Problem Weight Score 15 18 16 15 17 20 18 16 19 16 20 15 Total 100
Problem Weight Score 15 18 16 15 17 20 18 16 19 16 20 15 Total 100
Problem Weight Score 15 18 16 15 17 20 18 16 19 16 20 15 Total 100
Submission deadlines:
• Turn in the written solutions by 4:00 pm on Tuesday October 8 in the homework slot outside 121 EE East.
The solution submitted for grading represents my own analysis of the problem, and not that of another student.
Neatly print the name(s) of the students you collaborated with on this assignment.
Reading assignment: Lathi Chapter 2, Sections 2.3 and 2.4
Carefully read section 2.4-2 in the text which presents a graphical interpretation of convolution. This approach
yields significant insight to the convolution operation and is an important tool that will be used in technical electives
such as Introduction to Communications (EE 360), Discrete-Time Systems Analysis (EE 351), and Fundamentals of
Digital Signal Processing (EE 453).
Problem 15: (18 points) Dynamic second-order linear time-invariant physical systems are often encountered in
system analysis and control engineering. Consider a system whose output y(t) is related to the input f(t) by the
second-order differential equation
d2 y dy
+ 2ζωn + ωn2 y(t) = Kωn2 f(t), (1)
dt dt
where ζ is the dimensionless damping ratio and ωn ≥ 0 is the natural frequency. When 0 ≤ ζ < 1 the characteristic
roots are complex conjugates
λ1 = −σ + ωd
λ2 = −σ − ωd ,
where A and B are real-valued coefficients. Find expressions for A and B in terms of C1 .
3. (3 points) Using the result in part 2, solve for the unit-step response when 0 ≤ ζ < 1 and show that
y(t) = K 1 − e−σt cos ωd t + sin ωd t u(t).
Observe that the real (σ) and imaginary (ωd ) part of the complex roots determine the rate of exponential decay
and the frequency of oscillation, respectively. Due to the oscillatory behavior of y(t), the system response is
said to be underdamped.
4. (6 points) A LTI system with input f(t) and output y(t) is represented by the ordinary differential equation
ÿ + 4ẏ + 5y = 10f(t)
in terms of f(0) and |a|. Use the last two results to obtain the desired identity. Note that because δ(−t) = δ(t),
δ(t) is an even generalized function.
Problem 18: (16 points)
Systems can be represented either by an ODE or an impulse response function. Given either representation, you can
find the zero-state response for a given input. For example, consider the RC circuit in Figure 2.
Figure 1: RC circuit with input voltage f(t) and output current y(t).
1. (4 points) Derive the ODE representation of the system and show that it can be expressed as
1 K
ẏ + y = f.
τ τ
Express the time constant τ and parameter K in terms of R1 , R2 , and C. What is the physical significance of
the parameter K?
2. (4 points) Solve the ODE in part 1 to determine the zero-state unit-step response.
3. (4 points) Determine the impulse response function h(t) of the circuit.
4. (4 points) Determine the zero-state unit-step response using the convolution integral. Check your answer
against the result obtained in part 2.
Using the graphical convolution method discussed in section 2.4-2 of the text and lecture, find and sketch y(t) =
f(t) ∗ h(t) for the following signals.
1. (8 points)
2. (8 points)
f(t) = e−|t|
h(t) = e−t u(t)
Problem 20: (15 points) A future lecture demonstrates that any real-valued periodic signal f(t) with fundamental
period To may be expresses as a superposition of an infinite number of sinusoids,
X ∞
f(t) = ao + an cos(n ωo t) + bn sin(n ωo t),
n=1 n=1
and ωo = 2π/To . As an example, the coefficients for the periodic sawtooth waveform in Figure 2 are
ao = 0.5
an = 0
bn = − ,
ωo = 2π/To = π. As it not possible to numerically determine f(t) for an infinite number of terms, consider an
approximation that utilizes the first N terms of the summation,
fN (t) = ao + an cos(n ωo t) + bn sin(n ωo t),
n=1 n=1
If N < ∞, then
f(t) = fN (t) + e(t),
where e(t) is the approximation error.
f(t) = t/2.
The time vector must consist of 10,000 points equally spaced between 0 and 2. Plot f(t) using a dashed black
2. Write a MATLAB function find fN that determines fN (t) given an integer value of n and the time vector from
part (1). The syntax for the calling the function must be
fn = find fn(t,N);