The Students

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The Students’ Feedback Questionnaire:

The questionnaire is a part of a research work. It aims to raise learners’ attention towards the importance of the
listening skill and to explore its role in improving their speaking ability within an EFL classroom. Your answers are of
great help to complete the work, and they will be much appreciated. Please tick the right answer, or write full statement
answers where necessary.

Section One: Background Information

1. Age:

2. Gender:

a. Male

b. Female

3. Streaming

a. Literary

b. Scientific

c. Technical

4. Studying English at the University was:

a. Personal choice

b. Imposed

4. a. If personal,




4. b. If imposed




Section Two: The Listening Skill

1. Do you think that listening and hearing are?

a. The same

b. Different

2. Is listening an easy task to learn?

a. Yes

b. No
Justify your answer…………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Do you practice listening to native speakers outside the classroom?

a. Yes

b. No

If yes, what materials do you




If no, why?..............................................................................................................................................



4. Do you think that listening to native speakers is important in the classroom?

a. Yes

b. No

If yes,




5. What is the place of listening among the four skills?

a. 1st

b. 2nd

c. 3rd

d. 4th

Justify your




6. Do you practice listening inside the class?

a. Yes

b. No

6. 1. If yes, is it?
a. Rarely

b. Sometimes

c. Always

6.2. If no, what do you think the reasons are?

a. Lack of authentic materials

b. Teachers do not give importance to listening practice

c. Teachers’ lack of experience in listening comprehension

d. all of them

7. Do comprehend all what you hear?

a. Yes

b. No

If no, state the reasons?




8. What is the role of the teacher during a listening comprehension session?




9. When practicing listening, does your teacher give you feedback?

a. Yes

b. No

10. What do you think are the main classroom activities helpful to develop your



11. Which method is used by your teacher to present his listening tasks?

a. Pre-listening, while listening, and post listening methods

b. Listening directly than discussing

c. both of them

12. Which authentic materials should be used?

a. Cassettes

b. CDs
c. Computers

d. All of them

13. Does the listening skill have an influence on the other skills?

a. Yes

b. No

If yes, which




Section Three: The Speaking Skill

1. Do you like the oral expression course?

a. Yes

b. No

2. Does this course help you develop your:

a. Listening

b. Speaking

c. Both of them

3. Is speaking important for you?

a. Yes

b. No

4. Does it have a relation with the other skills?

a. Yes

b. No

If yes, list




5. Do you speak inside the classroom?

a. Yes

b. No

5. 1. If yes, is it because:

a. Practicing speaking even outside

b. Listening practice

c. both of them

5. 2. If no, what are the main difficulties you face?

a. Lack of practice

b. Lack of authentic materials

c. Teachers’ ignorance

d. All of them

6. Have you ever tried to overcome those constraints?

a. Yes

b. No

If yes,




7. Does speaking have a relation with listening?

a. Yes

b. No




8. Do you think that listening to the target language is one of the factors enhancing your


a. Yes

b. No




9. Do you believe in the following saying:"good listeners are fluent speakers"?

a. Yes

b. No

Justify your



10. What do you think as far as" the Role of Listening Comprehension in Improving EFL

Learners Speaking Skill" is concerned?




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