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How To: Run A Successful Voter Registration/outreach Table: January

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How to: Run a successful voter

registration/outreach table
January 1997
By Patrick Nestlehut

As vice chair of the Libertarian Party of Sacramento, CA, in 1996, I

~ organized several voter registration and outreach tables at local shopping
malls. When I started, I had no experience doing this sort of thing and
neither did anyone else in our local region. I had observed the local
~ Democrats and Republicans performing this activity often and I felt
strongly that we should be doing the same. This produced a strong
Et-l sense of accomplishment amongst our activists. We were "out there" and
really "doing something."

At one paint, when combining our registration efforts with the "Stop The
Browne Out" petitioning campaign, we even managed to attract the
attention of a reporter from a major local news and talk-radio station. A
simple press release faxed to local media was all it took, and we found
ourselves being interviewed while the Republican table across the way
looked on with envy.

We learned a great deal, and I hope to share some of that education in

this article. I urge all local regions around the country to conduct
grassroots outreach on a regular basis. Not only does this help with
membership goals, but it creates an LP presence within the community.

For more information, please visit our website at: .


Step 1:

Get in touch with a local retail shopping mall. This is a good bet for a low-
cost outreach. Ask for customer service or the information booth. This is
normally referred to as a "free-speech activity." Either have the mall's
rules faxed-to you or go-dow-nin- person and pick them- up: Review the
rules. Sometimes a mall will charge you if you intend to hand out material
but will charge nothing if you simply allow shoppers to approach your
table and ask for information. You may have to provide copies of all
material you intend to distribute to satisfy the mall's insurance
requirements. After you have reviewed the rules, apply for a date and
time-window. Ask if certain locations are available or if locations are
assigned. If possible, get a location near fast-food outlets or common
areas. Any area where shoppers may take a break or congregate is
good. Try to get a major entrance. People are more inclined to be
interested when they first step into a mall, particularly on the weekends. I
recommend doing this only on weekends. Weekdays attract a
demographic that is a tough sell. Folks tend to want to get in and out on
the weekdays and often have no time to dally.

Step 2:

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Make sure you have plenty of manpower. Shopping malls typically will
provide both the table and chairs, usually accommodating two to four
persons. Try to get an eight-hour shift and schedule your activists in two-
to three-hour shifts. This way they are fresh and enthusiastic about
talking to the people. Try to have a single activist who 'vvillstay all day
and coordinate the shift changes. Ideally, this person should be an officer
of the local party affiliate, preferably the chair or vice chair. This lends
authority to the activism and allows the public to know our officers are
concerned enough to conduct outreach in person.

Step 3:

Make sure you have plenty of outreach materials. The Nolan Quiz from
the Advocates for Self-Government is always a winner. Send one of your
activists out into the mall (if the rules allow) and politely ask any bored-
looking shopper, "Would you like to take the world's smallest political
quiz?" If they say no, thank them and move on. Do not pressure
anybody. We aren't selling vacuum cleaners. Remember that our intent is
to not only expose the public to the LP and its principles but also to breed
a positive image. Regardless of what they score, be sure to give them
the quiz to take home. If they score Libertarian or if they seem even a
little interested, offer them some pamphlets (ISIL is a good source). If
they want to debate, go for it. Take the Advocates' advice and try to find
common ground first. Remember, the public is distrustful and skeptical of
new politics. They (rightly) believe that political parties have agendas that
are destructive to their lives. We know that is true except for ourselves.
Find that common ground first. Try to figure out what their concerns are
and show them, in the friendliest terms possible, how freedom works
better than government. Explain the difference between the LP and other
parties, but do it softly. If you get strident, they'll tune you out. Remember
that communicating with the man-on-the-street requires an entirely
different approach than communicating with other Libertarians.

Step 4:

Make contacts. If people seem interested, and particularly if they seem to

support freedom-oriented solutions, get them on your mailing list. Use
your region's newsletter. Sign them up for a free three-month
subscription. (Don't forget to have a membership application form on your
newsletter') Ifyou have-a-web-page, 'tellthem about it. If you have an info
phone-line, tell them about it. If you've been in the news lately, tell them
about it. Remember to be articulate, be friendly, be a Libertarian. But
DON'T PRESSURE. Nothing will turn them off like pressure. If they seem
really interested, invite them to your business meetings and ask them to
get involved. Tell them you need their help. Solicit their input. Nothing
flatters like soliciting a stranger's opinion.

Step 5:

Follow up. Be sure to get the names for free subscriptions to the person
who handles the party's database. Try to mention the event in the chair
or vice chair's column. People will connect with this. If there was a
conversation worth mentioning, mention it. If any of these folks contact
you, cultivate them. Make them feel needed, encourage them. If they

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come to a meeting, try to have them sign up for something (dues paying,
manpower for upcoming event, etc.).

Step 6:

Thank your activists. Take everybody to pizza and beer. Mention those
individuals who helped out in your newsletter, on your web page, or your
TV show (if you have one). In an ideal world, activists would need no
motivation other than the desire to fight for freedom. In the real world,
activists are motivated by recognition among their peers. This has
another advantage. Dormant members may notice the recognition being
received by the others and then feel inclined to participate themselves.


1. Grass-roots comes from the bottom up. Leadership comes from the
top down. If you are an officer of your party, get out and pound the
pavement. Lead by example. You took the responsibility, now use it. If
you aren't an officer, you still can lead by example. Call your officers, tell
them you want to get out there and you want them with you. if they're
dragging their feet, do it yourself! Run for office (of the party) the next
year, if needed.

2. I can't stress this enough: BE FRIENDLY. Your goals should be

outreach and name-recognition. Registration is just the gravy. If a
Democrat wants to register at your table, do it with a smile. Same for
Repubs, Greens, etc. Give them some material if they'll take it and thank
them. Maybe they'll read something they like and change their mind.
Maybe in a couple of years, they'll be looking for a political alternative
and they'll remember how friendly those Libertarians were.

3. Have a nice look to your table. Spend a few bucks and get a nice
banner to go across the front of the table. Example: three-line vinyl
banner, about 5 feet long. First line: "Register to vote" (Helvetica font),
second-line: "Courtesy of' (Italic font), third line: "The Libertarian Party of .
. ."(Poster-Bodoni font). A Statue of Liberty graphic makes a nice touch.
This can be had for $30 to $40, a small investment that can be very

4. Have funl This.shouldn't be drudgery. lt shouldbe exciting. This is.true

grassroots work.


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