Math SBA

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Candidate Names:

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Year of Examination: 2019

Subject: Mathematics

Title of Project: Resurfacing the floor of the school’s auditorium using the most suitable


Teacher’s Name: Mrs.

Table of Contents

Title Pages
Project Title 3
Introduction 4
Method of Data Collection 5
Presentation of Data 6-7
Analysis of Data 8
Discussion of Findings 9
Conclusion 10

Project Title

Resurfacing the floor of the school’s auditorium, using the most suitable material.


The floor of my school’s auditorium has been worn out due to extensive use and the Principal

has asked my group to resurface the floor. The budget for this resurfacing project is eight

thousand dollars ($8,000) for small rooms and fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) for specialty

rooms. Since the Auditorium is a speciality room the budget is fifteen thousand dollars



 Resurface the floor of a specific room in my school using a budget.

 Determine a suitable material to resurface the floor with, this material must be long

lasting and within the budget stated.

 Determine the dimensions of the room and therefore how much material would be needed

to resurface the area.

 Produce a scale drawing of the floor plan of the assigned room.

Method of Data Collection

The dimensions of the school’s auditorium will be obtained using a 30 m measuring tape. The

area of the auditorium floor will then be calculated. Information about different flooring

materials will also be obtained and compared. Various materials will be compared and examined.

The material that can withstand the daily activities carried out in the auditorium, is within the

budget and can easily be cleaned will be chosen.

Presentation of Data

Width: 12.35m


Scale: 1:150

Scale Calculations

Length = 31.05m

= 3105cm

Width = 12.35m

= 1235cm

Length of page = 21.59cm x 27.94cm

3105 ÷ 21 = 1:148 (Rounded off to 1:150)

1235 ÷ 15 = 1:82

The most suitable scale is 1: 150

Actual Length = 3105 ÷ 150

= 20.7cm

Actual Width = 1235 ÷ 150

= 8.23cm

Our group chose to measure the auditorium. Two separate measurements were taken for the

length of the auditorium as the measuring tape was too short to measure from wall to wall.

The measurements of the auditorium are:

Length= 28.97m + 2.08m = 31.05m

Width = 12.35m

Characteristics of Ceramic Tiles and Laminate Flooring

Ceramic Laminate
Durability Ceramic tiles are very durable Once laminate becomes

and are not easily damaged. damaged or deeply worn it

They can last for hundreds of cannot be refinished.

years and if a tile gets

damaged it can be replaced.

Cost Ceramic tiles are an affordable Laminate flooring is also

flooring material and usually affordable. More sheets of

cost below $15.00 per tile. laminate are needed to cover a

The measurement of each tile square metre; therefore it

is 16in x 16in. would cost more than tiling.

Maintenance Ceramic tiles are easy to Laminate floors are difficult to

maintain as they are very easy clean. Mops and steam

to be cleaned. Any stains or cleaners cannot be used.

dirt that may get on them can Anytime there is a spill on the

be easily removed my floor, it needs to be cleaned

mopping, wiping or sweeping. immediately with a wet cloth.

This is great for this space These conditions make it

because of the large number of unsuitable for the auditorium

children that may occupy the

auditorium at times.

 Number of tiles that must be used

Area of floor= Length x Width

= 3105 cm x 1235 cm

= 3,834,675 cm2

Area of tiles = 16 x 2.54 cm x 16 x 2.54 cm

= 1651.6 cm2

No. of tiles = 3 834 675 cm2 ÷ 1651.6 cm2

= 2, 321.8 tiles

 Cost of tiles

1 tile = $6.00

2,321 tiles = $23,210.00

Analysis of Data

To ensure that the new flooring lasts, a suitable material needs to be chosen. Many factors were

considered when choosing the material that needed to be used for this project such as the price of

the material and whether it is the appropriate material for the designated room. The most

effective way to choose the best material was to compare different flooring materials and

determine which one was best suited for the room. A scale drawing was done to represent the

floor of the auditorium. The cost of the tiles needed is $23,210. The auditorium is a special case

as its area is roughly three times the size of the next largest specialty room in the school. The

Principal will be informed that the budget for the auditorium has to cater for its relatively huge


Discussion of Findings

10 | P a g e
The area of the auditorium was calculated by using the measurements obtained by the group. A

scale drawing was done which represented the floor of the auditorium. Information about

different flooring materials was also obtained and compared by visiting hardware. The research

carried out by the members in our group showed that ceramic tiles would be the most suitable

flooring material as well as the most cost effective. The number of tiles needed was determined,

it was 2,321 tiles. The total cost needed for the tiles was $23,210.00; this was $8,210.00 over the

budget but because of the size of the room this issue will be brought to the principal’s attention.


11 | P a g e
At the end of this SBA we were able to find a suitable material to use for the floor of the

auditorium. A scale drawing was produced to represent the dimensions of the auditorium

(length- 31.05m, width- 12.35m). When the area of the room was calculated it became evident

that it would take a lot of tiles to completely floor the room. The size of the room caused the

budget to exceed by $8,210.00. Every objective except this one was successfully completed.

12 | P a g e

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