ncsmq92 Solder

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Solder Paste
Introduction Packaging
NC-SMQ92 is a halide-free, air reflow, no-clean solder paste Standard packaging for stencil printing applications includes
formulated to leave a benign, probe-testable residue. The 4oz jars and 6 or 12oz cartridges. Packaging for enclosed
residue is easily penetrated and will not clog multi-point print head systems is also readily available. For dispensing
probes. This product has other qualities such as consistent applications, 10 and 30cc syringes are standard. Other packaging
fine-pitch paste deposition, long stencil life and tack time, options are available on request.
and excellent wetting. NC-SMQ92 will perform well on
high speed surface mount lines utilizing fast print speeds Storage and Handling Procedures
and rapid chip placement. NC-SMQ92 meets or surpasses
all ANSI/J-STD-004, -005 specifications and Bellcore test Refrigerated storage will prolong the shelf life of solder paste.
criteria. The shelf life of NC-SMQ92 is 6 months when stored at <10°C.
Solder paste packaged in syringes and cartridges should be
stored tip down.
Indium Corporation manufactures low-oxide spherical powder Solder paste should be allowed to reach ambient working
composed of Sn/Pb and Sn/Pb/Ag in the industry standard Type 3 temperature prior to use. Generally, paste should be removed
mesh size. Other non-standard mesh sizes are available upon from refrigeration at least 2 hours before use. Actual time to
request. The weight ratio of the flux/vehicle to the solder powder reach thermal equilibrium will vary with container size. Paste
is referred to as the metal load and is typically in the range of temperature should be verified before use. Jars and cartridges
85–92% for standard alloy compositions. should be labeled with date and time of opening.

Standard Product Specifications Technical Support

Indium Corporation’s internationally experienced engineers
Metal Load provide in-depth technical assistance to our customers.
Alloy Mesh Size Particle Size
Printing Dispensing Thoroughly knowledgeable in all facets of Material Science as it
Type 3 25–45μm applies to the electronics and semiconductor sectors, Technical
Sn63 and Sn62 90% 85%
-325/+500 0.001–0.0018" Support Engineers provide expert advice in solder preforms,
wire, ribbon, and paste. Indium Corporation’s Technical Support
Engineers provide rapid response to all technical inquiries.
Bellcore and J-STD Tests and Results
Test Result Test Result Safety Data Sheets
J-STD-004 (IPC-TM-650) J-STD-005 (IPC-TM-650) The SDS for this product can be found online
Flux Type Classification ROL0 Typical Solder Paste Viscosity at
(Sn63, 90%, Type 3) 2,000 poise
Flux-Induced Corrosion
Pass Malcolm (10rpm)
(Copper Mirror)
Typical Thixotropic Index; SSF
Presence of Halide 0.65
(ICA Test)
Fluoride Spot Test Pass
Elemental Analysis (Br, Cl, F) 0% Slump Test Pass
Post-Reflow Flux Residue Solder Ball Test Pass
(ICA Test)
Typical Tackiness 35g
Corrosion Pass
Wetting Test Pass
SIR Pass
Acid Value 113
SIR Pass
All information is for reference only.
Not to be used as incoming product specifications. Electromigration Pass

Form No. 97668 R8

NC-SMQ92 Solder Paste
Printing Reflow
Stencil Design: Recommended Profile:
Electroformed and laser cut/electropolished stencils produce
the best printing characteristics among stencil types. Stencil
aperture design is a crucial step in optimizing the print process.
The following are a few general recommendations:

• Discrete components—A 10–20% reduction of stencil

aperture has significantly reduced or eliminated the
occurrence of mid-chip solder beads. The “home plate”
design is a common method for achieving this reduction.
• Fine-pitch components—A surface area reduction is
recommended for apertures of 20mil pitch and finer. This
reduction will help minimize solder balling and bridging This profile is designed for use with Sn6 3/Pb37 and
that can lead to electrical shorts. The amount of reduction Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 and can serve as a general guideline in
necessary is process-dependent (5–15% is common). establishing a reflow profile for use with other alloys.
• For adequate release of solder paste from stencil apertures, Adjustments to this profile may be necessary based on
a minimum aspect ratio of 1:5 is suggested. The aspect specific process requirements.
ratio is defined as the width of the aperture divided by the
thickness of the stencil. Heating Stage:
Printer Operation: A linear ramp rate of 0.5–2°C/second allows gradual evaporation
The following are general recommendations for stencil printer of volatile flux constituents and prevents defects such as solder
optimization. Adjustments may be necessary based on specific balling/beading and bridging as a result of hot slump. It also
process requirements: prevents unnecessary depletion of fluxing capacity when using
higher temperature alloys. A profile with an extended soak above
Recommended Printer Operation 150°C can be implemented to reduce void formation and minimize
tombstoning when required.
Solder Paste Bead Size 20–25mm diameter
Print Speed 25–100mm/second Liquidus Stage:
Squeegee Pressure 0.018–0.027kg/mm of blade length A peak temperature of 25–45°C (215°C shown) above the melting
Underside Stencil Wipe Once every 10–25 prints
point of the solder alloy is needed to form a quality solder joint
and achieve acceptable wetting due to the formation of an
Solder Paste Stencil Life >12 hours (at 30–60% RH and 22–28°C) intermetallic layer. If the peak temperature is excessive, or
the time above liquidus greater than the recommended 30–90
Cleaning seconds, flux charring, excessive intermetallic formation and
NC-SMQ92 is designed for no-clean applications; however, damage to the board and components can occur.
the flux can be removed, if necessary, by using a commercially
Cooling Stage:
available flux residue remover.
A rapid cool down of <4°C/second is desired to form a fine-grain
Stencil Cleaning: This is best performed using an automated structure. Slow cooling will form a large-grain structure, which
stencil cleaning system for both stencil and misprint cleaning typically exhibit poor fatigue resistance. If excessive cooling
to prevent extraneous solder balls. Most commercially available >4°C/second is used, both the components and the solder joint
stencil cleaning formulations including isopropyl alcohol (IPA) can be stressed due to a high CTE mismatch.
work well.

Compatible Products
• Rework Flux: TACFlux ® 014
• Cored Wire: Core 92
This product data sheet is provided for general information only. It is not intended, and shall not be construed, to warrant or guarantee the performance
of the products described which are sold subject exclusively to written warranties and limitations thereon included in product packaging and invoices.
All Indium Corporation’s products and solutions are designed to be commercially available unless specifically stated otherwise.

Contact our engineers:

Learn more:
ASIA +65 6268 8678 • CHINA +86 (0) 512 628 34900 • EUROPE +44 (0) 1908 580400 • USA +1 315 853 4900 ©2019 Indium Corporation

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