)(2L)2 = 6ρL3 (16)
12 12
For small angles the equation of motion is:

6ρL2 θ̈ + (4k1 L + k2 L)θ = 2F0 cos ωt (17)

The natural frequency is:

4k1 + k2
ωn = = 8.66 rad/s (18)
The solution to the motion:

f0 f0
θ(t) = sin ωn t + θ0 − 2 2
cos ωn t + 2 cos ωt
ωn ωn − ω ωn − ω 2
= (cos ωt − cos ωn t) (19)
ωn − ω 2

The mass-normalized force:

f0 = = 2 rad/s2 (20)
The resultant solution:

θ(t) = 0.182 (cos 8t − cos 8.66t) (21)

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