Form Nl-4-Premium Schedule
Form Nl-4-Premium Schedule
Form Nl-4-Premium Schedule
(₹ ’000)
Up to The Quarter
Up to The Quarter Ended March 31, 2019
March 31, 2019
Workmen's Personal Health Trade
Motor OD Motor TP Liability Engineering Aviation Crop Others Total Grand Total
Compensation Accident Insurance Credit
Premium from direct business written 14,67,825 1,40,694 34,148 31,99,001 37,94,615 8,313 3,80,971 13,49,805 10,189 1,04,573 - - 1,71,22,487 6,96,054 2,66,66,008 2,83,08,675
Service Tax - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Adjustment for change in reserve for unexpired
risks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gross Earned Premium 14,67,825 1,40,694 34,148 31,99,001 37,94,615 8,313 3,80,971 13,49,805 10,189 1,04,573 - - 1,71,22,487 6,96,054 2,66,66,008 2,83,08,675
Add: Premium on reinsurance accepted 21,515 - - - - - - - - 5,045 - - - - 5,045 26,560
Less : Premium on reinsurance ceded 8,32,457 85,197 40,050 2,40,910 2,77,070 529 1,06,021 96,723 4,387 75,425 - - 1,29,35,666 1,62,544 1,38,99,275 1,48,56,979
Net Premium 6,56,883 55,497 (5,902) 29,58,091 35,17,545 7,784 2,74,950 12,53,082 5,802 34,193 - - 41,86,821 5,33,510 1,27,71,778 1,34,78,256
Adjustment for change in reserve for unexpired
risks (74,460) (679) 6,614 (1,22,175) (5,07,086) 365 (5,663) (1,88,371) (137) (4,727) - - (1,02,420) 11,076 (9,19,138) (9,87,663)
Premium Earned (Net) 5,82,423 54,818 712 28,35,916 30,10,459 8,149 2,69,287 10,64,711 5,665 29,466 - - 40,84,401 5,44,586 1,18,52,640 1,24,90,593
Note: Reinsurance premiums whether on business ceded or accepted are to be brought into account, before deducting commission, under the head of reinsurance premiums.