"FLY SOUP" (4 People) : Table) Henry Out)

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“FLY SOUP” (4 people) Customer: It’s a box of flies!

(Henry gets up from the

Grammar Focus: Present Tense of BE; affirmative and table)
negative; this and that; there is, commands; WH- Manager: Get out of my restaurant! Get out! (He kicks
questions. Henry out)
Materials Needed: Match box with fly, several soup “FLY SOUP” (4 people)
bowls, spoons, a few tables and chairs, apron for waiter or Grammar Focus: Present Tense of BE; affirmative and
whatever else you want to make a restaurant scene. negative; this and that; there is, commands; WH-
Situation: Henry Smith is a poor, sad man. He is eating questions.
soup in a crowded restaurant. Materials Needed: Match box with fly, several soup
bowls, spoons, a few tables and chairs, apron for waiter or
Henry: Waiter, Waiter!
whatever else you want to make a restaurant scene.
Waiter: Yes? (The waiter comes up to Henry)
Situation: Henry Smith is a poor, sad man. He is eating
Henry: There’s a fly in my soup!
soup in a crowded restaurant.
Waiter: That’s impossible.
Henry: Look Henry: Waiter, Waiter!
Waiter: Where? Waiter: Yes? (The waiter comes up to Henry)
Henry: There. What’s that? (He points to a speck in the Henry: There’s a fly in my soup!
soup) Waiter: That’s impossible.
Waiter: What? (He leans over to look at the soup) Henry: Look
Henry: That little black speck with wings. What’s that? (He Waiter: Where?
points to a fly) Henry: There. What’s that? (He points to a speck in the
Waiter: Black pepper! It’s black pepper! soup)
Henry: It’s NOT black pepper. It’s a fly! (A customer Waiter: What? (He leans over to look at the soup)
crowds around the table) Henry: That little black speck with wings. What’s that? (He
Customer: What’s wrong? What’s the matter? What is points to a fly)
this? Waiter: Black pepper! It’s black pepper!
Henry: There’s a fly in my soup! Henry: It’s NOT black pepper. It’s a fly! (A customer
Waiter: He says there’s a fly in his soup. crowds around the table)
Customer: Where is it? Let me see. Customer: What’s wrong? What’s the matter? What is
Henry: There. this?
Customer: Yes, that’s a fly. Henry: There’s a fly in my soup!
Waiter: No, it isn’t. Waiter: He says there’s a fly in his soup.
Henry: Yes, it is. Customer: Where is it? Let me see.
Waiter: No, it ISN’T. Henry: There.
Manager: What’s going on here? (He runs up to the table) Customer: Yes, that’s a fly.
Waiter: This man says there’s a fly in his soup. Waiter: No, it isn’t.
Manager: There’s a fly in his soup? In MY restaurant? Henry: Yes, it is.
That’s impossible. Waiter: No, it ISN’T.
Henry: Here. What’s this? Is this a fly or not? (He picks up Manager: What’s going on here? (He runs up to the table)
a spoonful of soup with the fly in it) Waiter: This man says there’s a fly in his soup.
Manager: Shh. Please, mister, shh. Waiter bring me a Manager: There’s a fly in his soup? In MY restaurant?
steak dinner. That’s impossible.
Henry: Well maybe… Henry: Here. What’s this? Is this a fly or not? (He picks up
Manager: Bring a steak dinner and wine and pie and a spoonful of soup with the fly in it)
coffee. (The waiter leaves. A box falls from Henry’s pocket) Manager: Shh. Please, mister, shh. Waiter bring me a
Customer: What’s that? steak dinner.
Manager: What? Henry: Well maybe…
Customer: This. (He picks up the box) Manager: Bring a steak dinner and wine and pie and
Manager: What is it? coffee. (The waiter leaves. A box falls from Henry’s pocket)
Customer: What’s that?
Manager: What? Manager: Bring a steak dinner and wine and pie and coffee.
Customer: This. (He picks up the box) (The waiter leaves. A box falls from Henry’s pocket)
Manager: What is it? Customer 1: What’s that?
Customer: It’s a box of flies! (Henry gets up from the Customer 2: What?
table) Customer 1: This. (He picks up the box)
Manager: Get out of my restaurant! Get out! (He kicks Manager: What is it?
Henry out) Customer 1: It’s a box of flies! (Henry gets up from the table)
Manager: Get out of my restaurant! Get out! (He kicks Henry
“FLY SOUP” (5 people)
Grammar Focus: Present Tense of BE; affirmative and
“FLY SOUP” (5 people)
negative; this and that; there is, commands; WH-
Grammar Focus: Present Tense of BE; affirmative and
negative; this and that; there is, commands; WH-
Materials Needed: Match box with fly, several soup
bowls, spoons, a few tables and chairs, apron for waiter or
Materials Needed: Match box with fly, several soup
whatever else you want to make a restaurant scene.
bowls, spoons, a few tables and chairs, apron for waiter or
Situation: Henry Smith is a poor, sad man. He is eating
whatever else you want to make a restaurant scene.
soup in a crowded restaurant.
Situation: Henry Smith is a poor, sad man. He is eating
soup in a crowded restaurant.
Henry: Waiter, Waiter!
Waiter: Yes? (The waiter comes up to Henry)
Henry: There’s a fly in my soup! Henry: Waiter, Waiter!
Waiter: That’s impossible. Waiter: Yes? (The waiter comes up to Henry)
Henry: Look Henry: There’s a fly in my soup!
Waiter: Where? Waiter: That’s impossible.
Henry: There. What’s that? (He points to a speck in the soup) Henry: Look
Waiter: What? (He leans over to look at the soup) Waiter: Where?
Henry: That little black speck with wings. What’s that? (He Henry: There. What’s that? (He points to a speck in the soup)
points to a fly) Waiter: What? (He leans over to look at the soup)
Waiter: Black pepper! It’s black pepper! Henry: That little black speck with wings. What’s that? (He
Henry: It’s NOT black pepper. It’s a fly! (The customers crowd points to a fly)
around the table) Waiter: Black pepper! It’s black pepper!
Customer 1: What’s wrong? Henry: It’s NOT black pepper. It’s a fly! (The customers crowd
Customer 2: What’s the matter? What is this? around the table)
Henry: There’s a fly in my soup! Customer 1: What’s wrong?
Waiter: He says there’s a fly in his soup. Customer 2: What’s the matter? What is this?
Customer 1: Where is it? Henry: There’s a fly in my soup!
Customer 2: Let me see. Waiter: He says there’s a fly in his soup.
Henry: There. Customer 1: Where is it?
Customer 1: Yes, that’s a fly. Customer 2: Let me see.
Customer 2: No, it isn’t. Henry: There.
Henry: Yes, it is. Customer 1: Yes, that’s a fly.
Waiter: No, it ISN’T. Customer 2: No, it isn’t.
Manager: What’s going on here? (He runs up to the table) Henry: Yes, it is.
Waiter: This man says there’s a fly in his soup. Waiter: No, it ISN’T.
Manager: There’s a fly in his soup? In MY restaurant? That’s Manager: What’s going on here? (He runs up to the table)
impossible. Waiter: This man says there’s a fly in his soup.
Henry: Here. What’s this? Is this a fly or not? (He picks up a Manager: There’s a fly in his soup? In MY restaurant? That’s
spoonful of soup with the fly in it) impossible.
Manager: Shh. Please, mister, shh. Waiter bring me a steak Henry: Here. What’s this? Is this a fly or not? (He picks up a
dinner. spoonful of soup with the fly in it)
Henry: Well maybe… Manager: Shh. Please, mister, shh. Waiter bring me a steak
Henry: Well maybe… Manager: Bring a steak dinner and wine and pie and coffee.
Manager: Bring a steak dinner and wine and pie and coffee. (The waiter leaves. A box falls from Henry’s pocket)
(The waiter leaves. A box falls from Henry’s pocket) Customer 1: What’s that?
Customer 1: What’s that? Customer 2: What?
Customer 2: What? Customer 1: This. (He picks up the box)
Customer 1: This. (He picks up the box) Manager: What is it?
Manager: What is it? Customer 3: It’s a box of flies! (Henry gets up from the table)
Manager: Get out of my restaurant! Get out! (He kicks Henry
Customer 1: It’s a box of flies! (Henry gets up from the table)
Manager: Get out of my restaurant! Get out! (He kicks Henry
“FLY SOUP” (6 people) “FLY SOUP” (6 people)
Grammar Focus: Present Tense of BE; affirmative and Grammar Focus: Present Tense of BE; affirmative and
negative; this and that; there is, commands; WH- questions. negative; this and that; there is, commands; WH- questions.
Materials Needed: Match box with fly, several soup bowls, Materials Needed: Match box with fly, several soup bowls,
spoons, a few tables and chairs, apron for waiter or whatever spoons, a few tables and chairs, apron for waiter or whatever
else you want to make a restaurant scene. else you want to make a restaurant scene.
Situation: Henry Smith is a poor, sad man. He is eating soup Situation: Henry Smith is a poor, sad man. He is eating soup
in a crowded restaurant. in a crowded restaurant.

Henry: Waiter, Waiter! Henry: Waiter, Waiter!

Waiter: Yes? (The waiter comes up to Henry) Waiter: Yes? (The waiter comes up to Henry)
Henry: There’s a fly in my soup! Henry: There’s a fly in my soup!
Waiter: That’s impossible. Waiter: That’s impossible.
Henry: Look Henry: Look
Waiter: Where? Waiter: Where?
Henry: There. What’s that? (He points to a speck in the soup) Henry: There. What’s that? (He points to a speck in the soup)
Waiter: What? (He leans over to look at the soup) Waiter: What? (He leans over to look at the soup)
Henry: That little black speck with wings. What’s that? (He Henry: That little black speck with wings. What’s that? (He
points to a fly) points to a fly)
Waiter: Black pepper! It’s black pepper! Waiter: Black pepper! It’s black pepper!
Henry: It’s NOT black pepper. It’s a fly! (The customers crowd Henry: It’s NOT black pepper. It’s a fly! (The customers crowd
around the table) around the table)
Customer 1: What’s wrong? Customer 1: What’s wrong?
Customer 2: What’s the matter? What is this? Customer 2: What’s the matter? What is this?
Customer 3: What’s happening? Customer 3: What’s happening?
Henry: There’s a fly in my soup! Henry: There’s a fly in my soup!
Waiter: He says there’s a fly in his soup. Waiter: He says there’s a fly in his soup.
Customer 1: Where is it? Customer 1: Where is it?
Customer 2: Let me see. Customer 2: Let me see.
Customer 3: Let me see, too. Customer 3: Let me see, too.
Henry: There. Henry: There.
Customer 1 & 2: Yes, that’s a fly. Customer 1 & 2: Yes, that’s a fly.
Customer 3: No, it isn’t. Customer 3: No, it isn’t.
Henry: Yes, it is. Henry: Yes, it is.
Waiter: No, it ISN’T. Waiter: No, it ISN’T.
Manager: What’s going on here? (He runs up to the table) Manager: What’s going on here? (He runs up to the table)
Waiter: This man says there’s a fly in his soup. Waiter: This man says there’s a fly in his soup.
Manager: There’s a fly in his soup? In MY restaurant? That’s Manager: There’s a fly in his soup? In MY restaurant? That’s
impossible. impossible.
Henry: Here. What’s this? Is this a fly or not? (He picks up a Henry: Here. What’s this? Is this a fly or not? (He picks up a
spoonful of soup with the fly in it) spoonful of soup with the fly in it)
Manager: Shh. Please, mister, shh. Waiter bring me a steak Manager: Shh. Please, mister, shh. Waiter bring me a steak
dinner. dinner.
Henry: Well maybe… Henry: Well maybe…
Manager: Bring a steak dinner and wine and pie and coffee. Manager: What is it?
(The waiter leaves. A box falls from Henry’s pocket) Customer 3: It’s a box of flies! (Henry gets up from the table)
Customer 1: What’s that? Manager: Get out of my restaurant! Get out! (He kicks Henry
Customer 2: What? out)
Customer 1: This. (He picks up the box)

Dinámica del Carro.

Trabajar individualmente sin que nadie le interrumpa. Dibujar una Van con las siguientes

En la placa: La fecha de nacimiento.

En el cartón de la ruta: El lugar hacia donde va su vida.
A un lado, en el lugar de la empresa: Colocar un nombre que indique una gran ilusión.
En el equipaje colocar el nombre de lo que lleva.

¿Quién es el conductor?
¿Quiénes viajan en el carro?
¿A qué velocidad quiere viajar?
¿En qué condiciones está la carretera?
¿Qué obstáculos no desea encontrar en el camino?
¿Qué herramientas lleva y por qué?
¿Qué repuestos lleva y por qué?

Las respuestas pueden dibujaras en el carro.

Exposiciones y explicaciones de los carros:

En subgrupos:
¿Qué respuestas coinciden?
¿Qué respuestas llaman la atención y por que?
¿Quiénes manejan los carros, los dueños u otras personas? ¿Por qué?
¿Cuáles son las dificultades más repetidas?

Cada estudiante dará un mensaje a sus compañeras.

1. Presentarse a la institución con el uniforme que corresponda, teniendo
en cuenta el horario.
2. Buen porte del uniforme dentro y fuera del colegio “Ustedes son las
responsables de la buena imagen de la institución”
3. Justificar las inasistencias con excusa dentro del tiempo estipulado
para presentar los trabajos, evaluaciones y cuadernos al día,
inmediatamente se reintegre a clase.
4. No usar celulares, audífonos o aparatos electrónicos en clase.
5. Llegar puntualmente a todas las clases, de lo contrario, solicitar en
coordinación de convivencia la autorización para ingresar a las
6. No usar maquillaje (cara, uñas), piercing ni accesorios exagerados con
el uniforme.
7. Si se va a ausentar de clase, solicitar autorización al docente para
retirarse del aula, y que el haga la respectiva observación en la hoja
de asistencia, de no hacerlo se considera fuga.
8. Prohibido el consumo y comercialización de comestibles en clase. No
se permiten ventas en el colegio. Solo se consume la fruta a la 2ª hora
de clase.
9. La institución no se hace responsable de la perdida y/o daños de
objetos de uso personal.
10. Cumplir a cabalidad con los turnos de aseo, dejar el salón limpio
y ordenado para las alumnas de la jornada de la tarde.
11. Cuidar con esmero los elementos del aula (sillas, mesas de
trabajo, paredes, cuadros, ventanas, equipos) entregados al inicio del
año escolar. Responsabilizarse de los daños ocasionados.
12. Manejar con responsabilidad y ética la agenda personal; es un
mecanismo valioso que beneficia la comunicación entre padres de
familia, estudiantes y docentes.
13. Asumir con buen criterio y mucha responsabilidad los
compromisos académicos y disciplinarios con el modelo Escuela
Activa Urbana, la carpeta de asistencia, el programador y la agenda
14. Uso obligatorio del seguro estudiantil para salidas pedagógicas
y/o compromisos del colegio.
15. Respeto por si misma, por los demás, por el entorno, por los
bienes ajenos y de la institución.

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