Chapter 3 Shear Examples
Chapter 3 Shear Examples
Chapter 3 Shear Examples
Chapter Three
Hawassa University, Institute of Technology
• Shear design as per EC2
• Members requiring design shear
• Members not requiring design shear
• Examples
• Development, anchorage and splicing of
With a minimum of
1. Calculate the design shear force (the critical 3. Check if designed or nominal shear
reinforcement is required, i.e., calculated V Rd,c
section is ‘d’ distance from the face of column)
and see if it is less or greater than VED( design
2. Check if diagonal compression failure doesn’t
shear force).
occur. Calculate VRd,max and design shear force
at the face of support. Here the angle θ should be
4. Calculate the necessary shear reinforcement
between 45⁰ and 21.8⁰ (nominal or designed).
In order to check VED <VRd,max , 5. Check the obtained spacing from the maximum
• First check at θ=21.8⁰ and if VED <V Rd,max proceed to the next allowed.
step 6. Check (MEd/z) + ∆Ftd should be taken not greater
• If at θ=21.8⁰ and if V ED >V Rd,max , then check at θ=45⁰ . if at than MEd,max/z, where MEd,max is the maximum moment
θ=45⁰ V ED >V Rd,max , then depth of beam should be revised.
• If at θ=45⁰ and if V ED <V Rd,max , then 21.8≤ θ ≤ 45. along the beam.
• Equate the design shear force with the equation
for VRd,max and determine θ.
#1. Determination of shear resistance given the section geometry and mechanics
Rectangular or T-shaped beam, with bw = 150 mm, h = 600 mm, d = 550 mm, z = 500 mm;
vertical stirrups diameter 12 mm, 2 legs (Asw = 226 mm2), s = 150 mm, fyd = 391 MPa.
Determine the shear resistance for:
(a) fck = 30MPa ; fcd = 17 MPa ; ν = 0.616
(b) fck = 90MPa, fcd = 51 MPa; ν = 0.512
Solution (b)
#2. A simply supported beam with 5m span length is subjected to 45 KN/m design load. The beam
is 250 mm wide and 450 mm deep. The material used for the design are C 25/30 and S400. If the
cover to reinforcement and the diameter of main bar are 30 mm and 16 mm respectively, determine
the necessary shear reinforcement. The beam is supported by 300 by 300 mm column.
With θ=21.8⁰
For zero axial load Eqn. 6.2 a simplifies to: VRd,c = [0.12 ∗ 1.703 ∗ (100 ∗ 0.0017 ∗ 25)1/3 ] 250 ∗
404 ∗ 10−3 kN = 33.43 kN
VRd,c = [CRd,c𝑘(100 ρ1fck)1 /3 ] bwd
And the minimum V Rd,c
𝑉R𝑑,𝑐 = (𝑣𝑚𝑖𝑛)bwd
𝑣𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.035𝑘 3/2 𝑓 𝑐𝑘 1/2
Asw 87.57∗1000
= = 0.277mm 2/mm
s 363.3∗347.83∗2.5
s = Asw/0.277 = 362.92mm
Take s=360 mm for ease in construction.
Where σsd is the design stress of the bar at the position from
where the anchorage is measured from.
Values for fbd are given in 8.4.2. EN 1992.1.1
• The bars are typically placed next to each other with no gap
between them.
• If not, the clear distance between lapped bars should not be
greater than 4φ or 50 mm, otherwise the lap length should
be increased by a length equal to the clear distance.
• The longitudinal distance between two adjacent laps
should not be less than 0.3 times the lap length, l0;
• In case of adjacent laps, the clear distance between adjacent
bars should not be less than 2φ or 20 mm.
• In addition to the rules for bars in tension one bar of the transverse reinforcement should be placed outside
each end of the lap length and within 4φ of the ends of the lap length (Figure 8.9b).