Construction Ramp Down Activiites
Construction Ramp Down Activiites
Construction Ramp Down Activiites
A1060 Protection of road crossing spools - (plan to install TCP to link spools behind the CPF) 25-Jul-20 Protection of road crossing spools - (plan to install TCP to link spools behind the CPF)
A1050 Full weld on pipeline end points to prevent water ingress or foreign materials deposit 28-Jul-20 Full weld on pipeline end points to prevent water ingress or foreign materials deposit
A1000 Welding of 5 nos Tie-in joints on the R.O.W. (2 nos Swamp buggies will be deployed) 30-Jul-20 Welding of 5 nos Tie-in joints on the R.O.W. (2 nos Swamp buggies will be deployed)
A1010 Carry out NDT on Tie-in joints. 30-Jul-20 Carry out NDT on Tie-in joints.
A1020 Carry out FJC on successfully reviewed films for welded joints. 31-Jul-20 Carry out FJC on successfully reviewed films for welded joints.
A1030 Temporary Cathodic Protection 31-Jul-20 Temporary Cathodic Protection
A1040 Continue excavation, lowering and back filling. Pedestrian access prepared 31-Jul-20 Continue excavation, lowering and back filling. Pedestrian access prepared
Enwhe E
East to West 31-Jul-20
A1140 Complete NDT on Tie-in joints. 23-Jul-20 Complete NDT on Tie-in joints.
A1150 Carry out FJC on successfully reviewed films for welded joints. 26-Jul-20 Carry out FJC on successfully reviewed films for welded joints.
A1160 Temporary Cathodic Protection 31-Jul-20 Temporary Cathodic Protection
A1170 Continue excavation, lowering and back filling. Pedestrian access prepared 31-Jul-20 Continue excavation, lowering and back filling. Pedestrian access prepared
A1120 Recover and evacuate pipes that have been stacked along the R.O.W back to the respective stack area 28-Jul-20 Recover and evacuate pipes that have been stacked along the R.O.W back to the respectiv
A1130 Suspend welded pipe spool for the road crossings on wooden skid support to avoid submerging in flooding 30-Jul-20 Suspend welded pipe spool for the road crossings on wooden skid support to avoid subm
Remaining Level of Effort Actual Level of Effort Actual Work Remaining Work Critical Remaining Work Milestone summary Page 1 of 1 TASK filter: All Activities