Smith Meter VDR Vertical Deaerator Specifications

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Smith Meter ® Accessories

Smith Meter ® VDR Deaerator

Issue/Rev. 0.3 (5/10) Bulletin SS01058E

The Smith Meter ® "VDR" Vertical Deaerator will sepa-

rate and release air and gas from petroleum and other
liquid products before they are metered. The deaerator
is a necessary part of any metering system, whenever
there is a possibility that air or gas can be pumped or
siphoned into the pipeline.

Low pressure drop.
High efficiency air release.
Float operated automatic air release valve.

Standard Specifications
Fabricated according to DIN/EN, AD2000 specifi-
Temperature Range:
-29° to +65° C with Buna-N sealing.
Body Material: Carbon steel to EN Standard.
Flanges: Carbon steel raised face according to DIN/
EN or ANSI B16.5.
Model VDR Deaerator
Supports: Three (3) legs are standard on models 10-
100 deaerator. Four (4) legs are standard on models
130-350 deaerator. HE 2: Includes (2) factory installed liquid level con-
Sight Glass: Carbon steel with automatic air release trols with ATEX explosion proof sensor to activate
head(s). Air exhaust: 3/4" NPT. a Smith Meter Hydraulic Control Valve or the Smith
Meter Load Controller AccuLoad.
Automatic Air Release Head(s): Type "RB" - maximum
W.P. 300 psi. Type "UB" - Maximum W.P. 720 psi. HE 3: Includes (3) factory installed liquid level con-
Number of Air Release Heads per Model: VDR 10- trols with ATEX explosion proof sensor to activate
130 (1) head, VDR 180 and 240 - (2) heads, VDR 350 a Smith Meter Hydraulic Control Valve or the Smith
- (3) Heads. Meter Load Controller AccuLoad.
Drain: 1-1/2" NPT plugged, Model 10 to 60.
2" NPT plugged, Model 70 to 350. Functional Description

The removal of air from a liquid is controlled and limited

Options by the physical properties of that liquid and influenced
by a combination of pressure, temperature, flow rate,
Temperature Range:
and system design.
-12° to +65° C with Viton sealing.
Temperatures / Sealings other than specified: The presence of air or gas in a liquid system, while
consult factory. being measured by a positive displacement or turbine
meter, will result in inaccurate measurement and can
High Pressure Application: consult factory.
also damage the meter.
Special Surface Treatment: consult factory.
The deaerator is a necessary part of any metering sys-
“High Efficiency” Modification(s):
tem, whenever there is a possibility that air or gas can
HE 1: Includes (1) factory installed liquid level con- be pumped or siphoned into the pipeline.
trol with ATEX explosion proof sensor to activate a The tangentially constructed inlet and outlet connec-
Smith Meter Hydraulic Control Valve or the Smith tions (Figure 1), force the liquid into a rotational move-
Meter Load Controller AccuLoad®. ment. This centrifugal movement, in conjunction with a

The Most Trusted Name In Measurement

decrease in flow velocity and pressure will allow mass Efficiency
volumes, as well as entrained air and gas to be segre- Deaerators must release up to 30% volume of air/gas
gated from the liquid and subsequently through the float from the flowing liquid stream. Increased efficiency
operated automatic air release valve(s). A sight glass is can be achieved by installing liquid level control(s) in
installed to display the liquid. conjunction with a Smith Meter 200 Series Hydraulic
In accordance with EC Weights and Measures Regula- Control Valve.
tions, consideration must be given to the system design
to assure sufficient back pressure (min. 7.5 psi). Installation
Deaerators should be installed downstream from the
pump, as close to the meter as possible. The air release
Air Exhaust
should be piped to a vapour recovery system or to a
convenient and safe point of discharge. (Provide the end
of the air release pipe with a suitable flame arrestor.)
or Vapour
The condensate return line can be discharged into a
System suitable container or back to storage.

Return Line Liquid Level Controls
Inlet The Standard Smith Meter "VDR" Series Centrifugal
(tangential) Deaerator is designed and approved to release up to
30% volume of air/gas from the flowing product. When
Liquid even greater volumes of air/gas are likely to enter into
Volume” the line, or when the highest degree of systems accu-
racy is the primary design criterion, the addition of a
Liquid Level Control L.L.C. in conjunction with a Smith
Meter 200 Series multifunction hydraulic control valve
will ensure maximum deaerator efficiency.
Three (3) variations are available as factory installed
options on the "VDR" Series Deaerators.

Figure 1 – VDR Deaerator

AccuLoad III D

Printer Strainer
FMC Technologies
Loading Arm

Vertical PD Meter Valve


Figure 2 – Typical Installation for Loading Application

Page 2 • SS01058E Issue/Rev. 0.3 (5/10)


Option HE 1: Option HE3:

One (1) L.L.C. with ATEX approved explosion proof (Typical Installation for Unloading Application)
sensor, stainless steel adapter assembly, side mounted Three (3) L.L.C.’s with ATEX approved explosion proof
as high or low level control, and electrically connected sensor, stainless steel adapter assembly, side mounted
to a Smith Meter model 200-31 Solenoid Block Valve, as comprehensive level control.
provides final closure of the valve. Used exclusively with Smith Meter AccuLoad (Figure 4).
The sensor signal can also be wired into a Smith Meter Control of delivery is accomplished by three digital
model 296 Set-Stop Valve or the Smith Meter Load Con- inputs, configured as high, low and stop switch. These
troller AccuLoad, whereby the level control action tem- inputs define when to advance from high flow rate to low
porarily overrides the set-stop counter micro switches. flow rate and final closure when the liquid level drops
below the stop switch.
Option HE 2:
(typical installation for unloading application) For detailed information see following Smith Meter
Two (2) L.L.C.’s with ATEX approved explosion proof bulletins:
sensor, stainless steel adapter assembly, side mounted AccuLoad Operator Reference Manual
as high and low level control. Bulletin MN06129
Used exclusively with Smith Meter Model 296 Two Stage AccuLoad Unloading
Set-Stop Valve (Figure 3). First-stage closure (flow rate Bulletin AB06055
decreases from high flow to low flow rate) is provided
when the “high level control” switch is activated and final
closure is provided, if the liquid level continues to drop
until the “low level control” switch is activated.
Note: For application of extreme air exhaust an additional air
release valve may be fitted, which also will be controlled by the
liquid level control device.


Air Release

Junction Box
Power Supply
3 7
3 7 Inlet
High Flow
High Level Level
Control Control
Junction Box
Valve Low Flow
Junction Box
Valve Valve
Valve NO Valve NC
Low Level
Control Stop Flow Valve Stem Switch
Valve Stem Switch


Please Notice:
Please Notice: All cables are to be approved for hazardous locations.
All cables are to be approved for hazardous locations. 3, 7 is the No. of wires.
3, 7 is the No. of wires.

Figure 3 – Smith Meter Liquid Level Control Figure 4 - Smith Meter Liquid Level Control
Model 296 Set-Stop Valve Model 210 Digital Electro-Hydraulical Set-Stop Valve

Issue/Rev. 0.3 (5/10) SS01058E • Page 3

Selection Guide

Volume (Liters)
Model Designation Design Capacity* Inlet/Outlet Flange**
"VDR" (L/Min) (Std. Available) Total Effective

010 1,000 2", 2-1/2", 3" 90 54

020 2,000 2", 3", 4" 185 106

025 2,500 3", 4", 6" 288 168

030 3,000 4", 6" 455 255

040 4,000 4", 6" 480 280

060 6,000 6", 8" 1,025 622

070 7,000 6", 8" 1,860 1,068

100 10,000 8", 10" 2,090 1,292

130 13,000 8", 10" 2,360 1,421

180 18,000 10", 12" 3,765 2,356

240 24,000 10", 12", 14" 5,400 3,373

350 35,000 12", 16" 8,750 5,950

* Consult factory for design capacities above 35,000 l/min.

Design flow capacity of equipment for product viscosity 20 cP @ 20° C.
** Inlet and/or outlet flange sizes other than those listed, consult factory.

Pressure Drop
Based on Fluid: Kerosene, Density: 794 Kg/m3, Viscosity: 1.73 mPa•s

Pressure Drop
VDR - 130

VDR - 180
VDR - 100
VDR - 70
VDR - 10

VDR - 20
VDR - 25
VDR - 30

VDR - 40

VDR - 60


1.0 VDR - 240

0.7 0.05
0.6 VDR - 350
0.4 0.03

0.3 0.02
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 LPM x 100

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 m3/h

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 GPM

Figure 5 – Pressure Drop

Page 4 • SS01058E Issue/Rev. 0.3 (5/10)


Example: VDR — 060 — 2 — 04A — A —T0 — A — H0 — L

Liquid Level Controls

Type of Equipment 0 - not required
VDR - Vertical Deaerator L - Low Level Control
H - High Level Control
VDR Model
010 - VDR-10 070 - VDR-70
Liquid Level Controls (Model L.L.C.)
020 - VDR-20 100 - VDR-100 H0 - not required
025 - VDR-25 130 - VDR-130 H1 - 1 for High or Low Level Control
030 - VDR-30 180 - VDR-180 H2 - 2 for High and Low Level Control
040 - VDR-40 240 - VDR-240 H3 - 3 for Comprehensive Level Control
060 - VDR-60 350 - VDR-350 Design Standards
Working Pressure see bulletin AB0A003E
1 - PN 10 or 150 psi
2 - PN 16 or 232 psi Elastomer Seals
3 - PN 25 or 362 psi
see bulletin AB0A003E
Flange Size
02A - 2" ANSI 02D - DN 50 DIN
25A - 2.5" ANSI 25D - DN 65 DIN Flange Arrangement and Flow Direction
03A - 3" ANSI 03D - DN 80 DIN A - Arrangement A, Right Hand Spin
04A - 4" ANSI 04D - DN 100 DIN B - Arrangement B, Right Hand Spin
06A - 6" ANSI 06D - DN 150 DIN C - Arrangement C, Right Hand Spin
08A - 8" ANSI 08D - DN 200 DIN D - Arrangement D, Left Hand Spin
10A - 10" ANSI 10D - DN 250 DIN E - Arrangement E, Left Hand Spin
12A - 12" ANSI 12D - DN 300 DIN F - Arrangement F, Left Hand Spin
14A - 14" ANSI 14D - DN 350 DIN
16A - 16" ANSI 16D - DN 400 DIN

Right Hand Spin

Left Hand Spin


Figure 6 – Flange Arrangement and Flow Direction

Issue/Rev. 0.3 (5/10) SS01058E • Page 5


Model 10 to 100
Vent 3/4" NPT
Air Release Head

Sight Glass
Manhole (Model 130 - 350)


High Flow

Low Flow
1/2 H

(Optional) Ø18
B (Effective Volume)



Inspection Opening
Stop Flow

VDR-20 (1x di: 50 mm)
VDR-25 to 40 (1x di: 120 mm) Switch Model 130 to 350
VDR-60 to 100 (2x di: 120 mm) (Optional)



Drain ØA
Model 10 to 50 1 1/2" NPT

Model 70 to 350 2" NPT

Figure 7
* Dimensions C, E and F are subject to change on Pressure Ratings Note: NPT threaded and plugged drains are standard. Piped and
above PN 16 or on ASME coded vessels. Please consult Factory flanged drain connections available on request.
for specific informations.

Dimensions Model VDR

(mm) 10 20 25 30 40 60 70 100 130 180 240 350
A 356 457 508 610 650 813 1,016 1,100 1,150 1,350 1,550 1,900
B 550 650 830 910 930 1,200 1,350 1,360 1,395 1,700 1,835 2,155
C 1,536 1,716 2,006 2,156 2,186 2,707 2,952 2,952 3,122 3,602 3,883 4,275
D 600 700 900 950 950 1,100 1,250 1,300 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,200
E 1,050 1,230 1,520 1,670 1,700 2,175 2,420 2,420 2,570 3,050 3,330 3,800
F 430 440 480 500 550 600 660 680 725 750 820 925
G 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
T 125 160 160 210 205 280 380 390 415 460 570 700
H 360 405 570 590 630 880 1020 1020 1035 1330 1405 1665
L 300 340 400 420 440 450 460 480 510 550 610 710

Approximate Net Weight (kg)

Model VDR 10 Bar (-1) 16 Bar (-2) 25 Bar (-3) Model VDR 10 Bar (-1) 16 Bar (-2) 25 Bar (-3)
10 N/A 115 155 100 930 950 1,210
20 N/A 145 182 130 1,040 1,050 1,352
25 N/A 195 245 180 1,335 1,350 1,735
30 250 260 320 240 Consult Factory
40 275 300 380 350 Consult Factory
60 480 500 624
70 710 730 923

Page 6 • SS01058E Issue/Rev. 0.3 (5/10)

Model VDR

VDR Deaerator Standard

Issue/Rev. 0.3 (5/10) SS01058E • Page 7

Changes made to publication SS01058E Issue/Rev. 0.3 (5/10):
Editorial Change - Page 6, on figure 7

The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently
in effect. Otherwise, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect.
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Printed in U.S.A. © 5/10 FMC Technologies Measurement Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. SS01058E Issue/Rev. 0.3 (5/10)

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