I Really Don
I Really Don
I Really Don
Three years ago, I was diagnosed of a cardiac problem which till date I
have battled between life and death, from one hospital to another, one cardiologist to the other and
with prayers too hoping that someday, the good lord in his infinite mercy will completely heal me from
this cardiac problem. I sometimes ask myself questions like; I’m I not too young to suffer from such a
serious issue as this? But well like they say God knows best and His ways are not the ways of men. I still
believe that someday I will completely receive my healing from God but the ultimate question; When?
Well can’t answer that question either. Can you? That’s the bond of contention as at now. This is the
month of May 18, 2019. I was rushed to the Bingo Baptist hospital Douala Mbobbi on Thursday the 16 th
2019. Today marks my third day here still nothing has been done to ease the pains in my body. First I did
an ECG scan which was fruitless because nothing was found, then secondly I did an X-Ray which till now I
don’t know the result because nobody has actually interpreted it to me yet well that is Cameroon our
country nothing is ever taken seriously until the last and dying stages. I am still here though, and in pains
as I can barely lay on my back lest I won’t be able to breathe. Well that’s it from day one till today. I am
still watching, hoping and praying that something remarkable comes up real soon.