FPM Issue 049
FPM Issue 049
FPM Issue 049
ISSN 2052-8507
Robert Carlsson
Eclipse Miniatures
Mr Lee's Minis
Kimera Models
Aradia Miniatures
Iter Miniatures
Gura Resin Kits
Andrea Miniatures
Resin Miniatures
for Collectors
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Initiative is a monthly magazine dedicated to miniature tabletop gaming. £1.30
Figure Painter Magazine and Initiative are digital publications in PDF Format
Cover Article
Our monthly look at the latest miniature painting news.
Our pick of the ones to watch on Putty&Paint.
Julien Alabonnepeindouille Reymond brings us his version of Ko-Hana.
The best new releases from the past month.
Showcase of the painted minis posted on our Facebook page.
Airbrushes.com now have the new
SharpenAir™ Airbrush needle repair
system in stock. SharpenAir™ is the
first and only hand-held device that
is designed specifically for repairing
bent and damaged airbrush fluid
needles. The concept and design
were created by Chad Elliott, an
airbrush artist, especially for the
airbrushing community. SharpenAir™
works by utilizing multiple angles
allowing your damaged needle to
DIGITAL SCULPTING FUNDAMENTALS be straightened efficiently and with
precision each and every time while
SUMMER COURSE maintaining its factory angle. There
are four runners located at the
Would you like to learn the basics provide fantastic foundations for bottom of each SharpenAir™ which
of sculpting in Zbrush? You will be any future artistic projects. are uniquely angled to do the work
able to create several character/ for you. At the end of each runner is
creature busts through which you GET INSPIRED and join the most a diamond-grit coated sharpening
will explore and learn the usage innovative summer program in stone. These stones are made up
of various tools and sculpting Europe! of varying grit and work together
methods. to provide you with a consistently
Apply now! perfect finish. it also includes a
The summer course will be focused Polishing Pad.
on using a few very powerful https://summer.algebra.university/
sculpting tools and techniques summer-school/list-of-courses/ The Original SharpenAir™ model
in Zbrush, which make for a digital-sculpting-fundamentals/ claims to work with ALL airbrush
straightforward sculpting style and brands EXCEPT Paasche and
DeVilbiss Dagr - Paasche/DeVilbiss
users require the Paasche model.
This year sees
their tenth
anniversary and
to celebrate
they are
releasing a
set of paints.
aren’t new to
paints, they
have several
sets already
available with
some fantastic
colours, so
we’re looking
forward to
by Davide Rainone
Price: 50 €
Scale: 1/12th (80mm tall)
Material: Resin
Available from
HeraModels’ Ufgar
Some time ago, HeraModels sparked interest
on social media with one of the latest digital
sculptures by Raul Garcia Latorre. What we saw
was a bust called Ufgar, about 1/12 scale (8 cm tall),
that literally brought the already high standard of
a great artist like Raul to new heights of detail and
involves one of the shoulder pads;
the limited edition’s kit has another
additional piece that fits over the
standard one. It is a series of tied
hands, to which the 3 cut off heads
are connected. This shoulder pad
adds a lot of character to the bust,
but it is so full of details and stuff
to paint that the standard edition
alone is already a great challenge
for everybody. The differences
between the two versions are not
only on the bust itself, but also in
the content of the box. In addition
to the kit, there is a card with the
limited edition’s number of your
model, a sticker with the original
artwork and a matt black plinth
with support.
Robert Carlsson
What has been your personal artistic
evolution and the turning points for your
miniature painting?
Could you
tell us about your
choice about to pursuing a
mixed airbrush/brush way of
I was discovering this world and I
didn’t know much, I was looking at
some videos on Youtube: painters like
Laurent Esposito, Allan Carrasco, and
Julien Casses inspired me a lot! Later I
discovered Alfonso Giraldes, Francesco
Farabi, and many others … Today, I
cannot say a specific painter inspires
me, but specific projects or paint jobs
from any painter can do it. The most
important thing is this: the feeling when
knowing how great something can
look if I just have the stamina to finish
it, trying my best on the level I am at in
that moment.
I got inspired.
5. 6.
inspiration … maybe I have never
painted a material introduced on
We know many How do you this particular miniature, so I need
painters from combine being a reference pictures.
northern Europe, but professional painter
it’s a wider area than with the role of Anyway, most of the time I can
we think… do you husband and father? paint and “search” as I go on with
ever have moments of comparison the paint job; I have painted long
or artistic growth with other painters enough to understand and feel what
from your country? I am a father of two lovely sons I need to do in order to be happy
… the question is how I combine with my work.
the family life with professional
We have a few great painters painting—good question! My family Sometimes this comes easy and
in Scandinavia, mostly they are is very creative; my wife is an art sometimes it takes more time, and
unknown or paint just for fun; it is teacher and a potter. We made our sometimes it does not work at all or
not like in Europe where many are largest room in the apartment our I totally lose interest.
professionals or full-time painters. “creative” room: we all have our
I don’t meet up with painters very own desk with a lot of things like As I go along with the paint job
often, because I don’t have time clay, beads, paint, papers, you name usually ideas will pop up in my head
(). When I paint, I want to focus on it! The whole family can then be in and I try them; often it works! When
my work and it mostly ends up with the same room to create whatever I paint a box art or something for
me “teaching” others. But certainly, we want. If I do not have time to a game, I have directions from the
sometimes it is lovely to meet paint, I try to do just something: director or artwork to follow: my job
friends and just paint and talk. clean mould lines, glue some parts, is then to make it look close to the
prime a model, etc. Obviously, idea or artwork.
sometimes I feel bad because
I spend a lot of time painting
or working.
What are some
goals you are
chasing and want
to achieve in the
Please, tell us a little
about all your trips
around Europe and
your experiences in
contests and events,
etc. What do they represent for you?
Would you leave a message for our readers?
If I would say something to you, much about this, but every time I
the readers, my students or people ask the question to people at my
that like my work, keep on painting workshops, almost everyone has
because you like it. Try to copy, experienced some problems.
listen and go to workshops. Always
be focused on observation all Go to the gym, learn some basic
the time. If you want something, stretch exercises for your back and
whatever it is, work hard and never if it gets worse, go to a naprapathy
give up until you are satisfied! [chiropractic] therapist.
Another thing that can be very I do all of this, and it really helps a
important if you want to paint a lot!
lot is taking care of your body,
especially your back! We don’t talk Good luck!
Thank you very much, Robert.
As part of the team that runs the Euro Miniature Expo,
I get approached by quite a few people with ideas
along the lines of ‘Why don’t you do this, that or the
The idea for a Painting Challenge We’ve given enough notice. Come
came from Luke Wilson and Ben on, six months has gotta be enough
Curry. Whilst it’s not a new idea to for most, hopefully people will get
a couple of the continental shows, something finished.
I don’t think it’s been done at a UK
show since Games Workshop tried The idea then, is to take said model
it in 1989 (I think, if memory serves). and, um, well, do something with it
It was with a dwarf … Yes, I’ve still – paint it, maybe convert it … make
By Adrian Hopwood got it somewhere. it yours. Surprise people with what
can be done.
Any road up—this seemed like a
good idea and a suggestion was Luke and Ben suggested the Robot
made for a large-scale fantasy Rocket Miniatures Ko Hana half
piece to be the figure of choice … figure – a beautiful android samurai
Oh, hold on – you do know what a girl. Yup, I thought this was a great
Painting Challenge is, don’t you? piece and one that people could go
to town on with fancy paintwork.
So, let’s start with the idea. Select
one particular kit, tell everyone Euro Miniature Expo is a multi-
which it is and set aside a separate discipline show though, and whilst
class for it at the show. Give people there’s a very strong presence of
enough notice and something that fantasy and sci-fi, there’s also a
is popular and hopefully they get stalwart community attending who
#1 #2
like historical pieces, too. Because
of this and to balance things out, we
thought we’d do something that no
show (that we’re aware of) has done
and have two Painting Challenge
pieces, the second one being an
historical piece. Here’s where the
model for this article comes in. It’s
the Woodlands Indian 1770 from
Mitches Military Models. It’s been a
popular model, with a good amount
sold. It’s still available, so it ticks all
the boxes; since I thought I’d start
the ball rolling, I got hold of one and
proceeded to paint it.
The problem is, when I get a chance The box art of the proper model, #2). It’s a good sculpt. The pieces
like this, I tend to think sideways sculpted by Carl Reid is shown fit together well, a little work can
… You know, that “what can I do to here for comparison along with the be done on the end of the musket
make it different” kind of thing that model itself with some assembly by drilling a hole for the bore of the
I really shouldn’t be allowed to do; by me. The arms are fastened on gun, but little else is needed apart
so instead of just painting it straight and the hands and musket sort of from the usual clean-up of a few
out of the box, I decided to add a clip in almost without gluing when I mould part lines.
few things. test fitted them (see photos #1 and
Now the problem was that I’d started thinking, OK, the gun looked
good, but the change wasn’t that noticeable really, How about
an augmented eye to aid our sharpshooter? It’d be rude not
to after all, if the tech is available. So, out with a few scraps of
plasticard, another raid into the vast and varied bits boxes and I’d
superglued enough hardware to the side of his head to even give
me a headache.
It wasn’t enough though … what else could I do?
Now as is often the case for anyone See where I’m going with this? So,
who has begun “adding” to a mini-drill at the ready, I made the
model, there’s always those mad holes that would have accepted
ideas brought on by finding that the feathers a little deeper, sized
bit, part or doodad in amongst the up some decent length of wire and
long-lost parts in the bits box that bent them so that they would hang
says “You just gotta use this”. Either down the back of the figure. Whilst little robot skulls and cherubs that
that or you remember a model that I was at it, I added one to connect the Adeptus Mechanicus employ —
looked particularly cool and think to the gun (OK, so it went under the Hmmm, a return to the spares box
you could do something similar. right hand to be hidden and look like then!
it was connected to the gun.) This
I’ve always liked the WH40K wire would come from the side of Actually, the spares box failed me in
universe, and as I thought more the augmented eye – obviously to this. I couldn’t find much in the way
and more about this piece I began upgrade targeting. of skulls of an appropriate scale; I
leaning towards some assassin had plenty of old Verlinden heads,
for hire hailing from that dark and A salient point was made by my but no skulls. However, looking
future era. On the original Woodland good friend Robin Snelson, that along the grey army shelves, there
Indian there are several feathers although I’d taken the trouble was the BrokenToad kit of “Alas” – a
that attach in to the sides of the to make the other wires end in beautiful rendition of a seventeenth
topknot of hair. Ripe, I believe, to be connectors, what were their actual or eighteenth-century woman,
replaced by wires that would allow function. He was right, they didn’t made a little creepy because she’s
him to connect in to some computer have an obvious point. I said I’d holding a skull in her right palm. A
terminal thingumy. And after all, I’d think on it. separate skull and the kit provides
just seen a fine selection of wires, two, a grey resin one and a clear
guitar strings and the like in one of Probably not a good idea, but after resin one.
those drawers upstairs… thinking on it, my mind turned to
the WH40K universe again and the Now please don’t go asking Kris of
Broken Toad, because I know he
gets castings done as sets, so he
doesn’t get many spares. I didn’t
#5 #6 know this until I asked if I could buy
a couple of skulls off him for this
project. However, he managed to
find some for me so our lass “Alas”
isn’t going without.
blended to the relevant areas whilst
the paint is still wet. To get the oils
to turn completely matte when dry,
the undercoat helps soak up some
of the oils, plus putting him in a
warm place to dry helps get rid of
any residual shine as well.
#9 #10 #11
Once painted, assembly was fun. enough; plus, the wires for the SAS So, reactions from friends after
I wanted to hide the joint of the head needed to be stronger to all that thought, preparation and
hands to the wrists, and (you know hold the thing in place rather than planning (OK, not the planning, there
what’s coming here, don’t you?) droop around like an unwatered was precious little of that, to be
whilst I’d been looking through all plant stem. I augmented the initial honest.)
the bits and bobs I’ve accumulated wire with a thick guitar string which
over the years, found some short held the SAS head up a lot better. Generally, people asked what
lengths of lace (haven’t a clue Both heads still waggle about like substances I’d been abusing,
where it came from, I’ll be honest). some mad bobble–head toy. It’s and comments such as ‘I wasn’t
This was absolutely perfect to make interesting and entertaining at the expecting that!’ abounded. Not sure
some fancy lace cuffs to line the same time! whether this was good or not, but
leather coat cuffs. A little trimming a couple of people got the drift of
with scissors, a slathering of white The final touches were to add what I was trying to do … I think!
wood glue on the lace and a little several glass lenses from the
bit of gentle persuasion with a company Little Cars. These are What was I trying to do?
blunted cocktail stick got the lace silver backed coloured glass and
into position. Let it dry, recoat with come in various sizes. I added two Well, to show that an historical
watered white glue and it’s ready to the augmented eye gizmo, and piece can be taken and made
for painting in a grubby yellow/ a couple to the SAS head and the into something different, and that
white. skull. Plus, further ones to the little the Painting Challenge is more
cog things that sprout off the heads. about having fun and maybe doing
The real amusement, though, began something a little daft, rather than
when I added the skull and the SAS The final shots show all this, getting all serious about what
head. Without the blu tac, I found hopefully to good effect. we’re painting. Yes, there is a
that superglue just wasn’t strong competition class for these to go
in at Euro Miniature Expo, and it’ll thinking only about what they might in the competition; however, with
be judged to the same standard be for, was relaxing. Whether the people’s indulgence, I’ll put it on
as the regular classes, with the piece works or not is neither here display. No prize for me – this
possibility of gaining the same type nor there, it was a flight of fancy, lets me off the hook, because I’m
of prizes (Gold, Silver, Bronze and a lot of fun and I do hope I’ve not hoping that you folks are going
Commended) plus extra prizes from upset the chaps at Mitches or Carl to support the Painting Challenge
Robot Rocket and Mitches Military Reid with what I’ve done here. and really WOW us with your
Models for the models that they like interpretations of the two models –
the most. Painted straight from the box, this is Mitches’ Woodland Indian 1770 and
a really nice piece. It’s colourful and Robot Rocket Miniatures’ Ko Hana.
The fun here being that whilst the evokes a time when the Americas
models will be judged and awarded were being colonised and fought Come on ladies and gents, I’m
medals, the manufacturers can over for land and resources. In looking forward to seeing what you
ignore those results completely other words, it’s a great kit just can do and no, you can’t borrow
and award to the pieces they like painted proper like. They should any of those substances (real or
the most, and this won’t necessarily have known better than letting me imaginary) that made me produce
agree with the Euro judges. That’ll loose with it, really. 😊 this to help you do something
make life interesting! unbelievably mad. 😉
Anyway, blame Luke and Ben, that’s
Back to the title for a second – was what I say! 😋 Thanks for reading.
this “a challenge to paint?” No
actually, it was different from things Now just to clarify, this here mess Adrian
I’ve done for quite some time. The I’ve made of this model will be
release of not having to research a on the same table as the Painting
piece, to add things here and there Challenge class, but it won’t be
by Marko Paunovic
Price: 60USD + p&p
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Resin
Available from
is perfect. There are three small
indentations on the torso. Two are
located on the back side of the
neck protection that are a perfect
match for the additional armour. The
third indentation is underneath the
torso and is made for the straight
edged pillar made for carrying the
bust. It is perfectly centred which
will help with positioning of the bust
to the plinth.
the last few months
of 2017, I was busy
participating in the Iron
Painter. Participating
in such a cool event like the Iron
Painter, where you are surrounded
by great artists and are pushed to
your limits, makes you improve your
abilities. This year was no different.
So, while competing in the last
round, when the ‘Snowpocalypse’
theme was announced I decided to
do a different take on a bust... and
make it into a full-fledged diorama.
and ochre) in several places just to
make the cliff a bit more interesting.
I fixed the pigment in place using
AK Interactive Pigment Fixer.
Finished Diorama
When I was satisfied with the paint job, I
added some snow (NOCH Snowflakes) and
ice (NOCH Icicles) directly on the miniature,
especially around the nose, mouth and on
the beard.
King of the Forest
by Oliver “HonourGuard” Späth
Patreon.com/Oliver Spaeth
These are the first two figures from GRK and are part
of the ‘Crowned Heads’ collection. An exploration
of fantasy-based monarchy. The figures will be
released individually but can be collected to make
up a chapter. Each chapter will contain 4 figures and
the topic explored by the first two is ‘Tales of Pride
and Decadence.’
Available from
Gura logo which works perfectly.
There is a large crescent shaped
bone at the top which adds interest
and nicely frames the whole piece.
The character has sharp detailed
definition, his muscular torso
suggests he is prepared to deal
with enemies when necessary
and his cruel mocking expression
is captured perfectly. His clothing
provides varied textures, but I
especially like his skull inspired
earrings (perhaps they are real
skulls?). He has one arm resting on
his drink of choice while incense
burns above.
The Eternal
Price: £45
Scale: 1/24th (75mm size)
Material: Resin
Available from
ast December, the M.A.C.Ro. (Museum of Contemporary Arts of
Rome) held a very special event in Rome. It was born from the idea of
introducing people to the fact that many things coming from cartoons,
by Davide Rainone comics, films, music, etc, have now become ‘POP’; they are part of our
culture in a magnitude that few of us really under-stand.
The weekend also hosted painting and modelling 53
demos and four special master classes done by 4 great
artists in different fields: Gabriele Dell’Otto and Matteo
De Longis (classical and digital illustration), Francesco
Farabi (painting miniatures) and Domenico Febbo
(Gunpla). Their master classes were a sort of show with
them challenging each other in completing a model or
illustration from the beginning to the end in only three
and a half hours.
The four days were also supported
by sponsors like Sony Playstation
(available and free to play the last
Gundam based game for PS4),
Wacom and their digital tablets
(free demos and presentations),
Enel as economical sup-port,
Molotow, 2C arte, Piazza di
Spagna View and Kraken Korp
for logistical help, CosmicGroup,
Buyers Club, Gundam Dipendente,
and Team Nu Type for models.
The help of Alessio Tommasetti
for digital support, Andrea Parisi
as Artistic Director and Gabriele
Luccioni as Main Organizer is also
worth mentioning.
other themes.
JULY 8 - 27
The summer course will be focused on using few very powerful sculpting
tools and techniques in Zbrush which make for a straightforward
sculpting style and provide fantastic foundations for any future artistic
GET INSPIRED and join the most innovative summer program in Europe!
ply no
n w!
by Normski
Price: €50
Scale: 1/24th (75mm size)
Material: Resin
Available from
Julien Alabonnepeindouille
Translation help:
Gatien Billon Maurin
1 2 3
4 5
I was testing and trying my choice colours I was about to add and to washes. The item was then placed to
and disposition of colours. The NMM create some harmonization. see how the red would work with the
of the helmet was worked with bluish other colours and other details.
grays (Tempest Grey R), matte white The golden parts were first painted
(Dragon White R), a little touch of P3 with a slightly opaque Snakebite My first choice of lights was off. I
Satin Black and a pinch of creamy Leather GW wash (a brownish, didn’t like their places, so I tried
white (Bleached Linen R). The idea greenish, yellow ochre) and second something more appealing to the
was to reinforce the next red coat with some P3 Black. eye with rounder forms, gaining
with nuances. smoothness and a sharpened
I used a plastic film to protect the sense of movement.
For the cybernetic flesh, I opted for piece and ease my work. At that
Vampiric Shadow R, (a kind of middle point, it was still a first draft. I fluctuated between pink and blue
ground between a matte beige and for the lotus colour.
matte pink), highlighted with Ghost I then added a new colour and test
White R (a kind of matte desaturated its distribution. I proceeded then on I worked the shoulder pad with NMM
light blue) and Titanium White G. the whiteness of the skin, amplifying gold. I worked the first coat from
I worked the shades with Deep the contrasts by adding shades and pure Snakebite to Titanium White
Twilight R (a kind of dark indigo). lights. G, with glazes of Bestial Brown
GW (a reddish brown) and Brown
I took the time to dispatch some Then I did a little test of the NMM Leather S (a purplish dark brown).
diluted Blush Pink R to create red on the mask. I worked there with I did a test on the eyes with some
contrast with the more saturated caution, using successive red ink pinkish magenta.
Paint Job
Bothered by the filthy effect on the transitions, and to gain some time in my
highlighting work, I used my air-brush with some Bleached Linen R for the
lights, and some P3 Black for the shades.
6 7 8
9 10 11
The helmet’s NMM was modified I highlighted the hair again, to give it intermediate to give him some pep
with by the help of some references more life and help frame the face. and to have a re-call of colour.
I found on the 'net. Gradually, the
con-trast and reflection effects I started to have a harmony that I tried some red there but wasn’t
were refined. I then added some pleased me. The pink, purple, teal convinced; I decided to work on
Turquoise Phtalo G glazes to dye and gold were combining well. The that later.
and enrich the effect. red should reinforce that.
I did some more work on the lower
I then worked on the NMM gold and For the crimson, I started with some parts to finish the whole approach.
defined the hair with some Turquoise Purple Lich GW, but it didn’t behave I applied only colours I used before
Phtalo G mixed with P3 Black, high- as I thought it would, so I had to to not make the harmonization
lighted with Vampiric Shadow R and cheat. I added some Dioxazine more complex.
Ghost Grey R. The airbrush did hurt Purple J in order to transfer the
the work on the contrast I’ve made, properties of it into the Purple Lich. I started then to focus on the details
so I redefined the piece with linings I gained there more time to work on on the hand … I reworked the light
and reworked the lights. Basically, I the colour, the paint drying slower on all areas, to push up the contrast
reworked the whole piece using the than before. I highlighted it with more (nice and easy). Except for
in-formation from the previous work I Vampiric Shadow, and I enhanced the red, everything was running
had done. it with Fluorescent Pink in the its course.
After some quick research on the web, browsing for ideas, I went for it. Once
the design put to scale on my computer, it was copied. The shape was cut and
fixed with Tamiya tape. I put it in that place to reinforce the funny and whimsical
mood. I put some marks and drew the general shape with my brush, taking
good care to respect the proportions.
12 13 14
17 19
I fine-tuned the whole thing; now Here is a little test on the lotus. the piece for the Eindhoven contest.
the lights and shadows of the belly It’s good sometimes to take a
are sharper, and the NMM work I did some more little touches here step back and clear your mind so
was al-most finished. Don’t hesitate and there, focusing on the face. you won’t remain ‘with the nose
to go back on the lights and the I went back to the lights and the stuck on the painting’. (I am not
intermediary tones. shadows, adding some coloured sure about the translation of this
nuances in a ‘let it go way’. I used French expression).
Let’s go for the red of the helmet! some Permanent Maroon G in
the nuances.
I started with a series of successive
washes to keep control for an
optimum and clean result. I
Now I started work on the upper part
of the helmet in golden NMM, with a
added some pure teal in the little test of teal for the gem-stones.
deepest shadows.
I was getting there. It was vibrant
I went back to the hair’s shades with and closer to that not much defined
some fluorescent pink, which helped feeling I wanted to convey through
the circulation and the harmoniza- the piece. At that point I had just one
tion of the colours. last night of work before submitting
The Last Part
Before I went to the SMC, I learned some troublesome news … I was
considering giving up, but my brush called to me and helped me to move on.
This helped me transform and sublime all this delicate energy for an ulti-mate
night of work.
Starting with the mask, I highlighted the red with some
Fluorescent Orange M mixed with a clear flesh tone and
Vampiric Shadow. I did the same thing for all the red parts.
The lotus flower did find its final colour; I put some last
efforts on the face, the nuances, the last lights and last
fades. Once the whiskers were done and the freehand
completed, I was finished.
by Steve Forté
Price: £75
Scale: 1:1th (80mm tall)
Material: Resin
Available from
Stockists of
• Vallejo
• Scalecolor
• Mr. Hobby
• Modelmates
I was born in 1955 and I have been doing modelling
since my teenage years. Strangely, I always do figures:
the Airfix collectors series and later Historex were my
school. Historex taught me to
study uniforms and history,
as there weren’t any
instructions inside.
I have decided to depict a young
trumpet player, even if he’s
portrayed with moustache and
decided he should also be very
excited passing in front of all the
exalted people.
Let’s start with the timpani’s Note: I have used some different
support. First of all, I have glued all types of Milliput. The most used is
the little components from Historex, the terracotta (the reddish one in
including the keys used to stretch the photos).
the leather. The saddle was fringed,
which means a long and boring To make the timpani’s cover I used
work. I used a copper wire and copper again.
using a drill, I have twisted it. In the
end, after cutting the wire to length, Here the design is simple. It’s
I have glued in place each section important to be very careful in
one by one. A little trick: in some the drum’s positioning and their
places where a support from the size to avoid interfering with the
caparison was not possible, I have horseman’s legs and, above all, the
used a little lead strip attached to need to remove it for the painting
the inner edge in order to create phase. To make it easier, I made
one… in the end it remains hidden some pins inside the drums.
under the fringes. It’s all about time
and patience.
The horseman is essentially derived It has been impossible to obtain the
from the Metal Models kit with softness typical of ostrich’s plumes,
some conversion of his pose and but this looked to me the best
re-sculpting his arms. I did it by option for the result I wanted.
creating an inner armature with
iron wire and then applying several Look now at the picture of the full
layers of putty. figure completed. The black stripe
is a bit of electrical sticky tape used
A different task was to replicate to better define the chevron. It’s far
the ostrich plumes. I started trying easier than sculpting it with putty.
to use putty only, looking for some
softness I did not find. You can The sabretache and saber have
note that under the plumes on the been glued into position before
horse’s head there still is some painting. It makes the painting
clay that usually is removed after harder, but the assembling phase
the putty dries. Being completely is much easier. I did the drum
unsatisfied of the result, I threw sticks in his hands with lead wire
everything away and restarted and the final little ball with simple
using only thin copper cutting very Vinavil glue.
carefully every single strand of the
plume. Once in place, I have added
some putty to give it a better look
… finally!
I usually use a mixed oil/acrylic a blend of colours. I keep adding I paint the uniform in acrylic using
painting process. All the skin, lights and shadows until I obtain colours much less brilliant than the
leathers, and golden chevrons a good result. Very often it is not ones we are used to seeing today.
are done with oils, all fabrics with possible to finish the work in only The blue you can see in the pictures
acrylics. one session and I feel it necessary has been obtained by mixing
to paint again over what I did Prussian Blue and White.
I start with the horse. It must be before to enhance lights, shadows,
a white horse, so I apply an early transitions, colours, etc.
oil wash using a mix of Titanium
White, Ivory Black and Raw Umber.
The purpose is to create a good
base for next the steps. Even
for a greyish horse, I am used to
adding some warm tones to various
greys. I also add always some Raw
Sienna and Burnt Umber to my
mixes. Then, when the base has
dried well, I proceed with painting
using a soft flat brush to blend the
different tones. I also keep available
a certain number of different
brushes, because I need to have
always a perfectly dry brush in my
hand. It may look strange, but it’s
very important to avoid any risk
because using a humid or wet brush
will create a great disaster instead
In the last images, you can see a Also, the little flower on the with so many different possible
sequence of steps used for the chevrons’ side was a whole and tonalities. I have chosen to paint
chevrons. The first layer has been one-piece needlework. a kind of deep dark pink, almost
made with a darker colour (right tending toward a purplish tone.
shoulder) and progressively adding For a soldier like this, the painting My starting point is the Flat Red
lights until the final design. When process for golden chevron is Vallejo Model Colour, darkened with
making this kind of decoration, it crucial. It could be useful to see my some blue and then lightened with
is useful to keep on mind that they usual palette combination for this some skin or white tones, but only
were trimmings done by hand over kind of task (see the picture). a very small amount. Honestly, I
a fabric, so they had very precise am not a painter of great contrasts
alignments. I strongly discourage Another critical colour for this even though the pictures flatten
sculpting them if you have a one of subject is the crimson. It’s important the gamut between highlights and
a kind piece in your hands. to get a good definition for a colour shadows even more.
Burnt Umber
Mars Yellow
Burnt Sienna
Cadmium Yellow
Naples Yellow
complete the work.
Company: Nutsplanet
Scale: 1:12th
Contact: www.nutsplanet.com
Scale: 1/9th
Contact: tartar.miniatures@libero.it
Celtic Pride
Scale: 1:9th
Contact: pegasomodels.com
Byzantine Cataphract
Scale: 1:24th
Contact: altores.com
Viking (Ulfhednar)
Scale: 1:24th
Contact: vk.com/revolutoin_miniatures
Scale: 1:10th
Contact: www.young-miniatures.com
Scale: 1:24th
Contact: aradiaminiatures.com
Scale: 1:24th
Contact: aradiaminiatures.com
Company: Scale75
Scale: 1:12th
Contact: scale75.com
Company: Nutsplanet
Scale: 1:20th
Contact: www.nutsplanet.com
Scale: 1:24th
Contact: kimeramodels.com
Baba Yaga
Scale: Various
Contact: chronos-miniatures.com
Price: £60
Features: Scenic Base
Resin and Metal parts
Code EK16 – F008
Available from
Okay, here is some brief discussion After masking off the face, I I assembled the figure completely
about how I painted and based my airbrushed the uniform in an ochre and transferred it to the base.
figure. As previously noted, Andrea colour. I want the white uniform
provides a handy reference picture to look aged and worn, so I will The base was created by using a
and some general background on build from this. Using thin mixes to Dremel to cut uneven sections out
the figure you are painting. This achieve a zenithal effect, I added of a resin base. Once airbrushed in
is a good start as it allows you to brownish white and yellow white to grey it simulates a rock face quite
practice your Google-fu to search build up the highlights and brown in nicely. I painted in shadows, sealed
for additional reference sources. the shadow areas. I then switched the cut away section and filled it
to the brush to push the contrast, with resin. I tinted the resin with a
As I said previously I assembled the using off white for the highlights touch of blue ink to increase the
figure separately. I started off using and brown with added black in the cold effect.
my airbrush for speed, but you can shadows. I airbrushed and hand
also do this stage using a brush if painted the accessories using Once the resin was dry, I sprinkled
you desire. I primed the accessories colours from the Andrea splinter snow from above to see where it
in black and put these aside. I then colour set. gathered on the figure. I then shook
primed the figure in light grey. it off and apply a fixative to the
areas I saw it gather and applied am never short of miniatures to www.andreaeurope.com
again in the same way. Once the paint, but if I was on a strict budget
snow on the figure was set I mixed a I would want to buy a figure where or visit and like Andrea Miniatures
generous amount of snow with PVA I felt quality was assured. Andrea, on Facebook to get up to date news
glue until I obtained a lumpy mix with all their years of experience, on latest releases.
and using a wooden stirrer I added will provide this. The next Andrea
it to the base. I then sprinkled a figure I review won’t be a military
layer of snow over the top, which figure, but the quality is exemplary
helps simulate the heavy snowfall once again. Thanks Andrea, you
quite nicely. made a military figure fan out of
me 😊
The whole figure and base took less
than a week and I am really pleased If you haven’t recently visited the
with the overall result. Andrea web store, go now! They
have an amazing and diverse
Being a magazine writer places range of figures and the FPM
me in a privileged position and I endorsement on quality.
by Luke Wilson
Price: £48/€55/$67
Scale: 1/24th (75mm size)
Material: Resin
Available from
The Ares of myth was the son of Zeus and Hera. The god
of war, he embodied the violent and untamed aspect of it,
and the Greeks worshipped him readily before their men
marched off to fight. So, has Kimera captured this or have
they gone their own way?
Now, moving on to Ares. I went over As said there are a few different
every piece of this figure twice, options, so what are they? Firstly,
almost desperate to find something you get two heads, one open
bad to write about this figure, but and bald the other helmeted, but
I just couldn’t. Every piece looks it doesn’t stop there. There are
perfect. There are no mould lines, enough pieces to use both heads if
bubbles, nothing! If I had to be super you want to, as Kimera has included should you wish, you could swap the
picky (and I’m going to be, just so it enough pieces for two face guards heads over at your leisure. His left
can give me something other than so with a small bit of magnetising hand can be fitted with a guard or
even an impressive shield. In the dry
fit, I will be sporting the shield. Why?
Because I think it looks cooler.
alute has been a regular event on my miniature enthusiast calendar
for quite a few years now. Organised by South London Warlords and
billed as the largest independent one-day wargaming event in the
by Terry Cowell UK, it is something I always look forward to.
the venue. The downside
with this is you don’t
get to find the trader
Price: £40
Scale: 1/10th (65mm size)
Material: Resin
Available from
In fact, the box art was painted I love this aspect of the piece and The price tag is £40.00 and this may
by Drew Palies and he did a the facial piercings add that extra seem a little high for a 1/10 scale
cracking job. rock chick feeling to it too, so this bust, but with all the high quality
opens the bust to a lot of possible materials used in the production
Raul Garcia Latorre has done an paint jobs. and packaging I feel the price is
amazing job bringing the concept spot on.
to life and the flow of the creases in Sometimes companies send you
the clothing are spot on and have a things with the expectation that If you read this and decide to buy
natural organic feel to them. you will blow smoke and say their one you can follow the link above
product is amazing. Alex did not but be aware this is a limited run of
The last feature I want to discuss is have that expectation and I have 200 so make your choice quickly.
the face. Zayna has a very anime- given an unbiased review of the
esque feel to it and this adds to product. I usually do not give 100% Zayna “The Golden Gobliness” is
the cartoon feel to the piece and positive reviews and I always look an amazing first release from Iter
as goblinesses go, she is the for defects and negative points, but Miniatures and I hope to see more
prettiest one I have seen so far. The I honestly think this is one of the quality releases in the future.
elongated face actually reminds most well produced pieces I have
PART THREE: Painting Cyclops
elcome to the third part on my diorama, where I hope to cover
some of my approach to painting the Cyclops. But before we
get to the painting part I should probably detail the minor
conversion of having him cut in half…
The aim is for the scene to catch the moment the monster has been cut,
the upper half just beginning to slide, and the pose of the Cyclops is part
of why it was chosen in addition to its size; the spread arms leaving the
chest in clear view. I could have used a saw to actually cut the figure
in half, in some ways this would have made the placement of the
edges much easier, but I decided to use Milliput because I didn’t
want to lose the width of the saw blade and it would be harder
to fix if something went wrong. I had already sketched a line
around the torso in pencil, and a strip of Milliput little more
than a millimetre deep was placed over it and smoothed
into place before using a nice new scalpel blade to cut it
through the middle. I then peeled off the line to top or
bottom depending on the curve of the body, leaving a
series of ledges and overhangs as the cut worked its
way around the torso.
tones will be muted. It should get enough attention from
its sheer size and positioning without any saturated
For the lower half of the figure I used flesh on the feet
(specifically the toes), heels and ankle area. Then the
knees, working round to the back of the knees, and
along the inside of the upper legs to the groin area
which I can only say is very reminiscent of an Allan
Carrasco sculpt … I even went so far as to use one of the
darker tones from the Scale 75 flesh set to block in some
basic shading. The rest of the body was given a nice
coat of blue grey.
So, with the basic flesh tones hint of the contrasting purple tones I tone, so even using similar highlight
blocked in I decided to start on all was after at the bottom. colours the overall look was quite
the other elements—the leather and different, and the smoother volumes
bones. On the one hand I figured From there I focused on the overall meant I used a lot more stippling
all the little straps and bones on the contrast, especially adding depth when it came to the highlights.
wrists would be rather fiddly, so I and colour to the shadows, making
could look forward to the freedom sure there were some real purple
of painting the skin after and it tones at which point I transferred to
would also allow me to sort out the working on the skulls. This would
rest of the colour scheme, making allow me to get all the shadows
sure there wasn’t anything that done where they pressed up
would clash too much. against the loincloth which meant
I could tidy up all the edges and
I chose a yellowish ochre colour also get a handle on the impact
with a hint of orange for the leather, they would have on the area before
as this should provide a second returning to the loincloth to refine
major contrast for the main blue its highlights and shadows.
skin tones. It would also allow me to
have some fun with a basic yellow/ To add variety, the bones were
purple contrast when it came to the highlighted up from a series of
shading. The first pass would define different base tones, some even
the main volumes, using stippling to with different highlights. The
pick out extra highlights across the main skull stuck mostly to the
top of the loincloth where it folded classical pale bone look with warm
over the rope used to hold it up beige tones in the shadows and
and where it went across the top of the sculpted texture providing
the right leg. Most of the shadows ample guide for the positioning of
looked a little desaturated and highlights. Meanwhile the skull on
lifeless at this point but there was a the right had a very green base
In this fashion I worked my way
through all the bones across the
loincloth and as I went I blocked in
all the leather straps holding the
bones in the reddish brown mid
tone that I got with a 50:50 mix of
the ochre and the purple.
The next step was the refinement of
the texture on the loincloth and the
leather straps. This time I was paying
a lot more attention to the actual
sculpted texture, most noticeable on
the upper rim which previously had
only been roughly stippled. Basic
ochre tones were used to smooth
out the volume before carefully
highlighting the edges and glazing At this point it was just a repetition shoulders either, so I started at the
a subtle hint of purple back into the of the previous steps to complete feet and worked my way up from
seams and cracks. the remaining bones and straps there.
on the arms and feet; keeping the
The lower loincloth area didn’t bones varied in tone while the For the “pink” skin I mostly stuck
require as much work because I’d straps were all kept quite similar. with the Scale 75 colours, Indian
refined elements to the texture in Some of the edges would be quite Shadow for the darkest tones,
the second pass, but there was still untidy at this point, but it wasn’t a Pink Flesh and Light Skin with
room to emphasise certain elements, problem as it would all be tidied up an occasional touch of Games
picking out occasional highlights and when doing the skin. Workshop Dwarf Flesh where I
deepening some seams. wanted to tweak the mid tones and
Sometimes it’s said that you should mixing in a little White or Ivory for
The straps, on the other hand, were start with the eyes; if I’m totally picking out highlights on smaller
highlighted and shaded quite simply. honest, I hadn’t worked out what details. For the mid blue tones, I
Given the scale and other elements I wanted to do with his one large also used a little of the Scale 75
I didn’t feel the need to add wear eye. I hadn’t really worked out what colours but mostly relied on the
marks or additional texturing. I was going to do with the scale like blue greys from Games Workshop
texture across his upper legs and like the Fang and Shadow Grey with
Space Wolves Grey for keeping a
blue tone in the highlights. It helps
that they aren’t quite as flat as the
Scale 75 colours. That solid matt
appearance can be very effective,
but I’ve always felt that skin can do
with a slight shine to it.
Indian Shadow between the toes. itself to run a purplish 50:50 blue layers working flesh tones one way
Then using a couple of thin layers flesh mix between the zones. and blue tones the other I adjusted
of the mid flesh tone to transition Highlighting the edge of the the colours around the ankle and
the blues into the flesh running creases also allowed me to run heel. Using glazes to add to the
down the toes before using some flesh tones across the top of the shadows, smooth the occasionally
subdued highlights to pick out the blue elements and visa-versa. transition and tweak colour balance
detail, but nothing too strong. They in a few places.
didn’t need to compete with the
bones or toe nails. And although
I wasn’t intending a great deal of
contrast across the height of the
figure, I still wanted to have the face
a bit brighter than the lower areas.
quite carefully at this stage, learning painting progressed it was the flesh the highlights along with the Space
how the colours worked and how toned areas that grew in size, with Wolves Grey.
I could use the texture, carefully highlights and glazes working their
glazing depth into the shadows way into the blue zones. Extending I then used glazes to add some
around the knee and calf muscles from the knee down the shin, darker flesh tones to the crease
as I worked my way up the leg. reaching down the calves at the that ran between the thigh and
Then going back and adding a back of the knee, the purple 50:50 the muscles at the back of the leg,
glaze or two to a previous area to mix working into the creases of the working this colour into the creases
tweak the blending. blue areas. This wasn’t part of some between the scales, in this way I
drew the flesh tones from around
the knee further up the leg and
removed any hard boundary.
And that just left his pimply arse, and very pimply it match the upper half into the seam around the belt, then
was too. I used the sculpted texture to run the highlight left it for an hour or so to firm up a bit before smoothing
colour from the scales across the darker blue tones at the surface and refining the fit where needed. Once it
the hips which I then blended into a redder flesh tone was fully cured I could just lift the upper half off and peel
than I had previously used, mixing some actual red into the plastic sheet away; leaving me with an almost perfect
the mix. Also adding some of this to the small of the back fit as the plastic was so thin.
on the upper torso to provide continuity across the rope
belt at the waist. Moving onto the upper torso I started by roughing out
the shadows across the whole torso and the arms,
And this is where we come to another of those bits I adding some flesh tones to the elbows and extending
should have done ages ago but had been putting off. them around the arm pits and along the under arm.
The join between the upper and lower halves was a
bit out due to the two large brass rods I’d used to pin I then returned to working in the flesh tones running up
them together, but it needed sorting before starting to the centre of his back. This was basically treated the
properly paint it. Placing a sheet cut from a plastic bag same as the legs except for using a bit more of the red to
across the top of the lower torso I pinned the top half match it with the tones on his rump.
through it then used some thin strips of Milliput to really
Then it was time to work on the
transition from the blue coming
from his shoulders and hips to
the flesh tone across his stomach.
Where it worked under the arms the
shadows, extra volumes and texture
in the area helped link the colours,
but the blend around the waist
just wasn’t working out. The area
was just too large and too smooth;
and didn’t seem to work with the
elements I’d already done.
literally scribbled my way across
the left side with a series of small
squares and circles.
And then it was time to properly So after a couple of hours the bright blue tone for the eye
work out how I was going to do researching eyeballs on Google could really pop, maybe not too
the face. I’d always planned for the I decided I liked the look of the realistically shaded, but certainly
blood splash to be red to add a horizontal pupil you get with sheep effectively.
sharp contrast on the snow base, and goats, although I have to say a
so the ears and mouth would use lot of the lizard eyes did look very From there it was just a case of
a lot of red and pink tones. But interesting. I also chose to have a finishing off the remaining details.
I was unsure on whether I was darker nose, thinking this would Having to add some texture to the
going to extend those tones to the add more variation and contrast into lower lip, blending the pink tones
nose, and I was still unsure on how the face. onto the chin, making sure the
exactly I was going to do the eye. teeth weren’t too white. And after
I knew I wanted a bright saturated I then focused on working the doing the hands it was just a case of
contrasting colour but the shape dark purple tones I’d chosen for sticking the two halves together.
wasn’t settled. I didn’t want to do the nose, blending them up into
a basic human eyeball and recall the shadows around the eye and I recall having to use another
thinking something like a cuttlefish down into the pinker tones I was couple of small bits of Milliput at
eye could work well but was a adding across the top of the mouth. the join, but where you have such
bit unsure. This gave me a dark socket where a constantly shifting set of colours
across the surface it is quite easy to paint a couple of
small areas back in.
Till then.
by Terry Cowell
Pagnus Sp. Ed
Price: £55
Scale: 1/24th (75mm size)
Material: Resin
Available from
Available from
1/6th Dark Knight Joker by Mike Hoekstra by Jose Manuel Lopez Villen
By the Entrance by Juan Ignacio Corujo
Also available
The Old Gnome &
The Gem Smith
plus many more